Chapter 58
Chapter 58
"Are you okay?" Gemma asks me and her sight is on me.
"Ah, yes, yes," I nodded and looked down at my lap.
"You look like a ghost and you look like you are nervous."
I don't answer; I don't know what to say. I softly pinch my hand as I bite my lower lip.
"Don't tell me you're acting like this for my stupid brother," she growls and I clean a slight sheen of sweat from my forehead. Today the weather is cold but my body is radiating a lot of heat.
"What? No, no, "I shake my head and smile.
"You're lying," she states and I keep pinching myself. "Don't pinch yourself!" She slaps my hand and I jump in the seat for her sudden movement.
"Sorry," I whispered.
"God girl! What is Harry doing to you? "Gemma looks worried but pissed. "Cat got your tongue, great," she rolls her eyes when I don't answer.
Minutes later Gemma stops the car and I looked up, I honestly don't know where we are.
"We have arrived!" She hums before getting out of the car.
I do the same and I scan the place where we are. We are in the downtown but it is not where I usually frequent. The whole street is full of bars and people. My eye falls on different faces and on the place, all I see are places to consume alcohol and teenagers with a lot of hormones. When I look at my phone it's 5.30 pm, in my opinion it's early but I can spot some drunk guys just meters from us.
"Where are we-we going?" I ask as I follow Harry's sister.
I wanted to escape with Gemma but I didn't think we would come to this kind of place. I thought she would drive a bit just to calm herself down and then we would go back to the house but guess I was wrong.
"Easy girl," Gemma says as she exhales the cigarette smoke. This toxic nicotine smell reminds me of Harry and I can't help but hold a grimace on my lips. "Let's drink something and chill out, I don't know about you but I need it"
"Okay." I have to accept her invitation because I don't have another choice, it would be rude to leave Gemma alone.
I place a few strands of hair behind my ear and walked with downcast eyes. It's so obvious the fact I don't belong to these places, you can tell from miles away, people just need to look at the way I dress or the way I walk.
We walk in a small tavern and all I can hear is music, laughter and many voices. We walked through the dirty tiles and choose a table.
"Hi Gemma! Want the same? "Ask a guy who appears as soon as we take a seat.
"Yes please, what about you Lucy?" She smiles at me and I looked at the table and there is no menu in sight.
"A Coke?"
"Sure, be right back," he says before leaving us.
"Tell me a little about yourself," says Gemma as she ties her lilac hair.
About myself? What can I say?
"Ahm, my-my name is Lucinda and I'm 17."
"That's it? Come on! Tell me about you! I want to get to know, "she cheers me up with a warm smile and I try to think of things about me to answer her question. I feel really bad, sad and very embarrassed because I can't find important details, things worthy of mention to Gemma.
"Ahm, no, I am not very good at this sort of thing," I admit.
"Ooh, how sweet!" She says as she gently pinches my cheek. I feel she is treating me like a little girl. "I can understand why Harry likes you."
I blush at her words. The way Gemma looks at me is a signal that she is still waiting for my answer.
"I like....I like ice cream, I like reading, my mom works at the hospital and she's always busy ... um, I have a brother, I like video games and comics, superheroes and that kind of stuff and my favorite band is—"
"Coldplay," Gemma finishes the sentence for me. "My stupid brother told me that."
"I like The Beatles too."
"Oh I know, Harry told me."
I don't know whether to be flattered by the fact that Harry told her about me.
"Do you really like comics and stuff?"
"Um, yeah," I say as I pull out a comic that I carry in my purse. I always carry one when I'm bored and want to read something.
"I see," Gemma nods and the waiter arrives with our order. He leaves my bottle of coke on the table and for Gemma there is three cans of beer and French fries. Wow, I can't believe this is what she always eats here.
"Now it's your turn," I encourage Gemma because I also want to get to know her.
"Gemma, 24 years old, Harry's older sister, I have a son , I work, I like movies, I love boys, coffee and Hugh Jackman as Wolverine is so fucking hot"
Hot? For me he is not hot.
