Chapter 80
"This was super fun!" Marcel squealed as we left the bar. He staggered to the side and I grabbed him by the elbow. "Wow, you're strong!" He embraces me and the smell of margarita and other cocktail get to my senses.
"Shit," cursed Gemma and helped me with Marcel. "I'm just dizzy, we have to take a taxi or I can call Harry."
"Don't! We will take a taxi,” I answer.
I look at both sides and several people are walking away from the bar. There is no taxi in sight, we have to walk. I would call my mother but she is working.
We started walking, Marcel in the middle of us just in case he can trip or fall. Gemma has complained all night about her heels and I don't understand why she decided to use them if it bothers her so much.
"Let me call Harry! What is the problem? "
"The problem is that Lucy is in love with Harry, so it would be uncomfortable, plus my cousin is a jerk," said Marcel and he sent us a smile.
"Yeah, he's a jerk," Gemma giggles and I roll my eyes. I just want to go home.
"Are you in love with him or what? Because that is what you told me a while ago, Lucy," Marcel looks at me waiting for an answer but I decided not to talk about it.
There is a group of 3 people walking behind us, light poles are all that counteracts the dark. I hear the voices of the group behind us and the sound of our shoes on the cement.
"We have to walk about two more block and I'm sure we'll find a taxi," Gemma tells me and I nod. "If we don't find a taxi we will have to call my brother."
I refuse, I don't want to see Harry, I never feel ready to see him and I always feel that his emerald eyes are chasing me and I feel nervous and my hands sweat so I refuse, we need to find a taxi.
We stop when we spotted on the street in front us there are a group of guys about to start a fight. Four guys against three.
"Shit, great," Gemma groaned.
"What do we do now?" I asked scared.
"Lucy, we can't go down that street because, you know, there are prostitutes and the three of us will end up raped and I don't know, I'm so dizzy, I don't know what to do, I'll call Harry."
"No!" I almost screamed and I'm ready to snatch Gemma’s phone if necessary.
The other group stopped too but instead of us they want to see the fight. A guy hits a blond-haired boy in the stomach and suddenly I feel they are hitting me. The memory of those men who worked for Bob came to my mind. They kicked me in the stomach and the section around, that is why my ribs hurt. One of them punches on the jaw another boy and I step back, releasing Marcel's. I remember being forced into the car and then they hit me so hard I saw stars. My fingers touch the line of my jaw and I can’t breathe. These memories are hidden but seeing this group only makes me remember the horrible incident that happened to me before Harry came to help.
One of the boys kicked the blond one on the stomach and then he tramples his ankle. I'm about to scream because my ankle bled that day.
"Don't hit him!" Marcel yelled and my whole body shuddered. The memories of those men don't go away but my mind played the moment when Harry came for me.
"Shut up Marcel, we'll get in trouble!" Gemma scolded his cousin.
I want to say something to Marcel, yell at him to stop but I'm still trapped, in that fight each stroke feels like they're beating me.
"No, stop!" Marcel screamed again and Gemma covered his mouth. "Don't fight!"
"Shit, Marcel!" Gemma cursed and he got rid of her grip and ran into the group of boys. "He bit me, Marcel you animal!"
I came out of my trance and my heart beats hard against my chest. The memories disappear but not the fear. Marcel is already on the floor, he can't fight. Oh my God, we need to help him.
"Fuck, shit, let's go, Lucy!" Gemma tells me and both run towards Marcel.
Why he had to get drunk today and why we had to run into this group?
Someone is kicking Marcel on the stomach, he doesn't even know my friend but he doesn't care because he is drunk. I'm afraid but I think we will hit him with our fists and try to do our best. I wish Harry was here.
We run towards Marcel but two hands wrap my body and locked me.
"Let me go, let me go!" I screamed.
"Help!" I heard Gemma.
"Lucy, calm down, it's me, Cameron."
My body stops and his arms still wrapped around me. What?
"Hey, that's enough," I hear a voice behind us. "We don't want a fight so let that boy alone," I hear the voice of the man and he is with a group of 9 people.
Cameron's group is bigger so the others one surrender, I feel more relieved once they left.
Cameron let me go and I crouch in front of Marcel, wiped the sweat from his forehead and grabbed his glasses.
