Chapter 67
Sherlock won, the hamster was chosen as the favorite character (lmfao)!!
-Thank you for reading, love you all xx
Lucy, on the floor, unconscious, I swear my fucking heart just stopped. I stay a few seconds standing there like an idiot. The image of Lucy falling to the floor it's torturing me over and over again. My legs manage to regain its normal function and my feet guide me toward her. I fall to my knees and my hands are shaking.
"Somebody do something!" I scream desperate, I don't know what to do. "Please, please!"
I stretch my arm and cupped her cheek, her skin is cold. What is happening?
"Oh my God Lucy," I whisper terrified. Breathe Harry, breathe. "Please someone do something!"
Someone pushed me to the side and now Niall is kneeling in front of Lucy. His index and middle finger rests on a specific area on Lucy's neck.
"What-what are you doing?" I asked completely disoriented and stupid.
"Vital signs you idiot." I hear Adam, he kneels and in front of me. He wipes the blood from his nose with the back of his hand and dedicated an angry look to me. "See what you did? This is your entire fault! "
"How is this my fault? You started, I didn't want to fight!"
Adam laughs. "You didn't want to fight? You are such a cynical person! "
"You started it, you shouldn't have come here in the first place!"
"I had to, after what she told me you deserved a punch in the face, and more than that!"
"So? If you knew Lucy you would know she didn't want you to come here!"
"Don't talk like you know her, she's my friend and you are a very sick person!"
"She told you to stop!"
"Lucy knows nothing; she's too naive, too stupid sometimes!"
"Stupid? Watch your fucking mouth Adam!" I swear I will punch him so hard on the face to let him unconscious for about three days.
"Both of you need to shut the fuck up and give her some space!" Niall yells and I see a vein throbbing in his forehead. Adam and I obey Niall's petition.
"Niall I'll call your brother," Ashton is behind us and holding the phone on his hands.
We waited while Ashton is making the call. The minutes are eternal and my fingers never leave Lucy's cheek. Her skin is cold and her chest moves too lightly. She breathes but very slow.
"Shit, he doesn't answer!"
"I'm not a doctor but you need to take her to hospital, is it not obvious?" Tomlinson is sitting on a table next to Zayn.
The other two guys and Josh are watching the scene and none of them react. This started as a simple fight and now we have to go to the hospital.
I swallow hard and move my head nodding. Adam tries to lift Lucy but he is very weak and sincerely he has woman arms. This boy is a disgrace to all men in the world. I wanted to do it but my hands are shaking and I'm too nervous about this whole situation. Liam is the one who takes care of Lucy.
We went outside the bar and I guide the boy to my car. Niall and Liam help to get Lucy into the car and then they get in. I shut the back door and my hands push Adam when he tries to climb into the passenger seat.
"Forget it you idiot,"
"What? She's my friend, I have to go! "
"You pushed her and she fell! Did you notice that? "I shout angrily and he takes a step back. "Besides you called her stupid and I won't tolerate that!"
"Fuck you both!" Liam cursed with half open door. "Let the kid come with us Harry, in the end he is friends with Lucy!" Die Liam Payne.
"Get in the car but if you talk I'll punch you," I warn Adam and head toward the driver's door.
I drive fast and my face most of the time is focused behind. Looking for the interior rear view mirror I can see Lucy lying on Niall and Liam. She breathes quietly and her face is pale. She looks very different, her face is thinner, she lost weight. From here I can perfectly see her collarbone, that didn't happen before.
"You are driving too fast," Adam mutters with his fingers firmly gripped to the seat.
"She's unconscious, what do you expect? I'm not going to drive to 2 km per hour!" I growl.
"No, but you are not respecting—"
"I don't care, now shut up or I'll punch you,"
Adam mumbles something I cannot hear clearly but he obeys and keeps his mouth shut.
"Is she okay? Is she breathing?" I asked looking at Niall from the rearview mirror.
"If she weren't breathing we would be freaking out back here, don't you think?"
"Just keep your eyes on the road!" Liam growls angrily.
"What the hell is wrong with you? She won't die if that's what you think, "Adam says with a mocking voice.
"And you keep talking, shut up!" I yell with eyes on the road.
"What's wrong with him? He's freaking out, I thought he had no heart or emotions," Adam turns his head to talk to Niall.
"He is in love with Lucy, that's all," Horan answers and my fingers clench onto the steering wheel.
"I hope he punches you on the face," Liam whispered to Niall. Oh my God, everyone in this car are annoying me except Lucy.
"Could you all shut up!?" I scream again and they obey my request.
I drive for about three minutes, once we got to the hospital and I quickly parked and get out of it. Liam and Niall are responsible for Lucy as I run to the hospital. I go to the receptionist and tell her I’m with someone who is unconscious.
