Chapter 49
Inhale and exhale.
Everything will be fine, you can do it.
I put my sweater, I comb my hair with my fingers and then I leave the bathroom.
I don't want to go down because Harry is waiting for me. I am ashamed, yes, still. I can't believe what I did, can't believe Harry saw me, god, this is so embarrassed. I don't know how some girls can have sex the first time, I would never be able to do it and I wonder how they don't feel embarrassed.
"Lucy, we have to go!" I almost jumped when I heard Harry's voice.
Here we go.
I crossed my arms and go downstairs.
"I'm-I'm ready," I said without looking at him.
"Finally, let's go" I felt his hand on my back and I tried to ignore my sweating hands.
We walked to his car and we got on. I buckled my seatbelt and I keep my eyes on my lap.
"Where are we going?" I asked, after a few minutes of silence.
"I told you Louis and Zayn were in trouble."
"What kind of trouble?"
"They were drinking and playing cards with Kevin, the owner of the place, and they were playing with bet. I don't know why Zayn keeps going there if he owes money to Kevin, the thing is he lost everything and still owes some money to Kevin and I think Louis stole a bottle and is not the first time and I don't know what they are going to do " I nodded. This sounds pretty serious.
I'm glad that someone called Harry because God knows what would have happened between us and I'm not ready for any of this. It wasn't bad; to be honest it was excellent. I had never felt that before but I remember the scene, I remember what he did and I want to disappear.
Ignoring the sexual part I think the rest of the afternoon was perfect, that would be the right word. It was beautiful.
Harry drives through the city and I realize that we are heading a few blocks a little more dangerous. There are several bars and many people and it's Sunday.
I am quite surprised by the fact that he's taking me with him. I thought he would take me home, but this time he decided to change things and he doesn't even know how much I appreciate his invitation.
Harry parked and unbuckled his belt, I was about to do the same but he rests his hand on my belt.
"No, you're staying here." He sentenced.
"What? Why? "
"I don't think it's safe." He handed me the keys and I looked at him.
"Just do what I told you okay?" He announced, clearly irritated. "Stay here," Harry pulls his sweater and gets off of the car.
He walked through the street and entered in the bar, I think it's also one of those places where you can play pool because the black walls are adorned by those colored balls with numbers.
"Kevin O." I read the neon lights on the top of the entrance of the bar.
He invited me to stay in the car. Cool.
I crossed my arms and looked around me. The wait is going to kill me.
+ +
+ + +
I left Lucinda in my car and I entered the bar. I greeted the cashier, he knows me and I paid my entry and I started looking for my friends.
A small light illuminated the place; Kevin’s bar has several attractions. First you go through where you can play pool, and then there are these casino-style games and finally the bar with tables where you can play a lot of things.
Cigarette smoke fills my nose, the light is dim and there are several people playing poker and other games, several tables are occupied. Many people come here, is your chance to win or lose, simple as that.
I knew where to find them, and I was right when I saw them in the bar...drinking and laughing. WHAT!?
Jamie called me to come as soon as possible, I had to stop whatever it was happening between Lucinda and I, and these two idiots are getting drunk and relaxing.
"What the hell?" I say once I'm in front of them.
Louis looks at me with a stupid smile on his face and then he hugs me.
"You are here dude!" Zayn laughs at his words and I pulled away from Louis.
"What the hell did you do?" I growl.
"We were playing."
"And you lost." I added. "Where is Jamie?"
"He's gone."
I realize that Zayn has a bruise on his lip and Louis on his cheekbone. I don't even need to ask but I do it anyway,
"It was Kevin?"
"Yes," Louis nodded.
"But we hit him too." Zayn reached a glass of tequila to me and I shook my head. He swallowed in one gulp and asked for another one. How is he going to pay for that?
I realize that a girl is working in the bar, I know her from somewhere.
"Remember her!?" Louis said and he is basically screaming. "Lana Grey!" Louis pointed to the girl and she came to us with a small glass for Zayn.
"Hi Harry" Her eyes met mine.
