
Lavish: sumptuously rich, elaborate, or luxurious.

Keith Kogane wasn't just the kid of a successful engineer rich, More like the kid of two heads of of a multi million production company rich.
He's not really their kid, Not their biological kid anyway.
Keith was adopted at only 2 years old.
By a lonely couple who couldn't convince a child no matter how many times they tried.
3 years of trying and nothing.
Morgan and Evan, A newly married couple who could burn $100 bills and not even make a dent in their wealth.
They wanted a child that they could spoil and love.
That's what they got when they adopted Keith.
They were attracted to him because of his gorgeous and shiny jet black hair and adorable soft face.
No one knew what happened to his parents.
He was found abandoned in his old home as an infant, His neighbours found him only clinging to life.
His parents had left him, Left their own baby to die.
This haunts Keith sometimes.
What would his life been like if they hadn't left him?
Who were his parents?
Questions that may never be answered.
All that was known was his name and age.

Keith has rarely ever been told no. He only gets what he wants and has no boundaries in his wishes.
When Keith wanted a new toy as a child, Morgan and Evan would go out and get it for him that same day.
When Keith wanted a cell phone, Boom! The top phone at the time with multiple gigabytes of data was handed to him a week later.
When Keith wanted a car, Within a month he had a $20,000 car.
Keith was 14 and couldn't drive alone but he of course dragged his father or mother just so he could drive around.
When he got sick of it after 2 years, Boom, Another car for his 16th birthday.
After another 2 years, He got yet another new car for his 18th birthday.

Keith was and is a smart kid.
Growing up attending only the finest of private schools and getting only the top education for those his age.
All this for 6 years until middle school.
Keith was lonely and wanted to go to public school much to his adoptive parents dismay.
Keith made friends quickly.
Keith had the best toys and the coolest clothes and gadgets. Everyone wanted to be friends with the disgustingly rich raven haired boy.
Keith was grossed out when he saw the interior of the school.
Why were there no marble floors?
Why were the halls so small?
Why were there stalls in the bathrooms?
This took a while for him to get used too.
Keith was always popular. He was and still is charming and cute, The kind of person that everyone knows.
Keith isn't a nice boy though.
He's stuck up and has the shortest temper cell in existence.
If you were to step on his jimmy choo Blau velvet sneakers, You were DONE for it. You'd earn yourself a slap across the face.
Everyone in Keith's schools knew about him. He was always known as the stuck up rich kid that every school has. 
Keith Kogane was the name everyone knew.
All of these factors set Keith aside from your average kid though, One more thing set him away even further;
Keith is gay.
Very gay.
Keith has never ever liked girls like all of his friends.
When he was 13 and almost all his friends had girlfriends, Keith stuck his nose up and wasn't interested in girls.
Keith's sexuality hit a peak only months later when he made out with a boy at a school dance in the bathrooms.
Keith liked this boy and the boy only liked him until he found out how snarky Keith was.
Keith knew he was gay after that.
It just all clicked in his head and it's all he could think about.
During the early peak of his teenage years and budding sexuality; He would get wet dreams about some of the boys at school he thought were cute and a few of his celebrity crushes such as Chris Hemsworth and Ryan Gosling.
Keith came out at age 14.
That alone changed almost everyone's perspective on him.
Soon everything made sense to his peers, The stereotypes anyway.
Keith's intense hatred towards sports and typical boy things like trucks and playing in the mud.
His fashion choices, His hair, His voice.
Keith lost friends and lots of respect.
He went from top of the food chain, snotty rich kid to the victim of bullying.
A day didn't go by where Keith wasn't called a faggot or a cocksucker by his peers.
This brought him down a lot.
He couldn't help the fact he liked boys.
When he came out to his parents they were more than accepting and loved him just the same.
Keith got in a fight one day with a kid who picked on him.
A rumour had spread about him and another openly gay boy in a grade above him that they had sex in the bathrooms.
Neither of them knew where this started, It of course wasn't true.
"How was getting your asshole stretched to the size of a baseball Queer?" The kid cackled.
Keith was angry.
He didn't even know the other boy.
Keith punched the kid who said the insult right in the face and the boy just kicked him right back and sent him multiple blows to the face which broke Keith's nose and permanently stained his $200 polo shirt.
Once Keith told his parents they took things to the next level.
They sued the boy's family for a couple thousand dollars.
They won if course.
Keith wasn't picked on as bad after that.
Keith wasn't much of a fighter but Evan insisted he take karate classes just to be safe.
This really helped him relieve the built up anger from his bullying.
He never told his parents much as they of course made a big deal of the last incident, WAY to big of a deal.

When Keith entered high school he met a boy named Takashi.
He was new and Keith was drawn to him by the big scar across his face.
He thought he looked cool.
The boys became best friends almost instantly and spent all their time together.
Takashi preferred to be called Shiro as Shirogane was his last name.
Shiro was severely abused as a kid and him and his mother fled to the U.S from Japan to escape his father.
Shiro didn't care that Keith was gay. Nothing could change the way he saw him. He only saw Keith as his best
Shiro was a middle class boy but often enjoyed the taste of Keith's luxurious lifestyle considering how much time the two spent together.
Even though Keith was an easily angered and spoiled rotten brat, Shiro set this aside and enjoyed Keith for his nicer personality factors.
Keith was a whole different person around Shiro and the few people he enjoyed.
He's a sweet and loving person when you get on his good side.
He's affectionate and loves hugs and forehead kisses from his mom.
Even as a young teenager Keith loved these things.
Keith can be humble person at rare times.
Shiro set aside all the negatives and had fun with Keith.
Shiro loved playing video games with Keith in their gigantic theatre room with a huge projector screen and surround sound.

Keith loves his house so much but does sometimes get bored.
Morgan and Evan have a few properties. Their main of course is their 3 story $5 million dollar Los Angeles mansion.
This house was for sure only a thing normal people dreamed of.
10 bedrooms, 12 bathrooms, an indoor and outdoor pool this paired with a hot tub and outdoor bar, A huge backyard with a gazebo and beautifully landscaped.
They have a penthouse in Las Vegas and a lake house near long beach.
The luxury doesn't even end there, But time to save all that talk for the future.

Keith is 18.
Just turned 18 a few months ago.
A wardrobe fit for royalty and a bank account that would put the bank itself to shame.
Only the top of the line phones, tv's and all are the only things acceptable for Morgan and Evan's perfect little boy.
Keith's every need is taken care of.
Little do his parents know how much of a prick Keith can be.

Keith in his last year of high school is fairly popular. People of course know that Keith is gay. But in high school, No one really cares. Everyone is busy getting drunk on the weekends and trying to pass classes during the week to tease someone for their sexual orientation.

Keith's clothing style consists of almost every style imaginable.
He doesn't really have one specific style.
Edgy rebellious clothing is his favourite but expensive designer, more preppy clothes suit him too.
Keith loves doc martens and ripped jeans.
He's a very attractive young man.
The only downside is that he's rather short compared to most boys his age.
He stands at only 5'6.
Keith has a beautifully smooth face, A jaw sculpted by God himself and beautiful violet eyes with thick eyelashes and perfectly kept neat eyebrows.
Keith's face shape is slender but he has round chubby cheeks that just blend right in.
Hi skin is soft and pale.
His jet black hair is one of his charm points. It's shaggy and comes down to his mid neck. It's shorter in the front with choppy bangs that hang in his face and longer in the back.
Keith has a fairly slim build.
One of his only insecurities is the size of his hips.
He has rather large wide hips that make some girls that know him jealous.
They're big and can cause him trouble when trying to find pants.
His body is pear shaped. It's smaller on top and bigger at the bottom around his thigh and hip area. He has pretty big thighs too which he just hates.
His stomach isn't as toned as you'd expect for a boy of multiple years of martial arts experience.
Keith is rather well fed so he has a small belly that isn't really toned.
This is a recent thing too.
He stopped all of his marital arts due to a serious ankle injury that caused him to have a cast for a few months. This as well as being on crutches for weeks and 2 years of physio therapy.
He's an experienced black belt.
During the healing process, Keith didn't get as much exercise as he used too and gained quite a few pounds.
The soft kind of stomach that's just stuck there.
He doesn't like this either.
He doesn't like the look of having a pudgy tummy. He feels fat which God knows isn't true.
The fat just stuck to him and wouldn't budge so he eventually gave up on trying to lose it.

One of Keith's only problems in life is actually his parents, The people who give him everything he's ever wanted.
After 7th grade, They began to leave Keith alone for days at a time, Sometimes a week.
They stopped paying as much attention to the young boy.
Keith is of course an only child and was used to getting all the attention he could dream of.
Keith became lonely at home.
His parents became very busy with their films and production and never really had any time to spend with Keith.
Keith began to get sad when his parents would go away.
He'd beg them to stay.
"We have to go Keith. We love you so much honey. We'll be home in a few days" Morgan would say and hug her son.
Keith would frown and hug them both back.
It's not like Morgan and Evan didn't love Keith, They adored him.
He was their whole world. They worked to keep earning the money to spoil him.
They were doing this all for him.

Being a teenager alone in a huge mansion could be scary. That's why Shiro would come over and spend time with Keith.
They would swim and run around the house all hyped up on soda and candy.

