Chapter 60

There was a change of plans, now only left two chapters then the sequel. That's all, thank you very much for reading, to bear with me, I love you all beautiful people and have a nice day!!

ps: I read all your comments and thank you !! 





"Holy shit," Harry said as he falls on the mattress, "Can't believe we did," he takes a deep breath as he combs his hair with his longs fingers.

"Oh my god," I lay down beside him with a smile on my face, "it was amazing."

"And sooo long,"

"Yes, but you liked it, admit it,"

"Yeah, it was very good."

"Harry it was my first time,"

"What? Really? "

"Yes, I told you before we started," I say as I lean my cheek on his shoulder. "When are we doing this again Harry?" I ask.

"What? Give me a break Lucy, "he laughs and I feel the vibration of his chest. "That Harry Potter marathon was pretty exhausting,"

"Oh, too bad, I love watching movies marathons. It was my first time, I had never done this with someone else."

"Don't you watch movie marathons with your family Lucy?"

"Well I barely see Madison in the house and mom and Mike are always working. And you and the boys?"

"Of course not, we have life and other things to do."

"Are you implying that I-I have no life?"

"I'm saying that we have different priorities. So was my company  appropriate?"

"Better than I expected."

"Better than you expected? What's that supposed to mean?" He asks and tries to sound offended by my answer.

"It means what I said, it was very good and you behave like a good boy," I reply with my nose rubbing his jaw line.

"What is your favorite book in the saga of Harry Potter?"

"Goblet of Fire, what about you Harry?"

"The last one because it was the only one I read,"

"Hey... you lied!" I lift my head to look into his eyes and he gives me an innocent smile. "You told me you had read all the books,"

"I wanted to look smart,"

"Oh I see,” I let my head rest on his shoulder and stare at his roof.

"Thanks Harry for watching all those movies with me," I say as I feel one of his hands in my hair.

"Yeah, sure."

He hums a song and I snuggled next to his body. Slowly I begin to close my eyes, feeling very calm and comfortable in his arms.

"Don't fall asleep," I hear Harry's voice and I open my eyes. "I was thinking and what do you do for Christmas?"

"Me? Ahm, not much, the usual, "I answer followed by a yawn.

"I don't think it's usual since you're not living with your dad or brother,"

"Ahm, yes you're right but is not that different, the only thing is that they are not here. This is my second year here in the city, last year Mike and and mom were with us, we opened some presents, we had a lovely dinner and Mike's mother and sister shared with us, what about you?"

"Nothing at all, I don't know if I told you but I hate Christmas, I hate it with all my heart, I can even make you a list of all the things I fucking hate from Christmas."

"Calm down Grinch," I chuckle, "Why?"

"Consumerism, that's why. I don't believe in God, Jesus and stuff but clearly this celebration has taken another turn and everything is focused on consumerism. I swear I hate those children crying for toys, also I hate all those Christmas decorations in homes, once I broke some of my mother's house and blamed the dog. "

"What? That's immature Harry."

"I don't care."

I sigh, oh boy. "So you hate everything about Christmas?"

"Except the food, the weather and maybe some carols and songs I think,"

"Really? Carols and Christmas songs? "I laugh a bit harder and I cover my mouth to control myself. "That's very sweet, so sweet that I just forgot all your hate for Christmas."

"Is not sweet and some carols and songs are kind of cool,"

"Like what?"

"You would probably laugh at me so I refuse to tell you," he smirks, showing his teeth.

"Please Grinch," I ask as I put a puppy face.

"Forget it,"

"Have you ever sung a-?"

"Never, Anne had a CD and we listened to those songs the whole damn day. Another thing I like is the mistletoe,"

"Can't imagine why," I roll my eyes as I speak.

"Good times," Harry said more for himself than me and I decide to ignore him. "I think my first kiss was because of the mistletoe, but I really can't remember. I was a child so it was stupid. "

"All I know about mistletoe is that it has medicinal use as-"

"Boring," he cuts me off with a smirk on his face. "Well then my first kiss could have been under the mistletoe...what about you Lucy?" He asks, resting his cheek on the pillow and looking at me straight in the eyes. A smile still glued to his face, is a funny smile and I'm sure he's about to laugh.

I blush but I choose not to answer what he wants to hear.

"I'd rather not talk about it,"

"What? Why? Too good? "Harry stifles a laugh and I blush even more.