Now I remember! Lana Grey, uh la, la. Fucking awesome in bed, very creative. Zayn didn't use a condom when he was with her, but I did a few months later. I don't know why but I have the feeling that something is going on between Lana and Zayn.
"Um, hi," I waved above the music.
"So long! What are you doing here? "I barely hear her voice.
"Saving these two idiots."
"Typical!" We laughed. When we were having casual sex, Lana met the boys so she knows we're always in trouble.
"We are not idiots!" Louis protested. "Lana baby, give me another drink an you can spank for free my friend Malik." She laughed at the goofy voice of Louis, but obeyed.
"Stop drinking!" I claimed but Zayn and Louis burst out laughing. I grit my teeth, I have been here for 5 minutes and I want to punch them.
The only way to calm me down is smoking so I pulled a cigar from my pocket and light it. The toxic smoke fills my lungs and calms me. Perfect.
"Harry" I heard Lana and I turned to her. "What's wrong?" I managed to hear her voice, I guess her question is due to my face, I look upset.
I was going to answer but I don't want to talk so loud, plus my throat hurts a little. I pull a few bills out of my pocket, I give to Lana and I ask for a beer.
"I'll be right back sexy!" She winks and goes for the beer.
If she's trying to flirt with me is not going to work, I have Lucy and ...well shit, Lucy!
I exhale the cigarette smoke, "Where's Kevin? We have to go"
"He's talking to someone, and then he is coming to kill us," Louis said relaxed.
"Are you serious? What do you plan to do? Zayn you know you owe money to him"
"I know, I'm ready to bet and pay the debt."
"You lost a lot of money" Zayn nodded as if it was not a big deal and I want to bang my head against a wall. "You still have money?"
"I'm not a loser, I won some games too!" Zayn defended himself. Lana gave me my beer and I drank a sip. Cold and delicious.
"I also gave him my money so he can pay his damn debt!" Louis shrieked like a girl.
I know they are already drunk and they are happy and everything looks like a game but it's not funny. I came here to help them, to get them out of here before they start fighting or something. Liam and Niall should be here, they are more understanding and patient than me. Besides Lucy is outside, alone in my car and she's waiting and I can imagine her face, god, she must be worried.
That's one of the things that make her so different from Emily, my dear and crazy ex girlfriend. Emily didn't care at all, just like my parents, and that helped me to completely forget how it feels when someone cares about you. But still I was and maybe I'm still in love with her, fuck you Emily.
"Thanks for giving me your money dude!" Zayn said with a goofy grin.
"What?!" Louis gave him a strange look because he didn't hear Zayn.
"Thanks for giving me your money!" Zayn repeated and Louis hugged him.
"Group hug!" Louis pulled me to the hug and I was about to burn them with the cigarette when I heard Lana calling my name.
"What," I pulled away.
"How have you been? I haven't seen you since the last time we fuck, "Lana is the type of girl who go straight to the point, I like that about her.
"Yes, I know." I replied with the cigarette in my mouth.
"Harry, you never broke up with me."
"We were never together in the first place my dear," I said with a smile and she did the same.
"Lana! Why are you flirting with Harry? I thought I was the one who would take you to bed tonight" Zayn spoke like a child before pouting. She smiles and kisses him.
Louis and I exchanged glances.
"I can't believe it. He's going to have sex and I swear my little sister has better flirting skills than Zayn," Louis said and we laughed.
Although we are in trouble these are the good times, when we are just us and we are where we belong, to these places, drinking and with the nicotine in our lungs.
"Harry!" I heard Lana again and I rolled my eyes. "Don't do that because it turns me on!" She joked and I couldn't help but laugh. Lana is nice and there are no problems between us.
"What about you? How have you been?" I asked. I'm trying to be nice. We have to wait for Kevin so I must kill time.
"I'm fine! What about you? "
"Yeah, I'm fine."
"Still work for Taylor?"
"Yes, still." I rolled my eyes.
"Too bad baby" She rests her elbows on the table and her chin on her hands. This is an attempt to provoke me, her blouse has a V-cut neckline and I can see her bra. Lana, Lana.
