Chapter 55
Surprise bitch! Okay not going to do that again ahahaha.
I didn't do the manip, a girl did it, so yeah.
Here we go!
"Boys talk now!" Louis broke out among us, raising his voice.
"What the fuck?" I asked. Both look angry. What the hell is going on?
"I'll be at the library" Lucy grabs her backpack and stands up. "I have to study, um, see you later" She leaves quickly, downcast.
"What the fuck?” I frown once we are alone.
"We need to talk" Zayn said as he rested his elbows on the table.
"About what?"
"Don't be stupid, we need to talk about Lucy, your fake girlfriend."
"What happens to you?" I almost jump of the seat when I hear Niall's voice behind me.
"You look like an idiot" Zayn growls.
"They're talking about your relationship with Lucy" Liam says serious and calm, appearing out of nowhere.
"What? What's wrong with that? "I asked irritated, I had never felt so angry about my friends.
"You like her?" Niall asks, clearly angry.
"What? No "I quickly answer. I don't understand why Niall would get mad at me because he is not part of our relationship, Lucy is not with him.
"You're a fucking liar" Zayn rolls his eyes, I hate when he does that.
"I don't care about your stupid opinion" I spit. Surrounded by these negative vibes is impossible not to feel so easily irritated.
"Zayn is right. Well at least this is good for me," Louis smiles proudly. "Part of your money will go to me"
"Forget it, that won't happen," I say.
"I know how this will end, you will destroy the whole house" Louis rests his hands on the back of his neck. A smirk filled his face and I want to smack his head on the table. Idiot.
"I don't know why but I think Louis is right" Liam shrugs and I want to kill him for supporting Louis. "It happened with Angelina."
"Angelina? What the fuck? Of course not! "
"You almost break the TV!" Liam replied.
"I was angry"
"Nobody cares about Angelina, can we all remember the incident with Emily?" Zayn asked, staring at the others.
"Yes, I remember this time Harry actually broke the TV" Liam nodded.
"And the chairs" Niall says.
"And a window" Louis continues the list.
"Wow, you're right, I forgot about the window" Zayn nodded and everyone seems amused by the things I did in the past. It was not my fault breaking some elements of the house, I was really angry but that won't happen now, I won't let Louis win this.
"Emily had you fucked up"
"It's because she was too sexy"
"The worst is that my room is next to yours Harry and I always had to listen to you while you were fucking Emily" Niall rolled his eyes.
"I bet you masturbate" Tomlinson teased him and Niall threw a fry towards Louis.
"Do we have to talk about Emily?" I growled, raising my voice. This sucks, why they had to ruin my moment with Lucy? I'm so angry, furious to be honest. "I was fine with Lucy, we could have talked about this at home"
"I was fine with Lucy" Louis mocks me, honing his voice.
"Don't try to act like this, because it doesn't change the fact you like Lucinda" Niall spoke, straight to the point.
"It's not your business," I'm about to get up but Liam leaned his hand on my shoulder as he forces me to sit down.
"We're not done, we need to talk" Sounds like we're in a fucking relationship.
"You didn't even deny it, you just said ‘not your business!’” Zayn growls “What the hell Harry?"
"Then I don't, I don't like her" I spoke firmly but inside I knew I was lying. I tried to get up and Liam again supported his hand on my shoulder.
"We need to talk Harry" He insists on the same idea. I gave him a furious look but he ignored my expression. The next time he rests his fucking hand on my fucking shoulder I won't hesitate to punch him.
"What?! I don't want to talk; I know what I have to do"
"And you better not forget it" Zayn said, crossing his arms. I send a look of anger at Zayn and he does the same, it seems like we were in a competition over who hates more the other just using our eyes.
"I know when we can do it" Niall interrupted our little competition and we both looked at the blond.
"After January," I answer and he nods. It was obvious. "But why in January?"
"Who the hell cares? Just do what you must do "Louis grunts. I was about to answer but Niall interrupts us.
