Chapter 46
Someone drugged her. But who? And why? Maybe it was by mistake. It must have been a mistake.
"Lucy who did this?" I grab her by the shoulders to get her attention.
"Who did what?" She laughs. "Harry I missed you" She hugs me and I wrap my arm around her small body.
Think Harry, think.
Not cocaine, not weed nor LSD. It had to be something orally, which was dissolved in a liquid and Lucy couldn't identify it. Think Harry.
"Harry, I want to dance!" She pulls my hand. "I want to dance" I covered her mouth when she screams. "Ouch!" I exclaimed when Lucy bites my hand.
"Stay still," I say because she's very restless and I need to think.
Lucy ignored my order, she tries to escape but I don't let her go. Too dangerous. I grab her elbow and she lets out a moan.
"No, let me go! Harry, let go! Harry! "It's disturbing to hear her screams because she has never done this before.
"Hey Lucy, Lucy, look at me, calm down" I stroked her cheek to see if that calms her. She looks at me and scares me how much her eyes are dilated. I can barely see her iris.
"Harry my ... my heart is beating...beating so fast" She gasps.
I eliminate some options, must have been ecstasy or amphetamines. What else could it be? Easily soluble orally. She didn't drink water, someone must give something to her, offer something else.
"Harry, my ... my heart" She sounds a little desperate. She gently pulled my shirt to get my attention.
"Okay, it's normal, you're fine." I grabbed her face in my hands and forced her to look at me. After a few seconds she smiles.
"You're so handsome" Lucinda sighs. "Can we dance?"
"Lucy is better for us to stay here." She frowns again and struggles to let go of me. "Lucinda stop!"
"Please Harry!" She fights me but I cannot let her go. After a few minutes she stops struggling.
"Want a drink?" I asked.
"Can I kiss you?" A smile appeared on her lips and there is no color on her face. The normal Lucy would blush but she's completely uninhibited.
"Lucy you're not fine" She chuckles and looks at me.
"That doesn't me-mean you can't kiss me." She rests her arms on my shoulders.
I'm starting to freak out because she doesn't blush. Until now I had never realized just how much I love that blush.
"Harry" I hear her voice and I realize that she is on her tiptoes but still she doesn't reach my face. I cannot help but laugh because she looks very sweet.
I tilt my head and kiss her. Her lips are burning, I touched her face and her skin is very hot despite the cold wind that runs outside.
This time she is very bold, I can feel it for the way she moves her lips against mine. I like to kiss her, her lips are sweet and soft.
As her first kiss I thought it would suck and really uncomfortable but Lucy does it great, at least for me is fine, more than fine. That's why I don't kiss her too much, because every time we kiss I feel something electric, something special and that scares me because it shouldn't happen.
"Easy baby" I whispered against her lips and she smiled. I gave her one last kiss and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. Her lips were dry, she needs to drink something "Come Lucy" I grab her hand and guided her toward the kitchen.
"Can we dance?"
"I thought you didn't dance."
"But I want to," she whines.
"First drink water" I pour a glass of water and handed it.
She drank it in one gulp and then says:
"More, please" I poured another glass and handed it to her. "What are doing Harry?" Lucinda laughs when I pass an ice down her forehead.
"Aren't you hot?" She nods.
"A lot." She puts the glass on the counter and watches me carefully.
I think a beer would be good right now. I open the refrigerator and pulled out a can.
"Lucy do you want...?" I stop because I'm talking to myself.
Great, she is not here.
This is not right.
I close the refrigerator and leave the kitchen. I crash with a girl but I ignore her.
Despite being tall, I stand on tiptoe and I see Lucy, she is dancing. I move between sweaty bodies to get to her.
"Harry!" She grabs my hand with a smile.
Many people are shouting and raising their hands when a new song starts.
"I like this song!" Lucy yells above the music.
"What? Of course not, "I frown. I don't think she actually hear this kind of music.
She let go of my hand before I could get her out of here.
The beat is strong, fast and contagious. Lucy closes her eyes and dances. I am certainly impressed when she starts to move her hips from side to side and at the rhythm of the music. She shakes her shoulders and hair. She doesn't look at me, her eyes are closed and her head bowed.
I don't usually dance at parties, but I am looking at Lucy standing in a crowd that is dancing like there is no tomorrow. I take a long sip of my beer and to not look stupid I start to dance. I'm not that bad or that's what Gemma says, but that doesn't count much because she's my sister.