"Lana I know what you're trying to do," I pointed out, looking at her cleavage and up to her face. I know she's playing but she is not going to get me. Well I know she wants to be with Zayn but she always does this to annoy me.
"You know me Harry" She licked her lips.
Following her game I leaned toward her and I let my lips close to her ear.
"Oh sweetheart, I definitely know you, naked, in my bed." She giggles and I pulled away from her.
"What the hell is Lucy doing here?" Louis growls and my whole body tensed when I heard her name. Shit, shit. "Can I throw my glass to her please?"
"Shut up," Zayn mumbles.
"I'll do it someday anyway."
"Who is Lucy?" I heard Lana but I don't answer.
I spun around to find her a few meters away from us. She’s standing alone, with her hands clutching the strap of her purse. She looks completely out of place with her clean sweater and with her braid. Lucy is like a sheep among a bunch of wolves.
The expression on her face is clear; she's mad, confused and sad. I feel guilty and I bet she saw in that position with Lana.
I make my way towards her but Lucy turns around and starts walking down the hall. With my free hand I grabbed her elbow and she tries to escape.
"What are you doing here? I told you not to come"
"What-What are you doing?" She furrowed her eyebrows but her voice was weak.
I think I wouldn't like to find myself in the same position if I was Lucy. My lips part to respond, but I am speechless. Should I say "sorry"?
"I thought your friends were in-in trouble." She spoke when I didn't speak.
"They are." I affirmed but her face didn't change, she looked to where I was and then she looked back at me.
"I want to go..." I barely hear her voice. Is she crazy? I won't let her go and less alone, these places are not safe.
"Now that you're here you will stay." I try to pull her elbow but Lucy struggles. "Don't make me carry you up there." I warned.
"Harry you will make a scene." I took a step toward her but she backed away.
"And you think these people care?" Lucy looked around when she hear my question and then her eyes met mine. There are no good people here, there are older men, women looking for fun and that is it. They are all on their own world; nobody cares if I carry Lucy to the bar or if I lock her in the bathroom.
For a moment I forgot the cigarette in my hand, I quickly smoked and threw it on the floor.
Lucy wrinkled her nose as I exhaled the toxic smoke on her face.
"Don't do that." She grunts but I found her expression lovely. "Who is she?" Lucy asked and I didn't need to look to know she was referring to Lana.
She's clearly angry and I want to laugh because she looks funny. I can't believe that an hour ago I had her in my bed, there is only one word: Adorable.
"Lana, a friend, she is with Zayn." I answer with no problem, I'm being honest.
For the way Lucy looks at Lana I can tell that she's possibly comparing herself with Lana. To be honest Lucy can't compete with Lana. Lana is beautiful, sexy, with a great body, outgoing and has a nice personality but I think Lucy is way better than her, she's pretty, quiet, simple, she smells good and she's sexy her own way. There is no competition. Of course I would choose Lucy.
Her eyes meet mine, she’s look me bit suspicious, but eventually she nodded, looking down. Wow, that was easy.
Emily would go to the bar and she would make a scene, they probably would kick us from here, however, Lucy is so quiet, so passive that still overwhelms me. I'm not used to this; my life is always a mess, always.
"She's pretty" Lucy finally speaks over the music.
No more than you.
"Lana is nice, she's a friend."
A pause.
" I was on the car and I was waiting for you but you never came back, so, hm, I-I was worried." Her expression softened as she spoke.
"Okay, I understand and I'm sorry, I should have called you or something." She nodded in response.
Lucy dedicated herself to look around, a bit distracted with this place.
"Oh, I almost forgot! Your keys "S he takes the keys out of her purse and handed to me. I keep my keys in my pocket and I entwine our fingers. " I thought your friends were in trouble, they look so calm, "she said, tilting her head to one side to see them.
"They are but they look so relaxed because they're a bit drunk."
"Really? It's still early. "
"Not to Louis and Zayn" I sigh.
"And we have school tomorrow."
"Do you think they care?" I could not help but laugh, her comment was so stupid.
