SIXTY SEVEN; Finding Dual Treasures.
"Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un!" Maleekah slumped onto the floor. How could he do that to her? He was as good as a father to her, since he's a son to her granduncle. Who in the world do that? What nonsense? Maleekah couldn't controlled her tears. She let them gushed out willingly. Indeed it's the truth. Human are in complete error except whom Allah guided. And indeed, there are humans who could sell their akhira on a rust bronze platter just to get the world. Crazy things were happening in the world. Why will Allah not test people? Maleekah hugged herself and cried.
"I am so sorry Maleekah." Sadiqu said kneeling down before her.
"Allow me to cry. I need to cry for me and you. Please leave me." Sadiqu ran his hand across his face times without number. He doesn't know if he should remained calm or he should shout. Everything was too much to be absorbed all at once.
"I think crying is not the solution. We need to focus on how to find Mimi," Xurannah smirked, earning their attention.
"And how we're going to find the shoes. Before then, we've spent almost four hours in this room. Inna and everyone must be looking for all of you! And you've to call Mimi's family and tell them what happened. Again if you believe I won't cheat you, Sadiqu I suggest you go back to Kano. Go back home." Then Xurannah disappeared together with Mimi. She didn't waited to hear what Sadiqu would say.
Sadiqu looked Maleekah. He couldn't believe everything was happening to her because of him. Of course the jinns played their cards but Maleekah was obsessively in love with him. Sadiqu pitied her. His Leek, his blood.
He opened the door and exited the room with a heavy heart.
It was already a week of tossing on the bed, hissing when alone, grimacing and shouting at oneself. Sadiqu didn't heard from Xurannah again. Mimi's parent had been informed of her disappearance. Since then, Asnah stayed with Maama.
Sadiqu doesn't concentrate on anything anymore. He knew the school management that he worked with, were about to sack him.
He hardly visit his shop or garage to repair a car.
Inna came out from her room with a bucket of sesame cake. Yusrah was tailing behind her.
"Inna give me one. I'm going to give Dodo." Inna didn't paid any attention to Yusrah because her attention was completely on Sadiqu.
Yusrah took hold of the bucket and picked two sesame cake then sped out.
"Sadiqu!" Inna snapped at his face. His beard has became bushy, his moustache was a forest of it's own. Inna inspected his face and went back into a room. Jiffy moment, she came out with a mirror.
"Take a look at yourself. I am sure you're scaring people out there." Sadiqu chuckled on sighting his face. He looked like a cartoon character or a mad man.
"I need some shave. Inna the world is so corrupt." He finally sighed, for the ninth time.
"It is. That's why a person has to worry less about the affairs of people for, if you follow the wishes of most of the people on this earth, you will end up hurting yourself. Nowadays yourself is your priority, any other thing precedes. But then, we are not the same. We differ in character. There are people that deserve our kindness and vice versa." Inna finished pushing the small bucket towards Sadiqu's ankle.
He picked one and bit it. "Where's Yusrah?" He asked.
"Oh Allah, whatever you eat, you must give this girl. I've given her. She went out. She said she is going to give her friend. Ko dodo ko me? I didn't heard her properly. But I am sure she mentioned something like Dodo." Sadiqu stood up. The Dodo issue had been on his mind before the emergence of Mimi's case. He had been thinking and looking forward to the day he would meet this Dodo and find out why his daughter was so much attached to him. Who was he?
Sadiqu wore his sandals and washed his face.
"I will go and see how is he. She had been speaking of him." Inna nodded as Sadiqu trudged out.
Yusrah sat down properly and peeped into Dodo's face.
"Our mummy I and Asnah is no where to be found. Everyone cried. And she is not yet seen." She informed him.
"She will be seen by God's grace. How is your Abba?" Yusrah made a puppy face.
"My Abba doesn't play with me. And he shouts at me. And he doesn't sleep. He said I should pray for mummy to be seen."
"Did you prayed?" Yusrah brought out the sesame cake and gave him. He spread his palm and collected it.
"Thank you Yuchlah."
"Now I can say Yusrah. It's not Yuchlah." She pouted. Dodo chuckled.
"I do pray for her. I pray for Abba Jameel. Abba said he died." Dodo's hand shook.
Yusrah was alerted of all his moves. She wanted to see if he behaved like the Dodo she knew in tale. She wanted to tell Asnah every detail of what she saw.