"Then you just have Christmas, New Year and goodbye." Says Horan and reality stabs me.
"Yes" I swallow and I feel a big lump in my throat. Time has passed so fast...
"It should be at a party or here." Zayn bites one of my chips while he's looking at others.
will bring us problems, "Liam says immediately. "I can't afford to be expelled from another school."
"It would only be your second school, this is my fourth school so don't be a little girl" Louis replies. "I know my mom would be mad but I don't care."
"Johanna forgives all the shit you do," I say and Louis smiles.
"Exactly, so I don't care, so if you want to do something to Lucy here at school I agree, anyone else with me?"
"Not here," says Zayn and Niall and Liam shake their heads, refusing to accept Louis' idea.
"Okay, so where bitches?" He looks at us, waiting for listen a better idea than his.
"In a party like Zayn said" Liam speaks calmly.
"Yes, I think it's the best"
"Okay, then at a party will be!" Louis hits the table with his fist like a hammer, giving the judgment. "I'll be counting the days"
"And you Harry, will you be counting the days?" Zayn asked, squinting.
"What for?" I asked, not understanding what he's talking about.
"To your freedom and to finally say goodbye to Lucy."
Goodbye to Lucy...
I think about his words for a moment. I used to think about it at first but now a part of me doesn't want to leave her. I find it stupid because everything it's fake but I'm just feeling this feeling because of the routine of seeing her every day, just for that, yes, just for that.
"Yeah, me too" I nod and smile, contradicting my thoughts.
I know myself and I always do this, I say things but it doesn't mean I feel or believe in them. I always lie to myself and to everyone else, but in this case I have to. Once we fell apart things will be better for her.
I'm playing my part here and I have always done that, I must remember the true purpose.
"I can't wait until she finds out the truth," Louis admitted and I don't know what to say.
+ +
"You look like you've seen a ghost," says Mandy when I return to the table.
"Ahm, I-I..." I don't know if I should tell her all that happened. "Something happened" I say as I sit.
"What? What do you mean? "Mandy asks right away, full of curiosity.
"This guy, um, Eric" Mandy nods enthusiastically as she leans toward me. "He was a friend of Harry but-but he told me horrible things about him."
"No!" Mandy speaks a bit stronger and she covered her mouth with her hands. "Shit, what happened?"
"He recognized me as Harry's girl and-and told me things about him. Something like Harry stole from his own mother, and something about those two in the police station and they did scams"
"Shut up, my god" Mandy opens her mouth in surprise and I nod. "And you believe him?"
"I-I don't know," I admitted doubtful. "Eric said a couple of things about Harry, about what he liked and maybe he did know him."
"Wow, I don't know what to say" Mandy let out a sigh. "The thing is you don't have to talk this with me, you have to talk to Harry"
"You heard me Lucy" Mandy whispers. "You can't stay with the doubt, you are with Harry and you supposed to know him. Maybe it's his past and he is sorry or perhaps had his reasons, I don't know, but you should talk to him. "
She's right, I should do it but how? Harry is going to get angry, I know, I can feel it.
"You have to tackle the issue really calm, if it is truth you must be delicate. If he is on the defensive is because he had bad memories and hates Eric but it also means he doesn't trust you enough to tell you, understand? "I nod, trying to memorize everything she said. "If he speaks don't push him, let him talk and nod when it is necessary, okay?"
"Try to create a comfortable environment between the two, is the only way in which you can talk about it and you don't have to talk here, don't you even dare because school is very public and rumors spread like condoms here, is it clear? "
"Yes," I nodded.
"You better think first about what you're going to say, don't want to ruin everything, right?"
"Right, maybe tomorrow or... I-I don't know, what do you think?"
"What do I do in the meantime? How do I act? I'm confused because right now and I-I don't know what to think about Harry "
"Good point," Mandy says and keeps her mouth shut while she thinks of what to say. "Try to act normal"
I don't know if I am able to do this but I nod anyway, and I'll see what I can do.