"It's not funny, we are talking about school," she said confused.
"Forget it" In a natural and involuntary movement I roll up one of my arms around her waist. "How did you get in?"
My friends and I come here because Kevin and everyone here know us but Lucy still has 17.
"Ahm, I-I asked a guy for help"
"Wait what?" I almost sounded offended as I took a step back. "Did you ask a guy?" I asked in disbelief and she nods. Oh.
"That's the reason why, ahm, why it took me a while, I didn't know who to ask and ... and people here look pretty grumpy and serious and a little scary."
I can imagine Lucinda out among the crowd, people of any age, even 40 years old who come to play pool. This is not a very decent bar, people here don't have morals. It was risky what she did, anyone could have taken her but she's so naive, why can't she see the evil in people?
Including me, how can't she see it? God, she's pretty dumb.
"I don't like what you did, it was risky Lucy" I sigh and she blinks blankly.
"Why? I paid him. "
"Did you pay?!" She looks afraid when I raise my voice. "Why did you do that? Who is the guy? I'll make him give your money back. "I growled and started to drag her down the aisle.
I can't believe it, why the hell did she do that? I really want to find that damn fraudster.
"Harry" I heard her plea and I stopped. "Please, no. I did it, okay? I'm sorry I paid him but he was taking a risk for me. It wasn't too—"
"He took advantage of a woman, that's not fair," I interrupted her. I know it was money but still he took advantage of her.
"No, he didn't." She defended herself.
There was no point to keep talking about this, for her it's fine if she can't see the bad intentions in people. The guy must have realized that Lucy is so naive and simply took the opportunity to steal some money. Ugh! Why can't she understand that?
"Whatever you say" I rolled my eyes.
"Don't be mad" Even though I heard her voice I don't reply.
We were silent for a while, I decided to keep my mouth shut and Lucy was just looking around, curious and absorbing information.
I decide to forget what we just talked and I looked toward the bar, Louis is looking at us and he shakes his head. I roll eyes and I concentrate my attention to Lucy.
She is distracted; she hasn't noticed that I'm staring at her. I like her profile; her features are beautiful and symmetrical. I like the fact that she doesn't wear makeup, I can see all the freckles on her cheekbones and nose, sure she has some imperfections but her face always looks lovely to me. She has plump lips with a natural light pink color. When she smiles I see dimples like mine but hers are better. Maybe she doesn't like her eyebrows but I think they're nice, makes her eyes and face different, but in a good way.
"This place looks fun" I quickly looked away when she speaks, I don't want her to know I was watching.
"Yes, it is. Know how to play? "
"Ahm, yes, but only poker."
"Want to play?"
"What about your fri-friends?" Her eyes meet mine, she looks worried for those two idiots, Zayn and Louis, and they don't even deserve her attention.
"Screw my friends" I smile and she bites her lower lip hesitantly. I want to kiss her but I turn off that thought.
"Okay, let's go"
You have to buy tokens to play, it is like a small casino. The gaming chips don't have such a high value, I mean, this is not Las Vegas. We collect $200 between me and Lucy, I don't know how, and we change it.
"Are you good?"
"Ahm, no, not much, I hope you don't mind." She shrugged.
"No, it's fine. Let's find a table. "
We walked through the tables and look for a familiar face, I don't want to play with strangers, not all of them are trustworthy and someone could be some a scammer and I'm not in the mood to fight.
I spotted Randy sitting at a table with a girl. Randy is my friend, although he's a little older, I think he has 29.
Just when we're a few meters of them Randy turns around and sees me.
"Harry you fucker!" He waves at me and I do the same.
"How are you?" I hug him and I smile to the girl.
"I haven't seen you for weeks! We should go to Las Vegas again, that was great trip "We both smiled, complicit in all the crazy things we did the last summer when we went for a week with my friends. Those were the days man. "Who is she?" Randy leaned his head to one side, talking about Lucy.
She looked at me and I nodded, giving it a gentle squeeze to her little hand.
"Randy this is Lucy, Lucy he's Randy, a good friend."
