Chapter 90
Finally I could make the trailer for part 2, you can find it in the media or search in youtube "opposite worlds 2 wattpad"
As always hope you like it and love you all xx
I'm tired. I felt the tip of a nose touched mine and I opened one eye.
"Harry, sleepyhead," Lucy smiled and leaned her lips on my forehead.
What? Holy shit, it's happening.
My brain started working, my muscles quickly aroused and she gasped as I pushed her to her side of the bed and attacked her lips.
My hands touch her hair, her face, her shoulders, arms and I couldn't help but sigh. I can't believe it. I want her so much. I felt her smile on my lips and God, I want to die, she's killing me.
"Lucy, you're so cute and I'm so, so, so sorry," I said against her mouth.
The sound of a horn startled me and my head hit my car.
"Shit," I growled as I rubbed the back of my head.
I'm still hiding under my car. This is crap, can I go back to sleep? Lucy was there and I could do whatever I wanted.
I closed my eyes with the idea to fall asleep again but I couldn't. Sleep is a solution but the real world will always be there. What am I going to do? What will I do with all these feelings?
I rolled on the floor and stood up. A group of people sent a confused look to me and I cleaned my clothes. I thought it was funny, I imagine myself seeing a guy come out of a car the way I did and it's weird.
Now that I'm out...What do I do? Go back to my friends or run away? Both options are valid. I decided to go back with my friends because I didn't want to walk or take a taxi.
The party was so hostile and distant and I was feeling very lonely. The only positive at the moment are my feelings for Lucy. I looked around and I wish I could find her here but it is impossible, not her of course.
I spotted my friends sitting on a couch and Niall raised his arms as soon as he saw me.
"Why you have that face?" Horan asked.
"You look like trash," Zayn said and handed me a cigarette.
I grabbed the cigarette and relaxed my shoulders. It's okay, you can say it, advised my mind.
"I'm in love with Lucy," I sighed.
The four looked at each other with surprised faces and smiles.
"Group hug!" Louis sang and the four stood up and they all hugged me. What the fuck was this?
"Well, what now?" Liam said with his arms still around me.
"No idea," Louis muttered. My four friends pulled away and returned to the couch and I sat down on the floor. "Do you need advice? Cause we suck."
"I don't!" Niall said.
"Don't ask me because things did not end well with Lana and we weren't in love but still she broke my heart," Zayn raised his hands to be on one side of the conversation.
"We already knew that, it was obvious but Harry, my friend, took you so long," Liam spoke. "Why?" Everyone looked at me and I felt uncomfortable.
"I thought...I thought that would be too obvious, I don't deserve Lucy," everyone nodded and waited for more. "I thought it would be better for her to go on but I was always there, sometimes without realizing it."
"I think you two are a cute couple," Niall said. "She was very nice."
"I know. Don't give me the keys because I'll end up at her house. "
"Got it. Do you want to cry?"I shook my head when I heard Tomlinson's question. "Shit," he muttered.
"How you feeling?" Liam spoke this time."It must be hard, it's been so long."
I checked the date on my phone and it has almost been a year since we met. I closed my eyes and smiled. She was looking sweet that night, so scared and alone at that party because of her friend Cassie. I remember when she sneezed in my face, she was so embarrassed. My smile grew even more and I'd like to go back in time. Go back to that moment and laugh and grab her face and kiss her.
"I want her, I want Lucy so much. Don't give me the keys of my fucking car! "I repeated because I'm scared about my actions and what I could do.
Actually I'm dying to go to Lucy's house. It was quite irrational because she would not open the door and would not have a happy reaction to see me. The last really sucks, is the worst feeling I've ever felt. I get chest pain thinking I'm so in love with Lucinda but we are so distant and not connected in any way.
I tried to avoid thinking about how bad the situation was, my love for her running through my body was bigger. I want her and I need her at this moment. It was strange for me to have these crazy and powerful thoughts. They jumped suddenly to the surface and I know that it will not give me rest.
I was missing Lucy, I did it all this time but I avoided thinking too much about the little pains in my chest or the way I was always watching her. Every time I spoke of her to Sherlock and my slow but strong curiosity about her. The clues were there but I was not able to pick it up. Finally one of those clues hit me right in the face and there is no turning back, I'm in love. Fuck, I can't.
"Give me the keys, gimme the keys!" I stretched my hand to my friends.
"No way."
"Give me the fucking keys, Louis!"
"No, stop!" Niall hit the back of my head and I crossed my arms. "Everything is ruined; you want to ruin it even more?" His words caught me by surprise and immediately I stay calm.
Is it possible to ruin it even more? Perhaps he is right.
I was feeling so nervous, nervous to go to school, who would have thought?
My knuckles were hurt and I have a bruise on the stomach, this weekend I got into a fight. Why? I am furious with life, the world and the universe. It's a good way to release the anger inside of me for taking me so long, for being so stupid, live illusions and deny things to myself.
