Chapter 45

thank you for wait.


1-The creepy redhead is back. His name was Cameron (I imagine him as Ed Sheeran.)

2- Adam(Logan Lerman) (Friend of Lucy-chapter 20).

3- I don't know why this chapter came out so long but doesn't mean it always will be like this.


The kiss is soft and gentle. My heart pumps so fast and I'm shaking. I'm completely lost in his essence, in his arms, in the heat of his body. Harry Styles makes me crazy.

His words have touched me in every fiber of my being and I cannot help but be touched and hopeful by his words.

It hurts when we parted. He looks adorable with his messy hair, his cheeks lightly flushed, his breathing heavy and with his eyebrows slightly furrowed.

Everything is too much for me. It's hard when someone says these kinds of things, especially if no one has ever done that in your entire life. Most of the time I don't know what to say but now I really have no words. I would kiss him again but I don't feel so brave.

"I don't kno-know what to say." I muttered as I feel a lump in my throat.

"Lucy? Is everything alright? Please don't cry, did I do something? "He said worried.

I feel weak, exposed but also happy. It's a weird mixture of feelings dancing in my chest.

"Sorry, I ... I ..." I wiped a tear and smiled weakly. "Thank you Harry." I think those are the right words.

"Why?"  I can see the confusion on his face. He can't be serious; after all he said, how does he ask that?

"For... for everything, I guess. No one has ever said that before. It is very sweet and nice of you. These days have been good, despite the fight with Marcel, everything is... perfect. Thank you. "I whisper embarrassed, it's hard to say these words and after what happened I still need to catch my breath.

He half smiles, apparently not convinced of my words. What happened? Maybe he's not used to do or hear such things.

I'm inserted in this intimate moment, in this little bubble in which we both are. I take the first step and I intertwine my fingers with his.

"As I said today, I ... I-I prefer you, I like you." I smiled. Harry sighs, looks down at our hands and then up, his emerald eyes looking straight at me. I feel that he is hesitating; he's thinking something, like he had an internal struggle in his mind.

"I also prefer you." He finally responds with a half smile. Maybe I'm imagining it but its like a sad smile. What is he thinking? Maybe I'm just paranoid...

My stomach rumbles, breaking the silence between the two. Harry chuckles in response.

"Can we eat?" I asked with a hand on my stomach.


"Can we eat pizza? I'm hungry but for pizza. "

"Okay." He nods as he gets up from the bed.

I grab my backpack and I change in the bathroom. It is difficult to take off Harry's shirt, it's a beautiful shirt but more importantly is that the shirt smells so good, just like Harry. Maybe I could ask him if he could give it to me or borrow it.

 Once I'm ready I go back to the room and Harry is sitting on his bed with my notebook on his hands.

"You didn't finish your homework."

"It was ... it was your fault." I shrugged. "Can I ke-keep your shirt?" I asked as I showed his shirt in my hands.

"Can I stay with your black underwear?" He raises an eyebrow as he smirks.

"No." I replied shyly.

"Then no deal" He gets up and hands me the notebook. I pout in an attempt to make him feel pity, hoping he will give me his shirt. "That doesn't give me pity Lucy" 

"Okay, you wi-win." I stretched the shirt for him.

"I was joking you can keep it."

"Thanks," I mumble and I keep the shirt and notebook inside my backpack.


"Where are we going?" I question.

"I don't know, you can choose, is fine with me." Harry turns on the radio with his eyes on the road.

"Pizza Hut? It is my favorite place."

"Really? mine too. I used to go a lot with my sister, we stole money from our parents. Those were the days."He sighs and I can feel the nostalgia in the air and stuck in his voice.

Now I realize how little I know about his sister. He barely mentioned her, like his mother and father.

"Where is she?"

"I dunno, I guess Gemma should be working. We often lose touch and then recovered. That is the way we are. "


"Because she is always dating jerks who I want to hit, plus I'm tired of being her shoulder to cry, she keeps falling into the same mistakes. "

"I thought she was a lesbian."

"No, now she is bisexual. I think I told you that Zayn used to fuck my sister, that bastard. However in the end didn't turn out and they found someone else."

"When did that happen?"

"At the beginning of the year, in February I think. She also dated Taylor. "

"The guy that hit you that time at the bar?" Oh my dear god. I wanted to slap myself as soon as the words left my mouth.

Why did I say that? I could have said "that tanned boy" or anything else! I am so stupid, congratulations to myself. I just ruin everything.

"Um, yes."


"Harry?" I spoke after several minutes of silence.


"What happened that night? You ne-never told me. "

"I'd rather not talk about it." He frowns, clearly changing mood.

"Harry I was worried and—"

" Lucy I just told you I don't wanna talk about it." He cuts me off.

I sigh while I pull my phone out of my backpack and I pretend to look busy.

When we finally got to Pizza Hut the sun is falling and the colors of the sky darken and mixed with an orange.

We wait for our turn, three people are in front of us on the line and Harry is distracted with his phone. I wonder with who he's talking.

I cross my arms and look around. One hour ago he was so romantic, it was a very special moment and now he doesn't even look at me. I don't know why I'm upset if this was my fault.

"I'm sorry for what I said before Harry." I whisper as I look at him.

He keeps his cell phone in his pocket and looks at me. "Okay. I've noticed you're curious but you can't know everything Lucy. "

"I know, I'm sorry."

"In my opinion some things are not meant to be said."

"If you are having any problems with Taylor or if you are hiding something to him, this is not good Harry. You know that the truth always comes out right? "I said concerned.

"Yes, I know." He sighed. "Can we talk about something else?"

"Sure. Ahm, I didn't know you were so good at chemistry, I mean, you did the homework incredibly fast. "

"I'm good at chemistry but I hate our teacher." Harry takes out the beanie and shakes his curly hair.

"I think he's great."

"I bet you think all the teachers are great." Harry smiles and I nod. "That was predictable."

We ordered a Pepperoni pizza and cheese sticks. Harry wanted to pay everything but I didn't let him. I paid the half and he paid the other half.

We chatted about Sherlock Holmes while we waited for our order. Maybe Harry and I we can start our own fan club because we love with passion the works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, author of Sherlock.

The cheese sticks are delicious, the cheese melts in your mouth with an explosion of flavors. I had never tried it before and Harry said they were amazing and he's right.