"Don't you think he is sexy?" She raises an eyebrow and I just shake my head.
"Not my type"
"I see," Gemma nods. "Is there any actor who you find sexy? I have an obsession with actors to be honest, "she says before biting a chip.
I think, trying to find an answer but honestly I don't find "sexy" any of those Hollywood stars. The simple word it is strange for me because before Harry I used to not be attracted to anyone.
"Ahm, no."
"So just my brother?"
"Excuse me?"
"You just find my brother sexy?" She smirks as she pushes the little basket of fries to me. I grab one with my fingers.
Harry is sexy? The answer is definitely yes.
"Yes," I admit ashamed.
"He's so stupid, he can be a nice guy when he wants but sometimes he's unbearable, I can't stand him, Harry is like a headache you know?" Gemma grunts pissed and now I think we stopped talking about nice things. "His attitude irritates me, the way he thinks he can handle things for me or make decisions for me. His life is a disaster and wants to do the same with mine. It bothers me because Harry is the type of person who gives advice but never use them for itself you know what I mean? "
I nod and I hope she is not waiting for an answer because I don't know what to say.
"It bothers me that Noelle told Harry about Taylor. We are not friends anymore but I thought she would keep the secret…I hate that bitch, "Gemma sighs.
"Could you tell me about her?" I remember the reason I came here and it was exactly for this. I need to know about 'Noelle' and what was or is her relationship with Harry now.
"Look she was with him several months ago, just fuck buddies. I just hated the idea, Harry always does the same. He fucks my friends and then when they break up they don't want to be my friends anymore. We always fight for that and I try to avoid Harry when I am with friends. With Noelle was different because we were still friends but clearly she never got over my brother."
"And...And Harry got over Noelle?" I ask her, filled with curiosity but at the same time with sadness.
"Of course he did it was just sex besides he's with you for a reason right Lucy?" I nod a little unsure of myself. "Now what?" Gemma growls and pulls out her phone. "What do you want? No, I won't tell you, shut up. You need to take care of Charlie and you know that. What? Yes, she's here, "the girl looks at me while she stretches her phone to me. " Harry wants to talk to you."
"Thank you," I whispered and grabbed the phone. "Hi"
"Lucy where are you? I'll pick you up, " I listen to Harry through the line and his voice brings some relief within me.
"We are in—"
"Are you kidding?! Don't tell him! "Gemma cuts me off, almost screaming.
"Don't let her do that Lucy, she always does the same!" Harry says on the phone and he sounds pissed.
"He lied to you Lucy, now hang up and let's talk," says Gemma.
"I didn't lie, I just leave out some information" Harry countered in the line but his sister can't hear him.
He's right, still he didn't tell me about Noelle ... Why? Maybe he doesn't trust in me...
Maybe I'm exaggerating, making this a big deal but I feel the insecurity attached to my thoughts.
"Tell me where you are Lucinda"
"I have to go"
"What! Are you kidding me?! "He growls and I can imagine how angry he should be right now, pursed lips, with some wrinkles on his forehead because he's frowning and deep green eyes burning against you. The image of Harry melts me and I would like to see him now but I can't.
"Give me the phone, give it to me," Gemma whispers stretching her hand toward me. I do what she told me and she smiles.
"Screw you Harry," Gemma sings before hanging up the phone. "I'm shocked," admits after leaving her phone on the table.
"This has happened before," she quietly says, resting a chip on her lips.
"What do you mean by this?"
Gemma was going to answer but my phone starts ringing inside my bag. I know its Harry. I am about to answer the call but Gemma snatches my phone of my fingers.
"No, he needs to suffer," Gemma smiles wickedly. She turned off my phone and leaves it on the table. "What were we talking about? Ah yes! This has happened before, we fight and I always manage to kidnap his girlfriends, "Gemma giggles as she plays with a chip. "Harry always gets angry but he never calls."
