Chapter 65
"So Niall if you could be an animal, what would you be?"
"Really?" He laughed, "that's a stupid question"
"Faggot," Louis nodded with a grin.
"Okay, another question," I rolled my eyes and used the app of my phone.
"In any case if I could be any animal I would be a lion," Louis said as he threw his hands behind his head.
"The king of the jungle,"
"Lions have a lot of sex, that would be the only reason why I would be a lion. Oh and also because they have their own pride of lions! "
"Good point," I nodded.
"I would be a Tasmanian devil,"
"Why Niall?" I looked at him.
"Because I watched a lot of television when I was little and because they are tender and stupid,"
"I changed my mind! I would like to be a hamster and so I can fight against Harry's dumb hamster,"
"That's pretty stupid," I shake my head, Louis is always saying stupid things. "Next question: unfulfilled sexual fantasy?"
"I need to do it in an elevator," Louis replies sure and rests his feet on the coffee table.
"Um, I think, um... this question is so difficult," Niall bites his nails while he’s thinking.
"I would a teacher,"
"Liam you are so basic," Louis responds, making fun of me.
"I would like to do it on a plane,"
Louis laughs, "good answer and with a flight attendant? I like your answer,"
"You are so basic Louis,” I copy his words and Louis' smile vanishes.
"You're not funny, that's my role,"
"Whatever next question," I said with my eyes on the cell. "When was the last time—?"
My question was interrupted by a loud knock on the door. We looked puzzled by the aggressive knock and then we hear again the sound strong, someone pounding a fist against wood.
"Open the fucking door!" We heard Styles' voice and I get up to open the door.
"Where were you?" I asked as soon as I opened the door.
Harry smiles without showing his teeth and then staggers toward me, I move to the side so he can get in and the smell of alcohol is glued to him. It's Wednesday afternoon and he is already drunk? Oh great.
"Drunk Styles!" Louis howls from the couch and of course he's making fun of how clumsy is Harry when he's drunk.
"Why are you drunk so early?" Niall asks sitting next to Tomlinson.
Harry walks into the kitchen and rests his hand on the frame and turns his face towards us. For a moment he looks calm but then he frowns and all his expression changes in seconds.
"That's a stupid question Niall! Does it really matter? Of course not! Did we care about Lucy when we humiliated her? I think that's an important question!" He shouts filled with rage and then goes into the kitchen.
The three of us stood frozen on the couch, not only by his unreasonable or angry words or his tone but also for what he said. We don't talk about her and what happened that night; nobody talks about Lucy in this house.
Louis smirks and I don't understand why, I am completely paralyzed.
"It's going to happen," Tomlinson whispers and we heard a glass breaking in the kitchen.
"I'll help," Niall mumbled and walked to the kitchen.
"What will happen?" I asked looking at Louis.
"Don't touch me!" Harry yells and another glass breaks.
Louis stifles a laugh and looks at me, his face full of excitement. "I bet something with Harry, it was between the two of us. I know him well and I know that--"
"Leave me alone!" Harry interrupted our conversation with another of his screams.
"As I said I know him and I bet him that-"
"Stop it Harry!" Niall spoke before we heard the sound of the chair. We have wooden chairs and I'm sure that noise was Harry breaking the chair.
This is not right, he's drunk and irrational is better to take him to bed or do something to help. Louis's response can wait, I get up of the couch and walk to the kitchen but as soon as I get there Harry rushes to get out.
"Fuck!" He curses and kicks the coffee table.
He grabs the lamp we have and throws it towards the wall. He tears the pillows in two seconds, throws some magazines and books we have, he shoved the small shelf and breaks a painting that was hanging on the wall. I'm shocked and I don't understand his reaction, Harry looks like a beast, he's sweating and his face is red and full of anger. He kicks the coffee table a couple of times and we hear the objects hitting the ground.
Why is he so mad? Because of her?
"Harry stop!" I hear Niall's voice and that gets me out from my trance. I think he was just like me because it's late to tell Harry to stop.
Horan tries to get closer but Harry punches him on the face. Louis starts clapping and honestly he's such an idiot.
"Stop it Harry! What the hell is going on with you?" I growled, standing in front of him.
"All of you that is going on, I have had enough! From you and-and—! "
"And from Lucy!" Louis hums quietly on the couch. "Lucy, Lucy, Lucy, Lucy, Lucy!"
"Shut up!" He let out a hoarse scream and he has a prominent vein on his neck throbbing. I hope he punches Louis too.
"Harry you need to rest, you're drunk and—"
"Fuck you Liam," he growls and goes upstairs.
"The house is a mess," I sighed looking around.
"Who cares," Louis answered quiet. Harry slammed the door and then he screams, Harry sounds like possessed.
"What is going on with him?"
"He's drunk don't you think Liam?"