"Nice to meet you," she smiled.
"Me too." Randy replied politely. "What are you doing here?"
"Is not obvious? We came to play, "I moved a chair and Lucy sit and I sat next to Randy.
"Oh well, I'll kick your ass." Randy said and started shuffling the cards. "Where are the others?"
" Zayn and Louis are in the bar."
"Drinking as always?" I nodded and Randy smiled. "Those guys..."
"I know."
" I thought Zayn had problems with Kevin."
"Yes, I don't know what he keeps coming here."
"The gambling addiction is a serious issue."
"I know." I sighed.
I turned to see Lucy but she was "talking" with Randy's girl. I say "talking" because who's really talking is the other girl and Lucy just nods.
"Who is she? New girlfriend? "Randy whispers, clearly talking about Lucy.
"Ahm, yes, sort of." I shrugged.
"What happened to Emily? I thought things were going serious between you two. "He must be joking.
I want to laugh because although I tried to do things seriously with Emily, she was always avoiding that and it was like that way for a year and a half.
"Are you kidding me?" I raised an eyebrow. "Emily is unstable, grumpy--"
"I don't need you to tell me, she's just like you," he interrupted.
"What? I'm not unstable. "I frowned.
"Sometimes," Of course not!. "Anyway, what happened?"
"We were always arguing, Emily does what she wants and that gets me on my nerves."
"I know, right?" Randy laughed. "God, that girl was fun. How could you let her go? Emily was hot, I bet she was a beast in bed. "
"Oh man, you have no idea." I smirked.
A lot of memories filled my mind, all about Emily, I don't know if it's good to remember her right now. Although sometimes I hate her she has a special place in my heart. I'd be lying if I said I don't miss her. My first and only girlfriend because Lucy and I we are nothing and everything is a lie.
"Where is she? Emily won't leave you alone, especially if you have a new girlfriend. "Randy looked at Lucy and then at me. "Can you explain how Emily has not killed your new girlfriend?" He whispered.
"She won a scholarship and she is in London."
"Emily is a smart girl and you know her parents are like rich or something like that."
"I forgot that," Randy shrugged. "When was the last time I saw you two together?"
"Ahm ... I think it was here ... or am I wrong?" I say while I try to remember.
"Yes, it was here!" Randy nods. "And I think the security guard kicked you out?"
"Yes, because we were arguing and Emily started to scream, saying I was harassing her. It was a scene, remember? "
Randy laughed. "She was the best when it comes to making a scene." We nodded and my friend shuffled the cards.
I have a year and a half of memories with Emily but our end it's a cloudy memory. The week she left all we did was fight about everything. One day Emily burst into my room and started to destroy everything. Why? Because she wanted to.
Of course I wouldn't let her do that, I grabbed her and almost forced her to leave my house but Emily is clever, she's my weakness and she knows that. She ended up in my room, and when I speak of my room I mean my bed. The next day she was gone. And end of the story. She didn’t say goodbye but I think it was not necessary, I think that Emily gave me was "See you soon" and honestly I don't know how to feel about that once she comes back.
"Um are we going to play?" I heard Lucy beside me. I get out of my trance, for a moment I completely forgot her existence. I stare at her for a few seconds; she is so different from Emily, not only physically but psychologically.
Styles, focus, no time to think about Emily.
I shook my head, fading the memories of my ex girlfriend and I concentrated on the present.
"Yes, let's play!" Randy said and shared the cards.
"By the way I'm Alexandra" Randy's girls say to me. "Now boys it's time to play"
"Harry, ahm, what shall we do?" Lucy whispered next to me.
I'm still a bit overwhelmed with all these memories of Emily that filled my mind and to think that Lucy is here right beside me, thinking that everything is real makes me feel sick. Shit, this is a disaster.
What is happening to me?
"I'm pretty good, I'll double bet and I know Randy will do the same."
"Ahm, I'm just gonna bet one token." I smiled in response and I grabbed my cards.