When Morgan and Evan would get back, They would always take Keith out to a fancy dinner as a treat.
Keith always enjoyed these times.
They would put their phones down, reserve tables and just talk to their perfect son.
Keith would be so happy when they came back.
They would ask him about school and his friends. Morgan would hold Keith's slender hands and rub circles on them with her French tip nails.
The family would dress up fancy and order the most expensive dishes.

Morgan and Evan were very young parents.
Both only 40 years old now.
Keith as mentioned is 18.
Morgan is a very slender and fit woman. Multiple workout and yoga classes a week take up some of her free time.
She has chest length chocolate brown hair and soft Amber eyes.
Evan has dirty blonde hair cleanly cut with a bit of stubble, Blue kind eyes.
Evan is fit as well, Running every day and only eating healthy foods.
Morgan is 5'10, Evan 6'1.
Keith is short even to them.

After almost 6 months of his new bright red Ferrari he got for his 18th birthday, Keith is still getting used to the car. This is his most expensive car yet.
It's Keith's pride and joy. He loves his car to bits.
He likes the looks from the kids at school when he parks it.
Keith smirks at their shitty beat up cars.
"Ah poor people" He'd snicker to himself.

After a rough day at school Keith flopped down on his queen size bed.
He'd been teased a lot and got shoved against a wall which bruised his perfectly pale skin.
The teasing had lessened but has started back up again.
Keith looked up at his ceiling and sighed.
"I'm better than them, Who do they think they're even standing in the presence of?" Keith huffed to himself.
Keith would be more likeable if he would just get his head out of his ass.
He looked at his manicured nails and pushed down a cuticle.
He sat up and went into his ensuite.
He stripped down and began to fill up his large bathtub.
Keith looked at himself in his mirror. He scoffed at his belly but admired the rest of his looks.
"Why am I still single? I'm so fucking cute! Boys don't know what they're missing" He thought to himself.
He ran his hands through his hair and took off his Michael Kors watch.
He hopped into his bathtub and just enjoyed a much deserved soak.

Keith pov

Morgan and Evan got home yesterday.
School can kiss my fat ass honestly.
It was my choice to go public school but it's better then private in my opinion.
In some ways anyway.
Less cute boys though.
I rubbed my eyes with my damp hands as I soaked in my bathtub.

I have a message for God or whoever is up there that makes shit happen: Give me a boyfriend please, A really cute one with a handsome smile.
Why am I single? I deserve a hot boy.
I just relaxed and soaked my troubles from today away.

When I got out and drained the bath, I dried myself off and slipped into my rose gold silk bathrobe.
"Keith honey?" I heard Morgan say and knock on my bathroom door.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"It's dinner time baby" She called.
"Okay. I'll be right out" I replied.
I dried the ends of my hair off and slipped a gold stud earring in my right lobe.
I moisturized my face and went out to my room to change.
I decided on a black shirt and some black adidas sweatpants.
I went downstairs into the dining room.
"There he is" Evan announced.
"How was your day?" Morgan asked me and pinched my cheek.
"It was okay" I replied.
"I saw you got a rock chip on your windshield" Evan spoke up.
"Okay that was not me! Some asshole cut me off today!" I exclaimed.
I sat down and stabbed at my peas angrily.
"Be more careful please. That's your baby in the driveway. You've got a nicer car than I do" Evan said.
"I know, I'm sorry Dad" I mumbled.
"Your English mark is up to 90" Morgan announced.
"Really? That's good" I replied and took a bite of my steak.
"You're a smart cookie" She giggled.
"Senior AP English is one of the hardest classes out there, I'm proud of you Keith" Evan smiled.

After dinner I decided to go for a swim. I need to get more exercise.
I decided to go for the indoor one tonight.
The outdoor one just gets too dirty ugh.
By dirty I mean there is some dust and dirt that gets on the pool deck and there's just bugs.
Plus our goddamn landscapers are almost always outside doing their...landscape work or whatever.

One of them a few weeks ago commented jokingly on my stomach and I just laughed it off but it really pissed me off.
Julian is a fairly young and rather cute boy of South American descent.
He's not my type though, Plus he's 25 so he's too old for me.

Julian is our head landscaper and has been with us for years and I love him, He's a good guy. He's been so good to us and my parents wouldn't fire him just for subtly telling me that I'm getting fat.
I got out of the pool to get a drink.
I was by myself in the pool and Julian and his team were around the area. He cleans the pool for some extra cash so he was cleaning the deck once I got out.
I walked over to where I'd left a bottle of Gatorade on a lounge chair.
"The prince is getting a bit porky huh?" He chuckled and looked me up and down.
He refers to me as "the prince"
I choked on my drink.
"Excuse me?" I scoffed.
"You're growing a belly. You better keep swimming" He laughed and poked my stomach with the handle of his mop.
"Very funny Julian. Better watch what you say or you can say bye-bye to your job" I smirked and put a hand on my hip.
"Your parents would never fire me. You all love me, You know that" Julian said.
I pushed my wet hair back and popped my Gatorade lid back down.
"Don't be so full of yourself" I scoffed.
"Oh says you Mr. Arrogant" He teased.
"He's the rich one, He's got the right to mock his servants" Paula said.
Paula is a young  Philippine girl who's in her first year of collage.
She's such a sweetheart.
She jokes and calls her and the team out "Servants"
Julian laughed and I gave him a confident smirk.
"Watch it Keith" He chuckled and poked at me again with the mop before I dove back into the pool.

I'm insecure enough as it is about the stupid gut I'm growing so I don't need people pointing it out.
Whatever, I'll just swim more and not drink as much.

I was all alone this time in the indoor pool.
The warm water all to myself.
I swam back and forth for a while.
The soft indie music I had playing on the speak system filled the calm air.
I floated on my back, Starring up at the ceiling.
The drawstrings of my swim trunks floating by my hips.
I closed my eyes then when I heard the door open.
It was just Morgan.
"It's getting late you know. It's time for bed" She said, Her soft voice echoing through the pool room.
"I'm coming" I said and swam towards the edge.
I lifted myself up and out, Sitting on the edge of the pool, Water dripping from my body.
Morgan passed me a fluffy white towel.
She was in her robe already with some silk slippers.
"Don't get these wet! They're new!" She squeaked.
"Don't wear them in the pool room then" I chuckled and dried my face off.
I stood up and dried my hair.
"What's going on here?" Morgan giggled and poked my stomach.
I huffed angrily and covered up my middle with the towel.
"You and Julian should both just mind your own business!" I hissed.
"You're getting kinda chunky" She laughed.
"I am not!" I retorted.
"Okay" She sang sarcastically.
"It's just because of my ankle and quitting my mama fighting" I explained.
"Well that I suppose, And your diet is horrible" She teased.
I don't care what she says.
"Whatever" I huffed and dried my hands and unhooked my phone from the Bluetooth speaker system.
"Keith I have some news..." Morgan then trailed off.
"What?" I asked nervously.
"Dad and I are going away for a week" She said.
"I was gonna tell you tomorrow but we're leaving really early in the morning. This is totally last minute baby I'm sorry" Morgan said and put her hand on my cheek.
"Are you kidding me?? You literally just got back" I whined.
"I know honey I'm sorry. We have no choice" She said.
I frowned and looked at my feet.
"Okay" I mumbled after a moment.
I finished drying off then went inside.
We shut the pool room lights off.
"You go get ready for bed and call me when you're ready" She said.
I nodded.
I went upstairs to my room, My towel around my neck.
I got into my room and dried off completely.
I slipped on my Calvin Klein boxers and an old shirt.
I sighed and balled my fists up.
Why do they have to leave again??
Can't they just reschedule it?
I hung my towel up and walked out of my room and called for Morgan.
She came out of the laundry room.
"Ready for bed?" She asked.
I nodded.
"Goodnight Keithy. I'm sorry that we have to leave. We'll be back next week. Talia went grocery shopping so we're all stocked up. Remember to turn the security system on at night and lock the doors" Morgan explained and kissed my forehead.

Talia is our housekeeper and runs errands for us.

The kiss made me feel better.
"It's late. You go to bed baby" She said and cupped my face.
"Dad went to bed so he's fast asleep so he can't say goodnight now" She explained.
I nodded once.
"Goodnight" I said and held onto her wrist.
"Goodnight angel. We'll see you in a few days" She said and hugged me.
I went back into my room and shut the door.
I turned my lights off and dove into my bed and instantly began to cry.
I pulled my comforter up to my ears as tears fell down my cheeks.
"Why" I whispered.
"Why do they have to leave me? If I'm so important to them, Why don't they just stay with me?" I whimpered.
Thoughts filled my head as I tried to fall asleep.