"No, too bad," the words flow from my tongue and Harry raised an eyebrow. I can see the surprise on his face and I know my response caught him off guard.

"Really? Maybe we should try again Lucy don't you think? "He responds flirty and a heat runs through my neck to my face.

"Yes I suppose?" I answer, feeling nervous.

Harry chuckles before focusing his eyes on me, his gaze is different, it's flirty this time. My hands are sweating and suddenly the room feels smaller. He bites his lower lip before getting closer to me and finally kisses me. I guess I can't complain if I tell you that we spent the rest of the evening in this way.


+ +

I'm supposed to go out shopping with Cassie but she doesn't answer my calls and I have no messages from her. I sigh in frustration as I try to call back and again no response from her.

Cassie and I decided to do Christmas shopping, we wanted to spend all day together and buy gifts for our families but nothing went as we planned. 45 minutes and I'm still here, waiting and I'm getting tired. I guess she had a problem or something came up, I know she's going to call me so I decide to go downtown in search of presents.

I find a couple of things I want as a gift for my family so I decide to buy them. I wanted Cassie's opinion about it but oh well she is not here.

My friends or people to make gifts are not very long. Just my few friends, Mike, Mom, Madison and...Harry. The last one is the most difficult. We've been dating for 6 months I think? And I have had the chance to get to know him better, yet I don't know what I could get for Harry. That's difficult choice because I want to impress him; I want him to remember my present.

I want to be special to him as Harry has been for me.

My family is the first to be crossed off the list, I already have their gifts. Choose something to Mandy and Cassie was not that hard so it is also done. I walk towards my favorite comic book store and I bought a few things for Marcel and Adam, great, that was very easy.

The streets are full of people everywhere you see, I can hear some Christmas songs, I see people wearing Christmas sweaters already, which I find very sweet, and the weather is definitely cold. I buy a coffee; the skin of my nose is cold, compared to the rest of my face that still retains the heat.

I get a message Cassie, she tells me she's coming and I type the address of where I am.

My feet lead me to my favorite bookstore. I smile to see from the outside that there is a certain amount of people, I'm glad because that means the business is good for Carl, the owner and my friend. I walk into the bookstore and chatted with Carl for 15 minutes and then I start to wander around the library.

My fingers glides through some books, my eyes wander over the front pages and on the covers. I find a book of Nietzsche, Marcel likes him so I decide to grab it.  While I'm here I'm trying to think of what I can give to Harry, what could it be?

 I close a book I turn around, my eyes connecting with some blue eyes looking at me just a few feet away. Is that boy, he used to be friends with Harry, he spoke to me in the school library.

He friendly smiles and walks over me. I lift my face a bit because he is several inches taller than me. Eric was his name?

"Hi Luly,"

"It's Lucy,"

"Whatever, how are you?"

"Why are you asking me that? We're not even friends, "

"Just trying to be a nice guy. Anyway I was just wondering if our conversation about Harry made ​​you think, "

"Yes but--"

"So? What did you find out? "

"Harry had a-a difficult childhood,"

"Oh yes, whatever, I know but the question is was I right?"

Was him? Yes. Harry confirmed what Eric told me. I swallow hard and nod reluctantly. I don't know what answer will cause it on Eric but I'm sure I won't like it.

"See? But I haven't heard back from you so I bet you're still with the bastard right? "

"What is your problem wi-with Harry?"

"Not one but several problems Luly"

"It's Lucy and if you have problems with Harry, talk to Harry"

"Interesting answer. I heard you were shy and that was not an answer that would give me a shy girl. So what did he say? He confirmed everything I said right? "He asks and looks very interested to know the answers.

I have a feeling that if I try to escape he will follow me, he's really interested to hear what I have to say. I don't know if Harry will like this but Eric told me things about him that Harry himself confirmed so no, I don't think it bothers Harry.

"Yes, he did but told me that happened long ago and..." Eric interrupted me, laughing really hard. Some people give us a strange look by his reaction.

"And you believed him? God, you're silly, "

"I'm not silly and you're being very rude is better for me to go," I say and I turn quickly.

"Want to know the truth or not Lucy?" Eric asked me and my curiosity is so strong that I stopped walking. I should walk away, shouldn't talk to him but he knows things I don’t know.

I take a deep breath as I turn my face toward him, cautiously and carefully watching him, telling him without words that I want to know the truth.