"I'm impressed because he had never called before to know about his girlfriend, you're the first one, not even with Emily."
If I had a bad memory I wouldn't remember that name but this is not the case. As soon as I hear her name I remember the little things I know about her: Basically she is Harry's ex girlfriend. I also remember his mother mentioned Emily, if she did that is because she met Emily. I think when your parents meet your boyfriend / girlfriend is a big step so I think this girl Emily had to be important for him.
"Who is Emily?"
"I like her but at the same time no. She is an ex-girlfriend of Harry, they date for a year and a half I think. She's pretty bold, she has a lot personality, sometimes she can be funny but most of the time Emily's a headache. Harry is immature she is way worse, Harry has a strong personality and Emily too, they always think they are right. Emily is an honest person, she goes straight to the point and I think that is the reason why she has so many enemies. "
"He really liked that girl?"
"Yes, yes. He was in love with her and we all knew it, I guess she was in love with him but it's hard to know that. "
"I don't know, she's weird. One moment she loved Harry and two seconds later they were arguing about something, that is not how love works. They were a disaster together, at first I thought it was cute but then I wanted to kill them both, "Gemma laughs. "It was not possible to have diner without a fight between Emily and Harry."
"I understand," I nod.
It's hard to imagine Harry arguing with someone all the time. We never argue, actually everything is too calm between us, too much.
"He told me that girl literally drove him crazy and I'm sure about that. Harry knew some bad influences before Emily but since he hung out with her he totally lost himself, he didn't come home, he was doing drugs more often, talked more with Taylor and that is why I met him, he started skipping school, he met another kinds of people and definitely won more enemies. I believe that thanks to that girl Harry asked dad to let him live in that house. "
"For her?" Oh my god.
"Yeah, she had a lot of influence on him but Harry was tired of living with our parents so I don't really know the real reason."
"Oh and where is Emily now?"
"She left; she won a scholarship or something. Despite her temper and the bad influence she could be Emily has good grades and I don't even know how but she is smart. "
"Oh, I see ..."
I look down and I feel a pain in my heart, this girl was definitely important and they were together for a year and half!? That's a lot and honestly it freaks me out thinking of Harry with another girl. I'm his girl now or at least that's what I strongly believe. I want him to also want to drive him crazy, I want to be important to him but is difficult because my personality and everything I am don't help to reach my goal.
"Are you okay?" I hear Gemma's voice and I look at her. "I notice that you are shy and you definitely look a little unsure if I'm wrong my apologies. Don't be sad about Emily you are better than her and you're with Harry now right? That's all that matters.”
Gemma's words cheers me up and impresses me what she said about me because she's absolutely right. Still I'm worried about Emily and Noelle, the idea of them will drive me crazy and I won't be able to stop thinking about them with Harry.
Gemma distracts me talking about different things. I thought she would talk about Taylor and what is going on between them but I think she doesn't want to do it or doesn't want to share it with me, that's fine I don't mind really.
We eat the chips and Gemma drank those three cans of beer in record time or at least for me was fast. Once we finished we paid the bill and headed to her car.
I still have some doubts in my head about Emily and Gemma has told me a lot about her so I don't think it bothers my questions.
"Gemma, um...Is-Is Emily still in touch with Harry? Do you know anything about that? "
"No, no, Harry told me."
"Great," I whisper. "And-and how he met Emily?"
Gemma's glance changes for a few seconds. Suddenly she looks uncomfortable and I don't understand what I did.
"Ahm, before dating Harry Emily was with Taylor.”
It's weird to get back but we are in front of Harry's house.
"I'm hungry!" We heard the voice of one of the girls.
"Me too!" Responds another girl.
"I ... I will try to do something," I heard Zayn's voice and footsteps running around the room.
I was going to ring the bell but Gemma shows me the keys hanging between her fingers. She fits the keys in the lock and we hear the voices from inside the house.
"Where the hell are they?! If Lucy doesn't show up in an hour I'm gonna sue someone! "Harry's voice sinks my heart and I feel like running away from here.