~ (Narrator pov)

Lance McClain is 17, A bit young for a high school senior.
To say he has a bit of an ego is an understatement; The boy has a huge ego.
He has so much self confidence and is very bubbly and outgoing.
An overall likeable and friendly person.
He's a very charming boy and is extremely flirty.
He will flirt with anyone he finds attractive, Boy or girl.
If he finds them attractive, He'll make a move.
Lance is Bisexual so this makes sense.
He is very open about his sexuality.
He just loves to love.
At 17 he is the third oldest child of his family.
His family consists of his mother and father, His oldest sister named Leah who is 19, His oldest brother named Jaden (He doesn't like being called Jaden so he goes by Jade) who is 18, Then Lance, Their 13 year old brother named Silas, Their younger brother Eelie at age 10 and the youngest of the family; Their sister Amya at age 8.
He's got a big family but they are all as close as you can get.
Each parent is full 100% Cuban so all 6 of their children are the same.
All kids were born in the United States but their mother Mila and father Victor were both born in Cuba.
Leah is in her first year of collage and has always been a straight A student and was a bit of a goodie-goodie which Lance and Jade would tease her for. She's a very beautiful young girl. Shoulder length wavy hair and what makes her stand out is her vertigo.
She has a few light patches on her tan skin and was teased so much as a child.
Their mother let her wear makeup at a young age to cover it up.
Everyone encouraged her to not let the bullies get to her and that she should just let her true skin shine.
But by wearing makeup this made Leah happier so no one wanted to touch at that.
In her freshmen year of high school she finally accepted her skin and flaunted it. She is an incredibly strong young girl. Her skin is not too bad as some cases but is noticeable. Amya looks up to get big sister and wants to have vertigo so she can have pretty skin like her. This makes Leah so happy.
Jade is in the same grade as Lance. He has shaggy "Skater boy" Hair which Lance teases him for. Jade is rather the opposite of his sister and is a typical bad boy. He skips school, Smokes weed, Has stollen from gas stations and is just a huge asshole to most everyone.
His grades aren't great but he would be in AP classes if he cared enough to put in the effort.
He doesn't act quite as bad around his family as he loves them. Jade has a bit of a temper cell and is the most troubles and easily angered child in the family.
Lance is around average with his grades in the 70's.
As mentioned he is a charming boy and is quite smart but isn't the brightest.
His skin is pretty and tan like his siblings.
His hair is fairly short. Shorter than Jade's but still slightly shaggy.
Lance was an amazing swimmer as a kid and loved it so much. But it was costly and when his father lost his job when he was 11, He had to give up his dream of joining an Olympic swim team.
Lance has always been a happy and bubbly person so he was always surrounded by lots of friends and was rarely lonely. He's a likeable person.
Silas is the middle child. Two older siblings and two younger.
He's the most nerdy sibling.
He's always been obsessed with things like Star Wars and super heroes. He got these interests from Lance from when he was younger.
Silas loves video games and he's got really good grades. He's a clever too.
He's a very good looking child just like all of his siblings.
He's got the lightest of brown hair of the family. It's just a bit shorter than Jade's. He's got large glasses and two different coloured eyes. One green and one brown. He's quite unique. Him and Lance are the only siblings with freckles.
Eelie is the youngest brother.
He's a very sporty and energetic child. He loves soccer and loves to be outside unlike Silas. He's loud and very extroverted. He has lots of friends and can be a bit of a handful for Mila and Victor.
He has mild ADHD so that is probably why he is so jumpy.
And finally the youngest is Amya.
She loves animals and is the sweetest little girl you'll ever meet.
She has long almost waist length wavy hair like Leah's. She's got her 2 front teeth missing which gives her the typical "kid" look.
She loves dressing up and playing outside with Eelie.
She likes to pretend she's a cat and sometimes a dog and will crawl around on the floor and play with the families big boarder collie dog named Marvin.
She'll sometimes bark at people when they come to door. She's a bit of a strange child to say the least.

All of the siblings get along well and very rarely fight, This excludes the occasional sibling teasing.

The thing that sets the family apart from most is that they are quite a bit more poor than the average.
They consider themselves lower middle class people.
They live in a decent size farmhouse outside of L.A which Mila and Victor dumped their life savings into. They always want what's best for their children.
This house is their everything and love it so much.
When Lance was 11 his father lost his job as an engineer and it went all downhill from there.
Mila didn't have a job since she was a stay at home mother to care for her children.
They were forced to move from the city.
They had to live off of $200 a week for almost a year.
$200 for a family of 8 barely gets you 3 meals a day.
This was a very hard time.
Mila had to soon get a job and have a depressed Victor care for the children.
Mila still was supposed to be on maternity leave as Amya was just barely a year old.
Everyone was hungry and stressed.
The family could barely pay bills and were almost evicted.
They were in poverty.
When Victor found a job, Both parents were working and they could barely afford the nanny they had.
Mila and Victor got into an also fatal drunk driving accident a few months after. They both were almost killed.
They were driving home from a grocery trip around 7 pm and a large truck who had a very drunk man behind the wheel t-boned them.
They were both in the hospital for months.
Their amazingly kind neighbours cared for the children in this time.
When they were discharged Mila's leg and neck were still broken so she was at home again.
Victor went back to his job.
This took a horrible toll on everyone.

A few years later when all the kids were in school, Mila got a job but only part time.
All of the children had to quit their hobbies just so they could have 3 meals a day.
Victor worked full time as a painter but never made enough for extra things like cable tv or takeout.

They are still in this position to the day.
Both parents have the same jobs but are both making a few hundred more a month. They have enough for groceries and bills and sometimes a nice restaurant dinner at least once a month. They have just enough to live comfortably. They are grateful for every thing they have, Everyone is grateful for literally every crumb of food, every piece of clothing, every text message from their pay as you go cell phone plans.
The family only has 2 vehicles, both parents have cars.
Jade and Lance are driven to a public bus stop on the edge of town so they catch one to get to school. The 3 younger ones catch a school bus from their driveway.

A bit more about Lance is to be known.
Lance knew he was bisexual immediately at the age of 13.
Lance had always flirted with girls ever since he was a kid but this was to mask the fact he liked boys better.
When he came out everyone was more than shocked.
It was all a show he put on, The intense liking of girls.
He's had lots of girlfriends over the years but never a boyfriend.
Lance didn't come out openly until high school.
Sure he lost a few friends but his 2 closest friends never budged.
Hunk and Pidge have been his best friends since elementary school.
Hunk and Lance are in the same grade.
Hunk is a large and stocky sweethearted Samoan boy. He has the biggest heart and friendliest face of anyone you'll ever meet. Him and Lance are the closest 2 friends can be.
Pidge is different. She's a bit of an antisocial girl. She's ridiculously smart and knows more than the average adult. Her real name is Katie but she goes by the name her older brother gave her as a kid.
She's a computer whiz and will not hesitate to kick some ass. At 5'0 she can be intimidating as hell.
She's in grade 10.
The three are an iconic trio for sure, They make an odd group though.
Lance, Their leader; Tall and lean at 6'1. He's clumsy and a bit of a ditz. Hunk is a fairly tall 5'10 boy who is quite chubby but is so strong and tough yet so soft and sweet. Pidge is much shorter than both and looks goofy with her big circular glasses and floppy Amber hair which is a grown out pixie cut.

Lance pov

I flipped a page of my English work book and sighed.
Grade 12 English can fuck off.
Amya and Eelie ran into the living room screaming at each other and playing.
Amya tried wrestling Eelie to the ground.
"Can you guys shut up!?" Jade shouted at our younger siblings.
"Only if you can catch us!" Eelie retorted and grabbed Amya's hand and dashed outside into the backyard.
Jade stood up from across me, Knocking his Macbeth book onto the tile floor.
Our dog Marvin skittered out of the way as he chased after the two kids.
Jade left the screen sliding door open.
Marvin just ran behind my legs like the wimp he is.
I scoffed and rolled my eyes at Jade's immaturity.
I scribbled a barely distinguishable answer in my shaky handwriting and took my books upstairs.
"Who's screaming so much?!" Leah hissed from upstairs.
I just got back down and had a cookie halfway in my mouth.
"Jade is attacking Am and Eelie" I called back.
I heard her groan.
She then came downstairs.
She was wearing fancy clothes.
"Where are you going?" I grunted.
"Out" She replied bluntly and put the back of a hoop earring on. 
I could hear the three outside screaming and I saw Jade bringing the two kids thrown over his shoulder.


Lance and Leah's Mother then entered the kitchen.
Their mother is very worried about Leah going out by herself.
She's going out to a club with her friends tonight.
She's only worried because Leah is a very, very beautiful girl and has always caught the attention of boys and men.
Leah gets catcalled whenever she goes out.
She's a slender and fairly small girl at 5'5.
She has very large breasts which doesn't help her situation. Larger than her own mothers.
At an E cup she gets unwanted attention to her chest all to often.
Lance feels bad for her.
He knows how horrible men can be.

"I'm just worried" Mila said and let her hands fall from their spot on her daughter's shoulders.
"I know. I'll be fine" She assured her mother.

Lance pov

Jade came back inside with the kids and plopped them onto the couch.
"Mamà can you tell them to be quiet? Lance and I are trying to study" Jade whined.
"I'm done. You can work on Macbeth by yourself" I snickered.
He scoffed.
"Go upstairs kids" Our mother ordered. They listened and scampered upstairs.
"Have fun tonight Leah" I said to my sister.
"Thanks" She replied.
"I'm going to play call of duty so uhh don't disturb me" I laughed and ran upstairs.

Keith pov

When I woke up I remembered my parents were gone.
I sighed and stared up at my ceiling.
I turned my alarm off.
Sometimes Marilyn Manson isn't the nicest voice to wake up too.
I slid out of my bed and shuffled downstairs.
Talia was in the kitchen unloading groceries. She must of just been out.
"Ah you're awake! I was just about to come get you up" She said.

Talia is our housekeeper and just an overall caretaker for us.
She runs errands when we don't have time to do so, She cleans the house and just maintains the whole estate.
She's a pretty 30 year old 5'2 Japanese women. She has shoulder length black hair, The same colour as mine.
The has a slight Japanese accent but you barely notice it.
She's the nicest person ever I swear. She's too good to me and spoils us rotten with nice meals a few times a week.
She buys the best coffee and does our laundry so well. That sounds weird but just the detergent she uses smells so nice.

