Chapter 73




I swear she drank the whole bottle and she didn't faint nor throw up and I'm impressed. I drink that whole bottle of vodka and I'm sure I'd end up in the hospital intoxicated by all that alcohol.

Emily speaks a lot, most of the time she complained about boys and talked about vodka and other drinks. She has a lot of makeup, pretty much eyeliner and shadow and all that black hide her blue eyes. Her hair is long and blonde and is messy but it looks good. Her whole look is very 'gothic' I think but I don't know exactly how to define her.

"I need a drink," she muttered before getting up. "Are you in or not?"

I have to go back and look for Cassie or just killing time. I hold the puppy in my arms and I join Emily. She is tall, much taller than me and her legs are thin and beautiful. She's wearing a short black skirt and a white tank top.

I clean my glasses with the sleeve of my jacket while the puppy slips his tongue down my chin. Emily's eyes quickly scanned my body, a smile appears on her face but she says nothing.

"Let's go Lucinda."                             

"Are you going to leave your friends?" I ask as I follow her but she never responds to my answer.

I stroke the fur of the pet and my eyes are glued to her legs, they are very thin, long, tanned and there is no trace of any imperfections. My legs are barely half of that, I dislike my thighs and have some marks for things I did when I was little.

"What's up babe?" A guy intercepts Emily and she stops walking. "Want to dance?" He asks and rests his hand on her waist.

"Yeah, sure idiot," she replies.

Her next move leaves me disoriented, gently pushing the boy before her elbow collide in his nose. The boy let out some insults as his fingers pressed onto his nose. We heard a few whistles and protest but she didn’t seem to mind at all.

"Fuck you," I hear her say before continuing to walk.

I'm completely paralyzed, why she didn't just say 'no' and that was it? Jesus, I think she has a serious anger issues.

"Could you distract them?" Emily questioned suddenly turning towards me.

"What? Who and why?"

"That group of guys, talk to them, I need to steal a bottle."

"Why not just ask them?"

"Oh come on, be a bad girl, it's just a bottle."

Talking to strangers means having personality and enough self-confidence to be able to generate a random and spontaneous conversation. I must push away my antisocial and shy side or at least try. 

"Okay, I'll do it," I accept her proposal and I cannot believe I'm doing this for a stranger.

It's just a bottle, what is the worst that could happen? If something goes wrong we just pay for it which really is not so horrible.

The group of guys are chatting sitting around the table. There are some bottles on the floor, some are empty and the other has not been opened yet.

I take a deep breath before walking towards them.

"Um hi," I try to speak louder and the guys turned toward me. "I just found this pet and I don't know who owns it."

"What a cute dog!" Says one of the boys and he is clearly drunk.

"Put your glasses on the dog, put it!" Says another boy.

I look up and Emily is a few meters away and she's holding a bottle in her hand. She made ​​signs to go with her and wow, that was super fast.

I laugh and decide to place the glasses in the dog. Some guys make a toast for that and others laugh at the dog.

"It looks funny!" It's the first thing I say and the dog moves uneasily. "So you know who the owner is?"

Some shook their head 'no' and others shrug.

"Thanks bye!" I smile and walk out quickly from the scene.

I take other way and lose myself in the crowd. A hand grabs my arm and Emily is smiling at me.

"See? It was not that hard but you need to talk more if you want to distract them better. "

"Do you always do this?"

"Sometimes, it's funny and boys deserve it. Now come on, I need a drink. "

We return to the back yard and I released the puppy and he lies down on the grass. When she hands me a glass of vodka I realize that I helped her to steal.


I take a sip of the drink and my God is disgusting.

"You know I was in England because I won a scholarship and don't look at me impressed I look stupid but I'm really smart," she says proud of herself with a cigarette on her mouth. "The thing is that I came back and heard a couple of rumors which I guess is true and I found out something horrible that my boyfriend did."

"What happened? If you don't mind me asking, " I spoke with my eyes glued on the puppy.

"I never thought he was capable of this, but his friends were also involved. He humiliated the girl he was dating and he never told me about her, his friend Louis threw eggs or something and he said horrible things to her. If I were the girl I would rip off his testicles I swear, I love revenge. Probably I would do it to my boyfriend but if I take his penis how can we have sex?" She giggles.