Mandy looks down at her watch and closes her book.
"It's time to go"
We keep our stuff and left the library. Mandy went to her class and I went to mine.
Somehow I managed to turn off my thoughts and concentrate on the remaining hours but once school is over I know I must face Harry. What do I do? What do I say?
I think of what to do but nothing comes to my mind so I just walk and I hope not to see him. I try to find Mandy or her car but today is not my day and I find Harry a few feet from me.
I smile a bit, remembering what Eric said. Harry walks over to me and wrapped one of his long arms around my waist and kisses me. I'm surprised for his gesture and I sneaked away from his grasp with Eric's confessions ringing in my head.
"What?" He asks confused and I pretend to cough.
"I-I'm sorry," I murmured. I look over his shoulder and tried to look for Mandy.
"Something wrong?"
"No, I, um, I'm trying to find Mandy, I'm going with her"
"I thought we were going together in my car as usual," he said and I look at him.
He looks confused but calm. For a moment I doubt about Eric, maybe he's lying.
"I'm sorry Harry, tomorrow maybe?"
"Maybe?" He raises an eyebrow and I gulped. He always takes me home and tell him 'no' it's something new.
I turned my head away from his emerald eyes, I can't concentrate when I'm looking at him and what I need now is to find Mandy and leave.
"Ahm yes" I say and try to find Mandy, in the crowd of students I get to see her green backpack and her long straight black hair. "Mandy!" I screamed and Harry gave me a confused look.
My friend hears my voice and turned in my direction, her eyes meet mine and she understands what I'm doing.
"I must go," I tell Harry and tried to walk towards Mandy but he grabs my hand.
"What are you going to do?" He asks as his eyes focused on my face.
"We are going to study" I try to look calm.
"Oh, okay," He leans in and this time cups my check and pressed his lips against mine. Basically I can't escape because he places one hand on the back of my neck. I want a sweet kiss because we are in public but the way he’s moving his lips just confuses me and melts me. He bites my lower lip and my mind screams to me that Eric must be lying.
"Bye Lucy" Harry says with a confident smirk and I take few steps back. My lips burn and I'm not able to speak.
I waved goodbye to him and I leave almost running.
"But what a kiss!" Mandy tells me once I'm in front of her, gasping for air. "You're so lucky, I want a boy to kiss me like that" She sighs and I don't answer.
I don't look back because Harry is probably already gone. I throw my hands into my pockets and I look at my feet. What I need now is to think, think about what I'm going to say and how I'm going to say it. Mandy is right, I must speak to Harry and clarify my doubts but the problem is I don't know if I want to know the truth.
+ +
Ignoring Harry was not easy. I tried to act normal and talk to him on the phone when he called. I asked him not to pick me in the morning and I went with Mandy again.
I thought about what to say and slowly I built a little plan in my mind. On the second day of stay distant from Harry I knew I could not continue. This time I didn't try to run from him and I just got in his car.
"Want to do something?" He asks.
"I have a movie, we could see it in your house" A film is perfect for keeping a quiet and perfect environment to start a conversation.
"Sure" He nods while driving.
The journey home this time was quick and I try to check my plan as we walk toward his house.
"Where are the others?"
"They are doing some things" Harry answered as he closes the door.
I turn on the light of the living room and staircase.
"Let's go to your room" I say and he follows me upstairs.
"What movie are we seeing?" He asks, hugging me and supporting his chin on my shoulder.
"Ahm, I have the butterfly effect" I answer, "and popcorn" I say as I pull out the movie and the popcorn packet from my bag. Harry kisses my forehead and grabs the movie.
"I've never seen it" He said and my jaw dropped.
"No way," I muttered, and he nods. "It's so good, you'll like it"
Harry goes to the kitchen to put the popcorn in the microwave. I turn the TV and I prepare everything to watch the movie.
