

Keith flopped onto his bed and angrily grabbed at the flaps of his jeans, Trying his absolute hardest to button them.
He grumbled deeply and cursed to himself.
His phone next to him buzzed with a call from Shiro.
"Not right now Shiro" Keith whined.
"These fucking things fit me a goddamn month ago, What the hell?!" He growled.
Keith was already late to pick Shiro up so he for sure would be late to school.
Keith sucked his stomach in as much as he could and still couldn't button them around his hips.
He yelled out in anger and kicked the pants off.
He stomped into the bathroom to gawk at himself.
He gave his stomach a light poke then hesitantly stepped onto his dreaded scale. It usually hides underneath his sink but for the past 2 weeks he's left it sitting on the floor. Procrastinating on weighing himself.
At this point, What could make his day any worse?

Morgan had already teased him about how chubby he was starting to look and some other things.

Recently at breakfast when he was making coffee she came to behind him and gave him a hug.This startled Keith.
"Your stomach has been getting soft lately" She sang in a motherly teasing way.
"Let go of me then" He grumbled.
She gave his side a pinch before letting go.
"Well I shouldn't be saying anything. It's your life after all. But it is our job to keep our precious boy from starving" She hummed
Keith blushed.
"I'm far from starving" Keith sighed.
He poured himself a travel mug of coffee before hearing back upstairs.
He was nearly fuming but just tried to keep his rage pent up.
Keith tried his hardest to ignore the tightness of his shirt around his belly.
He balled his hand into a fist.

"Fuck!" He cried out. He'd officially gained 10 pounds since last month.
He kicked the scale to the side of the room.
Keith gritted his teeth and marched around his room trying to find something to hide his thick legs in.
Jeans are not an option today.
He found some track pants that will just have to go with the shirt he was wearing.
They're grey and his shirt is black. Black is a sliming colour right?
He didn't even have to tie the strings up.
He didn't even bother with his hair before grabbing his keys, phone and coffee and marching downstairs.
"Are you okay pumpkin?" Morgan asked sweetly when Keith got down the stairs. She was waiting for him at the landing.
"I'm a pumpkin alright" He scoffed and bounded towards the garage.
"Keith?" She whined softly.
He slipped on his black Gucci slides and was about to leave when Morgan grabbed his arm.
He can't snap at his mother. He's got such a soft spot for her.
"I know you're angry right now and I'm not going to bother asking why but just try and have a good day today okay?" She hummed and cupped his face.
Keith nodded.
"You're so handsome" She giggled and gave him a kiss on the forehead.
Keith laughed weakly.
"Thanks. I'll try my best" Keith mumbled.
"Tell Dad that I'm going shopping either today after school or this weekend. I have to get new jeans" He added.

That shopping trip never happened.

Morgan nodded.
Keith's phone buzzed again and he quickly checked it.
It was a text from Shiro.

"I'm not sure what's up with you this morning but Matt is going to give me a ride this morning"

Keith sighed a sigh of relief.
This is giving him an extra 10-15 minutes.
Keith replied with:
"Alright. I'm just running late and having a rough morning"

"I've got some time now. Shiro is getting a ride from our friend" Keith said to Morgan.
"So are you gonna tell me what's up?" She asked and put her hands on his shoulders.
"You just added to it like 15 minutes ago...I'm getting fat. I've briefly told you about it. You've acknowledged it, Julian has" Keith grumbled and crossed his arms.
"You are not getting fat" She says and gripped his arms.
"Really? I've gained 10 pounds since last month and almost 40 total since my injury" Keith whined.
"You've gained some weight. So what? There's nothing wrong with that, It's better than you being all skinny. You have an excuse though as you got hurt pretty bad" Morgan said.
Keith huffed.
"I'm never going to find a boyfriend if I don't lose some weight..." He trailed off.
"Stop that Keithy" Morgan scolded.
"You will find someone eventually. I promise. You don't need a boyfriend to be happy. Just learn to love yourself first" Morgan explained and gave the short boy a hug.
"Thank you mom" Keith smiled weakly.
"I should go. I don't want to get another late" Keith said.
"Alright, Have a good day angel" Morgan chirped and kissed Keith's cheek.
"I love you" She added.
"I love you too" He chuckled and gave her a wave before heading out to the garage.

