Chapter 57


Right now I have two options:

1 - Pretend I don't care and leave the box on the table and act like a fool.

2-Ask her what is going on and not be reasonable.

 The first option is the best, but I am mad and jealous so I go for the second.

"Lucy what the fuck is this?" I growled and I turn to them.

Definitely not the best way to start the conversation but here we go. I'm ready and I want explanations.

"What?" She asks confused and stands up. Cassie stops crying and looks at me. "What-what do you mean?" She says once she's in front of me.

I show her the paper I'm holding in my hand and pointed with my eyes to the box, just to emphasize what I'm talking about.

Her innocent eyes are on the box and she grabs it.

"This is cute Harry, you did it?" She smiles and I want to bang my head against the wall. I didn't! Why would I do it when everything is fake? Anyway I would never do this to a girl because I'm not a romantic.

"No, Adam did"

"Adam?" Lucy and Cassie say simultaneously. I frown, I look at Cassie like I want to kill her, she understands the message I'm sending with me eyes a looks away.

"Explain this" I handed the paper and Lucy reads it.

"Oh" Her lips remain slightly open. "This is not what you think"

I laugh at her words, this is a joke.

 "Really? Then what? Why is my girlfriend getting flowers and a letter from someone else? "

"I know you’re arguing but this is really sweet," Cassie whispered loud enough for us to hear her.

I don't understand what 'sweet' means for Cassie; to be honest she is crazy.

"Cassie shut up, please shut up," I added the 'please' to sound more subtle.

"Um, ca-can we talk this outside?" Lucy makes a gesture to the door of her backyard and I make my way out.

"This is a quote from a book" Lucy says once we step on the garden of her backyard.

"Really? Just a quote? Don't lie "

"Yes Harry, it is. It's from a book which I can't remember now, "She answered with her eyes on the paper.

Should I believe in her?

"Why would he send you this?" I fold my arms and look at her, expecting a good answer.

"This is-is the quote that my dad wrote to my mom once," She responds and I see nothing but sadness in her eyes. What? I didn't expect this answer.

"Don't lie"

"I'd never lie about this," she says immediately and frowns. I need to understand that Lucy is not like me, when it comes to parents she would never lie. "And I would never lie to you Harry and you know it"

I want to be angry, my body craves it and I don't understand why but I just can't be angry with her. Her excuse, her response, her attitude and the ease with which Lucy faces this melts every trace of jealousy and irritation.

Normally with Emily we would keep arguing and keep arguing but Lucy is so easy going, plus she goes straight to the point and doesn't hide anything.

"Come, I-I will show you," stretches her hand towards me and I quickly intertwining our fingers.

We go back to the kitchen and climbed to the second floor, luckily Cassie didn't follow us, she finally did something right.

We walk in her mother's room and it impresses me the little mess of this place. I sit on the end of the bed and wait. Lucy closes the door, grabs a small bench and climbs on it. Her hands slide between boxes and she manages to pull out a small trunk.

"Mom thinks I don't know but she keeps some memories here," She confesses before she sits next to me.

"Lucy this is personal" I say, resting my hand on hers.

"Ahm, I-I know but I would like to show you and I want you to believe me"

I swear I've forgotten everything, I'm not angry with her anymore.

"Okay," I nod and Lucy opens the small trunk.

There are several pictures and letters.

"These are some pictures of me when I was little" she shows me some and I can't help but smile because she was absolutely beautiful and adorable as a baby. "Here is the phrase" She hands me a page of book torn and Adam's phrase is underlined and the bottom of the page has written: "For you, my love, Lily"

She was telling the truth.

"Oh," Now I am surprised.

"I guess Adam sent it to-to remind me something"

I remember that Adam is involved in all this and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"And what would that be?"

"I don't know," she shrugs.

"Lucy, Lucy! Can I eat the cake? "We heard the shrill voice of Cassie from below and both jumped.

"Eat it!" I shouted back and Lucy stifles a giggle.

"Forgot she was here" I rolled my eyes.