"Do you want coffee?" She asked.
"Yes please" I said.
She nodded and started up the coffee machine.
"How did you sleep?" She asked and punched my cheek as I sat at the breakfast bar.
"Not great. I'm just a bit sad they left" I mumbled.
"Awe Keith. I know you hate it when they leave. But I'm here for you and I'm here to keep you company" She smiled.
"I hate leaving you here alone at night. An 18 year old boy alone in this huge house?? Not the best plan but I know you can kick some ass" Talia giggled.
"Do you want French toast? Avocado toast? I can make you an omelette" She offered.
"Ooh! Avocado toast would be good!" I exclaimed.
"I'll make it better than normal" She beamed.
"Can you make it with whole wheat bread this time?" I asked hesitantly.

As much as I want white bread, I don't need the empty carbs.

"Whole wheat? You never have whole wheat" Talia observed and cocked her head to the side.
"I'm on a diet" I mumbled.
She chuckled.
"Why? You look perfectly fine" Talia said.
"I'm getting fat Talia, Lets drop this okay? My mom and Julian are both getting on my ass for it. I hate it" I grumbled.
"Alright" She laughed.
I just decided this as I said it.
I need to stop eating so much.
I'm already known as the rich, gay kid.
I don't want to be known as the rich, gay and fat kid.
"Go check if the team is here yet. I'll make extra coffee" Talia said.
I nodded and walked across the kitchen and living room to the French doors that lead onto the upstairs patio.
I walked out an scanned the yard.
I saw Julian cleaning the pool.
"Hey!" I yelled out at him.
He looked up suddenly.
"Tell everyone to come for coffee!" I shouted.
He smiled and gave me a thumbs up.
I trotted back inside.
"First cup for the prince himself" Talia smiled and pushed a gold accented coffee mug of mine into my spot.
She calls me a prince too.
"Thank you" I smiled.
In less than 5 minutes she placed my toast on a porcelain plate in front of me.
I smiled at her and dug in.
I checked the stove clock and I only had 20 minutes to get ready.
Julian and our 5 other landscapers entered the house.
"Everyone take your shoes off!" Talia yelled at them from across the house.
"Good, Thank you for reminding them" I chirped.
"You're not the one who has to clean the floors" She smirked.
She brought out some white mugs and filled them with coffee for everyone.
Talia then brought out a box of muffins from her grocery bag and set them on the counter.
"Morning kid" Julian said and put his gloved hand on my shoulder with his glove.
"Those better not be dirty!" I snapped.
"Chill out, They're not" He laughed and tore the gloves off.
"Are you eating whole wheat toast?" He asked.
I groaned loudly.
"Yes I am! You're the first one who implied that I'm getting fat so I'm on a fucking diet because of you!" I snapped angrily at Julian and pointed at him.
I hopped off my stool and shoved the rest of my breakfast into my mouth and put my plate in the sink.
Julian looked guiltily at Talia,She just scowled at him and shook her head.
I went to leave the kitchen and Julian stood in front of me.
"Excuse me asshole!" I growled and tried to move past him.
"I never said you're getting fat" Julian said.
"You implied it" I grunted.
"I didn't imply that you're getting fat, I implied that you're getting chubby" He said.
"Whatever! Same thing. Move, I need to get ready for school" I ordered.
"You'll have to get through me" Julian retorted.
I glared at him.
"Come at me squirt" He antagonized.
Julian by the way is hugely tall at 6'2. I rammed into him which didn't even budge the huge guy.
"I need to get ready for school!" I hissed.
I tried to dodge past him but he grabbed me and threw me over his broad shoulder.
"Put me down!" I shouted.
"Should I toss him in the pool? God I've wanted to do that for years" Julian cackled.
"Don't you fucking dare!" I screamed.
"Can you put his down please? I don't want him to be put in a bad mood all day" Talia sighed.
"When isn't Keith in a bad mood?" Julian laughed.
"Is no one going to help me?!" I yelled.
The small team of 3 all shook their heads or shrugged.
I squirmed and tried to wriggle free.
The pressure on my stomach from his beefy shoulder hurt.
"Stop moving chunky monkey" Julian laughed and purposely bumped my ass into a corner of a wall.
"Don't call me that! I'm not 5!" I yelled.
"I have to pick up Shiro too! Fucking let me go!" I screamed.
"Julian! Put the boy down!" Talia sighed.
"Ugh fine" Julian sighed and set me down. I tugged my shirt down and rubbed my stomach which now hurt.
I scoffed and rushed off upstairs.
As much as I love Julian, He's practically family so I can't stay mad at him.

I walked into my closet and looked around.
It's going to be hot today according to my phone so I'll wear shorts.
I only have women's shorts.
I hate the look of knee length men's shirts on me. Plus my big fat ass doesn't fit in men's pants very well. Same with my giant hips.
I don't have booty shorts or anything too short, I have a dick so that wouldn't work well.
All of my shorts come down to my mid thigh so it's a good middle between knee length and daisy dukes.
I picked out some black ones and a short sleeve black button up shirt, with a collage of red roses on the hems of the sleeves and the chest pocket.
Shoes hmm.
I put the clothes onto my one arm and looked at my shoe collection.
I picked out my new patent red doc martens I just bought a few weeks ago. They still smell brand new and are super shiny.
I grabbed a pair of socks on my way out of my closet.
I went into my bathroom and popped the socks on and then pulled the shorts up my legs.
Good thing I shaved a few days ago. And yes I shave my legs, If I couldn't get any gayer.
I went to button them up but they barely clasped shut.
"Are you fucking kidding me?!" I hissed.
I looked at myself in the mirror.
My stomach wasn't totally squishing out of the top of the shorts but they were tight around my hips for sure.
I sucked in and secured them shut.
I didn't want to look at my naked torso any longer so I buttoned my shirt up. That helped conceal my stomach a bit and I looked thinner.
I checked my phone and had 10 minutes.
I fiddled with my hair until I was satisfied and quickly brushed my teeth.
I then saw how huge my thighs looked in the shorts.
I groaned.
They come down to the middle of my thighs but not quite to my knees yet.
"Whatever" I scoffed to myself.
On my way out of my room after I put my boots on, I grabbed my favourite pair of Chanel sunglasses and headed downstairs and to the garage.
"Have a good day Keith" Talia called after me.
"Thank you. Take it easy today" I called back.
I swung my  messenger bag over my shoulder and dug my car keys out.
I texted Shiro to tell him I'll be to his place in under 10 minutes.
I smiled at the sight of my Ferrari and happily hopped in.
I started it up and she rumbled to life.
I tapped the button on my visor and our garage opened and I slowly drove down the driveway.
I clicked the button beside it and our front gate opened horribly slowly.
It's such a pain on the days I'm rushed and I have to wait almost 30 seconds for the dumb gate to open.
I then sped off out of our neighbourhood and was on the way to Shiro's.
He lives about 10 minutes away in a fairly big neighbourhood.
His house is barely a literal quarter of mine but that makes sense since his mother and him are in the middle class.
His house is cute and cozy.
He lives with his mother who adores me but I don't blame her.

I pulled up to his house and he was waiting at his front door. He waved goodbye to his mother and headed down his small walkway to my car.
His front fence is covered in this pretty ivy and it looks so nice and compliments the small grey house.
"Morning Bitch" I sang as he hopped into my car.
"Morning" He smiled.
"You look really gay" He observed.
"Thanks, I should considering how much I love cock" I smirked.
Shiro sighed.
"My parents left again this morning" I huffed as we drove down the road towards our school.
"They literally just got back!" Shiro exclaimed.
"I know!" I whined.
"They're gone for a fucking week. A week!" I squeaked.
"I'm sorry Keith. They treat you like shit sometimes in that sense" Shiro said.

I've known Shiro for years.
He's had a rough childhood but he's doing so much better.
He's 6'1 and super buff.
He's got a huge scar across his nose from his fathers abuse when he was a little kid.
He scraped a shard of glass across his face.
Poor kid.
Shiro dyes his hair grey and white. His natural colour is black.
He has a white tuft in the front.
It looks kinda funky.
Shiro was born without more than half of his right arm.
Nothing below the middle of his bicep exists.
He's got a really cool prosthetic though.
Apparently nobody really knows why he was born without it.
He grew up getting teased for it. He got his first prosthetic at age 5. Just as he began school.
Shiro has been through a lot. He's the one who knows me the best and I know him the best.

When we got to school we were 5 minutes late.
"Nice driving" Shiro teased and flicked my temple as I locked my car.
"Screw off" I hissed and body chequed him which barely budged him.
We have first period English together.

We strutted in 5 minutes late.
I took off my sunglasses.
"Why are you late yet again Kogane and Shirogane?" Our teacher Ms. Hanven asked.
She's an older lady who is fairly strict but just a generic teacher I guess.
"Car trouble" I replied.
"Lies. You literally have a brand new car. I doubt you're having trouble with it" She scolded.
Her grey eyes pierced into me.
"How do you know about my car?" I asked cooly and flipped some hair from my eyes.
"Well first of all I can see your Ferrari  keys and the whole class was just talking about it before you cat-walked in" She said.
"Mm whatever" I smirked and sat in my spot.

