Chapter 52
Surprise, bitch. I bet you thought you'd seen the last of me
"I was thinking about your tattoo and I think ... I think you're a star, a star that appeared in my darkness, in my life and I'm ... I'm grateful."
Somehow the words accumulated in my throat and I felt I should say it.
I had an incredibly bad time when my parents divorced, there are no words to describe how I really felt. It's horrible, especially when you think that your parents should be together till death do them part. Deception, betrayal, lies, all that was surrounded us at that time and it was too much for me. Maybe my brother could stand it but not me.
It was an escape to come here, I love my father and my brother, but I couldn't live there and with his girlfriend, I don't like her, I can't accept her. For me my father should be with my mother, I still have hopes for that but I know is not going to happen.
Harry's tattoo is beautiful, every word is accurate. I think we all go through that but it depends on each one to see the light. I guess if I hadn't moved here I would never have seen it.
Many good things happened here: Marcel, Cassie, Mandy, Ryan, Adam and Harry. I don't want to be mean to my other friends but Harry is one of the most important thing from this year. It's weird because it have been three months but it feels like much more, I guess is for the fact that we see each other every day and it's like a routine, but a routine which doesn't bothers me.
I thought he would say something but instead he kisses me. It doesn't bother me at all but I would like to talk about this, I'd like to know about his parents but I guess I have to wait. I wonder how much, a few months? How long will this last? It is difficult to imagine us in a few months but I don't want to think about the end.
This has turned out to be different, new and incredible. I melt in his arms and kisses and somehow I feel safe. I hope it lasts a lot, maybe if I'm lucky we'll still be together before we end our senior year. But it is hard to imagine...
Don't be so negative! It will last!
I try to believe in my mind and I embrace the idea that this will happen. I had never really stopped to think about it, in the end in which we are no longer together. It is very sad for me, I think I'm getting used to it, everything he does, everything that we do.
His full lips fit so perfectly with mine and I feel as heat rises through my body. Every kiss is different and so special.
I curl up in his arms and Harry buries his nose in my hair. We stayed like that for a while, just breathing.
Harry's arms are comfortable, they are warm and strong. The weather is normal and there is silence in the house except for the sound of the street. I don't want to fall asleep but it is inevitable...
"Lucy?" I heard his soft voice, calling my name.
"Um," I covered my mouth to yawn.
"If you're tired I can leave," He says, looking at me.
"No, no, stay," I smiled and kissed him on the cheek.
"Okay, what do you want to do?"
"Whatever you want, Harry"
We heard the roar of his stomach and we both laughed.
"I'm hungry" He shrugs and I get up.
"I'll get my bag, be right back" I tell him before running upstairs.
I fixed my hair, looking at the mirror. I brush my hair, letting my hair fall to one side of my shoulder. I wash my face and brush my teeth.
I decide to change my white shirt for a black one and Harry's shirt. I don't know if I look good but I want to use it. I clean my glasses, I grab my bag and I go downstairs.
"My Shirt" He smiles, looking the garment.
"I-I like it" I reply, and I walk through the kitchen to find the keys.
"Is that Brownie?" I hear Harry's voice behind me and he's on the door frame.
I turn my eye to what he's pointing and there is a plate with brownies on the table.
"Yes, you can eat if you want"
Harry walks to the table and takes a bite. He chews with his eyes closed and then exhales. I think he liked.
"It's delicious"
"I did it with my mom, she-she teaches me sometimes."
"Really?" I nod and he continues eating. "We usually do this but with marijuana, it’s really fun."
"Oh, ahm, wow." I don't know what to say, I didn't even know you could do that.
"It's great, it's a shame you don't to do drugs, it would be fun."
"I think I'll pass, it's bad."
"Yeah," Harry quietly chewed his piece of brownie. "Never do it please, I prefer you this way, I like you like this," he answered but his words melt my heart.
I do prefer Harry like this, although he does all those bad things. I can't change who he is. I want him like this.
"Me too Harry" I stated a little embarrassed and I want to hide under the table but that would be stupid.
He walks towards me and slips one of his arms around my waist.
"Thanks Lucy." He kisses my forehead and I breathe his aroma. "They're really good, one of the best I've ever had."