"Dodo where is your house?" Dodo folded his hand and drew it back into his blanket. His body began shaking but still he drew his face cover and covered himself properly.
"I don't have a house." He answered. He just felt like Yusrah was being instructed to ask him such question. And he felt like the kid could be interrogated. He knew some people have noticed his presence hence he stopped coming. And he changed his blanket. This time around he sat farther away from Yusrah's house with a bowl in his front. As if he was a begger. Despite this, Yusrah kept walking until when she saw him and she recognized him. He felt like hugging the girl and going away with her. He was immensely in love with her.
The feeling was natural. If only she knew.
Sadiqu walked to the other lane and didn't see Yusrah so he took the other lane that was closer to a road were pedestrian and bicycles trespassed.
He sighted them and that time Yusrah hugged the strange man. Sadiqu panicked and rushed to the scenario.
On arriving, he sent a punch to the strange man's face and yanked away the blanket.
"Abba please don't beat him!" She besought trying to hold Sadiqu's hand. Sadiqu used his right leg to kick her to his back. Yusrah dejectedly stayed put and hugged Sadiqu's leg.
Sadiqu removed the face cover of the strange man also known as Yusrah's Dodo. A half burnt face greeted him. Instead of sending another handful of fists. Sadiqu held Dodo by his right hand and slowly drew Dodo's sleeve up.
Then he looked at the bare arm. A rectangular and dark birth mark.
"Who?" He asked, to be sure. The man covered Sadiqu's mouth.
"Shush!" He whispered then drew Sadiqu close and whispered something to his ears.
"I need your help." He repeated. Sadiqu dragged his hand to Inna's house. Yusrah was happy that Dodo would finally stay with them. She ran faster than Sadiqu to go and tell Inna how stuff unfolded.
"There are people around." Sadiqu felt the happiness he hadn't felt in a while. What the man whispered to him boosted his hope.
Who is Dodo???
Bar Nuraddeen held a headtie and motioned for Fatimah to turn around. Fatimah turned with a smile. He tied the headtie for a in a ture ka ga tsiya style. Fatimah then draped a long thick veil on her head.
"We're going to the hospital so no need to adorn your face." Fatimah had been feeling ill lately. Although she said she was fine, bar Nuraddeen suggested that they go and see a doctor.
"I need to eat first," she whined.
"But you end up being nauseatic, anyway what do you want to have?" He bowed dramatically.
"Custard with some sliced fruits in it." Yeah, that was what she was craving. Bar Nuraddeen went out to the kitchen to fulfill her wish. They had now moved out of the village. Their new house was in the town of Kano.
Fatimah's phone chimed. It was on her vanity table. She went and picked it lazily. It was her sister, Maimuna.
"Mummuna how're you?" She giggled on picking the call but the faint voice of Maimuna weakened her limbs.
"Fatimah he beat me again. I am bleeding and he left me alone in the house. Please come." Maimuna said in between gasped breath. Fatimah rushed to meet Noor at the kitchen.
"Noory, if the water isn't boiled yet please leave it. Maimuna just called. He beat her again and she said she's bleeding." Noor turned off the cooker.
"Is he an animal? I don't know why most men think like this. If he wants to show how powerful he is, then he should be in a competition with a man. But how could he beat his wife? I know what to do." Noor hastily came out of the kitchen and wore his cap.
"Let's go Noor." He referred to Fatimah. Fatimah opened the door of the car for him. He entered while she rounded to the other side. The gatekeeper zoomed the gate opened and they left the house.
Fatimah was silent throughout the drive. She could remember what Inna said the other time Maimuna reported her husband. She said if Maimuna didn't misbehave, he won't have beaten her. More so, she had to exercise patience because that's what was expected from a woman.
"Noor please don't be worried. She's going to be fine. Since she said she's bleeding, let's go to her house first and take her to the hospital." Fatimah nodded. Noor geared to Maimuna's house.
It was a local area hence they had to pack by the side of the main road and trolled to Maimuna's house.
The first entrance was stacked with firewood and rams tied to a stick. The rams had peed and excreted. That's how they managed their way in.
"Maimuna!" Fatimah ran to her and held her. Maimuna was already out of consciousness. Without second thought, Noor picked her on his arm. He was about stepping out when her husband collided with Noor.
