Chapter 51
Hi, i'm so sorry you guys but I was so busy! Well I hope you like it :) and idk any question you know where to find me. (My ask is on my bio.) xoxo, gossip girl..
The nerves increase within me as the officer approaches to our car. This is not right, not at all. Why Harry?
What do we do? What will Harry do? He knows he is in big trouble and he looks so calm, I blame the alcohol and its effects.
The officer tapped gently with his knuckles at Harry's window and, he lowers the window and the officer observes us.
"What's up?" He says calmly. How can he say that!?
"Good afternoon, you were driving at a speed that is not allowed and crossed a red light."
"I think you are wrong," Harry grinned and I grabbed his hand. He needs to stop, he cannot do that.
"No sir. I need your license and car documents." He commands.
The police officer is young, he must be new, with black hair and blue eyes, white skin and he's tall like Harry.
"Boring" Harry whispered and reached into his pocket and took his license.
"And the documents?" He raised an eyebrow, he looks a bit impatient.
"Little Lucy the documents are in the glove compartment" Harry points. I opened it with trembling hands and I give him the papers.
The officer must have already smelled Harry's alcohol breath; I still don't understand why he hasn't said anything.
I don't know what to do, I'll have to go with Harry, I hope Mike or my mother don't find out because they are not going to like it at all. My mother is a easy-going person but Harry and jail or whatever that might happen to him doesn't fit on the same sentence. Mike doesn't like Harry so with this will be the end of a potential good relationship between the two.
He checks the documents and license and then gives it to Harry.
"Last thing, sir, please get off the car." He says seriously and I don't know what to do.
"What? Why? "Harry said innocently.
"Please get out of the car."
Harry rolls his eyes but obeys. The police pull out the handcuffs and I bite my lip. It makes me feel really bad, I want to do something but is like I don't exist, the officer barely looked at me.
Once Harry is out of the car they exchange glances. Their faces are serious but in two seconds both burst out laughing, out loud. I stare at them completely blankly. What did I miss? What is happening?
"You should have seen your face!" The policeman laughs. I blinked several times and I still don't believe what is happening. Harry and the officer are laughing...I thought the officer was going to arrest Harry or maybe do a breathalyzer?
"Good joke" Harry bumps fists with the officer in greeting. "Lucy this is Jamie."
"Hi, nice to meet you" He smiles and I don't understand anything. "Girlfriend?" Harry nods. "Um, what happened with E-?
"Lucy, Jamie is a cop!" Harry interrupted, his fingers sliding down his neck.
"I ... I can see it" It was all I said.
"I really was going to give you a ticket Styles and take off your license but I couldn't help but laugh."
"I know, me neither."
"This was fun but I gotta go" Jamie sighed. "Harry please don't drive under the influence of alcohol again, another police might catch you and I can't help you and you know that." He says and pats Harry's shoulder.
"I know, I know, sorry"
"Jesus, what did you drink?"
"Jack Daniel's, my best friend " Harry smiles and Jamie does the same.
"Jack Daniel's, good memories."
"Yeah, me too, we have to repeat that." Jamie nods and Harry gets in the car.
"See you" He says goodbye and I see him make his way back to his patrol car.
Harry chuckles and shakes his head while turning the engineer. I rest my back against the backrest and I buckle my seatbelt. My mind still doesn't work well and is difficult to process what happened.
"Are you okay little Lucy?"
"That was ... it was weird."
"Jamie is just ..." Harry trailed off when he realizes my definition of-weird-"Oh, yeah it was weird. I'd be like you if I didn't know anything."
"Um," I watch the speedometer and Harry is driving normally. That's a relief.
"I don't know how I'm doing this; I really want to get home." He said more to himself than to me.
"Want me to drive?"
"You don't have a license." He answered simply.
"And you are--"
"We're almost there, don't be annoying."
I sigh and rubbed my temples.
"Isn't that illegal?"
"What Jamie did."
"Yeah, so?"
"Is not right Harry, what happens if they catch you or catch him?"
"They won't, it was just this once."