Thank god we're going to play, so I have something to distract me. Suddenly I feel uncomfortably next to Lucinda and I don't know why. Think about Emily only makes me doubt about everything and makes my feelings go afloat. I always try to hide things, like what I feel for Lucy, but Lucy can't compete with Emily.
As I said Randy bet double. Alexandra, his girl is not very good and Lucy is very insecure so this competition is between me and Randy. I won the first round, I grab the tokens I won and we decided to play again. Randy and I we like poker, a lot. It's fun, it's a clever game and you have to think.
Lucy bet double the second round but I don't think it's appropriate, I choose not to say anything. I won again.
"I'm proud of you," Lucy says after two rounds later. "You're very good." I smile and I know she's being honest. The light illuminates her face perfectly and I can clearly see her freckles, her sparkle eyes and she has a lovely smile on her face. If she were Emily she would say, "You can do it better."
We played a few rounds, sometimes Randy won, I won and even Alexandra but Lucy was always the last place.
"Come on Lucy, I know you can do it," Randy cheers her up.
"You guys are very good," she admitted shyly towards Randy.
"Years of experience" He said and I grabbed my cards.
"I know this is basically between you two" Lucy spoke and we looked at her. "Maybe you should bet everything right?" She fixes her glasses and Randy and I exchanged looks.
"What? I'm not—“
"Come on Randy, don’t b-be a coward," she said shyly and I dropped my mouth to the floor. Bold Lucy.
Randy looks at me and smiles. "I'm not a coward, let's do it."
"What? Everything? "Randy nodded in response. "Are you crazy Randy?"
"Are you afraid of losing? Come on!" Randy said excitedly.
"I'm not afraid to lose" I replied. "Don't forget that there is money involved in this game."
"I'm not afraid to lose money, I know I'll win."
"Really?" I raised an eyebrow at Randy’s challenge.
"Harry, don't be a coward," Lucy whispered in my ear and I shivered. I know it was an act without any intention but I felt something.
"Um, let's do it." I accepted. We put all our tokens on the table, and all I could see was money. I must win.
Randy and I exchanged glances all the time. Lucy spends most of her time distracted with the cards she has on her hand. This is the most important game because I just bet all the money. Although the girls are here I feel this is between me and Randy as Lucy said.
"Randy you're done" I announced when I had done my combination. I put the cards on the table and Randy mumbled 'shit "and threw his cards on the table. The money is mine, bitches!
"Wait," I heard Lucy. "What about me?"
"I won," I smiled.
"No, you didn't." She puts her cards on the table and her combination is higher than mine. The smile disappeared from my face and I froze in my place.
"What the hell?"
"I cannot believe it!" Randy laughs.
"Good combination that was brilliant" Alexandra says to Lucy.
"Thanks," she muttered and started to grab the gaming chips. I bet everything and she won.
"Wait a second, you cheated us?" I asked offended. She lost every round, how can she have a better combination than mine?
Lucy looks at the tokens and then she smiles. "Yes, I did, and, uh, I'm sorry." What the hell!?
"She's clever, I love her!" Randy couldn't stop laughing and he congratulated her.
"That was lucky."
"She won fairly, your girlfriend just kick our ass!" Randy laughs and I still don't understand why.
"Maybe, I'm not as bad as I-I said" Lucy shrugged.
"Prove it" I challenge her. This can't be happening; I was beat by a girl?
"Okay," Lucy nodded.
"Let's go" I hold her hand and we walk, looking for a table.
"I must see this." I heard Randy's voice, he is behind us.
"Um, hi, can I play?" Lucy asks to a group of guys who are about to start the game. The four boys look at Lucy, she's not threatening with that sweater and her shy attitude.
"Yeah, sure" One of them respond and Lucy sits with the boys. I stay behind her, looking at them.
They bet a lot of tokens, apparently there is a little competition in the group. No one cares about Lucy when she bets or when it's her turn but they definitely care when she wins and takes all the chips.
"Beginner's luck," says one of the boys when Lucy wins the first round.
"I guess, can I-I play again?" The boys agreed and they play again.
While Lucy plays the second round I realize that one of the guys is staring at her and it starts to irritate me.