We almost finished the cheese sticks when our pizza is ready. I take a sip of Coca-cola and looked at Harry while he's biting a piece of pizza. He still looks handsome.

"Cassie used to buy heart-shaped pizzas, brought her good luck according to her." I try to create some conversation.

"Really? I think Louis did that once. "

"Louis has been in a relationship?" I'm surprised; he doesn't look like a boyfriend.

"Hard to believe but yes. Now he's tired of relationships, besides we are so close to senior year and I guess he wants to enjoy the most."

"I understand." I nod.

"I guess that is our motto." Harry said before taking a sip of his drink.

"Your motto? Really?" I'm a little irritated. You've got to be kidding me.

"We have different points of view." He shrugs.

"All you think about is girls or what?"

"Lucy, are you mad?" He chuckles.

"What!? No." I blush. Was I?

I pretended to drink, just to avoid say something stupid and this time Harry dropped it.

We are so hungry that we barely talked, in less than 10 minutes we finished eating. We drink our drinks in silence and then we got up from our seats.

"You know that the pizza as a flat bread can be linked to ancient times. The Ancient Egyptians were expert bread makers. However, the modern pizza is linked to Italy where it first became popular in the 18th century. Naples is thought to be the home of the pizza." I said as we crossed the entrance of the pizzeria.

"Are you some kind of encyclopedia?" Harry chuckles and his hair is dancing because of the wind.

"I like to investigate on thi-things that are interesting and that I like." I shrugged.

"Have you done your research on me?" He raised an eyebrow.

"What? I didn't sa-say that. "I hide my face with my hair and I threw my hands into the pockets.

"Just wondering."

"No, ne-never, I guess."

I knew about Harry before this happened but I never inquired about him. Still I knew some things thanks to Cassie.

We stop in front of his car and Harry laughs. I raise an eyebrow, I don't know why but I have the slight feeling that it will be something about me.

"What are you laughing at?"

"You." I knew it. "The first time we met, you looked like a frightened animal."

"I was... I was intimidated and frightened." I blushed. "But…but not anymore."

"You're a terrible liar." He shook his head with a smirk on his lips.

"Of co-course not."

"Want to bet?" I shook my head.

Harry raised the corner of his lips in a naughty smile and one of his arms wrapped my waist and pulled me towards him. He gave me a short kiss and the smile on his face faded as he looked over my shoulder. He frowns and releases me.

I turn around and my eyes meet a blonde girl, she is not so far from us. She’s at the entrance of the pizzeria, smoking a cigar with her ​​friends. I know her, what was her name? Ashley. She looks at us completely shocked. She turns to her friends and start whispering. I guess they are talking about us. The colors drained from my face. This is the first time someone from school sees us together in this situation.

"Don't look at her, nobody cares about that bitch." Harry growls and I don't like the way he called her. I know she's not a nice girl but where is the respect? "Get in the car, I'll take you home."



I headed to the cafeteria when my class ended. I was a bit lost in my thoughts. Yesterday when I got home I studied and then I watched a very good movie inspired by a book. Thanks to technology I downloaded the book to my phone. I'm walking and reading it.

I stood in the lunch line and I inserted myself in the literary world.

"We have many things to do" I almost fell when Mandy comes out of nowhere.

"Like what? What are-are you talking about? "I asked confused.

"You have to try on my dress; we have to see how you are going to comb your hair, makeup you are going to use—"

"What?" I was dizzy for all her words. I just want to wear the silly dress and that is it.

"Cassie told me. We need hair removal. "

 "It's horrible, I don't want to." I groan when I remember the pain.

"Don't be a coward, it will be worth it ."

"It's stupid." I frown.

"Do it or you'll look like Chewbacca" Mandy grinned.

"I'd rather look like--"

"Come on Lucy, we have to. It hurts but then you will feel free. "

 I nod in defeat. Anyway I have to wear a dress so things haven't been very good for me.

We bought our lunch and walked through the crowd with our trays in search of a table.

"Today is our day together. Just girls, you, me and Cassie. "

"Great." I smile. I may not show it, but I am excited.

"She's going to dress up as Playboy bunny, you were right."

"I told you."

I look around and my eyes meet Cassie, she is coming toward us. She doesn't look happy. What happened?

"Cassie are you—" She didn't even let me finish, Cassie slaps me. My cheek is burning and I think she had dislocated my jaw.

"Why was-was that?" I managed to say. Ouch, that slap hurt. First Madison and now Cassie, who is next?

 "How dare you ask me that? You lied to me, you're with Harry and you didn't tell your best friend about it. " She is about to cry but she looks upset.

Well great Lucy, it seems you've ruined again.

 "Cassie calm down, there's an explanation." Mandy speaks softly, trying to calm the situation.

"Shut up Mandy." Cassie cut her off and her eyes are on me. "Everyone is talking about you and Harry. Lucy I don't even have words, I ... I don't know who you are. My friend Lucy would never do that, we don't have secrets, we are like sisters. You know what? I don't want explanations. Don't call me and don't talk to me. "After that she turns around and leaves.

"I guess it will be just you and me." Mandy whispers. "Lucy we better walk, everyone is watching us."

My eyes move away from Cassie and I look around. Several pairs of eyes are fixed on me. Some girls whisper, some smiling and others are only attentive, if something else happens. This makes me feel sick, don't you have anything better to do?!

Everything happened so fast. Cassie, the slap, her words and then she walked away. I barely had time to think about the consequences and the rage she must feel for me.

"Lucy, are you okay?" I hear Harry's voice. That was fast. "Cassie just hit you, what happened?" He looks...worried?

"She just found out about you two." Mandy said when I was not able to speak.

"It was a good slap your cheek because it is red." Maybe Harry thinks is funny because he's smiling.

"I think she's in shock. Ahm, its better if—"

"I'm fine." I lied, and then I turned and kept looking for a table.

I don't look back but I think Mandy is following me. I find an empty table and I sit down. Harry is not with us.

"I told him it was better to talk later." Mandy answered my thought. "Why didn't you say anything? If you were dumb or distracted because of Harry I feel you. Jesus, he's looking hot today. "

I really didn't notice Harry.

"No, not him. Mandy...I just lost my best friend. "



"Lucy, come on! Don't be sad! "Mandy tries to cheer me up as we walk through the parking lot. I don't answer. "Don't be pessimistic."

