Chapter 5
I just want to make it clear that HARRY AND MARCEL ARE NOT THE SAME PERSON.
[Edited by 1Direction2340]
Chapter 5
"Wake up! Wake up! "I hear a female voice and my bed moves.
Someone starts jumping and suddenly my sheets are snatched away. I groan and open my eyes sleepily.
"Tell me everything!" Cassie screams excited lying next to me.
"What time is it?" I rub my eyes, rising from the bed.
"Almost noon, I'm surprised to see you still sleeping."
I head to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth.
"How was the way back home? What did you do? "She asks excitedly, following me into the bathroom.
I brush my teeth quietly and once I finish I turn to see my friend.
"We will have breakfast and I'll tell you." Cassie nods and both of us go down into the dining room.
"Good morning, Lucy." Nora, the maid of the house, says when we enter the dining room.
"Hi Nora." We say in consonance while we take a seat. Nora serves fried eggs and then leaves the room.
There are still some toast, coffee and biscuits, so we build a small breakfast.
"Hey loser." Madison greets me when she enters the room.
"I forgot to tell you that she had arrived." Cassie whispers to me.
"Hi Madison, how was your trip?" I ask politely. The blonde just nods and sits to eat a piece of toast.
"Now tell me" Cassie pleads distressed.
I roll my eyes. "Well, it wasn’t interesting at all, we didn’t speak too much, I was very nervous and—"
"It's because you like him!" Cassie applauds excitedly.
"Do you like someone? And who was the idiot who brought you home? "Madison asks retaining a smile.
I understand her attitude; she can't believe it and, if I was her, I wouldn't believe it either.
"Harry Styles!" Cassie says raising an eyebrow at Madison.
My sister chokes with the juice and looks at me with eyes open. “You're lying."
"It's true." Cassie responds. "You can ask anyone who was at the Caddie’s party yesterday."
"You went to a party, nerd?" Madison laughs. "I’m impressed; it looks like you're finally growing up."
"Ignore your sister and tell me." Cassie encourages me with a big smile.
"He brought me home, we chatted a bit and he left." I shrug.
I prefer to avoid the part where Harry came into my house and laid on my couch, when he approached me or the awful way he treated me. Basically, I avoid everything.
"I think he likes you." Cassie smile.
"Oh, please, don’t be stupid. Why would Harry Styles like Lucy? "She laughs.
"Stop it." Cassie complains.
"No, she's right." I shrug.
"Oh, Lucy, that's enough, why do you have to hear her?" Cassie leaves her toast on the plate.
"Listen to me, because I’m right." Madison smiles and leaves the table without looking back.
"You're just jealous!" Cassie yells upset.
"You wish that!" Madison screams climbing up the stairs.
"Ugh, your sister drives me crazy, she is so annoying ..." Cassie puts two fingers on the bridge of her nose. "I'm sure she's jealous of you."
"I don’t know, I think she's right."I whisper, taking a bite of my toast
Cassie gives up and just rolls her eyes as a sign of anger.
It's Tuesday and everything is great, I guess. I had no signs of Harry and I spent my time doing typical things. Eating, studying and sleeping.
I'm in the library reading a book; I stop for a moment and look around me. I sigh when my eyes meet a curly boy. Harry Styles is several feet away leaning on a book shelf, his back to me.
He wears tight black jeans, a white shirt and a beanie covers his curly hair. His shoulders are broad and his arms are strong.
I think he is reading a book, I can’t really see. I lean a bit and grab the corner of the table when I'm about to fall.
"What ar-e yo-u doi-ng?” I hear Marcel’s stutter as he sits next to me.
"Um, nothing." I answer, returning my gaze to the book.
Marcel looks in the direction I was and sees Harry, who is still reading.
"You were watching Harry?" He asks opening his book.
"No, of course not ..."
"I heard some ru-mors that you w-ere with him at a pa-rty." Marcel says before sneezing.
"Since when do you listen to rumors, Marcel Styles?" I asked, surprised.
Marcel is shy and quiet and he lives in his own world, just like me. We are not like those who go to parties and less like those who are listening or talking about rumors out there.
"It's that I he-ard my cousin’s name and then y-our name." He shrugs. "You never told me anything." He looks hurt.
Why should I tell him? There was nothing interesting, nothing worthy of sharing, I guess. I better say something, I don’t want him to think that I’m hiding something from him; Marcel is my best friend.
"It was nothing Marcel; he spoke to me at the party and I spent some time with him. I left to my house and that's it. "I told him quietly, summarizing everything.
"Oh, I see ... Um, since when do you go to parties?" He asks while taking notes in his notebook.
"You know I don’t like parties. I just went with Cassie because she promised to buy me a book. "I sigh. "We are going to buy it this Friday; I need to read something new."
Marcel giggles. "You went to party for a book?" I nod. "Good deal." I laughed softly.
We remain silent and we keep read our books as we take some notes.
