Chapter 75
"You're crazy!" I barked before entering my room.
"Dude relax. The poor rat needed to get out of his cage, he looked stressed," Emily stated with no voice charisma.
"Don't move!" I yelled and she rolls her eyes. "Sherlock could be anywhere and I don't want to step on it."
I bend down and look under my desk.
"Sherlock?" I spoke before slowly start crawling.
I duck my head, my cheek against the cold floor and my eyes spotted little Sherlock inside a shoe.
"Come Sherlock," I stretch my hand to him but the hamster does not move from the place. I'm so stupid he is not even aware that he has a name.
"Why the hell is taking you so long? It's just an animal Harry,” Emily grunts.
I crawl very quiet and my fingers touch his fur. Sherlock shudders scared but does not bite me nor run. Once he is quiet and recognizes my touch I grabbed him and get out of there.
"I'll tell you only once, don't free Sherlock without my permission."
"Or what? The hamster is going to bite?" She smiles and sits on my bed.
"You're so funny," I say with the voice full of sarcasm.
I sit on the bed and my hand still holds Sherlock. Emily pulls out a cigarette and I snatched it right away.
"What the hell is wrong with you?"
"Not here."
"Because of your stupid hamster? God what's wrong with you Harry? "She yells at me and gets up.
"What are you doing here? I thought you were mad at me, Emily. "
"I am but I have nothing better to do."
"It's because you have no friends."
"What did you just say?" She seethed and I smile. I love to provoke people.
"It's because you have no friends," I say quietly.
Actually she does have friends but just a few, anyway Emily doesn't trust anyone.
"And you think they are your friends but you are very alone baby," she smiles.
Emily always shoots back, whether her words are true or not, if she has a chance to hurt you she will do it.
"Are you going to stand there or are you going to do something?"
Emily doesn't respond to my question, her eyes land on the cage of Sherlock and I curse myself for being so stupid.
"You want me to do something?" She barked upset. "I'll do it," her hands grip Sherlock's cage and tosses it with all her strength to the floor.
That's it.
"Get out of here!" I yelled. I'm pissed nobody touches Sherlock's things.
She giggles satisfied for what she did and blew me a kiss. "I love you but you deserved it, bye."
I was going to scream at her again but Sherlock started biting my hand and it hurts. Emily leaves without saying a word and I pick up the cage. The hay is on the floor and there's a little of water and food spilled and is a small disaster.
"Sorry about that, Sherlock," I mutter as I try to fix things up.
My phone started ringing on my bed, I grabbed it and it's a call from an unknown number. I left Sherlock on the sheets and I answer right away.
"Harry Styles how are you?"
"What do you want Bob?" I asked not very interested in this call.
"I have something really important to you."
"Oh, really?"
I don't understand what he is talking, perhaps he is joking. This call does not make sense to me.
Sherlock rolls on the sheet and I smile.
"Yes Harry, what was her name? Um ...I think is Lucy, is it? "
The smile on my face faded right away and my body loses all trace of heat.
"What did you just say?"
"You heard me," he hissed. "Lucy is with me, we're talking," he says calmly.
"What the fuck?" I yelled. "You're lying!"
"No, I'm not...Do you want proof?"
I was about to respond but through the line I heard a scream, Lucy's voice. I want to cover my ears because it is extremely disturb hearing her screaming because she never does that.
Her voice disappears and I think I'll die. Something's very wrong and she is not safe when she should be.
"We had a deal, a-and you—"
"It is a warning, don't try to play me," Bob cut me off with cold voice on the phone.
"We're not playing with you."
"Come and get the girl, I'm done with her. Come alone or there will be consequences. "
The line went dead and I stayed there for a few seconds trying to analyze what just happened. Once my mind reacts I stand up with rigid muscles. I gulped but my throat is very dry. Lucy, my Lucy is with him. That bastard kidnapped her and I know he hurt her, there is no doubt about it.
I have to go for her.
I put Sherlock back in his cage, I grabbed a jacket and I walk to Niall's room.
"I need you to watch Sherlock, I need to do something," I leave the cage on his desk.
"What? Why? What happened?"
"Do you have a pocket knife or something?" I asked as my fingers search through his desk.