That was only a few weeks ago.

Present day
Lance pov

Keith was late.
He's usually never late on Thursdays.
That sounds really creepy but I pay attention.
He finally strolled in 15 minutes after the bell.
He looked soft and comfy.
A plain grey v-neck and expensive looking Gucci sweat pants.
He didn't look very happy, Although Keith is never happy. Always grumpy.
Grumpier than usual.
"Thank you for joining us Keith" Ms. Hanven scoffed.
"My pleasure" Keith spat.
A for kids snickered at this.
"Watch your tone"She glared at him.
Keith rolled his eye and plopped down in his seat.
He shoved his car keys into his bag.
He had a different bag with him today.
It's Gucci.
I've been googling what Gucci stuff looks like and Keith owns a lot. He's wearing Gucci sweats, Gucci slides and his Gucci bag.
He took a sip from the contents he had in a coffee mug.
He glanced over at me momentarily before quickly looking back away.

Soon the class partnered up and I went and sat by Mr. Grumpy.
"Rough morning?" I chuckled.
"You could say that" Keith mumbled.

Keith pov

I got a disgusting salad for lunch instead of the usual greasy food the cafeteria usually has.

We're getting down to our last few days of project time.
I forgot to ask Lance if he wanted to come over after school to get more done.
It was at lunch when it struck me.
"Fuck" I hissed to myself.
"What?" Shiro asked from the chair beside me.
"I have to go talk to Lance" I scoffed.
Shiro nodded and popped a carrot piece into his mouth.
"Do you have any idea where he goes at lunch?" I asked.
"No clue. You'd have a higher chance of knowing than me" Shiro shrugged.
I huffed and got up.

I searched the few classrooms that were open for students for lunch but nothing.
I found the computer lab and decided to look in there.
There he was.
Sitting with a couple other kids gathered around a computer laughing at something.
I peered in and the whole room was filled with computer whiz kids.
I scoffed and entered the room.
A few pairs of eyes fell onto me.
One of Lance's friends (Hunk I think) saw me then smacked him in the ribs and pointed to me.
I put my hand on my hip and nonchalantly paced over to the group of cackling boys.
Lance looked up from the computer and saw me.
"H-Hey Keith, What's up?" He said slightly nervously.
"Do you want to come over to work on our thing again?" I asked.
I stopped about a foot in front of the table full of kids.
"Yeah sure. I'll ask my parents but I should be fine" Lance replied.
"Just text me when you get a response" I hummed and examined my nails.
"Sure thing sugar" Lance smirked and leaned against the computer desk coolly.
His attitude had just completely changed.
I few of his friends snickered.
I glared at them and their faces dropped.
"I don't belong in here, I'm leaving" I then huffed and spun on my heels.
"You're right. This isn't a place for guys like you" Lance hummed.
"And what's that supposed to mean?!" I scoffed.
"Whoa whoa! Chill, you even said to yourself!" Lance cackled.
"This room isn't a place for fancy boys like you" He added with a cocky grin.
"Don't be so rude. Watch your tone with me if you want a ride home in the car that's more valuable and expensive than every item that's ever been in your possession" I spat angrily and crossed my arms.
A few "ooh" 's were exchanged around the room.
"Well played pretty boy" Lance said, Impressed.
"Now sashay out of here" He hollered as I started walking.
"Kiss my ass Lance!" I called as I exited the room.
"Gladly!" I heard him yell.

That really just made my blood boil.
Who does this guy seriously think he is?
He can't goddamn speak to me like that!
He better get his attitude in check if he wants an A on this project.

Lance pov

I hate seeing Keith come but love watching him go.
The ass on that boy never fails to amaze me.