Lucy smiles and nods, "me too"

I don't like Cassie but she needs help, I guess she is really sad and what she needs now is a friend, is Lucy. Definitely need her more than me.

"I'll leave you two alone," I clarify as I get up of bed.

"What? Why? "Lucy imitates me and also gets up. She looks almost hurt by my words.

"Cassie needs you and I am just bothering here," bothering right now, today, tomorrow and in your whole life Lucy.

"Stay, we'll figure it out what to do" She proposed, biting her lower lip waiting for my answer.

Even if I wanted to stay it's better for me to leave.

"No, seriously I have to go"

She sighs and slides her fingers through her braid, "Okay, if that's what you want"

 "I'll see you tomorrow okay?" I gently pull her braid and she wrinkles her nose.

"Fine," she stands on tiptoe and rubs her nose with mine.

"Fine," I repeat before kissing her.

My hands are placed on her neck and her skin is soft and warm. Her lips pressed harder against mine and I swear my legs feel weak. I parted from her, breathing heavily, and holy shit  I honestly want to pinning her against the wall.

"Lucy?" We heard Cassie's voice and I've never been so grateful for hear her.

"Time to go" I whisper and Lucy nods.

I open the bedroom door and Cassie is alone in the hallway.

Her eyes widens when she sees us and she scratches the back of her neck, uncomfortable about the situation.

"I'm out, have fun," I say with a smile before walking down the stairs almost running.

I close the door and lean against it. I breathe, clearing my mind of Lucy's lips and focus on what is important at this moment: Adam.


Maybe I acted like an angel in front of Lucy but I won't let Adam get away with it. Lucy saw good intentions into his action, his gift and his innocent phrase but I didn't. I don't believe a shit about that. He loves her and I know, I knew from the first time I saw him. It's so obvious and looks so clear in his eyes, that fucking idiot. I know Lucy sees him as a friend but that could change and I cannot let that happen, at least not now.

I don't know where his address so that is not a option but I know where I could find him or at least his brother. I drive to the Josh's tattoo shop and I burst into the shop like a hurricane.

I don't even greet the guys I know here as I make way to the cashier but is not Josh. There is a green-haired girl I've never seen before.

"Good afternoon, welcome to-"

"Where is Adam?"

"Excuse me?"

"Josh's brother, Adam" I growled, impatient.

"He's not-"

"Adam" I say louder and I hope he heard me. "Adam!"

The bathroom door, behind the girl, opened and Adam came out. He looks at me shocked, confused and even scared. Good, that's what I want.

"What are you--?"

"You, me, outside" I sum up in short words and walked out of the store.

I turn and see that he followed me. Well, that's fine. At least he's acting like a man.

"Why did you send that shit to Lucy?"

"What? Wha-what are you talking about? "

"Wha-what are you talking about?" I imitate his stupid voice. "That damn box with this stupid sentence, what do you mean by that?"

"How do you know?" He doesn't sound surprised, he actually looks pissed off.

"What are you, retarded? I was with her you asshole. Now answer me, why did you send that shit to Lucy? "It takes all my self control not to punch him now.

"The answer is simple because I don't like you. Indeed I detest you and Lucy is wasting her time with you "That's something I know but don't understand why this idiot dares to say it.

"None of your damn business—"

"Actually yes it is because she is my friend, and I like her and I don't understand why you're with her and Lucy is too naive to see that."

Everybody has the same question, even Lucy but not anymore because she trusts me, she believes in us.

"I don't understand why she likes you, I guess it must only be for your pretty face" He rolls his eyes. "Unfortunately that was something I expected of Lucy, naive girl who takes refuge in the beauty that is internally rotten, worthless. That's so superficial; I didn't expect that about Lucy but God she can be so stupid sometimes"

"Shut up, don't talk about her like that!" I clench my fists, one more and he will see.

"There's nothing special about you, you are completely empty and I try to believe that she is not empty for being with you"

"Say that shit again and I will scrub your face on the pavement" I threatened him and Adam take a few steps back.

