Chapter 96



From: Lucy.

Thank you very much Harry. I can't believe it, it's beautiful.

To be honest I was very eager to receive a message from Lucy and I don't want to be mean but I cannot believe that this is what I get. I'm happy that she appreciates what I did but I need more. I made the letter a thousand times and I was expecting more from her but I didn't get even half of what I thought. I understand her attitude, I really do but sometimes it drives me crazy.

What I really need is Lucy and her words, I need more communication between us but she is so weird sometimes that I don't know how to do it. I could approach to Emily and talk to her and she would respond but if I get close to Lucinda and try to talk to her I will not get the same reaction.

There are several things I can't do it with her and is due to the simple fact that she is completely opposite to the girls who I've went out. That kicks me out of my comfort zone and now I'm in a mysterious place. Anyway, I'm out of my comfort zone, I've never done for a girl what I did for her. My actions speak for me, I'm crazy about Lucy.

Every step I take is very important and that's why I'm so slow. I am afraid; I don't want to make a mistake.

I thought the work we have to do in biology would help us, join us but Lucy told me it would be good to start doing it online. I almost wanted to jump out of the window when she said that. I just wanted to grab her by the shoulders and say that I am so in love with her and that I just want us to spend more time together and that she didn't do this to me because it was hurting me.

She has no idea how her indifference and fear is hurting me. Her fear of me is what scares me because I don’t want her to feel that way but unfortunately what we need is time.

The problem is that my lack of patience is nearly killing me. It is my worst enemy.

Each time we sat together and shared a couple of words makes me happy but it bothers me. It bothers me more than what I think and what I imagine. The wall is not falling and I'm a fool to think I could do the things better. Will I be able to break the wall? What if I can't do it? I cannot find any other solution, I have no choice. I just want Lucy.

Wanting Lucinda is exciting, real and such a powerful feeling. It's when you do the things you love to do. I know she is not a "thing" but I mean the similarity of the feeling.

I sipped my beer and leaned an elbow on the table. As always we are having a few beers with the guys, they don't seem to get tired of this routine but I do. I wouldn't change my friends but if I could I'd be in Lucy's house right now. Being next to her and just watch a movie or hide my face in her neck. I never thought I would appreciate and crave so much for something so simple, but it shouldn't be a surprise to me because that's all that composes Lucy, simple things.

I observe a couple and grab my phone.


To: Lucy.

I miss you Lucy.

The boy is hugging his girlfriend and kisses her forehead and that irritates me because I want those memories back, but I want it to be real.


To: Lucy.


Dammit, I shouldn’t have sent it. Perhaps capital letters aren't going to help me right now. I hope she doesn't think I'm screaming at her. Maybe she thinks I'm desperate...wait, am I?

To: Lucy.

Lucy, I'm not screaming but I really miss you a lot.

"Dammit," I growled and decided not to continue writing the message.

"What are we going to do about this poor soul?" Louis shook his head.

"Being in love seems to be the worst," Niall said looking at me.

"I don't think that is bad, the problem is that Harry is not having a lot of luck,” Liam replied.

"If Lucy was easier he would probably be happy now but the story is much different," Zayn spoke this time. "Our committee of ideas failed, failed miserably."

"We're a failure; we didn't have a lot of opportunity to help about this,” Louis said and everyone nodded in agreement. "I think the flowers were amazing, did she like it?"

"Yes, she liked it but is not enough."

"Were you expecting her back into your arms after that?" Niall drank his beer and I did the same.

"Yep, just in my imagination but I’m never on the easy way."

"I'd say you should forget her but—"

"But I don't want to," I finished the sentence for Liam.

"This reminds me of the old times and about Emily."

"Emily was nothing," I replied to silence Louis. "Now I can see that she meant nothing."

"We can see it, compared to Lucy Emily didn't affect you the way Fray is doing, "Louis put his hand on my shoulder. "We should search on the internet how to get a girl back."

"That would make us misfits, come on, we can find another way. Also, Harry should think more or maybe you also want a relationship with Lucy? "

"We need more action in our life," Tomlinson crossed his arms.

"Is not enough with the action of selling drugs?" Liam raised his eyebrows and Tomlinson shook his head.