"Why did you mention Lucy?"
"Is not it obvious?"
"Not for me," I said.
"Of course he will never admit but he likes the nerd,"
"We all know that," Niall nods.
"He likes the nerd very much,"
"We know that, I don't see the problem," I replied.
"Don't you remember that Harry is famous for breaking things after he breaks up with his little girlfriends? This is the third time and you still don't learn Payne?" Louis rolls his eyes.
"Fuck!" We heard Harry‘s gasp from above.
"You said you bet with him, what did you do?"
"If he broke something in the house I would get his room," Louis victorious smiles and we hear noises from above, Harry is throwing things and destroying his room.
"I thought you would bet money or something," Niall comes out of the kitchen with a small bag of ice on his jaw.
"No, that's boring. At first we did but then we changed. My room is small and I wanted Harry's room so I bet that with him," Louis shrugged. "I knew he was going to do this, I didn't think at the beginning but Harry is weak he was clearly going to fall for Lucy and I don't understand why she's such a boring girl and he has Emily,"
"That's how life works," I hear Niall's whisper. "Still I think the world in love is too much,"
"What are we going to do with this?" I wonder as my eyes look around.
"He will clean this mess not us," Louis answered while turning on the television. We hear more noises, more punches and I don't know how Tomlinson can act like this while Harry is destroying his room.
"Let's talk to him," Niall nudges me softly and pointed to the stairs. I nod and follow him. "Open the door Harry," he speaks as his knuckles touch the wood.
"Oh my God," I whisper and I knock harder. His hamster is in there, I don't want anything to happen to the poor animal. "Harry, open the door! Is Sherlock okay? "
"Sherlock, oh fuck,” he muttered desperately and the two of us knock the door.
The silence remains in Harry's room, we heard some things crawl on the floor and then footsteps approaching to the door. First we see the curls, then his eyes and finally Harry's face.
"Sherlock is fine," he answered quietly and I am completely overwhelmed by the way alcohol acts in his body.
"Can we come in Harry?" I asked almost in a whisper, maybe if I act calm he will do the same.
He stares at us for a few seconds, debating on his mind whether or not to let us come in. At the end he rolls his eyes and opens the door.
He's gone crazy, completely crazy. His room is a mess; it looks as if a hurricane had passed through here. I sigh and see Sherlock's cage on the desk, this is the only place intact.
Poor animal, the hamster is running on the wheel, Sherlock looks scared and stressed.
"Harry you scared him," I scold Styles as I grabbed the cage in my hands.
"Sorry," I hear Harry's voice, I turn around and he has his back to us. He's looking out his window and doesn't move a single muscle.
"What happened to you? Why were you so angry?" I look at Niall and he shrugs. Why is he asking that? I don't think is right time to do it.
"Does it really matter?" He laughs bitterly.
"Why did you talk about...about Lucy?" What the hell is Niall thinking? Does he want to die? Harry will be angry again, we don't pronounce aloud the name Lucy in this house.
At least this time Harry doesn't explode like a bomb full of anger, he just stands like a statue in front of his window.
"I forgot her," he speaks quietly, weak voice and doesn't compare to the Harry we saw a few minutes ago.
"Then why did you mention her name?"
"Because I was thinking about Lucy," Styles sighs and I slid a hand across my forehead, this situation is distressing. "I was thinking too much about Lucy,"
It truly impresses me the fact he's talking about her, he hasn't mentioned Lucinda in weeks. I guess alcohol is what he needs to bring her to the surface. It's so difficult to understand Harry and what is going on in his mind and maybe that is the reason why Niall is doing those questions.
"You destroyed your room Harry," I said disappointed and Harry shrugged.
"It was worth it,"
Are you serious? Destroying furniture worth? Oh right, he's drunk and none of this seems relevant to him.
"Was worth to do it for her, for Lucy?" I looked at Niall worried and I think he wants to win another punch in the face.
Harry doesn’t answer or move, like a statue but he’s really just trying to control himself.
"Harry do you miss Lucy?" Okay now Horan definitely overstepped the limit.
Harry's hands rest against the window, leaning his head in for a few seconds and then his face confronts us. Shit, he's furious.
"Get out of here!" He shouts and I almost dropped Sherlock's cage. "Leave me alone you damn idiots!" He yells at us as we run away.
He slams the door and then there was silence in the room. I left Sherlock in my desk and Niall is at my door still holding the ice bag. I'm angry at him for what he did, he knew Harry was grumpy, and when he is drunk it is better not mess with him but he did the opposite.
"Why did you say that? You know Harry wasn't going to like it, we don't talk about Lucy why did you ask about her? "
Niall shrugged, "I was curious,"
"Curious about what?"
"I have a really stupid theory," Niall smiles as he shakes his head.