My mind stabs me and I imagine Harry with other girls and the image is a torture to me. I breathe and Gemma opens the door.
"Finally, I'm hungry!" Liam moans from the couch when he sees us.
"Finally!" Harry squeals as he gets up from the couch, walking towards us he stumbles with the toys on the floor.
I give him a strange look, his clumsiness has exceeded my level of clumsiness and I think something is wrong.
I wrinkled my nose for a strange smell that fills the first floor of the house, I looked at Gemma and her cheeks are red and I see the rage in her eyes. Something happened.
"What the fuck? It smells like marijuana! Did you smoke?! " Gemma interrogated looking at the boys.
Niall and Liam exchanged glances and then they burst out laughing. Harry looks at me and his eyes look lost, tired and red. He grabs my hand pulling me into a hug and rests his arms around my neck.
"Hey babe," he whispers with his nose in my neck and my whole body shivers. Babe?
"Aunt Gemma, aunt Gemma!" I hear the voice of both twins and try to see them but Harry is holding me tight and I can't move my head.
"The girls are here Harry," Gemma hits him in the shoulder and he looks up.
My eyes scanned his profile and he holds a tender smile on his lips.
"Hello Phoebe, Hello Daisy," Harry waves towards the twins.
"Uncle Harry keeps saying hello," says Phoebe.
"And we are hungry," speaks the other twin and feel sorry for them, how the boys were able to do this?
"Why did you do that Harry?"
"I didn't do anything Lucy," he answered with a shrug.
"Where is Louis? And Ernest and Doris? "
"Louis is sleeping with Ernest and Doris," Liam laughs and I don't understand what's so funny.
"Waliyha, Safaa, Lottie and Fizzy?"
"They are playing hide and seek," Niall answered and he is looking at his feet, he's only wearing one sock.
"And Charlie Harry? Where's Charlie? "
"Playing hide and seek," he laughs with his friends.
"That's not funny," Gemma pushes him again and he rubbed his shoulder.
"I'm kidding, calm down, he's watching Barney with Lana."
"Lana is here? Great, "Gemma smiles before running up stairs.
My eyes fell on Harry, I'm trying to look disappointed by his attitude but my gaze doesn’t affect him.
"You smell so good," Harry said with his eyes closed.
I shake my head, disappointed, and I try to keep the distance between us but his arms are around my neck and he doesn't let me escape. He leans in, kissing the tip of my nose, I stay still when he rubs his lips against mine.
A little hand pulled my sweater and my eyes find one of the twins.
"We are hungry!" They say and I forgot they were here.
Gemma ran away with Lana, now I'm alone with the twins and four boys that are totally drugged.
"I'll cook something okay? Why don't you watch TV in the meantime? "Both nod and obey, sitting on the couch next to Liam and Niall.
Harry doesn't let me go so I make my way to the kitchen with Harry holding my hand.
"I feel like I forgot how to cook," Zayn says when he sees me in the door frame. I sigh and grab the noodle package he's holding in his hands.
"I'll cook and you could find your sisters and the others girls okay?"
"Okay," he nods, obeying my orders as he leaves the kitchen.
"Harry it would be great if you let me use my hand because I need both to cook," I say as I place the noodles in the boiling water.
"No, I don't want to" he rejects my proposition and I have no choice but to cook with one hand.
Thank God it is not so difficult to cook noodles yet I decide to make more noodles because there are a lot of people in this house.
While we're waiting for the food I give some cookies for the twins and to Liam and Niall, they are watching Discovery kids and it's pretty funny to see Niall and Liam in that state. Lottie is with her cell phone and she ignores me and Zayn's sitting on the floor playing with dolls with her sisters and the other sister of Louis.
"Your hand is so small and mine is big," Harry finally speaks, I swear it's been 25 minutes since the last time he spoke and he's still holding my hand.
We are in the kitchen, Harry is sitting on the kitchen counter and I stir the noodles.