Keith pov

I literally almost left without Lance but the idiot finally showed up.
He texted me just 20 minutes ago that he was allowed to come, I reminded him that if he's late I leave without him.
He was panting and out of breath.
Shiro got a ride home from his mom today as he had a doctors appointment.
"You're lucky I was nice and waited for you!" I barked at him.
"You're a gem" He panted and gave me some weak finger guns.
"You got that right" I mumbled and turned around and began walking to my car.
Lance followed at my heels like a puppy. I hopped into my car and he popped in next to me.

Lance pov

I always feel slightly awkward in Keith's car. It's just so nice and I'm sorta not nice.
Keith popped a piece of gum into his mouth then started his car up.
It's insanely loud even inside of the vehicle.

As we drove I decided to take a chance.
"Would you want to come to my place tomorrow to work on this?" I asked him.
"Yeah sure. Why not?" He shrugged.
"Hell yeah" I smiled to myself.

When we got to Keith's house and stepped inside, Their gardener scared Keith by grabbing his shoulders from behind.
"You asshole!" Keith yelled and pushed him.
It's the same one I met the first time I came here.
Julian his name was I believe.
"Get back outside! You're all dirty!" Keith ordered.
"I just came in to get some water, Chill" He laughed.
"You can choke Julian" Keith grumbled as he took my arm and lead me to the kitchen.
I was right!
Julian followed us and grabbed a water bottle from the counter.
"Invited your boyfriend over again?" Julian hummed and raised an eyebrow at Keith.
Keith put a hand on his hip and let go of my arm.
"Bold of you to assume I have that low of standards" Keith smirked.
"Hey!" I yelped and sat down at their kitchen table.
"I'll have you know I can swoon anyone I please with my loverboy charm!" I said proudly.
Keith rolled his eyes.
"Never mind. You wouldn't want to date Keith anyway" Julian laughed.
"And why is that?" I asked.
Keith gave the man a death glare.
"Have you met him?? This guy is the most high maintenance kid I've ever met" Julian cackled and pointed his thumb at Keith.
"Fuck off. You're just mad I can get whoever I want whenever I want" Keith smirked sassily.
"Whatever you say pork chop" Julian teased.
I then noticed Keith's housekeeper Talia was standing behind the counter.
"Stop teasing him Julian" She laughed lightly.
"Get back to work!" Keith spat. "Playtime is over"
Julian then flicked some water onto Keith.
That was the last straw for him.
Keith snatched the water bottle from his hands, Grabbed Julian's tank top collar and literally dragged him to the back door and shoved him outside.
Keith growled and slid the door shut in the face of the smiling gardener.
He huffed angrily and turned back around.
"Talia can you make me a latte?" He sighed.
She giggled and nodded.
"Do you want anything to drink Lance? We've got lots of coffee, Tea, Soda..." Talia trailed off.
"I'm fine thank you" I replied.
Keith sat across from me and checked his nails like usual.
We took all our supplies out yet again and soon enough Talia put a fancy looking mug next to Keith. On a coaster of course.
There's gold accents on the coaster too.
It's probably real gold too.
Keith as he examined his nails yet again suddenly scoffed.
"Can you book me a manicure please? My nails are disgusting" Keith then tiredly asked Talia.
She then grabbed what I assumed was a daytimer and flipped it open.
"What day works best?" She asked.
Keith tapped his chin.
"We don't have anything this weekend so just book it for Sunday afternoon" Keith hummed.
"I'll book it after dinner" She chirped.
"Thank you" Keith replied.