"Tell me,"
"I know he likes Emily and they had or have a serious relationship but I think that, um, I think Harry is totally in love with Lucy," Niall whispers and he looks scared as if the walls were thin and Styles could hear our conversation, "but he is too stupid and blind to see it, "
"I don't know Niall," I shrug. His theory doesn't fit with the perception I have of Harry.
"He could be suffering, I sure he's suffering but he doesn't know or doesn't admit or maybe he does but in silence, you know he doesn't like when people feel sorry for him."
Maybe Niall could be right. I can't imagine Harry in love with Lucy but if so he should know that she would not forgive him and they will never get back together.
I crawl on the floor; my hands help me to do it. My legs, feet once that helped me run away from Harry this time doesn't work. I feel a big hand on my shoulder; my body turns to face a pair of emerald eyes with no emotion.
"I thought you were smart Lucinda, you think you are smart but let me tell you are far from that. You're stupid, so stupid and why? For thinking that I could be with you," Harry repeated the words that are like acid on my skin.
"Harry, please," I murmured and my eyes widened when I see that he's holding a knife in his hand.
He smiles without showing mercy before stabbing directly to my heart.
I jumped and almost fell off my chair. My fingers clinging to the table as I try to control my breathing.
"It was a dream, just a dream," I mutter to myself as I touch my heart, my pulse is agitated and my hands sweat. God what an awful dream but somehow true, what Harry did to me was like a stab to the heart.
I run my fingers through my hair and my face is cold as my hands. That was not a dream more like a nightmare.
I'm in the library, I should be studying but I'm not able to. I couldn't sleep yesterday, not after that message. It seems strange, I try to think about the paper as a bad joke but my mind can't. My head screams at me that something bad could happen but I can't imagine what would be.
I tried to think of who might have done it and no name comes to my head. I have no enemies, I barely have friends and none of them would be able to do that. For a moment I thought it might be...Harry, but it would be too much. My heart says he and his friends are not responsible but my head says that anything is possible. Anyway, I’m scared almost paranoid and the lack of sleep is not helping me.
"You are here, hi," Mandy appears out of nowhere and sit in the chair in front of me.
"Hello," I whispered.
"How are you?"
"Fine, what about you?"
"I'm fine, fine,"
Basic conversation, a couple of words and now we are sinking into an awkward silence. I look at the book in front of me and pretend I'm reading.
"Your skin is very pale Lucy, are you okay?"
"I'm fine," I affirm. I'm far from ‘fine’ but lying is such an easy way out.
"I know you're not fine, you don't have to lie," Mandy talks but I don't look at her. "It's only been 3 months and I know that's hard for you,"
"It is,"
"I can understand what you're going through, suffer for love," Mandy gave me a sad smile. "I haven't been a good friend and I want you to know you can trust me."
"Thank can also count on me,"
"Harry Styles is a fucking idiot but he will have what he deserves. Karma is real and is going to smash him, I know. "
"I suppose,"
"Are you done? I could take you home, if you want,"
"Okay, thanks," I accept her offer and I gather all my belongings.
We walk to the parking lot, Mandy speaks while she's looking at her phone but I'm too distracted with my feet and the cement.
I stumble and my shoulder collides with someone else. My glasses fall to the ground and I was about to say sorry but I bumped into Niall Horan. I didn't see him that night but it was obvious that he was involved and knew what was going to happen. He pretended to be my friend, he lied all the time, he's an asshole.
"Sorry,” He hands me my glasses, “Lucinda are you—?"
"Get away from her you fucker," Mandy spits and I feel her hand pulling my arm. "If I could I would cut Harry’s penis along with his stupid friends,"
Mandy should do it. In my mind I punch Niall Horan but Zayn and Louis are on the top of my list if we're talking about who deserves a punch in the face.
"It's a shame that someone as handsome as Harry Styles is a complete piece of shit," Mandy says with her hands on the steering wheel. "You should have your revenge as in the movies,"
Mandy seems to like the idea, she finds it funny but I don't. Revenge is not an option. I'm hurt but revenge? I'm...I'm better than that.
"He sucks"
"He was kind to me,"
"Don't defend him Lucy, don't you even dare,"
"He was kind to me before it all happened,"
"I don't think it really matters, anyway he doesn't deserve you, you're a good girl, too good for anyone at school or in this city."
"I don't think so,"
"I'm talking seriously, men suck, they're getting worse every day so it's better for you to stay single,"
I shrug with my gaze on my lap. Music is the only thing that fills the air inside of Mandy's car.
I say goodbye to Mandy and pretend to walk to the entrance of my house. I stand at the door, I don't want to be here. I spin around and start walking. I have no destination I just want to walk and keep the mind blank.
My body feels weak, with little energy, almost dead. To be honest just my body is here, physically walking through the streets.
