Chapter 92


Cassie didn't force me to come to this class but it was not necessary. I repeat the question over and over again and I shouldn't be in this class.

"Emily is not a bad teacher, yet I don't like her," Cassie said beside me.

I rested my elbows on the table and let out a sigh. The class was full and the amount that goes to my class is considerably smaller. Maybe if I wore skirts like Emily more people would go. I laughed and shook my head, I'm not even close to being sexy and beautiful like her.

About 10 minutes later Emily walked into the classroom and Harry walked behind her. A bitter taste invaded my mouth and I knew that this would be a bad idea. Emily dropped a book on her table stronger than necessary and I wonder what is going on with her.

Harry looked at me for a few seconds before sitting next to Billy who was in front of us.

"His head is too big or maybe it's his hair," Cassie whispered to me referring to Harry.

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that, Cassie," Styles spoke without turning to us.

"Shut up, Harry,” Emily said with a smile and began to write something on the blackboard.

I pulled out my notebook and looked at the exercises on the blackboard. My fingers touched my scarf and my eyes landed on Harry.

I lied to Harry, I had to. At first I felt terrible but he has also lied to me so hide the truth would not kill him. I did it for his good, I didn't want to cause more problems.

I remember Louis told me that Harry would probably kill him, or maybe he wouldn’t but he could leave Taylor at the edge of dying or sort of. Would I like that? Unfortunately yes. Was it good? It could cost something; every act has consequences whether good or bad. It's like a circle; everything you do comes back somehow.

I listened to her class and at least this helped me to remember everything. Sometimes I watched Harry and he was using his cell phone. What is he doing? I wonder with who he is talking.

I sighed and looked at Emily. Harry has never been in one of her classes before or Cassie would have told me. What does this mean? Are they together or planning to be back together again?

I probably don't like the idea but I can't afford to think about that. I'm letting go my feelings for Harry, I'm forgetting him so there is no time for questioning this kind of thing. He can go back to her and I have to swallow it and let him go.

Honestly it's been so long and I should have forgotten him already but I'm still here and I'm so stupid. Perhaps it was by his words from the other day. He said he was happy with me. It was sweet and it was something I'd like to listen again but this is not the time. I wonder what he meant by that, I didn't dare to ask and he didn't say anything else about it. The communication between us sucks but this is what we've created.

"So, who could answer this?" Emily asked looking at us. "Harry? Harry! "

Billy tapped Harry's shoulder and he looked up.

"What do you want?" He growled.

"I was wondering if we have a higher kinetic pressure means we have less lateral pressure."

"I don't know," he shrugged and looked down.

"I hope some of you are not like him," Emily rolled her eyes and I raised my hand.

"What you said is correct," I replied and she half smiled.

"I think that Styles needs a girl to defend him," Emily roared and then started to explain another thing.

"How did you know that?" Cassie mumbled and I shrugged.

Harry turned to me and I looked away embarrassed.

"Thanks for saving me from the evil teacher," he whispered and I just nodded.

The rest of the class is not bad but Emily continued asking questions to Harry and complaining every time he didn't answer, which was all the time. I found it very childish but maybe she's too upset about this breakup.

Once the class is over I have to go to the library. Cassie went to lunch and I walked to the opposite direction. I heard Emily calling my name and she is going to the library too.

"Honestly I hate boys so much but we can't live without them, don't you think?" Emily asked as we waited to return our books.

"I guess."

I could live without a boy, I did it without problems before Harry and now I'm not that bad.

"I'm sorry about your breakup but you will get over it, I know you will find someone else," I said and I hope that makes her feel better.

"Whatever," she rolled her eyes. "Anyway, I was getting tired of Harry, you know. He's different now and I can't understand why. He promised to wait for me and everything between us disappeared in weeks…what a big and fat liar."

I ignored her last words; it hurts to know that he liked Emily when he was with me. It was a lie, a lie in every single way. Emily never gave importance to the fact that Harry was with me when she was not here and probably because he never felt anything for me, I was never important to him.

"I wish I could steal his wardrobe again," she tried not to laugh. "You should have seen his face, he even asked clothes from his friends because everything was in that fucking closet," Emily chuckled and I half smiled.

"That was crazy," I commented and that was all I have to say about what she did.