Lance pov

I have a crush.
I guess the word crush is an understatement. A full blown infatuation.

Keith Kogane is his name.
Nobody has ever beat him in the looks department.
He's the sole most gorgeous person I've ever laid my eyes on.
His beautiful glossy black hair that falls gently against his pale skin.
He's the definition of beauty.
I've had a huge crush on him for almost a year now.
I've known about him since grade 9.
I've talked to him once; When he asked to borrow a pencil last year.
I let him keep that pencil.
Wonder if he still has it.
I'm so intimated by him but yet he's so easy on the eyes.
He's short. A bit shorter than I am but I'm still terrified of him.
Despite his small size the boy has a huge attitude and is a huge asshole honestly.
He's rude to everyone, Even teachers.
He always has to have the last say.
He's got a big ego too.
Almost as big as mine.

Besides all this, The kid is filthy rich. His parents are millionaires and he's the definition of a spoiled little brat.
I know all this from being in all his classes.
He gets everything he wants and lets everyone know.
He's such a douche bag.
Why am I so in love wth him??

One of the only other interactions I've had with him was 2 weeks ago when he knocked a book off my desk with his hip.
He's got huge hips and an ever bigger ass for that matter.
He's so fucking hot.
"Fuck!" He hissed and gave me a shrug. Didn't bother to say sorry or anything but that was fine by me.
Our eyes met and that was good enough for me.
I blushed a shit ton but he was already back in his desk.
He's literally "Thicc"
I want him to crush my skull with his giant thighs.

Hunk and Pidge know I'm head over heels in love with him.
They both keep telling me to give it up.
He's way out of my league and is pretty popular.

He came in late today with his friend Shiro.
Shiro is really nice, Way nicer than his big-mouthed friend.
I've talked with him lots.
He sometimes spills the tea on Keith as he has no one else to talk to.
He just tells me little snippets about his life.

I almost busted as he walked in.
Tight black shorts that hugged his juicy thighs nicely.
A button up shirts and designer shades.
After he gave our teacher a dumb excuse for why him and Shiro were late he sat down finally.
I'm so jealous of him but I also want to spoil him rotten.
I don't blame his parents for spoiling him.

So Keith is gay.
Openly gay too.
Shiro tells me all about his celebrity crushes which are all pretty much marvel actors.
Sebastian Stan is his #1
I'm openly bi but I don't think he knows.
But both of us liking boys is more than perfect in my books.

When he sat down in his seat, his thighs spread out  and I bit my lip.
I've got a thigh kink just incase that hasn't been established.

"Alright guys" Ms. Hanven began.
I looked at Keith from across the room.
He's so fucking pretty.
I watched him as he brushed his hair out of eyes and studied his nails.
I could hear Hanven speaking but I wasn't paying attention at all.
It was all just background noise.
Keith adjusted his shorts and I held my tongue. He pulled them further down his big thighs and looked really annoyed.
I basically just stared at him for almost 10 minutes.
I heard names being called in the background.
I was yanked from my trance on Keith when I heard my name.
"Keith and Lance" Ms. Hanven said.
I blinked and looked around.
"What?" I said.
"What's happening?" I asked her.
A few kids snickered.
"Why don't you ask your partner? I'm sure he'll be more than willing to help" Ms. Hanven said sarcastically.
She clearly knows that Keith will not be willing to help.
Keith glared at our teacher as she continued to read out names.
Shiro looked at Keith and Keith put a subtle finger gun to his head and sighed annoyed.
Keith looked at me and I just gawked back at him.
He looked really annoyed and just so done with everything.
He nudged his head and motioned for me to come and sit next to him.
Nuh-Uh, He's bringing his ass over here.
I did the same thing back.
He rolled his violet eyes and loudly slammed his binder shut rather dramatically and got up and walked across the room to me.
A few kids looked at him.
He plopped down in the desk next to me.
This is the closest he's ever been to me.
I just got really anxious as he looked me up and down.
"So" He began.
I tried my hardest not to blatantly stare at him.
"You have no idea what's going on do you?" He asked and rested his chin on his hand.
I shook my head.
"You're clearly very good at listening to the teacher. If you're going to be my partner you better listen to me and do what I say" Keith spat.
"Excuse me? I don't know who you think you're talking to" I retorted.
Keith sniggered and raised a cocky eyebrow at me.
"I don't think you know who you're talking to" He smirked.
"Do you have any idea who I am?" He added.
I gulped.
"Of course I know who you are. Who doesn't know the famous Keith Kogane?" I said.
"Well since you know who I am, Why don't you listen up and I'll get us both an A" Keith smirked and drummed his nails on the desk.
"Fine" I scoffed.
I'm trying my best to keep my facade up so he doesn't win.
This is hard.
He's a tough opponent. 
"Lance right?" Keith asked.
I nodded.
I held my hand out for him to shake.
He looked at it disgusted.
"This isn't a business meeting, It's high school. Put that away" He said rudely.
I gave him an angry look.
"Anyway. Since you have no idea what's going on I guess I'll explain" Keith hummed and sat back.
"We are paired up to work on a project together obviously. We have to analyze and study a Shakespeare play and make a big poster to hand in" Keith explained.
Shakespeare is not fun at all, It's so boring!
"Sounds easy enough" I chirped.
"We'll be doing things my way. I've got a 90 in this class and I don't need anyone fucking up my average" Keith sneered.
"Jesus, Calm down Kogane. I won't fuck up your precious grade" I snickered at him.
"Keep a level head why don't you?" He spat.
"Me? I can be as level headed as you need to me to be baby. It might be a little hard to concentrate around you but I can try my best" I cooed and winked at him.
Keith looked surprised and taken aback.
He looked stuck for words.
I have this boy wrapped around my finger. Nothing like a little Lance charm can't fix.
"There's no way I can stay mad at someone as cute as you. So I'll listen to you okay princess?" I offered.
Keith blushed.
I just made the Keith Kogane blush.
"G-Good" He stammered.
I scooted my desk closer to his so we could work easier.

We brainstormed and I glanced at him every so often.
I only made him blush the one time and I tried my hardest to flirt with him but he wasn't having it.
We have 2 weeks to finish this.
Keith's got good grades, Better than me so I'll fucking listen to him.
"I can get my housekeeper to go shopping for supplies for this thing tonight so we can start tomorrow" He said.
Holy shit.
"Alright" I mumbled casually as if I wasn't impressed by hearing the word housekeeper.

We don't have second period together but the other 2 we do.
I felt so tingly and weird after first block.
I missed his presence already.

Keith pov

I don't really like this kid.
Lance, I don't remember his last name. I don't really care.
He pushes my buttons. He tests me and we've only been around each other for an hour.
He's pretty clearly acting quite cocky and charming towards me.
Calling me "baby" a calling me cute. Just that shit.
He came off as straight to me but that may not be true.
Also he kept looking at my crotch and it made me uncomfortable.
I know I'm pretty cute but way to make it subtle dude.

Second period for me is horticulture which I very much regret taking.
I'm allergic to plants so I'm sneezing all class.
Today it was 75 degrees which is fairly warm for California. I was wearing all black which was not fun.
There's an outdoor garden which is really gross and it's just dry dirt.
We are going to start planting things so we're cleaning it all up.
We raked leaves for an hour. A full hour of labour. It was horrible. I was sweating and kids were throwing dirt at each other and I fucking scratched my boot on the chain link fence and now there's a white scratch on my brand new boots.
I hate being outside so much.


At lunchtime Keith just bought a soda. That was all he had.
Shiro brought some rice and chicken in a container and just heated that up.
"Are you not eating?" Shiro asked Keith.
Keith shifted uncomfortably.
"Yeah. Nothing today" He mumbled and looked at his lap.
His thighs bulged out from the sides of his shorts when he sat down.
"You better eat dinner then tonight" Shiro advised.
Keith mumbled a "Yeah"

School dragged on for Keith. By last block which is social. Lance sat next to him and he wasn't too happy about that.
Keith likes to sit alone and wasn't thrilled in the slightest.
Keith ignored Lance all class.
He admitted to himself that Lance is pretty cute.
His dark tan skin is so lovely to look at.

Later that night after the amazing dinner Talia made for Keith and herself, Keith went for "run"
Basically he tried to jog a few times around his neighbourhood, but hated the way he could feel his stomach rippling with each footstep.
He also didn't have enough stamina to run for longer than 10 minutes.
He didn't even have any proper workout clothes. He wore Gucci shorts and a tank top.
He was utterly exhausted when he got back and just wanted to go to bed.
"There you are!" Talia exclaimed when Keith fell through the front door.
He was panting.
"Did you go for a jog?" She asked.
"If you can call it that. Exercise is horrible what the hell" He grunted.
She chuckled.
"I'm gonna head home now. Do you need anything else ? All your English materials are on the counter. I got everything you asked for" She smiled.
She was wearing pretty gold earrings Keith noticed.
They pay the woman very well.
"No I'm okay. Thank you for dinner and getting my stuff. We didn't have time to gossip tonight but I'm sure we can tomorrow" Keith giggled.
He then kicked off his shoes.
"The dishes are cleaned and put away, Your laundry is done and I bought some snacks for you too!" The small woman beamed.
"I don't need snacks ugh. I don't need the temptations. But thank you so much, You're too good to me. Go home for the night. You've done enough" Keith smiled and patted her shoulder.
"Alright. Sleep well prince. I'll be here in the morning" She replied and stroked Keith's hair.
He gave her a smile before she headed out, purse over her shoulder.
Everyone else went home hours ago so Keith locked all the doors and set the security systems. Including the outdoor cameras.