I undo my braid and hesitate to take off my shoes but when Harry returns with the bowl of popcorn, shirtless and with underwear I decide to get rid of my shoes and sit on the bed.
Harry leaves the bowl between us and sits next to me. I bite my lip and grabbed the remotel. It is not healthy for me to see him like this. The first thing that comes to my mind is a picture of me on top of Harry and kissing all over his skin, his torso, his tattoos, his neck, his lips and feel his warm body next to mine.
The image is so real that it is like a slap to me. I want to kiss him, I want him to kiss me and feel his hands but this is not the time, I have something to do. I bite my lower lip, suppressing the image of us and I put 'play' to the film.
"Ahm, put some clothes on, it's cold" I suggest because honestly my mind is torturing me. It's new and it's the first time it happens. My hands are hot and I have to hide it in my pockets because they are starting to sweat.
Harry grabs a gray shirt from the floor and throws it over his head. Now that he's using a shirt I can relax just a little.
I get rid of my sweater because the image of us has increased the temperature of my body. Harry didn't say anything but I can feel his eyes on me.
We watch the movie without problems. We also watch the other two alternate endings and we end up with Harry's jaw on the floor.
"I cannot believe I never have seen it before," he says.
"Me neither," I get up and pull the movie from DVD, I keep it and I walk back to the bed.
I stand on the edge of the bed and Harry is sitting on the bed, we look at each other for a few seconds, his hair is a little messy. I comb the curls with my fingers and he smiles and pulls me toward the bed. It's so fast that in two seconds my back bounces on his mattress. His beautiful face appears on my sight and he kisses me, lacing our fingers.
The image of us reappears in my mind and my heart beats so fast. I want him shirtless, I want my fingers on his skin and I want his hands on me. It is such an unknown but exciting so sudden and agonizing feeling within me. I've never thought so far.
He kisses my neck and I sigh, I feel his smile against my skin and his lips reach my collarbone. He gently sinks his teeth and I close my eyes, it feels good.
"Harry, c-can you take off your shirt?" I let the words escape from my mouth and he sits, leaning on his knees and obeys.
I look at him for a few seconds, still lying in bed and Harry leans in and connects our lips.
Harry is so handsome and somehow he is mine, right? Because we are in some kind of relationship.
We turn in bed and now I'm on top of him, I parted a few seconds to breathe and my glasses fall on his face just like my hair. We laugh because we are clumsy, he let my glasses on the bedside table and I blinked trying to focus as much as possible Harry. He kissed me back and I close my eyes, letting myself be guided by his lips. I feel his fingers on my back and the way they glide over my skin. I kiss his neck, sucking and biting gently and I think I reached a sensitive spot because he digs his fingers on my skin. The soft touch of pain doesn't affect me and I actually like it.
His cell phone rings on the bedside table and it's a strange sound, which he usually doesn't have for message or call. I don't let it distract me and I keep kissing his neck and collarbone. Harry stretched his hand and grabs the phone. I kiss the swallows, a Chinese letter that is on his chest, a beautiful butterfly and well done on his stomach and there is also an anchor tattooed near his belly button and...
"Lucy?" I hear Harry's voice and I raise my head. He sits on the bed and I must do the same. His face has changed and he looks angry? "You talked to Eric?"
Eric? Eric! Oh god, my plan! How could I forget what I had to do?
My eyes are huge and I open my mouth to say something but I can't. Harry frowns and I can feel the heat of his body.
"It would be great if you could answer," He says and doesn't sound happy.
"He sent me a fucking message"
"I-I did, I spoke to him"
"Why? What did he say? Did you know him before? "
Think and answer Lucy.
"He spoke to me and I didn't know him before yesterday"
Now that we're finally talking about Eric I think I should continue with my plan, what I should do now is go straight to the point.
"Harry why did you do all those things?" I ask without stuttering.
