Chapter 87


I checked Sherlock and left his cage on my desk. I gave him some seeds and searched for my stuff. I put on my sweater and left my room. Never in my life had I felt more determined than now.

I tied my hair in a ponytail as I walked down the street. I waited for a cab and got in the first one I saw.

I have always seen bad people on television but I had never been so close to one. I remember exactly that Harry was beaten by people who work with him and it was because Taylor ordered. Taylor stole something valuable from Madison which means that he got into the house in some way or maybe she let him. I don't want to think about the possible mistakes my stepsister made but all I want to do now is possibly yell at him, say whatever I have to say even when I don't know exactly what will come out of my mouth.

My heart is pounding but I think that's all for the adrenaline and the mixed feelings that are growing inside me. I opened my bag and applied my inhaler, I put it back in its place and my vision stayed on beyond the window. I paid the driver and got off. Well, this is it. I hate these places and I can remember the last time I came here was with Harry, but what a surprise.

I walked across the street and stopped in front of his bar. Oh no, the doors are locked and no one is outside. I know it's very early and probably this will be open in a couple of hours but I thought maybe his workers arrive earlier. It doesn't matter, it will not stop me.

The entrance is a black big door, my knuckles knocked the door several times but maybe nobody is here. Great, the first time I am going to defend someone and I can't do it. Well, never mind, I'll wait.

I crossed my arms and kicked the door. It hurt but again no one came. I'm so angry, I need to do it now and I can't wait. Surprisingly I punch the door, and I prefer a thousand times to punch a boxing bag.

"Well, this is super weird, what are you doing here?" I turned around and met his blue eyes and his face with a smile.

Of all the people had to be Louis Tomlinson.

"I need to talk to Taylor."

"I don't think it's a great idea, Harry wouldn't like—"

"Why Harry is always involved?" I asked with anxious. Not my whole life revolves around him, this is personal.

"You can't get in, you need to go," he replied, ignoring my question.

"No, I won't!" I rested my back against the door, if Louis is going to get in then I will too. "And what are you doing here?"

"Let me see, I work here? Now, leave, little girl. "

"Little girl? We have the same age, "I replied while Tomlinson approached me.

"Come on, I'll take you home," he grabbed my arm and started pulling me.

"No, leave me alone!" I growled and tried to fight his strength. Louis released my arm and grabbed my waist and started walking. "My glasses, idiot, my-my glasses!" I said once the object fell on the floor.

Louis let me go and I picked up my glasses. "I'm not going anywhere, don't touch me!" I stepped back when he tried to grab me again.

"This is not going to end well," he shook his head and started walking toward the entrance of the bar. "Harry is going to kill me if he finds out, I know," he said as he pulled out the key.

"I don't care," I muttered.

"Oh, now you don't care but I want to see you Lucy when Harry gets really psycho, just to know what happened. He can be very insistent, it's unbearable. "

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Of course you don't know," he opened the door but didn't let me in. "Look, be careful, if something happens you need to scream."

"You're not going with me?"

"I don't think he will like it but I'll be close, okay?" I gulped. "I'll try to stay with you but I can't promise."

He let me in and closed the door. Everything was organized and empty.

"Come on," Louis said and I followed him.

There is a door that has a sign that says "restricted access" before Louis can open someone does.

"Hi Tomlinson," the owner of this place says, "and do I know you?" He asked me, landing his eyes on my face.

My jaw tightened and I would like to find a strong answer but my mind is empty.

"What did you do to-to Madison?" I blurted out and he smiled.

"Louis, the money on my desk and don't forget the papers in my office," Tomlinson didn't move. "Now."

Louis gave me one last look and then walked through the door. I backed up a little and crossed my arms.

"What you did to Madison and why? I don't know you but you should stay away from us. All you have done is cause pain and I don't even understand why and I don't want to know, you're a bad person and I hope you-you burn in hell, "I had to go step back more because he started walking towards me.

"Your sister deserved it, what a bitch."

"No, of course not!" I raised my voice. "And you hurt Gemma, I know what you did and you should also stay away from her. You are a-a coward, a coward for hitting a woman!” He slapped me and this is definitely the strongest slap I've ever received in my entire life.

I didn't let the hot itching on my cheek or my glasses on the floor stopped me. I tried to slap him but his strength is definitely bigger than mine. He pushed me and I bumped into a table, I wanted to bend but his hand finds my neck. His fingers buried in my skin and the first squeeze is enough to make me feel like there is no air in my lungs.

"I hate your sister, I wish I could destroy her, probably kill her," he smiled and my vision is blurred and my body was shaking because he was strangling me mercilessly.