I can't believe this is the Adam who claims to be Lucy's friends, why would he say such things about her if she likes her?

"You don't like Lucy, you're not in love with her. Tell me what do you like about her? "Adam crosses his arms and I hold his gaze.

"Not of your damn business"

" Tell me at least five things you love about Lucy. "

"I won’t talk this shit to you, I came here to warn you that if you get closer to her I—"

"Are you going to kill me?" He laughs. "Are you going to hit me or destroy me? Wow, congratulations, you're so smart "He applauds and I push him against the wall.

"I'm tired of your shit, one more Adam and I swear—"

"Do it!" He yells and some people on the street are watching us. "Go ahead, hit me, right here!" He points to his jaw and I'm ready. “ I'll tell Lucy”

"She won't believe you."

"Lucy knows me better than you, she trusts me, knows that I care about her and that I would never lie to her. Also since you're so stupid I bet you spoke about the letter and that she is aware you know about it and knowing your temperament you could probably be here. "He smiles and this bastard is right, he has a great advantage over me.

"It seems we're seeing the real Adam, the role of faggot looks good on you," I pouted and smiled.

"Being innocent is my thing, but sometimes you have to show your real face and I'm doing this for Lucy" He growls.

For a moment I imagine Lucinda and Adam together and the image destroys me, stabs me in the chest hard.

"She's with me" I say through clenched teeth and I'm really convinced that Lucy is with me, she belongs to me.

"Not for long. You're a piece of shit Harry. I know what you're doing, you sell drugs, you're in trouble and not in school but with dangerous people. I know your father barely speaks to you and sometimes your mom wants to know about you, what a great life right? Oh poor Harry. "

Those words drive me crazy, I don't know how he found out but who gave him the right?!

In two seconds my knuckles collide with his jaw and Adam spits a bit of blood. He rushes over me and I dodge his punch so easily, after that I push him and he falls on the floor.

"Do that again , come on Lucy will love it!" He smiles and I find disgusting the way he is acting.

Don't do it Harry, leave, go.

"You have been warned" I sentenced and quickly get into my car.

Adam smiles at me and is the most fake smile I've seen in my life. His new side scares me, not for me but for Lucy. What kind of friend is he? I don't want him around Lucy, not for the stupid bet but because I care about Lucy and he doesn't look like someone you can trust.

I feel like he won and I hate losing. This asshole found a good way to threaten me and I'm surprised.

This whole situation irritates me and fills my mind. I drive to Kevin's bar and Lana is working there. I don't say much and Lana can see in my face that something is wrong. I start to drink one after another, forgetting the taste and just drinking and drinking.

"You are mad about something, what happened?" Lana finally dares to ask.

"Shut up," I roll my eyes.

"Come on, you can tell me, is about your girlfriend?"

"Shut up," I repeat, feeling annoyed by her voice.

"Did you fight with her, right?”

 I ignore her and keep drinking.

“ God yes, just look at you, Styles you're in love"

"Excuse me?" I increased the pressure of my fingers on the cup I'm holding in my hands.

"Now you shut up," Lana growls and walks away, leaving me alone.

I have a bitter taste in my mouth and the word 'in love' is not in my dictionary, not now and not for Lucy.

This is ironic, it's stupid but it should only be a matter of pride, between me and Adam. And that's what I tell myself but my thoughts are leading me to Lucy. I need to turn off my mind and I know what I need.  

I grab my phone and dial a number.

"Noelle I need to fuck, are you in or what? Fine, I'll be there in 15 minutes”






My hands cling on the strap of my purse and I walk downcast. My steps lead me to Adam's house and after a few seconds of thinking I press the doorbell.

I look at both sides while I wait and I feel like I was hiding something. Harry doesn't want me here but I came anyway. I don't understand why he doesn't like the idea, I know he doesn't like Adam but is a irrational opinion.

The door opens and Josh, Adam's brothers, smiles at me.