"I can teach you"
"I prefer to cook food, Zayn sometimes do these things are but yours is the best" I blushed at his confession and shake the keys on my hands. "Yes, let's go."
He grabs two more pieces of brownie and then we left the house.
"You should go home and make one of these someday," Harry said as we walk to his car.
"Yeah, sounds good"
I don't know why but I want to find out more about Harry and his friends, I mean, there is nothing wrong with that right? I've never seen the way the all live together, and they are the friends of my boyfriend.
I think about the last sentence and my cheeks blush. Boyfriend. I guess that is what he is although he hasn't formally asked me. I'm still waiting for that, I hope Harry ask me soon.
+ +
"This is delicious Harry" I said before taking a bite of my taco.
"I agree with you"
We came to the mall just because there are a lot of places to eat. We chose to eat tacos to do something different, anyway we don't go out a lot to eat.
Harry was so hungry, he ate the first taco and now he is going to eat the second one. I just ordered one.
He looks so adorable though he has tattoos. He chews in silence and he looks really happy. What food can do!
Our phones ring simultaneously and we take them out of our pockets. I find it a strange, it's a message from Adam, I wonder what he wants.
From: Adam.
Don't forget about your friends Lucy.
I feel so bad. It has been two weeks since the last time I saw him. He took care of me and let me stay on his house. He was so thoughtful and kind. Adam is just trying to keep the bond of friendship between us. I have been so stupid and inconsiderate.
To: Adam.
I would never forget you, I've been busy. I'm leaving for Thanksgiving but when I get back we can go out.
From: Adam.
I hope it's true. Don't forget the others for him, okay?
For him? He's clearly talking about Harry. I look up and Styles is distracted with his phone.
I would never forget anyone for Harry, I just haven't had time to see Adam, just that. I know he doesn't like Harry and Harry feels the same for him.
I don't like his attitude so I decide not to answer the message.
I try to drop it but my mind reminds me of Marcel. We haven't spoken since the Friday. We were always together now I feel that we are like strangers.
I sigh and I give a sip of my drink.
Adam can't be right.
+ +
Nothing interesting happened this week, as always I spend a quiet week with Lucy. The only good thing is that she keeps me more relaxed, usually I feel very stressed and angry but Lucy has made more bearable the week at school. I haven't missed school, this is a world record.
I decide to go back to the gym. My father paid for all the year so I can go whenever I want. I meet him on the gym but we don't talk, it is as if we weren't father and son. I guess he's still mad at me because I fucked his secretary Margaret but that was like 3 months ago. I bet she got fired.
Today we went for a walk with Lucy. It is a relaxed Friday. Usually I go to a party and I'm really looking forward to that, I don't care if Lucy doesn't want to go. I think the boys are in a bar drinking and here I am. It's a bit annoying.
"Harry, can we get in?" I heard the soft voice of Lucy, pulling me out of my thoughts.
"Sure," I agreed and she grabbed my hand.
It's a small cafe with a beautiful architecture. I've never been here. The walls are brick and there are plenty of vintage flowers on the ceiling. It's weird but beautiful.
"Café de Flore" Lucy reads a small sign with the name of the place.
"Must be French" We say at the same time.
We chose a table and settled. The light that illuminates the place allows me to see perfectly the freckles on her cheeks and nose. She gets rid of her scarf and put aside on the table.
The atmosphere is warm and cozy inside. The smell of coffee is evident but there is also the smell of food, a sweet odor, or a mixture of savory smells.
A waiter gives us the menu and Lucy looks distracted while she's reading it.
"It all sounds delicious" she says, raising her eyes to me. The light makes her eyes look different and so far I had never noticed that her eyes have a light chocolate color with a few lines of olive color.
"Your eyes" I whisper impressed. Why didn't I notice that? Her eyes are beautiful.
"What? Do I have som-something? "She removed her glasses, worried, and rubs her eyes with the sleeve of her sweater.
"No, no" I shake my head with a smile curving my lips. "Your eyes are beautiful."
"Oh, am" She smiles and her eyes fell to the menu. "Thanks I-I guess."
"You like it?"
"The color of your eyes, do you like?"
"Not much" She shrugs. "I like yours, it's cute and unique."