I nod but I keep my head down. Mandy stops, she grabs me by the shoulders and shakes me.

"Lucy, wake up! I feel like I'm talking to myself. "

"Sorry." I whispered.

"Let's do an exercise, okay?" I nodded, without understanding. "Just close your eyes and tell me everything. You need to speak with someone, you're keeping everything and it is not good."

I'm doing exactly what she said, I won't share it, it's my problem.

"Please?" She pouted and I sighed. Maybe I could try, just maybe.

I close my eyes and breathe. Try to express yourself.

"I'm very sad because she's my best friend, I know we haven't talked much but still she is like my sister. I have never felt alone because Cassie has always been there for me. She didn't deserve what I did, she found out in the worst way and I didn't want that to happen. I wanted to tell her but I was too stupid, like always. Today when Cassie slapped me, and boy it hurt me, I was not able to say anything, I was not able to explain my reasons and she will hate me forever and I don't know what to do. I'm desperate " I don't know what else to say, I think I'm done. I sigh, feeling a little better, and then I open my eyes.

"Oh wow, finally you are talking." Mandy looks at me surprised.

"I know."

"You have to express yourself more often and I'm sure Cassie will forgive you."

"You don't know Cassie."

"Maybe you can talk to her in Halloween, maybe she won't be that mad with you," My friend shrugged.

"Yo-you know how it feels to lose your best friend?"

"Not really. I have no friends, except for you of course. " I don't reply, I was not expecting that answer. It makes me feel bad, I can't imagine Mandy alone. "What are you looking at idiots?" Mandy growls to some girls who were watching us. "Certainly Cassie is right, I think these girls were talking about you."

I am exasperated, it makes me sick just thinking about it. I breathe and try to calm down. It bothers me.

I still don't get used to the attention that Harry gives me, so for me to be being watched by several curious people scares me. I was born to be invisible, to be the quiet girl. I hate attention.

We don't talk and I just want to leave once we got to her car.

"Lucy!" I heard Harry and I want to bang my head against the car door.

I half smiled when he stopped in front of me.

"Are you okay?" I nod.

"Today is our day, we need to spend some time together." Mandy answers as she opens the door of her car.

"Since when is Mandy your translator?" I don't know what he was trying to do, it sounds a little bit funny but I can clearly feel the irritation in his voice.

"I'm sorry, what do you want?"

Harry opened his mouth to respond but he doesn't say anything. He looks a bit confused, like he wasn't ready to answer this question.

"Um, I just wanted to see you." He shrugged and he looks so cute.

"We need to go, we have to..." Mandy paused when Harry frowned at her.

"We have things to do for Halloween." I said and I have his attention again.

"I have homework to do; maybe you could go to my place and help me. You and your underwear "He teases me but his smile

"Harry!" I push his shoulder gently with flushed cheeks. "I-I can't" I hope Mandy has not heard that.

"Okay," He rolled his eyes and then he kissed my forehead. "See ya."

"Oh my god, what was that? You and your underwear? "Mandy said once Harry left. My eyes widened even more by her words and my whole body suffered a heat wave. No the heat I feel with Harry, it’s a heat of shame, when you're really nervous and you don't know what to say.

"Ahm, he was...he was kidding."

"If Harry tells me that I would be in underwear in a minute." She said before getting into her car. "Have you seen him in boxers? Please say yes, I've only seen him shirtless. "

"What?!" My voice came out higher than expected.

"Calm down, is not what you think. Last Saturday when I went to the party Ryan invited me. Harry was there and one of his friends spilt vodka on his shirt and, well, he just took it off. "

I blinked a few times and then turned my face to the window.

"Are you mad?"

"No, of course not." It would be stupid right?

"He didn't flirt with anyone, I was watching him and I think he noticed but I kept my eyes on him." I laughed because I can imagine Harry's face when he realized that Mandy was watching him.

"Thank you Mandy."

"I made you laugh, I’m good for something."

"I'm still worried about Cassie." I sigh.

"Cheer up Lucy. Everything will be okay, you'll see. You need to be patient and make a big apology."

"I'll try."

"Now, can we have fun? We have a lot of things to do. Halloween is going to be so much fun, I can feel it! "



Now that my friends know about me and Harry, I don't have to hide it anymore. It feels awful to feel eyes on you, it is not pleasant. I'm not bragging or being paranoid but I feel eyes on me.

I'm not scared but I feel intimidated when I walk holding Harry's hand. It is sweet but at the same time is intimidating. I still can't believe that this is happening, that Lucy and Harry can fit in the same sentence.

Mandy did not stop talking about the party and her expectations. I tried on her dress and she said "I was looking hot". We shaved and it was a nightmare. Mandy asked me if she could do my hair and makeup. I accepted because I didn't want her to beg me, but I won't let her do something to my hair or put me some makeup. To be honest with the dress is enough.

Doing my research on the internet I realized that Yoko used white boots or long white socks with shoes. I have never used boots and so I chose slippers and socks. I would like to ask for advice to someone but Mandy missed school and Cassie is not talking to me.

I was wondering who told Cassie about Harry. I know she said that "everybody" was talking about us but sometimes she exaggerates. I do not think she has heard it, someone must have told her.

I asked Marcel if he knew something and he said no. Marcel told me he saw everything and he was sorry about my slap and that he felt the slap too. We chatted, laughed and even read some comics he had in his backpack. It was like the old times except for the fact that he likes me. Is this good? Spend time with him? I don't want to hurt him.

I invited him to the Halloween party but Marcel already had plans, he and his new friends were attending to a Halloween party at Sheldon's place. One word. Weird.

I felt really bad about spending time with Marcel over Harry, because it was lunch time but I wasn't really hungry. I decided to hide in the library and here was Marcel. I thought Harry would come for me so I told Marcel if we could sit at a table that could hide us.

When I least expected Harry showed up and found me laughing with Marcel. He was very angry and if looks could kill I guess he would kill Marcel. I could barely get my stuff before he practically dragged me out of the library. I tripped, I almost fell but he didn't care. I try to keep my mouth shut because we were in the library and that's almost a sacred place for me. Plus I didn't want to cause more problems to Marcel or Harry and I didn't want to argue with him. And last but not least people were watching.