"Hey Lucy!" He hugs me tightly and I feel the pressure of his body against mine.

"Can't breathe," I joked and Josh let me go.

"Sorry, come in," he takes a step aside and I come in.

"Its Adam here?"

"Adam, Lucy is here!" Josh yells.

"Josh, do not scream" I hear the voice of Bianca, their mother. "Lucy, how have you been?" Ms. Wright embraces me warmly.

"I'm fine, I'm sorry to coming here without—"

"Lucy it's okay, you're always welcome here "

"Mom I'm hungry," Josh pouts and Bianca rolls her eyes and returned to the kitchen.

I hear a few steps from the hallway and I guess it's Adam.

"Lucy honey are you hungry?"

"No, no, I'm fine, thanks"

"Lucy" Adam looks happy to see me. "How nice to see you again!"

"I'm sorry Adam for didn't come before, I-I've been busy."

"I understand, school, me too."

I came here to see him but also to ask for the box that arrived at my house two days ago. I guess this is a good time.

"I want to show you something, come with me," he says and I follow him.

  "What is it?" I wonder when we walked into his room.

  "This special edition" Adam shows me some comics that are on his bed and I grabbed one.

"Spiderman is one of my favorites" I say, looking at the cover.

"They are all your favorites," he jokes.

"Of course not," I deny it but he knows me, he's right.

"Can I read it?"

"Sure you can Lucy"

I started to read the comic and I swim in the world of fantasies. I forgot for a moment that Adam was here until I looked up and his eyes are on me. He is smiling and I cannot help but smile.


"We have the same sweater"

I don't know why but I laugh, we really have the same sweater, black shirt with a Bart Simpson's face. Why didn't I see it before?

"I thought you didn't like the Simpsons"

"It's my brother shirt"

"You look good, beautiful"

Beautiful? What ... This is so awkward.

"Oh, ahm, tha-thanks"

There are a few seconds of awkward silence and then Adam clears his throat.

"Want to read them? I bought a lot of comics "

Read some and make him the question.

"Sounds fun"

We read a couple of comics and talk about them. Adam is like Marcel, is so fun to be around him.

I feel guilty for not coming sooner.

We watch TV and laugh at the Simpsons. I feel that the atmosphere between us is calm, I think it's time to ask my question and I guess Adam also wants to know what I think about his gift.

"Adam I-I need to ask you something," I bite my nails, I'm nervous and I don't know why.

"Yeah, sure," he answers with his eyes on the television.

  "I got your ... your gift, the little box with flowers," I blush.

"Did you like it?" His eyes found mine and suddenly I feel small.

"Yes, ahm, yes thanks. The phrase was very nice but why did you send that?"

"I saw it written on a wall and I thought of you, you told me about that phrase once, that your father dedicated that quote to your mother.”

I feel relieved. I tried to deny it but for a moment I thought he wanted to say something else with that phrase. Thank God I was wrong.

"I know you don't like to speak about it but I know that you have good memories of that time Lucy and thought I should remember you that."

It is the feeling that I have about my parents. I hate to talk about it now, but the past was cute and I'm glad they met. Adam Wright was right to send that, it was very sweet; he's such a good person.

"Thank you," my voice is a whisper. His smile disappears and he looks worried.

"Hey Lucy, don't..don't cry" Adam hugs me and I wrap my arms around his neck.

We stayed like that for a few seconds until someone knocks on the door. I wipe a tear, I feel ashamed.

"Mom is not here and I'm going to cook macaroni, if you want to eat you know what to do," Josh says before leaving the room.

"Are you hungry?" Adam asks and I nod. "Lucy I got something for you," he says when I'm standing in the door frame.


"I found this," he shows me a comic, by the color of the cover its old.

I turn to the next page and there is a message written in a clumsy letter: 'Adam you are the best, your friend Lucy'.

"You were the first friend who gave me a comic."

"This is so cool," I smile, looking at my old handwriting.

"I want to give it to you"

"What? Why? "

"Because it's a beautiful memory," he says, looking at the comic and I nod. Yes it is.