"What nonsense? Where are you going with my wife? Now I see. You're her partner." Fatimah shifted closer, irritated.
"You must be really crazy! Now divorce my sister before we take you to court. As you can see my husband is a barrister." The man laughed.
"Look who's talking? Garbage? Everyone knows who you're. If you only you remained chaste no man will approach you, useless rot. Whether you ask of divorce or not, I have divorced your sister. Not once not twice, not thrice. She knows it. And the two kids are staying with me." Fatimah almost slumped while Noor just rushed to take Maimuna to the car.
"You're going to regret this!"
"I am not going to regret anything. I have been looking for a space to put my new wife. And the kids, as you can see I am coming back from somewhere. I sent them off, off to almajiranci in another state. I can't bear their burden." Fatimah gritted her teeth. Her phone's ringing tone stopped her from talking.
"Noor I am waiting in the car!" She said and just padded out of the house.
They arrived at the hospital quite a few minutes later. Fatimah's heart had been racing. She saved the recording and sent it to Noor before she rubbed her hands together.
"He sent the kids off. I waited at the Malam's house but the car has already left, they said. How cruel is that my Noor?" She asked, pacing about the hospital premises.
Noor dragged her and gave her a hug. "Calm down." He slipped his phone out of his pocket and called someone.
"I've taken care of everything. He's going to pay for it." Fatimah nodded.
A nurse appeared and handed Noor a filecase. "This is the result." Noor collected and tried to open it.
"No," Fatimah stopped him.
"Until we know Maimuna's health state." He smiled with her.
"If you say so."
"Who's Maimuna's guardian?" Fatimah knew this voice. No matter where, she could recognized it.
They turned to face Dr Muhseen.
"Barrister?" Dr Muhseen exclaimed not noticing Fatimah. He shook Noor's hand and they exchanged greetings.
Then his gaze darted and fell on her.
"Uh- Fatimah." He stammered.
"Dr Muhseen. How are you?" Her eyes spied Noor.
"Fine. Longest time! How have you been?"
"Life just happened. I forgot to bring my wife to you. Jannah is her name.". Fatimah grinned. At least he's moved on.
"You can come in." He showed them the room Maimuna was laying. He bid them bye and left. Fatimah felt the atmosphere regaining it's convenience.
Sadiqu and Yusrah's Dodo were eating food when Fatimah, Noor and Maimuna came in. Yusrah ran to Fatimah. Fatimah picked her up with a yell.
Inna has just came out from the toilet. The first person she saw was Maimuna.
"Maimuna what's this bandage on your head? What happened?" She then saw Noor.
"Nura? Bismillah, come in." She led them to her parlour. Sadiqu stood up and exchanged greetings with them all.
"What happened?"
"What you want. Inna just look, she had miscarriage and her head had a bruise. Then the ugliest news is he's divorced her. And he had sent the kids to almajiranci." Fatimah was deliberately dabbing it on Inna's face. She wanted Inna to feel guilty and bad. She wanted Inna to realise that she's followed the wrong path in raising her kids.
"Fatimah what's all this?" Inna asked on the verge of crying.
"The truth Inna. I am going to remind you of so much. Maimuna specifically told you she was tired. For a person like her to say that, you know she's been pushed to the wall. Yet you sent her back as if you didn't like her. Take for example of Ya Jameel." Fatimah took a deep and sharp breath.
"When he came back, instead of you to make sure he's alright. You followed the wish of your heart Inna. You handed him to people you don't know not to talk of trusting them. Since then we never saw him again. I am sure wherever Ya Jameel is, he will never forgive you. Then come down to me, I don't need to start from the beginning. You married me off to Noor not minding whether he's good or not. You just wanted to cover your reputation. Now Maimuna, you can remember all about her. Ya Sadiqu wasn't left behind too. You just agreed of his marriage not knowing who the wife is. I don't know but I know you have a hand in sis Maleekah's divorce plus sis Mimi's disappearance." Sadiqu heard enough.
"Fatimah if you say a word again I am going to slap you!" He thundered.
"Ya Sadiqu allow me to speak. She needs to thread on the right path. We have to rescue the life of Wali and Sadi if not Inna will repeat the same mistake on them." The strange man only stared at Fatimah. He's sure she didn't see him.