I'm intrigued by Talia's mention of snacks.
I'm trying not to temp myself.
I can just have a look.
I wandered into the kitchen and hesitantly to the pantry.
I peered inside and was greeted with bags of chips, Oreos and rice crispies and just general junk food.
I cursed at myself for even considering eating any of it.
I need to stick to my diet that I just initiated this morning.
I tore myself away from the food and shut all the lights off and went upstairs to get ready for bed.

I slipped on some old Ralph Lauren pj pants I've had for years. I had to loosen the strings which annoyed me. That's just a reminder that I've legit gained a fair amount of weight.
I popped an old t-shirt on too. An older panic at the disco shirt.

Lance pov

Keith is an asshole.
He's so rude and stuck up.
But I love him. He's so cute and sexy. He's adorable when he's flustered and when I made him blush, That's my biggest accomplishment in life.
I wouldn't say that I'M rude but I'm really cocky and flirty.
Keith is similar but can be more cocky.
I was trying to make a move on him but he wasn't having it.


The next day both boys had toast for breakfast.
Keith didn't sleep well and was rather grumpy.
He was copping Shiro attitude and Shiro wasn't having it and gave Keith a light smack upside the head.
Just a brotherly little smack to tell the snarky boy to smarten up.

Lance could tell Keith was more grumpy than yesterday.
He went full bitch mode at a kid who stepped on his shoe. Although Keith wasn't sitting in his desk properly. So it's technically his own fault.
Keith was grumpy already but this just made him pissed.
He was wearing Gucci shoes.
Gucci Ace embroidered sneakers to be exact. Pretty snow white shoes with the signature Gucci colours on a wide strip on the side.
"Shit, Sorry man" The boy who stepped on him said.
The boy is a pretty big fuckboy who has called Keith names on occasion.
"Are you fucking kidding me?? Do you realize what shoes you just stepped on?!" Keith snapped.
The boy looked taken aback at Keith's sudden rage.
"These are Gucci dumbass. Fucking watch where you step!" Keith barked.
"Jesus Christ-Sorry. I said I'm sorry" The boy said, Now fearful.
Keith growled at him and mumbled a "Fuck you" Before dusting the scuff marks off.
Keith slumped back in his desk.
"H-Hey Keith?" Lance asked. Gently tapping on him.
"What?!" Keith hissed.
"They're just shoes. You brushed them off. They look fine" Lance assured him.
"I wouldn't expect you to understand how painful it is to have shoes like these stepped on" He snorted.
"And how would you know that?" Lance retorted.
"Because you're wearing cheap Vans" Keith scoffed.
Lance didn't reply.
Lance changed the subject and they began working on their project again.
Keith today was wearing an burgundy Marc Jacobs zip up hoodie and some tight leggings that squeezed his round ass just perfectly.
Lance liked these leggings obviously as how well they accentuated his curves.
Keith was scribbling down notes 100 miles an hour.
Lance likes his writing.
He's not even writing cursive but some of his letters connect and it's a cute quirk.
When Keith got up to throw away the gum he'd been chewing, Lance just lovingly gawked at his behind for the 15 seconds it took.
He felt his cheeks heat up a bit.
"God does he ever have a good ass" He thought to himself.

Keith had brought their presentation materials in and out them on the side counter of class until they were ready.

At lunch Keith was complaining about Lance to Shiro.
"He's such an asshole! I hate him!" Keith exclaimed and took a hesitant bite of the bitter tasting salad he bought from the school's Cafeteria.
"He probably thinks the same about you sweetheart" Shiro scoffed.
"I don't care about what he thinks. All that matters is what I think of him. And I think he's an asshole who just loves to push my buttons!" He growled.
"Then don't let him. Don't give him the reaction he wants" Shiro suggested.
Shiro was content as he was working with a cute girl on the project.
Keith rolled his eyes at his friend.

Lance met with Jade at their usual spot near the front doors of the school.
They then walk to their nearby bus stop.
"You look mad" Jade observed and nudged his brother.
"I am, Kinda" Lance replied and pushed a door open to exit the school.
"How come?" Jade asked.
"Goddamn teenage hormones are out here making me horribly sexually frustrated over a really hot guy but he has a bad personality. He's such a douche bag" Lance grunted.
"Who? I might know him" Jade said.
"Keith Kogane" Lance replied.
"Keith Kogane, Like THE Keith Kogane? The rich kid?" Jade asked.
Lance nodded.
"Is that the "cute guy" you always gush about and over?" He chuckled.
Lance nodded again.
Like everyone else in Lance's family; Jade is supportive of his queer brother.
"Damn, I heard that kid is a piece of work. He's got some issues" Jade cackled.
"Fuckin' right" Lance agreed.
"He's so cocky and so full of himself. I've only talked to him a few times as we're working on a project together but God is he ever rude. Interrupts me when I'm talking, Gives me dirty and sassy looks, Laughs at me. He even mocked my shoes because they're not Gucci" Lance explained.
"Hmm sounds a lot like you. Two people with similar personalities, Especially dominant and egotistical ones rarely work well together" Jade said.
"I'm not as mean as him though! I'm cocky but I'm not an asshole. Keith is so horribly stuck up. Just because he's rich he thinks he's better than everyone else" Lance whined.
"Speak of the devil" He grunted as they say Keith's bright red Ferrari pull out of the school's parking lot and peel in the opposite direction.
"That's HIS car?!" Jade exclaimed.
"Yup, That's his. He just got it in October for his birthday. He had a Mercedes before" Lance said.

Lance just talked about how much he hates that he loves Keith. Jade listened as they wait for their bus.

Keith pov

I decided to stop at Starbucks on my way home from school.
I needed a good boost of caffeine to keep me going.
I got a grande dark roast coffee, That'll keep me up all night.

When I got home Talia had supper cooked already.
Chicken stir fry with veggies by the looks of it.
She always makes such good food.
"You didn't have to make dinner" I chuckled and put my sunglasses on the top of my head.
"I wanted too. I've been cleaning all damn day. I tried something new since you said you're going on a diet so I tried something a bit healthier than usual" She explained.
As much as I hate vegetables it does look good.
"Good thing you reminded me. I forgot even" I said.
"I did have a gross salad for lunch so I guess I technically didn't forget" I hummed.
"I'll swim some laps too" I added.
"It's nice to see you finally deciding getting back into shape" Talia chirped and scooped some of the food onto a plate for me.
"Oh what? Are you saying I'm out of shape?" I asked, Acting overly offended on purpose.
I rolled my eyes.
"Don't roll your eyes at me!" She giggled.
I shoved a forkful of food into my mouth.
"How is your project going?" She asked, changing the subject.
"Ugh" I scoffed.
"What?" She chuckled.
"I hate my partner. He's such an asshole! He's such a cocky piece of shit" I grumbled.
"Just deal with him. It's not a huge project" Talia said.
I agreed.
"How is Shiro doing? You haven't had him over for a while" She asked.
"He's doing good. I've just been focused on school so guess I just haven't had him over" I shrugged.

After an early dinner I went to the indoor pool.
I got a text from my mother as I entered the room.
"Hi Angel, How are you? How was school? I hope you're doing alright" She texted me.
"I'm doing good. School is going alright I guess" I replied.

I hooked my phone up to the sound system to play some music.
I eased my way into the pool which was a bit cold.
I wore a tank top even though nobody was around. I just didn't want to look at my stomach.
I swam laps until I couldn't feel my legs.
All of music was now on it's second round of playing.
My hands were all wrinkled so I decided to get out. I checked the huge clock on the wall by the seating area.
9 pm.
I dried myself off and unhooked my phone.
I slid my Gucci slides on and shuffled out of the pool room, Shutting all the lights off.
Talia had left already so I was alone again.
I was really hungry so I sauntered into the kitchen, A towel around my neck.
I went into the pantry and took an unopened package of golden Oreos and tucked them under my arm.

As I got ready for bed I munched on a few of them.
I didn't forget about my "diet" But just said fuck it just for tonight.
I washed my hair to get all the chorine out of my hair.
Being the lowkey klutz I am; Bumped my head into the pillar by my bathtub. My bathtub is raised a bout half a food off the ground and has 4 pillars around it just to give it a royal look.
I cursed to myself and kicked my slides off and pushed them to the side of my bathroom.
If you can't tell already, I love Gucci.
Their stuff really isn't the greatest quality but it's all so cute and pretty comfy.
I have a lot of Gucci stuff, Too many things too count. The only downside is that some of their stuff is ridiculously expensive and my parents are hesitant to buy things at times. We can afford it but they just don't want me to be unsatisfied if they spend $2,000+ on something.
It's a process if I want something above $600.
The most expensive Gucci thing I have is a $4,735 leather jacket. The second is my $1,490 lounge pants which I often wear to bed.
I flex a lot on social media and real life obviously.
I have no problem with that honestly.

The next day I was feeling a bit better, Less grouchy.
I pick Shiro up every day as he doesn't have a car and his mother leaves for work before he even wakes up. I drive him and she picks him up from school.
I got up both coffee on the way home from school. Starbucks of course.