"Still I can't keep this Adam, I-"

"Lucy, I want to give it to you because we were good friends and I feel that we are distant now and I don't want to lose your friendship, I want you in my life," I blushed at his words "You need a balance, you can't let Harry control your life"

"He doesn't do that," I defend my opinion. " I haven't seen him these two days after school, we actually have a balance"

I know I haven't seen Harry these two days, but we are always together. When I saw Cassie the other day it made ​​me realize that I need more time for my friends. I know I don't talk much with Ryan but I barely chatted with Mandy or Marcel. I need to change that, I don't want to admit it but Adam is right.

"I don't see you since Halloween party, it has been a month"

His words made ​​me feel guilty; if I were in Adam's place I would feel the same.

"Sorry, I don't want to lose your friendship either, is important to me."

"I know you're excited about having your first love, your first boyfriend but boyfriends come and go and friends stay forever."

It's sad but he's right.

Adam always has an opinion on everything and he always say what he thinks, he goes straight to the point and express his feelings and that is what I like about him.

"I know, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, we just have to spend more time together"

"And we will," I assure him and he smiles.


+ +

It's Saturday and I'm getting ready because I'll see Harry.

I comb my hair and tie it in a ponytail. I choose one of the jeans that Madison gave me, a shirt and a sweater from my mother. I grab my bag before heading to the kitchen. I keep a packet of biscuits in my bag and I drink a glass of water. I say goodbye to Mom and Mike and I leave.

I walk a couple of blocks and I get a taxi.

I think we'll watch a movie with Harry and then we will cook something. I'm nervous and I hope the other guys are in the house, I want to share with them and I don't want to be alone with Harry because it's not healthy for my teenage hormones.

Cassie called me and we chatted for a few minutes. We are friends again I guess, she apologized for the way she acted with me and I'm so glad to have her back.

I pay the taxi driver and I get out of the car. I walked to Harry's house and rang the doorbell. I hear footsteps approaching the door and someone opens it. I expect one of the boys but all I see are two 7 years old girls, twins may I add, both blondes and with big blue eyes.

"Hi!" One of them tells me.

"Who are you?" Her sister says.

"Phoebe she's a strange, close the door, close the door!" Answered one of the twins and then they close the door and I remain stunned there. Am I in the right house or ...?

I turn around and Harry's car is not here but I see Liam's car.

This is weird.

I ring the bell again and wait.

"Louis the door!" I hear the voice of a girl.

"Lottie I'm busy!"

"I'm not moving from the couch! Did you hear me? "

I hear the steps and someone opens the door. It's Louis but he's holding a child in his arms. It's a baby, he probably has like 1 year old.

"What is hap-happening?" I asked confused and he rolls his eyes.

"Harry didn't tell you, right?" Louis asks as he makes funny faces to the baby.


"Come and welcome to the babysitting day"

I walk inside the house and there's a 14 years old girl sitting on the sofa.

"Hi," I smile but she is too busy with her phone.

I hear a loud squeal of two girls, must be those twins but why are they here and why is Louis holding a baby?

"Why are you holding a baby and what is the babysitting day?"

"Are you stupid?" Louis asks and the blond girl laughs from the couch. "The word says it all"

"Are you babysitting?" I say in shock and Louis nods.

"Help, help!" I hear Niall and he is standing in the middle of the stairs. "I can't change Doris diapers"

"You're so useless Niall," says the blonde girl.

"Then why don't you do it Lottie?" Louis growls.

"I'm not the nanny here," Lottie smiles and she looks just like Louis.

"She is your sister?"

"Congratulations Lucy, you're really slow today," Louis rolls his eyes.

"Stop treating her like that Louis and help me with Doris," Niall said and he is almost in panic because he can't change a diaper.

"I'll help you," I offered and followed Niall upstairs.

In his room there is another baby lying on the bed, he looks just like Louis is holding downstairs. More twins?