"Yes, I know. He has a hamster that looks like a fat rat, Harry has always loved dogs but now this hamster appears out of nowhere and he is like obsessed. I like animals but I can't stand that hamster. I'm sure if I steal the hamster just to play with Harry he would freak out."

"That hamster is mine too," I snapped and I am completely impressed by what she said.

"What?" She lifted her eyebrows and her eyes pierced me.

"Sherlock, that hamster you called fat rat is mine. Harry bought it for me."

"He never told me that," Emily looked down at the book and when she looked up she seemed very upset. "That changes everything, don't you think?" She turned around and walked away from me.

I don't understand why she was pissed but Sherlock stays out of this. If Harry didn't tell that little detail is not my fault.

I returned my book and today I was going to help the librarian to put everything in its place. Marcel arrived just in time and we begin to help.

I grabbed some books that were part of the "physics" hallway and walked towards the hallway number 7. I stopped and my eyes immediately recognized Eric, he's talking to another guy. This corridor is not the most popular so I know why he is here.

The library is not the place for this.

I walked over to Eric and slapped his hand. White cigarettes fell to the ground and there was some green inside them.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Eric groaned and bent to pick up those joints.

I glared at his "client" and he didn't look so sure about this.

"Get out and I won't tell anyone about this."

The boy stepped back at my threat but didn't leave.

"Go away, I'm serious!"

The boy left the hall and Eric was very upset with me.

"What's wrong with you?" He snapped.

"This is not a place for you to come to sell your-your drugs," I said looking at his hand.

"Thanks for ruining it, squirrel."

"Don't call me like that," I whispered and crouched. "You have no right."

"You have no right," he imitated my voice.  "Well, little girl, I have to go."

"Little girl? We have the same age," I squinted at him.

"I don't think your braid is helping you," Eric said and I quickly undid my braid. "There is something else in your face, wait, it's your glasses."

But what an idiot.

I threw one of the books to him and the object collided on his shoulder.

"What the hell? Since when you throw books? "Eric asked as one hand rubbed the area attacked.

"You deserved it," I mumbled and sat on the floor.

"Someone's in a bad mood. I know exactly what you need, a good make out session, come here, Lucy, "Eric spoke mockingly and my cheeks flushed.

Eric's attitude is so unbearable today. I threw another book to him and he ducked.

"You're a beast today, I like it."

I rolled my eyes and I kept on the shelf one of the books I brought.

"You're unbearable today. Who are you, Eric? "I sighed.

"I'm still the same sarcastic asshole, I thought you liked me, squirrel," he smirked and I looked at the books on the floor.

"I thought you were my friend," I repeated the confession that always flies through my mind. I really thought he was my friend.

"Sorry to disappoint you. How's Styles? "

"You're obsessed with him and Harry doesn’t even care about you," I shook my head and Eric gave me the two books that I threw to him.

"Just wanted to put you against Harry, you know?" The blonde boy confessed and I nodded blankly. "I'm sure it would hurt him."

"I still don't understand why, you lost your time with me because Harry doesn't care about me."

Eric's hands appear in my vision and now he is helping me put the books on the shelf.

"That's where you're wrong, squirrel. Harry was always there, like a psycho or a pain in the ass. Maybe he likes you but he has more cock than brain. "

"I don't know what you mean," I shook my head and got up. "Besides I'm not his type."

"He doesn't have a type and I know because I was his friend."

I went in search of more books and I could hear Eric's footsteps behind me. I walked into the philosophy section and Eric helped me.

"I do have a type, and no offense. Harry is more accessible to everything. Name it and he has done it. "

I sighed and ignored his words. I didn't want to talk about this, I was not his type, he doesn't care about me and that's the end of the story.

"You should believe more in yourself, I thought I had helped you with that. You're not a bad salsa dancer; you're sexy when you do that. Maybe you should dance salsa to Harry," Eric smiled and I blushed. "Exactly, and if we remove this," he grabbed my glasses and put them on. "Oh my god, you're blind!"

"I'm not blind," I blinked a few times trying to adjust my eyes. "It's just hard for me to see from the distance."

He returned the glasses and we started walking.

"And I do believe in myself but I know exactly where I belong."

"And that would be?"

"In the normal section of girls, nothing special," I shrugged.

"I think you're special," Eric said but I ignored his words. I'm sure he is lying. "I could help you two, I'm sure about that. I should be your psychologist because I'm smarter than you and Harry but you have to pay me and I hate Styles so I couldn't do it.”