I did not move a single muscle. My heart stops as soon I hear the name Louis. The short story she tells takes my breath away because she is talking about me, what happened to me.

I heard so little about her, she was always a mystery but now I remember, she's Emily she was Harry's girlfriend and now she is Harry's girlfriend.

I don't know if she is a good person and I don't know what she will think when she finds out I'm the girl of her story. I don't want to find out because maybe she will laugh, maybe she's bad. What I find most shocking is that we have been sharing together for more than an hour.

"Hey, careful, more respect with vodka!" I hear her voice and I realize that my glass has fallen to the grass.

"I'm-I'm sorry," I mumbled and pick up the red glass.

There will always be someone who destroys your self esteem and now that I see Emily she is the person who kills me my self esteem, she's gorgeous but now that I think she is perfect for Harry and I only mention it by the way she dresses and her attitude or her confidence on herself.

The only thing that makes me feel a little better is the fact that Harry left and picked me up at the airport and didn't forget me which didn't happen to Emily. Yet she is the present and I'm just the past.

I have slowly healed but the wound is still open. I must escape before I burst into tears.

"I-I need to go," I spoke weakly and my arms wrapped around the puppy.

"What? Where are you going? "

"I need to find a friend."

"Whatever, good luck," she responds without too much interest and I take this opportunity to leave.

I need to stay away from her.


I thought this day would never come, but senior year here I am. I was excited to get back but now my state is balanced by the nervousness. To be honest I have mixed feelings all over my body since I found out about Emily, is a kind of torture for me but shouldn't be. Emily and Harry are nothing to me, I shouldn't worry or at least I should try.

I meet Eric in the hallway and we headed to the place where the principal will give a short speech of welcome and congratulate us for our last year.

I'm inspired by the speech and I'm really listening as I think Eric is sleeping next to me. I stare at our fingers intertwined and the difference in size of our hands.

Once the speech ends we all have to go to our classes. I say goodbye to Eric and head to my first class which I share with Mandy. It's so good to see her and she looks a little happier. I understand that she is reserved but sometimes I wish she could tell me what's happening with Ryan, maybe I could help.

My class of calculus and algebra is with Marcel and I'm so happy to be with him because we love everything that involves math.

"Eat," Eric complained as I read a comic.

"I will, but now I'm busy."

"It's a stupid comic what really matters is that you eat."

I throw the comic on the table and looked at him mad. I hate when he acts like that.

"Fine," I growled and grabbed a fork.

"You eat like a baby animal."

"Why do you always compare me to that?" I raise an eyebrow as I grab a napkin.

"I don't know, you're thin, you're little, you eat like a squirrel, your hands are small and you have big eyes that always look scared and that makes you look like a baby animal."

"I eat like a squirrel? Your answer makes no sense. "

He doesn't respond and we eat in silence. I eat slow and bite small pieces. Cassie joins us and she doesn't say a word. I look at both before seeking a topic of conversation because the atmosphere is uncomfortable.

"The principal's speech was good."

Mentally I want to punch myself, I still suck at conversations.

"I think you were the only one listening Lucy."

"Actually I was listening too," Cassie agrees with me and her voice is a bit rude. "Eric can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah sure."

"You like my friend?"

I looked puzzled at Cassie by her question and then my eyes fall to Eric. He looks at me for a few seconds, I thought he would answer immediately but the split of seconds makes him look like he doubted.

"Yeah, why do you ask?"

"I don't know, just curious. Can you say that looking into her eyes? If you don't mind of course. "


"What? What is the matter? I thought he was your boyfriend. "

"I'm not her boyfriend," he responds right away but I am impressed with the fact that his words don't hurt me.

"Friends with benefits?" She raises a brow and I blushed.

"What do you want Cassie?" Eric questioned, his jaw tightened.

"Want me to tell her? Fine. I like you Lucy, "Eric says staring at me but I don't understand why it bothers him, Cassie's request was silly but easy to fulfill.

"Where was your first kiss?"

"Her house."

"What is her favorite animal?"


"What do you like about Lucy?"

"Her legs and eyes."

"I was talking about her personality, what do you like the most about her personality."

I shudder on my seat when Eric leaves the fork harshly on the table.

"I hate when girls do that."

"Do what?" Cassie squints at him.

"Guys just sto-stop—"

"Those stupid questions, this is an interrogation and you start to judge me because you want to know how good I am for your friend."