My arms moved weakly but I couldn't catch him, I couldn't kick him because there was no more energy inside of me. He squeezed harder and I think he's going to break every existing bone in my throat.

Suddenly his hand left my neck and I collapsed on the floor. I didn't see Tomlinson, didn't even think about him but I know it was him. My vision is completely blurred and though I try I can't move. I gasped for air and something broke, I heard the sound of something made of wood.

I heard the way another thing on wood broke and I think it's a chair, I heard thick voices, feet moving and things breaking. I wanted to scream because I was getting crazy with the poor amount of air that got into my body. My hand rested on my aching neck while I coughed violently.

I arched my back and bit my tongue so hard I felt the smooth taste of my own blood. I needed to breathe but I feel like my throat is suddenly very small.

"Fuck, fuck," I heard Tomlinson's voice and he gently turned my head and now I'm looking at the ceiling. A drop of hot liquid fell on my cheek. "Don't panic," Louis opened my mouth a little and put his mouth in mine, I felt a lot of air flowing from him to me.

He gave me some space and I coughed, Louis returned to position his mouth on mine and he gave me more air. I gasped desperate and again I feel his mouth on my cold lips, he sent more air down my throat and lungs. I coughed again and now I can breathe a bit better. He was going to do it again but I managed to shake my head.

"We have to get out of here," he whispered and carried my body.

I closed my eyes and took deep breath. The sensation of breathing is an incredible relief to me. He walked quickly and I could feel the change once we're outside the bar. Where is Taylor? What happened? I would like to be stronger so I could defend myself.

I heard the sound of an alarm and he managed to open the car door. He gently put my body in the back seat and I blinked rapidly. This is Harry's car. He closed the door and headed for the door in which my head was leaning.

"How are you feeling? Are you better? Should I take you to the hospital? Shit, this is a disaster, "he spoke quickly and sounded worried.

"I'm ... fine," I spoke; my voice is barely a whisper. My throat, my skin hurts too much and I still feel like I'm being strangled.

"I'm glad you're okay. Damn, this could have ended up in the worst way but you don't look so bad, Lucy. All I could do was this mouth-to-mouth breathing, at least it went well," he sighed with his hand on his heart.

I didn't gulp because my throat was dry. My eyes blinked at the ceiling of the car and I inhaled some oxygen.

"Holy shit, your neck, shit, this is my fault but I didn't know he was going to hit you, I had no idea," he said. If Harry finds out he's going to kill him, I'm sure he will kill him. I always knew that one of us would end up in jail. "

"No,...please," I muttered. "Louis, he-he can't know about this."

"I know I can be a son of a bitch sometimes but I'd never hurt a woman, Taylor went insane.  Maybe we could kill him, I have some ideas," Louis smiled and I think he's joking. "I'm kidding, I could not kill a person but we can hurt him, I will do it, Lucy, not now because we're a little chained to him but I will, I promise."

I didn't answer but I appreciated what he said. I can't imagine if Harry finds out and kills him, I could not live with myself if Harry was in prison and possibly forever. Taylor is a despicable person and he deserves to die but not in a way that can hurt me even more.

Louis reached into the front seat and then came back to me.

"Here are your glasses and you need to wear a scarf for a couple of days," he handed me both things and I nodded, still feeling a little weak. "You sure you feel better? I could take you to the hospital, "I shook my head.

I can't go to hospital, it will be registered what happened to me and my mother will freak out. I'll be fine, I know.

"Lucy, you're very brave, and you shouldn't have come and less if you are alone," Tomlinson shook his head. "Aren't you scared? If I were a girl I'd be freaking out right now."

I'm not scared because I'm not alone, I'm not panicking because I'm still alive. I just feel the throbbing pain across all my neck.

I looked at Louis and I can't recognize, he was cruel to me but now he helped me and saved my life. I can't completely hate him.

"Your forehead," I pointed to his forehead, there was a bloodline near to the root of his hair.

"I'm fine," he wiped it with his fingers. "Are you going to cry or scream?"

"I can't, it hurts a lot."

"I can take you to a hospital," I shook my head, refusing his offer. "Shit, I can't believe what just happened. Lucy, this was extremely risky, "he spoke seriously.

"I didn't know this would happen," I said and my eyes started to burn, I think I will cry.

"You can't mess with the nerds," he joked and I don't know why but I managed to smile.

"Taylor is unconscious if that's what you're wondering, I hit him with a chair twice.”

“Thanks, Louis,” I whispered.



I rested my elbows against the frame of the window and poked my face. I let out the smoke and looked towards the street. I wish Sherlock was here but I left him with Lucy and I don't want to face her.

