Chapter 59

Hi everyone! I'm back, sorry I had my finals (i think it's the word you use in english??). Anyway I missed you all! 

1- I put parts of a song in this chapter, the lyrics are in italic font. Hope it doesn't bother you but anyway it's important.

Long chapter and I hope you like it, enjoy!




"Mom, what happened?" I ask as I bend down in front of her.

She shakes her head with her face hidden and tries to stifle her sobs but it's too late, it's clear that I've heard it.

I don't know what to do so I just wrap my arms around her and hugged her and tried, in silence, to make her feel better.

"Mom, please tell me."

She didn't respond and we stay like this in what seems an eternity for me.

I feel powerless because I just suck at this. I want to help, I want to do it with all my heart but I can't because I don't know how to act in this situation.

Her crying fades gradually, once she stops crying I sit in front of her and I wait, I wait for her answer. It feels weird, being here, sitting on the cold tile with my mother looking like a little girl. It’s just weird.

I really wait for her, after a few minutes she lifted her face and wiped her tears.

"You want a glass of water?" I asked, whispering.

"Please," she replies not looking at me. I stand up and run to the kitchen. I pour a glass of water and make my way back to the bedroom.

I sit on the bed and I wait for her, she is on the bathroom and the door is closed. Maybe she's preparing her words because I won't accept a "no" for an answer.

My mom walks out and I handed her the glass. She drinks small sips and I make a space in the bed to her, hoping she will sit next to me.

She can be liberal and crazy sometimes but she's discreet, she likes to keep her things in secret and that makes us similar, but I don't want this to happen, not today. She can't ignore me and pretend nothing happened, that would be even worse.

Surprisingly my mother sits next to me and rests her hands on her lap.

"I argued with Mike," she sighed. "Things got a little out of control and that's all."

"What happened to the lamp?" I question, my eyes on the lamp.

"Things got a little out of control and that's all," she repeated without looking at me. I barely hear her voice.

"He did that?" Mom nodded and I covered my mouth. "What did he want with it? Was he going to throw you that or...? "

"No, no," she shakes her head, "He just threw it and it scared me, I-I never ... never thought Mike would do that."

I don't answer, I'm not able to. At least for me what Mike did is an act of violence. Mike is a quiet and hardworking man. We have a good relationship and I respect him a lot but this is something new, something I would never expect.

Now I don't know how to feel and I don't know what to think about it. It scares me but at the same time I want to try to understand. It could have been an impulse but he could have hurt her. Maybe he did it just to scare her? What was his purpose to throw that lamp?

It really scares me because my father would never do that. I imagine myself being my mom in that moment and I would be afraid.

"I'm fine, don't worry," my mother speaks and I look up. "He didn't do it on purpose..."

"What happened?"

"You're still a baby for this sort of thing."

"Mom, I'm 17."


"Please tell me, I ... I could help."

My mother smiled slightly, lost in her thoughts. I don't like her reaction, I can't understand, this is not a time to do that.

"I knew Mike was jealous but I didn't think it was this much. Jealousy is really powerful Lucy, "

"What do you mean? Why would he be jealous? What did you do? "

"It started on Halloween, we argued because he was very jealous and couldn't stand to see me talking to a any guy on that party. I have tried to change that but it is impossible. Things have been tense between us and other things have happened. It's not like I don't respect him but he can't give me orders. You know your father didn't like when I disobeyed him but it comes naturally. I just didn't think his jealousy would get this limit. "

"Mom you're scaring me, limit? What limit? What do you mean? Did he ... did he do something? "I ask and I want to know the answer.

"Mike didn't hurt me if that's what you're asking. Things just got out of control. "

"Just because he was jealous?"


I shake my head with a look of confusion. Really? Mike is 43 years old, he is a grown man.

"Really? That's it? "I almost sound rude.

"Somehow I knew you wouldn't understand," she sighs and looks at me. "When you have your first relationship, your first boyfriend you'll understand," but I have a boyfriend. "Feelings are very powerful. I have a good relationship with Mike, I know him and I know he has his insecurities, weaknesses and this is one. I find unjustifiable and immature his jealousy and you're probably thinking the same thing but that's Mike and so are men, they try to prove otherwise but they have insecurities very similar to women. "

"Mom I-I don't know—"

"You'll understand once you're in love. Why would I want to share someone I love? "

I don't know if I can agree with my mother, her phrase and question sounds dominant, sounds like obsessive. It scares me because I realize now that I don't really know what kind of relationship she has with Mike, what happens when they are alone.