"What the hell Harry?"
"I asked you something!! Do you have it or not?!" I yelled and I'm so desperate.
"Easy, easy," Horan answered frightened by my reaction.
Niall handed me one that was under his pillow and tucked the knife in my back pocket. Niall makes more questions but I get out of there. I turn on the engine and it's exactly 6 o’clock.
As I drive I realize the seriousness of the problem. The simple picture is torturing my mind and my body started to shake. My knuckles turn white from how hard I'm gripping the steering wheel. Lucinda is all I think as anger is pumped through my body.
"Shit, fuck, fuck!" I screamed and hit the steering wheel again and again.
I drive at full speed to my destination. At that speed I am driving in less than 10 minutes I'm already here. I park the car the best I can and the anger that is built into my body is getting stronger.
Bob has a strip club; you always can win money when it comes to prostitutes. They know me I don't have to show my ID.
The amazing thing is the amount of men who come here, this club is not cheap, Bob slowly gained respect for this shit. The place changes color by the lights and the pop song pisses me off even more. Everyone is enjoying and really don't know what kind of shit happens here.
I assure to hide the pocket knife in my back pocket as my feet lead me directly to his office. On my way I spotted some security guards, at least four and two outside Bob's office. They look at me with a poker face and my fists tightened.
My heart beats so hard, one of them opens the door and I don't know what will happen but all I want is Lucy.
I walked into his elegant and large office and the first I see is Lucy. I think I'm about to lose my sanity, I'm about to grab the damn penknife and cut them all to pieces.
She is sitting in a chair and Bob is standing next to her. She doesn't look up when she hears the door and I wonder if she is conscious. Her hair is messy and there is a bit of dried blood on her forehead and on her mouth.
My heart hurts too much and I can't tolerate this.
"Lucy," I muttered and I step forward but the two security guards stopped me resting their hands on my chest.
What the fuck?
"I'm here for her, let her go, fucker."
"Oh come on, you thought it was going to be easy?" Bob raises an eyebrow and rests his hand on Lucy's shoulder. She flinches, her red and watery eyes meet mine and I lost my self-control.
My elbow collides directly with the nose of the man to my left, my movement caught him off the guard and he takes a few steps back. I know the man on the right will try to push me so I bend down and leaning my shoulder on his stomach I push him until we crashed hard against the wall. One hand pulls my hair and that's for fucking cowards. I take advantage his position and my fist hits his diaphragm one, two, three, four, five times. He rests his hands on his stomach and falls to his knees while trying to breathe.
I feel a kick on my spine and my body is pushed against the man in front of me. I completely forgot the other one. I turn towards him but his fist connects with my jaw and I'm about to fall. I grabbed a floor lamp, the man hits me again and for a few seconds I lose all sense of balance and my body falls. I spit the red liquid and there are blood stains in my jeans and my chin. The man in front of me holds a cocky smile, I remember that Lucy is here, I remember that she was hurt by these fucking cowards and it is my duty to save her. Somehow that thought gives me enough strength to get up.
A guttural sound escapes from my throat, I shoved my body against the man as an animal and both of us fall to the ground. I don't waste time, his hands gripping my neck but my knuckles connected with his face again and again. His hands disappear from my neck and I keep punching him. My knuckles are numb and covered in blood as well as the face of the guard, who by the way is already unconscious.
"Stupid kid," I hear a male voice and a kick is connected to the back of my head.
I fall to the side. I see stars as the tip of the shoe hits my back and my stomach and fuck it hurts. You need to get up, spoke my mind. My body manages to roll to one side and I kick and kick until the man is forced to step back. I take those few seconds to crawl far from him, my hand rests on the wooden desk and that helps me to get up.
The security guard clenches his fists before rushing towards me. I have been here and know exactly that Bob has a thick cover book where he writes all the financial crap of this place. I manage to grab the book but the man intercepted me and of course he hits me. I step back feeling dizzy, my fingers cling to the thick cover and this time when the man runs towards me I crashed the book on the lateral side of his head. Once he falls I kick him again to make sure I properly knocked him out.