I grabbed her waist with my free hand and pulled Lucy towards me because I feel the distance between us is big. After a few minutes Lucy opens her eyes but she doesn't look at me, her gaze is on the ceiling.
"Harry the lights" I barely heard her voice.
I look toward the ceiling and watched all the lights, like disco style. Many colors, different shapes and they move quickly. That must seem fascinating now she's drugged. She should see this with a lot more intense than I so. She still dances but her gaze is glued to the ceiling.
Another song plays and now is a remix, the beat is crazy, much faster and has many electronic effects. For people who are drugged this is perfect for them. And then I remember that Lucy is one of them.
Someone turns on strong strobes lights, it's like someone turned on and off the light and on a very fast and short time period. This changes everything and causes distortion in motion.
Lucinda looks around and finally her eyes are on me. Dark eyes, dangerous look. That's how I see her right now.
She smiles and continues dancing but this time is different. She slides her fingers through her hair, her face and shakes her shoulders and moves her hips. I don't know what they gave to her but she is completely free and uninhibited.
She stretched an arm toward me and I grabbed her hand. She keeps dancing, jumping when the others jump and she joyfully laughs. She looks happy, free and pretty.
I don't like when her hands run up her legs and over her hips. Lucy moves her arms and then looks up. A smile lights up her face but is not a smile that I usually see. It's a smile of pleasure, but real pleasure. And I've seen that smile on other girls, that's the smile you get when you please them. Sexually.
Suddenly she stops moving and our eyes met. She sweats but still looks... sexy. Her eyes are dark and still dilated. Her lips are slightly parted and she's still breathing heavily. I watch the way her chest rises and falls every time she inhales and exhales.
I look up and she doesn't look bother for the way I was staring at her chest.
The image is sexy, I must admit. And with those glasses she looks like a typical secretary, like the type of secretary you'd secretly fuck on your desk, on your chair, against the wall, against the window, in an elevator or in the couch of your office. That kind of secretary.
She walks over me and rests her head on my chest. It takes me a few seconds to put a hand on her shoulder. I'm a little overwhelmed with this new vision of Lucy and the feelings she wakes up in me. I shake my head and I drink the rest of the beer. I throw the can to the floor and I search my pack of cigarettes in my pocket. I don't care if I can't smoke in here, now I need a cigarette, I'm anxious.
I light the cigar and smoke. The smoke burns my throat and Lucy laughs at my chest.
She points to the smoke, laughs and the stares at me. Her breathing is hectic and I have fear that she suffocates or something. I'm worried.
Our faces are just inches away. The strobe lights are still working and that allows me to see her face clearly. Pale, very pale and her cheeks are not even flushed despite all the heat in here.
Besides I can't recognize any emotion in the black holes that are her eyes right now.
I'm still worried and nervous so I inhale the cigarette smoke and let it burn my lungs. She didn't seem to mind, I don't think Lucy has blinked.
"Harry, I like you, can you kiss me?" Lucy says without hesitation, straight to the point.
Her words sound tender and I have to smoke again because I feel the guilt and regret upon me. My throat burns and the anxiety disappear a little.
I turn off my feelings and I leaned over to kiss her. Our lips brushed and…
"Happy pills, happy pills!" A guy interrupts us and we parted.
"Get out Sam!" I growled.
I know him, Sam is in my history class.
"Don't want a pill Harry?" He says opening his hand. There are many white pills with smiley faces.
Usually I would accept one, I would swallow it and I'd be drugged and lost for the rest of the night but now I can't and I don't want to. I care for Lucy, she is my biggest concern right now.
"Not now Sam"
"It's ecstasy Harry, don't you want some?" He smiles looking at pills.
"Sam I said no, now get out."
"Harry, I can't believe it, your girlfriend is changing you" He scolds me and I want to burn him with the cigar.
"Pills" Lucy said looking Sam's hand. I can't believe that now she has noticed the pills. "I want one" She says quickly and snatches one of Sam's hand.
"Hey, no!" I take the pill from her hand.
She squeals and I cover her mouth. Lucy slaps my hand and turns to Sam.
"Sam? Hi, hi Sam "She hugs him and Sam looks at me completely confused.
"Stoned." I answer.
"Dude your girlfriend is hot" I raise an eyebrow. Is he serious? "Not that way, don't kill me" Sam laughs. "You have to get her out of here, it's hot, is not good for her."
