Chapter 69
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I return to my room with a banana for me and a piece of celery to Sherlock. I leave aside my slippers and I stop in front of the bed when there is no sign of the animal. Crap.
"Sherlock?" I call him but it's super useless because it's not like he was going to respond to his name.
I fear for the life of my little hamster. My fingers gently move the sheets, I won't do it violently because I could throw the poor animal.
"Fuck Sherlock, come here!" I grabbed the animal before he can fall out of bed, the hamster was hanging, holding his claws on my sheets.
I laugh as the animal bites my hand. I don't know how he survived only holding his little claws on the edge of my bed but sure it was an adventure for him. I laugh, how silly is Sherlock.
"I saved your life, don't bite me, plus I have food so be nice," I say as I place him inside his cage.
I hand the celery and a sunflower seed. Sherlock gives small bites to the vegetable before getting into his little wheel.
"Always running Sherlock, do you want to stay in shape for the girls?" I laugh at my stupid words and the animal kept running.
I sit on the bed as I eat my banana. I open my laptop, which I rarely use, and log into Skype.
"You wonder why the house is so quiet right Sherlock?" The animal gets off his small wheel and start drinking water. "Everybody left, I didn't want to go out, I drank too much lately and I'll probably die. If I die Sherlock you can't stay with my friends, um, you'll be with Lucy. I was thinking that she could claim for you and I don't know what I'd do, you're all I have Sherlock. "
The entire speech was really stupid because I won't die nor I'll leave a testament. What I really hope is that Lucinda didn't ask me for Sherlock, he can't leave me, the animal is mine and I've grown fond of Sherlock.
My laptop starts ringing, well actually Skype starts making noise, I have a call.
"Happy Birthday Harry!" Emily squeals as soon I accept the Skype call. She sounds very happy which is weird coming from Emily.
"Hey, thanks," I say not really excited about it, I really don't care that it's my birthday, not this year.
"19 years old Harry, you're so big!" The image of her camera is not so bad and I can see her better than I expected. "Where are the others?"
"They left, celebrating my birthday without me."
"What? Why?" She asked surprised while lighting a cigarette.
"You can smoke where you are?"
"Do you think I care?" She says letting the smoke seep from her mouth. "Tell me, did you stay here just for me or are you waiting sex on camera?"
"None of the above," I reply before chewing a piece of banana.
"Of course you would like to see my tits but not give you the privilege," she tied her before holding the cigarette between her fingers. "Well, honestly are you staying at home?"
"Probably, I'm tired. I've been drinking a lot these days so I needed a break. "
"Why have you been drinking too much? Tell me. "
Emily's curious as fuck, always has to know everything about me, every single detail.
"Because I wanted to."
"Liar, don't do that Harry I know exactly when you lie."
"Well then you're wrong because I'm telling the truth."
"Harry the last time you got drunk every day for a week was for me you stupid, I remember clearly. So now you probably have a family problem or you are getting drunk for a girl. The first option is acceptable and the second option will probably make me go back there faster than you think to cut the throat of the girl, "Emily sentenced while smoking her cigar.
I am not intimidated by her threat, always the same. I'm not drinking because I have family problems right now and I'm not doing for a girl. I did it for the guilt, for what I did to Lucy but that doesn't necessarily involve her I'm talking about my actions. Anyway if she was the reason I would never let Emily touch Lucinda.
"None of the above," I answer calmly and I shove a piece of banana to my mouth.
"Fucking liar, as soon I get there—"
"Are you going to start with the threats!?" I almost scream and feel as if we were face to face again and as always arguing.
"Are you going to start with the threats?" She makes fun of my words and rolls her eyes. "You make me so angry that I'm about to burn myself with the cigar."
"You're so sick," I growled.
"Friendly remind you we used to do this together," she says as she puts the cigar quickly to the skin of her arm.
I didn't tell her to stop nor I scold about her behavior, probably if I do Emily will do it again. It hurts of course but if it is not so deep the mark disappears.
"Friendly remind you it was a year ago."
"I can't believe I thought we could share a sexual moment," she sighs exhausted.
"I never thought about something sexual just letting you know."
"I don't care Harry."
This is a common conversation between us, is the way we treat each other. I'm slightly disappointed but not surprised.
My eyes focus on the hamster cage and I realize I haven't shown the animal to Emily.
"You have a son!" I exclaimed while grabbed the hamster in my hands.
"Have I got pregnant and had a baby without even knowing it?" Emily jokes and I giggle.
"Emily this is Sherlock," I place the animal in front of the camera.
"That's rat Harry."
"Ignorant is a hamster."
"It's ugly as his father," she says with a smile.
"Yes I'm so ugly that whenever you get high you always say how handsome I am," I roll my eyes.