Keith didn't even look at me as he glued his notes on his side of the poster. He acted like I wasn't even there.
Talia left us alone after a while.
He grabbed a pen and drew a few little swirls in his corner.
"Are you gonna let me do anything?" I chuckled.
Keith looked over at me, I think he forgot I was there.
"Yeah sure, Do what you want" He mumbled and sat down roughly in the large dining room chair.
"Thanks" I replied and rolled my eyes.
Keith scoffed.
"Jesus. You really are a huge grouch" I said, Not looking at him.
"I'm just hard to please" Keith spat, Rather proudly.
"Clearly" I grumbled.
"God just shut up! Don't come into my goddamn house and tell me not to be "grouchy" " Keith barked.
"I'm not telling you not to be grouchy! I'm literally just saying that you're really grumpy! I even agreed with you about being hard to please!" I yelped.
Keith locked his eyes with me, leaned back in his chair, raised his eyebrow then crossed his arms sassily.
What a prissy little douche bag...
"Whatever" Keith belittled.
I then rolled my eyes at him as I glued another small note piece on the poster.
"Are you hungry yet boys?" Talia the asked softly, Entering the room.
She's so sweet.
She even had her small hands folded in front of her.
"I'm starving" Keith said.
"What about you Lance?" Talia asked me.
"I could eat yeah" I replied.
"Alright!" She chirped cheerfully and went behind the counter. 
Keith was now starring out into the yard.
Talia began to get things prepared.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw her cutting some chicken.

I outlined the title and coloured the letters.
Soon the air filled with the sounds of something sizzling.
Keith finally uncrossed his arms and look a few long sips from his mug.
"It smells good Talia, What are you making?" He asked.
"Sesame chicken noodles" She replied.
Keith nodded.
I decided that's all I'd do for the night.
"Should we wrap it up then?" Keith asked.
"Sure" I replied.
Keith put the scissors, glue and pens into a ziplock bag and I rolled up the poster.
Just as we got done Talia put big dinner plates full of delicious looking noodles and chicken pieces in front of us both.
"Thank you" Keith said.
"This looks really good! Thank you" I beamed.
Her cheeks turned pink and she said a sweet you're welcome.
Keith sat back down in his chair and dug right in.
He's clearly very hungry.
I took a small bite of a few noodles and a chicken piece.
It was absolutely delicious!
This wonderful woman can cook!
Keith literally scarfed the food down in only a few minutes.
I actually tasted my food and took my time enjoying it. This is the best dish I've had in a long time.
Keith better be grateful for Talia! I'd kill for someone to cook me meals as good as this one.

After I finished dinner I helped Talia do dishes as a thanks for the food.
She really appreciated it.
When Keith went to the bathroom she leaned over to me.
"I wish Keith would help me like this sometimes. This is my job but I wouldn't mind the extra help" She laughed.
"I like you Lance. I hope Keith keeps you around. Don't worry about Keith's bratty little attitude. He can be a real pain but on the inside he's a sweet boy. It just takes a while to get to him" Talia explained.
Keith's sweet?? I can't even see him being anything less than nice.
"Thanks. I like being here. It's a nice change to my farmhouse" I replied.
Keith then entered the room and we cut the chitchat.

Keith and I didn't do much for the next hour. We went outside and he showed me the backyard briefly.
The gardeners had left and Keith gave Talia the evening off just moments earlier. It was just us here.

As we walked around I really admired Keith's beauty. He truly is a really attractive guy. I almost forgot why I fell for him in the first place.
Although his personality is a turn off his looks definitely make up for it.
His hair is so gorgeous. It's so shiny and thick. Jet black and has a pretty wave at the ends. It's a bit shaggy but it suits him.
His eyes? Stunning
Nose? Deathly cute
Lips? Soft, smooth and he's got a bit of a sexy little pout.
Jawline? Could slice someone if half.
I've talked lots about that body of his so you don't need a recap.