"What did you give to her?"
"It wasn't me and I don't know but I think someone gave her amphetamines or ..."
"Ecstasy." He finished the sentence for me. "You know how this works. Watch the way she sweats, dude that's dehydration. You have to lower her body temperature now. "
Oh my god, how could I forget?
"Dehydration is serious, are you crazy or what?" Sam scolds me and Lucy is still hugging him.
He's right but his speech irritates me. I know I made a mistake but I don't want to hear it.
"Come on Lucy, let’s go" She obeys me and we walk towards to the kitchen.
I find a empty bottle, I clean it and I filled it with water. I grab a few beers for me and a bag of ice from the refrigerator and I give it to Lucy.
I prefer to go to the backyard, I don't want her to run down the street. We cross the threshold that leads us to the backyard and Lucy stumbles and falls. Some girls laughed and I glared at them, if looks could kill.
"Shit Lucy, are you okay?" I help her to get up.
"Harry it hurts" She moans and stretches her leg. She's wearing a dress and her legs are bare so she scraped her knees. The two are red and a few scratches but only one is bleeding. Oh my god, she's hurt again, I'm not good when it comes to take care of people.
We found a chair and Luce sits down.
"Here, drink this" I handed the bottle.
"But I'm not thirsty"
I know she is not thirsty, is one of the effects of ecstasy but if I don't do something now who knows what can happen.
"I told you to drink Lucy" I growled and she obeys my order. She drinks small sips but its something.
"My skin is...burning..." She states when she touches her cheek with the palm of the hand.
I look down and her knee is still bleeding. I need something for that.
"Does it hurt?" I ask, seeing the wound.
"Sort of."
"Lucy listen" I grab her face. "Stay here, okay? Don't move, "she nods.
"Where are you going?"
"I need to get something, be right back, don't move!" I order, then I run to the bathroom. I grab a towel and I wash it.
When I return Lucy is still there but she looking everywhere. And now I realize how lonely she is if I wasn't here.
It's like a stab to see her sitting there and staring at everyone, without recognizing any familiar face. I have never felt so bad in my life.
"Hey I'm back" She mutters 'Harry' and smiles. "Drink Lucy" I point the bottle and she nods.
"Be careful" She says when I leave the towel on her knee.
"Sorry," I say, and her dark gaze changes. "What?"
" are...touching me" She pants and I look down. I just have my hands on her thigh, actually I'm stroking her thigh.
Another effect of ecstasy intensity of the senses.
"Sorry. Here, take this, "I pull out an ice cube from the bag and give it to her.
She rubs it against her forehead and then against her lips.
I want to find Matt, just to put alcohol in her wound but I don't want to Lucy to go back inside. First I need to lower her body temperature.
I feel her hand on my cheek and I look up.
"Your skin is ice and I’m skin is very hot." With her free hand she touches her forehead.
"Its normal, don't worry" She drinks some water and I pass an ice down her forehead.
I get scared when she eats a cube of ice; she chewed up then swallowed it. For a moment I thought she might choke but nothing happened. Lucy plays with an ice cube and she even passes on her eyebrows, saying they need to lower the temperature. I laugh and she joins. One word: Adorable.
I sit next to her and after about 40 minutes she looks a bit fresh and better. Her skin is not so hot. Finally because I was scared.
She still is drugged, and its only 4 am. It's been about 3 hours or 4 since I found her. The effects can last up to 6 hours after ingestion so I must wait.
I'm glad to have found her, I don't want to think what would happen if I wasn't here. Something horrible could have happened to Lucy, rape or I don’t know.
I don't know why but I imagine Cameron, that sick bastard, chasing Lucy. I know he has been watching her because Taylor ordered him but it scares me. A lot. Cameron is sick and I'm not kidding. He has strange tastes when it comes to sex, he's violent, obsessive and weird.
He used to stalk my sister until I threatened him and I gave him his lesson. Gemma wanted nothing to do with him but the word "no" is not in Cameron's dictionary.
"Can I try that?" She points to my can and I shake my head. "Boring" She whispers and I laugh.
She lies down and rests her head on my lap. She stares at the stars in silence and completely lost in her own thoughts.
"My heart Harry," She mutters.
"I know, calm down." I stroke her hair.
If she despairs it would be worse but it's a horrible feeling. Your heart beats very strong, and it can feel like you were about to have a heart attack or like your heart is going to explode.
"The stars are so but so bri-bright" She whispers without looking at me.