"Precisely," Cassie nods and her eyes glued to Eric.

"We have been together for 2 months and only now you come to do that, you're a little slow don't you think Cassie?"

That was rude.

"Enough!"I interrupt before my friend can respond.

"I'm not hungry," Eric gets up from his chair and I cannot believe this. "See you later Lucy."

I gaped and he walked away without even waiting for an answer from me. I'm angry and confused not only with Cassie but with Eric.

"I think you owe me an explanation," the words slip from my mouth when my eyes meet Cassie.

"Okay, okay," she raises her hands in surrender. "I know it sounds stupid but I was reading a few things on the internet, you know what they say 'the eyes are the windows to the soul' and then I think about Eric and I realize I don't trust him."


"It's like a bad feeling—"

"Cassie that's ridiculous."

"He is with you but said he was not your boyfriend and that's ridiculous."

I shake my head 'no' and a big sigh escapes from my throat.

"I think it's okay, I don't really care."

"What? Of course not. Look I know it took me a lot and I'm fucking slow but don't you think it's weird that he has appeared out of nowhere and has been kind to you suddenly?"

"Cassie's been months and he hasn't done anything wrong,"

"It also took months to Harry and then he did something wrong—"

Her words are a knife twisting in my stomach, I get up from the seat and she does the same.

"I regret what I said, it was not my intention, it was a comparison but—shit, I'm sorry Lucy."

"I must go," I spoke firmly.

I grab my bag and start walking and seconds later Cassie reached my step.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to Lucy but you have to listen!" She begs and I keep my eyes straight ahead.

"I just want you to be careful, I care about you, we are best friends and I—"

"Leave me alone!" I growled looking into her eyes."I know you don't trust in boys and you are so paranoid for what happened to you with Matt but you can't drown me with you, you have your problems and I have mine. Don't mix our lives because you're not me and I'm not you. It seems unreasonable the fact you don't trust in Eric, we went out with him on Summer, Eric has proven to be a good boy, so why now you come to tell me this? "

She steps back and pressed her lips into a thin line.

"Yes, I'm paranoid but just be careful, don't trust too much."

"Do you know something I don't?" I raised my brows. That may be the only reason why she is acting this way.

"No, is not that. Forget it just be careful please? "She speaks softly and to make her happy I nod.




I must say that physical education is the only thing I like about the school. I push a white shirt over my head and then I put my shoes. I keep my belongings in a locker and I turn around as soon as I ball hits the back of my head.

"Fuck you Louis!"

I don't have to see him to know it was him. That idiot drank several energy drinks just to experience on himself. After all these energy drinks he hasn't been quiet all day. Drink it in large portions is not good for the body but as always Louis doesn't seem to care.

Our teacher congratulated us for being in senior year and then explains what we are going to do. Always the same the first week, we will jog, do a series of exercises and then we'll play.

"Okay so you are going to jog for 20 minutes, if someone stops everyone will jog for 5 more minutes," our teacher clarifies looking at his chronometer. "Are you ready?"

"Yes!" Louis squeals excited and I roll my eyes.

The teacher blows the whistle and everyone started running around the court. Louis is jogging fast so I stay alongside Liam to a less hurried pace. Zayn and Niall are behind us and they are laughing over Louis and talking among themselves.

This place is big enough for the girls and the boys but the genders are separated and the girls are just a few feet away from us. They also have to jog but a few minutes less than us.

Their grumpy teacher blows her whistle and the girls start to jog. The group of girls mixed between us and minutes later Emily is on my side.

"I'm dying," Emily said while trying to control her breathing.

"Too much cigarette I'd say."

"Nope, I'm too old and I hate this."

"So now you're talking to me?"

"Oh believe me I'm still mad at you."

"I'm sorry?"

"That was so fake Harry," she rolls her eyes.

"I'm so sorry Emily,” I apologize but my voice is cold.

"Fuck you," she curses and accelerates her path leaving me with Liam.

"You suck Harry, Emily is not the best girl in the world but forget to pick her up at the airport search was not a good way to start."

I shrug and decide to focus on my breathing.

Eric jogs and passed by us and his shoulder collides aggressively with mine. I roll my eyes in annoyance.

"Sorry Styles!" He says and he gave me the most fake smile I've seen in my life.