I was almost forced to lunch with Harry and his friends. At first I was not very happy because I didn't want to be there, I just wanted to go back with Marcel but it was obvious that Harry wouldn't allow it. So I didn't have a choice.

At first it was kind of awkward, they must have their topics of conversation and with me they couldn't speak as they wanted and I felt like I was bothering there. Somehow I managed to speak to Niall and Liam, they are really nice. I love Niall's laughter.

I even talked to Louis and Zayn, among their jokes and laughter we finally communicate. Our topic of conversation was truly random; we were talking about the First and Second World War. I've noticed that both are passionate about the history and I was quite surprised.

I wanted to slap me because I underestimated a lot these guys. In my mind I apologize to them and then I try to be nice for the rest of lunch.

Actually Harry didn't talk too much; he spent lunch with his fingers intertwined with mine as he looked at his friends. I didn't think he was quiet or I guess something was bothering him, probably because he found me with Marcel or I don't know.

Although he didn't talk much I was delighted with his laughter. Although he didn't talk much I was delighted with his laughter. The way he smile, when he bites his lower lip or when he slips his fingers through his hair or the way he looked at me a few times. Small but fascinating details.

I rested my head on his shoulder and I took advantage to his aroma. He was wearing a sweater today and unlike me he looks amazing. I just wanted to hug him and have a cup of coffee. My wishes came true because after school we went to a cafe, we ate chocolate cake and drank coffee.

He is adorable, he doesn't talk much about himself but he can make you laugh. I have noticed that he's always like serious or frowning; I think he wasn't aware of that. He does look intimidating and is nothing new, girls knows him for that.

After eating we headed to a store, Harry wanted to buy some jeans for Halloween. The cashier greeted him and they exchanged a few words. Apparently he comes here often. Brad is the name of the cashier, he doesn't say anything about us but I feel his gaze sometimes on our hands while he talks to Harry. I guess he wants to but doesn't dare to ask.

I walk around the store while he was looking for a pair of jeans he liked it. Harry spends more time buying clothes than me and I don't know if I should laugh or cry.

He looks very focused, biting his lower lip as his long fingers glide across the fabrics.

Harry finally picked one and we left the store. While he's driving reality hits me. We are going to a party together as a couple and this is my first Halloween with someone. Panic fills me and I'm nervous. I stare at him in silence and the only thing I wish is that everything goes well.



I'm sitting in the bathroom, looking at my reflection in the mirror and I look scared. A braid hanging to the left side of my shoulder. I'm wearing a blouse and shorts.

"So what do we do with your hair?" Mandy talks while entering the bathroom. In her hands she holds a dryer, a comb and a cream I think.

"Please don't do anything with my hair," I pouted at her through the reflection.

"What?" Mandy almost cried out. "Are you serious?"

"Please, I like this way." I said as I grabbed my braid to reinforce my words.

"Lucy you look like a girl with that."


"Yes and you are no longer a girl, you're a woman."

"Am I?"

"Do you have your period?" I nodded. "Then you're a woman and women don't wear braids."

"Bu-but I like it"

"Just let me do some curls on your hair. You will look gorgeous"

"But why? I don't want--"

"Lucy" Mandy groaned. "I want you to impress today."

"I don't want to impress anyone."

"Don't you want to impress Harry?"

"I co-could never impress him." Why is she saying that? I'm not even pretty, whether she fix me I could never impress Harry.

"Oh my god, I'm going to kill you." She sighs as she pinched the bridge of her nose. "God help me" She speaks at the ceiling. "Please do this for me? "

The odds are not in my favor. I have no choice.

"Okay." I accepted defeat.

"You'll love it, you'll look pretty."

"But no makeup." I whispered. I don't know why but I'm afraid of her reaction, I just realized that sometimes Mandy is just like Cassie.

"What!?" Mandy rolled her eyes. "I really want to kill you but all right." I smiled and undid my braid. "Can you at least wear lipstick?"

"It de-depends. What color?"


"Um ..." This time Mandy pouts. "Okay, but not much."

"Okay, okay."

"And how will you comb your hair?" I asked as she combed my hair.

"I don't know, I don't need much, I'm pocahontas did you forget?"

"Yes, you're right."

"Harry will come to pick us up?"

"Yeah, I'll call him when we're ready."

"I'm so excited! This party will define me socially at school. "


"I want to be popular, well, not popular, I want friends, I want to meet new people. Remember what I said about feeling alive. "I nodded. "This is one of those moments, those moments you cannot miss."



"Someone call 911!" My mom cries out when I appear on the living room. "My daughter looks very sexy Mike!" She said and a tear falls down her cheek. What is happening?

"Very sexy!" Mandy howls behind me.

"You look good Lucy" Mike smiles, he is dressed as Batman.

"Mom is just a dress." She ignores me and kisses my cheek.

 "Could you go for the camera honey?" Mike nods and goes upstairs. "You look beautiful Mandy that dress suits perfect to your body."

"You too Miss Fray. You look younger, like us." My mother laughed and I rolled my eyes. She is dressed as Catwoman, the black fabric attaches to her body and my mother is in shape. That makes me feel bad, she has a better body than me. I still don't like her costume; I didn't think she would use something so provocative.

"Thanks Mandy, I wanted to look sexy for my boyfriend today." She winked.


"She is not married to Mike." I answered.

"Nor are we engaged but I'm waiting for that moment."

"Here's the camera." Mike says as he walks down the stairs.

"I want to take some photos of the girls."

I don't want a picture but I'm forced. Mandy and I smiled and my mother takes our picture. Then she also takes a picture with us and then we take a photo with Mike. They are having fun with the pictures but the flash is blinding me.

Madison is still up. I don't know where she is going but I wouldn't surprise me if she appears on our Halloween party. Here everyone knows everyone.

"Lucy I need to tell you something," My mother says while she's looking the photos. "That dress looks good on you, really good on your body.”

"She looks thinner or am I wrong?" Mandy says.

"You chose it Mandy?" My friend nodded proudly. "Well, Mandy is right, you look thinner Lucinda."

To be honest I don't see or feel any difference. I'm not thin, I'm not chubby, I'm normal, I'm Lucy.

"And look at this" My mother stretched the camera to us. "Your breasts have grown."

"Okay, I'll be in the kitchen" Mike walks toward the kitchen. I wanna run away with him but my mother shows me another picture.