"Why did you do that Harry? It's disrespectful of you to get high with kids here. "
"I was bored and you weren't here," he rolled his eyes and gets off the counter. He reduces the distance between us, pinning me against the furniture and I can't move. "You smell like strawberries you know that?" He asks while his fingers play my hair.
"It's my shampoo," I tried to sound indifferent and cold but I hold my breath when he leans his face towards me.
"Great," he whispers as the tip of his nose touch my neck.
"Why didn't you-you tell me about Noelle?" I manage to ask while he's leaving kisses on my neck.
"Does it really matter?" He looks at me with a frown and I nod with pursed lips. "It was only once; I spoke to Noelle because she wanted to talk about Gemma, that's all."
"Do you like her?"
"What kind of stupid question is that?" He raises an eyebrow as he purses his lips.
"I don't know, I-I was just wondering," I shrug and Harry rests his hands on the counter, pinning me even more.
"I-I've tried," Harry trails off, he shakes his head a little disturbed and then kisses my neck.
I'm impressed because he went through different states in seconds. I want to say something but the touch of his lips against my skin drives me crazy.
"I tried to avoid you in my thoughts," he whispers against my skin while leaving a trail of warm kisses, "think less about you but somehow it's ... it's inevitable."
His voice is so clear in my mind and I wasn't expecting something like this.
"I tried but somehow I am always thinking of you, like you have some power over me, it's weird you know," he says as his eyes meet mine.
I'm confused by his kisses, for how close his face is to mine and for his words. I blinked and I try to find words but honestly I am not able to speak.
"I like the fact that sometimes you can't say anything Lucy, is silly for a 17 year old girl but cute," he smirks and his eyes are still red.
I close my eyes when I feel Harry's lips on my forehead. I can't hear anything except the way he breathes.
"You look so attractive right now and I don't even know why," he chuckles.
Attractive, that's sweet.
"I swear I don't know what is happening to me, but I feel so attracted to you right now," he chuckles and I feel the vibration of his chest against mine. "I think it's the drugs but you know what I want to do?" I imagine him smiling and I feel his breath in my ear. "I want to kidnap you to my room, kiss you and do other things but shhh it's a secret."
My heart stops and I bite my lower lip. Harry never says stuff like that, I never think about things like that. It must be the fact that he's stoned, that must be the reason why he is saying that.
"I know I told you about my parents, about me and I am pissed with myself," I let him speak because I find it amazing how the words are flowing from his mouth. "I am mad because I trust in you, a lot, and I hate trusting people. Trust is let a person in, is such a weak thing and that means they can hurt you. I can hurt you, you can hurt me. I feel like I told you things I didn't want to tell you but it was inevitable and it bothers me so much, "he rolls his eyes and sighs.
"Is the food ready!?" I jumped when I hear Zayn's voice. God, I forgot that the others are here, for me it was Harry and Lucy in this little bubble.
"Almost!" Harry replies and turns to me. "I feel I should grab your hand more often, is so stupid because I feel I should make you smile more," he chuckles and I don't understand what is the point of this whole conversation but I want him to talk. "You are very good to be true and good things never last," he admits and my heart dropped.
"That's sad Harry, don't say that," I bite my lower lip.
"It's the truth and I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he kisses my forehead and eyelids. "I never told you Lucy but you are incredibly soft, warm and you smell like strawberry," he smiles showing his teeth and that's my favorite Harry smile.
My heart starts to beat again and Harry's little speech has been a real roller coaster. I don't know how to feel about it, is it true what he said? If so is really sweet and makes me so happy.
"You too are always in my thoughts," I admit in a whisper and he rubs his nose with mine.
"I know, duh obviously," he says very confident of himself. "I know you haven't stopped thinking about me since that party."
I roll my eyes as I blush.
"I like the blush on your cheeks, is different or I'm seeing it different now that I'm high," he says as he carefully stares at my cheeks. I feel intimidated for his green eyes.
"It's-it's the drugs"
"Probably, still it’s adorable and you are adorable Lucy," He kisses my cheeks and my heart skips a beat.
