THIRTY NINE ; Bauchi tour


The next morning, Leek woke up early despite the fact that she didn't have enough sleep last night. To her surprise, Sadiqu was up earlier than her. She decided to tidy up the house first before she take her bath and get ready for today's outing. Leek has finished making her bed when the percieved the smell of food. Where was that coming from?

She quickly dropped the pillow on her hand and walked straight to the kitchen. Everything was in place. No unwashed plates, traces of peeled potato or so. Everything seemed untouched.

Leek's heart's pulse intensified. What if it's someone that came in and cooked whatever they wanted then left. The aroma was too strong to be coming from the neighborhood. It was from her kitchen. She was thinking and being cautious when he's eyes fell on the crate of egg.

Four eggs were gone. Who was that intruder that came into her house when she was asleep? She silently went to the parlor and saw everywhere has been cleaned and swept.

"Wahhhh!" Sadiqu came out, startling her. He couldn't control his laughter because Leek was looking like she was about to faint due to terror.

"God will punish you." She remarked when she gained herself again. She almost laughed at herself too. What was she thinking? Was she the only one at the house? Too much of horror films were doing bad to her system.

"Let's go and eat." They walked to the dinning where they had their breakfast. After eating, Sadiqu asked her to go and have her bath, he was going to do the dishes.


"You're kidding me." Leek raised her eyebrow in contemplate. Sadiqu just informed her that they were going to visit her grandmother at Bauchi but she wasn't believing. Her grandma had missed her wedding and since then Leek haven't seen her.

Now to have Sadiqu say they were going there, she didn't know how to act whether to scream, shout, supplicate out of joy, she didn't know which.

"Thank you so much. Thank you my very own soulmate." He embraced him, giving in to his hold. All of her.

"We have to branch and greet Ammi first." He told while she stayed limp in his hold. Leek's phone rang, interrupting what she was about to do. She hissed and took her phone from the vanity table while Sadiqu packed their clothes. They would be spending only two days there.

"Mimi." She said, on picking the call.

"Leek." Mimi used the same tone Leek used on her.

"How are you? Sallah celebrations and all?" Leek finally inquired. She sat by the periphery of her bed and stared at herself in the mirror while she talked with Mimi. Leek noticed her face glowing. She smiled.

"Fine alhamdulillah. I just called to say bye. I'm catching the next flight to Bauchi in few minutes in sha Allah. Till we meet again." Mimi didn't planned on calling Leek. But Maama pestered and pestered her beyond her resisting point or yield point as it was called.

"Awww, I'm going to miss you. Safe flight. Bye." Leek's voice was the opposite of what she said. It held happiness in it even though she tried in concealing it.

Mimi sensed it. For the sake of her peace, she just cut the call thinking of how her friend had changed in spur of a moment. It was awful how she couldn't even hide her emotions. If only Leek would realise that she was only making damage to herself.

Leek turned to look at her husband whom has now finished packing their clothes and was closing the windows. She helped him close the windows, switch off hydro and fire supply points of the house.

Once under the wheel, Leek couldn't stop herself from smiling. She would often looked at Sadiqu whom was dressed in a coffee brown kaftan that complimented him. She had never seen someone looked as good as he looks in Kaftan especially when he's wearing his Zannah Bukar Hula.

Leek loved the light blue kaftan on him but she loved white more and coffee brown makes him look like a royal Prince. It made him look like a yummy dish that she wished she could swallow him. All.

"What is she staring at?" He noticed her eyes on him even though his attention was fully on the road. Leek on the other hand was wearing an ankara with flower patterns. The background was brown while the flowers were a different shade. Her veil stayed muffled on her head, giving her the typical Hausa Fulani girl look. She looked breathtakingly beautiful that Sadiqu couldn't help but steal glances via the mirror.

"Just thinking of how lucky I am to have you." She batted her eyes.

"And?" He steered to Leek's house' corner. There was a tinge of mischief in Sadiqu's voice.

Leek ignored him and looked sideways.

"And you're thinking of his other three wives. Don't worry you're the only queen here but there might be some princessses you know." He winked. The next second, Sadiqu felt a sting on his arm. Leek used the strap of her bag and beat him.

He laughed and continued. "I may end up having a Bauchi bride. They can't reject me you know?" Leek turned away her teary eyes. He was pulling a joke but the thought of the whole thing was making her loose herself.

Sadiqu put off the ignition. He kept laughing at Leek before she hopped out of the car. Leek stayed inside the car and refused to come out.