"If you think the last time Harry cheated or stole someone was 2 years ago you are very wrong. It could have been yesterday or a week ago but it was not 2 years ago, "

My skin loses color. Cheat, steal, those things are bad, very bad, I could never do something like that and I don't know if I could be with someone who did.

"I'm sure you know that he works for Taylor and that involves many things. Things you might like it or not, actually I think you wouldn't like anything. Anyway you don't need to freak out I think, just letting you know that your dear Harry makes some things for him but not as bad as you think, "

"What do you mean with bad?" I speak and my voice is low, I have fear that someone listen.

"I'll only say that stealing and cheating are the most harmless things Taylor could do,"

"Did you work for Taylor too?"

"I used to but for the money, oh yes, Harry and I we were ambitious and we still are, some things never change," he smirks and I'm sure a film of memories is going through Eric's mind right now.

"Anyway, if you want to know everything about Harry you should talk to Taylor,"

"I-I don't like him," I muttered.

"I understand, me neither. But if you want to I can take you, "

"I could do it myself,"

"It wouldn't be a good idea, trust me, he’s dangerous."

"Why...Why are you doing this Eric?" I whisper as I look him straight in the eyes.

"Because someone needs to open your eyes,"

"I only have a-a relationship with a boy—"

"With a boy you think you know but you're very wrong."

"I feel like you're trying to ruin my relationship--"

"That's a stupid statement. I don't need to ruin it, I know that Harry will. You'll see Lucy, is always the same, sooner or later everything falls apart in his life. "

My heart hurts because I'm afraid that Eric is right. Harry had a difficult childhood and a difficult childhood can change you for life. Harry has his wounds and the way he acts is the only one he knows because is what he had to adopt in order to survive. He could all fall apart, Eric is right.

"Well this was a nice conversation," Eric smiles but I can't move a single muscle. "Nice to see you Lucia," And with that Eric walks away and I stay there with my heart beating very fast.

My lungs hurt a bit and I feel is slightly difficult to breathe. I touch my cheek with the back of my hand and my skin is cold as ice. My steps guide me out and once I'm out I close my eyes while I try to breathe.

"Lucy, Lucy! I'm here! "My heart almost stopped when I hear Cassie's voice. "How are you?" She asks as she hugs me. Her arms wrap around my body and she squeezes me.

"It hurts Cassie," I managed to say and my friend releases me. She smiles and looks very relaxed, my eyes fall on her face and Cassie's eyes are red.

"I'm high," my friend giggles.


"Yes, I got depressed and called Harry. I bought a very good shit, I thought it would make me feel sad but Harry told me that this would cheer me up a lot and I feel full of life, like I can explode right now, "

"Wait what? Harry?" His name is a stab in my stomach.

"Yes, yes, he sells good things, well, you should know better than me. I bought some weed but Harry also had cocai—"

"No, I don't care," I cut her off straight away, I don't want to hear that, I don't want to know about that.

"Uh, sorry," Cassie rolls her eyes. "Lucy you look pale or I see your face very pale, are you okay?"

I shake my head and my friend just smiles. Normal Cassie would not act like that and now I really need the normal Cassie.

"Oh, I just remembered something! If you can slap me,"Cassie said as she turns her face a little to show her cheek."Do it!"

"What? No, why do you say that? "

"Because I slapped you and it would be fair that you would do the same,"

"No Cassie, you are not okay, come here I'll take you home,"


I waited until Christmas to talk to Harry.

I don't do a braid this time. I pull over my head the Christmas sweater I always use and I wash my face. I clean my glasses, I brush my teeth and then I finally go downstairs. We are going to have dinner and then Mom and Mike will go to work. I know it's Christmas and I'd like them to stay but there are people who will need them tonight. Besides Madison and I are teenagers not little girls so it's okay.

Our dinner is quite nice, despite the problems between Mike and mom they talk and even laugh. That makes me happy and helps me to eat in peace. The food is delicious and helped to do it. Mike and Madison were in charge of decorating the house and I think it looks very cozy and lovely.

Mom forces me to take a picture with Madison and we look like two opposites. On one hand it's me, short, with sweater of Rudolph the reindeer, slippers and jeans and then there's Madison, tall, thin, wearing a red dress and a black wool jacket. I don't understand why she's so well dressed when we are staying at home or at least that's what I think, maybe she is planning to escape after Mike and Mom go.

Mike and Mom told us that if we want we can open presents, I don't want to and Madison doesn't care at all. We decided to prepare hot chocolate and sit and talk. It's nice and makes me feel like...home.