Harry parked his car a bit abrupt and I don't know how we didn't crash with a tree on the way home or how we are not dead. I cannot believe I have got into a car with him in that state, but this just show once again how much I care about him and this time is not an exception because I risked my life.
"You could have left me at home," I whispered and he got out of the car.
"What for?" He says before closing the door. I imitate him. "You have something to do?"
"Ahm, no, I mean yes, studying for example."
"Boring" He rolled his eyes and walked home.
"What are we going to do?"
Must be around 7 pm, the sun does not shine with the same intensity and the colors of the sky are slowly fading.
The lights from Harry's house are off, that makes me feel nervous because the last time we were alone...well, that thing happened and I don't want to do it, not now.
"I don't know, I want to sleep" He yawns and opens the door.
"Sleep, are you deaf?"
"No, no, but you brought me here so you can sleep?"
"Sleep with me then" He shrugged.
Sleeping with him means Harry with no shirt, me next to him, hugging and the silence and his slow breathing. Sounds like a good plan to me.
"I can sleep and you can watch TV."
"I don't see the point to do that," I say as I follow him upstairs.
"Why not?" Harry takes off his shirt once he walks in his room and throws the fabric on his desk. "Finally" He falls on the bed face down and sighs. "Lucy, could you get me a glass of water? I'm dying. "
"Yeah, sure."
I do what he asked me and a minute later I'm back in his room. I hand the glass and I sit on the edge of the bed. Harry's shirtless and with gray pajama pants.
"Thank you" he says with his lips on the glass. "I need a nurse" Harry groaned, flopping on the bed.
"You are not sick."
"Duh, still." Harry closed his eyes and we immerse ourselves in silence. "I'm going to puke."
I get up quickly and I think I should bring something for help him.
Harry laughs, watching my expression. "It's a joke"
"Ha-Ha, I was worried."
"Like always." He rolls his eyes. "My mother would never do that for me," he says a bit absent and he rolls in bed, his back to me.
"Clean your vomit?" I want to laugh, this sounds funny but apparently Harry is talking seriously.
"Worry, care about me." He responds after a few seconds.
In two seconds the whole conversation has changed, the weather feels different and sad. I feel sorry, I really feel very bad. Parents are the most important in one's life, we grow with them, we expect everything from them. Parents are the ones that shape us, create us, and mold us. Their love and support is critical and necessary since childhood, without that there are consequences once we are teenagers and in our lives as adults. We all need someone who cares about us, someone who need us.
I don't know what to say. I bite my lower lip and I feel completely useless.
"Lay with me" Harry says and turns around, facing me. There is a small smile on his lips but is not a happy smile or the smile he always has.
"Ahm, you sure you don't want to throw up?" I asked, watching him.
"Lay with me" He repeat, closing his eyes.
I get rid of my shoes, I leave my glasses on the nightstand and I curl up next to him. He's sweating a bit, even though it's getting cold, and the smell of alcohol is not as toxic but I can still smell it.
I wanted to hide under the sheets but Harry's body radiates heat enough to keep me comfortable.
My head rests on the pillow and my breath tickles his collarbone while Harry has his chin on my head.
The atmosphere was calm again, everything is serene and silent. I was not tired but suddenly I feel the urge to sleep. My eyes slowly closed even If I try to fight against that. Harry's arms are comfortable and I can't help but feeling safe.
With my fingers I draw one of the two Swallows painted under Harry's collarbone. It is beautiful and perfectly made and drawn.
"I'm trying to sleep," Harry mutters when I kiss the swallow.
"What are you talking about?"
"The swallows, what does it mean?" I whispered.
"It's very symbolic tattoo, it has different meanings. It all started with... "He stops to yawn. "With sailors, these birds were the first sign that land is near. To a sailor the swallow means they are safe and sound."
"I didn't know that."
"Interesting, isn't it?" I nodded and waited for him to continue, he still hadn't answered my question. "It's a symbol of freedom, hope, spirit of adventure and love."
"Love? Why?"
"The swallows choose a partner for life."
"Wow." I said impressed, I didn't know that either.
"It is very sweet and I think that tattoo has lost meaning because people don't choose a partner for life anymore."
"Those were the days" I spoke and we nodded. "Harry is really beautiful."