I wish she could fall asleep but it won't happen. Another effect, lack of sleep, feeling alert.
"Look Harry!" Lucy points to a group of people who are playing twister. "I wanna play!" She gets up and runs toward the group.
I get up from the chair and I follow her. She stares at the people who are playing but something catches her attention.
"Adam, Adam!" Lucy walks to a boy and hugs him.
Adam, her friend and Josh's brother. He looks stupid dressed as Green Lantern. Boring costume, I bet he's a virgin.
He looks surprised by her behavior, Lucy gives him a kiss on the cheek and then rests her face on his shoulder. I don't like the way she is acting, I stand this because she's stoned. Adam says something to Lucinda, she doesn't respond and then his eyes meet mine and I see fear. Maybe he drugged her and then abandoned her.
I throw the beer can. I walk over him and I clench my fists. I'm ready to punch him.
"Did you ...?"
"What did you do?" Adam interrupted me.
"What? Nothing. What did you do?"I frowned.
"When I left she was fine."
"Why should I believe you?" I interrogated.
"I'm her friend, I know her since she was a girl, I would never do anything."
"What makes you think I would do something to her?"
"I still remember that day in front of my brother's tattoo shop. The way you treated her, that wasn't cool."
He is very brave, despite our difference of body and height. I am taller than him and of course more muscular. I could beat him in two seconds but I must remember he's Josh's brother and Josh is my friend.
"Jesus Lucy, you're sweating a lot" Adam wipes her forehead but Lucy is not very aware of what is happening. "What did they give to you Lucy?" She doesn't answer; she's still hugging with her eyes closed. "Lucy what did they do?"
"They gave me what?" She opens her eyes and looks at us.
"Look how she is." Adam frowns. "She could have ended up in the hospital."
"Yes, but here she is. I'm taking care of her. "
"Good job" He spits sarcastically. His attitude is irritating me.. "You're doing very well," He points her knees.
Maybe it was my fault but I don't want to admit in front of him.
"I better take her home" He grabs her elbow and hugs her with one arm.
"No way," I growl. "She stays with me." I step toward Adam and he let her go. Lucy trips and she's about to fall but this time I grabbed her and Adam too. I grab her left elbow and he has the other one.
"Thanks" She smiled foolishly.
"Did you see her eyes?" Adam exclaims.
"She's fine," I state firmly.
"Are you serious? Are you stupid or what? She needs to go home; she can't be here with you. "
"Don't talk to me like that you little shit" I'm about to hit him but Lucy stands between us.
"Enough, enough!" She's almost shouting.
"You want to stay with this idiot?" Adam asks. He grabs her face and my whole body tense. Who the hell does he think he is?
"The idiot is her boyfriend" I clarified with a mischievous smile.
I know we have no label but use this word gives me power. The first time I use it was when Marcel told Lucy that he liked her. I give her hope when I said that and it was obvious she was going to stay on my side after that. Marcel 0, Harry 1. And now the same thing happens. Adam looks completely stunned at me and then looks at Lucy but she looks at me. I feel terrible about this, but I know it would cause this effect on her.
"I'll stay with Harry" She walked away from Adam and stays next to me.
"What? Lucy told me she was your friend. "What? She said that?
She doesn't answer and the only she does its hides her face in my chest.
"Lucy, I'm talking to you. Come with me, you'll be fine. "
"She made her decision or are you deaf?" I growled, I have no time for this idiot. Adam frowns before saying:
"Look Harry, I don't care who you are. Lucy is my friend and I would do anything for her. I'll be watching you and if anything else happens... "
"Don't threaten me idiot." I cut him off. "I don't care if you're her friend, I won't hesitate to hit you if it is necessary."
Adam takes a step back, I know my threat worked. He looks intimidated but tries not to look scared.
"I'll be watching you." Is all he says before leaving.
"What the hell was that?" Louis comes out of nowhere.
"What the hell?"
"I was watching you Harry. What just happened?"
"Louis" Lucy sings and she tries to hug him but Louis is faster and grabs her wrists.
"Get away from me," he mumbles.
"Don't treat her like that, she's just trying to hug you" I push him gently and grabbed Lucy's hand.
"Here comes the hero" He rolls his eyes sarcastically. "Wait a second" He looks more closely at Lucy and then laughs. "She's drugged, you did it, right? Oh my god, finally you did something right. "
"Shut up, I didn't do it. I don't know who did it. "
"Too bad."