"Everyone has green eyes" I rolled my eyes.
"Of course not," Our eyes met and now that I can see the true color of her eyes I feel nervous. I grabbed the menu to stop staring at her. "Your eyes are like a jade or emerald color, I don't know, it's hard to describe the color but it's deep and intimidating."
"Can-can you stop talking about my eyes?"
Did I just stutter? Certainly this talk makes me nervous, I mean, not the conversation but the way Lucy says each word, the tone of her voice, her lips moving and articulating every word and the color of her eyes on me. I don't know why I feel this way but sometimes she has that effect on me and really makes me want to bang my head against a wall.
"Sorry," she whispers and looks to her menu. I want to tell Lucy it's not her fault, I didn't want to be rude and that I'm an idiot but I swallow my words and concentrate on the menu.
When the waiter arrives he takes our orders. We ordered blueberry pie, croissants, chocolate cake and a coffee called 'au lait' as Lucy said.
When he brings our order everything looks fabulous. Everything is so sweet, so perfectly done that I feel sorry for breaking with a fork the food.
"Never tried this cafe" I tell Lucy when I see our mugs. It is a coffee that has a white drawing on the top. I think it is made of milk or something.
"Me neither, that's why I-I wanted to come here"
"Let's eat?"
"God, yes"
And after that we attack the food, we both agree that everything is too cute to break it but at the end the plates are almost empty. The flavor melting on our tongues and is like paradise, every one of the things we chose was amazing, each one more delicious than the other. Almost like an orgasm for food. The coffee was also good and we both ended more than satisfied.
While we eat we talk about certain things, I discover that Lucy likes to paint, that she wants to learn French and she danced ballet as a child. She discovered that I liked to ride a bike, that I have a tattoo dedicated to my sister, that someday I want to destroy a police car and that nobody ate and threw more popcorn than me in the cinema when I was a kid.
We talk about Sherlock and Watson again. We laugh about our silly idea of creating the official fan club.
"Excuse me?" We heard a male voice and we met a guy holding a Polaroid camera on his hands. For a moment I forgot we were here, it seems like it was just me and Lucy. "Sorry to bother you but I was wondering if I could take a picture, the place is new and we are uploading photos on the Internet of the people that come here and you guys seem to be enjoying quite a lot."
"Sure," I answer.
"I'll take two photos and one is for you."
I sit next to Lucy, she looks at me when my shoulder rub hers and I grab her hand before smiling. The boy takes the picture and the flash blinded me. He grabs the picture and shakes it and flash reappears again.
"Here is" He handed me one of the photos. "Thank you, enjoy your evening"
"Can I see it?" She asks and I give it to her.
"You didn't look to the camera," I said, looking at the picture. I'm smiling and Lucy is smiling too but she's looking at me. She took off her glasses for the picture. She looks happy and I look happy and we actually look like a couple and I'm not sure how to feel about this.
"I like it" She smiles. "Want to keep it?" She looks at me and I can clearly see her eyes. I still don't know how I never noticed how beautiful they are.
"Ahm, no, you keep it." She will want to break those photos anyway.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, yes, I always lose everything."
"Oh, okay" She nods and keeps the picture in her purse. "We still have that piece of cake" she points to the table.
I sigh as I grab a fork. "Let's do this"
She bites her lower lip and grabs a fork. "It has to be eliminated,"
"1, 2, 3!" I say and we started eating. It's so silly but we laugh at this dumb situation.
The cake is delicious and even though I feel satisfied I'm still eating like Lucinda.
Her phone rings at the table, she grabs it and responds.
"Hi Dad" A smile lights up her face. "I'm fine, what about you?" She throws a piece of cake in her mouth and chews with her eyes on the table. "Yes, yes, sounds great." The fork is resting on her lips and I think she looks quite pretty.
I look away and I keep eating. "Yes, of course I'll go, mom bought my ticket"
What!? What is she talking about?
"Really? Good for him, I'm excited to see Daniel too. "She sighs and her tongue slips through the fork. She's distracted and didn't do it intentionally, but she has no idea how tempting she looks. "I have to go, I'm eating...with a friend, yes daddy a friend" I frown, irritated, why didn't she tell him? "Okay, see you, bye" She hangs up.