"Where is Mike?"

"I don't know."

"Did you call him?"

"He needs his space as I need mine. I think I'll clean this and then sleep, "my mother says as she heads to her wardrobe.

 She told me the truth, told me what I wanted to know and now I don't know what to do with this information.

"Ahm, if you need anything you can tell me, good night," I say before leaving the room.

Stay on the bedroom would be a waste of time. I feel so inexperienced.

I still can't believe what Mike did, for me at least is shocking but it could have been worse. I have to repeat the last sentence all the time because it actually could have been worse. I don't know how to handle this but I definitely have to talk to Mike about this.


+ +

My level of inexperience and stupidity is amazing. It's been 3 days since I found my mother crying and still I am not able to talk to Mike. I've hardly seen him by the way, work is consuming my mom too. At dinner they act normal, exchanging a few words but I can notice a wall between them. I wonder if Madison feels the same.

In every dinner I concentrated on watching my family, is so dysfunctional and weird and it makes me feel sad.

I rehearsed in my room ways to talk to Mike but I never came to a conclusion. He talked to me about a video game and I tried to act normal and I think it worked. I'm angry and disappointed with him but I want him to see it once we talk.

"What are you staring at?" I feel a hot breath tickling in my ear. Harry.

His voice startled me and I shake my head with a soft smile. I haven't told Harry about my parents, I think it is not necessary.

"I was just thinking ...," I clarify while Harry was playing with a few strands of my hair.

"Well, you didn't write anything in your notebook, which I find very strange so tell me."

"No. I-I was just thinking about Christmas, "I manage to come up with a quick lie.

I don't want to do the exercises so I lean my back against the chair and Harry rests his elbow on the table.

"Lucy, do you like Christmas?"

"Actually yes, I have some good memories."

"You like to receive gifts and shit?"

"No, no, what I really like is the food."

"Christmas food is one of the best," Harry smiled. His face looks tired and I want to stretch my hand and touch him and kiss him.

I blush when I realized this will be our first Christmas together.

"What?" He asks, noticing the color in my cheeks.

"Ahm, this is ... this is our first Christmas together."

"Great," is all he says.

At least for me is my first Christmas with a boyfriend, for Harry I know it’s not a big deal and it bothers me.  I don't want to imagine Harry sharing Christmas with other girls.

Stop, stop.

"Lucy, we have to go, the class is over," Harry gently shakes my shoulder. I get up from my seat and grabbed my stuff, I put everything in my bag and I follow Harry.

"Tomorrow is the Beatles thing."

"Excuse me?"

"Tomorrow, I told you, we are going to dance remember Lucy?"

"Oh, right, right."

I can't believe I am going to dance. It will be the worst, I'm sure Harry will break me for being the worst dancer ever.

"I warn you I'm not a good dancer,"

"Me too Harry. I still don't understand why we're going tomorrow; the only thing we are going to do is to embarrass ourselves."

"I really want to go and listen to good music in a place other than my room, plus not every day is a night dedicated to the Beatles."

"Good point," I nod. "Harry?"


"Don't break up with me after seeing me dance."

After two seconds all I can hear is his laugh, Harry bursts out laughing next to me and I blushed, embarrassed by my words.

  "I cannot believe you said that," he wipes a tear. "You're so funny Lucy," he kisses my forehead and grabs my hand.

Maybe it was funny, coming from someone like me.

"Besides why do you say that? On Halloween you danced with me and you did very well. "

"Under the influence of drugs."

"Maybe you should get high again," I look at Harry and he rolls his eyes with a smile. "I'm joking you know that right?"

"I thought so."

We headed to the parking lot, the day is finally over.

"You know Lucy you should've seen the way you danced," Harry joked as he starts to move his hips.

I feel so embarrassed by the fact I danced and because he is making fun of me.

"Harry," I laugh and then I hide my face in my hands.

"Sorry, I had to," he smirks and wraps his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Harry we need to talk," we hear Zayn, who comes out of nowhere.

My boyfriend straightened quickly, taking a step back and breaking the contact between us. Okay... that was weird.

"Sure," his voice and mood are different now. I'm impressed how it changed so quickly.