"I know you are going to look just like me. I used to have nothing and now bang! I have nice boobs." I cover my breasts because she keeps looking at me. I don't want to admit it but my chest has grown.

"And she is using makeup." Mandy pointed to my face.

"This is a miracle!" My mother screamed and looked at my face.

"Only on my lips."

"I can tell but that brings out your lips."

"Ca-can we talk about something else?" This conversation is already irritating me.

"Lucy, how are you going to get a guy wearing those converse and those socks? They ruin your dress. "My mother groans while she looks at the legs.

I almost jumped when I hear the door bell.

"I will go!" I ran towards the door.

"Trick or treat?" A group of kids said when I opened the door.

"Hey, cute costumes" I smiled.

"We want candy!!" Someone dressed as a ghost screamed.

"Be right back," I said and went to the kitchen to get a bag of candy. I gave them some candies and then I closed the door.

Mandy is sitting on the couch and my mother is with her. I have no choice but to join them.

"Who is going to pick you up? If you want I can—"

"No mom, thanks. Harry is coming for us. "

"Harry? Really? Oh, I didn't know that. "

Someone knock the door and I ran to the entrance. More kids. I tried to talk to them but they just wanted candies.

"Tell me Mandy, this guy Harry he is friends with Lucy. Is that true?" I look to Mandy and I know she won't betray me.

"They're just friends, Harry it is ... it's nice."

"Too bad. And are you girls planning to hook up with a guy?"

"Mom!" I screamed. I think it's enough. This is the problem with having such a liberal mother.

Mandy laughs. "I don't think so, we are not that kind of girl."

"I know, but just in case I have condoms--"

"Mom's enough!" I groaned and she rolled her eyes.

"I was just trying to be nice."

"Wha-What? Are you kidding me?"

"Come here Lily, I want to show you something," Mike says and I know he has been listening all this time and he knows that I'm uncomfortable.

"You're being very rude Lucinda Fray" My mother groans before leaving.

"Your mom is nice." I glare at Mandy. "I'm serious. My mother is very grumpy. Your mother was just concerned about you, maybe she didn't say on the best way but that was her intention. "

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes.

We watch a horror movie while we waited for Harry.

I rub my hands against the white dress, the nerves grow on me. Harry will be here any minute and I'm scared for his reaction. Will he like it? What is he going to think? The dress is not very long, at least 3 fingers above the knee and I hate it. My hair is smooth with long waves and Mandy applied some red lipstick in my lips and a little blush but that would be it. Not a big change and it pleases me.

"When the party is over, where are you going to stay?" My mother asks as she sits on the couch and Mike joins her.

"My house is not far, Lucy can stay with me." Mandy immediately offered.

"Really? If there is no problem and if Lucinda wants. "

"Yeah, sure."

"Where is Cassie?"

"We'll see her there at the party; she will go with her boyfriend." I replied with my eyes glued to the TV.

"I'll call you Lucy, just to see if everything is okay." I nodded.

After 20 minutes the bell rings, I grabbed the candies and I walked towards the door. I didn't want to get up, the film was very good. I was about to say hello but my smile faded when I saw Harry standing in the doorway.

No, this is not right because he is looking incredibly handsome. He is wearing some tight jeans, ripped at the knees and a shirt that says 'New York'. The sleeves are short and allow me observe his muscular arm and the tattoos he has. His hair is slicked back and now I can see his ear I realize he has an ear expansion. Is not that big but I can see it.

"It would be great if you could say something." Harry breaks the silence.

"Ahm, hi." 

"Hi." He smirks. I am disappointed, I expected some comment about my costume but he says nothing. I guess I don't look good. I really want to lock myself in my room and not leave.

"I'm so-sorry," I get out of my trance. "Harry is here," I say to Mandy.

"Harry?" Mike doesn't sound very happy.

"Wait a minute." He nods and I walk into the house. I search for my small purse and go outside with Mandy.

"Um, oh, wow, hi." Mandy smiles and he smiles back.

"Goodnight Harry," my mother says.

"Goodnight, looking good Miss Fray."

"Thanks, you too ..." My mother looks at Harry and then looks at me. "Wait a second. Now I understand, you are Yoko and he is John, how sweet. "She shrieks. "You didn't tell me."

"Actually yes but you didn't hear." I rolled my eyes.

"Take care of the girls, okay? I trust you. "My mom ignores me and talks to Harry.

"Yes, no problem."

"Have fun and take care." Lily smiles.

We say goodbye and walk to his car. Mandy walks with me.

"Holy shit, I don't know how you didn't fainted Lucy but the way he is looking tonight, I'm about to have a heart attack." I sigh and I agree with her.

"I heard you Mandy." Harry said without looking back.

"Shit." She whispers.

We hopped in the car and Harry gives a beer can to Mandy.

"I assumed you wanted to drink one."

"Thank you Harry."

I don't approve this, he's drinking and driving, this is not safe. Harry told me it was his first beer and that was a party-pooper. I squint to Mandy when she supports Harry. This is not funny.

"I'm nervous." Mandy said from the backseat.

"Don't be, it's just a party." Harry said.

"For you, for people like me this kind of thing doesn't happen very often." Harry stifles a laugh and I roll my eyes. So far he has acted like an idiot.

"Oh my god, we're here." Mandy looked through the window and I do the same.

The place is crowded. I don't remember Matt's house like this. This place is huge, it is not a mansion but it's big. I wonder about the neighbors but I realize that the lights are on in neighboring houses and there are even people out on the street. The night is just beginning. This must be an active neighborhood.

Anyway the music is not very loud but there are a lot of people here. Harry barely managed to park.

"I'm going in!" Mandy said when we got off the car.


"Yes, why not?" She smiled before leaving. That was brave, I wouldn’t be able to do that.

"Hey come here" I felt Harry's hand on my elbow and he dragged me.

"Where ar-are we going?" I stammered confused because we are walking away from the house. He doesn't answer me as we walk. We hide between some cars.

I feel the cold glass of the car touching my back, the space between us is very small. I want to ask what is happening but the smile on his face silenced me.

"Who are you? What's this? "He asks, his fingers touch my lips, he is probably talking about the lipstick.

I want to laugh because I thought it was a joke but Harry's smile keeps me uneasy. I feel his hands sliding down my back until he touched my butt. I'm completely shocked, this is the first time someone touches me there. He smiles pleased at my reaction and he rests his hands on my back again.