It was a bit chaotic this weekend and I knew I needed a dose of her peace. I needed to see Lucy. I tried not to think about anything else because if I think too much I'd probably destroy my whole neighborhood.
The boys got out of the car and I did the same. I looked around and between all these students I identified Lucy getting out of a car. It was obvious that Adam was there. Impotence, jealousy and rage attack me with one shot.
I turn around and punch my car.
"Fuck!" I growled and pain spread through my hand.
Liam grabbed the keys and turned off the alarm and Niall grabbed me and pulled me before I could do something else.
"Great, Harry, now everyone will think you're crazy," Zayn complained as we walked towards the school.
"He's not crazy, he's just in love!" I kicked Louis in the knee and the boy groaned.
"Your stupidity has no limits," Niall scolded Louis as I kept walking. "Harry, wait! You can't do that every time you see Lucy with Adam!”
I hate Adam so much, I don't want to hear his name because I will think about him and Lucy and that's a stab in the heart.
"Shut up, Niall, and leave me alone," I put my hands into my pocket and my friend didn't follow.
"Asshole!" Zayn yelled but I pretended not to hear.
The first class was algebra and I share it with Billy, I didn't remember until I saw him sitting alone.
"You look angry," said Billy and I didn't answer. "What happened to your knuckles?"
"Billy, I'm honestly not in the mood so please shut up," I growled.
"Just wondering, you look different."
"I'm in love, maybe that's why I look different," I rolled my eyes.
"In love? I thought you already were, I guess its Lucy because you always have an eye on her. "
"Billy, talk to my hand," I put my hand between us and closed my eyes.
"Love makes everyone happy, why are you so upset?"
"Probably because Lucinda is not my girlfriend," I snapped pissed. "That's a super silly and obvious question, Billy," I sentenced and put my hand between us again.
"Oh, wait; is there someone else in the story?"
"Yes, there must always be an idiot, don't you think? ... Well, two idiots, myself and the other boy. He has an advantage because he's her friend and he's a fucking good boy, I bet he has a small dick.”
Billy laughed and shook his head. "Why do guys always have to talk about dicks?"
"What's wrong with you, Billy? Size is important, "I said and he shrugged. I think he's gay.
"But the way you do it it's important too."
I dropped the subject and I didn't answer. I would not talk to Billy how to satisfy a girl. I know I could perfectly satisfy Lucy. Wait, what if Adam is better? I'd probably jump out of the window.
"If there is another guy and he's like a threat to you what you need to do is just try your best."
"I don't think try my best and be myself is enough," I sighed.
"You were together once, right?"
"Sort of."
"And she liked you, right?" I nodded, and my heart swelled, I need that feeling back. "So be yourself is enough for her. She liked it once, there may be another chance.”
The idea of having another opportunity is the second happiest feeling besides being in love with Lucy. Billy could be right. She liked the way I was, but I switched to be with her without realizing it. I adapted perfectly to her world and that's where I want to stay.
"Billy, could you talk to her and try to figure out how was the dinner?"
"Sure, I'll try and thanks for the tests."
"It's a mafia so you have to keep the secret, stolen tests are a serious problem," I whispered and he nodded.
"Fine. Today Lucy is giving a geometry assistantship I think, you should go. "
"I'm afraid," I replied honestly and Billy looked at me shocked. "Seeing her, it scares me because I don't know how I'll react."
"I see you've noticed recently that you're in love with Lucy," I nodded. "Try to act normal, be yourself, talk to her and be nice."
I don't know why but I'm listening to his advices very seriously. Actually, I didn't know that Lucy would make a class today but I'm glad that Billy has mentioned. I'm going and I don't know what to do, should I flirt with her? Shit, I don't even know how to flirt with Lucy. I can't say something ordinary but I wouldn't do it anyway because she is too sweet for that. Also she would freak out, which would be very funny.
Wait, I need an apple. I looked in my bag and I only have a banana, it is in good condition and I chose it today. I think this will be fine. I rested my cheek on the palm of my hand as the teacher entered the room. Hm, I'd love to see how Lucy eats this fruit.
"A banana?" I heard Billy and I realized that the fruit was on the table. I put the banana in my bag and he smiled. "I'll try not to guess what you're thinking."
Maybe Billy is not gay.
I thought Angelina or Emily would have made me nervous but I can't explain how nervous I am right now, there are no words.
I know I said I would go but since a few minutes ago I doubted about my decision. I don't know if I'm ready to see her. For Lucy nothing has changed but for me yes. I've always looked her in a different way but now it has taken a very complex and deep meaning for me. I'm in love with her, is not so simple. I'm also hesitating because everything around us is weak, sad and uncertain.
I greeted Zayn and Louis once I walked into the classroom. I sat next to them, both are chewing gum and they gave me one. The two have sunglasses and I took Louis' sunglasses off to see his eyes and he's high.
