Chapter 78



"He has barely touched me, he looks kind of afraid, Harry is not that way, so I will ask you one last time. What the hell did you do to him you little girl?" She asks with a frown but her words don't come out aggressively.

To be honest I need a moment, a moment to understand what is happening and what she is trying to ask me.

I honestly don't understand what this is all about. I don't know if she's trying to be nice but I don't like this conversation anymore. I don't know why she wants an explanation from me when I don't have the answer.

"Look, if you have problems with Harry is not my fault, I don't know what you're talking about so I can't help you," I am honest and get straight to the point. My words surprised me but this is what I think.

"There must be an answer, there always is."

"You know Harry, you should know what is going on," she glares at me and suddenly I'm nervous.

“There must be an answer, and I know you have it."

She is quite stubborn and I start to feel frustrated.

"As you say Harry is your problem, I can't help you."

"If I find out that you—"

"Are you threatening me?" I growled and I have no idea where came my words and my attitude.

"Just warning you," she smiles innocently. "Well, well," Emily closes her eyes and took a deep breath before looking at me again. "Let's change the subject; I have something to tell you."

Oh my God, I'm confused. Traces of anger or curiosity or her threat have disappeared completely.

Try to be nice and this will end sooner than you think.

"What Harry did was terrible and I am a feminist girl, so I did something."

"You did something?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Yes, a little joke," she smiles, and now she doesn't seem so bad. "Ask me what I did, ask me."

This is so weird.

"Ahm, what did you do Emily?"

"Let's just say Harry's wardrobe no longer exists," she replies, and my jaw dropped to the floor.

"What do you mean?"

"It disappeared along with all his clothes, a friend helped me."

"A friend? It was Eric?"

"Eric? Of course not,” she shakes her head. "Why do you think he did it?"

"He doesn't like Harry and you were talking to him."

"Oh, yes but it was not Eric. It was bones, I know it’s weird but we call him that way and he is a friend of mine. "

I need to rewind, Emily's attitude changed so fast I'm surprised. Harry and Gemma are just like her, how they do it?

"Wait a second," I say as my fingers pinched my nose. "So the wardrobe is not in his room, right? Harry's wardrobe no longer exists?" She shakes her head. "That means he has nothing."

"Nothing except what he is wearing right now."

"Does he know?"

"Not yet, I think," her smile grew. "I'm so excited."

"Excited? Why? Harry will be mad. "

"He deserves it."

Harry did wrong and I still don't know all the truth but I think Emily could have punished him otherwise. He will be mad; if someone did that to me I would be very angry.

"Why did you do that?" I asked in disbelief.

"For you, I did it for you," she rested her hand on my shoulder and that makes me uncomfortable.

"For me? You don't even know me! "I answer exasperated. “ You could have talked to him or scolded him but his clothes and belongings I—"

"It's fine, he'll get over it."

"You should return his wardrobe."

"I can't, is in the trash."

This must be a joke. I cover my mouth with both hands and I imagine Harry's face when he finds out. For a couple of seconds I laugh but then I realize the reality and it will be terrible.

"He will buy new clothes; don't worry; besides his father has money."

I honestly don't know what to say. I don't know whether to be flattered by what she did or ask her to return the wardrobe somehow.

"You look like you're about to have a heart attack, calm down, the wardrobe is hidden with me, I will return it someday to Harry."

"He will be angry with you, don't you think?" She nods. "And you don't care?"

"Honestly Harry always forgive me," she shrugs. "He has always forgiven my jokes but this joke was another level to me," she laughs.

"His friends didn't see you?"

"Only Louis was at home and he supported me."

"Louis is a very bad person"

"I know, I love it," Emily's smile remains constant on her face.  “Now that I proved to be on your side, will we be friends?"

"I can't understand why you've done—"

"Oh come on, Lucy, because I'm a fucking feminist and I fucking hate it when a man does something to a woman."

"But this man is your boyfriend."

"So? I honestly couldn't care less. "

"But you love Harry."

"Yeah, so?"

She is stubborn, I give up, I can't understand Emily.

"Nothing," I shake my head. "Thank you for what you did?" Maybe that's what she is expecting.

"You are welcome! I have other jokes planned—"

"I think that's enough, Emily."

"It's never enough. I kind of hate and love Harry and you are my perfect excuse to make this to him."