Today was another hard day like the others. I'm not progressing, not even a little. My heart tightened in my chest and I'm so worried, incredibly sad and empty.
My trembling fingers pull my phone out of the pocket. I dialed Luciana's number but she doesn't answer. Suddenly I feel like crying and I rub my temples with my fingers. This is so stupid but I need someone to talk to and that person could be Luciana. She shouldn't live so far away.
I feel a pain in my chest, my lungs to be accurate. I inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. It really hurts and I wonder if I'm getting sick.
The only cozy place I could find at the moment is an ice-cream shop, my steps lead me to the nearest. It feels like a million years since the last time I ate ice cream. I must look like a psychopath looking from outside. I let out a big sigh before I walk into the place.
My gaze remains on my feet, I raise my eyes only when the cashier takes my order. I choose the first thing I saw; I have always loved all kinds of ice cream. I bought a medium ice cream cup with three different flavors and even chocolate sauce.
I leave the cup on the table and sit down. I stare at the ice cream, its colors with sauce and it has a cherry on top and frankly it doesn't look delicious, doesn't make me want to grab the spoon. I stare at the ice cream, even this simple and ordinary food reminds me of him. When Harry tried to kiss me I put ice on his nose as a defense, I was scared and nervous.
The memory of his face is so fresh in my mind. His dimples, his bright green eyes, his adorable smile, his furrowed eyebrows because he was mad at something and his skin so cozy and warm. Harry is the devil in the face of an angel. I smile for no reason, my eyes and throat burn and I rub my eyes and take a deep breath. I won't cry, not here.
"You haven't even touched your ice cream," I shudder to hear a voice that is more familiar than I expected. "It's been so log," Gemma smiles and takes a seat. She leaves an ice cream cup on the table and then she sits her son Charlie on her lap.
This is weird…why is Harry's sister talking to me?
"Um, hi," I try to smile but it doesn't work.
"How are you?" She asks as she helps Charlie to eat a piece of ice cream.
"I'm....fine, what about you and Charlie?"
"We're fine, today is our day off, we went for a walk and Charlie was dying for ice cream so here we are," she shrugs. Her hair is more lilac than I remember and today she's using a lot of eyeliner.
"I'm glad," I hold a soft smile. I grab the spoon and try to eat a piece of ice cream but my stomach hurts and I'm not able to. I let out a sigh and bury the spoon into the ice cream.
"Are you alright? Why don't you eat your ice cream? "
"I'm not hungry,"
"You look quite pale; Charlie does Lucy looks very pale?" Gemma asks gently pinching his son's cheek. Charlie looks at me and nods before returning to play with his ice cream.
Gemma's son is so cute, he looks a lot like her and therefore he also looks like Harry. I swallowed and looked down at my lap.
"I'm fine,"
I want to leave but it would be disrespectful and Gemma is being really friendly and I don't understand why.
"So tell me Lucy, are you ready for the big celebration?"
"Big celebration?" I raise an eyebrow and I have no idea what she's talking about.
"Yes, the big celebration also known as Harry's 19th birthday,"
My heart skips a beat and I swear for a second I stop breathing.
"He-he will turn 19?"
I am 17 and I thought Harry...I just, this means that he--
"Didn't you know? Harry repeated one year," Gemma replied and looks at me confused.
Oh God.
It might be stupid or irrelevant but this new fact Harry somehow hurts me. He never trusted me, not even to tell me his real age.
"He almost did it again; luckily he is not turning 20. Uncle Harry is a fool right Charlie?" Gemma sweetly tells her son and he agrees with the spoon in his mouth.
"I, um, I didn't know that,"
"Really? I thought Harry would tell you since you're his girlfriend, "
Girlfriend. The imaginary knife in my chest is twisted and I feel a lump in my throat. What I am about to say are words that are still difficult to admit.
"Gemma, Harry and I are not together," I gulped and my voice is weak. "Not anymore,"
"What?" Her face filled of surprise. "Why would he do that? You're perfect for him,"
Perfect? I was far from being something meaningful in Harry's life.
"Don't you know anything?"
"He hasn't talked to me about you but neither has told me you are no longer together, what happened?"
"So he hasn't told you anything?" Of course he hasn't, why would he? I guess he would not waste his precious time to talk about me to his sister, I am not worthy.
"What happened? The last time I saw you… you guys looked happy, "
Fake happiness like everything else, it was all a lie.
"Fuck, are you going to cry Lucy? Please don't, tell me what that bastard did and I swear I'll cut his balls off, "
For a moment I think I shouldn't tell her but my mind screams at me to do it. It won't change anything; I will never have Harry back so the truth doesn't matter. What's done is done.
After she finds out the truth I'm sure Gemma will cut Harry's balls.
-idk what to say about the chapter, love you all xx
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