"Hey! I said it a few times," she laughs embarrassed, "but you're cute," she winks. The moments when she's embarrassed, which rarely occur, are the moments I like the most.
We are so weird, a few seconds ago I was about to yell at her and now we're laughing and there are no problems.
"We will have to take care of the little hamster."
"What the hell? Don't think I'll touch that rat, "she replies in disgust.
"It's not a rat and his name is Sherlock."
"Really Harry? How could you name it like that? You and your stupid obsession with that stupid character, is ridiculous. "
"He is not stupid," my fingers caress Sherlock and I hope he has not heard Emily's words.
"And why did you decide to buy a hamster?" She asks as I leave Sherlock back in his cage.
"Because I wanted to," I reply and I'm obviously lying, I bought it to Lucy.
"You're lying to me again!" She screams.
"Why are you screaming!? I'm not lying!"I reply with the same volume of voice.
"You would never buy a hamster or any animal by choice and I don't think the boys have time to take care of an animal then--"
"Oh my God, shut up Emily, people can change don't you think?"
"People can change," she imitates my voice. "You sound super sensitive and stupid Harry, do you still have your dick or not?" She growls angrily.
My phone rings next to my laptop and I grabbed quickly. A message from Louis? What does he wants now?
From: Louis.
We are in the aqua club, you are not going to believe who I just saw. Little Lucy is here with your best friend Eric!!! HA!!
What the hell?
"Are you listening to me you piece of shit!?" Emily screams across the screen. I return my attention to her and her face cheeks are red, she is mad.
"I have to go," I respond without emotion in my voice. She sighs and shakes her head.
"Thanks for listening, fuck you," she cuts the call. Emily will be angry for days, who knows when we will talk again.
I close the laptop and I get out of bed. I feel almost like a robot while I put my shoes on and choose a jacket. As if the message of Louis were an order and I'm obliged to obey.
I grab my phone and my wallet. I wash my face, brush my teeth and then I almost ran downstairs.
I get in the car and in minutes I'm out of the vehicle. I honestly don't know how fast I was driving but I don't care.
We never come to this place, I have no idea what my friends are here nor I understand why Lucy would be doing here.
To: Louis
Where are you.
From: Louis
Inside duh!!! At the bar you idiot!!
The line to enter is not very long, it takes me a few minutes until I finally show my ID to the security guard and he let me in.
I walk between people and I know exactly where is the bar. I step through an area where there are tables and my eyes spotted Eric's blond hair. He doesn't see me, his back to me, but I know him too well to not recognize it. He's with his stupid friends but no signs of Lucy.
I turn around and my fingers quickly write a message.
To: Louis
Are you sure? Or are you lying?
From: Louis
I'm not lying! Niall saw her too!
I throw my phone into my pocket and keep walking. It is not difficult to spot my 4 friends, a group of idiots with some balloons while they laugh and drink.
"Happy Birthday!" Liam squeals and he's super happy and super high. Louis tries to put me a birthday hat and I tore it with my fingers. Stupid birthday.
"I left Sherlock alone! Please tell me it is true that Lucy is here. "
"Oh poor Sherlock, calm down mommy Styles," Louis mocks of my despair.
"She's here Harry, I saw her," Niall replied drinking his vodka from a straw.
"I cannot believe you came just for that message,"
"I told you he would Zayn," Louis giggles.
"Emily would be angry, can I take a picture of this moment?" Zayn searches his phone in his jacket.
"Hey, that's my job! I am the one with the camera, "Tomlinson spoke holding his cell phone.
I won't let him take another picture of me with stupid face. I slapped his hand and the cell is dropped.
"Idiot!" Louis whimpered and I turned to Horan.
"Where did she go Niall?"
"She went to the dance floor about 2 minutes ago."
Niall would never play with me so Lucinda is here but not with Eric because I just saw him. I don't want to let my imagination fly too much but I am worried about her. I don't think this she is with someone she knows, I don't think in these days she made a friend and has accepted to dance with him. I also know she doesn't like to dance.
"She could be in trouble," I whispered with my eyes on the dance floor, it is useless because I will not find her this way.
"Don't be paranoid, she's fine," Liam answered but I ignore.
"He's super paranoid because of Eric," Louis said and I guess he has one of his usual mocking faces. "I think they make a good couple."
"You have to be kidding me," I hissed, turning to my friend.
"It is my opinion!" He folds his arms. "You are really bitter and it’s your birthday. We will eat your cake for you. "
"Fine," I rolled my eyes, I couldn't care less.
My eyes are scanning the dance floor but there are too many people and not a lot of lighting. This is in vain. I will not stay with my friends and something in my mind tells me I should go for her. Just to check, what's the worst that could happen?