My question affects him and he takes some distance from me. He sits folding his legs and Lucy and Harry moment is broken, it all fell apart in seconds. I breathe and wait for his response, still in my place.
"I don't know what you mean" he denies but he knows that I know something.
"Harry he-he told me a few things and I-I want to know if they are true"
"Are you going to leave me?" He asks, looking into my eyes and I'm surprised for his question.
Will I do it? I don't think so, I don't know.
He bites his lower lip and slid his hands through his hair. I blush to notice that he has a red spot on his collarbone and I remember it was me.
He sighs and shakes his head, gets up but I grabbed his hand. He can't leave; he can't think he can always escape. Things don't work like that. I can be naive, sometimes silly or whatever but I'm a person too. We are in this together.
"No, tell me, talk to me" My voice goes so determined that surprises me. My hands tighly grabs his hands, like trying to beg what I mean.
He looks at me and then at our hands. He rolls eyes and sits.
"Well, what do you want to know? If I did it? Well yes “He answers coldly.
"Because I wanted to, because I was stupid, because I wanted attention"
"I don't know" he says but he must be hiding something.
"Don't lie to me"
"I'm not lying" he claims but I doubt it.
We are talking in general and I need to get to the facts, one by one. I need answers, reasons, memories, that's what I need.
"Why scam people?" I started with an easy one or at least it's what I think.
"Wait," He stretches out his arm and pulls out a pack from the nightstand drawer. He places a cigarette on his mouth and lights it. "It was like two and a half years ago, I was stupid, impulsive and a certain part of me was angry with the world"
"Don't you think life is unfair?" He answers with a question and know what he's talking about.
"Yes it is but that doesn't justify what you did Harry"
"No, and now I know"
"What were you thinking?"
"I don't know, I told you!" He raises his voice a little and that scares me. "Sorry" He apologizes immediately. "I really didn't know, I was so stupid and so was Eric. We were rebels, we liked to go against the law "
"I can see it. You really stole a car? "
"Yes, we did but it was a neighbor's car"
"Did you return it?"
"Let's say he found it in a motel"
"What were you doing there?" My eyes widened.
"Nothing, I just leave it there"
"How did you--?"
"Cheap Motel, just had a camera, easy", he says the proud and inhales the cigarette smoke. I ignore the smell and think about the next question.
"Why did you steal from your own mother?"
"I was angry with her, with my father, the divorce, with everything actually. So I decided to do it because I could do it, simple as that. "
"She knows what?" He shook his head. "Did you give it back the money?" He shook his head again. "That's horrible Harry" I whisper.
"It wasn't too much but I guess she deserved it,"
How can he say that?
"Don't have children if you can't take care of them" He said and my heart stopped. "They worked all day, they used to argue a lot when they were together, somehow Gemma had to grow up and take care of me when we were younger. She was always a role model for me but as she got older things change, she was getting into another world. When your parents are not around you and you're like independent, things are easier to leave because you never had to hold you onto something. Your parents are your support, your anchor, your stability, your role models, right? "
"Yes" I nod and I am completely shocked by his words.
"Well I ..." He speaks slower as the smoke disperses and travels around to me. "I didn't have that. Irresponsible parents, lack of affection, support, not feeling safe, that's what I felt. There was food but no one cooked to me, I had to learn. They never told me a story, I never saw a movie with them, or played something, I don't know what a proud smile is, when you do something right to your parents, I never had that. They were there but I was feeling alone, "he says with his eyes glued to me. I feel the pain of his words and the whole atmosphere has changed between us. "And it hurts to see that the other guys have something you don't have, something so precious and so important"
I don't dare to say the word aloud.
"Harry, I-I'm sorry" It's the first thing I can say. I wasn't expecting this, I was expecting the story of a rebellious teenager who doesn't care about anything but the real problem is the lack of care of a child who had to learn to grow up alone.
"Don't be sorry, I hate pity because nobody had pity on me"
"Your parents never received any complaints or--?"