"Is there anything you have to tell me?" My tone is rude.
Lucy looks at me through her glasses and her long eyelashes.
"Ahm, yes, I forgot to tell you but I'm going to London for-for Thanksgiving."
+ +
It's weird how the days slip through my fingers, the week with Lucy was quite distracted between school and stuff. Now she talks more with my friends and the boys are more comfortable around her. Mandy still intimidated by my presence but we exchanged a few words. I hate Ryan and Marcel and none of them talks to Lucy. And Cassie still doesn't talk with Lucy, that girl is really stupid, she's Lucy's best friend how can she still be mad at Lucy? Cassie needs to get over it what Lucy did.
I can't believe it is almost Thanksgiving. I don't have plans but Lucy does. Right now I'm taking her to the airport, is not far from the city, just 45 minutes I think.
Her hair is pulled back in a ponytail, a scarf covering her neck and she's wearing a green jacket. She's also using my shirt and I wonder if she's going to burn it when she finds out the truth.
The radio starts playing a new song, I recognize it right away and I turn up the volume a bit.
"Hey, it's your song" I say with a smile and Lucy imitates me as soon as she recognizes the music.
"Yes, yes it is."
The Beatles are on the radio with the song Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. It's so weird to hear the Beatles on the radio but I'm glad because it's one of my favorite bands and deserves to be played because it is a classic.
"My mom chose my name for this song."
"Your name is Lucinda"
"My mom wanted Lucy but my father thought Lucinda sounded more mature."
"Your parents liked the Beatles?"
"Oh yes, they were like hippies and they love those things about peace and that type of philosophy, they were always in protest and stuff."
"Did they do drugs?"
Lucy laughs and nods. "Yes, they did."
"Wow" I exclaimed and she chuckles again. "So they chose your name for this song that the Beatles basically composed under the influence of LSD."
"Exactly, but the song was inspired by the drawing of Lennon's son."
"Yes, it was but in my opinion they were all drugged but is an interesting fact"
"I know," She nods. "I like the Beatles."
"Me too."
The minutes left for the airport we spent singing the song, we laugh a little for the lyrics of the song because basically it is a hallucination, it's really weird and psychedelic. I like the fact that my girl has the name of a song as good as this.
"What?" I whisper to myself, thinking about my last thought. My girl, that doesn't sound right.
"Did you say something?" I hear her voice but I shake my head.
Like always the airport is full of people and mainly on this date. I help Lucy with her little luggage and we walked through the parking lot.
The weather today is like sad, the sky is gray and looks like it might rain. The air is cold and I feel like its slowly taking away the heat from my face.
It is difficult to walk through the crowd but is not so hard to find the gates from Lucy's flight. We got here early so we still have 20 minutes.
We have Wednesday off and our school gives us a break until Monday. Lucy is leaving for 6 days, I really can't believe she's going to miss school on Monday, but she hasn't seen her father so I understand her situation, besides her flight will last about nine hours.
I'm tired as fuck, I cannot believe that I'm awake at 8am. Today we didn't have classes and my plans was sleeping all day but I'm here and for her.
She bought some pancakes and we sat down to eat while waiting for her flight.
I find really odd that Lucy's mother is not here, maybe she is working at the hospital but I still think she should have been here. I think that because something in Lucy is not right, something is bothering her. She looks lost; her gaze is on the pancakes or the floor. Maybe I'm imagining it but that's how I see her right now.
I squeeze her hand gently and she smiles but I feel like is not an honest smile.
"Is everything all right?" I ask and she nods.
"I'm just tired."
"Me too"
"Sorry you had to come"
"No problem," I'd rather be sleeping but I sincerely enjoy being here with her. "It really is fun"
"You think so?"
"Yes," I say before chewing my pancake. "So what are your plans there?"
"I don't know, just be with my father and brother. Go out, walk around London and I don't know"
"Great. When was the last time you saw your father?"
"Since last summer"
"Ah, I see."
"What are your plans Harry?"
"I have nothing to do, I think I'll be alone," I shrug.
"What?" She asks stunned.
"My friends will go home and they have their own plans."
"Your mother hasn't called you?"
