Chapter 50

Chapter 50



Lucy offered to pay for those idiots, now we need to find them. The only person I know here is Lana, so I have no choice but to go to her.

"What do you want Styles?" Lana smiles, watching me and Lucy. Her eyes met our hands and then up at me, looking completely surprised. "Hey, I'm Lana" She stretched her hand to Lucy.

"Hi, ahm, I'm Lucy" She says as she shakes her hands with Lana.

It's weird to see those two together but it would be more weird if it were Lucy and Emily shaking hands.

"Where is Zayn and Louis?"

"In Kevin's office, he didn't look very happy."

"What? An office? Since when? "

"It's new, is in the pool room."


We walked down the dark hallway, cigarette smoke is toxic, is everywhere and forming a large cloud of gray. There are some men leaning against the hallway with blank stares or talking to each other.

We walk through the pool tables and I spotted Kevin's office. There is a small black door and a man leaning against the wall next to it. I know it's not the bathroom, they should be there.

"You can't enter," The man said placing his hand against the door.

"My friends are inside."

"Wait a second" He opens the door and enters. I saw no light, everything was dark. What's in there?

A few seconds later the man opens the door and lets us in, without saying a word.

Everything is dark inside but I can see a small glimmer down the hall. Lucy gently squeezes my hand as we walk to our destination.

There is a small white door. We stop in front of it and I knock.

"Harry this is a little scary," she whispers.

"We'll be fine, don't worry Lucy" I affirm.

Someone opens the door, another burly and tall man, he must be about 35 years. He's looking at us and makes a gesture with his head to enter. This is not good, two men, well muscled.

Kevin's office is not that big. A sofa, some shelves with "books", a desk and a table to play. I see my friends sitting, serious faces and Zayn's lips is bleeding. Kevin gets up from the chair with a smile. He has dark hair, tall, pale, wide-eyed and thin because of drugs.

"Hey Harry! How are you? "Kevin greets us with energy, as if nothing were happening.

He has a wound on the cheek and his lips are a little swollen.


"Who is she? What's up baby? "Kevin smirks to Lucy and her free hand hold onto my arm. "What? No name? "He laughs at her silence.

"Lucy, that's her name." I answer for her; I guess Kevin looks intimidating.

"Lucy! What a lovely name! Like that Beatles song, I love it. "His smile widens and he can't stop moving his hands. Yes, he is definitely high. "You want some?" He pulls out a small bag of white powder from his pocket.

"No, we're good." I answer without expression.

"What about you honey?" He looks at Lucy with his ​​eyes dilated.

"No, thanks." Her voice is weak and I stroke her knuckles to see if she calms down. I want to embrace her because she looks like a little girl. To be honest Kevin looks scary when he's high and this situation is not safe.

"So what brings you here?"

"We know that Zayn owns you something so we are here to pay you." I spoke, looking at my friends and then Kevin.

"Really?" He laughs and walks to the table.

"What?" Zayn raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, you heard me." I growled.

"And how much?"


"Sounds good to me," Kevin reached his hand to us.

I looked at Lucy and she was quick to take the money out of her purse.

"What? You have got to be kidding me. "Louis said and he didn't try to hide his irritation.

"The girl is paying, interesting." Kevin looks at Lucy, almost fascinated by the effects of the drug. "What are you doing in my bar honey? You look like the type of girl who stays at home. "

"She's with me" I said, jumping into the conversation immediately.

"Really?" He laughs but there is no emotion in his eyes. "I'm not surprised Styles, another slut? But classy because she's using a sweater"

"What the fuck did you say?" In two seconds my hands are on Kevin's neck and I'm ready to strangle him. I think Lucy gasps but I don't look at her, the rage is pumping through my body.

"Get your hands off kid," the guard said, burying his fingers on my shoulder. The pain is immediately, I feel as if he was about to break my bone so unfortunately I obey.

I start a fight right now but I remember that Lucy is here.

I turned to look at her and she's almost shocked. In one hand she has the money and the other is covering her mouth. Her eyes look frightened at me and then at Kevin and the guard. We are not in danger, I won't let anything happen because Lucy is here.

"The money" Kevin ordered, stretching his hand to Lucinda.

 Kevin gives her a slightly terrifying smile before grabbing the money.

"Not bad," he says as he counts the bills. "I think we're done here."

"That's all?" I asked.