Now that I finally ended up with both I turn around and it's time to finish with Bob. I pull the jackknife from my back pocket but my revenge stops when I see that Bob already has a knife in Lucy's neck. Holy shit, holy fucking shit.
"You can't kill me because I'd kill her first, don't you think? I don't think you want to see your girlfriend dead or am I wrong?"
I don't move a single muscle of my body and silence is my answer.
"Remember what you have to do. My damn money in two weeks Harry, I'm not joking," Bob hissed glaring at me. Lucy cries silently and that tore my heart out. “If Taylor doesn't pay you tell him I'll go for him and is not going to be nice."
"You will leave for the back door with the girl. If you try to do something my guards will know and I don't think your girlfriend would like to be hit again right darling?" He leans toward her and stares at her profile. Lucy doesn't answer, her gaze is on the ceiling and tears are falling from her face.
"Get away from her," I spoke through gritted teeth. My whole body is tensed and I need him to move away from Lucy before I can lose control over myself.
"If you try to hurt me Harry my guards will know and you know the consequences—"
"Bob you fucking coward get away from her!" This time I scream and my hands are shaking.
Bob wrote a quick message on his cell phone and in seconds a security guard appears at the door. Bob the coward steps away from her and Lucinda is free but she doesn't move. It must be the shock and fear.
I keep the jackknife and rushed toward her. She's wearing shorts and I spotted blood stains on one of her bare ankles and it takes all my strength and self control to not kill Bob right here. I crouched in front of her placing a hand on her shoulder and another on her cheek.
"Lucy, Lucy," I whisper to get her attention and her eyes met mine. She looks lost, her eyes are watery and she's totally scared. "Lucy I'm here, can you walk?"
There is no answer and her silence is killing me. We have to get out of here so I decided to carry her; her body is far from being heavy in my arms.
"Where's her bag?" I barked. "Where's her bag?!" I screamed and Lucy shudders against my chest.
Bob walks to his desk and he pulls out from one of the drawers a small brown bag. Bob tosses it to the table and I grab it.
"Come with me," said the security guard.
"It was nice to see, your girlfriend is lovely," Bob says with amusement. "Oh and Harry if you fail next time it will be your sister."
I'm about to go insane again. My muscles are tense and my hands burn for the rage. I fight against the anger that is being pumped into my veins and the only reason why I ignore his words is because I have Lucy. I need to focus on her.
We make our way out of the office and I kicked the two guards that are on the ground while passing between their unconscious bodies.
The office is connected with a corridor, the entrance to this place is private. The guard leads us down the corridor and we crossed two doors before leaving for an emergency door.
The clouds are a mixture of different colors, almost all are dark tones. The sunset is almost over but it is overshadowed. I blame global warming because it's starting to rain and it is weird due to the nice weather of today.
I walk quickly through the wet cement, avoiding a few curious glances I search for the keys in my pocket and turned off the alarm of the Jeep. I try to place Lucy in the passenger seat but her fingers cling to my black shirt without letting me go.
"Harry," I hear her trembling voice and she looks up.
Her face is beautiful but she looks pale and scared and hurt. My hand is wet and I took advantage of the water to clean the dried blood from her forehead and the corner of her bottom lip. I wanted to ask her what they did but that would only make me more furious than I am and I don't think she is able to talk about it.
She bites her lower lip and her eyes threatening to betray her. After all that happened I want to comfort her, I want to help. I want and I need to do it, is the only thing I have in my mind at this exact moment. My hands cupped her cheek and her eyes focused on me through the raindrops.
"Lucy, you're safe," I murmured and kissed her cold forehead. "Just-just don't cry, everything will be fine," I beg. If she does that probably would rip my heart out.
Now she is safe with me but I never saw this coming, what happened is completely my fault and I will hate myself for the rest of my life for this. She didn't deserve it, I just wish to transfer the pain she felt to me, I’d tolerate it for her…but the damage is already done and I was not there and it's my damn fault.
Her fingers release the fabric of my shirt and with a quick peek at her hands something catches my attention. The palms of her hands are a little scraped, probably because she fell. One word: motherfuckers. I try to breathe because if I don't I'll probably go back to that damn strip club and I'll rip off Bob's head.