"What are you waiting for?" He peeped through the window.

"I am staying at home. I have changed my mind." She twisted her lips.

"Come on my queen," he opened the door and knelt before her.

"You know I'm joking right?" Sadiqu took a tissue and wiped some of Leek's spilled tears. He continued to suppress his laughter. Only the thought of him with another woman made Leek cry. He pitied her because he, himself had no idea whether someday he will have another wife. He doesn't fancy having wives but who knows what destiny had for him? He silently prayed for Allah's guidance and led them in to Ammi's house.


Sadiqu had never been to Bauchi before so Ammi insisted that they go together with the family chauffeur. After so much persistence, they agreed to go with Malam Ashiru.

Now as they hit the tar, Leek's has already fallen asleep and was leaning on Sadiqu's shoulder. Sadiqu began dozzing off too. He was also tired because he woke up early. One more thing was since they began the trip, he couldn't understand why he was extremely happy or why his heart was leaping in excitement.

He spent the next thirty minutes trying to find out the reason behind his sudden exhilaration. He was in reverie when the chauffeur announced that they were there. Leek has woken up too and was looking through the window.

Once the car pulled off, Leek couldn't hide her amusement. It had been years since she visited the kingdom. She was surprised to see the new paint of the palace.

Leek and Sadiqu sauntered out of the car and waited by the gate. Normally, when Leek comes she had to wait before they announce her arrival. This was what Mimi was talking about. No matter how close you're to the royal house, you have to wait for permission before you enter.

"This place is beautiful." Sadiqu murmured to her. His eyes had been looking at every single place they could sight. In short, he loved the place.

"It seems more beautiful everyday." Leek replied, also looking at the tall building. She had been coming there since infant days but each time she comes, she felt like it has been renewed.

"Are they allowing us in?" Sadiqu asked impatiently. He had never been to a palace so he knew not of the traditions and rites.

"I'm wondering the same. They all know me fa, I was weaned in this place and—" Leek was stopped midair when the blow of trumpet began.

"Welcome to the Bauchi Emirate Habiby." Leek took his hand and led them in. Sadiqu only looked at her and followed her. It was obvious that the blow of the trumpet was the gate pass.

Wow. Everything was impressive. He loved seeing places where rules were maintained.

Since they began entering, with slaves from behind them, their sides and their front, Sadiqu couldn't stop smiling. Right from the little verandah or rather long hallways he began to see different type of adornments. The palace was traditional.

There were a lot of woven hand fans on the walls. He had seen natural bowls (qwarya) painted with different colours and glued to the walls. Several tide works were displayed on the walls, ceilings and on the floors. He couldn't even name some of the accessories.

Sadiqu was oblivious to the reality and Leek smacked his arm. He smiled at her.

"We're starting with there," she pointed at a long corner that one could barely see it's end. Sadiqu just extended his neck and saw it before he paid more attention to what Leek would say. He was new there, so he had to he extra careful.

"That is the oldest chamber. Muhammad Dalha Madaki and Umaar Makama Abubakar's chamber. They're the most oldest people in this whole kingdom. Grandma said they were her father's mates. They're also her relatives. I can't remember how they're related but the fact that they know me and I know them is enough." She briefly told Sadiqu while they sashay to the chamber with slaves dressed in red and green uniform tailing behind them.

"So, you're telling me this people are as old as mount Everest!" Sadiqu exclaimed. Leek laughed at his exags.

"They're very old. One lost his eyes already but he can recite the Qur'an offhand with no mistake. The other has hearing impairment and couldn't walk without an aid but he can see everything." Leek said, demonstrating with her hand.

When they reached the chamber, they took a pause in their paces and waited for permission. A slave with a long sewn cap removed his shoes and entered with his head almost touching the ground. Minutes later, he came out and told Leek that they should enter.

Sadiqu yawed a curtain away and led them in. He was expecting a room or a parlour but all he saw was an expanse space. He looked at Leek in question.

"The rooms are ahead. This place is a whole town. It's your turn to have leg ache." She stuck her tongue at him. After saying that, she felt bad though it was a joke. Sadiqu would definitely get more tired than her since his other leg was equivalent to half.

Sadiqu noticed the fall of her demeanor. "This leg," he showed it and smiled.

"It doesn't hurt and can win a several metres marathon race." Leek smiled without saying a word.

"We are here finally." Sadiqu almost gasped. It looked like a mansion was in front of him. He felt like he was in London for the second time. The building was modernly architectured beyond imagination. It looked nothing like the previous buildings in the palace.