"Yes, your friends gave me this" He takes out a little bag with about 15 pills. "I think it pays the debt."

"Can I ask you a favor?"

"Tell me Styles" Kevin walks to the table and grabbed a bottle.

"Don't let Zayn come back here please."

"What?" Zayn exclaimed indignantly.

"Shut up," I ordered. We are here for his own damn fault, for his fucking gambling addiction.

"Yes, no problem Harry." Kevin says before swallowing the pill.

"At least can we end this game?" Zayn says, grabbing his cards.

"Are you kidding? Let's go"I grunt, I won't tolerate this.

For a second everything is silent and then Zayn and Louis exchanged glances before getting up from their seats. We don't say goodbye to Kevin.

"See ya" Louis says when we are out of the office and back on the bar.

"Okay." I can feel the tension between us, clearly they are not happy for what Lucy did.

"Goodbye" Zayn waved before walking away with Louis.

What I really want to do now is grab both of them and smack their stupid faces. I know they are immature, stupid and annoying but I never thought they would be ungrateful.

I knew this would happen. I feel bad for Lucy.

Frustrated, I rub my forehead and I feel Lucy's hand squeezing mine.


"Harry, what do we do now?"

"I'm tired, I'll take you home okay?"

"Okay." She accepted it and we headed to the exit.

When she gets in the car she's pretty quiet, I thought she would be frightened or shocked by the fact that I almost strangled Kevin but she looks calm.

"Why are you so calm? I mean, I almost strangle Kevin and start a fight. "

"I don't know," she sighed. "It's weird bu-but I'm getting used to this sort of thing..."

Oh no, don't get used to Lucy.

"I just want to thank you" I spoke, breaking the silence.

"You're welcome."

"You shouldn't have done that with the money, why didn't you keep it?"

"I don't need it Harry" She sighed. "I'm not superficial, I want some books but my mother can give me money."

"I understand, thank you, really."

"You should study; we may have a surprise chemical test." Lucy says as I drive.

"Did the teacher tell you?" I smiled.

"Maybe," She smiled too.

"Okay, I'll think about it." The idea of ​​studying makes me want to sleep.

"Harry, don't be lazy."

"I am not."

"You don't like to study?"

"Is it not obvious?"

"Maybe yes, maybe no" She shrugged. "Your appearance doesn't mean anything, maybe underneath all those tattoos hides a nerd boy like Marcel." She's joking and I like that. Show a small side of Lucy that I'm not used to.

I laughed at the fact I imagine myself as Marcel, a nerd, saint, with a boring life. God, it will never happen.

"I like your laugh" Lucy admits after a few seconds.

My smile disappears for a moment, I wasn't expecting that but I found it very sweet. It makes me feel bad but there's nothing I can do about it.

I like yours too.

"Really? It's horrible "I wrinkled my nose.

"No, it's adorable, makes you look like a baby." Is she still kidding? If it is so I hope she doesn't stop.

"I don't know what to think about your comments." I stifled a smile.

"Neither do I but I had to say it." Lucy shrugged.

"I'm glad you did."

I parked in front of her house and I'm really tired.

"This wasn't so bad."

"Really?" I asked a little surprised.

"Yes, it was new and ... fun."

Lucy looked at me and her gaze is making me nervous. I used to feel uncomfortable because I didn't really know what to talk with her but feeling nervous it's definitely something new. I don't understand why, I have no reason to feel this way in front of her.

"See you tomorrow?" She says while she's cleaning her glasses with the sleeve of her sweater.

She looks good without it, she looks different but I prefer her the way she is.

"Sure Lucy" I smiled. Lucy leaned over to kiss my cheek but I did something that I wasn’t expecting.

This time I grabbed her face and I kissed her. It's a soft kiss and I'm surprised when I feel her small hand on the back of my neck. Her tongue played with mine and her lips are warm.

It feels weird for me; it's not like when it all started. It feels much better, with more feelings and a strange but warm sensation spreads across my chest.

I slide one of my hands inside her shirt and her skin burns against mine. I stroke her back and my other hand cupped her cheek. It's sweet, romantic but it is strange to me. When we parted we both are panting and we look at each other almost in shock.

"Wow." Lucy exclaimed "Um, I-I, bye Harry" She says and gets out of the car.

She almost ran to her house and she waved at me one last time before she closed the door.

I stay there, still breathing heavily. There's something in my head, something that bothers me. I remember feeling this way once and it was with Emily.