A nurse comes in with a gurney, seconds after Adam, Liam and Niall walks in with Lucy in their arms and we help to place her body on a stretcher. My fingers clinging to my hair, the doubt is killing me. Is she alright? What is going on?
The nurse asked about what happened and I am not able to speak. Niall and stupid Adam answer and then the nurse took Lucy away from me. They enter through a door which has a sign of Emergencies.
Now she left I don't know what to do. Adam took a seat and I remain standing, without being able to move a single muscle.
Surprisingly for me Lucy's mum walks out of the same door and approaches us. Her eyes are on me and then to Adam.
"Is Lucy alright? What-what happened to her? " I let the words escape from my lips but her mother ignored me.
"Thanks for the message," Lucy's mother smiles at Adam and then her face changes when our eyes meet. "Excuse me but what are you doing here? You broke up with my daughter; I see no reason to be counting with your presence Mr. Styles,"
Her tone is so serious and angry, I'm speechless. I open my mouth to respond but I literally don't know what to say.
"He just came here for Lucy," Niall spoke for me and I appreciate his answer in silent. "He brought her in his car," Her mother looks at Horan with narrowed eyes and then back to me.
"Yes, that's right Lily," Adam speaks from his seat.
"Adam your nose, what happened?" Lily asked worried and looks at both. "Did you fight or something?"
"Sort of," Adam shrugs and I want to kill him, he said that on purpose, he wants to make me look bad in front of Lucy's mum!
She nods without asking more about the subject and then she looks me in the eye.
"I only ask you to stay away from my daughter,"
I swear to God that no mother had made me feel so intimidated. I nod before whispering:
"I will,"
"Hmmm," I manage to pronounce and my head is resting on something very comfortable.
My body feels numb and my eyes blink slowly. I try to adjust my vision to light; the first thing I get to see is a gray ceiling. I'm seeing a little blurry just for the fact I'm not wearing my glasses.
I bent my head to one side and my mother is sleeping in a chair next to my bed. My eyes quickly roam around and I'm in a room, a hospital room.
It didn't take much effort to remember why I'm here. I passed out; I wasn't feeling very well and I was barely able to breathe. Before I closed my eyes the last I saw was Harry. I bite my bottom lip; his face is so clear in my mind.
In these three months we had never been as close as now, it was odd to me and I tried to ignore the way my heart was beating. Besides that I was scared, very scared for Adam. I didn't want Harry to hurt my friend and he didn't, I mean, Harry hit Adam but I know it could have been worse. Why did he do that? Was it for me? No, I don't think so.
"Mom?" I called her name softly but she immediately wakes up. She stretched her muscles in the chair and looks at me tired.
"Finally awake darling," mom smiles and pulls out my glasses from her pocket. I grabbed it with my free hand and put them on. "How are you feeling honey?" She asks and she's still using her uniform, I wonder if she has stayed all this time with me.
"I'm fine, I guess. What happened?"
"Well, you fainted, after you got here we checked you, we did some blood tests and you have iron-deficiency anemia,"
Anemia? What?
"Anemia can be caused by different factors but yours is not chronic or dangerous, I mean, could be dangerous if you don't do the treatment. The thing is, you have anemia because of iron deficiency, and supposedly you should be eating that in your common diet. I need to ask you something and you have to tell me the truth okay? I will not judge you, I just want to help, "My mom is too serious and her face is full of concern. I swallow hard and nod. "Lucy, are you eating or you think you could have an eating disorder?"
"What? No, Mom. If you think I have bulimia or something the answer is no," she nods but I see doubt on her expression, she doesn't believe me. "I have nothing like that, I just, um, I have no appetite,"
"Promise me Lucy," I feel her hand on mine and I nod.
"I don't have appetite, just that,"
"I'll trust your words. You need to eat well, at first I thought you were exercising and eating healthy not starving yourself, "
"I'm not doing that Mom, I already told you," I frowned.
She sighs and gently squeezes my hand. "I trust you but please if anything happens I need you to tell me okay?" I nod and stare at the ceiling. "You're my daughter and I have to take care of you because I can't do the same with your brother," her voice is weak.
Her words are sad and mom never says such things. I don't answer, I don't want to talk about it, we don't win anything with this.
"You'll have to take some pills with iron supplement for a couple of months and you will need a proper diet, you will have to go to a nutritionist,"
I can't believe I have anemia, I'm not eating well because I'm not hungry but I never thought I could have anemia. Anyway so I know this is common type of anemia and treatment is always successful.
"Harry brought you here," my mom spoke and my eyes land quickly on her. Harry?
"Yes, he brought you here."
My heart skips a beat when she stated her response.
"He and his friends and Adam were here. They got into a fight or what? Adam had a swollen nose,"
"Adam doesn't like Harry,"
"Oh well, and what about you? You still like Harry?"