Zayn is not happy and neither Harry, this is really weird but I guess they are having problems.

"Wait for me okay? It won't take too much," I nod and Harry leaves with Zayn.

They walk a few feet from me, his other friends are there, I guess it's a boys talk so I better stay away from that.

While I wait for Harry I look around, all I see are unfamiliar faces until something catches my attention. I spotted Adam, he is standing alone looking around, he's probably looking for me or perhaps he knows someone else?

I decided to find out so I walk towards him. Adam's eyes spotted me when I'm halfway. He waves and I smile.

"What are you doing Adam?"

"I came to see you," he answers, straight to the point. To see me? "Your mother called mine and I think they were talking about men, relationships and marriage."

"What?" My heart stops for a few seconds.

"That's what I heard, I also heard your mother is having problems with Mike."

"How do you know that?" I give him a look of confusion, how?

"I heard it, I was hiding," he shrugs. "The thing is, how are you? How are things going? "

I never thought Adam was so curious but I definitely think that's very sweet of him to come here just to ask this.

"I think I'm fine," I give him my honest answer. "I've been busy."


"Ahm, no, Harry"

"Oh, and how are things at home?"

"I think all right, Mike and mom exchanged a few words but is not the same, at least not for now."

"And what will you do? Will you talk to Mike? I couldn't hear right but what did he do? "

"I think that's very personal," I reply in a whisper.

"It's okay if you don't want to tell me."

"I just think it is very personal, sorry."

"No, no, it's fine, I get it. Atmosphere must be tense in your home now. "

"Yes, lately. I must admit at first I didn't even notice, I recently found out. "

"Oh, I see. Ahm, Lucy I came here to see you, but I was wondering if you also want to do something now. " Oh no. “We could eat pizza or whatever you want.”


It's not like I don't want to spend time with Adam, I mean, I have no plans for today. In my mind I think I'll be with Harry but I really don't know what I'll do.

"Ahm, Adam, I don't know."

"Come on Lucy, you need a break from Harry."

"Excuse me?"

"Yes, a break from Harry. I don't need anyone to tell me because I know you spend all your time with him. You said you would spend time with me the last time we talk, we're friends from a long time, remember?"

"Yes, of course Adam."

"I want to believe that you are different, but I am starting to believe you're the kind of girl that forgets all her friends for a boy, you want to be like that?"


" Maybe you don't realize but he is consuming you. You are very observant, and you care a lot about your mother. You just told me you hadn't noticed her strange attitude, your mother was going through a bad time and you couldn't notice it because Harry is always there, "Adam rolls his eyes.

His answer bothers me but it makes me feel guilty because he's right. He's consuming me and I couldn't be able to see what is happening in the real world. My mom is not having a good time and I couldn't see it until now. It makes me feel very, very sad.

"Sorry, sorry. Let's do something, " I smiled and he does the same, pleased with my answer.

"Great, let's go,"

"Wait Adam, I have to tell Harry, I'll be right back."

"Sure, I'll wait here Lucy."

I make my way back and Harry's waiting for me, arms folded, no smile on his face but he doesn't look upset.


"I saw Adam, what is he doing here?"

"Ahm, he-he came to see me and we are going to eat pizza I think."


"Yes, we're just going to eat and do what friends do," I shrugged.

Harry stares at me for a few seconds; he bites the inner of his cheek and then nods.

"Sure," he answered slowly.

"I have to go, he's waiting for me," Harry nods and I feel like I’m talking to a wall. "Ahm, bye?"


He kisses my forehead and leaves. I stay there, confused for a few seconds. I want to believe he's jealous but that would be ridiculous right?

"Ready?" Adam said once I'm in front of him.


We walked through some streets and headed to the nearest restaurant. Italian food is the first thing we found. We get a table and once we are reading the menu my phone rings in my bag. It’s a message from Harry.

You can do whatever you want Lucy, I don't care about this, I don't care at all. H.


"Lucy" I hear Madison's squeal and I hide in my sheets. I pretend to be sleeping though it's only 8pm.

 "Lucy!" She opens the door and turns on the light. I don't move and I barely breathe. I hope she leaves. "You're not sleeping I know" Madison says and pulls the sheets of my body.

"Hey, I was sleeping!" I growled and tried to look upset.

"I don't care, Harry is here." No, no, no.