"People are so fake, they pretend to care, but it's a lie," He sighed and placed the cigarette between his lips.
My heart in my chest tightened at his words, his confession.
"And what did your parents do all that time?"
"They worked Lucy. Both didn't come from wealthy families, they were poor. They aspired to more, they were ambitious, greedy. My mother didn't go to college and the idea that my father was a lawyer certainly seduced her. When they were young they spent a lot of money, money they didn't have, when Gemma was born my mother was not able to put up for adoption—"
"How do you know that?"
"She told me" I cover my mouth with my hands. Anne is nice, sweet, the last time I saw her she treated Harry so well and now he says that ... how was she able to consider this and tell it to her own son? "Gemma spent most of the time in our grandmother's house and I did too, Mom and Dad worked. Even though we were with our grandmother, she smoked and was sick, it was hard for her to cook, clean or anything else"
"But your father is a lawyer, how—?"
"He never succeeded, now he is doing better. Like my mother, now both found stability, "I nodded and waited. "Gemma and I we were mistakes, after I was born there were a number of problems and Anne ended up in the hospital "
"Oh god"
"She had an attack, she just collapsed, but I don't blame her because Karma exists."
I firmly believe that, karma is real.
"Now they are better, they have managed to pay a lot of debts."
"That's a good thing"
"I always have something to eat but material things are nothing. It doesn't matter if you have a house and it is empty. Thank god they weren’t alcoholics or drug addicts; they weren’t ready to be parents" His voice is quiet and low.
I can imagine it and it hurts.
"What about Marcel's mother? She never helped? "I asked, remembering the existence of Carly.
"Marcel's mom was a bitch"
"I'm telling the truth." He shrugs. "You'd be surprised to know a little secret of her"
"I don't want to know" I answer quickly. I have respect for Carly, Marcel's mother, and I don't want to know what she did in the past.
He throws his cigarette and from the pale smoke I can see a boy with sad green eyes, sitting cross-legged and shirtless, with beautiful tattoos which have important meanings in it. A few seconds ago we were kissing but now it has taken another direction.
Harry looks weak, sad and lost, I notice in his features, in his position, in his eyes or the way his lips move or his voice. He has scars and I can see the way he's acting, so distant but clearly he is hurt. I mean, who wouldn't be?
I don't know if I would have been able to survive the same as Harry, despite my problems I was raised in a different environment. My parents were together, at first they were happy, my birthdays were happy, dad and I played together with Daniel. My father or my mother always took me to school until I was old enough to go by myself. They were there to heal the wounds of my knees; they were there when I asked for my first comic, when I read my first book and when I prepared my own cake. Mom used to hug me so much and Dad always bought me candy, I was always surrounded by love. I remember their smiles of happiness to see my grades, the pride that filled them and somehow that makes you want to be a better version of yourself. I could not imagine my life without all of that because I definitely wouldn't be the same person I am now.
My eyes meet with Harry and for the first time I feel in his place. In my heart I feel a space because he never had the love that every child deserves, never had the childhood that every child has the right to live and that breaks my heart. If your parents don't give you the attention and love you deserve you end up looking for it in someone or something else and that would explain a lot. The girls, parties, all his friends, his addictions, Harry is holding onto those things, sheltered there because he would never be totally complete.
"Lucy, don't cry" I hear his voice through the room and up to my ears and I realize that my vision is blur. I'm sobbing and tears are spilling down my cheeks and in two seconds I'm on Harry's lap.
I shouldn't be crying but it's impossible, I feel so bad, so sad for Harry.
"Don't cry" His fingers slide down my cheeks and I hide my face in his chest. I cry in his Swallows and feel one of his hands on my back.
I feel pain in my chest and cry harder. I imagine myself or Daniel, learning how to be adults at an early age, at home alone, without support for our homework or learning to cook because mom didn't have time to do it. It is horrible, horrible.