"Lucy?" I looked up at Marcel. His resemblance to Harry is amazing, but both are so different to each other, physically and psychologically. "You're my ... my best friend, all I as-k you is to stay away fro-from Harry." He shrugs.
Marcel is too sweet.
"Sure Marcel, I don’t care about Harry. Seriously." I smile and he smiles back.
"It's good to hear, if he hurts you I will kick his ass."
I can’t help but chuckle; I cover my mouth to stop a loud laugh from escaping. Marcel frowns at my reaction. I don’t want to imagine it, but it would be funny. Marcel threatening Harry, there is no way. Harry would kill him in second. Although I don’t think he's capable of hitting his own cousin right? He doesn’t speak to Marcel here.
“Stop it." He tells me ashamed. I see his cheeks burn.
I choke my laugh and I wipe a tear.
I raise my eyes to the front and my heart stops when I see Harry walking a few feet from us. His green eyes meet mine for a second and then he looks away.
Completely ignored. That is how I feel.
"I will buy this damn book for you because you're my friend." Cassie says as we leave the institute.
It's finally Friday. I want my book to entertain myself throughout the weekend.
"Don’t say it like that!, Books are ... are sources of knowledge." Marcel complains walking beside us.
"Are you sure you don’t want to come with us?" I ask turning around to Marcel. "We can eat at Mcdonalds."
"No, thank you. Today I will play on the Xbox and spend the night studying. "He responds with a shrug.
"Maybe I'll go to your house to study and play a little." I say with a smile.
Marcel nods excitedly. "It will be a fun night."
We heard a horn coming from Marcel mother’s car. Cassie and I raise our hands in greeting to his mother, who is in the driver's seat.
"See you." Marcel says goodbye and then runs to his mother's car.
"Can you tell me why he doesn’t have a car?" Cassie asks me as we walk to her car. "He is 17 years old, his parents shouldn’t come here." She teases.
"He doesn’t like to drive, simple as that," I respond as the car moves away from the institute.
"Any news from Harry?" Cassie asks looking straight ahead.
I shake my head. "I think he was high or drunk, maybe that's why he spoke to me." I shrug.
"That is a very silly assumption." She said with a frown. "We both know that he was not under those conditions." I roll my eyes; I don’t want to admit that she's right. "Besides, we both know that you would never let a drunk guy take you home.” She smiles victorious.
I sigh. I prefer not to answer. She is absolutely right. Cassie 2 - Lucy 0.
We stop at my favorite bookstore downtown. I leave the car, almost jumping to get out. I'm bubbling with excitement. If I could choose something to do for the rest of my life, I would chose reading.
"What will you choose this time?" Cassie asks while we enter in the library.
"Hi girls." Carl says when we entered.
I have been here so many times that he knows me. I wave my hand to him before going to the horror section.
"Ooooh, horror! What are you going to pick?"
"I thought of something by Stephen King, I want to change my book choices." I say running my fingers along the spines.
"I'll buy Harry Potter, we've seen those movies so many times and I think it's time to read them." Cassie says before walking away from me.
I read some blurbs, some prologues, some pages. It's so difficult to choose one; I want to buy all of them.
"Lucy, Lucy!" I hear Cassie’s voice and the girl runs into my hallway.
"What's wrong?" I asked confused by her attitude.
"You will not believe who is outside! I think he's waiting for you." Cassie shakes my shoulders.
"Oh, stop it." I complain.
"Lucy, Harry is outside the library.” Cassie bites her lower lip. "I'm sure he's waiting for you."
"I don’t think so. Cassie, maybe he-"
Cassie snatches the book from my hands. "You should go talk to him."
"Cassie, he hasn’t spoken to me in all this ..."
"Urg, Lucy, please." She begs outlining a pout. I sigh and nod in defeat. "There's no one here except for us and I don’t think he is waiting for me."
"Okay but if he's not waiting for me, you buy me another book." I point walking out of the hallway.
"And if he is really waiting for you, you go to a party with me."
"Deal." I say nervously and walked toward the entrance.
There he is. Leaning against Cassie’s car with his arms crossed. He is wearing a shirt with the top two buttons unbuttoned. I can appreciate his tattoos and they are...lovely.
He smiles at me and I get goosebumps.
"Hey geek." He tells me when I approach him.
"Hello Harry, strange to see you here." I say, trying to sound casual and not nervous.
"I’m here to see you." He responds seriously. Harry stretches a hand and pushes my hair behind my ear.
I can’t breathe. I don’t like this guy but he makes me a bundle of nerves.
"To…to see me?" I bite my lip nervously.
He didn’t talk to me all week and now he appears here like nothing. What is his problem?
"Yes, Lucinda." He rolls his eyes. "Do you see anyone else here?" He asks with a hint of annoyance.
I look at both sides and there is nobody. I'm acting like a fool.
"Um, uh, what ... do you want?" I ask playing with my fingers to try to release the nervousness.
"Um, well..." Harry slides his long fingers through his curly hair. "I came to ask you out."
I couldn’t breathe, now my heart is not beating.
Harry Styles just ask me out.
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