When I hear the doorbell my heart skips a beat. Madison groans and Mike asks who is it. Mom just smiles as I head to our door. I try not to laugh when I see Harry with a Christmas sweater, the funny thing is not the fact that the sweater has a snowman but because it's black. Black is a color very not Christmas, especially in a sweater.

In his hands he's holding two rectangular boxes and I wonder what it has in there. I let him come in and Harry's really friendly and greets everyone. Mike is also nice with him and I sigh in relief.

I lead Harry to the kitchen and after 15 minutes my parents have to go. Madison disappears and now it's just me and Harry on the first floor.

One of the rectangular boxes that Harry brought has a chocolate cake; he told me that his mother did it. So while I cut a piece of cake I decide that is a good time to talk.

"Harry I need you to be honest with me," I don't stutter but my voice is low, almost a whisper.

"What?," he asks and I clear my throat.

"I need you to be honest with me about something," he nods and I decide to continue. " Eric talked to me yesterday," his emerald gaze meets mine as soon as I mention the name of his old friend.

"What the fuck? What did he say? " He frowns and oh well, he looks angry.

"About you, about Taylor and told me he was dangerous. He scares me Harry, I mean, why is he telling me that?"

"About Taylor? What did he say? "He wonders still frowning.

"That he was dangerous and steal and cheat are the harmless things that Taylor could do. I'm worried about you, I try not to invade your privacy but...what i-is going on Harry? "

"Eric motherfucker, he always does the same thing," Harry said to himself and slams his fist into my table. I jump at the sound of the wood and the curly looks at me. "Lucy come here," Harry tells me and I decide to obey.

 I swallow as my steps guide me towards Harry. He makes ​​a gesture for me to sit on his lap and obey, we are now face to face.

"Eric is my enemy, I need you to remember that okay?" Harry speaks as his fingers intertwined with mine. "We are not friends and I know he wants revenge. Now that I'm with you he knows you're weakness, "

"Weakness?" Should I be flattered?

"Sure Lucy. You're innocent, you're not involved in my world so is reasonable the fact that you can believe in everything he tells you. Eric also knows that you will tell me what he said and knows that it pisses me off and that's exactly what he wants. "

"Oh." I don't know what to say, Harry is right. Was I manipulated?

"Eric is not a good person, just like Taylor or me but the thing is ...wait do you trust me Lucy?" Styles asks and his eyes make me feel nervous, it is a deep look and I'm not sure I could stand it.

"Yes, I trust you."

"Well, I need you to avoid Eric. Don't talk to him no matter what he says, "


"Eric clearly wants to put you against me, but we are stronger than that, don't you think?" His words travel to my heart and the expression on his face melts me.

My eyes fall to my lap and I nod with my flushed cheeks. Us.


"Life is hard when you have enemies," Harry sighs. "Everybody wants to destroy and attack the smallest details about you if is necessary,"

What Harry is saying is very reasonable. My problem was that I forgot that Eric is not his friend, for a moment I didn't think about that. I let myself be guided by his words and let myself be frightened by what he told me. He may be right but his purpose is not open my eyes, Eric's mission is to put me against Harry and no, I won't let him do that.

"I need you to trust me. I am the person I am showing to you or at least I try, "he confesses with downcast eyes. "I'm trying."

"I know and I really appreciate Harry. Sorry for doubting you, "

"No need to be sorry, Eric is a bastard,"


"I feel so silly," Lucy sighs in frustration.

"Why do you say that?" I asked as I kiss her small, slender fingers. Lucy looks at me and then rests her head on my shoulder.

"I feel like a toy, I'm so stupid," she admits and her eyes again met mine.

"You're not, okay?" I affirm with one hand on her back and the other on her cheek.

 "If you say so," she says before getting up and I lose the warmth her body provides. "Want some hot chocolate?"

Guess she wants to change the subject and I'm not willing to talk about this anymore.

  "Yeah, sure."

I cut the chocolate cake ​​while Lucinda pours two cups of hot chocolate, after that we both went to her room. We throw pillows on the floor and sit on it. I leave her present on the bed and we eat in silence.

I try to focus on my cake but I can't help but give a few glances at Lucy, she looks sad.

"Are you okay?" I ask and I feel...worried?

"I was just thinking..."

"You can tell me." It's weird because she's always the telling me those words.