"This story has action, sex, fights, drugs, and Harry can bring the true love!"

"What about death?"

"Fine, I will die."

"Louis if you die I will leave the house," Zayn replied and Louis blew him a kiss.

"I always knew about your love for me.”

I smiled and Niall proposed a toast. We drank our beers together and then I grabbed my phone. Somehow I'm having fun but I think it would be better if Lucy was beside me. I want to send a message but what could I say?


To: Lucy.

I hope you know I wish you were here by my side and not in your home or with someone else. I miss you more than you could imagine.




"Lucy, this is absolutely beautiful," Cassie snatched my phone and looked more closely at the image.

"Damn, I wanna see too," Mandy approached to Cassie and the brunette showed her the picture. "Holy shit, I want to cry."

"Dammit, I can't believe it," Cassie looked at me shocked. "Harry? Harry, did it?"

"Yes," I gave a short nod. "He also sent these messages."

I showed my friends the last three messages I got from him.

"What did you answer?"

"I didn't," I shrugged. "I don't know what to say, I was caught off the guard in each message."

"I really want to cry, this is very sweet," Mandy said and pressed her lips into a thin line. "It can't be Harry."

"I hate that bastard but the flowers...the flowers are the most beautiful I've seen."

"Can you imagine how long it took him to do it? He had to write in all those petals, he had to get them from somewhere and glued them into the concrete one by one. Holy shit, this is honestly too much for me, "Mandy shook her head and she looks really sad.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, is just that this is so sweet. Somehow he is fighting for you and I wish Ryan could do the same for me," Mandy sighed and looked down.

"Forget him, he doesn't deserve you, you're amazing," Cassie said quickly and we both hugged Mandy.

"Yes, Mandy. You're a great girl, someone better will come, "I muttered.

I pulled a handkerchief out of my bag and handed it to her. We were a few minutes in silence and then Cassie clears her throat.

"Lucy, I think what Harry did was sweet but I don't know, is suspicious. Why is he so in love with you when he never touched you?" Cassie squints at me, wanting to extract the truth.

"Seriously Cassie?" Mandy growls.

"What? It's my opinion, sorry. "

"Okay you need to stop now!" Mandy speaks for me, she looks angry and she never gets angry.

"But what did I say now?" Cassie let out a groan, looking at Mandy.

"What you just said is so stupid that honestly if you weren't my friend I would slap you. Perhaps the concept that you have is wrong, you know? I am so tired of people saying that sex is everything in a relationship; it may be important but not fundamental. I'm not a virgin anymore but I understand what she is feeling. Maybe people like Lucy and I know something that our generation doesn't know, love is not sex. Love is built through the days, months, by words and actions, for the small details, the joys, obstacles, by patience, by time and shared secrets and most importantly by trust. The trouble is that everyone in our fucking generation only thinks about sex," Mandy blurts out and her face is almost red.

Well, that's what I meant, but she pretty much explained so well. I'm impressed, we have the same concept.

I can see all the anger that escapes through her face. Mandy is keeping so much for herself and now she is releasing a couple of things and I don't know if it's good in this way.

"They didn't need to touch to find love, you know?" She growls.

Cassie and I are speechless. I have no arguments against her and Cassie is analyzing and thinking about what Mandy said.

Her words were beautiful, sweet and so real to what I feel. Harry never had to touch me to make me feel loved or important. His words, his hugs, his sweet and adorable smile was more than I could ask for. It's sad, I feel nostalgia and sadness explore every inch of my skin.

I really miss Harry.

"Dammit, I'm sorry girls, it's just that the three of us belong to very different situations. Sometimes I need a slap for the things I say," Cassie apologized.

"It's fine," I said.

This is the way Cassie is, sometimes she can't control what she says but if she is wrong she always apologizes and that's what really matters.

"Lucy, if I were in your shoes I wouldn't know what to do but maybe a chance it would be a good idea," Mandy shrugged. "I don't know what to think about Harry but what I know is that he was very sweet and maybe this is a sign. You remember what I told you once? Love is a risk, and sometimes we just have to take that risk. "


"Fine Marcel, I need your help," I said as soon as I returned to my room. "Which of the two do you prefer?" I showed the two sweaters I held in each hand.