Harry rests his forehead against mine and after a few seconds we heard the sound of his stomach. We chuckled, his lips meet mine in a short kiss and we are interrupted by the sound of his stomach again.
"I'm starving," he pouts.
I remember he is not the only one hungry, there are 13 people waiting for food here.
"I need to get back to work," I whispered resting my hands on his shoulders and this time Harry let me go.
Harry sets the table and placed some chairs while I serve the food for everyone. We call everybody and now the room is so small. Liam and Niall are swallowing the noodles just like Louis. The twins are finally eating and that was the mission from the beginning.
I don't want to eat nor do I sit. I stand behind Harry as he devours food.
"These noodles are so, good, delicious, I swear to God," Zayn said with his mouth full.
"You'll choke on, eat well," Lana says next to him.
"Thanks Lucy," says Gemma. "Sorry I left you with these idiots, I'll wash the dishes with Lana."
"Finally doing something," Harry said with his mouth full and I handed him a napkin.
"I'm not talking to you," Gemma answered without looking at her brother.
"Thanks Gemma and its fine."
After that she turns around and takes care of her son Charlie.
I'm glad I cooked a lot because each one of these boys ate 3 times and that's a lot. After finishing the meal the kids have their batteries charged, now they are running and screaming through the house. Lana covers he ears and asks for help, everyone laughs at her.
I decide to play with the twins while Lana and Gemma washed the dishes. Harry, Liam, Charlie and Ruth, Payne's little sister watch television, a documentary on Discovery. Niall is lying on the sofa and Louis is lying on the other one, both have the twins resting on their stomachs.
The hours we have left are focused on taking care of the kids, which is a really exhausting task and I helped in everything I could.
I'm practically everywhere and I am very effective. The boys also help but they are so slow. Gemma is still pissed because they smoked but they just ignore her or laugh on Gemma's face.
It's 9 pm, Niall, Liam, Louis and all his siblings leave in Harry's car, the day is over and the kids are going back to their houses. Gemma says goodbye to me and thanked me for everything, we exchanged numbers and then she leaves with Lana, Zayn and his sisters.
Some toys were left on the floor so I pick some toys and leave it aside. Once the first floor looks clean I go to the second floor. There wasn't a lot of destruction here so there is almost nothing to clean.
Harry walks out the bathroom with his face clean and fresh. He makes a gesture to follow him to his room and I obey.
He kisses me, thanks me for what I did today and we lay down in his bed.
"It was fun"
"It was hell," Harry disagrees with a grimace, "but thanks to you it was better."
I blush and hide my face snuggling in his arms.
"I should have told you but I thought you wouldn't like this."
"You're wrong, it was great, really," I yawn.
"And what did you talk with my sister?" He asks as he strokes my hair.
I don't know if I should tell him what Gemma told me about his ex-girlfriends, this may bothers Harry.
"She didn't talk to Taylor if you want to know but I think you should let her be with who she wants."
"Don't be naive, she doesn't have to be with him, period," he mutters. "He's just not a good person."
"Still you are his friend," I say as I rest my face in my hands.
"I'm not his friend," he shakes his head, "I just pretend. We have some ... some outstanding debts, some things we have done and I have to pay it. That's the only reason why I keep in touch with him. "
"That's not good,"
"No but I guess I deserve it," he shrugs, without a expression on his face.
"Only you're involved in this?"
"No, the boys too. It was long ago but the past always haunt you."
"And-and what happened Harry?"
"It doesn't really matter, I don't want to talk about that," he replies wrapping his fingers in his curls.
"Don't defend my sister right? Stay out of this. Taylor is not good for her, Gemma is just blind. She doesn't know everything about him and even if I tell her she doesn't believe me. "
"Why? You're family... "
"Because that's what love does, it makes you blind, makes you deaf," he sighs and looks tired. "We are blind to such obvious things just because we don't want to see them."
"Oh I see."