"This is Doris and Ernest is with Louis, both are his brothers," Niall smiles to the baby and he looks at us while he's shaking his arm. "Okay, now teach me"

I explained to Niall while I change the diaper.

"Not a big deal," the blonde says when I finish explaining. "Want to hold him?"

"Sure," my hands grip the baby and I hold him in my arms, so cute and so soft. "Could you tell me what is going on?"

"Babysitting day is once or twice a month, all their siblings come to the house and we spent the whole day with them. I have an older brother but I like to help. "

"It's very sweet that you do this, how many are they?"

"Waliyha and Safaa are Zayn's sisters. Lottie, Fizzy, Phoebe, Daisy and Ernest and Doris, they are all Tomlinson and Ruth is the younger sister of Liam. If we count we have 9 kids here"

"My God, you always do this?"


I can't imagine the boys babysitting, I can't believe this is happening but it is interesting and fun. I don't understand why Harry didn't tell me before.

"Ahm and where is Harry?"

"He left an hour ago but said he would return soon."


"He didn't tell you about this right? 'I shook my head. "I don't know his reasons sorry," Niall shrugged.

"Niall," we both turn to find Zayn, shirtless and his back he's carrying a 7 years old girl. I don't have to ask who is she because she is like a female version of Zayn, their faces are very similar. "Have a movie? Safaa and Waliyha want to watch something "

"Why don't you carry me too?! Why just Safaa? "Another 7 years old girl walks in the room, must be his sister too.

"I will carry you Waliyha come here," Niall says and the girl climbs on his back. "Girls I don't have any movie here"

"What!?" Safaa squeals. "We want a movie!"

"I can download one and put it in the room."

"God please and thank you Lucy," Zayn says and he looks really grateful.

"Can we watch in your room brother?" Says the girl who is on Niall's back. "We want to jump on the bed"

"Sure," Zayn smiles.

"Lucy you can use my computer and find the movie there,"

 "And could you stay with Doris, please?" Zayn asked looking at the baby and I nod. "We will prepare the milk for the baby and bring it to you."

"Okay," I nod.

Niall and Zayn run with the girls and I can hear their screams over the entire house. It's really weird all the sudden we have this mess because here is always so quiet.

I turn on Niall's laptop and play with Doris. He is a very quiet and a very cheerful baby. Thank God because I barely have some knowledge about babies.

I search on the internet and then I download a movie. Doris looks around every time he hears the scream of one of the girls. Doris doesn't cry and he is not afraid, it is clear he is used to all the noise.

I call Harry a couple of times but he doesn't answer. Taking care of babies or kids doesn't bother me at all, I really like it but I'm a bit pissed off because he didn't tell me about this.

I sit Doris in my lap and we watch a video of one of these Discovery Kids cartoon shows. Louis joins us and the twin babies watched completely fascinated the cartoons.

"It was a good idea, I never thought about this type of show videos," Louis says.

"Do they have a nap schedule?" I wonder because I don't think these babies have taken their nap yet.

"Yes, Liam is making their milk. We will feed them and after we just hope they fall asleep. "


"As you could see, my mom it's like a baby factory," Louis rolls his eyes.

"I think is cool."

Minutes later Liam walks in with the baby milk, he takes care of Doris and I take the laptop and headed to Zayn's room. His sisters are jumping on the bed and when they see me both sit down.

I plug a cable from the laptop to the TV and play the movie, Toy story, a classic.

I go back to the room and Liam and Louis take care of the babies and they look very sweet.

In the hallway I try to call Harry but there is no sign of him. I sigh and I walk downstairs and the twins are playing with toilet paper and a broomstick. I try to stop them because they can hurt themselves but one of them throws me some stuffed animals and I run away to the kitchen. Niall and Zayn are there and they are preparing something for the girls. It's all junk food but it looks incredibly delicious.

I helped Zayn and we leave the food on his room ad something for Liam and Louis too.

I make my way to Zayn's room and I watch the movie with his sisters. I almost jumped out of bed when someone bursts into Malik's room. It's a 20 years old girl with lilac hair, she's tall, thin, she has a pretty face and some tattoos on her right arm. She is holding a little blond boy.