Lance pov

Today Keith just looks extra bitchy.
I know fashion and I know almost every brand he wears.
Today was a dark grey velvet looking hoodie that seemed really comfy. This with some different sunglasses, One gold stud earring, Doc martens again and I think some kind of lulu lemon pants that were very tight around the crotch.
Extra bitchy and he looks the way he acts.
The Starbucks cup in one hand and his goddamn Ferrari keys in the other just add to it.
Him and Shiro walked in late for the third day in a row.
"I have no excuse. We stopped for coffee and that's why we're late. I don't care if you give me a late slip" He grumbled.
The class snickered at our teacher for looking so stunned.
Keith sat down next to me and shoved his keys into his man-purse with a Star Wars keychain on the zipper. What a nerd.
"What's up?" I asked nonchalantly and leaned back in my seat.
Keith placed his sunglasses on his head and flipped some hair like his face like the god he is.
"Uh I'm sleep deprived and I want to go home already" He replied.
"You just got here" I chuckled.
"I know" He said.
"Yo is that real?" A boy behind us suddenly asked Keith.
He motioned to Keith's hoodie.
"Fuck yeah it is" Keith smirked.
The boy is just your average guy, Nothing special about him. Brown hair, fuckboy haircut.
His name is Christian.
He's rich but not as filthy rich as Keith is.
"Sweet dude, Where did you get it? It's sick!" He exclaimed.
"Online, I jut bought it a few weeks ago" Keith grinned.
"How much? I've been looking for one under 500" Christian asked.
Under $500??
His hoodie looks like a boring ass normal piece of clothing.
Rich people talk obviously.
"$410" Keith replied.
$410 for a hoodie that looks kinda like a towel?? What the fuck???
"Wow that's pretty good for Yeezy" He replied.
"That thing is Yeezy?? Like Kanye West Yeezy?!" I squeaked.
Keith looked at me like I was an idiot.
"Um yeah? What other Yeezy is there?" Keith remarked.
"$410 isn't bad" Christian said.
These guys are talking about $410 like it's pocket money!
I let them talk about clothes until I needed Keith's help.
I pulled his sleeve and he ripped away from his new designer fashion buddy.
He scoffed and said he'll talk later.
"What do you want?" Keith hissed and sipped his coffee.
"This project we're working on. Come help Mr. A+" I said.
Keith turned around and looked at my notes.
He read them over.
"Idiot" He mumbled.
"Excuse me?!" I snapped.
"You got the acts all mixed up. Fucking Christ. It's not that hard, Get the acts straight!" He hissed at me.
"Bitch I can't even get my sexuality straight let alone Hamlet acts" I cackled.
Keith looked surprised.
Our eyes locked and he quickly looked away.
I know you're gay Keith don't worry.

"We don't have lots of time left. And we have an assembly first block tomorrow so we miss a class. Do you want to just come over to my house so we can work on it together? I have a colour printer and air conditioning" Keith said.
Air conditioning huh?
"Mm sure. I'll just have to ask my mom" I said.
"I can drive you to my house as long as you can get picked up. I can feed to dinner too" Keith offered.
"Really? That would be awesome!" I exclaimed.
"I could get my housekeeper to make us something or I could order pizza" Keith said.
"You're throwing the word housekeeper around like it's a casual thing" I chuckled.
Keith just rolled his eyes.
"Where's your locker? I can meet you there after 4th block" I said.
"I don't have a locker. I keep all my stuff with me. I'll meet you in the front court yard. Be five minutes late and I'm leaving" He said firmly. I nodded.

"Haha guess who's going to Keith's house after school?" I gloated to Hunk and Pidge at lunch. I did a little happy dance.
"Keith, Like Keith Kogane? The guy you have a huge crush on?" Hunk asked and cocked his head.
"Yup" I said smugly.
"What are you guys doing?" He asked, Taking a bite out of a big sub.
"An English project" I replied.
"Oh "English project" which is code for you guys are going to fuck" Pidge snickered.
"I barely know him Pidge. As much as I'd love that; That's not part of the plan" I said.
Pidge rolled her eyes.

I checked my phone and had a minute to get downstairs to the courtyard.
I shoved past people and almost fell down the stairs but I made it out in time.
I texted Jade and told him what I was doing and he just wished me good luck.

"I was just about to leave. You're lucky McClain" Keith scoffed.
I was out of breath.
"Sorry" I panted.

I've only ever taken the bus, Getting driven in a car probably more expensive than my house will be an event for sure.
Keith began to walk and did a little finger motion for me to follow.
I watched him FROM behind and watched his behind.
He doesn't even try to sashay but with a big fat ass like that he kinda has too.
His hips swayed side to side and I was trying not to get turned on by those big juicy thighs.
Keith pulled some sunglasses out of his bag as we made our way to the student parking lot.
I soon saw his bright red Ferrari come into view.
I didn't know weather to drool over the gorgeous car or Keith's ass.
Why not both?
I would like to be inside both.
Keith unlocked it and got right in.
I felt like I wasn't worthy to even come within a 2 meter radius of such a car.
I gingerly opened the passenger side door and carefully slid in, trying not to get my peasant germs all over his luxurious car.
"God it's so hot" Keith groaned and wiped his forehead.
He started his car and oh boy was the engine loud.
He revved it a few times just to show off.
He peeled out of the parking lot like a maniac.
I almost regretted getting in the vehicle with him.
He drove like a psychopath!
Speeding, weaving in and out of cars.
He acted like this was so casual.
"How do you even have your license?!" I squeaked and held onto my seatbelt for dear life.
Keith laughed in my face.
"What's the matter? Is the fast life too much for you?" He pouted.
"N-No, It's not! I'm just not used to whizzing around this fast" I sputtered.
"Do you want Starbucks?" He asked me, Changing the subject.
"I've never had Starbucks" I admitted.
Keith looked stunned.
"Well then we're for sure going" Keith said.

Keith got some fancy ass drink that look like 20 seconds to just pronounce and I pondered the chalkboard menu.
"You pick something for me" I mumbled.
Keith gave me a weird smile then ordered something I can't remember.
We waited for 5 minutes for our drinks, Keith checking out his nails. He went to go get straws
He came back and gave me one.
A barista then gave us our drinks and
When we got back to his car Keith just turned his radio so we didn't have an awkward silence.
He then turned it down a bit.
"So you've really never had Starbucks?" He asked me.
"Yeah I never have because it's hella expensive and I'm more of a McDonald's coffee kinda guy" I said.
"Ha! That's funny. I've never had McDonald's" Keith laughed.
"You're joking right? Starbucks I can see some people not ever having but McDonald's?? Are you serious??" I cackled.
"I'm not joking. I've never had it. It looks disgusting" Keith scoffed.
I laughed again.

Soon we entered a neighbourhood I only thought of in my dreams.
I've never even knew this area of the city existed.
I gawked at all of the massive houses.
I gasped at each one.
"Holy shit!" I exclaimed.
Some had fountains, I saw one with a marble driveway somehow, I saw one with a water slide. All of them had well manicured lawns and yards. Some houses had big turrets, Big windows, Huge long driveways.
I can't believe people live like this!
We passed by a few more houses and then finally stopped at a huge black shiny gate with haunted mansion like spikes on the tops of the bars.
Keith pressed a button and the gate opened slowly.
We pulled into the driveway and an absolutely MASSIVE house came into view.
It was stunning, It looked like a roman type castle.
The long cobblestone driveway lead to a circle with a big fountain with some Roman statues scattered in some nearby gardens decorated with rose bushes.
My mouth was hanging open.
Keith then opened a huge garage door and the literal floor was marble.
Our garage floor is cement and covered in dirt!
Keith closed it behind us.
I saw a bunch of nice cars, A big tv, a small bar, dartboard and pool table and a restaurant like big drink cooler.
A luxury man cave like aesthetic.
Keith parked and stopped his car.
I almost came when I noticed the bright yellow Lamborghini a few cars down from Keith's.
Of course the two cars in between were gorgeous as well the first a silver Maserati and the second a nice white Range Rover suv.
There were a few more cars too but not as gorgeous as Keith's Ferrari and that damn Lamborghini.
"Holy mother of god" I said as I walked over to the car.
"Don't touch that!" Keith snapped at me and locked his car.
"I'm not worthy to even be in the presence of such a vehicle!" I exclaimed.
"Who's is it?" I asked.
"It's everyone's. My dad uses it mostly but we use it for special occasions and to flex a bit" Keith smirked.
Flexing is an understatement in this case.
I just walked around the car and gawked at how gorgeous it is.
Keith chuckled.
"Come on" He giggled.
He just giggled.
We walked up a small spiral staircase to a door.
This led into the house and I almost came again.
This is the biggest house I've ever seen or even been in.
Just the foyer is basically the size of my house!
All a tab marble.
A double staircase with black accents.
A huge crystal chandelier was up on the ceiling hanging in the centre of a circle zodiac sign wheel mural.
I wanted to cry it was so beautiful.
I almost choked on my drink as I looked around.
We both took our shoes off.
Keith then led me into their kitchen which was about 5 of ours.
White marble countertops, a double oven, a huge fridge, a really fancy sink, wine rack, a china cabinet full of  expensive looking dinner wear.
There was even a fucking tv!
Keith told me to stay put.
He walked out onto a balcony and yelled something outside.
Soon a short, young and pretty Japanese woman entered the house.
"Talia this is Lance, Lance this is Talia. She's our housekeeper/chef and just overall caretaker" Keith explained.
The small woman shook my hand.
"It's nice to meet you. Keith has only ever had one friend over so this is a nice change" She laughed with a slight Japanese accent.
"He's not my friend" Keith grumbled.
Wow, Thanks Keith.
"Can I get you anything to eat or drink?" Talia asked me.
Folding her small hands neatly.
"Uh I'm okay thank you. We just got coffee" I chuckled.
She nodded.
"We're gonna go upstairs to drop our bags off then I'll give him a tour" Keith said.
She nodded again.
I followed Keith back to the foyer and up the big grand staircase.
The chandelier shimmered in the light.
The carpets were a pretty cream colour and were very soft.
He led me down a huge long hallway then turned again. A much shorter hall with one door at the end and another on the adjacent wall.
He opened the door and a huge extravagant room greeted me.
It's humongous.
A huge queen size bed is on the wall next to the bathroom door.
It's covered in a fluffy black, grey and white duvet with a few pillows and a cute pink hippo plush that didn't really match.
A bedside table was on one side of the bed, a crystal accented lamp was there.
I looked up and another giant chandelier greeted me.
On the same wall as the doorway was a white fancy couch with a glass coffee table in front of it with a few empty energy drink cans.
On the wall facing the bed was a massive flatscreen tv on the wall with big speakers floating next to it.
Under was a long shelf like entertainment thing with a PlayStation, X-box and a wii. A whole shelf was lined with video games and a cubby was full of controllers.
A door was on the wall next to the door which I couldn't only slightly see into, It looks like a bathroom.
A huge walk in closet was next to the door and in a separate little nook by the bathroom was a window seat with a bunch of fluffy blankets and more plushies and pillows.
The only window was the window seat and it was a pretty big window.
On the same wall as the bathroom door and nook were a few shelves dotted with succulent plants.
"This is amazing" I said breathily.
Keith smirked and put a hand on his hip.
"Thanks. I just had everything re-done last year" He explained.
He set the rest of his stuff down by the edge of his bed and I did the same.
"Do you want to see the rest of the house?" Keith asked and sipped his coffee.
"Fuck yes I do" I sighed happily.