"Fatimah please," Maimuna croaked.
Fatimah was made to keep shut when Sadi and Wali came in. They all dispersed about the house. Inna set to the kitchen to cook for Maimuna while Noor left and said he will come back to pick Fatimah at night.
"Fatimah who's that strange man? Didn't you noticed? You were busy pouring out our secret in the presence of a strange man." Fatimah looked confused.
"What strange man?"
"You mean you didn't see a man with a burnt face?" Fatimah shook her head.
"I saw when Ya Sadiqu lead him to his side." Maimuna informed.
"Ah ahn gossiper! Even with the sickness you're still an expert! Mummuna the gossiper!" Fatimah chanted with an opened mouth.
"Idiot!" Maimuna cursed. Fatimah laughed and went to meet Sadiqu.
She waited to think. Should she salam first? Yes ahe should. Sadiqu was out.
"Salam alaikum." She said by the door and thrusted in inward.
The strange man answered and came out. Fatimah looked at him for few seconds. She took him off guard and check his arm.
Fatimah lowered her voice.
"Ya Jameel, stop pretending!" She dared. She wasn't sure. But she felt it was him.
"Fatimah shush. My name is not Jameel!" Fatimah laughed and then hugged him.
"I swear it is you." Then her eyes started brimming with tears. She wanted to squeal of joy but something at the back of her mind told her not to. Just like it seemed to her, Sadiqu and Jameel were playing smart.
"Does Ya Sadiqu know?" Her voice was a hush.
"He does but he keeps it lowkey."
"How did it happened?"
Jameel briefed her. "He recognized me before I whispered to him but he remained normal because he knew people are watching. We have to keep it a secret. Let's see when Inna will get it. By the way you were too rude earlier on." Fatimah released him.
"I am sorry Ya Jameel. Your face? What h..." He stopped her.
"A long story. I shall tell the story to the whole family." Fatimah nodded.
"Let me go before Mummuna start suspecting."
"And I heard everything," Maimuna stepped forward and hugged Jameel too.
"Ya Jameel i feel like swallowing you out of joy wallah." Fatimah said.
"I love you so much too my sisters. But please i know i won't make a good eat with my burnt face. "They laughed and talked a bit then departed from the backside of the house.
Sadiqu made it a habit to call Maleekah in Inna's presence. He does that to avoid answering questions on why he was less worried.
It was a hot afternoon when they were sitting with Inna gisting here and there. Jameel came out to perform ablution. He drew his sleeve up and kept swinging his hand for Inna to notice. Plan successful, Inna looked. Her heart dropped at the sight.
She released the radio she was holding and went to where Jameel was performing ablution.
"What is your name again dan nan?" She asked.
"Sani mai gyaran agogo (Sani the wristwatch repairer😂😂)." Jameel replied almost laughing.
"Ouch see something by your leg!" Inna showed the floor, Jameel looked so Inna got the chance to draw his shirt up from the back. Another birth mark was perfectly sitting there.
Before Jameel could become cognizant of what was happening, Inna engulfed him in a hug.
"Sani? You lost your memory okay? You're my son Jameel I swear. I swear you're my son." She wept. Sadiqu winked at Jameel from where he was sitting.
"Inna I didn't loose any memory, my name is Sani. And I lost my mother." He replied, getting out of her hold.
"Kai dannan wallahi da na ne. Hey kid, I swear you're my child." Jameel wasn't able to keep on with the prank because of the way Inna was crying. It broke his heart.
"Inna it's a Jameel!" He confessed.
"I knew it," and so, new and fresh tears started gushing. They spent an hour crying before they remained calm. Maimuna called Fatimah and told her of the latest.
As they all sat, Jameel cleared his voice and started.
"Please close the door." Wali ran to close the door.
"Inna I will start by saying I have forgiven you for everything. The day you handed me to that Malam marked rge beginning of hell in the world for me. He was a terrorist and I became among them. No need to say what we do. But at last we were taken away to be interrogated. On the day of our execution, we were set to he taken to somewhere in Abuja. Remaining terrorist knew about the date so they implanted bombs on the car because they felt like we will reveal their secrets. On our way the car blasted, I started burning but the door opened. Hence I rolled out and my body fell to a bush. The rest of the bodies burnt to ash. Nigerian army came and inspected, they was no body to pick. I nurtured myself in the bush and fed on plants. I walked for days and days until when I found a trailer. I jumped on it. And it stopped at nowhere but Songhay. That time I could barely talk. I don't know why. I dropped from the trailer and passed out. That's how a man picked me and took me to his house. There I stayed, while their daughter Khadijahtou took care of me very well. A lot happened aftermath. They didn't asked me of my past because I behaved like I have lost my memory. They accepted me like their own and I became part of them. Khadijatou lost both parent." Jameel kept quiet because he knew his siblings were listening anymore.