"Lucy, I swear they have the same color."

"What? Mom didn't say that," I looked at the two pieces and I think mom is crazy, both sweaters are white.

"I never thought you would ask me advice on how to dress."

"Me neither," I smiled and placed one of the sweaters. "How do I look?"

"Normal?" Marcel replied without looking at me and he kept playing with the Xbox.

I put on black shoes and decided to do a braid.

"What if I change and make two braids?"

"The world would collapse," Marcel said and I heard an explosion coming from the game.

I undid the braid and I did two. I look different but very normal.

"You look good, you're probably going to be the bomb of the party," jokes Marcel and I'm impressed by the strange humor that is around him.

"Why are you being sarcastic?" I asked sitting next to him.

"It's not sarcasm, for me you're the bomb of the party."

"We never go to parties together," I added, blushing. "Just once, I think."

"Yes, because you were too busy with the Dark Lord," he shrugged. His words were uncomfortable so I decided to laugh because of the nickname.

"Cassie told you about that?" I asked and Marcel nodded with a smile.

"My cousin should not be mentioned. I think Dark Lord fits perfect for him.”

"Lucy, Marcel, are you ready?!" I heard Mom's voice and stood up.

"Okay, it's time," Marcel turned off the Xbox and walked to the door. "I can't believe we're going out for a beer."

"Me neither," I smiled and followed him to the first floor.

We stood together, side by side and Mom smiled at us.

"You two look so cute, both with white sweaters!" She squealed and took out her cell phone. "Can I take a picture?"

"No," I refused and Marcel slipped his arm around my shoulders.

"Don't be an ogre, Lucy," my friend said and Mom nodded.

I half smiled and Lily took the picture with her phone.

"Okay, let's go."

We followed mom to the car. Marcel and I put the seatbelt and mom drove listening pop music. The place where we are going was not so far away.

"I told my mother I was going to be in your house and maybe we'd drink a beer," Marcel whispered to me. "I want to get drunk."

"What? No, it is difficult to take care of you, Marcel. "

"I'll be good this time, I promise."

"Lucy, I spoke with Dr. Mawson and Zac will also go out tonight. I told where would you go and I think Zac will be there with his friends. I'll send you a text message with his number. "

"Mom!" I growled.

"Who is Zac?" Marcel muttered.

"Zac is Lucy's next boyfriend, I'm very sure," Lily said and I rolled my eyes. "He is new here and he has a few friends, you and Marcel should share with him."

"Yeah, sure," I replied.

"How are you going to go home later?" Lily asked.

"My mom will go for us or we will take a taxi."

"Fine, be careful," Mom said as she parked. "Have fun but not too much, you know what I mean."

Marcel and I blush and I appreciated the fact that we had arrived. We got off the car quickly and said goodbye to my mother.

"I'll take care of Lucy, don't worry!" My friend said before Lily left.

"Why do you want to get drunk?" I asked as we walked.

"I've been sober for so long, besides alcohol could help me to be more confident. I want to try, I still have my social experiment. "


"Yes, I think that the last step would be to change my look but I'll ignore that."

"Good because you look fine the way you are."

"Yes, and I wouldn't change because the nerds will always be nerds."

"Don't call us that way, Marcel."

"You need to admit that we are listed in that section unfairly, Lucy," he said and I nodded silently. "We have no fashion sense but we should make a toast to that."

"Yes, we should."

When it was our turn we show our IDs and we entered the place. It is not very crowded but looks comfortable. I just want a beer and share with my friend Marcel.

"I think we should always do this, we played all afternoon and now we're having fun as teenagers," Marcel told me while we waited our beers.

"Why didn't you invite your friends?" 

"I did, Mandy refused and Cassie was busy, but it doesn't matter I'm glad you're here."

After a few seconds we grabbed our beers and looked for a table. I've never been out with Marcel to this kind of places but rarely I wanted to be here. Being locked in my house seemed to be a not very appropriate choice for today.

"Please go slow, Marcel," I said as I see how quickly he is drinking the beer. "Your mother will be mad ."

"I don't care, I want to be a rebel," the boy smiles while cleaning his glasses. "Plus you'll see your friend Zac, right?"