Keith was the shittiest tour guide ever.
He'd lead me into a room and would just tell me what it was and that's it. All the rooms were huge and he could of at least shown me around better!

They had 3 floors; The top floor was 5 bedrooms, the main was the kitchen, Entrance to their indoor pool, 2 offices and a gym.
The kitchens back doors led out to 2 raised patios that have staircases leading down to their outdoor pool and huge backyard.
The basement was massive.
Another office, 3 more bedrooms and bathrooms, A big bar, popcorn machine, A theatre room with a projector and cool looking recliner chairs. The main part of the basement had just a normal tv with a sectional couch then another pool table behind it and these 2 Mario cart arcade things!! This is so cool.
I wanted to get a better look but Keith just wanted to get to work.

"You're the worst tour guide ever" I huffed as he headed upstairs.
"This isn't Epcot, It's my house" Keith hissed at me.
God is he ever grouchy!
Small and grouchy.
I made sure to walk behind him so I could check out his ass more.
As we passed the indoor pool I stood at the window and looked in.
The water was blue and gorgeous.
I miss swimming so much...Keith is so lucky.
"Come on!" He barked at me.
"Jeez, Calm down hotshot!" I chuckled.
Keith looked furious and was clenching his snow white teeth.
He growled like a dog and scuffed back into the kitchen.
He grabbed 2 plastic shopping bags off the counter and put them on their table. Their dining room is on the other side of the kitchen, This is a smaller table.
"Why do you have 2 tables?" I asked him.
"They have two of almost everything here" The housekeeper laughed as she dried a glass with a tea towel.
"We have dinner parties at least twice a month" Keith said and dumped the bags contents out.
"I have all my notes in my pocket" Keith said and pulled a few neatly folded pieces of paper from his hoodie. He put them on the table and went around to the other side to spread out the big poster paper.
I jumped when I saw a young guy maybe in his 20's sneak up behind Keith. He came in silently from the French doors behind the oblivious Keith.
He gave me a mischievous look and put a "Shh" finger to his lips.
He came right behind Keith then suddenly began to roughly tickle him.
Keith yelped loudly in surprise and spun around quickly.
He gave the guy an angry look then at the speed of light grabbed the guys arms and pinned them behind his back.
Keith slammed the guy into the wall then did some kind of martial arts move and the guy dropped to his knees.
"This morning you could barely even push me. What the hell" The guy yelped.
Keith let go of him and gave him a shove.
"Jeez, You're grouchy" The guy said.
Keith scoffed.
"Who's this Keith?" He asked.
"My partner for an English project" Keith said clearly annoyed.
"How about you go do your job pool boy?" Keith sneered.
"I came in to get water, God you're a little shit" He said.
"Lance this is Julian. Our gardener and pool boy" Keith said cooly.
The guy gave me a wave.
I gave him a nod.
He went and grabbed a water bottle and gave Keith the finger before going back outside.
Keith scoffed after he closed the door.

We cut out a few pictures I had printed out and glued them to the poster paper.
Keith was totally distracting me the whole time.
Well not on purpose anyway.
His looks are just too stunning to be ignored.

He was talking to me and I wasn't even paying attention.
I was looking at his thighs yet fucking again.
God those pants are tight. His crotch looks great too.
"Hey! Lance!" He then barked loudly. I was snapped from my trance.
Keith looked pissed off.
He had a hand on his hip and was holding his phone to his ear.
"What?" I asked dumbfounded.
"What kind of pizza do you want?" He asked.
"I'm fine with whatever" I replied and quickly grabbed a pen to fiddle with so he doesn't catch onto me.
Keith rolled his eyes then turned around and walked over to the counter.
I could get a good look at his ass again.
That thing would be more than a whole handful.
I then began to imagine what it would be like to grab and squeeze that big thing.
I'm such a creep.

Soon the pizza got delivered and Talia came into the kitchen with the box.
She set it on the counter.
"Feel free to have some. We can't eat a whole pizza anyway" Keith said.
Talia nodded.
Keith pushed the project stuff to the other side of the table.
Keith grabbed a couple plates and passed me one.
"We very rarely get food like this. Talia almost always cooks for us" He said.
Keith opened the box and it was just basic pepperoni. Fine by me.
He grabbed a piece then sat at the table.
I snagged one too.
Keith then took a big bite.
"Keith I don't mean to call you out but aren't you supposed to be on a diet? Your words not mine honey" Talia chuckled.


Keith stopped chewing then turned around and gave her a death glare.
"We-have-company" He growled at her.
Keith darted his eyes from Lance back to her so she got the drift.
"I'm only eating one. I'll probably go a swim later" He mumbled and swallowed.
Lance tried not to laugh, He sniggered then bit his lip and sat across from Keith.
"What's so funny?!" Keith barked at Lance.
"Nothing, Nothing" Lance smirked and took a bite of his piece.

Lance pov

Why would Keith be on a diet??
He looks pretty thin to me.
I mean he never wears tight shirts so I can never see his stomach but I mean the rest of him is thick as fuck.
He should be happy to have such delicious curves like that.
He's actually quite thick really, I guess I guess I can see why he'd want to lose weight.
He shouldn't diet though.
He looks perfectly fine to me.

After we ate supper. I had 2 pieces of pizza while Keith and Talia had one.
"I'll give the rest to the team. I sure as hell don't need it" Keith said and closed the pizza box.

We continued to cut and paste our little paragraphs of notes and a few more photos.
Then we began to make small talk and ignored the project pretty much.
I learned that Keith's parents were gone for a week and that they leave him home often.
Poor little thing.
That must be hard on him.
I couldn't bear being away from my parents for longer than a day!

My dad came to pick me up at 6:30.
I decided to make a subtle move.

I'm literally at my long time crushes house. I need to give him a little heads up you know?
As I waited for the "I'm here" Text from my dad, I helped Keith clean up the table.
He was picking up the pens and paper scraps. I cooly moved behind him.
My plan instantly got changed from me grazing my hand against his ass.
I went to lean in to "Grab a sharpie" and went to move foreword at literally the same time Keith backed up...He just pressed his ass DIRECTLY into my crotch. I was moving foreword too so I got to press my crotch against his ass.
Keith quickly jumped in surprise and I stumbled back.
"S-Shit sorry" I stammered.
I was actually nervous and panicked now.
I didn't know how he was going to react.
I prepared myself for a slap or at least something even verbal.
Keith spun around and looked at me.
His cheeks turned as red as tomatoes  from a mix of embarrassment and being flustered. And possibly because of the very sexual tension currently hanging thick between us.
His eyebrows upturned into a soft but surprised look with his mouth slightly open.
"I uh-ah. It's okay" He squeaked.
My phone then buzzed and it was my dad telling me that he's here.
"W-Well my dads here" I chuckled nervously.
"Right, Yeah" Keith said.

I had already brought my bag down so I swung it over my shoulder and he lead me to the front door.
I slipped my shoes back on.
"Thanks for letting me come over. I had a good time" I smirked and gave him a wink.
Keith blushed even harder.
"Y-Yeah whatever. See you at school" He said and shut the door behind me.
"Score!" I exclaimed to myself as I walked down the driveway.
I made him blush.
I made Keith Kogane blush.

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