I understand she is a feminist and she wants do something about it but I think that's enough. She is his girlfriend, how is she able to do all this? It's just not rational.

"Emily at some point Harry will not stand your attitude, don't you think? And then he will leave you and I don't think you want that, do you?"

"No, of course not," she denied. "And don't talk to me like I was a fucking baby."

"I'm not, just trying to make you understand.”

"Fine, I'll stop making jokes. God, you're boring. "

"I do it for your own good, believe me."

"God, why are you so mature? Live a little. "

"I honestly say this for you and your relationship. I think it's naive of you to think that he will always forgive you."

"He will do it because he loves me."

Well, that was an unexpected stab and shot straight to my heart. Yet I think Emily is being naïve, Harry will not tolerate it for too long. We don't even know how he will react to his room without wardrobe.

"Sometimes love is not enough," I whispered.



I'm tired, I couldn't sleep yesterday. I had nightmares, in my bad dreams I saw cruel men, people watching me and papers with things about myself. I tried but every time I closed my eyes they were there. I lay in my bed with eyes on the roof.

I drank a lot of coffee and I think because of that I've managed to survive the day. I had my first biology test and was successfully passed. I am very happy when I leave the classroom. I go to my next class, physics has always been a challenge for me.

I didn't realize I share the class with Emily until she sits next to me. I fix my glasses and play with my hair and pretend that everything is normal between us but honestly this is awkward. I'm not saying anything about it because she's stubborn and I don't want to waste my energy with Emily.

She helps me with a few exercises and I helped her too, we are like a team. Emily is smart or at least it is easy for her to understand physics.

I don't want to have a conversation with her, I would only like to ask why she applies so much makeup. Emily speaks whenever she can. I think she's pretty self-centered because she talked about herself all the time and never asked anything about me.

When the class is over I talk to the teacher and asked what book he would recommend me to study. Once our conversation ends I turn around to gather my stuff at my seat and Emily is still here. Oh my God! I just want her to leave me alone.

"I will not wait all day Emily!" I hear Harry's voice and his tall, imposing body is leaning against the entrance of the classroom.

Oh God. He cut his hair, his curls are not as defined as I remember and his hair is combed back. He is dressed in black and he looks very angry. My eyes are focused on his ear expansion and I think it is bigger.

"Mr. Styles please don't shout in the classroom," says our physics teacher while he is gathering his belongings.

"Professor no one is here except if you have imaginary friends," Harry growls.

"Mr. Styles I won't—"

"Professor Silva, I'm sorry, very sorry!" I realized that Emily got up and now she is near to the teacher. "He's an idiot, a caveman, please ignore him, you are a very intelligent man and there is no need to waste your time with Mr. Styles," Emily rests her hand on the shoulder of the teacher and I'm surprised of her gesture full of confidence.

Professor Silva took a few seconds before nodding and then leaves the room without saying anything else. I thought he would send Harry to speak to the principal but Emily saved him.

To sum ​​it all up I can't explain how uncomfortable this is. Once Professor Silva has left it's just Emily, me and Harry in the classroom. Very awkward indeed.

I try to ignore both. I make my way back to my seat and I pick up all my stuff.

"Harry! I think you have something to say to Lucy," Emily shrieked and I froze in my place. No, no, no and no. I think I hate her, why is she doing this?

My body is quickly heated by shame and my cheeks are two bright and red tomatoes. You can do this, just run, run!

"Seriously Emily? Screw you. "

"Vocabulary, Harry."

"You need to stop joking."

"Do you want your wardrobe back?"

I hear all their conversation and yet I am not able to turn around .Just do it, just run and punch both on the face!

I throw my backpack on my shoulder and started walking, looking down at my feet. If I am quiet maybe I could be invisible to the eyes of both. I was so naive because it was technically impossible, Harry is at the door and his big hand rested on my shoulder. Jesus Christ.

Our eyes meet and his intense gaze, his face, his sharp jawline and Harry himself immediately is the death to me.

"Lucy, could you tell Emily to return my fucking wardrobe?" Harry asks softly, with kind eyes and his hand didn't leave my shoulder. Jesus Christ again.

You are tired, if you want to escape just do it.

"Just return his wardrobe, please Emily."´

"Hey, Harry, that's not what I...!"