I frown and rub my temples, I cannot let this happen. She is not for me and I am not for her. Emily it's for me, Emily is the one. I promised myself that when she left and I won't break that promise.


+ + +




The week flies or should I say that time flies when I'm with Harry,  it's something special between us. I don't know how to explain it but I feel it. Sometimes he was lost or absent but he said he was thinking about his sister and that she has a problem. I wanted to ask him about her but I thought it was none of my business.

It's Friday and Mike picked me and Marcel after school. Harry was not pleased with the idea that I left with Marcel but he reluctantly agreed.

"I never thought you would come back here, it's been a while," Mike says while he's driving.

"Yes, I know, so exciting!" Marcel sang from the back seat.

"Thanks Mike"

"You're welcome Lucy" He smiles.

Mike leaves us in our favorite comic shop and we walked in excited. It's been a while and it feels odd, the air has a different taste.

 Bart, as the character of Simpson like Marcel says, is the owner and he greets us with a smile.

We talked a bit about new stuff that the comic shop has and I lost a lot of things.

"I really want one of those lightsaber from star wars." Marcel says as we contemplate a couple of swords that are hung on a wall.

"They're beautiful," I sigh.

"We should buy it"

"We should." I nodded.

"So wha-what do you say?"

"I don't know Marcel, I don't have the money"

"Your parents are doctors, you have money, that's no excuse."

"I'm not sure, I'd rather spend the money in some comics and maybe those Hulk hands."

"Those gloves are great, and it is actual size" Marcel smiled and I did the same.

"I know!"

We spent an hour at our favorite store. We drank coffee with Bart, we read free comics and bought some for us. At the end Marcel decides to buy the Hulk hands.

"We have a short break for Thanksgiving day, what are you going to do?" Marcel asked when we left the store.

"My father called me today and invited me to London so I can spend some time with him and my brother."

"Oh, I thought you'd stay"

"Sorry," I shrugged.

"And your boyfriend is okay with that?" He inquires, I know there are some intentions behind his words. I try not to talk about Harry, I don't understand why Marcel want to talk about this.

"I knew that just today, I haven't told him." I shrugged. "And what are you going to do?"

"Stay here, I wanted to invite you to my house and I really thought you would come because Harry's mother is invited."

"Oh, no, I didn't know. Harry hasn't told me anything about that."

"My mother knows you're dating Harry."

"What? Why?"

"She found out because of Anne, she doesn't know a lot about you so my mom told her everything."

"What?! " I blushed. God, this is very embarrassing.

"That was the same thing I asked when my mother told me."

"This is so weird," I hide my face in my hands.

"Yes it is, I never thought my friend would be dating my stupid cousin."

"Harry is not stupid" I defended him but I was teasing my friend, I wasn't being aggressive with Marcel.

"Sure he is, I bet he says bad things about me."

"We don't ta-talk about you."

"So what do you talk about? I don't understand what kind of things you could have in common. "

"No, we don't have many things in common but ... but it's just something special."

"Do you talk about something?"

"Of course Marcel!"

"I don’t know, still seems strange to me" He crossed his arms. "For example, you and I we have so much things in common and we know each other for a year, why didn't you liked me?"

His question is straight to the point and makes me feel so uncomfortable.

Marcel is of those people who will always be your friend, we are very similar, I feel he is a male version of me. He has always been like a brother to me, like someone to have fun and to laugh but never beyond that.

Maybe Harry and I have nothing on common but somehow our differences unite us, sometimes is not even about being alike or different. We're just Harry and Lucy, two teenagers, who spend time together, we're a little bit cold, sometimes we are a little distant, we are scared or not used to open up to others and we have our own personal problems but we still like each other. I think that would define us.

"Marcel" I sighed. "You're my friend, you are a great person and sometimes it is much more than having things in common."

"If you're talking about some special sp-spark or fatal attraction I feel that for you"

I look at him with a sad smile and I looked down at my feet. This is horrible, the feeling is not reciprocated, he likes me and I don't. I don't want to make him feel uncomfortable or sad or upset, I never want to feel like Marcel does. Liking or loving someone that doesn’t feel the same.

"That's very sweet but Marcel ... but I—"

"I know you don't like me" He sighed and wiped his glasses with the sleeve of his sweater.

"Sorry?" Honestly I don't know what to say.