"I'm so naive, I feel bad about what Eric did,"

"It's okay you now, it can happen"

"Yeah, I know but being naive is not good. Fortunately I don't frequent a lot of people then no one ever took advantage of me. I have no experience so I can't defend myself. What if I know someone who looks real but is actually a liar?" She talks and I can see different emotions crossing her face.

I'm glad she can't see the difference because I definitely would be first on her list. I don't look and I don't feel nervous, years of experience in the art of lying, I know I can do this.

"We learn from mistakes," is the only thing I can say before I bite my cake.

"I guess,"

"But just stay away from Eric okay?" At least for now.

"Yes Harry," she nods before taking a sip of her hot chocolate.

I wasn't expecting what Eric did, I don't want him to talk to her, it pisses me off, a lot. What I was planning to do was to look for Eric right now and give him what he deserves, I would beat him, I swear but because of Lucy I always feel sedated, I'm always more relaxed. So the only solution was to breathe and talk to her, it was all that really mattered.

I don't know if I like this feeling of being sedated, so relaxed and calm. I feel like I lose who I really am and I can't help but feel like this when I'm around Lucy. She's quiet, cozy and she always emphasizes the positive things or talk about innocent things.

"So ... weakness huh?" Lucinda asks, hiding her smile with the cup she's holding in her hands.

I laugh at her tender expression and nod. Tell her she was my weakness would make her feel more confident and definitely help me because she believed in me. It worked, I'm a genius.

"Should I be flattered?"

"Definitely," I assure as I hand her my empty plate. She leaves the two dishes on her nightstand and then she crawls towards me. Lucy lays down resting her head on my lap. I laugh, girls don't rest their head in my lap the truth is that they do other things.

"Thanks for coming,"

"I had nothing better to do," I admit shrugging. "I'm joking,"

"So, um, tell me about your sweater," she says as her fingers pricked the fabric of my black sweater.

"It was a gift," I roll my eyes and she smiles. "Marcel the bastard did it,"

"Really?" She laughs, her laugh is adorable and pure. Her face is gorgeous and my stomach starts to hurt. "It's pretty original, I'm talking about the color,"

"I know, Marcel got it right this time. I have something to show you," I say and Lucy sits next to me. I roll up the sweater up to my elbows and I show her my forearm.

"Grinch!" She pointed to the skin of my forearm. "When did you get this tattoo?"

"Two days ago. I realized that I hated Christmas more than I thought and I knew it was my duty to do this tattoo, "

"It's cute," she roams her finger across my little tattoo, which is only the Grinch's face.

While she admires my tattoo my eyes focus on Lucy. I don't know if it's my idea but she has more freckles, her eyelashes are long and black, her cheeks are flushed and her hair is slightly messy and her long hair falls for her shoulder and her back, she looks more mature but I like it when she uses her typical braid.

Her gaze find mine and her eyes are burning the palm of my hands, makes me feel slightly small and insignificant. She gives me a slight smile, kisses my new tattoo and then gets up. She bends down in front of her desk and drags a box, it has a green tie and I know it's her gift to me.

"I-I don't know if you want to, um, if you want to open your present now," I want to hug her for her sweet attitude.

I grab her present and we sit face to face. We exchanged our boxes and I say ladies go first. Her fingers are not eager to reveal the surprise; she tears the paper and gives me a small peek. Lucinda bites her lower lip before opening the present, after that she covers her mouth with both hands.

"Oh Jesus, Harry, it's ... it's beautiful,"

 Two vinyl records and both are of the Beatles and both are her favorite albums. It was not hard to remember her favorites because they are the same as mine: Sgt Pepper's Lonely Heart Club Band and Revolver.

"Thank you, it's perfect," she says as she puts a few strands of her hair behind her ear. Her eyes lands on me and there is a smile on her face. "Your turn Harry,"

Her eyes betray her; I think she's going to cry. Shit, the first time that I make something important to a girl and she's about to shed tears.

"Come here," I indicated to Lucinda and she obeys without problems. She sits on my lap, I kiss her cheek and rest my chin on her shoulder. Lucinda leaves aside her glasses before rubbing her eyes.

"If you ask me I'm not crying," she whispers faintly. "Now, open your present,"

I don't like presents but I can't say no to her. My fingers are quick to break the wrapping paper and I opened the box and shit, I regret having done so.

"What the hell?" It's the first thing I say when I see the record player inside the box. This is unbelievable.

"I saw some vinyl in your room, plus you always talk about music and you liked these kind of things and I-I thought it would be a great idea," she shrugged.