"You should be thankful that Mandy was with us in the car because I was dying to kiss and to..." He let the words hang in the air but I know what he mean. I shudder and I feel a little pain in my most intimate area. "You look very pretty Lucy" He whispers and his beer breath its so attractive, its

His cold fingers slide across my collarbone and down to my simple neckline.

"Black, I like it" He smiles as he gently pulls the fabric to see my bra.

"Harry I..."

"Don't make me rip your dress Lucy" He brushes his lips against, mine. "Although I wouldn't mind." He gives me a short kiss and that is it. Is this a joke? I snorted and he grabbed my hand. "We have a party, so let's go."

 I breathe, completely confused, what just happened? I want to complain, I want to hit Harry because that's not fair. I want to kiss him but we're almost at Matt's place. I sigh in frustration and ignore the stares that land on me.

"It's my idea or his house is bigger." I tell Harry as we walk in.

"It's new, he moved." I nodded. I did not know Matt's parents were rich because this house definitely must have cost them a large sum of money. "Hey buddy!" Harry greets someone, a guy who is dressed as Jack Sparrow.

"Hey Lucy!" I look more carefully and I realize it's Matt. "How are you guys?" He asks over the music. The rhythm it is contagious, I feel like dancing but I can’t. Some girls are looking really good as they dance. I would look like a robot.

"We are fine, where's the alcohol?" Harry answered for me.

"In the kitchen, thanks for bringing some bottles."

"You're welcome, courtesy of my boys." Harry smiles. "Let's go Lucy" He pulled me gently and we started walking.

"Finally they are here!" Louis squeals when we walk into the kitchen.

This room its big, there are other people making drinks and talking. Louis is not alone; Zayn and Liam are here too. I barely recognize Liam dressed as Batman, but he looks handsome, he has a good body and he looks dark ... like Batman.

"I'm making sex on the beach" The blue-eyed boy stretches a glass with orange liquid.

"What's that?"

"A drink with vodka, what else could it be?" Zayn raised an eyebrow.

"I think Lucinda needs urgent sex on the beach." I know that he's making fun of me.

"Shut up Louis, don't make me punch you." Harry growls. I look at him and his glass is almost empty. Wait what? I didn't even realize that, he was fast.

"Here is yours Batman. Can we make a toast?"

I grab a glass and pour myself some water.

"For friends, for money and for all the good things in this life!" I don't see his point but we make the toast. I drink a sip but the others drink the whole liquid. Zayn is the first to finish, then Harry, Liam and Louis.

Harry licks his lips and put the glass on the table.

"This drink is for girls, lI want Jack Daniels. Where is whiskey here?" Harry question.

"Those girls have a bottle" Liam points to a small group of girls who are in the corner of the kitchen.

"Rock, paper, scissors?" Zayn said and they nod. I don't understand.

They play and Liam lost. "All right, I'll go."

"Show us your power Payne" Zayn cheers him up.

Liam opens a can of beer and walks to the group of girls. They  talk and laugh. I can notice that those girls are interested in Liam, he's a nice guy. Liam points to us and Louis waves at them. One of the girls gives a bottle to Liam and he comes back.

"I made a deal, they give us this whiskey and we have to give them a bottle of rum."

"Deal." Harry said immediately.

"I have a bottle in my car." Zayn said with a cigar in his mouth. "One of the girls has to come with me, the redhead, I like her."

Liam returns to the group of girls and tells them something. The red-haired girl nods and walks over to us. She's beautiful, tall and her neckline is very pronounced. She's disguised as Daphne from Scooby Doo, her purple dress is very short.

"I guess you're Zayn."

"Come on baby" He smirks and both walks out of the kitchen.

"Let's drink, he is going to take his time."

"What? Why?" I don't understand.

"Lucy, he's going to have sex." Liam explained to me in simple words. Really?  He didn't know her name. "I know what you're thinking, that's how it works." Liam served the whiskey in three glasses and save the rest for Zayn.

I grab the glass before Harry and I smell it. God! What's this? I wrinkle my nose and handed the glass to curly. He laughs at my reaction and drinks it almost in one gulp. How? Poor liver.

I sigh. I wish Cassie was here with me. And where is Mandy? Maybe she found Ryan. And here I am, alone. I don’t like this. You can be surrounded by people and still feel alone. It is a terrible feeling.

I am impressed by how big this house. The kitchen is very spacious and the hall is long and the living room is huge. In my opinion this is the perfect house for a party.

We went to the entrance of the house, where all the cars are. People are talking, playing and drinking. There are a lot of people from school, even some of senior year. But there are also unknown faces.

Liam plays with the beer cans and gives one to each. 

Cigarette smoke bothers me as I smell it. Harry, Liam and Louis are smoking. Great.

The guys are talking about something but I don't listen to them. I focus on the different costumes. There are some pretty creative and others are quite typical. There are improved versions. I saw one of Snow White but of course the dress was not long, it was a sexy version. I also saw a couple of Pocahontas but I think Mandy looks better.

"Can I take a picture? It’s for Facebook "I heard a male voice and I turned to find a boy dressed as vampire.

"Sure," Liam agreed.

Liam and Louis made ​​a rare sign with their fingers and Harry grabs my waist and draws me closer to him. I managed to smile when the guy took a picture and the flash blinded me.

"One more!" Louis demanded. Harry exhales the smoke from his cigar and the guy takes the picture.

"Come with me," Harry said and we go back inside.

The place is more crowded and it’s a bit difficult to walk but still we made ​​our way to the kitchen.

"Harry!" I heard an Irish accent and I spotted a blonde hair. Niall was dressed in ripped and dirty jeans and shirt.

He has a bit of makeup on his face and a stain of blood under his lip. "I'm a zombie!" He squeals.

"What a cute costume." I tell Niall and the curly released my hand and goes to the table.

"Thanks, you look great too. "I blushed.

"I don't think so but thanks."

"I'm serious, you have good legs."

"I'm listening, don't flirt with her," Harry threatens him.

"I love this song!" Niall squeals when a new song starts. "Lucy you like to dance?"

"I don't da-dance ..." I excuse and he pouted. "I look like robot Niall, really."

"Come on, it'll be fun." He comes to me.