Though he was wrong now I can understand why he did all this. He tried, in a bad way, to get the attention of his parents.
"Don't be sad" How? How can he act like this? He really should have a strong shell to not cry in front of others.
I still hear his voice and his hands on my skin is a relief. Sadness doesn't disappear from my bloodstream but tears slowly begin to disappear.
His fingers tangled in my hair and I draw lines on his swallows. I kiss his tattoo and then his neck and our eyes meet.
Even though I'm not wearing glasses I can see him and his eyes are an incredibly beautiful, he's beautiful. I move my fingers through his hair, his forehead, his cheek, his jaw and lips. I kiss him but soft, scared to break this very intimate and painful time.
"My parents ... they tried to make peace with us, at some point they realized what they had lost, at least mom, but it was too late"
"It didn't seem right the way you were treating Anne but it seems very nice of you to maintain contact with her"
"It's my mother, what else can I do? She suffered enough "He shrugs.
"And-And what about your father?"
"Whenever I need, I can take money of him" he smiles but there is no happiness. I curved the corners of my mouth and wipe my eyes. I must look awful but Harry didn't seem to care, I think. "I learned to live with it, so I guess it's okay but I would never allow my son go through what I went through"
Son, kids, small versions of Harry, kids running with emerald eyes and curly hair. It's a cute image. I think it's adorable of Harry to think that way; he is so positive and strong.
I thought it was going to be a tough afternoon, thought about the worst things, fight or something like that between us but turned out to be something completely different. He did it, he opened up for me in a way I never expected. My heart jumps in my chest of happiness and sadness at the same time.
"Thanks Harry" I whisper with my nose touching his neck.
"I've never talked about this with someone"
"What?" I look at him and he looks calm but his eyes have lost life.
"My friends know a little about this but I never told them as much as you Lucy"
"What? Really?"
"Really and I guess I did it because ... because I fully trust in you "
"Really?" I asked shocked.
"Really" He chuckles and he's so adorable.
I feel good and flattered, my heart does a triple jump of happiness. I feel close to Harry, attached, his story touched my heart and it doesn't have plans to leave. I keep this in a special part of my mind and I'll always remember this.
"I usually get angry when people cry" Harry whispered, "but seeing you cry really hurts" He admits, his eyes never leaving mine.
I smile and I want to keep hearing his voice.
"Why do you get angry?"
"Because people lie, people pretend" He sighs.
"Not all of them Harry..."
"Most" He says and I don't think I can change his mind.
I kiss his chin and I connect his lips with mine, this time with a different flavor, the taste of a promise, a bond, a strong feeling that is pumping inside all my body.
The kiss is not passionate, not lustful or romantic or normal; I can only describe it as different. My hands clinging to his neck and he draws me closer to him, breaking every centimeter able to separate us. My hands touch his hair, his shoulders, his arms, his torso and his face. Harry is real, this bad boy is real and I'm the girl who is kissing, I'm the girl who is now in his arms, the girl he likes. I want to cry but I don't allow myself to ruin the moment.
His long fingers caress my back and God, I need him, I really feel like I need him, his kisses, his words, his eyes on me, his history, his so unique personality, his smile, his strengths, his weaknesses, everything, and I also need him to need me in the same way that I feel now. I want to be his shoulder if he needs to cry, I want to listen to him talk for hours, knowing every single detail of Harry and dig to the center, to his heart. I want to be his dreams and daily thoughts.
Here in his room, in a little bubble and away from the outside world I found love and everything I need with Harry.
I honestly don't know what to think of the chapter, it just came out and I can't rewrite it again because I can't x_x
Hope you like the chapter and if it is not I'm sorry, the good thing is that some drama is coming and why? Because I'm officially letting you know that we only have 11 chapters until the end of the first season, part, whatever (I mean it! I wrote the ideas and everything is planned so goodbye Lurry...)
thank you so much for read and have a good day/night, love you all!
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