We talked about music and vinyl records but from what I remember it was two times or maybe one. She is so observant that she was able to see those dusty vinyl records I have stacked in my room. I have them for collection; I've never played on a record player...until now.

I think it is a great gift and I can't even explain it with words. Even in her better days Emily would never do this.

 "Thanks, Lucy it’s amazing," it’s the only I can say as I feel a sharp pain in the heart. God, please kill me, I can't accept this, I can’t.

Lucinda gets up from my lap and again I miss the warmth and coziness that I feel when her body is close to mine.

"Harry this is the best gift of all, thank you, always in my heart," She thanked me with teary eyes as she hugs her albums. She looks happy, more than happy indeed.

I laugh but it's a laugh like 'I don't think so Lucy'. I hope she doesn't break the vinyl records. After everything is over I'll definitely return the turntable because I don't deserve it. I don't deserve this gift, I don't deserve to share Christmas with her ​​or be with her precious company.

She leaves her present aside and comes back to me. She sits on my lap and the smile on her face seriously makes me nervous, me and my body. I can't help but not feel infected by her good mood, the peace and serenity when I'm with Lucy. I rest my hands on her lower back as she rubs the tip of her nose with mine, I decide to go a little further and now the palms of my hands are on her ass. Lucinda says nothing instead she just smiles while kissing the tip of my nose.

She shouldn't be happy, I want her to scream; I need her to pull away and complaining about my attitude. The fact that I have my hands on her ass and she says nothing makes me feel uncomfortable and nervous.

Her kiss caught me off guard, but it is so tender. My hands cling to her back and Lucy's arms resting on my shoulders. I wanted to pull away, I wanted to do it but I couldn't, and I blame on her scent, the softness of her lips and the warmth of her body.

For a moment it feels like a real Christmas and I feel like we're together, not really based on a lie but for real. Our presents, our happiness, the smile on her beautiful face and my fingers touching her cheek, her jaw, her lips. If Lucy was my girlfriend I would kiss her, not the way I do now but with passion, possession. I would shut the door of her room, lay her on the carpet or possibly on her bed and yeah, I would make love to her,  so many times I would lose the account. Lucinda would be shy, it might be difficult to get rid of her clothes and we would laugh in the process of doing it, she would avoid eye contact because of shame but I'm sure she would sigh and let out small moans with my name stuck on them.

My hands cupped her cheeks, her skin is soft and I can tell from what I know that all the rest of her body is the same. I shouldn't feel turned on but I guess it was inevitable. I wish I could get rid of her ugly Christmas sweater and rip her jeans with my teeth if it's necessary. I never felt like this before but now I have some ideas and fantasies in my head about Lucy and I and is a fucking annoying feeling. I kick my wild side and pull away. She looks a little confused as she tries to catch her breath.

"I need more hot chocolate." This lie can help me from this situation.

I get up from the floor and she nods. "Ahm, s-sure"

I grabbed both cups and I walk out almost running.

Since we went to the bar to listen and dance all night long to the beat of The Beatles everything feels different and is such a disturbing feeling, it irritates me and I cannot stop thinking about that. I feel like I'm paranoid about it. It's ridiculous, it's Lucy slowly taking over my mind? No way.

Whatever this feeling is I don't care. When the end comes there will not be ashes also I know I am able to turn off my feelings. Lucy has been important to me but not a transcendental person in my life, I know it and I keep repeating it in my mind. She is not transcendental; she's just a shooting star. I can live without her; I know I can definitely live without this relationship. No matter what I feel, she will be easily to forget.

I pour hot chocolate in our mugs as I let out a big sigh. I feel a pain in the chest and a big weight on my shoulders. I shake my head and I try to focus on something that really matters.

My cell phone vibrates in my pocket and I read the received message.

From: Emily.

Merry Christmas bastard.

I roll my eyes typing an answer.

To: Emily.

Fuck you.

I shove my phone into my pocket and I turn around, surprisingly my eyes meet Madison, she is leaning against the doorframe. I didn't hear anything, psycho bitch.


"Hi," I say confused. I've never spoken to her in my life and I'm not interested at all.

"Enjoying Christmas?" She says while her fingers are playing with her blond strand.

"Yeah, definitely," I replied without any emotion in my voice.

"I must tell you something," Madison talks when I was about to get out of here. "Lucy can be stupid and all her friends can be stupid too and even the whole school but not me,"

"Excuse me?" What the hell is she talking about?