"You heard her, she said no," I heard Harry and one of his arms wrap around my waist.

"Just trying to be nice" Niall raises his arms in defense. "I see ya," he said before leaving the kitchen.

"Don't worry, I don't dance" He told me as we walked out.

"Hey excuse me, can I take a picture of the couple?" Someone intercepted us. It's a girl dressed as an angel, with small white wings, a short skirt and a white top tank. "It is a polaroid" She points her camera. Its a polaroid, white and square. I think I've seen it here, its new version of polaroid.

"Sure," he answered for me. Harry draws me closer and the girl takes the picture. I could barely smile.

"Here, its for you" She gives us the polaroid, we thank her and she leaves.

It's our first picture together, just the two. Harry has a tender smile on the picture and luckily I didn't blink. I guess we are looking good. (picture on the side)

"It's cute, I like it" He looks at the picture before he keeps it on his pocket.

We joined Liam and Louis. Zayn appears after a few minutes. The boys tease him and joke about him, and I don't understand.

My eyes see a familiar figure. I can't see his face, the boy is talking on the phone. He is dressed up as Green Lantern. He is not muscular, his body is normal. His hair is dark and he is not so tall.

The guy turns around and I can see his face. I recognize him right away. Adam, my friend. I haven't seen him since that time we went out, when Harry broke into my house when I was alone.

Finally a familiar face and it makes me so happy. He is alone and has a beer in his hand.

"Harry" I pulled his hand gently to get his attention. Cigarette smoke escaped his lips and his eyes fell on me. "I'll talk to a friend."

"Who?" He frowned.

"Adam, my friend. Do you remember him?" I pointed to Adam, he hadn't realized that we are watching him.

"He is Josh's brother, I remember him." He doesn't sound very happy and I don't understand why.

"I'm just saying so you kno-know where I am." I shrugged.

"Is it necessary? Stay here with me. I don't like him. "

"You don't know him." I frowned. Harry's answer made ​​no sense to me.

"Are you jealous Harry?" Louis asks. Our eyes met, he looks quite surprised but he has a smirk on his lips.

"It is not your fucking problem Louis" Harry throws his cigar and his friend manages to dodge it. "Sure Lucy, go." He presses his lips against mine in a short kiss, barely last like two seconds. I snorted, it was very short. "Have fun and be a good girl."

Harry let me go and I walk towards Adam. I'm excited and surprised, I didn't expect to see him here.

When he spotted me a smile lights up his face.

"Lucy what are you doing here?" He hugs me and kisses me on the cheek.

"I honestly don't know." He laughs. "What are you doing here?"

"I really had nothing to do today so my brother invited me."

"Glad you're here. I like your costume. "

"Really? My brother hates it. At first I thought I would look good and but now I think I look ridiculous. "

"I like Green Lantern, you look ... sexy." I tease him and he laughs because he knows I'm not used to that word.

"So I see you're ..."

"Yoko Ono."

"Who is John?"

"Ahm, Harry. Do you remember him? "


"The guy I slapped when we go out."

"Really?" He frowns. "Do you still talk to him?"

"Um, yes."

There is a brief silence between us.

"I need another drink, you come with me?" I nod.

We made our way back to the kitchen.

"Do you know anyone here?" I asked as he pulled a beer from the refrigerator.

"No but a friend will come. What about you? "

"I lost my friend, I don't know where she is."

"This place is huge, you know the owner?"

"Ahm, yes. He is ... he is the boyfriend of my best friend. "

"Cool," His phone vibrates in his pocket. "Wait a second." He unlocks the screen and read a message. "My friend's parents won't let him use their car, I have to pick him up. If you want, you can go with me."

"Ahm, no. I'll stay. Call me when you get back. "

I don't think it's a good idea. I think Harry wouldn't like it and I'm fine here, I guess.

"Sure." Adam gives me a kiss on the cheek and leaves.

Great. Now I'm alone.

I look for Harry but I can't find him. All I see is unknown faces around me and I search for Mandy or maybe Niall. The sad thing is that I don't have anyone else, my friend list is very small.

When I feel tired of searching I sit on the couch. There are a couple of girls next to me; both are distracted by their cell phones.

I spotted Matt's face in the crowd. He walks toward me when he sees me. Next to him is another guy, he looks like Matt, maybe it's his brother.

"Lucy, are you okay? Why are you alone? "

"I was looking for Harry but I can't find him."

"I'm sorry, I haven't seen him. Oh Lucy he's my brother Patrick. "

"Hi, nice to meet you" We shook hands and he smiles.

"I have to go back with Cassie or she's gonna kill me. Sorry for what happened Luce, but I know she is gonna forgive you. "Matt speaks quickly before leaving. Now it’s just me and Patrick.

"Tell me about yourself" He breaks the silence.

Um, this is weird.




"You have to be kidding me if you were jealous," Louis says once Lucy leaves.

"Shut up." I grunt.

"Please don't tell me that you like her." Louis is grinning, he is making fun of me. Son of a bitch.

"Of course not." I lied.

"I don't believe you."

"I don't care what you think."

"Guys relax, this is a party, we are having fun, right?" Zayn interrupted us.

"What we need is to get high" Liam offered and they nodded except for me.

"I pass."

"Is this a joke?" Louis exclaims once he heard my answer. "You're always the first to get high and now you refuse? What is your fucking problem?"

"I have the right to say no, you idiot." Louis sometimes is so irrational, that's the reason we always end up arguing.

"Louis, relax" Zayn puts a hand on his shoulder.

"I don't like Lucy." My friend mumbles.

"It’s fine if you don't like her, but shut up," Liam says, a little irritated by his attitude.

"Whatever. Tequila, that's what we need." Tomlinson doesn't listen to Zayn and enters the house.

I drink my whiskey and I almost choked when I spot Taylor.

"Good night bitches!"

"What are you doing here?" Zayn smiles as he greets Taylor.

"Matt invited me."

"You know each other? I didn't know that." I said puzzled.

"Now you know" Taylor snatches the glass from my hand and he drinks the rest of whiskey. "Where is Louis?"

"He went for the tequila."

"Um, my dear tequila. The party is about to begin. "

Louis returns with the bottle of tequila.

"We're going to smoke, I'm anxious."

We accepted and I decide to follow the group. I want to go find Lucy but she is with her friend. I don't like this guy Adam because he looks like a nice guy. He looks quiet, silly and reserved. He would look good with Lucy, he would be good to her and I don't like that.