"He's not my friend, I met him at a wedding but that's all."

"I hope he comes with more friends so we can socialize with more people."

"I only want to socialize with you, to be honest," I confessed, and that's the goal for me.

"Oh, come on, Lucy! We need to know more people. "

"What happened to shy Marcel?"

"What happened to shy Lucy?" I answered with another question.

"I'm still shy."

"Me too, nerds will always be nerds but this will help," he pointed out the glass of beer and started drinking again.

I took a long sip of my beer and Marcel went to buy more.

"Please, I don't want you to be drunk, the last time it did not end very well," I said as soon Marcel returned.

"Yes, you're right. I act really dumb and it could be dangerous. Lucy, you brought a comic in case of emergency? "I nodded and my friend smiled. "Okay, Batman will be our friend if we get bored. Want to play the game of chess online? "He asked pulling out his phone.

I accepted his proposal and took out my phone. We played a game of online of chess and I won a couple of times but Marcel won most of the time. We drank our beers and then we played a quiz game for two players. This time we won equally and it's a fierce competition. We stopped when I got a call from Zac. Oh my God, no, no.

"Hello," I answered the call, very flushed.

"Lucy, I see you!" Zac said on the phone and I looked everywhere until I saw him.

Zac is walking with five boys and two girls. Oh no, this is so embarrassing. This is because of mom and now I hate her for what she did.

We greeted the boys, Zac introduced us to his group and Marcel and I smiled. They went to buy their drinks and then returned to us. At first they just talked and Marcel and I were antisocial we only nodded and smiled or laughed to accompany the others.

Marcel started to drink more and then he finally joined the conversation with the group. He was not drunk but he had more personality. I'm glad he is having fun. The group was very nice, I couldn't talk to the girls because they were with their boyfriends so I was basically sitting next to Zac playing chess with my phone. I was about to pull out my comic in case of emergency but if I did they will pay attention to me and I didn't want that.

"So how's your problem?" Zac told me and I left the game aside.

"Fine, I think," I replied uncertainly.

"What happened? Did he ruin everything? "

I shook my head. "No, actually he was very good and sweet and I don't know how to react. I am so slow and a coward. "

"What? Of course not. And what did he do? "

I showed the picture of the heart that Harry made ​​with petals and Zac's jaw dropped.

"Holy shit, marry him," Zac smiled and I did too. "This is amazing and very creative. Believe me not all guys spend so much time in making a gift, many boys like to go the easy way. "

"You also go for the easy way?" Zac nodded at my question and I rolled my eyes.

"Sorry, I'm honest!" He laughed.

"Thanks for being here," I shrugged. "I didn't plan anything, I hope you don't feel obligated, I know my mother talked to your father."

"Hey, it's okay, it doesn't bother me at all. Also your friend is rarely funny," he smiled. "Cute style," he said and grabbed the tip of one of my braids.

I smiled and looked down at my lap. I gave a short sip of my beer and then I looked up. My whole body shudders at the sight of Harry, he's sitting a few tables away. He is watching me and he seems very annoying.

"What are you staring at Lucy?" Marcel asked and then followed the course of my gaze. "What? Cousin, cousin, hi cousin! "Marcel squeaked but Harry ignored him.

I am a coward, Harry is the exact reason why I wanted to go out tonight and now he's here. There are always big coincidences when it comes to us.

"Who is he?" Zac asked in my ear and Harry rose from his seat.

"It's Harry, the-the guy that I spoke to you," I replied and Zac looked at him again, this time Harry was closer.

I took another sip of my beer and then I stood up from the seat. My legs were a little shaky but I managed to walk towards him.

"It would be great if you answer my messages," Harry said as soon as I stood in front of him.

"Hi," I replied blushing, "and I'm sorry, I just don't know what to say."

"I know but you should try," he said softly. "So who are these people?" Harry asked, looking at the table behind us. He grabbed my hand and waited for an answer.

"A couple of friends, I wanted to go out just with Marcel but my mom did something."

"What did she do?" The green-eyed boy asked with his eyes on me.

"One of her friends has a son who is new here, so she spoke to his father to make the boy go out with me."

"But you're with my cousin; you're perfectly fine with Marcel."