Lucy stares at me while I kiss her knuckles, as if that might help to forget what they did. I released her hands and then she sits properly in the seat. My fingers buckle her seat belt before closing the door. My head is wet as well as my shirt. I got in the car with my hair dripping, I pull it back with my fingers and start the engine.
A quick glimpse at Lucy and I know she can't go home now. She's scared and possibly about to enter in a state of shock or something else. Also I have to check her; maybe she's hurt and needs me. Her body started to shake and I immediately turn on the heating. She looks at me through her wet locks and I realize that she has a small stream of blood flowing on a specific spot of her forehead. She definitely can't go home in this state.
"Shit," I curse and slide my thumb slightly around her small wound. Her eyes never left mine as I do it. "You're safe," I mutter before my hand cups her cheek. Lucy doesn't flinch and just looks down.
We can't go to her house or to mine because my friends will start talking and maybe Emily is there so definitely not. The only positive if you could say so is that I know where we can go.
"Harry," I hear her weak voice as I dial a number on my cell. "Harry I-I can't go—"
"I know, don't worry," I reply as I wait for the person to answer my call.
"What do you want Harry?" Is the polite way of my father to say 'hello'.
"Um, hi, I need to ask you a favor and no, is not what you think," I roll my eyes and started to drive. "Can I go to that apartment you have? The one you showed me once."
"What? And for what?" He asked suspicious. "Not for a party or girls or anything like that!"
"As if you had not brought any women there," I barked. "Anyway that is not the reason, actually my friend had a little accident and she can't go home now."
"Uggh fine, are you going to pick the keys now?"
"I already have them, I made a copy for myself a long ago."
"What? You never told me. Harry I hope what you say is true because otherwise you will be grounded. "
"Whatever, thanks bye," I hang up the call and I keep the phone in my pocket.
If it were the appropriate time I'd laugh at what my father said. Grounded? That's ridiculous, he has no power over me and last time I saw him it was like three weeks ago.
"Harry, you're driving too fast," I hear her soft voice.
I realize that my fingers are firmly clinging to the steering wheel and we're actually going too fast. Maybe I'm not showing anything on the outside but right now I'm a mess. I'll never forget this day, never forget what Bob did. We had a deal, he knew I was going to fulfill but he betrayed me, I promised to pay and this is what I get back? Son of a bitch. I know what I did to him was wrong but I deserved to pay that price, not Lucy. I deserved the pain not her and it is not fair, is not fair for her because she is too good to be true, too good for any miserable soul on this planet including me. I hate myself so much and everything is my fault.
"Fuck!" I yelled.
My fist collides with the steering wheel and my thoughts are killing me. Once again I hit the steering wheel and my knuckles hurt but I could not care less. Lucy didn't jump by my reaction and she just stares out the window completely absent.
It takes about 20 minutes to get to my dad's apartment. 20 minutes that was like an eternity, eternal silence, all I did was sinking down in my thoughts while listening to my heart beating hard against my chest and feeling the rage on my bones, my blood, my nerves and my skin. It's a totally indescribable anger, helplessness in its pure state and thirst for revenge that eats you alive.
It's still raining once I parked the car. I grab the key to my father's apartment who was under my seat and I jump out of the Jeep. I walk around and open the door to Lucy. I don't wait for an answer, I hide her head with the hood of her jacket and then I carry her little body in my arms. I activate the car alarm and I try to walk as quickly as possible to the entrance. It's raining a lot and we are completely soaked. Lucy must be freezing because she is using those damn shorts.
The receptionist is staring at us with a look of confusion as we walked across the reception of the building. We get into the elevator and I pressed the button number 18.
She is snuggled against my chest, my nose lands on her hair and she smells like rain and strawberry. She always smells good as I remember.
"I can walk," she whispers.
I don't want to let her go because I'm afraid if I do it her little body would disappear by the damage they have done.
"Seriously Harry," she stated calmly and I obey her request.
She gets rid of the hood, her eyes are still red and watery and I realize that she was crying in the car while I was in a state of anger and hatred. The picture breaks my heart, it really does. I wonder if it would be too weird if I hug her because that's exactly what I want to do.