I don't want to see Harry because of his message, it hurt me. Wwe don't talk since yesterday so I thought he wouldn't come after what he said. It was rude and unnecessary.

"I don't want to see him Madison, what-what can I say?"

"Not my problem, bye," says Madison and walks out my room.

My parents are working and I can't hide or run away. I sigh and hug my knees, hiding my face. What do I do?

"Great are you going with pajamas?" I hear his voice and raise my face. Harry is leaning against the door of my room and he has a look of amusement on his face.

"It's a way to protest," I get up and crossed my arms. I think I look more determined.

"A way to protest?" Harry smirks. "Come on Lucy, go get changed so we can leave."

"No, I don't want to."

"Do you want me to do it?"


"You want me to change your clothes Lucy?" Harry walks into my room and shut the door.

"What? No! "I climb on my bed and I frown.

"Is about the message?" I nod and he walks toward me. I lean my back against the wall and Harry remains in front of my bed. "I'm not angry about it."

"But I am."

"I'm here and I'm not leaving without you," he says and I shake my head. "Okay, you asked for it."

Harry climbs in my bed and I scream. I ducked just in time and I get out of bed. My room is relatively small and the only way out is my door. I try to run but Harry reached me in two seconds.

"Hey you can't do that" I squeal when he tries to get rid of my shirt.

"Then you do it but we have to go," he demands and goes to my wardrobe.

There is no in between with Harry or I have to go or I have to go. This is exhausting.

"I really want to go, we can talk about the message once we get there."

"Okay," I accept and I pick up my glasses from the floor.

Harry hands me the clothes he chose, I grab it and then I leave the room.  All the clothes are black, I suppose he wants me to match him. 15 minutes later I'm ready and standing in the doorway.

"I like your shirt," he says with his eyes on me.

"Thanks, it's from my mother," I shrug. It is a shirt with the famous Beatles album cover Abbey Road.

"Let's go Lucy."


I was almost forced to come here but I must admit I liked this place. Well decorated with lots of lighting and good music. The tribute band is not playing yet but in the meantime we are listening to music from the Indie rock genre. I hadn't heard much of this genre but I'm really starting to like it.

I saw some familiar faces, people from school, well in any case our city is not very big. I also saw Harry's friends, Louis and Zayn are high so they are relaxed and laughing at everything. Liam is with a girl and Niall is alone so I take advantage of that and try to talk to him so that way I can ignore Harry. The plan was working well until Harry grabbed my hand and practically pulled me towards the bar.

"This is great, don't you think?"

"Why did you write that Harry?" I asked without looking at him.

"Do we really have to talk about it?"

"You can't leave things unfinished."

"Not everything has a reason."

"What," I raise an eyebrow and I don't like his answer. "So you wrote the message and you don't know why?"

"It was not a big deal."

"Was not a big deal?!" I raise my voice because the music is very loud.

"Great now you're screaming, come on Lucy, do it again," he says with a smile as he wraps one arm around my neck and draws me to him.

His beer breath is so obvious and I think he drank at least six cups. I can't believe I allowed this but I was too busy trying to avoid Harry.

"Stop-stop drinking," I try to snatch the glass from Harry but he hides it on his back and my arm can't reach it.

My attempts to keep some distance between us are in vain, his arm around my neck keeps our faces inches away. I'm angry with Harry but the gleam in his eyes, the closeness of his lips and the slight sweat running down his forehead makes me nervous.

"Why-Why did you write that?"

"I was angry," he answered with his eyes on me.

"Why? Adam is my friend."

"I'm sorry okay? Are we done with this? "

"Didn't sound very honest," I frown and he rolls his eyes.

"You need to open your eyes Lucy, not everyone are what they seem."

"Adam told me you'd say something like that," I said biting my lower lip.

"What?" I have the perfect vision of his face and how it changed to an expression of anger.

"Yes, and he-he's right, you're consuming me too much Harry."

"What the hell are you talking about?" I don't feel his arm around me anymore as he takes a step back.

"You consume too much, at the point I wasn't even able to know how bad my mother was."

"What? What happened to your mom?"

"Ahm, nothing,"

"Tell me."

"Harry is not--"

"Adam knew about your mom?" He asks with a frown and I don't answer.

"It's-it's personal."

"I told you about my life there is nothing more personal than that," he spits angry.

I bite my lower lip, I didn't think about it but it is not my duty to tell him everything about my life is it?