"My stomach hurts," he whimpered.
"Marcel you're so dumb! Why did you do that?!" I scolded as I helped him to get up.
"Sorry, Lucy, I just wanted to help that poor boy but I can't fight, I'm a loser," he muttered.
"Hey, you're not, but you put us all in danger, we could have died or something," I exaggerate to make him feel bad, this is the only way to convince him to not do this again.
"You all right, Lucy?" Cameron is in front of us and his face is full of concern.
"Thanks, you saved us," I say and honestly I feel I owe my life to him.
"I saw you leave, I followed you, I admit, but it was good that I did it."
Cameron followed me?
"Ahm, thank you, you saved us," I look around and Gemma is talking to a boy of Cameron's group. The boy hugs her and I guess they know each other.
"Yeah, that guy could have beaten you, but you were very brave, Lucy.”
Now I realize he's right, Gemma and I were very brave to dare that group of guys. In truth we were brave and stupid but everything happened so fast and we couldn't leave Marcel alone. I'm mad at him, it was so danger what we did, thank God that Cameron was here.
"Buddy, when you're with girls you can't leave them alone; watch out for next time, okay?" Cameron tells him kindly and is a bit funny because he spoke to Marcel like my friend was child.
Marcel just nods and hides his face in my neck. I just hope he doesn't puke on me please, that's all I ask.
"I'm drunk, mom will not like this," Marcel whimpered.
"The car of my friend is in the next street, we can take you home," Cameron offers.
"Say yes Lucy, I want to go home," Marcel whispers in my neck and hugs me stronger. "I don't want you to be raped, accept the invitation," he says and his voice sounds tired.
"Oh, please, I'd appreciate it," I say and I feel relieved. I just want to get home too and now he inspires me more confidence.
I am glad that he has been here at the right time. Perhaps Cameron is not as bad as I thought.
"Let’s go for a few beers!"
"No, Chloe, not today, I have to study," I say to my friend on the phone.
"Don't be boring, Eric."
"It's only Wednesday, relax, please. We can go out on Saturday."
"Whatever," she growls. "Lucy will come?"
"I don't think so."
"We had an argument, so I don't think so," I shrug, although she can't see me.
"Because I'm tired and Lucy is tired."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"I made some comments she didn't like and we are distant. She is becoming more independent, I guess I did my job very well. "
"You did it well but for the wrong reasons, I'm still mad at you."
"I know, I know, so I think I better get away before she finds out."
"How is she going to find out?"
"I don't know, Emily will tell her, I guess, she is crazy. She knows it. "
"I don't know, she is like a witch!" I growled angrily.
"Um, let me see. You wanted to help, by filling her head with things against Harry because you know he likes her, how are you so sure?"
"Duh, he was my best friend, I know, he's so obvious, plus he's been following her."
"How do you know that?"
"Because Emily asked me if I knew why Harry is disappearing lately."
"This is confusing. Let's start again. You wanted to help Lucy to put her against Harry because you know he likes her and that would hurt him but now you like this girl and you don't want to do that, am I right? "
"But it seems silly to want to do this only for him to suffer for a girl."
"You have no idea how stupid he is, I mean, Harry suffers for girls, he really does. He destroyed his room because of his ex girlfriend before Emily, I can't remember the name of the girl but when he really likes someone he doesn't control himself, he is almost pathetic in my opinion. "
"We all become fools for love."
"Yeah, sure," I said sarcastically. "Would you destroy your room for a boy, Chloe?"
"No, but maybe I'd throw my pillows or I'd cry or scream."
"Look, Harry can be a tough guy, he can fight and be someone very cold and cruel but when it comes to a girl and when we're talking seriously everything changes. He's not the kind of guy who avoids commitment; if he laid his eyes on you he will do everything possible. He didn't stop until he had Emily, though she was easy. He used to be crazy about Emily, he was like a dog behind her but not anymore because now he possibly has a crush on Lucy. He can understand the rejection but it’s hard for him, I don't know, Harry is like a monkey. Anyway, my theory is that he is a disaster when it comes to love because he is a poor child without love from his parents.”
"Eric, stop it, that's super cruel!" Chloe scolded me.