Once we got back inside Keith flopped onto a white couch. We came through a different door than the one we came out.
"When are you getting picked up?" He groaned.
"Whoa? Are you that sick of me already?" I teased.
"Frankly yes" Keith replied bluntly with a sigh.
"Awe! Am I annoying you?" I said in a baby voice.
"Fuck yes you are. I wanna gouge my eyes out!" Keith hissed.
"Damn okay" I replied.
"Well you're no angel to hang out with either!" I retorted.
"That's your problem" Keith huffed and got up.
He the began walking down the hall.
"Where are you going?!" I called after him.
"Pool!" He called back.
What the fuck? Why?
I quickly scampered off after him.
I saw him disappear into the pool room.
I followed him.
I forgot how pretty this pool room is.
It's gorgeous!
Keith was scanning the pool for some reason.
I quickly took my socks off and rolled my pant ankles up.
I sat on the sparkling clean pool deck and dipped my feet in.
It was so warm! Like the nicest pool temperature ever!
"Why did we come here?" I asked Keith who was now looking outside through a big window.
I looked up at the pretty chandeliers on the ceiling.
"I was seeing if Jillian cleaned this pool" Keith said.
It looks spotless to me.
"He did thankfully" Keith said.
We both went quiet and he came and sat next to me.
He dipped his feet into the pool too.
Keith sat only a few inches from me.
He swished his feet around in the beautiful  blue water.
I noticed how small my thighs are compared to Keith's...
His thighs are massive honestly.
Like this guy has girl thighs, His things are actually better than most girls' are.
Keith is thick as all hell.
"What would you do if just stripped to my boxers and just jumped in?" I then asked him.
Keith looked at me with a slight smirk.
"I don't care really" He huffed.
"Are you serious?" I squeaked.
Keith nodded.
"Fuck yeah!" I exclaimed.
I sat up and quickly yanked my shirt off.
I unbuckled my belt and shifted them off my legs.
Keith took his feet out and stood up, Arms crossed.
He smirked at me.
I gave him a wink then did a running canon-ball into the pool.

Keith pov

Lance made a huge splash as he jumped into my pool. I put my hand on my hip as I watched him.
He popped his head up out of the water.
"You should come in!" He called to me.
"I'll pass thanks" I chuckled.
I went to go grab him a towel from the supply closet.
I got the first one I saw and took it over to our chairs by the edge of the pool. I set my phone and car keys on the arm rest.

Thank god I didn't look long when Lance took his clothes off.
He's got a gorgeous toned stomach, Not quite abs but pretty close.
He's so tall and thin, But muscular too.
I'll admit; Lance has a really...really good body.

Lance pov

In a split second I diverged a plan.
A plan that honestly could potentially change our "friendship" for either the better or worse.
I'm sick of Keith's cocky attitude.
That's my thing!

I swam around for a bit.
I felt so free.
It's been so long since I last swam. This is for sure the nicest pool I've ever been in.

"Hey Keith can you hold my bracelet? I don't want it to fall off" I asked.
Keith without a second thought wandered over to the edge of the pool.
I balled my hand into a fist.
I'm not wearing a bracelet.
I swam over to the edge where Keith was.
He held his hand out.
I brought my fist up, Then quickly grabbed his wrist.
I pulled Keith into the pool.
I didn't let go when he was fully submerged in the water.
He brought his head above the water with a huge gasp.
He was panting.
"You fucking asshole!" Keith screeched.
He looked furious.
He wiped the soaking wet hair from his eyes.
I laughed evilly.
"Ugh!" He scoffed.
"Let go of me!" Keith demanded.
"Not so fast princess. Why don't you enjoy the water for a bit?" I purred and moved my face so close to Keith's our noses nearly touched.
Keith's next words caught in his throat and he stammered for a second before a pink flushed across his cheeks.
He then shook his head.
"I'm wearing fucking Gucci pants! Do you have any idea how much these cost?!" Keith yelled.
"Take them off then" I cooed and raised and eyebrow at him.
"I-I-Uh" Keith stammered again.
"Let go of me!" He hissed and yanked his tiny wrist from my grasp.
The soaking wet Keith swam to the shallow edge of the pool.