"Can we play twister?" Lucy pulls my hand gently.
"Sure, let's go."
"Really?! You look like a babysitter! "Louis yells but I ignore him.
Thank God he didn't follow us, today I can't stand him.
I didn't want to play but Lucy asked me. It was actually pretty funny. She's good, the only thing that bothers me is the fact that she is using a dress. I don't want anyone to see her.
"That was fun!" Lucy says after we played about three rounds.
It's been a while since the last time she drank so it would be a good idea to drink some water.
"I'm not thirsty!" She moans when I give the glass of water.
"Drink" It’s the only thing I say.
She swallowed all the liquid and handed to me.
"Patrick, Patrick hello!" Lucy squeals effusive and waves to a guy who just walked into the kitchen.
Patrick, Patrick. I know him, but how?
"Hey Lucy" He smiles. How does he know her?
If Adam left her and she was fine, Lucy should have met someone else and that person must have been him. What I don't understand is why she didn't search for me, maybe she was tired of me or something?
"We ate cookies and I drank his favorite milk" She smiles innocently.
Favorite Milk...
Pills, orally, it was a liquid but no water.
Favorite Milk...
He drugged Lucy!
"Idiot, you drugged!" I yelled in the middle of the kitchen. I pushed him and his body crashed into the counter. Some plastic glasses fell on the floor but I didn't care. People yelled at me when I gave him a punch in the face. My knuckles collided with his nose, I felt pain but the pleasure was higher. I finally found you bastard.
"Man, what are you talking about?!" He shouted at me with one hand on the nose.
Drops of blood poured from his nose and fell straight to the kitchen floor.
"Enough!" One girl shouted.
"Shut up!" I yelled at her.
I turned to Patrick but he's fast and hits me. His knuckles collide with my jaw. Shit, that hurts.
I rub my jaw, trying to forget the pain and I spit a bit of blood. He didn't break a tooth; it takes more for do that.
If he is defending is for two reasons:
1 - He drugged Lucy.
2 - For simple defense against this maniac.
"So that's how we're gonna play huh?" I smiled despite the pain and managed to dodge one of his punches. My fist hit his face, bone to bone. He almost falls but holds onto the counter, accidentally he pushes a bottle and the glass explodes on the floor. This time his cheek was swollen.
"What did you do? Did you touch her? What the fuck did you do? Answer me! "
"Stop!" He screamed. "I just gave her milk; I said it was my favorite because it's my favorite. I didn't drink it. "He spoke and raised his hand, trying to keep me from hitting him again." I didn't do anything, I didn't drug her, I swear."
"If you're lying," I grabbed the collar of his shirt. "I'll find you and cut you to pieces." I let him go. He slipped on the wet floor and fell. Some people laughed but others looked frightened at me, like I was a freak. Maybe I was but I didn't care. I don't care about anyone except for her.
I turn around but I don't see Lucy. I try to find her but nothing. What?
"I didn't buy this milk, someone gave it to me." Patrick said from the floor and that grabs my attention. "A guy gave me milk and the drinks that are in the fridge."
"This guy, ahm, he was tanned, I had never seen him before. His name is, uh... his name is Taylor, I think. "
Tanned. Taylor. It was him, he drugged her.
Son of a bitch.
"Lucy? Lucy? "I looked around but no one answers.
"She is not here, the girl left" A girl answered. "You scared with all your show."
Shit. I need to find her, I need her.
The lights, the lights, they blind me. The music explodes in my ears.
Everything is so intense, so fragile.
I would like to touch the lights, I would like to be a light and move, move quickly. I want to run, jump, spin around, be bright, burn and explode.
I lick lips but my throat and my mouth are dry.
I'm not thirsty, I don't feel cold, I don't feel hungry, I'm not tired nor sleepy. I'm a star, I'm a light.
I wish Harry was here so he can be a light, a light with me. But I had to escape because he was screaming, there was blood, he hit Patrick. It was very intense, very strong for me. So I had to escape.
Now I'm dancing and all that I can are lights and music, the music echoing in my ears.
I barely feel the pain in my knee, my muscles don't get tired and I keep dancing. I feel energy, lots of energy throughout my body. I feel electricity, the electricity I feel when I kiss Harry. I wish and he should be here and we could be a star, a light, together, the two.