"So why did you choose it? If it wasn't for the meaning of lo-love"
"For the spirit of adventure and freedom and because I liked the idea about the swallows and the partner for life but mostly for freedom."
"Nice," I stated and I felt Harry's lips on my forehead. "Even though you were almost arrested today it was fun."
"It was a funny joke" Harry chuckles a bit and his body shakes. "You should have seen your face."
"I was worried."
"As always," he sighed.
"But it's good right?"
"It's good that I worry about you..."
"Yeah, I guess, I really appreciate Lucy" I lift my face and give him a kiss on the chin. "You're so sweet."
"I don't think so."
Harry tilted his head to look at me and then laughs. His laughter fills my ears and the sound makes my heart happy.
"Are you joking?" I shook my head. "I think sweet and tender defines you."
I wrinkled my nose. "I was expecting it to be rude," I joked and he laughed.
"In your dreams Lucy" Harry stretched his muscles, letting me go and then ruffled his hair. "You look good without glasses."
"Can you see?"
"Yes, I can but it is a little difficult it bothers me sometimes." I answered before grabbing my glasses. Harry sat on the bed and I did the same. "You look like a ghost Harry."
"Yes, I always do after drinking a lot" He sighed and looked at me for a moment, then shook his head.
"What," I asked curiously.
"It's nothing. I can't sleep, you want to watch TV?"
The idea of watching TV is not as attractive but if I stop and I add the fact I will be next to Harry, in his arms, breathing his aroma and just feeling his chest rise and fall with each breath sounds much better right?
"Sure Harry" I nodded before falling onto his arms.
I hate math, this is horrible. I chew the tip of my pen and looked around. I would like to say that there are unfamiliar faces but I know this people. The same faces since I'm here, new people has come like Lucy but basically same faces.
When the teacher writes on the board a few exercises I dedicate my time to do it. I hate math but that doesn't mean I suck at it. I do the exercises, once I finish I support my back against the seat and my hands resting on my neck.
The teacher walks over to my table and glares at me to see that I finished. She hates me, I know she wants me to fail but is not going to happen.
I know Lucy love this so I prefer not to tell her about math or any other things about numbers and that shit.
Speaking of Lucy I've been thinking a lot about her. It all started on Friday. I was frustrated, angry and feeling guilty, I was drinking to forget. Lucy is definitely not my only problem but it is the major now. I just need to forget everything and do what I have to do.
I rest my face in my hands and sighed.
It's like torture. If I only could have chosen another girl, it could have been anyone but the Taylor had to choose Lucinda and Lucy had to be there that night. It would have been easier if the girl had been one of the bitches from school, those types of girls that likes to act with innocence. They should get what they deserve.
From: Lucy.
Do you think we can have lunch together?
I don't know why but I read this and I imagine her stutter. I smile like a stupid and type a message.
To: Lucy.
Yeah, sure, I'll be outside your class.
The teacher writes another five exercises and I get distracted by copying them to my notebook. A minute later Lucy sends another message.
From: Lucy.
Okay, you know where I am?
To: Lucy.
I kept my phone in my pocket and I finished the exercises. I pulled out a paper from my bag and checked her schedule. I got this from the principal's office because I was bored, curious and I didn't want to ask to Lucy of any of her friends.
"Ahm, excuse me." I heard a female voice and I look up.
The girl that is sitting in front of me is looking at my notebook.
"How did you do this exercise?" She pointed to my notebook.
"Ask the teacher."
"She's a little scary, I thought you could--"
"You thought wrong, bye." I look down, back to the paper.
Honestly I don't like anyone in this class and I'm glad to be sitting alone. In other classes I sit with my friends, the only difference is in chemistry when I'm with Lucy. I wasn't really happy when I started to sit with her but now it's fun, the time runs and she makes me like more chemistry. I thought it was impossible but I was wrong.
I chewed the pen tip and checked the time on my phone. I grabbed my stuff and walked to the teacher.
"There are still 10 minutes and I'm finished everything can I go?"
She checked my notebook, tried to find a mistake but she couldn't. She gave me the notebook and nodded reluctantly.