"Why would you be with my sister? The whole school knows you Harry and many of them are saying that you're up to something, "

"Honestly I don't care,"

"Just letting you know that I know your little secret,"

"And what would that be?"

"You don't like Lucinda; she's not your type,"


"Yes and I'm pretty sure that this is a complete lie,"

"I honestly don't know what you're talking about," I replied cold and indifferent.

"Sure," she rolls her eyes. "You know I could talk to her, I don't have a good relationship with Lucy but she believes everything I say,"

"Do what you want, I couldn't care less."

If Madison is trying to intimidate me is not going to work, also the fact that she suspects about what is going on is not something new or interesting to me. She is not a good sister to Lucy, she's bad like me so I know what she's thinking.

"Are you sure Harry?"

I won't let her control this situation, I don't like being threatened. I leave the cups on the kitchen counter and I approached to Madison. I have a feeling that I've talked to her before. Looking through my memories and I find her, Madison Ray, she tried to kiss me and sleep with me a few months ago, before I met Lucy. I must add that she didn't make it, Madison is not my type. Um, this is an interesting fact.

"Very sure," I stop inches from her face and my voice comes out as a dangerous whisper, "In fact why don't you go upstairs right now and tell her? Lucy is in her room, "

The blonde looks at me almost shocked by my closeness, this was easy. She is no longer using that dress and that's another interesting fact. I just have to read the signs: She is pinned against the wall, her eyes never leaving mine, she's biting her lower lip and she is doing nothing to keep me away from her. All right, let's play a bit with Madison.

"I-I don't care," she whispers with my fingers unzipping her jeans. "I am threatening you with my secret,"

"Oh Really?" Madison holds her breath when my hand invades her jeans. Her eyes look at me with lust and God she's a real bitch, she doesn't even care that I'm with Lucy and that she's up in her room.

"I could tell her a few things about you," she bites her lower lip while I touch her most intimate part. "Things she would not like,"

"Do I look worried? Do you think I care? " I curved a side of my mouth into a smile and I lean towards her.

I bite her lower lip and Madison tries not to moan. God she's so easy, it makes me sick. She tries to kiss me but I put some distance between us.

"Nothing you say is going to make Lucy changed her mind. You think I haven't heard about you Madison? I know you have been chasing me since you came to school, "the blonde let out a little moan at the touch of my fingers on her. “But guess what? I don't care about you at all and if you think threatening will make you have me, you're so wrong honey, "I take my hand out of her jeans and I clean the wetness from my fingers in her shirt.

The blonde breathes heavily and her eyes are overflowing anger. I smile, proud, she will not win and if she thinks her stupid threat caused me something she's very wrong. She fixes her jeans as her eyes never leave mine.

"I won't say anything because I don't care about Lucy," Madison talks while I wash my hands.

"Great, congrats."

We stay in silence when we hear a few steps from the stairs. The small body of Lucy walks in the kitchen and her eyes meet mine and then Madison. Her sister is still in the door and I am facing the sink. Lucy's eyes look a bit insecure and nervous. I forgot what happened a few seconds ago and my mind just focus on Lucy.

"Ahm, is everything okay? I came here because well you were taking too long, "Lucy speaks as she walks over me.

"Everything is fine Lucinda," I wrap my arm around her shoulders and kissed her forehead.

She's so harmless, weak that Madison's attitude bothers me a lot. The only explanation I have for her attitude is that Madison is jealous of Lucy.

"I came here for some cookies and your boyfriend was here," Madison walks to the refrigerator.

"Yes, we were just talking,"

"What a great conversation," she rolls her eyes. "I'm going to a party, have fun,"

"What did she say? Madison doesn't talk too much," Lucy asks once we are alone.

"We were invited to the party, I said no because I rather be here,"

"Fine, I also prefer that," She kisses my chin and then goes to the refrigerator.

I wash my hands again because I think Madison is disgusting. After that I grabbed Lucinda and I sit her on the counter and all I do is kiss her, and God I kissed her a lot. No interruptions, just me and Lucy and feels perfect.

Madison may be stunning but she is not my type. She's so easy and I know she likes me. If I wanted to I could sleep with her. I just have to move a finger and I'm sure Madison would surrender to me but I won't do it because I don't need to, because I have Lucinda. Although it's weird for me to admit I'd much rather stay with Lucy, just kissing her, hugging her and I listening to her lovely voice than fuck her evil stepsister.

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