"The strangest thing is that most people would hate their parents but when we were friends Harry was always looking for attention from his parents, which makes my theory more difficult and interesting."
"Eric, stop it!"
"But I'm telling the truth, that's my theory!"
"I know you hate him but poor guy."
"Don't you think I'm right?” There was silence for a few seconds.
"I honestly wouldn't be able to live without the love of my parents so it's so sad, really, I feel so bad for Harry. Don't make fun and be grateful for the family you have, Eric. "
"I'm glad that Lucy is not like him but she suffers the same. Her father and brother live in England and I swear they almost never call her and her mother and stepfather are always working, she is alone most of the time, it's super sad. I feel sorry for Lucy, not for him. Harry knows what love is but I don't think Lucy knows about that."
"About Love?"
"Yeah, I mean, I don't know, she has big problems with that. Not saying she is incapable just saying that she knows nothing about it. Maybe she was raped—"
"Eric, stop it! What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you listening to yourself? "
"Sorry, I think I crossed the limit, but you know what I mean?”
"Yeah yeah. Oh, I feel so bad, this makes me sentimental. And you are very sick and stupid person to say that Eric."
"I was joking!"
"You can't joke about that you idiot."
"Fine, I'm sorry, whatever, but, look, Lucy is not so important so I prefer to stay away because I'm tired of being chased by Emily the crazy girl."
"You are so coward, Eric."
"So what? I helped Lucy, she is a good friend and I like her but sometimes I had to pretend. "
"Pretending what?" Chloe questioned and she sounds angry.
"I don't know, be sweet to her, you know I'm more passionate and I had to keep my hands to myself, I honestly don't think Lucy has sexual libido."
"Hey, don't say that about her! Every woman has it, maybe you're not sexy enough for her. "
"I am sexy and you know it," I smiled and Chloe giggles.
"I like her and I'm glad she didn't want anything with you. You started with the wrong foot and now you have good intentions but you can't erase the past. "
"Whatever. What's the worst that could happen? Lucy will be mad at me and she won't talk to me anymore and I'll possibly have a fight with Styles which I am very excited. I'm tired of his stupid and doll face. "
"He has a cute face."
"Seriously, Chloe?" I roll my eyes.
"He's handsome, he has beautiful eyes. Anyway, I'm still thinking about what you said, I really feel sorry for him."
"Well, you're being too sentimental, I'm out Chloe, talk to you later," I hang up the call and throw my phone into my pocket.
My feet lead me to the cafeteria; I wonder what I'll do now. I don't know if I should share with Lucy today. The doors closed behind me and before I can walk I spotted Lucy and she is with Harry. She walks, arms crossed, and he walks behind her. I knew he was like a dog.
Lucinda waits in the line for lunch and Harry says something and shows his phone. She smiles and her eyes quickly scanned Harry's face. Her smile lasts two seconds and then she looks away. She is too obvious. Harry exchanged a couple of words and she responds, shaking her head. He stepped back but then he decided to leave. He stopped being a dog, she has power over him and she doesn't even know it.
Two love birds, hopeless, both abandoned and completely oblivious of the feelings of the other and themselves, what a tragedy! I should do therapy to them but I hate Harry so the answer is no.
Lucinda slides her fingers through her braid and turns her head once to see Harry. Guess who has not overcome Styles? Lucinda Fray!
I shake my head and walk in search of my friends. I'll talk to her another day.
I open the car window and the wind played with my hair. I poke my head a little to let the sun touch the skin of my face.
"How was your day Lucy?"
"Um, it was good, how about yours?"
"With so much to do but it's always a pleasure to help people," he smiles. "Because I'm free, we could eat at McDonalds or at any restaurant if you want."
"Ahm, I'm not hungry, I appreciate it but you've done enough. I want to say thanks Mike, for the comics and thanks for the Captain America figure, means a lot to me, it is the third that joins my collection, "I said looking at him.
"You are welcome, you deserved it. Your mother went to get your grades and Lucy you are doing great, we are very proud of you."
"Thank you."
"If you need help with something you just have to tell me, in biology, of course."
"Thanks Mike, I think I have a couple of questions I just need to check my notebook,” he nodded.
"You know we have the money and we know you will do an excellent job with your tests and you could almost get into the college you want."
"I guess so."