"That doesn't help but tha-thanks." He shrugged.

This conversation is in vain and is uncomfortable. I just want to go out with Marcel and act like friends, be the same as before is it too much to ask that?

My cell phone vibrates in my pocket and I take it out of my pocket. It is a message from Harry.

From: Harry.

I'll pick you up.

What!? But I've just spent like two hours with Marcel.

To: Harry.

Why? Anyway you don't know where I am.

A few seconds later my phone rings.

"Is that your boyfriend?" Marcel asks a bit upset.

From: Harry.

That's what you think. Let's do something, I miss you.

The last two words melt my heart, I bite my lower lip and I am about to accept but I remember that Marcel is here beside me.

To: Harry.

Maybe Marcel can go?

"What do you want to do now Lucy? We can play at my house."My friend grinned excitedly.

My cell phone rings in response and Marcel rolls his eyes.


From: Harry.

No way, I'm talking about the two of us, my stupid cousin should go home.

I sighed and typed my response.

To: Harry.

Then I won't go, thanks.

I regret sending the message, maybe Harry will be upset but I'm with Marcel and he can't be that bad with his own cousin.

"So what do we do?" Marcel asked again.

"Want to go for ice cream?"

"I thought you'd never say that" He cheerfully said and one of his arms surrounded my shoulders.

Oh no.

Awkward, awkward.

What do I do? What do I do?

When we walked in the ice cream shop I take some distant from Marcel, like naturally. We ordered ice cream and we sat.

While Marcel speaks I feel a little nervous because Harry didn't answer my message, I'm starting to believe that maybe he is pissed off with me.

"Lucy, ar-are you listening?" Marcel snapped his fingers in front of me.

"Yes, yes, yes," I replied, getting out of my thoughts.

"So you think I should lo-lose my virginity?" He raised an eyebrow.

"What!? No! Why do you say that? "I asked completely confused. What is wrong with him? And why Marcel is talking about this?

"My so-social project, remember?" He sounds upset. "If you can remember something about our friendship..."

Wait, what was that? In two seconds he changed completely. He was being nice and funny, the Marcel I know and now he sounds angry and hurt. Is it because he likes me and I don't feel the same for him or something like that? Oh no, I hope is not that.

"Of course I-I do Marcel, I remember," I sighed. "But why?"

"It's part of my project, it should be things that-that I have to do before I go to college."

"We still have a year."

"I know but I just feel I should do it, don't you think about that too?"

" I have other goals, sex is not on my list."

"Yeah, sure" He rolls his eyes and his attitude bothers me. "Anyway that's what I want to do and I have to find someone." His eyes fell on me a few seconds and that makes me uncomfortable. Maybe I'm hallucinating and there is no intention behind his gaze and words.

"Ahm and-and how will you find it?"

"I don't know, I have to learn how to flirt with girls," he sighed.

"It sounds difficult, maybe you should read a book or search the internet."

"I always do that, for whatever I need," he says excited and I nod.

"Me too!" We laughed like fools and these are the moments that I appreciate, we are just being Lucy and Marcel.

"I know! God bless the internet, one of the best inventions of man."

"I agree with you," I nodded.

"Did you know that Leonardo Da Vinci invented the scissors?"

"What?" Marcel laughed at my expression.

"You should have seen your face! And yes, I know, I was just like you. "

"I don't know if that's true."

"Yeah, maybe you're right. Another thing I learned is that when you hear music and you feel like shivers is because you are releasing dopamine"

"I knew that, amazing right?"

"Yes, yes it is" We sigh then we finished our ice cream.

When the cups are empty I feel more than satisfied, I think I'm going to burst. Marcel is just like me, we're both leaning against the back seat and we smile. I yawn because eating too much always makes me sleepy.

"Lucy they are going t-to kick us soon."

"You think?"

"Yes, we ate and now we are using this space we don't need" Marcel patted his stomach. "It was great."

"I know, I live for ice cream"

"Shall we?"

I nodded. We grabbed our stuff and got up. I felt heavy and tired, I think now I want to go home and sleep in my bed. I guess Marcel can call his mother and she will leave me at home.

"I can barely walk," I said as we slowly walked to the exit.

"I feel you" He said with a smile.

Marcel opens the door of the ice cream shop and I go out and he follows me. There is a black car parked in front of the ice cream shop and I should be blind to not see who is leaning against the passenger door.