"Hey girls, and who are you?" She asks confused.

"Hi I'm Lucy."

"Lucy? Oh hi! I'm Gemma," a warm smile lights up her face. She kisses my cheek and sits next to me with her child. "I've heard about you and by the way I'm Harry's sister."


"Wow, oh this is great. How are you? "I smile and I'm really excited because I want to get to know her.

"Shhhhhhh, we're trying to watch a movie," Waliyha whispers and I say 'I'm sorry'.

"This is Charlie my son."


"Hey Charlie," I reply with a smile. He is adorable and looks a lot like Gemma.

"I'm fine, a bit tired, I worked yesterday and you?"

"I'm fine, a bit confused about this."


"Harry didn't tell me about this and I don't know where he is"

"Really? He's an idiot, "she rolled her eyes," but be patient, I guess he's going to be here soon"

We all watch the movie and when the movie is reaching the end Zayn's sisters and Charlie are asleep. We walked on tiptoe to the exit and I follow Gemma to Harry's room. She checks her phone and we chatted about the city and about her work.

I hear a few steps from the stairs and after two seconds Harry walks in his room. His eyes are on me, then to his older sister and then back to me.

"Hi Lucy," he says and then looks at Gemma. "You bitch," his voice changed, he frowns and closes the door of his room. Wow, that was fast.

 I look at the two brothers, Harry is not pleased, something happened and his sister is involved. I have the feeling they are going to discuss.

"And why?" His sister asks.

"You are with Taylor again?"

Taylor? What?

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't do that, don't act like that" He growls. "Tell me the truth!"

"Does it really matter?"

"Of course, I'm your brother!"

"It's my life"

"You barely know how to cook, don't be ridiculous," he rolls his eyes.

"Shut up you idiot."

"Are you going to tell me or what?"

"Well, yes brother I'm with Taylor! Happy? "

"Are you serious?! What the fuck! "Harry grunted frustrated and kicks the closest thing to him. I jump at the sound of the kick, I wasn't expecting that. "Are you stupid or what?"

"None of your damn business"

"Of course it is because I am your brother and because Charlie is involved in this!"

"You don't know anything about little Charlie, I take care of him and I know what's best for him"

"Being with Taylor involves many things"

"Well, yes I'm with him is because I am willing to face it"

"Oh my god you're fucking stupid, what do you have in your head?"

They are raising their voices, I don't want them to wake up the kids.

"Co-Could you keep it down?" I whisper in a corner of the room and they look at me for a few seconds with the kind of face that says 'shut up'.

"Taylor is toxic, is not good to be around him, why can't you understand that?"

"Maybe it's because I love him?" Gemma says wryly.

"Maybe it's because I love him," Harry imitates her voice and rest the palm of his hand on his forehead. "The worst answer of all. This is ridiculous, you're not in love, you're obsessed. "

"And what do you know about being in love? Let me remind you that both are a failure when it comes to love. "

"At least I'm not obsessed with someone and I don't take stupid decisions."

"Oh my god, shut up. Also how did you know about this? Taylor would never tell you. "

"It doesn't matter, the thing is you have to break up with him," Harry states and Gemma laughs in his face.

"You're funny brother. Now tell me who told you that? "

"The way you avoid the topic Gemma is so pathetic, what you are doing is pathetic."

"You think I care about your opinion? Of course not! Now tell me! Who told you? Was...? "Gemma doesn't finish the sentence and let the thought hang in the air. She thinks for a few seconds and finds the answer for herself. "Oh that bitch, it was Noelle. Don't lie to me, I know it was her. "

"Does it really matter?"

"Sure it does idiot! Now tell me I've you been seeing Noelle these days? "

"Yes," Harry admits.

"Who is Noelle?" I ask and I feel almost hurt and is ridiculous.

"A bitch who used to be my friend and I used to be with Harry." Gemma answered and I bite my lower lip. "Fuck buddies, friends with benefits, if you know what I'm talking about."