Keith pov

As soon as I hit the water I didn't even worry about my pants.
I realized what happened as it did.
All I cared about in that moment was my shirt.
I know how dangerously thin it is.
When wet it'll only get tighter.
I can't have Lance see my chest and gut.
I feel huge compared to his slender frame.
I got to the edge of the pool and hoisted myself up.
Lance watched me, Evilly as I slipped my pants off.
I'm not fond of the idea of his seeing my junk either.
I'm wearing tight little calvin klein boxer briefs.
I sucked my stomach in as I shifted them off my legs.
I sighed and set them on the pool deck.
Lance swam over to me.
I wanted to kick him away!
"Get away!" I whined and splashed water at him.
"Why?" He cooed flirtatiously.
I bit my lip.
Lance stood up in the pool.
We're in the shallow end so his head lines right up with my chest even though I'm sitting on the edge.
He came right up so his skin was pressed to my knees.
I squeezed my legs shut and tried my best to force my shirt away from my body.
It feels like it's glued on.
I glared at him, Full of anger.
"Your hair looks sexy all wet like that" Lance said.
I growled then covered my stomach up with my arms.
He stood on his tippy toes and rapidly grabbed my wrists and pinned them next to my hips flat on the pool deck.
I struggled to free myself but was almost shaking.
I felt weak, Powerless.
Lance then kissed my jaw.
I wasn't expecting that at all.
He kissed it a few more times then moved down to my neck.
I could of kicked him away...but I didn't.
I liked it.

Lance pov

I left a kiss on Keith's chest but his shirt was getting in the way.
"Your pants are off. Why not take the shirt off?" I hummed seductively.
Keith's surprised face suddenly flushed with nervousness.
He was speechless.
I let go of his hands, Pulled him closer so he was just right on the edge of the pool.
He was shivering slightly.
I slipped my hands up his thighs then up the hem of his shirt.
I ran my hands up Keith's torso and he quivered under my touch.
I then slowly slipped his tight grey shirt off up over his head then tossed it on top of his pants.
I took a good long look at his pale soft skin.
Instead of the abs I expected and I'd only been dreaming about Keith having, I was greeted by a soft chubby belly.
I was a little shocked.
Him being an athlete I wasn't expecting that.
It's kinda cute actually.
It's really cute.
The cocky vicious Keith I know was gone.
The soft, dripping wet delicate boy in front of me is not what I'm used to.
I smiled a small smile at the sight of his tummy.
"There! Are you happy?!" Keith barked loudly and crossed his arms over his soft chest.
He looked sad and nervous still.
I replied with a smirk.
"Stop starring! I'm fucking disgusting" He grumbled and pushed me away with his hand. He hopped into the pool and began swimming away from me.
Disgusting?? Where??
"Keith, Keith Hey..." I said softly and leaped in after him.
I caught up to him and grabbed his waist again.
"Let go of me! Stop touching me!" He yelped angrily.
I gripped him tighter as he tried to push me away.
I pressed my body right to his.
He's so soft!
His stomach and chest are just like a pudgy cloud.
He turned away from me so his back was to me...and ass right against my crotch.
"Not what you were expecting huh?" He said after a moment.
The sad tone made me heart drop a bit.
"N-No. But I'm not disappointed. You and your body are both so cute"  I admitted.
"I'm not cute. I'm fat!" He snapped.
"I don't want to hurt you so please just let me go..." Keith trailed off.
I forgot that he did martial arts...he wasn't actually using his full strength this whole time.
I let him go and he swam to the wide steps of the pools entrance.
He sat on the middle one and crossed his arms over his stomach again.
He looked so sad.
"Keith hey" I said and sat next to him.
"You are not fat. You're not even close!" I squeaked.
"I should have shredded abs and be pretty muscular from all my years of mma but after that injury I just went downhill" He mumbled and looked at his feet.
I think I'm starting to crack his shell.
"Well yeah, You got hurt pretty bad from what Talia has told me. It couldn't of been very easy" I said.
"I gained so much weight and my confidence just plummeted. I've tried to get back to my old self but I can't do much exercise without my whole leg hurting and burning. It's been hard" Keith whimpered.
I really would never expected him to feel like this.  
I tried to put my arm around Keith's shoulders but he gently pushed me away.
There was a silence.
"Knowing my normal self you'd think I'd have a huge ego and high self confidence...I do in a way but when it comes to my body...That's my flaw. That's my biggest insecurity" Keith admitted.
"Everyone has flaws and insecurities. You're not alone you know?" I said.
Keith shrugged.
"Why am I even talking to you? This isn't any of your business W-Why don't you just go home already?" Keith then croaked and stood up.
He got up walked over to the chairs again, Checked his phone then sat at the pools edge where I pulled him in.
I swam over to him.
He starred at his feet with his hands to his sides.
"Keith..." I said softly and grabbed his arm.
He looked up at me.
He scowled at me.
"I happen to think you're gorgeous. That includes your body" I admitted.
His eyebrows upturned.
"The shape of your whole body is so unique. I've never seen anyone with a shape like yours. Who cares if you have a tummy? I don't. It's beautiful. You're beautiful" I gushed and looked up at him.
A second after our eyes met Keith pulled my face to his and he leaned down.
He pressed his lips to mine.
His lips are just as I dreamed of.
Thin,but soft and smooth.
I closed my eyes and just let it happen.
I slipped my arms around his hips and pulled him back into the water, But gently this time.
Keith put his arms around my neck and I pulled him right against my body.
I put my arms right around his waist.
I kissed him back and it was some good back and forth.
The one side of my brain is telling me to just leave my hands where they are...The other is telling to to grab his ass.
Fuck it.
I slipped my hands down and grabbed his ass with both hands.
It's also just like how I imagined.
It's so big. Bigger when you're the one holding it.
I could barely even cup one side with my hand, It's huge!
Keith groaned in the back of his throat.
He then hopped and wrapped his legs around my hips.
I left my hands where they rightfully belong and then pushed him against the pool wall.
I broke our lips apart as I needed air.
We both caught our breath then I kissed his neck again.
Keith got off me then pulled me towards the shallow end so I had better access to his neck and chest.
I then heard a click and the lights dimmed.
"They're on a timer" Keith mumbled.
I began to kiss his chest and began to suck on a spot by his neck and chest.
He moaned softly.
He likes that huh?
I grabbed his ass again, This time a bit more aggressively.
I then started grinding against him. Running our crotches together.
At this point I'm surprised I don't have a full hard on yet.