We stop at the corner of the street. The street is empty and dark. I don't know what time it is but the sky looks very nice tonight. The boys smoke and I grabbed the tequila.

"Want some Harry? It's good. " Taylor handed me the weed pipe but I shake my head.

I drink four shots of tequila and Liam joins me.

"I'm ready" Zayn said and I'm starting to notice a difference in him.

We sat on the street and talk about the business. Everything is okay, we are selling drugs and being discreet. The conversation didn't last long because soon the three start talking nonsense. It's weird not being drugged, I would like to but I don't want to be stupid around Lucy.

Feeling eager, I smoke about three cigarettes. Suddenly I find myself looking forward to return to her side. It's been awhile. I look at my watch and I think it has spent at least an hour. I wonder if Lucy is with her friend Adam or maybe she found Mandy.

I drink and the minutes pass and the boys laugh and are in their own world and here I am, completely irritated by this situation. I think it's enough, I need to look for Lucy.

"So guys," Taylor talks between laughs. "Tell me. How is it going? Are you doing what I asked?"

"Are you talking about Lucy?" My body tenses when I hear Zayn and Taylor nods.

"How's it going Harry?" He questioned me.


"I trust you. And I know you're doing it because you need the money. Zayn I know you were in a race and you lost your money."

"Yes, it was not fair." He spoke foolishly.

"What about Brad?" Taylor smirks.

"Do you owe money to Brad?" Liam asks looking at Zayn, he shrugs.

"Zayn you need to control your addiction to games, you know how Brad it is." I frowned.

"You shut up, you all have your problems. You want me to start naming things we have done? "

"Go ahead, go ahead" Louis encourages him and I want to punch him.

"We haven't done things so ... so bad." Liam stutters.

"No, we haven't." I agree.

"Stealing is wrong" Zayn starts.

"But we will pay for it."

"If you do what I say" Taylor interrups our conversation and I forgot he was here. "Here Zayn" Taylor reaches into his pocket and pulls out a few bills. "Pay your debt to Brad before he does something crazy."

"Thanks buddy" 

"How do you know that we're doing this? How do you know I'm playing with her? "

"I have my contacts, I'm not stupid."

"Who?" I was feeling anxious.

"Cameron, who else could I trust?" I hate that guy. I can't understand why Taylor chose Cameron to keep an eye on Lucy, this redhead is not trusted.

"Cameron is a sick bastard" Liam frowns.

"So? I don't mind. "Of course Taylor doesn't care.

I'm tired of this; I don't want to hear anymore. I stand up with my glass and walk away.

"Traitor!" Louis squeals but I ignore him.

I don't want to spend more time with them or I'll end up banging my head against a wall. What I really want now is to find Lucy and be with her. I don't care if she is with her friend, she's coming with me.

In the front yard there is no sign of Lucy. The voices and the music start to irritate me. I walk in the house and I wonder how I am going to find her. This place is huge.

First I go to the kitchen and she is not there. I go to the bathroom, the dining room and nothing. There are so many and even if I scream she is not going to hear me. I spot a blonde hair and see Niall dancing with a girl.

"Niall, Niall!" I yelled and he looked at me. "Have you seen Lucy?"

"I'm sorry man!" He says as he shakes his head.

I headed to the backyard. I walk through a large window and now I realize that outside is a bit cold. Where is she? Maybe her stupid friend Adam gave her his jacket when it's my job.

The backyard is not that big so it doesn't take me too long. I see familiar faces but none of them is Lucinda. There are several girls in white costumes but I would recognize Lucy immediately, none of them has her body or height. Plus, those girls are dressed like sluts except for Lucy.

The last place on the first floor is the living room, if she is not here she must be upstairs though I don't think so. She wouldn't do that.

I move among the people, I push some guys. They better don't say anything because I am angry, irritated and I'm about to explode.

I stop when I spot a girl in a white dress. Her hair is long and dark. She is dancing and jumping with a guy. I can see his face, and I think I've seen him at school, his name is Alan, but I can't see her face. The girl shakes her hair to the rhythm of music and raises her hands while dancing. I think she's very euphoric.

The guy grabs her hand and says something; she nods and follows him somewhere. She looks like Lucy. Her long hair, her small body, the white dress and I think she was wearing white socks with shoes.

I try to follow but I lost them. It is so hot here that I need to go get another drink. I open a beer and I get out of the kitchen. Not far from me is a group of guys playing twister, the game with a carpet and the colored circles on the carpet.

There are two boys and two girls. One of them is wearing a white dress. The girl is in an uncomfortable position. She's kneeling with one leg stretched and her two arms touching colored circles in opposite positions. Her hair covers her face and she is between the other players. They look funny. Twister is a crazy but fun game.

She says something and a girl comes over and tucks her hair behind her ear. And then I see it. It's Lucy. Lucy was the girl who was dancing like crazy with Alan and the girl who is playing twister now. No, no, something is wrong. She can't be Lucy. I shake my head and I look at her. She is laughing while she is trying to stretch a leg to achieve a colored circle.

I think she felt my gaze on her because our eyes meet. A smile lights up her face and she writhes between the other players.

"I don't want to play!" She says and she gets away. The other players fall into the carpet and it means the game is over. "Harry, Harry!" She runs towards me and jumps on me.

I'm so surprised when she wraps her legs around my waist. Lucy is sweating and breathing heavily. I look around but apparently she didn't care and that's the problem. She is Lucy, she would never do this. Something is not right, something is not right but what is?

"Harry, I missed you!" She hugs me and hides her face in my neck.

I walk to the backyard, still holding Lucy.

"Where are you ta-taking me?" She laughs as I make my way through the crowd. "I want to dance!," she moans like a little girl.

There are some chairs in a corner of the backyard. I walked over there and Lucy sits on a chair.

I grabbed her chin and watched her face. She is pale as a ghost, her eyes are lost, like she was not looking at me even If I'm in front of her. A strange smile is on her face and her pupils are fully dilated, it's like two black holes.

She panting for air her is heavy, she looks as if she had run a marathon and she licks her lips, but her lips are dry. And the way she is acting,  her Uninhibited behavior

I was too stupid not to realize. The reason is obvious. She is stoned. Someone drugged her.

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