"Not anymore," I do my best to sound confident but my response is weak and in my heart I know I'm lying. Of course I like him, I'm in love with Harry, the Harry I used to know.
"You do not have to lie to your mother. Breaking up with someone is difficult, when you're really in love you suffer a lot. Although you think is impossible at some point you move on, but it is a difficult path, "she sighs and this has a deeper meaning to mom, I can see it through her words and expression.
"I suppose," I look at my arm, I have a intravenous syringe, they are injecting me serum.
"I think he still likes you," mom says, but I keep my eyes on my arm. "Why did you break up? You never told me why,"
"We weren't made for each other," I muttered, so sad.
I don't want to talk about Harry. He is mine, not in a possessive sense but rather because he is constantly in my thoughts and I never have to share him, never have to talk about him because no one ask and is better that way. It's hard to explain but he belongs locked up in my mind not in my mouth, not out loud to everyone else.
"He was scared, he asked how you were and at first I didn't answer. When I came out for the second time I felt sorry for the boy and I told him, Adam was also there. Harry was worried, he thought you were going to die or something which was funny but I acted cold and professional.”
I don't know why but I smile. He thought I was going to die? He's sweet and silly. My heart tightened in my chest and my eyes threaten to betray me. I must remind to myself he is not who I thought and he lied. Harry has no heart, I don't understand why he helped, he probably felt pity. The poor and pathetic girl that fell in love with him faints in front of him and he has no choice but to help her. Life is so sad.
"Adam and Harry didn't treat each other very nice, of course I didn't let that behavior in the hospital and both behaved well. They left few hours ago,"
"How long was I out?"
"A couple of hours, maybe 3 hours I think,"
"I understand,"
"My shift is over, you're going to stay here for a few more hours and then we will go home. So, now you must take care your anemia and it will go, "
"Thanks mom,"
She kisses my forehead and pulls out a crumpled paper from her pocket. She hands it to me and I don’t understand.
"I should not do this but it is for you. I'm a terrible mother, I'm sorry but I felt pity for the boy, "is all she says before leaving the room.
I hold the paper between my fingers, unfolded it and the message is written with a pencil. I read it and I hold back the tears. Why?
I'm sorry for what happened to you, I was worried, I hope you're okay Lucy. Harry :) x
I did the best I could but I just ate a few bites of lunch. I swallowed the pill with iron supplement in secret, hidden in the bathroom. I don't want to tell Cassie and Mandy yet. Marcel would kill me so I better keep it as secret for now.
My feet lead me to the next class, entering the class room and sit in a random seat. I don't like chemistry, not anymore because Harry is here too. Obviously we don't sit together; we are always on opposite sides of the room, away from each other.
My eyes find Harry, he's sitting on the table near the door. A hand in the pocket and the other on his cell phone, he's completely distracted with the artifact. I still have the paper, I don't understand why he wrote it, maybe it was a joke, maybe he was making fun of me. I sigh and looking at the table. Life is so sad.
Almost everyone in the class room, the teacher doesn't take long to arrive and my eyes widened when I see in his arms a pile of papers.
"Remember to turn off their cell phones, we have a test today,"
My heart stops. Did I hear right? Test?... I didn't study, I didn't know.
My breathing becomes shallow and agitated and my hands are sweating. I always study, I am always prepared for everything and now I know nothing. I feel weak and stupid, this can't be happening, not to me, not now.
The teacher hands out the test, once it is on my desk, waiting for me to answer I swear I had never felt so miserable in my life.
I know I'm different. I know Harry sank me but right now I'm sinking further and it is not his fault because there are no more interactions between us.
I just needed to fail my test to see how bad I am. Studying and good grades are the only good thing I can do and now I failed miserably. Perhaps I'm exaggerating but studying makes me feel like I belonged to something. Some people don't mind but everyone is different. It is crucial for someone like me because I want to win a scholarship, everything it's about university. I want to make my mom proud and I feel proud of myself. I had to keep my pace of study, I had one mission and even that I can't do it right.
I'm losing myself, I'm sinking and drowning. I need to stop but I don't know how. I need to get off the train but I am not able to jump.
I walk out of the school feeling defeated. I want to bang my head against the wall but instead my hands pull my hair till it hurts.
Mandy offered to take me home but I think I'll pass this time, I need a walk. My legs guide me through the cement of the parking lot. My eyes stay on my shoes, I looked up only once and the first thing my eyes find is Harry. He is far from me, sitting alone on the hood of his Jeep. He glides his long fingers through his hair with his gaze on the mobile. I think he bites his lower lip as his fingers move quickly typing a message.
I hate him but at the same time I feel the opposite. I'm so pathetic in so many levels and I feel sorry for myself, and I hate pity. Harry doesn't want me, he never did and here I am suffering, suffering a lot for this boy.