I didn't know whether to make a sarcastic comment or just nodded, I decided the last option and then I started walking. This time Eric didn't follow me. I went to Marcel and grabbed more books.

I really don't think Eric is right and I don't think he can help. He has done enough and we can't be friends.

I left some books in the hallway of biology and sat on the floor. Eric can't say Harry likes me, it's practically impossible. Although he said that Harry doesn't have a type I can't believe it and certainly I would not fit there.

I threw a book and then crawled across the floor to pick it up.

I need to overcome this; I need to let this go. I can't continue this way. I know most of the time I don’t think about him but is here and needs to disappear.

I jumped to hear my phone; I tried to get the device out of my pocket and turned the volume down. I looked at the screen and gulped. It’s Harry's mom.



I wondered if I could walk with Lucy to the cafeteria but I remembered her friend Cassie was with her. I left the classroom and walked away from there. I just came to this stupid class because Billy told me that Lucy would be here but I didn't have the chance to speak or see her. Besides she was as quiet as always, how am I supposed to get closer to her if Lucy always keeps quiet?

Also I'm upset because Emily has acted too childish. She needs to get over this, I'm not interested in her and I tried to be polite but I'm done.

I sighed frustrated and left my backpack with the boys. I looked around and of course I had no chance to talk to Lucy now. I made my way back to the table and pulled out a banana from my bag.

Yesterday I came back later at night from Gemma's house and I avoided my friends but now I can't run away. They want to talk about Lucy and what I'm planning to do. I am impressed by the enthusiasm I feel from them and I can't understand why they want to help but I appreciate it.

To be honest I feel very lost and I don't know where to start and how to get close to Lucinda. We are separated by a wall and I need to tear it down. I need to start inserting the idea, to let her know about my feelings and that they are real. Try not to scare her with the big news and be there for her when she needs me. I'm excited about this but also nervous and scared, this could have an ending that would make me happy and there is another that could be completely opposite and it would shatter me.

I know about girls or how to flirt with them but that way will not get me Lucy back. She is 'the girl' and she is a very special for me. Every movement from now on is very important to get to her back. I can't do this alone and maybe my friends can give me good advices. I try not to think that this may be useless because the number of girlfriends can be count with one hand, not only with me but with the rest of the boys too.

"Order, order!" Louis said and with his notebook he repeatedly banged the table and we stayed in silence. "First, Liam Payne wants to apologize."

"Yeah, I'm really sorry Harry. I didn't mean it, it was terrible and rude and I don't know what I was thinking. She is nice and good and she's the best for you. I know nothing about you and Lucy but hopefully I can help you two in whatever you need, "Liam spoke and I nodded. I decided to accept his apology because he is always honest when he says it.

"So sweet! Well, we need to go on," Louis leaned his arms on the table and looked at us. "The case Lucinda Fray it's officially open, we have a lot to discuss. First we need ideas. "

"Why?" Zayn raised his eyebrows without understanding.

"Because Harry can't just show up out of nowhere and say: Hi Lucy, I'm completely in love with you," Niall said and I nodded. "It would be very unexpected."

"Besides, she wouldn't forgive him so easily," Liam said and I nodded back. There is a long way to go.

"So what should he do?"

"Sing a serenade?" Malik said and we shook our heads.


"You could write something like romantic phrases or something," everyone nodded at the thought of Niall.

"And what should it say?" I asked.

"You should think about that more than us."

"I have an idea! Could be something related with superheroes."

"You are my kryptonite and boom, she's yours!" Louis applauded. "Use it, use it, I force you to use it, Harry."

"That's dumb, I don't think she likes it," Niall shook his head.

"You are my Robin."

"Zayn, Robin sucks, Harry needs to tell her that she is like batman or something."

"Louis, shut up. It could be something smarter, we all know that she will be the next Stephen Hawking so we have to get on her level. I will search on the internet, wait," Horan pulled out his phone and started to write something.

"While Niall is charge of that we should move on. Girls like small details, and flowers, chocolates, and I know the list could go on. "

I raised my hand and Louis let me talk.

"We should start with flowers."

"You want to give her a big bouquet of flowers?"

"Maybe," I admitted.

"A big bouquet of flowers and your head in the middle, that would be perfect. I'm kidding, a bouquet of flowers would be boring, it has to be something more original. "

"Lucy arrives home and Harry throws flowers from the second floor and there is music and we are mariachis."