I wanted slam the door just for fun but I decided to do it on the next time. I send a message to Louis and I keep my phone in my jeans.
Lucy's classroom is not that far, I walked a few aisles and I rest my back against a locker near to her door.
I kill time playing on the phone until it vibrates because I have a new message.
I would throw the phone out the window as soon as I saw who sent it, but I am used to this.
From: Emily.
What's up bastard?
I smile at her words.
To: Emily.
Nothing new here in America, what about you?
From: Emily.
Killing time. Actually I'm smoking; these guys know how to have fun.
I tense at the word 'guys'. I don't know why Emily does this, she always liked to provoke me.
To: Emily.
I hope you choke in your own saliva.
From: Emily
That was so mean Harry. I hope you cant have an erection;)
To: Emily.
And you an orgasm ;)
From: Emily
That would be very bad, orgasms are the best, I think that you and I both know very well about it.
Oh yes, we know.
I smile and I write a message.
"Hi Harry" I heard Lucy's and I almost dropped the phone.
She was in front of me, with her hanging bag in one shoulder and with her hair tied in a ponytail. Her face was clear and the color of her cheeks and lips are quite lovely.
Time to act.
"Hey how did it go?"
I throw my phone back to my pocket and I slid one of my arms around her shoulder.
"I feel bad, I almost fell asleep in history class." I feel her arm around my waist and she rests her head on me.
"Falling asleep in class is the best, you should try."
"I would never do that, it's disrespectful."
"So? Who cares about the teachers? "
"I do" Of course she does.
Today is pizza day so the cafeteria is full and everyone is happy because it is pizza day, even Lucy looks happy. A smile is decorating her face and she's showing her teeth, white and perfects.
"Did you use brackets?" I ask while we wait on the line.
"Yes, I did and it hurts ... a lot." She purses her lips. "My mom paid a lot, she didn't like my teeth and at the end me either."
"Why? I suppose people bothered you, right? "
"Yes, some of my old school mates laughed at me but then bothered me even more when I was using brackets. I really didn't want to use them but my mother didn't like it, she was always saying horrible things and at the end I felt too bad and I had to"
I don't answer as I analyze her words. I realize that she hasn't stuttered and what her mother told her. I feel bad, her mom should have complained enough to make her feel that way. Sometimes parents have no idea how much words mean to a son.
"Niall also used braces" That's all I can think to say.
"I knew it, his teeth are perfect"
We paid our lunches and I'm very hungry once we sit at the table with my friends.
"You're gonna choke on it," Liam said as I bite my pizza.
"It's delicious," I said while chewing food.
"What's up Lucy?" Louis says, supporting his elbow on the table. She looks at him surprised. She's sitting in front of me and next to Louis.
I'm so angry with him and Zayn, in fact I haven't spoken to them because we argue the day Lucy paid Zayn's debt. They are so stupid, so immature; I really want to beat them. Breaking the trays in their head sounds like a good idea.
"I'm fine ..." Her voice was barely audible. She wiped her lips with a napkin and said, "And you?"
She is always so polite. Emily wouldn't do the same; she would break the trays on their faces. They deserve it but Lucy is too naive, innocent, silly or good to do something about it.
"Yeah, I'm fine.Hey! I have a magic trick, wanna see it? "
"Ahm, su-sure."
"Nothing in my hands" Louis opens the palm of his hands and he shows it to Lucy, she nods and then look up to him. "There is nothing in sight but I think there is something in your ear" Louis slips his fingers through Lucy's ear and into her hair and then pulls a small silver square package. "A condom!" He says, raising his hand. I hear the chuckle of Niall and Liam.
Lucy touches her ear and then looks at me embarrassed.
"I can feel the sexual tension between you two" He throws the condom in the middle of the table. "Use it"
"Idiot" Zayn and I say at the same time and then we exchanged glances.
"Can you teach me how?" Niall asked once he finished eating.
"Maybe, what I get in return?"
"Please a tampon please" Liam smiled.
"That's a great idea Liam!" Louis smiles back and then looks at Lucy. "Are you going to use that condom or what? Wait, do you even know what is it? "
"Un-Birth control"
"Very well, very well. Have you ever seen a penis in your life? Because let me tell you that Harry's penis it's going to smack you because it's huge. "Lucy choked on her pizza and her face turns red.