"You will like medicine, is a beautiful job, helping people."
Are they already assuming things? I take a deep breath and just smile. I don't know what I want and I think they couldn’t understand that.
Once Mike parked the car I run to the house. Madison is sitting on the couch and she doesn't say a word to me. I climb the stairs with my stuff to my room and I decided to read for a while. I need a distraction.
I hum a song as I read the comic. I was really focused but screams drive me out from my reading. Madison and Mike are screaming. Oh my God, are they having an argument? No! What do I do?! Should I call Mom or ignore this? Maybe I can help or put order to the situation.
Maybe I'm making a mistake but I decide to go downstairs and pretend I'm going to the kitchen. They completely ignore me, I'm invisible.
"That's what you said!" Madison yells at his father.
"Look at you, this is a shame Madison! 5 pm and you're drunk, this is unacceptable! "
"Maybe if you give me more attention things would be different!"
"Madison I have given you everything you want, all that you've given to me is a disappointment!"
"You prefer her!" Madison shouts very strong and I cringe. I think even our neighbor could hear her."Come here Lucy, I know you're listening!"
I want to hide, I knew it would be a bad idea.
"Come here, Lucy!" Madison shouts again and I decide to walk out the kitchen. "This is your entire fault, I hope you're happy!"
"Don't listen to her, she is drunk," Mike shakes his head.
"Shut up, shut up!" Madison shouts and I think she is going to cry. Oh God. "You just compare me to her! How could you? "She pushes him and now she is crying. "How could you compare me with Lucy? You prefer her because she is perfect! "
"Madison, go to your room."
"I'm not a little girl, I'm not Lucy who obey your stupid orders!" She says and then turns to me. "All you have done is ruining my life! You get whatever you want! Have you noticed that stupid bitch?"
"Madison, enough!" Mike raises his voice.
"You and your perfect grades, your perfect behavior, your perfect life, your stupid and adorable attitude, always wanting to be the good girl and always trying to be the best and so I can be the disappointment in this fucking family! " She walks over to me and I step back. This is what she thinks of me? “Always trying to talk to me and be the good one in this story! But I know what you do, always wanting to make me feel bad with your whole perfect shit of life."
"Madison, this is my last warning,” Mike grabs her arm but Madison got out of his grip.
“I am glad that Harry has played with you because you deserve it you stupid bitch! I am glad that you have suffered because you deserve it! You think you can have it all but life is not like that!” She clenches her fists and if she is going to hit me I will too. She didn't give me the opportunity to try to help, I'm tired. "You know what? If your father didn't love you is not my fault but don't come to steal mine, bitch!"
"Shut up, shut up!" I shout back. I didn't feel so hurt until she mentioned my father.
“Girls, please—“
"What is your problem with me?!" I yelled to her and I walked closer. The smell of alcohol is more than obvious but I don’t care, I really want to smash my hand on her face. I want her to feel pain for what she said.
"Madison, come on," Mike grabs her arm but she pulls away from him and pushes me.
"Bitch!" My stepsister yelled.
My hands pull her hair and Madison squeezes her hands on my neck. I kicked her knee and her fingers pressed harder against my throat. I scratch her face before Mike pulls her body away from me. Madison was about to scream but Mike put an end slapping his own daughter. My world stops when that happens. He hit her, I know she was being mean and unbearable but he slapped her and showed no mercy. We all stood mute and Madison is about to explode, she is full of hatred.
"You promised you weren't going to do it again!" Madison cries. She leaves and Mike doesn't stop her.
My back remains glued to the wall, I'm trying to recover my breath after what Madison did and my lungs are aching. I can't believe that the kind and always friendly Mike did that. He looks at me and before he can say anything I go upstairs and hide in my room.
This chapter had drama? It was not as good?? Next?? Not my favorite chapter but I had to update. And I must say I updated 3 days straight, I don't know when it will happen again, but I am proud of myself. Marcel was trying to be a hero but failed miserably. The attitude of Madison have explanations, some obvious (on this chapter) and there is one that will be explained in the next chapters. Um, I think Eric is very neutral, he had bad intentions but not anymore.
PS: Has anyone heard Maps from Maroon 5?? It's so good.
Thank you for your comments and support, love you all!!
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