Spending time in our cells

Cas POV 3rd


Castiel scurries out of his cell and got in a line, where all inmates were being cuffed. Smoke was starting to fill the room and Cas started to cough. The toxic smoke filled his lungs , the very essence was deadly.Everything started to become dizzy and blurry , his head started to pound as everyone ran around in chaos .

Soon Cas couldn't feel his legs , he felt his heart beat become more and more rapid , and it was soon hard to breathe. Is what it felt to have a panic attack?

"Cas?" Said the person who was behind him , but Cas didn't answer.

"Hey Cas ?! CAS!!! ", screamed the face in front of him . Cas couldn't make out the green eyed creature who was now yelling in his face.

Cas fell hard on the floor and this creature caught him , he was now barking out orders at others . It was like no one could or even listen to the creature . Words pounded Cas's head , the ones he can make out .

"Son of a bitch", was the clearest words Cas can hear.

Men in uniforms then started to grab at him and the creature. They took him away , they took the one thing that was trying to help him. The creature squirmed , shouted profanities , and swung at the men in uniforms . They cuffed him, and that's all Cas should make out because soon Castiel's vision gave out and then ...




*flashback *

This was it. This was Cas's big chance of happiness. It was finally time to board this plane, carrying out his 'duty' to his father. Soon it will all be done and he would have happiness. 

The plane ride was bumpy and went obnoxiously slow .

There was a little baby crying the whole time and Castiel could feel another head ache coming on. He pushed his button that brings a flight attendant to his services . "Hello what can I do for you today", she said

"Hey can do you guys have advil or anything that can help a headache", said Cas .

"Yes sir I will have it right away".

Soon she came back with a bottle of water and two pills in a little plastic cup. He said 'thank you' , swallowed the pills and closed his eyes, waiting for it all to be over.


Finally the flight was over and Cas made it out to the air port , trying not to look suspicious at all. He went to the 'bag pick up' thing and looked for his bag . He found his personal belongings bag but the other bag, with the drugs weren't there. Each bag was coming down and he kept his eyes glued out for it. Where was that bag?


Castiel has been here for an hour and still the bag didn't come down the rail . He didn't want to bring attention to the bag by telling someone , so he decided to try to find Blaine . Blaine said he'd wait for him . He looked around and there was no Blaine . Great.

"Okay Cas don't freak out", thought Cas. He tried to calm down but it felt like it was just getting harder to breathe.

He decided to find a bathroom , there was one in the very back of the air port . The bathroom was empty , and he just stood there ,staring at himself . What had he become ? He should've ran away the night he started to pack. But Blaine stopped him ... And Blaine said that he was going to be here. But where was he?

He splashed his face with water , and said to himself ," I can do this . Find bag. Deliver bag to scary guys with guns , then leave with or without Blaine ."

Tears formed in his eyes and started to fall , at the thought of going without Blaine. Why did Blaine ditch him ?

His phone started to ring and Cas picked it up immediately.


"No , try your father"

Oh shit ...

"Hello sir"

"I want you to you to go to this address right now . I am here in Brazil , now listen closely because I am not repeating my self ."

"Yes sir"

"8229 90th oak street .... We will meet in the ally way "

And with that his father hung up on him.

Cas tried to walk calmly out of the bathroom. Why was his father here? Why would his father want him to meet in an ally way?  This wasn't part of the plan...

*flashback over*

1st POV (still Cas)

"Is he going to be okay?"

"Dean ,you're not supposed to be in here . I suggest you go wait outside "

"But Ellen "


Who's Ellen? Why was Dean not allowed to be in here? Where was I?

I heard Dean whine and the door slam , like a teenager being told to go to his room.

I try to open my eyes , only to find a bright light flashing them. I immediately move my arm to shield the light.

"Look who's awake ", said the nurse, I suppose she's named Ellen.

"What happened?" , I ask rubbing my head ,because damn it felt someone hit me in the back if my head with a hammer.

"Well one of these dumbass guards set the place of fire from using a microwave. The fire somehow spread to the ceiling and we were trying to get the all the inmates out of here. Another dumb thing they did was hand cuff all of you when they could just take y'all in the back of the jail , it already looks like a damn cage for monkeys ", Ellen ranted . "But anyway it looks like you had a lot of smoke in your system and passed out. It can also be from all the scurrying around like mice ".

"Oh", is all I could say to that .

"How do you feel , honey?'

"My head hurts like a bitch "

"Well good thing I got bitch slaying pills"

I chucked as Ellen gave him a cup of water and this white pill.

"This should help with the headache sweetie "

"Thanks", mumbled I . "So was Dean here , I thought I heard his voice ".

"Yes , and you are special you know . The last time Dean cared like that was for his little brother Sammy ", said Ellen smiling.

I thought about her statement . Why would Dean care about me? I have all these questions running through my head lately . 

" Well you seem all clear , but if you need anything else come by ", said Ellen.

"Thanks for everything Ellen", and with that I walk out of the room only to find a Winchester , sitting in the waiting room , his head in his hands.

I walk over to him and kneel down , so my face was close to his.

"Hey Dean ", I say smoothly , and immediately his head shoots up in self defense.

"Cas ?" Said Dean . He then kisses me hard and I kiss back because maybe Dean did care.

"Are you okay ? I found you on the floor and I ju-"

I cut him off by kissing him softly.

"Yes Dean I'm fine, thanks for being there for me"

"Pffffffff I mainly came here because it was inhumane to not "

I rolled my eyes and said," sure whatever you say, lets get out of here".

He grabs my hand and he drags me to the lunch room , to make sure I sit with him of course.

HEY GUYS ! My school starts tomorrow and that might mean updates might take a little longer but DONT WORRY I will try to update weekly . :)
Love you guys

- gabby

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