"Your social skills are poor but in case you didn't know people talk to other people," he growls.

I look down and my mind goes blank. Are we fighting? Is "our thing" ending?

"I want to go," I whisper but I know he will not listen to me.

I feel his fingers on my chin and I look up. Harry drinks the beer in a gulp, then he focus his eyes on me.

I'm mad at him and he is mad at me. I wanted answers, I wanted an apology but now I can't find words to describe what I want.

His face holds no expression, his eyes are calm and I can't understand why. He leans towards me and I don't move.

This is the strangest thing I've done in my life, I mean, I'm angry with this boy but still I am kissing him. I just forget everything for a moment, the only thing I focus on is the way Harry's fingers tangled in my hair and how hot are our lips, our faces because of the temperature inside this place.

He intertwines his fingers with mine and we make our way back to the table where his friends were. I'm a little confused; I can't explain exactly what is happening.

Once we got to the table is just Liam and his girlfriend, Harry looks at his friend and Payne nods. He says something to the girl and in five seconds they're gone.

I'm sit with Harry as the Beatles starts to sound.

"I know it's going to sound strange but can we start this night again?," He asks as his fingers play with the glass.

"What?" This sudden attitude of Harry overwhelms me.

"You heard me, can we forget about the stupid message? I was jealous, I was stupid, I'm sorry. "  Jealous?

"So you didn't mean what you wrote?" Harry looks at me while he wipes the sweat from his forehead.

"No, our thing is important," he replies but he is not looking at me.

"You promise not to do it again? You can't write those types of things and expect me not to feel hurt. "

" I promise Lucy." We all make mistake, just let it go Lucy.

"Okay," I nod with a soft smile and I think everything is fine again. This was silly, it is better to let it go.

"On other occasions I would argue till the end of the world, I would seek reasons to still fighting, I like to provoke people, I like piss them off but…but with you is different," Harry sighs.

"You like arguing with people? Harry, that's not good at all. "

"Yeah but honestly I never want to argue with you, you calm me, like drugs," he shrugs.

"Is it a good comparison? Should I-I feel flattered? "

"I guess so."

"Then I'm flattered Harry," I smile. "Let's dance, or what?"

His beautiful face lights up with a smile as he grabs my hand.

"I never thought you'd say it."

 "Harry wait," I say as he drags me to the dance floor. "I need something, something to help me to dance."

"You want drugs Lucy?"

"What? No, I wasn't talking about that. Maybe a beer...."

"A beer? I think an energy drink would be better right?"

"Okay Harry."



I thought with an energy drink would be enough for Lucy but I couldn't help and I bought another and another and I think she drank about five. The energy is overflowing of her being. I drank a lot of beer and now we are in the dance floor and full of energy.

The first tracks are fast and I see many bodies moving to the rhythm of the music. Lucy laughs and I think she's having fun and I'm glad because me too.

My hand grabs her waist and my fingers tucked her hair. I felt clumsy but now I think I'm doing well. Lucy is dancing and she's actually doing it. Liam and his girl are dancing too and I think I saw Louis on a table. Lucy thought he couldn't do that but the whole bar is out of control.

We had a little "fight" but I managed to finish it fast. Lucy is sometimes so easy to convince. A lie, a look into her eyes and a simple gesture of tenderness and she believes in everything. I decided to quickly end it because she was really angry and for a moment I thought she was going to break up with me, I'm so near the end I can't afford that, but I must admit that I did it because I was telling the truth, I don't like to argue with her and I can't do it even If I try.

I really like to bother people, I really liked to argue with Emily and I loved to watch the way in which she screamed at me, mad and frustrated. She deserved it but I also deserved all the madness and hatred she felt for me sometimes.

After some good songs, the tribute band begins to play some romantic songs. Honestly I like the Beatles but some of those romantic songs make me want to throw up. My intentions are to stop dancing but Lucy slips her arms around my neck and I raise an eyebrow.

"Wha-what? Am I doing it wrong? "She asks worried.

I smile at her unexpected reaction and shake my head. I suppose she wants to dance and I can do this for her. I wrap my arms around her waist and I can feel the warmth of her skin.

The song that is playing is called “Here, there and everywhere", this is one of my least favorite song by the fact that my father dedicated it to Anne.

To lead a better life I need my love to be here...