I know I have my imperfections but I had never hated as much as I do now. I have to be more patience because you can't always get what you want.I'm such an idiot for thinking that she would answer something, she was probably thinking about a lot of things but as usual she's not able to answer.

I inhaled the smoke until it burned my throat and then I sat on the bed. I don't think talking to Barbara helped me and also what she said is ridiculous, not because it would be ridiculous to fall in love with Lucy but because I don't understand where she got that conclusion. What if she is right, and what if I'm in love with Lucy?

I exhaled the smoke and someone knocked on my door.

"Come in," I muttered looking at the window.

"Your keys," I heard Louis's voice and the sound of the keys landing on my bed. "I have something else," I turned to him and Louis was holding Sherlock's cage. What?

"Did you see Lucy?" I asked confused. I threw the cigarette out the window and grabbed the cage.

"Yes, and she gave me Sherlock because you forgot to take him today," I nodded and my eyes focused on the band-aids that were on his forehead.

"What happened?" I asked confused, he got into a fight?

"A little fight, as usual," he shrugged.

"What took you so long?"

"I was saving Lucy," I heard his sarcastic voice and nodded.

"Yeah, sure. How was Lucy?" I asked as I grabbed Sherlock.

"She's fine, I suppose."

"You think she hates me?"  I asked suddenly. I need opinions.

"Lucy? I doubt it. "

"I feel bad for Madison, I will try to recover what was stolen from her," I said staring at Sherlock.

Louis sighed. "Zayn gave it to Taylor and I don't know where it is."

"I do. Once we stop working for Taylor I'll burn it, I'll probably burn the entire bar, wouldn't it be a good idea? "I smiled.

"It would be excellent," Louis nodded and headed for the door.

"Wait, what is this?" I pointed to the tube inside Sherlock's cage.

"I don't know, a toy for your fat hamster?" He answered as if it were obvious. “I don’t want to talk about fat Sherlock. Look, I just have to say one thing: Harry, I think you should take care of Lucy."

"What?" I exclaimed very surprised by his unexpected words.

"Yes, you heard me. What if she finds out and wants to talk to Taylor? "

"I wouldn't let her," I shook my head.

"So you should keep an eye on her. Like you said she is very brave and sometimes courage can make us unconscious. "

"Don't tell me you suddenly like Lucy," I frowned.

"I did not say that, I said you should take care of her, you idiot. It's so obvious that you care about her but not enough. Open your eyes and put your pants on and be a man. Honestly you are the most stupid person I have ever met. "

"Well, thanks," I replied sarcastically. "Besides, you don't know—"

"Harry, I know Billy tells you everything about Lucy, you're being such a psychopath."

"No," I shook my head but he's right. "How do you know about Billy?"

"Oh, come on, he is in our school!" Louis rolled his eyes. "Leave Billy alone and start to act," Tomlinson grunted and then closed the door.


I chewed my gum and looked around. Lucy disappeared with Cassie the entire lunch, what are they doing?

I was alone at a table, my friends decided to play a football at lunchtime but I wanted to stay here. My eyes met once with Emily, she was sitting with a couple of girls. She looked angry but all I did was make an ugly face to her and look away. I scratched my forehead and I got excited once I spotted Billy.

"Hello Harry," he sat down and I rested my elbows on the table.

"Tell me everything."

"This morning she came with a guy, she didn't attend to physics class that Emily is doing to help some of us. And now her friend Cassie took her with the school counselor. "

"What? Why?"

"I could not hear it but they didn't get into the office," I nodded silently. "There is a presentation work in biology and the teacher has randomly chosen couples."

"I understand. Thanks Billy, I will send the test today, okay? "Billy nodded and left.

Billy was a normal guy and he shares all his classes with Lucy, so I thought it would be a great plan he told me everything that she does.

I got up and grabbed my backpack. I have to do something, the information Billy gave me is important. I tried to ignore the fact that today someone brought Lucy to school and it was not a family member. Fuck you, Adam.

Barbara said I should talk to whoever I needed to talk, and that the answers could be inside me and shit. Well, the only solution is to have Lucy as my partner in biology. That's the only way we are in full contact and I'll finally be able to talk to Lucinda. I have to say that these days talk to Sherlock or friends are not enough. The idea of ​​spending more time with her is exciting more than I could describe.

I put my hands inside the pocket of my jeans and my steps led me to the room where all teachers are. I knocked on the door and waited for someone to appear. A white-haired woman opened the door and I told the name of the teacher who I was looking for.

Our  biology teacher appeared and frowned at me, I know he hates me.

"Mr. Styles, how I can help?"