"Shut up Louis, your jokes are not funny" I frown at him and I approached Lucy to pat her back.
"You are not funny anymore" He rolls his eyes. "We need to go back to the old days."
Thinking about the old days makes me anxious and worry. I think old-time refers to when Emily was here or when we used to be just five. Those were the days but it was too much distortion and destruction. All we did was to be stoned all day. Even Liam, he's the most responsible. I think he was the first to end up on the floor.
I don't know if I want that but if I think a little better I miss those days and I miss Emily too.
+ +
"And what do you want to see?" Lucy question with her laptop on her lap.
"Everything but romantic."
"Okay, I'm not in the mood of something romantic."
"Something scary?"
"Yeah, sounds good" She searched on her laptop and the screen was projected on her TV.
"Or maybe some comedy," I said with my eyes on my phone.
From: Emily.
What are you doing?
To: Emily.
I'm going to watch a movie.
From: Emily
You NEVER watch movies, what is wrong with you?
To: Emily
I changed, I'm another man and now I stay at home and watch boring movies.
From: Emily
Yeah, sure, what happened with my wild animal? hahaha
To: Emily.
It's right here ;)
From: Emily
I know he is there.
"Harry?" Lucy spoke, catching my attention.
"I was playing," I smiled innocent and she pointed to the screen. "Scary movie?"
"I think it's great"
"Let me find a movie" I'm sit on the floor and Lucy handed me her laptop. I search for a movie and I put 'play'.
"What are we going to watch?" She says when we got back to the couch.
"I heard it was good, 21 and over, you'll like it." She nodded and lay down on the couch, resting her head on my lap.
I think Lucy is the only girl in the 21st century that takes seriously the idea of "watching a movie". What does it mean for our generation? Having sex, simple as that. I mean who would waste their time watching a movie when you can have sex? Just Lucy.
Anyway it's a fun movie, is about a boy who turns 21 and his friends want to spend an unforgettable night.
We laugh sometimes, Lucy seems to enjoy it and I do too. I usually don't waste my time on this. I remember when I went to Marcel's house because Lucy was there, and it was all part of the plan. It was so boring but now it looks much fun.
When the movie is about to end Lucy is sitting next to me, her knees are bent and her head is resting on my shoulder. Our hands are intertwined and I don't even know how that happened.
"Harry, what's that?" Lucy points to my left arm, straight to the tattoo around the inside of my wrist.
"A tattoo" I said and this is the most obvious thing in the world.
"Let me see" Her little fingers slide on my wrist. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."She reads and then looks up. "Wow. Who said this? "
"Martin Luther King"
"This is really deep Harry, it's beautiful," She says, stroking my wrist.
"You think?"
"Yes, yes. Do you believe in this? Love can win against hate?"
"I don't know. This was my first tattoo and I just wanted to piss off my parents. Martin Luther King is a fighting man, he deserves so much respect and writing a sentence was cheap so I chose that," She smiles at my last words but nods.
"So it doesn't have any meaning for you?"
"Not yet, but it is important because it was my first tattoo."
"I see." She nods. "I really liked it Harry."
"I also have this" I showed the other wrist that was also marked with ink.
"How I never saw this?" Lucy smiled and I couldn't help feeling infected by the strange but lovable happiness she was feeling. "Only in the darkness can you see the stars." She read and then there is silence. She looked very concentrated the tattoo as her fingers touched my skin.
"This does have a meaning," I admitted, breaking the silence.
"I'm trying to find out," she whispered.
"Go ahead."
"Um ... it's sad," I nod and she continues, "like nostalgic and really sounds..."
"Solitary?" She nods at my word. "It is."
"Have you ever felt this way?"
"Being in the dark and see the stars?"
"Always. You are constantly struggling with problems, some more serious than others and somehow we always fall into the dark, it's up to us to see the stars. "
"Possibilities" Lucy whispers, her eyes on me.
