Chapter 63

SURPRISEEE! Okay so now, I WILL ONLY UPDATE next week because I have to study. 

The first chapters are always difficult so bear with me please. The chapter is simple, I hope you like, enjoy!!

IMPORTANT >>>> The memory (flashback) will be in italics


3, 2, 1 AND ACTION!



"We have competition,"

"What? Of course not, no one sells better shit than us, "Zayn answered Taylor's words.

"Still, if it's cheap people guided by the price,"

"We sell drugs, good shit, good quality, people will also be guided by that," I say before taking a sip of my vodka. "This is very good,"

"It's new, told you guys you would like," Louis pointed to my glass and I smiled.

"I know you guys are in trouble," Taylor starts talking and the atmosphere becomes tense. "Not just with me for trying to steal my money but also with other people,"

"We made mistakes," Niall said looking at me and then to my friends. It's better if he speaks, Niall has the gift of speech, always manages to touch people.

"Many mistakes," Zayn says before lighting his cigar. I ask for one and I also start smoking.

"And many errors equal money you owe,"

"We know, we are working to pay that," I tell Taylor and my hand was tight around the glass. I hate talking about this.

"It's a lot of money you know right?" We all were silent and our silence gives the answer: Yes. "I forgave your life but I was about to cut off your heads,"

"You would go to jail," Louis retorts.

"Maybe yes, maybe no, this place, this country is so corrupt that justice sometimes fails," Taylor shrugs and he speaks of our deaths as if they were unimportant.

"We owe money to Bob..."

"I hate Bob and he hates me," Taylor spits before smoking his cigar. "He used to work for me,"

"Now he has his own bar,"

"Everybody's going to gamble there," Zayn said with cigar in his mouth.

"Mainly you," growls Liam and Malik ignores Payne. "We are in trouble with Bob because of Zayn,"

"My fault? Sorry but you also gambled there, "Zayn frowned at Payne.

"Enough!" Niall stepped between the two and I let out a big sigh.

"It's our entire fault, we got into different problems but we are here to help each other," I stated looking at my four best friends.

"Oh friendship!" Taylor applauded with a ironic smile on his face. "Cute and super gay," he rolls his eyes.

"Did you get a new tattoo Zayn?" Niall pointed his index finger at Malik's forearm, to one of many tattoos that were painted on his arm.

"I'm not finished yet," Taylor groaned looking at Horan. Niall looked down at his glass and again there is silence between us, even though we are at a party.

"What you are talking about? Something to offer? "Louis takes the risk and asks.

"Actually yes Tomlinson, is something simple in my opinion. I propose a deal, a bet or whatever you want to call it. If you do it, I'll give the money you need," he says before drinking a little more of his drink.

What? What could it be? It must be something important if he's offering the money we need.

"Say it and we will do it," Tomlinson nodded.

"There are things I can do because I have the power to simply do it, I don't want you to hurt or do something with this dangerous people we treat, is something so simple that I would it myself."

"Go straight to the point," I snapped and annoyed with his words.

"I want you to make a girl fall in love with you and then humiliate her,"

"What?" Niall and Liam asked confused and I laugh. This is ridiculous, he must be kidding.

"You heard me,"

"But I want it to be a weak girl, so it is easy to destroy her,"

"This is too easy," I commented with a smile.

"Really? Then you do it Styles, "he pointed me with his cigarette.

"Me? Fine. Does anyone refuse?"

"I would do it but I really don't have much patience when it comes to women," Louis shrugs.

"I think it is cruel so I can't do it,"

"Me neither," Liam supports Horan's words.

"I want you to do it, I think you are the most appropriate," Taylor confesses and I guess he's right, I would be most appropriate for this.

"Harry has the attitude but you're not very good with words," Zayn said and I ignore him. I'm not so good at communicating but we need the money.

"And why humiliate her?" Niall Horan asks and Taylor looks at him.

"Panem et circuses, bread and circuses. Sometimes I enjoy the tragedy of others, I'm bored and I want something fun, "

I don't want to dig deeper into the issue because I really don't care, I'll do what Taylor says and I'll get the money. Sounds like a good plan.

"How long?"

"Whatever it takes to make her trust you and make her fall in love,"

"That sounds like too much," I whimper. Make a stranger fall in love with me; at least I hope she's nice.

"Who will be the victim?" Liam frowned, of course he doesn't like this but he can't refuse, Taylor is offering us what we need.

"Um, let me think," Taylor says, his eyes scanned the place around us.

"It should be someone shy, not a bitch," Louis said looking for someone.

"Just say it and I'll do it," I shrug.

"I found her," Taylor says with a smile. "There! In the kitchen is your victim,"

My eyes look at the kitchen. A girl with glasses is looking at me, noticing my gaze the glass of water she was pouring overflows and the water spills across the table. She looks away embarrassed and my eyes land on Taylor.


"My sister wears better clothes," Louis giggles. I look at the girl and God, poor girl.

"You're right," I drink a sip of my vodka.