I head to the dance floor. I frown as I walk through the mass of bodies. A half drunk girl stumbles over me; she grabs my hand and tries to pull me toward her.
"Forget it," I grunt.
I throw my hands in my pockets while I look around. Now that I think it would not be easy to find Lucy, she is not tall and she has dark hair but there are many not tall and dark haired girls.
I run my fingers through my hair as I sigh frustrated. My eyes travel from person to person until I find something. I spotted her in the crowd but she is not alone. It would be strange to me if I didn't recognize that red hair.
Cameron has his hands on Lucy, she moves very slow, almost forced, he is much stronger than her. Her eyes are shut tight and I'm frozen by the scene. This is not happening… Lucy, my Lucy in the arms of stupid Cameron, that sick bastard.
My muscles only go back to work when her eyes meet mine. She's scared and so paralyzed as I am. My body is pushed towards them and the first thing I do is shove Cameron. I grab him by the collar and punched him in the nose. People notice the little show I'm putting together and they step back. Cameron is drunk, the punch made him lost balance.
I'm glad that he is in that state of drunkenness or it could have ended worse. Cameron is violent and he wouldn't hesitate to hit me back.
"I will do it, I will do it!" I hear Liam's voice and he comes out of nowhere with Zayn, perhaps they were following me and I didn't notice.
"Get him out of here guys," I hissed while intertwining my fingers with Lucinda. He was lucky that we are in a public place or probably I'd kill him.
Liam grabs Cameron by the elbow and starts to drag along with Zayn. We know the security guards here so it shouldn't be hard to get rid of Cameron. Once the three are not in sight it's only Lucy and I and clearly a lot of others but they are not the protagonists.
Now I have time to observe her I'm impressed by the shirt she is wearing, black and sleeveless. Her skin is shining a bit for the sweat and her breathing is slightly agitated, that allows me to see the way it appears and disappears her collarbone with each breath she takes. My fingers tilts up her chin and her eyes are scared once they find mine.
"Hey I'm sorry, are you okay Lucy?" I asked calmly but inside I'm very nervous.
My fingers cleaned the sweat from her forehead, I fixed her glasses and she swallows before nodding.
"He didn't touch you right?" She nods again without saying a word.
Her skin is pale and she is terrified, Lucy looks too vulnerable. My hand pulled hers and I wrap her tiny body into a hug. Oh my God, it's been months since the last time I touched her. Somehow it feels like a relief but I also feel anxiety in my body.
"God I was so scared Lucy," I whispered as my nose digs into her hair, as always she smells too good.
She doesn't react, doesn't hug me back but doesn't really matter. I sort of enjoy these few seconds where it is only her in my arms.
Although it is not correct is ridiculously stupid how I missed Lucy when I shouldn't. During these months I have convinced myself that it would be not good to talk or try to establish a friendship with her. It's too much; she is too good to share her time with me. I don't deserve it. I'm sure it's better to let her go, in 20 years we will be just old memories for each other.
"I was worried about you, Lucy," I murmured.
Her hands rest on my chest and I breathe her scent one last time before she pushes me away from her. No, five minutes more!
I didn't know what to say but Lucy made sure to keep me quiet and how? She slapped me, My cheek burns and itches and to me felt like a punch. I definitely never expected this, not from her because she is the least violent person I know. First Gemma, now Lucy, who's next?
"I didn’t know you could hit like that, it hurt," I moan as I rub my hand on my cheek.
"Don't forget you hurt me Harry, what I did was nothing," Lucy snapped while frowning. "Your cheek will stop hurting in a couple of minutes instead I will still feel the same for what you did. I hope you know i-idiot.”
Shit. Her words are sad but all this is overshadowed by the fury of her eyes.
"I-I saved you; Cameron is not a nice guy."
That was the best I could say, not the best answer. I’m feeling small and insignificant.
"Thanks," Lucinda steps back and her eyes look away.
"I could…I could take you home if you want," I asked nervously, my fingers scratch my neck while I wait the answer.
She looks at me, raising an eyebrow. I back off when her small hands push me, which caught me by surprise.
"I-I don't need you Harry!” She pushes me again and I grab her wrists. “I have Eric," I released her from my grip when I hear his name. "Bye."
Game over.
Her coldness surprised me, say it is slightly painful would be a lie but this is what I deserve.
That was very fast, like a shooting star and I was not prepared. Her scent and warmth still stuck to my senses while I'm seeing her body running away from me.
I push some people and bump into others without falling. I'm pretty desperate to get back with Eric.
My feelings are strongly pumped through my veins and I am a mess right now. It happened so fast but I heard him right, each of his words attached in my mind. Harry was worried about me, he was scared, he saved me and I hate him even more for that. Why Harry of all people in this world? It had to be him!