"All main chambers are like this. It's only the hallways, corridors, verandahs and so on that are still traditional. That's to keep and save the heritage of the kingdom. There's also a room we call tsohon daki (old room). It have all you can't think of. It's literally a house itself. It has scriptures, monuments, and several things which were older than the palace itself." Sadiqu only nodded before Leek helped him unbuckled his shoes.

She removed hers too and gestured for Sadiqu to get in. There, the slaves stood by the door hailing Leek and blowing several instruments.

Maleekah took Sadiqu's palm and they entered. The parlour was very big with several portraits on each wall. A long dried skin with a dribbled Qur'an verses. And a lot of modern accessories.

Leek and Sadiqu met a maid also dressed in a wrapper and shirt blue in colour. She bowed before Leek.

"Ranku ya dade, Madaki ya gayshe ku ya kuma yi muku iso zuwa lambun sa." May you live long. Madaki greets you and has granted you the permission to meet him at his garden.

"Thank you." Leek cut the praises and stood up from where she was sitting.

They took a long way and stopped by a glass door.

"This place has so much memories of ours. It became his favorite place when all his wives died. Four of them." Leek smiled sadly and placed her hand on the knob. They made their salaam and spotted Madaki on a comforter with something in his hand.

"That's him." Leek pointed.

Sadiqu looked at the direction. He could only sight grey hairs that turned to white completely.

Once they stood close to Madaki, the old man they made another salaam and went down in respect.

Madaki replied them with a cracky voice with a shaky smile.

"Baaba, I'm with my husband." Maleekah told him and collected what was in his hand. His hand was shaking due to old age.

Sadiqu decided to greet him again. "Barka da rana ranka ya dade, Allah ya qara lafiya, dafatan an wuni lafiya." The old man's ears only caught the mid words. Such, made him looked at Sadiqu whom has bent his head low.

"You're welcome son." He patted his hand on Sadiqu's shoulder.

"Godiya nake. Allah yaja da rai." Sadiqu felt the old man's hand stopped beating his shoulder. It wasn't shaking either. It stopped in the air.

Both Leek and Sadiqu looked at him. They noticed a smile and a tear on his face. He was still, as if paying attention to a thought in his mind. It was obvious that the man remembered an old memory.

Leek and Sadiqu were served fruits. The old man wasn't much of a talker. He only smiles occasionally. Sadiqu became tired of sitting. He decided to check what the man was reading perhaps he might be less bored and the man will also be entertained.

"Baaba, permit me to see what you're reading." Sadiqu hoped that was a good way of asking.

"Come sit here." He patted the next spot to him. The man loved poetry since his early days. He was always reading Nana Asma'u bint Fodios' work. He also love whoever shows his interest in what he's doing.

"This is Rumi's essential." Sadiqu commented on reading the first stanza in Arabic. The old man's eyes twinkled in delight.

"Be melting snow..." The old man read challenging Sadiqu.

"Wash yourself of yourself...
A white flower grows in that quietness." The old man smacked Sadiqu's arm.

"Let your tongue become that flower." He ended what Sadiqu stated laughing in cracks.

"Mmaleekah you've brought home to me a friend." He turned to look at Leek then embraced Sadiqu whilst trying to control his tears. It had been long since he got someone who shared the same thing with him.

That opened a new chapter of quoting lines and challenging each other. Leek felt odd among them. She was happy of the way Madaki was beaming.

"I didn't catch your name my friend." He finally asked after confirming that he couldn't beat Sadiqu. He enjoyed every single second with him. Sadiqu's company awaken an almost dead memory of his youth.

"Sadiqu-Isma'il." The old man sharply looked at Sadiqu, slowly taking in Sadiqu's features. From his curve thick brows, to his chiseled jaw.

The binded papers on the man's hand were soon in contact with the woven mat. He stretched his hand and touched Sadiqu's face.

"Repeat it please."

"Ismail, Saadiqul wa'ad. He who keep to his promise." The man began to sob uncontrollably such that he began to gasp for breath. The duo got terrified and hurried in to call Madaki's personal maid. In few seconds, she came and another slaves came and carried him away.

What's wrong?


It's a long chapter. I know right.

To those of you calling Sadiqu with Saddiqu then you guys are wrong. It's not the Sadiqqu that goes with the name Abubakar.

His own is, Saadiqu. And today we've seen the completion of the name with the meaning. 😂😂😂 weird name koh?

Okay, from now on as you read our Bauchi side, you've to consider that Bauchi is a fictional state. Aha!

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