The elevator door opened and Lucinda follows me to the apartment. I open the door, turn on the light of the living room and she steps into the place.
"My dad used to rent this apartment but not anymore," I explained although I don't think she cares. "Sit down,” I say but I actually ended up helping her, maybe it's not necessary but she needs my attention.
My hands leave her shoulders and her big eyes are watching me intently. My hands are shaking and I swallowed hard.
"Ahm ho-how are you?" I stuttered like an idiot and my question is completely out of place. I really want to punch myself.
Her frightened expression is replaced by a quick smile of amusement. This is so weird but it's comforting at the same time. I haven't seen her smile in months.
"Do-do you need anything? Oh God I'm so stupid, you need water."
I go to the kitchen and I pour the liquid to the glass. I check the fridge and there's nothing, I'm not surprised because dad doesn't come here but still all the furniture is in its place and is organized. She needs to eat something, some glucose I guess plus I have to look for a first-aid kit or things to clean her wounds.
Lucy is sitting on the couch looking at her shoes. She's soaked and she is soaking the couch but it does not matter. I turn on the heater because my skin is frozen and I'm sure she feels the same. I bend down in front of Lucy and handed the glass, her fingers holds it but the glass in her hand trembles.
"Drink," I ordered.
I've been staring at her all this time, Lucy has the glass in her hand for about 20 seconds ago and still doesn't drink. She gave me a curt nod and drinks a tiny sip of water.
"You need to drink it all Lucy," I say softly.
My fingers trace a path from her knee and down, I stop at her ankle and its wounded. My heart aches at the sight and it honestly becomes difficult to breathe.
Besides her ankle there are her hands and also two small wounds, one in the corner of her lower lip and forehead.
"My jaw hurts too,” she said, reading my thoughts.
I don't touch her because I'm afraid I can hurt her. My gaze wanders around her jaw line and there is a small blue bruise. I hold my breath, holy shit this is too much for me.
"I-I will be right back," I declare before getting up.
I think my heart will explode while I make my way to the main room. I close the door and breathe. Pain and anger cloud my mind right away and I swear I hate everything in this world except for her.
I really wanted us to take different paths, She is too good and deserves better things. All I've been is troubles and unnecessary pain in her life. I just want her to be at peace while I suffer for the guilt. The thing is that the guilt has increased, it has grown in indescribable levels and I'll never forget this. Never.
I feel useless, helpless. I want her pain to be mine, I just wish to go back in time and have been there for her. My mind betrays me and the thought of what they should have done with Lucy, my little Lucy, the nickname I used for her, makes me lose control.
I'm like an animal, a savage. I destroy everything, I bust the lamp against the wall, I threw the nightstand, I break the headboard, I split in two the paintings, I pull out the drawers from the wardrobe and throw it to the wall. Every time I hear something break it relieves me but it pisses me off because no matter what I do the damage is done, they beat her, that cruel people did and it was my fault for being an arrogant, ambitious and irresponsible bastard.
I trample on the small pieces of the shattered drawer, I kick the wooden pieces like it was Bob's face, Taylor's face, the face of every person I hate. My breathing is hectic and my throat is dry. I turn around and Lucy is watching me from the door. She is not wearing glasses, her hair is still wet as her clothing. Her gaze makes me feel small and I think she looking at me because she is trying to decipher what is happening to me. She's not scared for the mess I made actually she is worried. Her eyes are watery and from here I can see her collarbone.
I'm fucking useless and all I want is to this day to disappear. I can't stand see her this way. The world is on my shoulders and that makes me fall on my knees. My vision suddenly is blurry and something warm is streaming down my face.
"Harry, Harry," Lucy rushed; she kneels in front of me and pulled me into a hug. My arms wrapped around her and I hide my face in her warm neck.
"Fuck, I'm-I'm sorry," I stutter in a whisper. "I'm so sorry Lucy."
"Harry, don't-don’t cry,” I hear her weak voice and my hands cling to her even more.
But it's too late, I'm crying like a fucking baby for Lucy.
-Hi????? This is my last week of vacation, I'm sad and stressed already.
-This chapter was emotional, intense or something I don't know??? The next will have more dialogue and explanations of course. Thank you xoxo
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