"Oh, it's something very simple and I hope that you agree because I can't take no as an answer," I shrugged and spoke quietly. "I don't care who you have chosen for me but for your work I need Lucinda Fray as my partner."

It was not difficult to convince the teacher and that surprised me. I saw him with other teachers long ago in a strip club, that was all I had to say to him to accept.

After having a talk with the teacher I went to the classroom, there were only five minutes for our biology class. I sat next to a girl I don't know and rested my feet on the table. Lucinda came minutes later with her fingers resting on a pink scarf. She sat at the first table and stared out the window.

The rest of the students came along with the teacher. Mr. Stone wrote on the blackboard about the presentation, he would give us a chapter of a book and we have to investigate and present everything and that shit. The good news is that these presentations start in 4 weeks more which means that I will spend a lot of time with Lucinda.

"I decided to choose random partners," everyone booed. "Because this is your last year and because you all need learn to work together with people you don't know."

I crossed my arms while the teacher sat.

"I'll read the partners for the work and I’m not going to repeat, so silent."

He grabbed a paper and began to read the list. When he mentioned our names together Lucy gazed at me, she looked almost indignant. I waved at her and she returned her gaze to the teacher.

"In a couple of minutes I'll read the chapters I assigned to each group," he said as he pulled out a folder.

Everyone started talking, Lucinda stood up and I did the same.

"Please, I can't," I heard her voice once I'm behind her. "I don't like Mr. Styles, please, let me find another partner."

"Cute scarf," she turned to me once she heard my voice.

"If you want, Lucinda, you can ask," Mr. Stone replied and I glared at him. No way, she's my partner.

Lucinda turned to the class and swallowed. "Hello!" She said but nobody listened andher voice sounds strange. "Please, it will be very short," she spoke but didn’t raise her voice but caught the attention of a few people.

No one will pay attention if she does not put more attitude to this.

"Could you all shut up!?" I said a bit louder than her and several classmates looked at us. "She has something to say," I spoke reluctantly. I only did it to please her but I hope that no one wants to be her partner.

She looked at me for a few seconds with her freckled face and nodded in appreciation for what I did.

"I have no partner for this presentation, so I-I was wondering if anyone wants to do it with me?" There were no answers, only serious faces. "Please? I'm very responsible," she spoke softly.

I smiled because nobody answered. She sighed and looked at our classmates and something caught her attention. She started walking and I followed her. There was someone who was hiding his face with a black jacket and I know who he is.

"Eric, Eric," Lucinda said as she approached to his table.

He poked his eyes and then took off his jacket. "Oh, hello Lucy, I didn't see you," he said sarcastically.

"Be my partner."

"No way," I growled behind her, Lucy looked at me for a few seconds and then to Eric.

"Your Romeo spoke for you," Eric smiled.

"Please, Eric," begged Lucy and I wanted to take her from here because obviously this seems funny to Eric.

"No, Eric, she's with me," I frowned. "If you accept I will tell the truth about you," it was the only threat that popped into my mind.

"And I'll do the same, go ahead, Styles," Eric's jaw tightened.

"Please, I need a partner!" Lucinda said out loud but was ignored again.

Poor Lucy, she needs to know that I want to be her partner more than anything.

"Lucy, I'm sorry, I already have a partner," Eric shrugged. He could change but I'm glad he doesn't, she's my partner and I refuse to do this work without Lucy.

She sighed and looked down defeated. I grabbed her warm hand and pulled her gently for us to sit at her table. She got rid of my grip and crossed her arms.

Now we are sitting and she is not moving I realized that the look on her face is full weariness.

"Are you okay? You look very tired, Lucy," she pressed her lips into a thin line and nodded. "Your voice sounds strange."

"I'm sick, that's all," her fingers clung to her pink scarf.

She cleaned her glasses and I gulped, there's something I want to say.

"I understand why you want to change me but I wouldn't change you," I whispered.

She stared at me through her glasses for a couple of seconds.

"Seriously," I assured. "Only you or no one else, except from you I don't know anyone here and I don't want to."

She exhaled through her mouth and tucked a few strands behind her ear. One corner of her lips curled up but I didn't see any blush on her cheeks.

"Fine, I give up," Lucinda spoke softly and to my surprise she rested her head on my shoulder.

I don't know if I can do it but I managed to surround her shoulders with one of my arms. She didn’t protest and I leave my arm there.

"You always come back, Harry."

"I know, so weird, right?" I pretended to be surprised since I practically forced our teacher. "Well, you and me, partners on this dumb work," I muttered and naturally my lips landed on her forehead. "I think it will be very fun, Lucy."


what did I just write????????????? It's raining here, yassssssss. LOVE YOU ALL Xx

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