"I know but...but my mother wants to find me a boyfriend," I admitted and Harry pressed his lips into a thin line.

"You should tell your mom that we're together, he can't be because I want to be your boyfriend. I know I shouldn't say it now, but, hm, yeah, you know I wanna be with you, I wanna be your boyfriend, Lucy. "

I smiled due to his clumsiness and the sincerity of his words.

"By the way you look lovely," he confessed and his hand softly pulled one of my braids. "White suits you and your lips are very rosy, Lucy," Harry said, his hand caressed my cheek.

The way his eyes are watching me makes me feel much more nervous. My legs are shaking a bit.

"I have to go back," I said and his smile faded.

"Stay with me?" He asked very doubtful. I looked at his table and his four friends waved at me.

"I can't, I need to go back with Marcel. Plus you're with your friends--"

"We can find another table," he cut me off and spoke hopefully.

This was being difficult but I remember that I came here with Marcel and I can’t leave him alone.

"Nope," I answered simply.

"Fine, then, I'll take you home."

"Is that an order?"

"Something like that. Just say yes, is not that hard. "

"Okay," I agreed without hesitation.

"Finally!" He sighed. "I'm very in love with you, little Lucy."

I also wanted to tell him the same but I kept my mouth shut about it.

"See you later, don't run away because I will find you," Harry said and I nodded.

He released my hand and returned to the group. I told Zac what just happened and he congratulated me. Marcel didn't notice what happened so I got no comments from him. I rest my back against the chair and Zac starts talking about different things.

I answer and laugh at the right moments. I cannot help but look at Harry's table, the chair in which he sits let him watch our table perfectly. His eyes are always on me and I'm nervous right now and after when I leave with him. I wonder what he is waiting for me.

I put a straw in my cup and start drinking. The beer finishes faster and then Zac poured more for me. I drink faster and I always look away when I see Harry. First his expression is neutral but now he looks annoying. I don't understand why, I agreed to go with him, what else does he want?

It is very hot here, my cheeks are very warm, Marcel also has red cheeks. One of the guys said a very silly but funny joke, of course we all laughed. Zac rests his forehead on my shoulder while laughing. He raises his head to look at me and my teeth bite the straw. He is very cute.

My phone rings in my pocket, I grabbed it and checked the message.


From: Harry.


Don't? Don't what?

I looked up confused and he rolls his eyes.

I sucked harder from the straw and Marcel asked me to dance and this time I said yes.

"Marcel, nerds don't dance," I said as we walked.

"I'm happy, who cares!" He answered and took my hand.

I don't know how I'm not ashamed but Marcel and I danced very strange and we don't follow the rhythm. We laugh at ourselves and I think that's good medicine.

"Lucy, you can move your hips!" Marcel squealed at me. I blushed and wanted to stop dancing.

When Marcel grabs my waist I immediately placed my hands on his shoulders. I smiled a little uncomfortable and pushed him gently. Marcel didn't notice my reaction, he looked over my shoulder before squealing:

"No, my cousin the party pooper!"

"Kids, we have to go," Harry said crossing his arms.

"You're not my babysitter!"

"Marcel you're drunk," he said simply. "Can we go, Lucy?" Harry asked and extended his arm towards me.

I looked at Marcel and he didn't look very normal. It's late anyway and we need to leave him at home.

"Okay but first we have to say goodbye."

Marcel and I go back to the group and we said goodbye to everyone. They said they had fun with us and I am honored. I think no one had told us that before.

I grabbed Harry's hand and Marcel grabbed my hand and we started walking.

"He really needs to grab your hand?" Harry asked looking at Marcel.

"How about you?" I answered with another question.

"It's different, for me has another meaning but for Marcel is just because he is drunk."

"Guys, you are walking too fast," Marcel complained.

Harry unlocked his car alarm, Marcel didn't want to go in the back seat but Harry forced him. We put our seat belts as I Harry started the engine.

Marcel curled up in the back seat and hid his face.

"I'm fine!" He said before I could ask.

"Why has another meaning for you?" I muttered and I hope Marcel doesn’t listen to our conversation.

"Isn't it obvious?" He asked without looking at me. "I miss your little hands; I miss your laugh or your words, even your presence in my car. Basically, I miss all of you. "

I bit my bottom lip and looked out the window. I miss everything about Harry too.