"Gemma never believed me when I told her about Taylor, that day when he hit me and you saw me."
I cover my mouth the image reaches my brain, it was horrible. I remember the blood and the way those boys hit Harry. Why Gemma didn't believe in Harry? My mind still can't understand that, he is her brother.
"Why?" I ask as I play with his hair.
"I messed up a few times. I beat the shit out of one of her boyfriends, I threatened one of them, I told him I was going to kill him and I forced a guy to break up with my sister. "
Is not so hard to believe but I'm shocked, can't believe Harry could do that.
"What? Why would you do that Harry? "I ask and I feel one of his hands on my waist.
"I wanted to protect her," he shrugs.
His answer is valid but not his actions, if he wanted to protect his sister he would do it but not in that way. It is not rational what Harry did. Maybe that's why she doesn’t believe him.
"Oh and I have to say that one of them really deserved a punishment, one of her ex-boyfriends slapped Gemma."
I'm in shock. Violence in a relationship it's terrible and I appreciate the fact that my father never did something to my mom. I know I'm weak and shy but I would never let Harry do something to me, a slap or whatever, never.
"I can be violent when I want but I would never hit a girl, it's so disgusting people who do that."
"I know," I agree with him as I rest my head on his chest. "Harry?"
"What you said today is true?" I didn't want to ask him but I need to know the truth.
"What did I say?" I tilt my head to the side to face him and he looks at me with curiosity on his eyes.
"When we were in the kitchen ... ahm, everything... everything you said that couldn't stop thinking about me and stuff"
He chuckles and nods with a soft smile.
"Yes, it was true."
His answer makes me blush and my heart skips a beat.
"So you-you think I'm attractive?"
"Of course, with your big glasses and with your braid that makes you look like a little girl," he smirks and looks so cute with that smile but I dislike his answer.
I frown and he laughs at my expression. He grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him. He bites his lower lip with his eyes on me and my whole body shivers.
"I'm kidding nerd," he murmurs before connecting his lips with mine.
I forgive Harry this time because he said it was a joke and because of the kiss, still I don't like his little joke.
We stay in his bed, cuddling, feeling each other's skin, breathing together and connecting our lips from time to time until his friends return.
The boys push and fight for the bathroom, they want to take a shower and apparently they have to do something. Harry tells me that they are going on tonight and if I want to go with them. We have a test this week so I reject his invitation.
I say goodbye to the boys, they thank me and tell me that it was the best babysitting day thanks to me. Louis blows up a condom and I give it to as a gift, saying I deserve it. Harry rolls his eyes before popping the condom with his fingers.
Harry takes me home, on our way I realize how amazing the day was. Despite my insecurities and the things I found out Harry's words was a way to calm me down and make me happy, happy about us. Days like these are the ones worth to remember and I hope we can have plenty more like this one.
Harry kisses me one more time before I get off the car, I don't want to let him go but I have to.
My mother's car is parked but Mike's car is not here, which is weird because I thought the two would be here.
I open the door and the living room is empty. I don't think Madison is here but I saw my mom's car so she is definitely here. I run upstairs; I want to know how her day was and have a nice chat with my mom.
The hallway is dark but the light of her room is on.
"Hey mom," I say when I open the door.
Surprisingly I don't see my mom, I look around and the lamp of one of the nightstand disappeared. I look down and there are small pieces of glass in the carpet and the lamp is shattered. It looks like someone threw it to the wall.
I hear a faint noise from the bathroom and I think it's a sob.
"Mom?" I ask and I'm scared. I stop in front of the door, I knock and all I hear are muffled sobs.
I'm tired and nervous of waiting so I open the door and my mother is there. Lily is sitting on the floor, hugging her knees and ...crying, my mom is crying.
"Mom, mom, what happened?"
/ / I know everything looks so boring now, but 8 chapters left before the sequel (part 2, season 2, whatever) and the action is coming. I don't know if you'll like the end of the first part but we'll see. Thanks for wait, love you and see you soon xx / /.
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