"Great," Marcel said sarcastically when he sees his cousin.

Harry looks at us closely, like every move we do. He's frowning and his arms are crossed. One of his foot hits the ground several times, he looks impatient.  His hair looks messy and his face is pale and a thin layer of sweat is covering his forehead.

"Hi Ha-Harry," God, I don't know what else to say.

I'm a mess, my hair is pulled back in a ponytail and I'm wearing a black shirt that I used to wear like as my pajamas and a jacket that was from my brother. The only thing that saves my horrible outfit is Madison's jeans.

"Hey, how's it going?" He grins and talks as if we were kids.

He grabs my hand and gives me a short kiss. No, why?! My mouth must taste like ice cream or something.

Marcel looks at our hands and up to us. For a minute I forgot the fact that he likes me and I think Harry has been a bit cruel.

"I came to pick you up," Harry said but it sounds more like an order.

"Bu-But I'm with Marcel ..."

"So? I don't care "He shrugged and his breath reaches my nose. Alcohol. His eyes look a little lost and I can tell the difference between when he's sober and drunk.

"If she wants to stay ..." Marcel is interrupted by Harry's laugh. "Yo-You should let her stay with me." Marcel finished the sentence, trying to sound solid.

"You're funny" Harry rested a hand on his stomach.

"I told your mom you had hit me" Marcel frowned and straightened his glasses. "She's mad at you."

"I am trembling with fear" Harry mocked without any visible expression.

"Idiot" He rolled his eyes. "Come on Lucy, let's go."

What should I do? What should I do?!

"You spent time with Lucy, now it's time for her to leave" Harry stumbled and pulled his arm slightly to maintain his balance. "Thanks Lucy" he gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Are you drunk?" Now Marcel looks pissed off.

"It's Friday! Of course I am! And it's not of your business. "Harry responded just like Marcel.

Now I realize that maybe they are different physically, but I am starting to believe that the two Styles are very alike: they get irritated very easily.

"I'll call the co-cops" Marcel said but he didn't sound very sure. His threat would only piss off Harry even more.

"Really? If you do it I'll break your arm. "

You should say something Lucy, before Harry kills Marcel!

I feel so stupid.

"It is enough" I manage to say and I intercede between the two but Harry didn't let go of my hand. "I-I don't understand why you are arguing-"

"Because you should stay with me." Marcel and Harry said at the same time and I feel confused.

What do I do? What do I do?

"She was with me, leave us alone" Marcel growled.

"Shut up you idiot, I don't care about your opinion."

"And-And I don't care about yours."

"Hey freak why don't you go and play with your stupid little games or read your stupid comics?"

"Let me tell you that she does the same things I do. Why are you with him Lucy? Harry basically is calling you stupid" Marcel frowns.

"What the hell? I'm gonna punch you Marcel"

I felt Harry's arms around my shoulders; he was supporting himself a little bit, maybe not to fall.

"Not if I do first, you're drunk just look at you!"

"Leave before I hit you, I'll break your glasses Marcel and I will shove it to your—"

"Enough!" I finally talked again and they obeyed. "Why don't we go all together?"

"No!" Harry and Marcel answered in unison.

Both Styles are completely childish and stubborn. God, what do I do? This is difficult.

"Mar-Marcel you should leave" I said and hurts my soul to see his reaction, he looks disappointment.

Harry chuckles and I glared at him, he laughs quietly without noticing my expression.

"Great Lucy" Marcel growls. "I'm your friend and you choose him?"

"I can't le-let him go alone." It's all I said because it's the only reason I have. I don't know how he got here without hitting any tree but I can't let him safe drive again.

"Whatever," Marcel rolls his eyes; he glares at Harry before leaving. He didn't even say goodbye but I deserve it.

I would like to say something but I made ​​my decision. I feel so bad, so bad for Marcel. Why can’t you make everyone happy?

I am pulled out of my thoughts when I feel Harry's hands on my waist as he draws me towards him. His lips rest on my forehead.


He lifts my face by my chin and kisses me. I breathe and the smell of alcohol is toxic.

"I'll take you home," I said, grabbing his hand.

"You're such a party pooper" I heard his voice and I know he is smiling. His hands are on my waist again and he plants kisses on my neck. It was a bad decision to use a ponytail today.

"Ha-Harry this is not the place" I speak nervous and he gently bit my neck. "Ha-Harry!"