"So what now? Do you have to go talk to her or what? "

"Of course Horan, it's the only way to get to know her don't you think?" Taylor laughs at the stupid question of Niall and I can't help but join him. "She's perfect, just look at her, like a helpless animal, this will be fun,"

"Yes, it will be,"

After that we talked about the business and about a couple of funny things. My friends and I hate Taylor but you must keep your enemies close. I greet a couple of friends, I smoke some cigarettes, drink beers with Niall and then I decide to face the girl. I ask Louis if he can find out something about her and after a few minutes he returns with very little information.

"Lucinda Fray is the name, that's all I know. Nobody really knows her, I don't think she is the type of girl who frequent parties,"

"Yet she is here,"

"Go talk to her, it's your chance,"

"Wish me luck," after that I walk away from my friend and headed to the kitchen.

"Give me a beer," I hear the annoying voice of Ashley coming from the kitchen, I hide behind the door frame and watch the situation.

" should get it yourself," Lucinda Fray responds in a low tone and I don't think that Ashley would like that, that girl is sexy but unbearable at the same time.

 "What did you say, you freak?" She spats and I can only see her body getting close to Lucinda. Is she going to hit her? I can't let her do it if I want to get to know Lucinda Fray.

"Hey, what are you doing Ashley?" I wonder and I rest my body on the doorframe. Lucinda's eyes move from the blond to me. She looks scared, great.

"Harry, hello."Ashley turns to me and smiles. "I was going ... going to drink a beer. Do you want some? Let’s drink tog-together." She asks between stuttering.

"Hm...maybe," I walk towards the fridge and pulled out two cans of beer, "but this time, I'll pass." I reply sharply, handing a beer to her and keeping one for myself. I hope she leaves.

The girl opens her eyes in surprise. "Oh, I... it's okay." She opens her can and starts walking towards the exit of the kitchen.

I sit on the kitchen table and opened my can.

"You…You’re not coming?" Asks Ashley and her voice irritates me.

"No," I reply without looking at her before taking a sip of my beer.

An awkward silence is produced in the kitchen, I had never seen this girl before and I have no idea how to start talking to her. Normally I wouldn't have to do all this but just looking how she's dresses I know this will be different.

Lucinda takes a deep breath before she starts to walk, she is heading to the exit. I can't let her go, I need to create a conversation with her.

"Where are you going?"I asked as I grabbed her arm. Warm and soft skin, not bad.

She slowly turns to me and her eyes look frightened. I roam my eyes over her really quick. Heart-shaped face, hazel eyes, glasses, normal features, good eyebrows, long hair, ugly clothes and she's not so tall. By the way she bats her eyelashes or the way she's trying to avoid my gaze I know she's shy.

"Excuse me?" She asks confused, she looks at my arm and then my face. I hate her glasses, jeans and hair. She must be 17 years old, who the hell uses braid at 17?

"Stay," I say and I let her arm go.  She needs to stay or I'll have to find another time to talk with her and that could be more difficult.

"I, um...okay," Lucinda Fray whispers before fixed her glasses. That was easy, now I need to think, what can I say?

She walks to the fridge and I sigh. This will be a long night.

"Harry?" A voice pushes me out of my memories. I turn to meet Lana, standing behind me. "What are you doing out here alone?" She questioned as she sits next to me on the front steps of my house, I wanted to be alone but unfortunately Lana found my place not so secret.

"I'm bored," I say and I hand her a beer, she accepts and holds it in her hands.

 "Bored of your own party?"

"Something like that,"

I hear the screams, music, people laughing and voices coming from inside the house but I don't want to go back. Out here in the darkness, the silence and the cold weather looks more comfy to me.

"What were you thinking? You've been out here a long time,"

"Not your business," I reply with no expression in my voice.

"Just trying to be nice,"

"When it comes to me you are always trying to be nice," I huffed and I feel one of his hands on my thigh. "You're still with Zayn,"

"We have no label and I don't want him, he's just sex to me ..."

"And I'm the same," I reply and she doesn't move her hand.

"Yeah but you're better,"

"Congratulations," I roll my eyes. Lana tries to sit on top of me but my hands stop her. "Don’t,"

"Oh Jesus Harry, come on, you're tense you need to relax," I release my grip and the girl sits on my lap. "When was the last time you fucked someone?"

"Not your problem Lana," I reply before taking a sip of my beer, is frozen and doesn't help my body to warm up.

"Just curious, I want to know how hard you're going to fuck tonight,"

"No way," I roll my eyes.

"You're stupid," she complains and gets up. "You're acting weird, you're being unbearable with everyone and I'm just trying to be nice to you,"

"Nice doesn't necessarily involve sex you know that?" I snapped raising an eyebrow.

She looks at me for a few seconds and she's angry. "That's all I can do well," Lana admits and looks a bit sad about it. "You must admit that it is something that you also know how to do well," she smiles softly and leans her hand on my crotch. "Please Harry,"

What I need now is to be alone or have a good company with me; unfortunately none of the options are true. I can't stand her, besides her voice and her presence are quite irritating. Put an end to this Styles!

"You know what?" I growled standing up and she looks at me. "Do you want sex? Let's do it, "

"I knew you could not resist," she rises biting her lower lip. "Where?"