"What's up? What's up? "He smiled lazily and grabbed the glasses.
"It's super early."
"It's better," Zayn smiled and I rolled my eyes. I smelled them and the smell was not as noticeable.
There weren't so many people in the class; we were like ten people which I can understand because math sucks.
"And you two intend to learn in that state?" I questioned watching them.
"Oooh, little baby Harry full of love for Lucy wants to learn!" Louis mocked and Zayn laughed in his shoulder.
"Fuck you. Don't say anything to Lucy or I will use your face to clean the blackboard," I threatened because I don't want news about Louis and his stupidity.
"I won't," he raised his arms in innocence.
"I brought a banana, do you think it's a good idea?"
Louis and Zayn covered their mouths while both are laughing. I frowned and hit them in the head.
"Want to see her eat a banana, Harry?" Louis smiled and I rolled eyes.
"Poor Lucy, she has no idea that you are imagining her in a sexual way," Zayn shook his head and I hit him again.
"Of course not!" I put the banana back in my backpack and decided not to give it because these two idiots would not stop laughing.
"Hi!" I heard Lucinda's voice and I didn't realize she was here.
I swallowed hard before looking at her. I felt a big pain in the chest and I swear she's the most beautiful human being I've ever known. Yes, I'm definitely in love with her.
"What's up teacher!?" Louis waved from the last seat.
She also greeted Louis then began to explain something that I didn't understand. Her hair was loose; she was wearing a green shirt and a black scarf. I nod while she's explaining and I ignore the soft giggles from my friends. I had no time for them, what I most wanted to do right now was to get up and hold her hand.
Our classmate made questions and Lucinda answered and helped in some exercises. There was even a guy who asked about biology and she kindly helped. She drew a cell on the board and explained. She is so kind and she was killing me and she has no idea.
"Hi Harry," Lucy greeted and sat beside me. "Do you have any questions?"
"Hm, yes," I nodded quickly.
"What is? You should open your notebook. "
I quickly searched for an exercise and showed it to her. She calmly explained, she taught me step by step and I nodded silently. Sometimes she bit her lower lip, tucked strands behind her ear, her fingers rested on her chin a couple of times but she never looked at me. I wonder if I have any effect on her or if everything is dead. Probably the last option is correct and that makes me want to break every single table and chair in this stupid school.
"I want to apologize for Adam's behavior, he was not supposed to be there and you should not have seen him."
Shoot me, here we go again, fuck you Adam.
"If you don't have more questions," she got up and I sighed defeated.
"Lucy, you looked good in that dress the other day, by the way," I blurted out and I had to repeat that completed.
She nodded with a slight smile and left.
I guess that was an attempt to flirt and I failed miserably.
I deserve this, I deserve to feel her so distant because this is my entire fault. I know we move away because I needed to finish for the money but then it was my own fault. I feel hopeless and I think she is completely impossible to me.
Now I feel the real pain, it's an awful feeling. It expands across your chest and your mind is clouded by negative thoughts and you feel miserable. I'm sitting here quietly but inside I'm feeling completely hopeless and empty. It could be an exaggeration, but I am in love, my whole body craves for Lucy, for her touch, her words, her smile and everything she could give to me.
“You look amazing," Louis joked and I hit him with the notebook."Lucy, Harry brought you a banana and wants you to come for it!"
Fuck you Louis, I hate him so much.
I looked at Lucy almost embarrassed because we are talking about a banana but I doubt she could realize the double meaning. Lucinda blinked a few times and then continued to help a boy with his exercise.
I thought she would come back but I was completely wrong, she continued to explain and ignored me and she was absolutely indifferent. I think that made me feel even worst but I had to repeat myself I deserved it.
I didn't pay attention to the rest of the hour, I couldn't do it but I didn't want to. Once the class ended I grabbed my stuff and threw my backpack to my shoulder.
"Harry," Lucy called me just when I walked past her. "When is it my turn to have Sherlock?" She asked looking at me intently. She was looking at me and now I realized the value of her eyes and how much I wanted to be in her eyes constantly.
"I'll bring it tomorrow," I replied simply.
"Great, thanks," she replied. "I want to buy something else to his cage, a toy maybe, what do you think?"
Her fingers scraped the skin of her neck and moved a little the scarf. The room had enough light to not trick my vision. I saw two red spots that made contrast with her skin and what appeared to be a few scratches. That was not a hickey or anything like that. Someone tried to hurt her and the simple thought drove me mad. Why didn’t she tell me? She doesn’t trust me? Why? I held my breath while many thoughts flew through my mind. The girl I want was hurt and I knew I was going to kill the responsible.
I moved her fingers and I took off her scarf. I was terrified, worried and angry. What is happening?
"Lucy, what the hell is that on your neck?"
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