"Hey, keep your head in the game idiot!" I groaned, because he keeps watching her, I don't care if it's for the game or if it's a tic.
The boy looks down and she frowns, as if I had done something wrong.
"Calm down Styles" Randy giggles beside me.
"He was eating her with his eyes"
"No, he wasn't." Randy shook his head.
"Why don't you go buy some beers for us?" I ask.
Lucy still plays and wins the second round. So far she has won two and nobody suspected, everyone thinks its good luck but Randy and I know she's lying.
"What? Holy shit, "I said impressed when Lucy won fourth round.
"You can't keep playing with us" one of the boys spoke.
"Okay, thanks" Lucy smiled. She grabbed the tokens she won, put it in her bag and walked over to me. "You see?" She shrugged.
"Hell yes, you gave them a lesson!" Randy exclaims before taking a sip of his beer.
I can't believe she beat us! She was very clever! She acted innocently, lost several times with us, won our trust and when we least expect bum! She won the game. Brilliant.
I laughed, "I cannot believe it! You made us look like idiots!"
"Yeah, I'm sorry. Lucy apologized for the fifth time and then she took off her sweater.
"Don't apologize, you were amazing Lucinda and you are not so bad babe" Randy winked and put his hand on Lucy's shoulder. Her cheeks blushed in response and she looked down.
"Randy are you serious? Keep your hands off her "I don't like at all what he said and the way Lucy blushed as well.
My friend laughs and takes his hands,
"Calm down Styles, I was joking but every girl who can play poker has a place in my heart or wherever you want babe" He winks again and Lucy's cheeks look like two tomatoes.
I know he's joking but it seems to me that he's really flirting with her. Randy is 29 and Lucy 17, he can't do that! What a pervert.
"Goodbye Randy, don't make me throw the can to you, this beer is really good" I pointed the can in my hand. I'm not kidding, if I have to do it I'll throw it.
"Easy" Randy raised his hands in a sign of innocence. "Anyway I have to go" He looked his watch.
We said goodbye to Randy and I don't like his attitude towards Lucy, now he takes more attention to her but a few hours ago he barely noticed her existence. I want to bang my head against the wall because my statement it's so stupid. I remind myself that I acted the same way with Lucinda, at first I was not interested at all but now I appreciate her and sometimes I find myself craving for see her again.
"You kicked our asses and from those guys too," I said once we are alone.
"Yes" She let out a giggle, she's probably quite proud of herself.
"I still can't believe it, I'm in shock," Lucy laughs again. I drink from my can.
"Sometimes a girl ca-can beat a guy."
"Sometimes, but I want my revenge."
"Sure, tell me when and where" She answered challenging and rested her hands on her hips.
I can see her collarbone and my eyes fall on her shirt, it's a white tank top and in my opinion is a little tight for her. The shirt doesn't have a pretty neckline but I can imagine the beautiful bra that Lucy is using now.
I used to find her "okay" but now I think she is pretty sexy, on her own way of course. I like the fact that Lucy didn't freak out because I saw her half naked. I didn't want to but I couldn't help myself, I'm a man, I have my needs.
Sure I'd like to fuck Lucy but I couldn't do it because it would be worse in the end. It would be really cruel to do that. But I must admit she looked irresistible with her bra contrasting with her skin, her messy hair, her wide eyes, frightened and tempting. But she is not for me, she needs someone else and I don’t really know if I like that idea but I can’t be her first time.
"Harry?" I heard her voice and I didn't realize that all these second I've been staring at her breasts.
"Ahm, what?" I stammered.
"Is everything okay?" She spoke and crossed her arms.
"Yes, yes." Change the subject now! "I was thinking about something" I twisted a smile.
"About what?"
"I think you and I," I spoke as I slid my fingers down her arm and grabbed her hand. "We should play a game."
"What game?"
I licked my lips and something in Lucy's eyes changed, I leaned toward her and whispered:
"Strip Poker, you know it?"
"No," she muttered, and her hot breath tickled my neck.