"I sent a message, maybe it was not very explicit but do you believe in what I say?"

"I want to."

"Lucy, I glued a lot of petals in front of your house and wrote on each of it. It took me hours and all that time I was thinking of you. I'm not playing, really, I want you. "

"The flowers were spectacular, I kept them all," I confessed. "I just don't know what to say."

"We need to overcome our communication problems, I am willing but it depends on you, Lucy."

"I want to but I'm afraid."

"I understand but you have to face your fears."

"It's not that easy, I hope you remember that you are the cause."

There is a tense and electrical silence after my statement. My eyes landed on Harry and he is looking toward the road.

"Don't think that is not a torture for me. I see our problems clearly; I see the big wall that separates us. I tried to behave tonight but I really wanted to take you out of that table. "

"Why are you talking about that?" I inquired confused.

"Because I see that you don't fear anything except me. You were with that group laughing and having fun and when you saw me I thought you would have a heart attack. I wanted to share with you all this time but I can't figure out how. I probably spent all night wanting to be one of those guys. "


"It was torture, you have no idea how much I suffered,” he whispered. "It happened before but not like this way and of this magnitude but watch the person you like with others is one of the worst things that can happen."

This Harry probably makes my heart melt with every statement he says. I cannot believe how his attitude has changed but for good. I think we are in a weak moment, he is talking about how he feels and that's what I've always wanted. I want to answer but I don't know how to express myself, I'll probably break into tears and mumble due to how emotional this makes me feel.

"Why did you decide to use two braids?"

"Marcel said the world would collapse if I did it," I replied simply.

"You should use it more often, you look cute"

"I'm here!" We heard Marcel and I blushed. "I'm dizzy but I'm listening!"

"If you throw up in my car you will clean the mess," Harry said angrily. "Thanks for ruining the moment."

"Lucy, please tell the Dark Lord to shut up," Marcel said with his face resting on the window.

"Dark Lord?" Harry raised an eyebrow at me and I smiled embarrassed.

"It's-it's a long story."

"That's your nickname, you deserve it!" Marcel squeaked.

"Okay, it suits me," Harry nods.

I curled up on the seat looking at Harry while he's driving. I love his face and every angle you see him he's handsome. A couple of times he looked at me and he had many mixed feelings on his face and eyes.

I love the way he seems so insecure but wants to try anyway, I love the fact that he expressed what he was thinking but I love the way he misses me because I miss him in that way too.

For all that he has done so far, his confession, the messages, the letter and his work of art in front of my house I guess he deserves something, he deserves at least a few words that can give him courage and hopes.

He stopped the car in front of Marcel's house and we unbuckle ours seatbelts.

"Harry," I whispered very softly, and his green eyes met mine. "I miss you too."

A beautiful smile danced on his face and he leaned down to kiss my forehead.

"Let me kidnap you," he whispered with his lips still on my forehead.

The offer is so tempting and I'd love to do it but it's too soon.

"Nope, I think you will have to wait a while."

We parted and I got out of the car. I opened the door and Marcel jumped out of the car. He fell into my arms and wrapped his arms around my neck.

"Why, Lucy? Why? "He growled.

"Come on, Marcel, let her go," I heard the harsh tone of Harry next to us.

"Come on, Marcel, we're home," I said and patted his back gently.

"Lucy, you are so soft and you smell so good," Marcel said. "I heard everything," he spoke softly and then looked at me. "She's too good for you, asshole," Marcel told to his cousin and I grabbed his arm in case he loses his balance.

"Come, let's go home," I gently pulled his arm and he obeyed. "It will be quick, Harry."

"Sure you don't want help?"

"No, don't touch her!" Marcel groaned before Harry could approach us. "Asshole!" Marcel blurted out and I grabbed him stronger when he stumbles.

I looked at both worried and shook my head.

"We're fine," I told Harry and he leaned back against the car.

We walked to his house and Marcel handed me the keys.

"Lucy?" I looked up and Marcel stared at me for a couple of seconds before leaning in and kissing me. 

I needed to ruin the moment and Marcel was my only excuse. Anyway, hope you like it, have a good week, xoxo

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