"Do you feel better?" I hear Harry's voice, a whisper in the air and I ignore Emily's words.

"I'm fine Harry," I replied without looking at him.

"Lucy, I wanted to send you a message,” he whispers,” but I didn't want to bother you but I really wanted to talk to you, I just—fuck, I'm never sure about things when it comes to you Lucy and—"

"Are you two whispering?! I'm talking, damn it! "Emily growls angrily.

"Oh I'm so sorry, I forgot the fact that when Emily the egocentric speaks we must all listen," Harry said sarcastically.

"I'll punch you on the face."

"Lucy is my shield," his other hand rested on my shoulder and he positioned my body in front of him, I feel my back against his chest and I can't move. What is happening? Jesus Christ again.

"Enough, just say it!" Emily spat.

"No!" Harry answered.

"Say it!"


"I hate you so much, you and your fucking pride."

"Yes, I am, but that's not the reason. If I have something to talk to Lucy it will be just with her and in private. "

"Private? What the hell Harry? "

"You don't need to know—!"

"Shut up!” I yelled and both stop.

This is super stupid but I can’t move because I still feel the heat of Harry's body over me. Anyway, I'm angry, although I don't look like it. I'm angry with Harry and angry with her ​​for doing all this. I understand about her feminism but I just want peace and I'm sure Emily loves chaos.

I look at them, frowning. I've had enough.

"Both need to stop," I growled, stepping away from Styles. "Harry, I don't want your apology and Emily I don't want your help. Second, return Harry's wardrobe because it's completely irrational and not fun at all. Emily I don't wanna be your friend but I appreciate what you're trying to do. I don't care if you two have problems in your relationship, I can't help you, I don't have the answers Emily. Oh and also if Harry is not touching you or nothing happens between you two in a sexual way then Harry should use viagra."

Well, I said everything.

“Holy crap!” Harry started to laugh out loud. The last thing I said was silly but now that I think it was funny.

Harry throws his head back, his laughter is contagious and seconds later I'm laughing too.

"Oh God, please stop," Emily growls but we didn’t listen to her. She is glaring at me and apparently she didn't like what I said.

We laughed for a few seconds and when my eyes meet Harry our laughter fade at the same time. Our smiles disappeared in seconds and then everything turns gray again. The moment is over and we're back to the uncomfortable atmosphere.

This is useless and I don't want to understand Emily's reasons. I don't want her help or her pity or anything that has to do with her. I don't want to offend Emily but I just think we cannot be friends, I can't trust her after what Gemma told me. Plus Emily has what I want or wanted. Now I realize and I can't stand it and it makes me feel really bad and angry with myself.

Life is sad, only a few seconds of fake happiness. I can't believe I laughed with the enemy. My gaze slides among both, Emily is upset and Harry is pursing his lips into a thin line. I don't remember how we got to this point but I've had enough.

"I hope I have helped you with your couple therapy," I replied coldly and then I'm out of there.




This is a bad idea, this is a bad idea, my mind repeats. I'm in a dilemma, should I go or should I stay? My dilemma is really stupid because I'm almost there.

My phone rings and I only read the message when the light is red.

From: Emily



To: Emily.

You will NEVER find him!!


Hiding Sherlock was the best idea I've had lately. I couldn't let him with one of the boys at the house because I know Emily would find her way to snatch Sherlock from my friends. Instead, I decided to leave the hamster with Gemma. She hates me and it hurts because Gemma and Charlie are all I have. I hope she can forgive me one day but for now things are complicated.  I can't even forgive myself. I was so cruel but I made a part from all that happened. I try to blame Louis just a bit but then I would be an immature asshole. When it comes to Lucy everything is complicated and I always feel confused.

"I should not go, should not go," I repeat aloud but my hands stay on the steering wheel. I'm a mess, I never listen to myself and this impulsivity is not good.

I find a space and park my Jeep. I put the hood of my black sweatshirt and get off the car.

"This is not a good idea but you have to be like a ninja," I muttered to myself as I walk with my head down.

I buy a ticket and hide my sweaty hands in my pockets.

"This is like mission impossible," I say, few seconds later I’m laughing at my own comment. I've never talked to myself until now. There is always a first time.

The third annual chess competition of our city is taking place in a school I've never seen. The architecture is pretty neat, everything is clean and this place is big. I walk to the basketball courts, the competition is there. I read the paper they gave me and it says that more than 50 people are participating. One of them is Marcel, and Marcel is the best friend of Lucy and Lucy's probably here with Eric the asshole.