"It's poker but if you lose you have to take your clothes off."
"Harry!" Her fist playfully pushed my shoulder.
"Come on baby, let me see you in lingerie," I said playfully, sliding my hand inside her shirt and stroking her back.
"Sto-stop it" She grabbed my hand. I took my hand off her shirt but I quickly slap her little ass.
Lucy gasped and tried to pull away but I wrapped my arm around her waist.
"Ha-Harry this is a public place"
I looked around and honestly nobody is watching us, as I said this people are in their own world.
"Don't be boring, don't you want to feel my tongue explore your whole body?" I'm just playing with her because I love the way she reacts.
"Harry, please," She hid her face in my chest, completely embarrassed. Her voice came out as a plea, not for me to do it but for me to stop. Anyway it sounded sexy, it sounded like when she moaned my name a few hours ago.
God, I laughed because she's so shameful, prude but I still like her and I have all these feelings for her.
I really like Lucinda and everything we do and this evening wasn't the exception. Maybe lunch didn't go so well but we talk like civilized people, she understood me and I understood her and I feel that something brought us together. Our family problems, we are more alike than I thought, in that aspect. I like the fact that Lucy has taken the time to understand me, Emily don't care about those things; we really don't talk about our problems. Lucinda understood, she opened up to me and quickly found a solution to our problem.
The moment I most appreciate from today and I possibly never forget was when she sat on my lap. She did it because she wanted, it was sweet, it was perfect.
"That was not fu-funny" She said, her face still hidden on my chest.
"Yes, it was." I replied with a smile.
Lucy lifted her head to look at me.
"I'm good at poker and I'm not afraid to-to let you just in boxers Harry Styles."
I'm more than shocked by her words, her determination and boldness, that's not the Lucy I know but she never fails to surprise me and I treasure every moment in which she acts really bold.
It sounded funny so we laughed together. For a moment I forgot we were in this stupid bar, sometimes it's just us and I didn't know you could feel that way, as if nobody else exists except you and that person. Lucy and Harry.
"Well we should change these gaming chips" She suggests once we stop laughing.
I want to kiss her but I turn off that thought, instead of that I kiss her forehead.
"What are you going to do with the money?" She grabs my hand and leads me towards the cashier.
"Ahm, something" She answered without looking at me.
"What are you going to do?" I insisted.
"Wait and you'll see"
I decide to be patient and wait for her answer. We changed all the gaming chips and she made enough money, she tripled the amount we originally had.
"So, what are you up to?" I asked impatiently because I want to know the answer.
"Where are your friends?"
Friends? What is she—? Shit! Zayn and Louis! I completely forgot about them! I hope they are still alive.
"You told me Zayn owe money to-to Kevin and I—"
"No," I cut her off, I know what she wants to do. "I won't let you do that."
"Why not? They are your friends Harry..."
"I know, but it's Zayn's fault you don't have to pay for him."
"But I want to." She insisted with the same idea.
"I don't need this, and they need it more than me. Please? "
I don't want to do it because Louis and Zayn they don't deserve it, they are always bothering Lucy. At first I thought it was funny but now irritates me. She is good, very good for us. I'm going to regret this and she is going to regret this in the future. Emily would never do this for me nor for my friends, she wouldn't even think about the simple idea of helping them.
Zayn and Louis definitely don't deserve it but if she wants to, I'm no one to stop her.
"Okay, come on." I sighed frustrated and I looked around. They are not in the bar or on the tables.
"Thanks Harry" Lucinda was placed on tiptoes and planted a kiss on my chin.
Thousand years can pass and still I would never deserve someone like Lucy.
I have three things to say, it's important?¿?
1 - The story is rated R but it's not about sex and that's one of the points I'm going to write in the story, you'll see but don't worry, they will have their first time and I can't wait to write about that!! but patience is a virtue.
2-Can't wait to write more about Emily.
3 - I don't know if it's good or bad news, but the first part still have like 15 chapters or less, maybe 10 chapters. Bye Lurry.
any doubts, questions, opinions, you know where to find me.
xoxo gossip girl.
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