Among all the lights my eyes see a boy, he's looking at me. There's something in his eyes that should scare me but I can't feel fear. I feel love. Love to everyone. I wish I could hug everybody, a big hug.
I dance and he looks at me. I should be scared, my mind screams to me that I should be but I can't and I don't want to. Everything is so slow, so bright and he is still there, across the room watching me.
I know him, I know him.
I walked towards him through the crowd. Redhead, tall and serious.
"Hi Lucy."
"How do you know my name?"
"Magic as Harry Potter." I smile and he does the same but happiness doesn't reach his eyes.
"I like your hair is so ... red." I try to focus my eyes but his hair is very red.
"Thank you, not many people tell me that." His voice is deep and a little frightening. His voice is hoarse but not like Harry. Nobody can compares with Harry.
I know him, he's the guy who followed me, the guy Harry threatened in the parking lot. I should run but I don't move.
I stumble to the side and he grabs me.
"Wow, careful."
His hand is cold against my skin. I breathe but not enough air enters my lungs. I inhale but the air, there is no air. Maybe I'll choke, maybe not. I feel like I'm burning, my skin is hot.
"It's hot here..."
"You're sweating, we better go outside."
"Thanks for helping" I speak once we are outside.
The icy wind blows my hair and slid down my neck and my dress. There are cars, people, and it's dark. What time is it?
I breathe and he looks at me. I'm still breathing and he's still looking at me.
"Why were you ha-harassing me?"
"I didn't do that, I was just watching you." He replied serene.
"Why would you do that?"
"It was an order."
"Who? Why?"
"So many questions, why should I answer?"
"Because ... because it is the right thing to do."
"Things don't work like this for me." The redhead shrugs. "Let's make a deal."
"A deal?"
"I will answer your question but if you go with me, let's take a walk."
"A walk? Why? Where? "
"Wherever you want."
But what if I wanted to go to the moon? To the stars and be a light, a light but not with Harry. Without Harry? No, I can't go.
"It is not a-a good idea. What about Harry?"
"Forget Harry."
"Do you see him? He is not here, he is not looking for you." I don't say anything, he is right. "Don't be a coward" He grabs my hand. His fingers are frozen against mine.
"I am not."
"Then let's do it."
Why not?
We walked among the people and he gets closer to a boy. I know him too. Tanned, dark eyes, dark hair. What was his name?
"Taylor give me the keys," the redhead said and he obeys.
"Where are you two going?" He smiles staring at us.
"For a walk." I answer.
"How are you Lucy? Good to see you. "He gently pats my back. "Where is Harry?"
"I don't know, I lost him." I shrug.
"Let's go?" The redhead asks me and I nod.
"What about my dress?" I say when I see his motorcycle.
"Who cares." He hands me a helmet.
I don't know if it's a good idea but I'm not a coward so I get on the motorcycle. It's weird.
"I don't know your na-name."
"Cameron." He placed his helmet. "Where are we going? Have you decided?"
I want to be next to Harry, there is where I belong. But I lost him and he didn't look for me. Maybe he didn't care so I have to escape and be a light without him. I miss Harry but I'm with Cameron now and I'm not afraid. Even if Harry hit him, even if Cameron followed me.
"I don't know, surprise me." I finally answer.
The grunt of the motorcycle is so strong that I want to cover my ears but I can't.
"Hang on, things will get wild." I listen to Cameron and I obeyed.
I hug him and I rest my head on his back.
The motorcycle moves quickly, with a lot of speed. Everything looks blurry and fast and there are many lights. It's beautiful.
I don't know where he is taking me but I know I'm far from Matt's house. Far from Cassie, Mandy, Ryan, and everyone I know.
I don't know where he's taking me but I know I'm far from Harry. Where is he? Why he didn't look for me?
I breathe and I let the cold air rub my face.
I feel like I'm here but I'm not at the same time. I close my eyes and think of Harry and I see his face, I see him between the lights, he's smiling, smiling just for me. I miss him.
I want to go back, go back to Harry's arm but its too late. I want to say that to Cameron but I stay quiet.
My mind is disconnected but my spirit, my soul, my heart stayed with Harry, back there in the Matt's house. And every step that I take is me pulling away, away from him, away from Harry.
early update ?¿?¿
"Surprise, bitches. I bet you thought you'd seen the last of me!! haha i love that phrase.
Lucy is in trouble, Harry is going to be so pissed off 2.0
I changed the description of the story bc I was bored. Hope you enjoy the chapter, love you all x
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