Keith pov

I let Lance have his way with me.
He was gripping my ass like a goddamn basketball and pretty much dry humping me.
I could soon feel his hard on rubbing against me.
Lance left a bunch of hickeys on my neck and chest.
It's my turn now.
I grabbed his biceps which were just as muscular as they looked and spun him around so he was against the wall.
"Holy shit" He whispered.
I pressed my torso against his and cupped his face and began peppering his jaw and neck with kisses.
I thought the ass grabbing was over but nope...
Lance grabbed my ass yet again.
"God you're so thick..." He said breathily.
I smirked and just rolled my eyes.

For a while it didn't really occur to me what was happening. My body was on autopilot.
Grabbing Lance anywhere I could and him just groping my thighs and ass. He had a knack for tugging on my hair as well.
It finally hit me what was happening when Lance and I finally pulled away from each other.
We were both absolute sweaty, flustered, panting messes.
"It's getting late" I mumbled.
"Y-yeah it is" Lance agreed sheepishly.
I hoisted myself out of the pool and wandered over to the closet to get myself a towel.
I was shivering and I wrapped myself up.
Lance was drying off as he checked his phone.
"Shit I've got like 3 missed calls from my mom!" He exclaimed.
"She's gonna be so pissed" He added.
He then dialled her number and waited a few seconds.
"Mamá? Hi, I'm sorry I didn't pick up. Keith and I were uh...busy" He said nervously.
I heard a few more "I'm sorry" 's and "Yes"
I sat down in the lounge chair and rubbed my eyes.
"My mom will be here in about 15 minutes" Lance announced.
I nodded.
He sat down next to me.
Where do we go from here?

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