"He's an idiot," Payne murmured to me and I nodded.

A female body joins next to Eric and I trip over my own feet when I realized that is Lucinda. Payne grabs me by the arm before I can fall. What the hell? I swear to God she never wears shorts and now she's wearing a tight gray shorts and I'm about to scream.

I haven't seen her in months, for me it has been an eternity but my mind has never forgotten the picture of her face. Her ponytail sways as she jogs and my eyes never leave her legs, they are much thinner than I remember. She is a couple of meters away but I run those 20 minutes with my eyes on her legs.

Once the 20 minutes are over, the teacher lets us choose our teams to play basketball. It didn't take too much to do the groups because we are always the same guys and many of us have known each other for 2 years or more.

We are four teams so two teams must wait until we finish this short game. Not mean to brag but I'm good and also my height helps me a lot. We start to play and everyone is full of energy because I can see that they are really fighting to get the ball. I hand the ball to Louis and the guys runs off like an arrow shot because of the energy drink, unfortunately he didn't get to the basket. Is Niall that makes it to the basket and scored for our group.

The boys are playing and my eyes wander around to spot Eric next to Lucy. They are talking and suddenly she laughs at something. I squint and I wish I could shoot knives from my eyes towards Eric.

"Styles" I hear a voice and the ball intercepts my face and collides directly onto my nose.

"Watch out you idiot!" I grunt with my fingers on my sore nose.

"Get your head in the game!" Niall yelled.

I try to play but my movements are clumsy and they snatch the ball from me as many times as I have it in my hands. In the end our team lost and we withdraw from the basketball court.

I sit and wipe the sweat off my forehead. I spotted the silly couple; we heard a whistle and my fists clenched when Eric kisses Lucy. 3 months and this happens!?

As soon as he walks away from her his eyes meet mine as if he knew I was watching. It is not difficult to decipher his gaze and he looks at me with a face that says: Do you see what I have?    

Eric is not a person of trust, he is a liar and he better not be playing with her. I know what I did and I know I'm not a saint in this but he better not be playing. He smirks at me but it looks like a wicked smirk. He pouts as he mouthed “poor Harry” and then Eric laughs.

"What are you staring at?"

I got scared because I didn't see Emily coming; I swear she came out of nowhere.


"Ugh, I hate him, I know him since he was a baby and Eric has always been unbearable. Wait I thought you—"

"We're not friends I thought you'd remember."

"Yep, old times," she says as she swings her legs back and forth.

We don't say a word and we stayed quietly watching the others teams playing. Suddenly Emily gets up and her hands grab mine.

"I need to talk to you about something Harry," her voice goes serious and her eyes show no expression.

"I'm listening."

She pulls me and I stand up. She is tall but not as tall as me, I win for several inches.

"I forgot that there is a lot of gossip at this school.”

There is always gossip; I hate it, fuck school.

"Like what?" I answer without too much interest and I try to watch the game but Emily tramples my foot to get my attention.

"Things you did," she whispers. "Things you did and I didn't like at all."

"You never—"

"Shut up Harry," she growls and her nails sink on my flesh. "You shouldn't forget that I am quite a feminist and you did something to a girl."

My eyes widened for her sentence. Oh no.

"I need to explain—"

If only she'd let me finish my sentence. Her knee is shot and hits me right in the balls. She did it so fast and strong that I immediately fall to my knees while my jewels are dying for the pain. I have never been so beaten there, it's the third time and I definitely think I will not be able to have children.

Emily heard a whistle and crouching in front of me.

"I hear something like that again and next time will be the hamster Harry," she whispers and kisses my cheek. "I love you."

Sherlock?! No way!

"Fuck you," I whimpered. Emily smiles and stands up.

"Emily Manson to the principal's office now!" I hear our teacher and Louis' laugh.

I stay on the floor for a few seconds and then Niall helps me. Once I sit the first thing I see is Eric, that bastard is laughing at me. Despite the pain I'm suffering right now I have a feeling that he is up to something and I'm also thinking about the fact that this son of a bitch kissed Lucy.

-Emily on the gif>>>>

-When Niall said "get your head on the game" I thought about high school musical (i love it sorry not sorry)

-Sorry if the chapter was boring but I had to do it that way (?) 

-Next chapters will be better I promise. Thanks for reading x

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