"I don't see my mother since we met her at the supermarket." And that was a month ago.
Lucy's face changed and her lips parted. "Oh, Harry... I--"
"It doesn't matter" I cut her off right away, I don't like to talk about this. "Maybe she will call me or maybe not."
"What, um, what about your father?"
"I don't think he's here, he works a lot."
"What does he do for living?"
"He's a lawyer and has his Law Firm and he's also a university professor."
"Oh I see" She nods, analyzing my answers. "Sorry Harry--"
"It's okay," I cut her off again, I don't mean to be rude but I really don't want anyone's pity.
"If I could I would stay with you" Her fingers make circle in the palm of my hand and I see a smile on her face and the honesty in her voice. It's Lucy, I know if she could she would do it.
"That's very sweet, thank you" Like if it was naturally I kiss her forehead and for a few seconds I blinked confused by my reaction.
We heard through the speakers announcing some flights, Lucy looks at her ticket and tells me that this is her flight. She gives me her pancakes and we headed to the international gates.
I hadn't realized until now that Lucy is leaving. I don't know what to think about it but I feel that something is not right with this. My heart tightens in my chest but I decide to ignore the feeling.
We stop at the international gates, is a bit annoying because there are too much people.
"I guess it's-it's goodbye," she says.
"It's a see you soon" I say right away because that's the truth, 'goodbye sounds like forever and she can't leave forever.
"Are you going to miss me Harry?" She asks and her face expression changes. She looks a little insecure, fragile yet expectant and curious about my answer.
"Yes," I think I will, most of the days I have been with her so it will be a little weird not to share with Lucy.
"Fine, because I'm going to miss you" She smiles, more lively. "You can call me if--"
"I will," I assure her but I don't know if I will.
"Okay," her smile widens and her expression is really tender.
My eyes focus on her face and something it's different. Her ponytail definitely makes her face looks different and I can see clearly every single detail and save it in my mind.
"Well, um, I really have to-to go" She shrugs and I can't help but chuckle for her reaction. She is funny, or at least her expressions, but I don't think she realizes that.
"Fine Lucy, I'll let you go" I say as I lean towards her.
It was supposed to be a short kiss but as soon as my lips connect with hers a strange electricity travels down my spine. She stands on tiptoe and one of her arms wraps around my neck to keep me close. I smirk for her bold move and she does the same.
The kiss feels different, the way she moves her lips or the way her tongue timidly finds mine is different. I cupped her cheek and with the other hand I pull her towards me.
Somehow it feels so intimate, so secret but so good and for a moment I swear I didn't hear anything around me, felt like me and Lucy and this kiss.
"Harry" She let out a sigh of pleasure and the simple sound shakes my body and overwhelms me. I think Lucinda had never said my name in this way. I want to hear it again but this is definitely not the place and is not the time and maybe it will never be.
We pulled away and I looked straight into her eyes. I don't know why but I feel like she's leaving and she is not coming back and like this is goodbye. It's a bit sad but I can't understand why I feel this way, is ridiculous because she will return. Lucy doesn’t break eye contact and the new vision I have of her eyes is beautiful, she is beautiful.
It feels like an eternity until we heard through the speakers that voice again, calling Lucy's flight. She looks down and grabs her luggage.
"I'll see you soon okay?" She tells me but Lucy looks a little sad.
"Enjoy London and have fun"
"I will," She smirks. "Goodbye Harry" She gives me a quick kiss on the lips and then she almost ran to the international gates. I blink a few times and my fingers touch my lips. I look like a fool standing here.
She looks at me once more before entering and disappearing from my sight.
She is gone and I'm not gonna see her for 6 days. It feels like freedom but is a bitter freedom. It is like going back to my old life, before Lucy. It's weird but at the same time it is an opportunity, a chance to enjoy my freedom. I'm really sorry she's gone, I really am, but hey it's my life so let’s start the party!
1-What do you guys think Harry is going to do on his "days of freedom"?
2 - How do you think this is going to end? What do you think Harry will do? I'm curious about your theories.
the picture on the side is not mine I just put the polaroid effect hehe. but it's really cute and AAH THE FEELS.
love you guys, thanks for reading this. xx
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