Here, making each day of the year

Changing my life with a wave of her hand

Nobody can deny that there's something there.


I want her everywhere and if she's beside me

I know I need never care

But to love her is to need her everywhere

Knowing that love is to share,


Each one believing that love never dies,

Watching her eyes and hoping I'm always there.

This time this song makes me feel far more uncomfortable and is not related to my parents but with Lucy. I don't love her that would be stupid. But when they sing "And if she's beside me I know I need never care," I feel that fits perfectly with us. Before Taylor decided to make me the proposal of having a false relationship with someone my life was a mess. I was about to fail, I almost was in trouble with the law and my friend Jamie saved me a few times from the police. Argue with Gemma were more consistent and I was running out of money. But when Taylor offered me this stupid proposal and pointed to Lucy at that party, I knew by the way she dressed or for her shy attitude that I couldn't act the way I am. I thought it would be difficult but from a bad person now I feel like a defenseless animal. Emily would call me pussy if she knew how I act now.

The next song is 'I've just seen a face' and the rhythm is fast and fun but I hate the song because I dedicated to Emily that bitch. I wrote it in a fucking paper for her.

Falling, yes I am falling,

And she keeps calling me back again.


I chuckle, it's ironic, yes I am falling for her even when she's very far from here and the fact that she keeps calling me, calling by phone of course, it is funny.

"What's so funny?" Lucy asks.

"I don't know," I shrug. "Now move, move,  shake it!" I say and start wiggling my hips. Lucy laughs and she covers her mouth with her hands. See? It is so easy to distract her.

When they start playing 'in my life' I feel I can't stand it. I hate this song, I hate it.

There are places I'll remember
All my life
Though some have changed
Some forever not for better
Some have gone and
Some remain


I hate this song because it reminds me of Gemma and me, reminds me of our lives and makes me think that people suffer, makes me think of the memories, sad and good.

All these places had their moments
With lovers and friends I still can recall
Some are dead and some are living
In my life
I've loved them all

And reminds me of my parents, my uncles, my grandfather or even pets I had in my life. I don't know why it is very emotional for me but it brings the worst out of me. It's the kind of song that shows you what you have always hidden.

"Are you okay Harry?" I hear Lucy's voice and I forgot she was here. Her small hand gently squeezes mine and I look at her.

"I hate this song, can we drink something?" She nods and leads me to the bar.

But of all these friends and lovers
There is no one compares with you
And these memories lose their meaning
When I think of love as something new

When I hear this song I know that has an important meaning for the Beatles, which was based in them and in their own lives or that's what I believe. A song dedicated to every person in this world. The song talks about life, small aspects of life and when I hear the phrase "And these memories lose their meaning when I think of love as something new," I think about Emily. I know I hurt but she hurt me too. What we had was strange and left me a mark for life. I thought that song would complement my life once Emily was with me because I had a place to hold on but I was wrong.

"Harry, Harry," Lucy hands me a beer and I thanked her.

"Some songs are like a trigger, I think this is one of them," I say my thought aloud.

"I know, I-I've heard this song a few times. Sorry about that Harry, life is hard but fortunately we have the ability to learn. "

Lucy cleans her glasses with her ​​shirt and then looks at me. A shy smile crosses her face as she tucks a strand behind her ear. She has never been my type but I have never found her more attractive than now. She doesn't need to wear makeup, doesn't need to have the perfect body or use other type of clothes, she just needs to be Lucy.

I rest my forehead on hers and then I kissed her, forgetting the lie I built, forgetting what I'll do in a few more weeks and in what I'm going to turn once I finish. I kiss Lucinda while I'm listening to the song I hate but feeling comfortable just by having her company here.

"'It's a-a bit hot here don't you think?" Lucy says, resting the glass of beer on her cheeks.

"Yes, a bit."

 "I'll be right back okay?"

"Where are you going?" I asked as she stands up from the seat.

"To-to the restroom, it will be quick."


While Lucy walks away a stranger feeling takes over me, I see her body fading away and I know at some point it will be forever. It's a strange feeling. I drink my beer while I watch Lucy disappear and at the same the song I hate it's finally ending.


In my life I love you more

In my life I love you more


The end is near (4 chapters for the sequel???), fave Lurry picture on the side!!

Comment, vote?? Love you all, thank you for wait, thank you for read and have a good weekend!!

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