"I said something original not a lot of imagination," Louis squinted at Zayn. "You're not very romantic."

"And you think you are?" I hide my smile.

"What!? Yes, I am! "

"Shut up, I have something! Let's be water molecules and form hydrogen bonds to be together without changing our ways."

"I understood that," Zayn said and everyone nodded.

"It's romantic, I like it," I smiled and wrote the phrase on a piece of paper.

"The speed of my love for you is linearly positive and tends to infinity," Liam read from his cell and I wrote down the sentence.

"Don't search for more, I'll do the rest. I want to take credit for this, I also want to do something with my own hands. It's special, it's for her."

"Oh crap, I found some good quotes here," Liam left his phone on the table and Niall did the same.

"Okay, and where are you going to put these phrases?"

"I could write this paper and give it to her in the classes we share, or I could write it on her house."

"Are we talking about a wall?" I nodded and Niall looked at me doubtful. "It might be a good idea but think about her parents."

"I could write it with something that can be erased later."

"Get into her house and write it on her wall," Zayn threw a piece of apple to my face to get my attention.

"Okay, I'll do that, sounds like a good plan," I rubbed my nose hurt by the piece of apple.

"Harry the weirdo is back. Imagine if she comes home and you are in her room. "

"I'd jump out of the window," I replied.

"If you do that, please record it, I want to laugh," I nodded at Louis' request.

"You're so hot, you denature my proteins," Liam read from his phone and we looked at him curious. "I needed to say it, that one was very good, you need to say that to her."

"I understood that, I think biology is my thing," Zayn said as I wrote down on the piece of paper.

“Your lab bench, or mine?” Niall read from his phone and I raised my eyebrows. "Sorry, Harry, but I had to say it."

"That was sexy, I'll use it next time," Louis wrote the phrase in his cell and then he hits the table with his notebook. "Order, order! Okay bitches, we have these romantic phrases and Harry wants to do something with flowers and that was it. We need to think more, I know we can do it. "

Liam raised his hand and Louis let him talk.

"It's hard, you know. I'm not so original and I never give present or do special things, "Liam said and everyone nodded.

"Yes, sometimes you do according to the girl, is very personal so Harry you have to think a lot."

"I will do it, I'll think these days what I can do and then I'll tell you what I have planned."

"I think we will need help."

"Who would help us and why?" I observed Zayn.

"It's good to have the opinion of a girl, don't you think? It's more correct and it would be good for you. "

"Girls in the house, great. And who do you have in your mind?" Louis smiled.

"Fuck, silence, Lucy is coming here," Liam told and we all adopted normal positions.

"Hm, hey," she spoke once she was in front of us. "I don't want to bother, it will be quick."

I rested my cheek on my hand. She is so cute and sweet, how could I be so blind?

"Lucy, wait!" Louis raised his hand and she turned her attention to him. "You are my kryptonite."

My jaw dropped, the others tried not to laugh and Lucy's cheeks are flushed.

"You-you're not my type, Louis," Lucy answered and now we're all laughing and Louis's jaw dropped. "That's very sweet, why did you say that?"

"I just wanted to know your opinion," Louis smiled and Lucy's eyes landed on me.

"Can we talk for a second?" I got up and followed her. "Harry, hm, your mother called me again. She is going to organize a dinner in two weeks, I think, and I had to say yes. "

I wish she would say yes because she wants to and not because I still am not able to tell the truth to my mother.

 "Why don't you tell the truth? I thought you did," she gave me a look of disappointment and I ran my fingers through my hair.

I don't want to say it!

"Sorry, I will do it, okay?" She nodded and said goodbye.

I wonder what would have happened if I told her right now that I'm in love with her, I wonder how she would react. Everything is so complicated and that is why I need to have a plan and not be so spontaneous.

I made my way back to the table but an idea popped into my head. Wait a fucking second, this is perfect. This dinner, this thing that my mother wants to organize could be a sign. I need to tell Lucy about my feelings and formally invite her to the dinner. I want her to meet my mother, I think I've always wanted that and maybe she will accept the invitation. Meet the family is important and I'm sure it would mean a lot to Lucy this invitation and especially if this time it's real.

I need to hurry my plans and tell her soon what I'm feeling, plus I can’t hold it anymore.

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