I hold in my hand the paper he wrote to me that day in the hospital.
I'm sorry for what happened to you, I was worried, I hope you're okay Lucy. Harry :) x
I must remind myself he is not who I thought, he lied, lied every second and every detail. I hold my tears as my fingers destroy the paper and then throw it to the ground.
I'm drowning and the water is getting into my body, slowly killing me, very slowly. I just need to get to the surface but no one seems to help.
"You look like a poor animal," a male voice reaches my ears and comes from behind. I turn around to find blue eyes.
"I don't know what you're talking about Eric,"
I haven't seen him in months; my last memory of him is from that terrible night. I want to get away but Eric grabs my arm preventing the action.
"You lost weight, you look skinny but your face looks awful,"
His words don't cause anything to me, I don't feel offended neither angry for his comments. Nothing.
"How have you been Lucy?" He tries to be friendly but he's still holding my arm.
"I'm fine,"
"I don't know you but you're a terrible liar," he smiles and he has perfect teeth.
I have no patience and time for this.
"What do you want?"
"I shouldn't but I want to help,"
"Help? Nobody can do it,”
"That's what you think, now do what I tell you, alright?"
As soon as I finish the test I handed to the teacher and got out of there without looking back. Chemistry sucks on so many levels, I hate it, it just is not my thing but I think I didn't suck so much on this test.
I exchange a few words with friends who I meet in the hallway and then I walk towards my car. It's Friday which means a lot of alcohol or at least that goes for me.
I sit on the hood of my car and I turn on my phone. I'm humming a song while I check my Facebook notifications. I leave some comments on pictures and things I like and then I receive a message. Emily. What now?
I open the message, but I didn't realize it came with a picture, a picture of Emily without clothes. Damn. I swallow hard and I bite my lower lip. This is torture. My fingers are moving fast to type a message but I eliminated it. I try to think properly between this cloud of excitement. That picture was hot.
To: Emily
This is offensive Emily, don't you think we're a little grown for that?
I sent the message with a smile. I look up and I see Louis walking towards me. He is also busy with his phone so we don't say anything. I receive another message and open it right away.
From: Emily
Oh shut up, you love it baby.
I don't answer back, I look at the photo again and damn.
Louis start to laughing beside me and I looked at my friend.
"You will not believe this," the boy speaks and rests a hand on his stomach while laughing.
"What's so funny?" I asked confused.
"Your little Lucy," he points out and my eyes move until I spotted Lucy.
My fists are clenched, what the hell is she doing with Eric? I told her to stay away from him, I thought she would listen.
"I guess she forgot, fainting did well to her," Tomlinson said before laughing again. "I need to take a picture of this."
He opens the camera of his phone but he doesn't take a picture of Lucy and Eric instead he snaps a picture of me.
"What the hell was that?"
"You should close your mouth; you should see your face right now!" Louis laughs at me while looking at the photo.
I swallow and gaze them again. Eric exchanged a few words with Lucinda, what bothers me is the fact that they are quite close to each other, she had never been so close with a guy except for me.
I can't see her face, her back is towards me but I guess she's smiling. Eric's hand rest on her cheek and my fists clenched even more. He laughs and she hides her face in his chest in response. I stand up from the hood of the car and Louis starts to cracking up again. I'm going to hit him and Eric, I swear to God.
Suddenly, as if he were listening my thoughts Eric's gaze settles on me, Lucinda's face still hidden on his chest.
"Fuck you," Eric mouthed and I don't know how but I clearly understand the message.
Eric says a few words in her ear and then she takes a step back. My cell phone fell out of my hand when he leans his face toward her.
"Lucy is finally being a woman, you go girl," Louis said beside me and I looked at him with an expression of 'seriously?'
The doubt disappears from my body as I realized they are not kissing but I don't understand what they are doing. Eric laughs again and pulls away from her. They talk for a few seconds and I see Eric's hand on her back. Is this serious? Why is Lucy letting him touch her? I know it's only his hand on her back but still! It's Lucy and she barely knows him!
Lucinda gets on tiptoe and kisses his cheek. Both walk together; I see Lucy's body follow Eric to his car. My throat is dry and I can imagine my fist colliding with Eric's ugly face. My eyes never leaving them until the car is far away and I can't see it anymore.
"You should see your face! Oh God, I'm about to pee my pants, your face looks so funny!" Louis cracked up and took another picture of my face. I want to kick him but I can't move. "You like that girl and Emily will kill you, oh my God I can't wait for the drama,"
Tomlinson's words quickly disappear from my head. Somehow I'm having a mental breakdown and this is Lucy's fault. My fists crash into the hood of my car. I can’t believe it.
Can someone explain what the hell just happened?
-Idk what to say about the chapter.
-Laughing because Harry's gif>>>
-Question: Do you have a favorite chapter? maybe? no?
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