When their cries subsided he continued. "And they married Khadijahtou to me. That's when I showed her that I have regained my memory and I wanted to go home. She's been supportive all through. And I am talking, I left her somewhere in this village! And I will forever remain Sani to avoid questions by our villagers. I will tell Khadijahtou that my real name is actually Sani. You get it? So Khadijahtou is here in Rimin Gata as I said earlier." Fatimah and Maimuna looked up.
"Ya Jameel where is she???"
"You will meet her soon." Inna was still crying. Jameel hugged her.
"Inna it's all gone." But she never stopped crying. Jameel engulfed them all in a single big hug. They cried altogether as a family. The tears of joy ceased to stop dropping.
"Ya Sadiqu I found something a long time. I think it's the box you're talking of." Jameel told Sadiqu later midnight. While everyone has slept off, they stayed together in a room chatting. Sadiqu told him what happened and why they were not around.
"I am serious!" the Sadiqu sharply looked at Jameel.
"I found it since the first time I was taken to that forest. And I came home with it and buried it at the back of this house." Sadiqu thought he was hallucinating or dreaming.
"Let's go and dig it then! We can't wait till morning to do that. And we don't want question right?" Sadiqu got up and wore a jallabiya. They silently went out of the house with a cutlass and circled to the back of the house. Jameel stood to monitor whether no one was coming.
Sadiqu shone his torch at where exactly Jameel show him. He began to dig. He spent almost twenty minutes but nothing was seen.
"Jameel I think you're mistaken!" Sadiqu gave up.
"It's here Ya sadiqu. I am sure. Just move a little bit and dig. Sadiqu dropped the cutlass and picked a digger. Just like that, he remembered his father. He remembered when he was taught of how to harvest. Little him was scared then. He was afraid that once he raised the cutlass up, it will land on his head. But overtime, he got used to it.
After the second pounce, Sadiqu felt something metallic.
"Jameel I think it's here." He used his hand and began clearing the sand away. A beautiful golden box got revealed. Sadiqu sat down and brought it out excitedly.
"Don't open it here Ya Sadiqu. Let's go in." They carried all the stuff and intended to leave.
"What if Malam Bulama wakes up in the morning i see pile of sand?" Jameel asked.
"So you can still remember everyone!" Sadiqu asked.
"Then he will think it's rabbit that dug it." Jameel and Sadiqu hushed a laughter, puffed air of happiness and went back inside their house and then directly to the room.
They tried to open the box but they was some alphabets written. And they had to be put before the box opens. It was like a password. Sadiqu wondered how the box was made even though the technology of that time was low.
"My love had love for engineering stuff like you." He heard Xurannah's voice. Sadiqu felt happiness surging everywhere.
"I think this is where that paper plays it roles. I know you have memorised what Madaki wrote." Sadiqu stopped to remember.
He then started writing this way.
Your farm, your home, your life. Take care of your farm for it will bring a great yield. Pick up the seed you threw, for, it's your treasure. Then supplicate to your lord.
The box didn't opened. Sadiqu kept quiet.
"Your identity, your treasure. Try that. It's what Ridwanatu often say." Xurannah suggested. Sadiqu uttered a bismillah and wrote it.
The lid of the box jolted up and the box opened.
"It's open!" Jameel screamed. Sadiqu's eyes were still close.
"Congratulations my love. You did it! Congratulations King Isma'il Sadiqal wa'ad the second." Sadiqu didn't know why but tears made their way out.
Phew! Longest chapter of this book, Finally!
Our Habiby Jameel is back ops I mean Dodo, no Sani mai gyaran agogo😂😂😂😂😂
I enjoyed writing this but my eyes have started itching. So we meet tomorrow in sha Allah. If I'm not opportuned, I say Assalam alaikum once again.
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