"My car now"

After 45 minutes Lana is lying on the back seat of my car while trying to catch her breath.

"Oh God," she muttered closing her eyes. "That," she sighs and I hand her underwear. I buckle my belt and the girl slides her fingers through her hair as she sits next to me.

"Wow Harry, I think I am not able to walk,"

"Um, great," I say as I get off the car. "Give me the keys once you can walk," I close the door and make my way back to the house. I don’ look back, Lana means nothing to me and she will always be my friend. I won't fuck her again, I did because I want her to leave me alone.

The boys and I decided to throw a little party tonight; I don't think it's a small party because there are like 70 people here, just grateful that the house is big enough for all these people.

They are playing poker in the kitchen while Niall is doing some tequila shots. I looked at Gemma a few seconds, she's sitting on Taylor's lap and she's laughing at something he says. I cannot believe my sister is still with that jerk.

"Great party!" Austin says as he raises his glass, others do the same and I also raise my glass. After that toast I ask Niall for a few shots of tequila and as the good friends we are we drink together. My stomach hurts a bit and my throat is burning but I'm used to that feeling.

"Move people, move!" I hear Louis' voice and it comes from the living room. "We have a new friend! I present to all Sherlock the hamster! "

What? Sherlock?

My steps lead me to the living room and Louis is standing on stairs with Sherlock in his hands, holding the animal on top and this looks like a scene from the Lion King.

"Sherlock our sacrifice!" He howls like an animal and I'm thinking that this guy has serious problems.

"Louis you idiot!" I growled and walked towards him. "Give me Sherlock, give it to me!"

"But Harry!" He groans and I try to snatch the animal from his hands. "I was about to have fun with Sherlock!" He says and he's completely drunk.

"I'll punch you on the face if you don't give me Sherlock now,"

Louis doubts for a few seconds but he knows I am capable to punch him if necessary. He squints at me while giving me the animal reluctantly.

"Boring," he complains while I take the little Sherlock with me.

I walk out of the house and sit on the entrance with the animal. I have some sunflower seeds in my pocket, I pull out and hand it over to Sherlock. The animal eats the small seed while I'm holding it in my hands.

"You must be scared Sherlock," I let out a sigh. "I'm sorry for what Louis did, he's an idiot. Do you like parties? I don't think so, you looked scared you're just like..." I don't finish the sentence; I keep the name in my mind and erase the thought.

I observe the animal and handed another seed. It's really cold outside, I wonder if Sherlock is freezing.

"Do you feel alone Sherlock? Maybe I should get you a partner, " I giggle and give him another seed. "A hamster so you can fuck," I laugh again and the animal looks at me. "You have a small penis hamster and you need to use it,"

I grab a cigarette with my fingers and my other hand is holding the animal.

"I'm bored and I have no one to talk to so you're the one. How do I start? Sherlock you had a mother, I met her at a party and we had a fake relationship but I was mean to her, very mean. If you wonder how bad I was let me tell you that I threw to her rotten food, that was not right,” I shrug."She must hate me, I know she hates me so much Sherlock," I sigh, “but I deserve it,”

The hamster emits small sounds and he bites my finger, it feels like a pinch and really hurts.

"Maybe you hate me too because I'm not taking care good of you and I'm sorry," he bites me again and I almost dropped him. "Shit Sherlock, stop!" I turn off the cigarette and I hold the animal with both hands. "I'm the worst father in the world Sherlock, girls are better at taking care of animals, Lucy would do much better than me," I give it to the hamster another sunflower seed. "I don't know if I regret what I did but I had to do it, I didn't have another chance you know? I knew what to do from the beginning and we didn’t have future together. I wish you understood me Sherlock,"

I sigh and then I laugh at myself, talking to a hamster. Amazing, well done Styles!

"Can you believe I don't know where she is? I mean, it's been about three months and I've seen her a few times but recently she disappeared. Sherlock she's gone, I'm starting to wonder if Lucy is real now that she disappeared,”

He buries his teeth again on my skin and I whimper. Maybe I should put him in his cage and lock the door of my room so Louis won't bother him anymore.

"Just in case you were wondering I have no feelings for her, not anymore, it's over," I shrug and the animal looks at me. It's funny, I think he wants to know more. "Well, I finished something that never began, ironic isn't it?"

With my finger I gently stroke Sherlock and hope he doesn't bite me again. I hand him another seed and is the last one, he ate too much.

"I reclaimed the money and fucking Taylor gave me the half, he said there's still something I can do for him. I don't know what it is, he hasn't told me," the animal runs in circle in my hand and I think he is frustrated or stressed.

"Harry," I roll my eyes, Lana again. "Here are your keys," she drops it to the floor and she pulls out of her pocket my phone. "You have a message,"

"What are you doing with my phone?" I growled and snatched the device from her hands. Crazy bitch.

"Easy,  while I was giving you a blowjob," she smiles and then leaves me alone. "You have a message!" She says before closing the door and again it's just Sherlock and I alone in the dark of night.

I unlock my phone and open the message.

From: Emily.

I will be there sooner thank you think, back in your arms, honey are you ready?

Oh shit.

"Sherlock, I think you will have a new mom very soon,"



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