"I came here for Marcel, that's my excuse," I whisper. I need to stop talking to myself.

Well, I'm not here for Marcel, I am here for Lucy, no, no, I'm actually here for Eric. Ugh, I'm so confused, confused and doubting about my own decisions. It was a crazy idea in my head and 20 minutes after I got here. It was a bad idea after all but I need to keep an eye on Eric.

The basketball court is huge and there are a lot of people for a chess tournament. From what I can see there are many tables and competitors are playing there. This is the first stage of elimination, that's what I read in the paper in my hands.

I recognize Marcel's mother a few feet from me, I curse under my breath and turn around. I walk until I lost her on the crowd.

My fingers play with the expansion of my ear and I finally spotted Lucy. My jaw drops to the ground because she is wearing a fucking dress. I leave the place, almost running I return to the entrance only to check the weather. I didn't realize that the day is warm and the sky looks nice.

"Holy shit," I whisper and my fingers pinched my nose.

I make my way back and try to keep a low profile. I buy some popcorn and sit on a bench. Lucy is wearing a blue dress with flowers and holding a thin jacket on her hands. Her fingers played with her ​​braid as she shifts her weight from one foot to another.  Eric is standing next to her but he is watching the competition. We hear a voice through a microphone and the man asked us to keep our voices down because competitors need to focus.

She says something to Eric but I don't know if he answers, his back is to me. Lucinda cleans her glasses with the help of her dress and my eyes fell on her legs. I chew more popcorn and I should have bought something to drink because I'm fucking thirsty.

I manage to look up and then I stare at Eric, waiting for some sign, something that shows me that he is not really interested in Lucy. I need evidence, a proof, so I can threaten him. I'm the most stupid person in the world because I know it took a long time but suddenly I feel concerned about it. Honestly I just want to Eric away from Lucy.

Suddenly I wondered what would happen if she saw me...What would she think about me?

My phone rings in my pocket and I check it, just a couple of notifications on Facebook and another message from Emily the psycho.

From: Emily

Look what you're going to miss!! Come with me Harry :((


She sent the message with a picture of her, Zayn and Louis smiling and Emily is holding a joint. I roll my eyes and I get another message.


From: Emily

Your dear and fat Sherlock would be high if he was with me right now!! Hahaha!! I'll be waiting, I'm not leaving your house!


To: Emily.

Sherlock IS NOT FAT, he exercises every day. Keep waiting, Emily psychopath :)x


From: Emily.

Psycho for you, I'll be waiting.


Sometimes I wonder when she returns to her house but then I remember that Emily is a rebel without a cause and that her mother is busy with her new boyfriend and Emily doesn’t like him.

I look up and I think that things are not well between Lucy and Eric. She points him and he crosses his arms. Maybe they are fighting, this is great. I shove some popcorn into my mouth and I try not to laugh. I hate Eric, I hope and I want Lucy to slap him or at least punching him because I know she is taking boxing lessons. I spoke to Gemma and forced her to tell me about Lucy. I'm really impressed by this new side of Lucinda but I'm worried because I know the reason why she is doing it.

Eric opened his mouth to say something and Lucinda rubbed her hands over her face and the jacket falls off her arm. She bends down to pick it up and I'm about to throw my popcorn cup. I am too thirsty; I need a coke if I want to survive their discussion.

I rush to the drink machine and insert some coins.  Once I have my coke can in my hand I return to where I was sitting. I'm still trying to keep a low profile and I'm still acting like I was on some kind of mission impossible.

 I make my way to my destination as I looked everywhere, I'm a ninja. I bury my face into the popcorn cup and chew it. I raise my head and my footsteps stop. A few feet from me Mandy and Cassie are talking and like they knew I was watching them Cassie's eyes meet mine and immediately her face changed. I don't know her too much but I think Cassie's crazy, she is probably going to tell me horrible things about me that I already know and then she will tell Lucy about this.

Dammit, mission aborted, they found me.


I laughed while writing this chapter, I laughed more about the viagra but I think it was funny maybe?????? I hope you liked it, and I guess I'll update next week!! Any opinions about the chapter???? Have a good weekend everyone, love you all!! xx

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