"Party pooper" I face him but Harry gently pulled my ponytail and kisses me. God, what's wrong with him today?

His hands cupped my cheeks and I want to break the kiss because this is not the time for this but I easily give in and I kiss him back.

He parted and licked his lips. "Um, you taste like chocolate."  What!? So embarrassing.

“You taste like alcohol.”

He chuckled and laced his fingers with mine. "Now what?"

"I-I'll take you home."

"I won't let you drive my baby" He frowned, looking at his car.

"Well, I—"

"You don't have a license."

"You're drunk"

"You have a point," he smiles but it's a tender smile, he looks like a little boy but in the body of a man.

"Why are you drunk? It's early"

"Too many questions" Harry covered his ears. "I'll only answer when we get home"

"Give me the keys," I raised my hand to him but Harry refused and walked to the door. "Harry"

"No!" He screamed, it was not a scream of anger but that confirmed me he was not going to give in..

I'm scared, I don't want him to drive but I can't let him go.

Harry lowered the passenger window and I poked my face inside.

"Why don't we do something else?" I suggested, hoping that he would accept.

"Nope," he answered and bowed his head to give me a short kiss. That was fast. "Now get in the car."

"Harry please, let's stay here and—"

"Lucy I'm so dizzy, I just want to go home" He interrupted with a hand on his forehead. He was angry I can notice.

"Then why do you want to go home? It will be very—"

"Lucy I want to go home!" He cut me off, raising his voice. God, no case he's too stubborn. "Now get in the car, don't make me do it."

I know he is capable so I obey.

"We are going to di-die" I whispered as I buckle my seat belt.

"Of course not" He smiled and looked at the controls of his radio. "I don't know which button turns on" He said after a few seconds.

"Look at you Harry, you can't even see a button."

"I'm dizzy," he replied. He closed his eyes and rested his forehead against the steering wheel. Oh no.

"Harry, Harry" I shook his shoulder gently. "Let me drive, I can do it"

"Promise you won't hurt my baby" he spoke with his head still hidden in the steering wheel.

"I promise," I rolled my eyes.

He slowly raised his head and blinked a few times.

"I feel like shit"

I unbuckled his seat belt and got off the car. I opened his door and Harry hesitated whether he should obey or not.

"Forget it" He sentenced and then slammed the door.

I rubbed my temples, frustrated and went back into the passenger seat.

"This is wrong," I sighed and leaned my forehead against the window.

"Whatever," he said, and the car began to move.

He drives a few blocks but I realize that he's slowly increasing the speed and my heart starts to race.

"Harry, Harry you should slow down."

"I'm driving normal"

No, he wasn't. I looked at the speedometer and he is driving at a speed not permitted on these streets.

"Harry ple-please slow down"

But he didn't listen. My hands hold the seat belt and I just hope we get there soon.

I screamed when he passed a red light and Harry laughed. Thank God there were two cars that were about to cross.

"That-That was not funny!"

"Actually it was,"

I was about to reply but something interrupted us. The sound of a patrol car. I looked in the rearview mirror and a police car was following us. Oh no.

"Shit," Harry cursed and ran a hand through his hair.

"Stop, stop," I said scared and this time Harry obeyed.

He parked a little rough and my back bounced against the backrest.

"Great Lucy, look what you've done," he growls but he's smiling. He kisses my nose and then my lips. "What a bad girl" His smile widened and I can't believe he's saying that. He is making fun of me and his words are full of sarcasm. This is not my fault!

I felt his fingers slide down my neck and then on my collarbone.

"Pink? Shit. "He says when one of his fingers gently pulls the fabric of my simple neckline to see my bra.

"Stop it," I said and slapped his hand.  

He looks down and then he leans quickly over me. "If you were mine, damn Lucy, you have no idea—"

Suddenly we heard the sound of a door closing and we jump. Harry and I we look back and see a police officer walking toward us.

We are in troubles.


my situation: 

I'm not happy with this chapter, it's sort of a filter. It's a little bit hard to write because I come home everyday like 8 pm, so basically college is my second house. 

This took me a lot because i was sad so I decided to write lurry smut (hehehe) and then I felt better but then I go back to this chapters and it's really sad bc he's lying and yeah idk, it sounds stupid I'm weird but I don't care. Anyway I hope you like it. Thanks for read and sorry.

Next update: Wednesday or Thursday maybe ?¿

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