Someone grabs my forearm and I was about to scream.
"I was looking for you!" My eyes meet Eric and it’s a relief for me. "What happened?"
What happened?! Everything happened!
My hands are shaking, I open my mouth to try to explain but my attempts are in vain. I throw myself into his arms and hide my face on his chest.
"Are you flirting with me Lucy?" I heard his voice. If he could see my face he would know I am far from that, in fact I'm on the verge of tears.
I shudder when Eric wrapped his arms around me. I shudder because I think of Harry. His scent, his warmth body, his arms cozy as always. He hasn't changed, my memories match the reality but I remind myself that reality is harsh and cruel.
Just for a moment it felt right, it felt like we were together again and I hate the way my heart was pounding, I hate myself for reacting to his touch and his words and everything Harry does. It's not fair, it's not fair to me!
Eric buries his nose in my hair and his breath brushes my ear.
"Styles the psychopath followed you, he's just meters from us and I'm sure if he could he would rip my head off," Eric and his humor makes me feel a little better. I smile and wipe a few tears with my face hidden. "Middle finger to Harry, it's the least he deserves."
"Can we leave please?" I asked without looking at him, still hidden in his arms.
"Yeah, let's go," He grabs my hand and together we left there. I don't look back; I've had enough of Harry.
I put my jacket and I stay with eyes on the road. Eric looks at me a couple of times but I pretend not to notice.
I'm having mixed feelings and I feel very unstable. My hands sweat and really feel the need to hit something.
When Eric parks in front of my house I get off the car without even saying goodbye. I hear the door of his car and his footsteps follow behind me. I turn toward him but he's more pissed than me.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Eric questioned. "Now you have no manners?"
"I need you to leave me alone," I reply and I want to cry and lock myself in my room.
"Look what he did to you, look at you!" He pushes me softly just to emphasize his words. "Stop for a second and look at what state you come across."
"Why do you care so much!? Months ago you didn't even know who I was!" I'm about to scream and I don't care if it's 2 or 3 am.
"If you keep focusing on the past you can never move on!" His fingers gently pull his hair and then he looks at me. "And yes, a few months ago I didn't know you but that does not mean that we don't have the opportunity now."
I am shocked by his words. I'm in the past that's why I can't go on.
"A change for what?"
"To be friends, you see not everyone wants to hurt you. You need to get out of your bubble and let the boy go. Don't be stupid Lucinda. "
"I'm not stupid!"
"Yes, you are, and you are also blind and naive."
His words hurt me, I feel like crying, but I also need to hit or smash something, my hands itch for it.
"Blind and naive. He and his whole life is so pathetic and you're sinking with him. "
"Don't say that about Harry, he had a difficult childhood you can't blame him for that!"
"Who cares? Don't defend him!"
I care, I do. If I could I would never have let Harry live that, even though I hate gim I could never be that bad.
"I can defend him, in fact I can do whatever I want!" I state as my hands push his body.
"Now you hit me? Fine" he smirks and his attitude bothers me. I do it again, my hands push him back. "Feisty, aggressive, I like it."
"Stop making fun of me!" I pushed him again and again and suddenly is not Eric, is Harry and I am pushing and pounding my fist on his chest because I hate him, I hate him so much for what he did.
"Carry on," I hear his whisper and I push and hit him harder, my hands hurt but that does not compare to the pain of my heart.
"Stop making fun of me," I whisper and my arms, my fists and my body lose strength.
"Come here," Eric hugs me and I close my eyes. "I'm sorry and blah, blah, blah."
I smile and hug him back. "I'm sorry and blah, blah, blah."
I breathe, trying to calm myself and eventually I feel more relaxed. Eric doesn't let me go, he keeps his arms around me and even if it is weird I have no intention of releasing him.
In my mind the green-eyed boy whom I am in love begins to fade away until my mind goes blank. I want him but I can’t.
"It's an emergency, you need help, but I will help you Lucy, I'll make you a tough girl."
After all I think Eric is no longer a stranger to me.
His fingers caress my back before giving me a kiss on the forehead. I step back surprised and raised an eyebrow waiting for a response.
"What? I had to, it fits to the moment. "
"Thanks I guess."
"I'd love to stay but I must go."
I would like him to stay, I feel very comfortable and much better next to Eric.
"See you Monday," I murmured and there is no demonstration of affection between the two.
Eric raised his thumb in approval and then makes his way to his car.
I think Eric is exactly what I need right now, we could be friends, very good friends.
-Oh and also yeah Harry is in love with Lucy (yeah he doesn't admit it because he thinks she deserves something better which is sweet, because since the beginning he has been like 'no i don't like him, no way', because he is a mess and super dumb,)
-Well on the other hand Sherlock was about to die, big drama, poor baby animal.
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