In the room everything becomes more tense, heavier. For a few seconds I thought I wasn't involved in the discussion but now I feel I am.

Who is Noelle? Why Harry didn't tell me about her? Why didn't tell me about this? Where was he today? With her?

The idea of Harry seeing one of his ex-girlfriend or ex-friend with bennefits bothers me, it hurts and it pisses me off and makes me feel very jealous and insecure. This is horrible, it is a bitter mixture of feelings.

I wonder what they talked about, if she flirted with him, if Harry still likes her and I think about many other things, I know it's stupid but I'm so insecure.

"Not anymore Lucy," Harry clarified and his eyes are on me, "but this is not about Noelle, Gemma this is about you and your stupid bad habit to hide everything."

"And you don't hide anything?" Gemma laughs. "Don't be stupid."

"You know what's stupid? Everything, this shit about Taylor, I thought you forgot about him, I thought you were smart but you're so stupid, so retarded Gemma. You should feel ashamed "

"Want me to tell Lucy about you Harry!?" Gemma almost screams and I'm scared. Her face is red and her jaw is tense. "Want me to tell her what you've done!"

She is threatening him but Harry looks calm, maybe on the inside he wants to yell at Gemma.

"See? You see the way you act? "Harry sighs and rubbed his temples. His cheeks are a little flushed but I think it is because he is so mad right now.

"You know what? I'm out, "Gemma grabs her purse and looks at me. "Come on Lucy, let's get out of here," she offers me a tempting offer.

Gemma leaves the room and Harry follows her.

"You won't leave; we need to talk about this!" I hear Harry's voice in the hallway.

I am completely confused, shocked, angry, jealous and hurt. Harry didn't even care what Gemma told me because he thinks I'm going to stay but not this time.

I grab my bag and run down stairs. Harry is talking to Gemma, she is opening the door and smiles at me.

"What about Charlie?" Harry leaned his hand on the door and Gemma looks at him pissed off.

"Guys please, Ernest and Doris are sleeping," says Niall sitting on the couch. He doesn't look uncomfortable for the fact that Gemma and Harry are arguing, I think he's used to.

"Stay with him Harry, is the babysitting day you take care of him. Do something good in your life "

"Now get the hell out of here," Louis growls and walks into the kitchen.

Gemma walks out and that's my signal. Harry only notice my presence when I run and follow Gemma to her car.

"What the fuck Lucy? Where are you going? "I hear his voice and he's following us.

 "Leave her alone!" Gemma squeals and opens the door of her car and gets inside.

"Don’t run Gemma, you always do this! Be an adult and face the consequences! "

I open the passenger door and got in but I can't close the door because Harry is holding it.

"Lucinda you stay," he demands but I shake my head. " Lucy"

He's already mad about his fight with Gemma but now it's because of me. I'm not staying, I made ​​my decision.

  "Damn Harry, the door!" Gemma grunts. "She is not a toy like Noelle, you lied and didn't tell her about Noelle!"

"Damn it, shut up Gemma, I didn't lie to Lucy stop making her mind!" He says, raising his voice and I can see some veins in his neck.

"Harry please, just-just close the door." I muttered, staring at him.

The anger on his eyes disappears when our eyes met. I was smooth but I was clear, I want to go even if it is with Gemma.

After a few seconds Harry's hand releases the handle, finally I shut the car door and Gemma locks the doors.

"Stay," he says with his hands on the glass. "Stay with me, Lucy," he says softly and its bit shocking because two seconds ago he was seconds yelling at his sister.

His expression is adorable and sweet. He's asking me to stay and I would love to yet I don't want to. I better go.

I turn my head, hiding my face and breaking eye contact with Harry.

"Let's go," I whispered.

"Goodbye little brother," Gemma says in a cheerful voice and after that we're out of there.


I'm sorry but I don't know when is the next update bc exams, but I'll try to update asap. Love you, thank you and hope you like it.

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