Jimin's POV
It's been around three days since my visit to the hospital. She's still alive. Barely. She says she's fighting for me, and she'll try her best. I hope she makes it. I don't know how I'm supposed to live without her. I don't think I can. She's the only one I have.
"Jimin! Go buy some groceries. We need some for dinner," my grandma yelled from the living room.
"Okay, grams!" I said back.
I think I'm going to visit Mom again.
As I brought the bags of groceries to the car, I got ready and started off to the hospital. It wasn't a long drive from the grocery store. Maybe 5 minutes. I got there in no time, and started lifting my light feet to meet my mother.
I put my phone in the back pocket of my baby blue jeans and made my way in. When I looked up, I saw something unexpected.
Taehyung's POV
It was Saturday morning and I just woke up. So, I decided to make some breakfast, since I was actually hungry today. I looked
For pancake mixes on Pinterest and attempted to follow along. It wasn't as hard as I thought. The hardest part was making sure I put the right amount. When the pancakes were finished, I gathered some fruits and syrup to top it off. When I took the first bite, I was in awe. I quickly finished them, leaving me feeling a little bloated.
"Well aren't you a fat pig," my mom laughed. "Eating a whole plate of pancakes like that."
"This might be the last time I ever eat breakfast again..." I mumbled so only I could hear.
"Anyways I'm off to work. Don't get into trouble," she said, starting to get ready.
"Like you'd care anyways," I rolled my eyes.
"True," She said before leaving.
When she left, I decided that I'd just stay home today. I went to the couch and browsed through some channels. Until my phone started to ring.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Hello. This is Taehyung, correct?" The voice asked.
"I-uh Yes," I answered.
"Well hello, Taehyung! I'm calling for Jimin's Mom. She said she wanted to see you. So would you be able to come to the hospital today?" She asked.
"Y-yes. Sure," I stuttered.
"Okay, I'll tell her you'll be here anytime," she giggled before hanging up.
"Why would Jimin's Mom want to see me?"
When I walked into the room, her hand was calling me over to her bed. She spreads her arms out for a hug, which I quickly gave.
"Hello, Tae! It's so nice to see you again," she smiled, a small tear running down her face.
"It's nice to see you too, eomma," I smiled back.
"Tae, I've got a favor to ask," she stated.
"Yes, What is it?" I asked.
"Will you help Jimin get some friends? I know he doesn't have any. And I won't be there for him my whole life. You could just show him your friends, or help him talk to people. Maybe be his friend if you aren't already?" She said.
I was frozen from shock.
"Uh. You know who I am, eomma. What will other people think of me talking to someone who's not part of the bad boys?" I stressed.
"Taehyung, we all know that you like Jimin," she started.
"Wait What?! How does everyone know?" I whisper yelled.
"So you do like my boy," she giggled. "Who wouldn't."
"No! I don't like him like that," I stressfully yelled, covering my blushed cheeks with my hands.
"Okay, okay. But can you please do this? For me?" She pleaded.
"Fine. For you," i huffed in defeat.
"Thank you," she squealed hugging me again.
That's when I heard the door open.
"T-Taehyung...?" Jimin barley whispered.
"Yeah?" I answered, letting go of his mothers embrace.
"What are y-you doing here?" He asked, squeaking a bit from nervousness.
"Visiting your mother. Why else would I be here?" I laughed.
"Well duh I know that. But why are you visiting my mother?" He asked again.
"She wanted me to come," I said. He glared lightly at his mother.
"What! I was feeling lonely," she put her hands up in defense of the small but furious boy.
"And you couldn't call your own son!?" He questioned, seeming a bit heartbroken that she chose me and not him.
"Y'know, there's a reason he's here. He'll be helping you meet new people!" Jimin's Mom yelled in excitement.
"W-what? Why him, eomma?" He whined.
"Oh shut up and stop acting like you two hate each other!" She huffed. "Just kiss already. It's painful watching you two lovebirds just stare at each other." And with that, both Jimin and I's cheeks went the brightest colour of red possible.
"Really, Mom!" He whisper yelled.
"I may be sick and hurt, but that doesn't mean I can't tease you anymore," she laughed.
"Oh whatever. Love you, mom," he said, hugging her lightly.
"C'mon, Taehyung. Don't you want to join in the family hug with your mother in law," she smirked.
"Mom!" Jimin yelled, it was muffled from his moms embrace. I just joined in, hugging my arm around Jimin's back, reaching his mom. I put my head down into his back because I was just so tired and done with my family shit. I wish my family was like this. We were like this for a while. Until his mother let go. I didn't even realize. I just wrapped my arms around Jimin's waist and kept hugging him.
"Taehyung?" Jimin's Mom called.
"Yeah?" I said, my voice barely audible because I'm talking into Jimin's shirt.
"You can stop hugging Jimin, Y'know,"'she said, tilting her head to the side.
"O-oh, Yes," I said, letting go of the said boy.
"Were you crying?" She asked. I wiped my eyes quickly after hearing that. Was I crying?
"N-no," I stuttered.
"What's wrong?" She asked, looking very concerned.
"I-it's just I've a-always wanted a f-family like this o-one," I stuttered out. "My family doesn't even acknowledge me. And when they do, it's to call me fat because I was eating something," I started crying.
"Aw, baby. You are not fat. You seem like an amazing son," she said.
"I'm not!" I yelled. "I was a freaking mistake!" I sobbed louder.
"In my opinion, you would be the best mistake ever made," she smiled.
"You remind me a lot of your son," I chuckled wiping tears from my eyes, remembering what he told me.
"Does that mean you like me too?" She asked, wiggling her eyebrows.
"Eomma!" We both yelled in unison, causing her to laugh.
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