"Exactly, light represents the possibilities and solutions. I see it this way: The dark are the problems, is when you sink deep, it's really sad and lonely, but when you see the stars things get better. Sometimes you need to fall hard into darkness to see the light. "
More silence.
Her eyes are on the tattoo and then up to me.
"What ... what you say was..." She started talking and I tucked a lock behind her ear. "Harry was a great analysis, it was real." I don't understand exactly what she means but I nod. "The tattoo is-is great on so many levels and is very well done and..." She stops and I notice that her eyes have changed like her voice. I think she is going to cry.
"Lucy what happened?" I asked worried and she shakes her head.
"I think it's a phrase that-that represents me" I wipe a tear that was falling from her eye. "Sometimes I feel like that or when my parents divorced I felt so horrible."
I know about her problem with her parents and it hurts, I can notice, it's obvious. But she used the word 'sometimes', what does that mean? Is Lucy unhappy? I never stopped to think about it, she always looks normal, not smiling all day but not sad. I cannot imagine Lucy being unhappy; it really makes me feel worse than I already do.
"Worse than that" Her revelation is like a stab to me.
She blinks and tears falling down her cheeks. I don't know why but I can't stand it. I pull her body to me and I wrap my arms around her. Her body is small and fits perfectly against mine.
I know exactly what she's talking and I know exactly how she feels. This is the only thing that brings us together: Our parents. Uncomprehending, irresponsible, careless. Is the worst that can happen, the feeling of being abandoned.
"Sorry, I didn't want to cry," She says once she pulls away from the hug. I felt the lack of her warmth but I erase that thought.
"Okay," I wipe the last tears from her face.
"I'm so dumb" She bites her lower without looking at me.
"Of course you're not." I told her but I think she ignored me.
"It's the best phrase I've read in my entire life," Lucy admits, her flushed cheeks.
"I know, is my favorite and ... and um, also represents me." The smile on her face disappears a bit and I know she understands this is a difficult issue for me as it is for her.
"Good to know" She murmurs and kisses my wrist.
"I thought you should know ..."
Lucy is smart; I didn't have to say because she already knows.
"Thanks Harry" Her head rests on my shoulder and her hair smells good. I stroke her back and we stayed for a few minutes as well.
It feels good, it's strange but it feels right, like we were meant to be here and now.
This silence only helps me to think, to think about Lucy and about everything we do. Clearly it is unlike anything that I usually do, I hate to do new things and try to change but share this time with her somehow helps me, makes me feel good but worse.
A mixture of feelings, that's the way you could define everything that happens.
My phone vibrates in my pocket and I take it out, Lucy doesn't move.
From: Emily.
Hey bastard, are you counting the days to my return?
"Harry what are you doing?" I heard her voice and my eyes find hers and I kept my phone.
"Nothing, just a message from Louis." She nodded and rubbed her eyes with the sleeves of her sweater.
"Oh, sorry, did you answer him?"
"No, he can wait."
I think it's the first time I don't answer a message from Emily right away, I honestly don't want to do it or maybe it's for the fact that Lucy is beside me.
"And what do you want to do?" I ask, sliding a hand through my hair.
"Um, um, um" Lucy hums while she's thinking. "Can you kiss me?" She inquires embarrassed, batting her eyelashes at me.
I honestly want to laugh because it sounded so sweet and because these are not words she usually says.
I choose to obey because she is not a bad kisser. I cupped my hands on her face and I kiss her. Her breath is warm and her tongue is perfect mixed with mine. Somehow this kiss is slow, soft and...romantic and that makes me nervous.
I try to bring her closer to me and Lucy understood my message. She moves on the couch and ends sitting on my lap. I smile against her lips because I was not expecting that.
A strange feeling takes over my body and spreads all over my chest. Is welcome, it is comfortable and new. I don't let me think about that but her lips are burning against mine and I feel like I need more, I need more of Lucy.
When we parted Lucinda licks her lips, and that makes me even more nervous, and she looks at me through her glasses.
There is not much light coming into her house. Her hair is slightly messy and her lips are pink as her cheeks.
"I was thinking about your tattoo and I think ... I think you're a star, a star that appeared in my darkness, in my life and I'm ... I'm grateful."
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