Chapter 41
Half an hour later I'm in front of Harry's house. I knock the door softly and I hope someone to open.
I hope we can go together, today I have desire to spend time with Harry, I hope he doesn't mind.
"What are you doing here?" The boy with dark hair and blue eyes ask me when he opens the door. What was his name?... Oh right, Louis!
"Ahm, came to see Harry" I said and took a step but he doesn't let me in.
"Should we let her come in, mate?" He said and Zayn poked his head over Louis' shoulder.
"Maybe," He replied and turned his eyes to me. "Password?"
"A clue is something that everyone in this house likes and its three things" Louis smiled.
I didn't have to think twice I already know the answer.
"Girls, drugs and alcohol" I responded.
"No!" Louis shouted and I got scared by his reaction. Zayn chuckled, Louis was clearly joking. "It was sex. Sorry, you can't come in, bye "he said and then closed the door.
"You're an idiot!" I listened to Niall and then a thud and someone let out a cry of pain, I think it was Louis. "Hey Lucy" Niall smiled when he opened the door.
"Hey, can I come in?" Niall nodded and let me in.
Louis and Zayn were sitting on the couch with their feet on the coffee table and Liam was eating a banana. They are all here except for Harry.
"Where is Harry?"
"Well he is not here, where else would he be? Harry is still sleeping, "Louis replied, a bit rude in my opinion.
"Well he could be in the shower or in the kitchen, not necessarily sleeping," I replied.
"She has a point there mate, remember that she is smart "Zayn said with a smile. I don't know if he was teasing or just talking to Louis.
"It is impossible wake him" Niall said.
"Good luck with that, we tried but he is like a sleeping beauty" Liam spoke as he chewed his banana.
"Time to go," Louis said looking at his wrist, but there is no watch.
"You are leaving?"
"Are you deaf?" Louis raised an eyebrow at me and Zayn stifled another laugh.
"I'm sor-sorry, what I meant is that how? I've only seen Harry's car "
"I have a car, is in the garage" Zayn said.
"And Liam and I have motorcycles" Louis said heading for the door.
"I have a bike does that count?" The boys laughed and smiled. Niall's funny.
"Good luck little Lucy" Louis put his hand on my shoulder. "Harry is a heavy sleeper"
"Ahm, any advice to wake him up?"
"Um ..." Zayn and Louis exchanged glances, the blue-eyed boy smiled and nodded at his friend. "With sex!" Zayn exclaims a little strong and Louis laughs at my expression.
"Or you can just suck his dick, believe me, he will wake up" My mouth is almost on the ground and Louis and Zayn are laughing even harder.
"Idiots" Liam hits his two friends in the head but he's holding a smile on his face. "Let's go" Louis and Zayn obey and leave the house.
Niall and Liam say goodbye and leave. Once I'm alone, I decide to go upstairs and try to wake Harry. I swear he never goes to school.
"Harry" I said shaking his shoulder. "Harry wake up"
"Um, leave me alone" He mumbles and covers his face with the sheet.
"Harry we have to go to school," I shook a little stronger his shoulder and he yawned.
His emerald eyes peered through the blanket and he looked at me sleepy.
"I don't want to go," he answered and sounded like a little kid.
"Oh come on Harry, we ha-have to—AAAAHH" I screamed as he grabs my waist and throws me on the bed next to him. How did he do that? It happened so fast...
"Goodnight" he says and covers me with the sheets.
His mattress is soft and the sheet is warm, the perfect combination to fall asleep. Now I realize how tired I am.
"A day without school is not going to kill you" He spoke slowly with his eyes and mop of curls in sight. "No." He interrupted me before I can fight back. "Let's sleep and then we can go out and have our first real date"
My heart leaps when I hear his words but I don't know if he really meant it or because he wants me to stay, I guess he knows that I wouldn't deny it.
"Okay," I sighed while I snuggled next to him.
"Take off your pants" Harry said with his eyes closed.
"What? Why? It doesn't bother yo-you, you're not even looking--"
"You want me to see?" He opened his eyes and raised an eyebrow. "I can get rid of those pants" He spoke slowly and his hands had already unbuttoned and unzipped my pants.
"Wait what?" I almost scream when I reacted and pushed his hands. He was fast. "I can do it myself" I said and took off my pants.
I don't know why I did that but maybe I want to please him? I don't know, this is weird. Perhaps it's some hidden human desire in my, interesting. Note to self: Find out about it in the internet.
"Come here," I heard the voice of Harry and one of his hands is introduced into my shirt and he pulled me close to him. "Wait a second," he said sleepily. "Why you are not wearing the pajamas? You left?" He frowned.
"Ahm, oh well..yes"
"And why the hell didn't you wake me up?"
"I tried, really but don't wor-worry because Niall took me home."
"Um, that idiot" Harry rolled his eyes before closing it. "Now shut up and sleep" He said 'gently' and I obey.
I don't know how long we sleep but when I wake up strong sun rays penetrate the window and Harry is not on my side.
I'm so stupid because I slept with my glasses and now they are slightly bent, oh no. I leave it on the nightstand while I yawn and snuggle deeper into the bed.
I try to sleep but my mind is filled with memories of yesterday and my cheeks blush immediately. This is the first time someone touches me ...or kisses me that way. It was not bad, and well I don't have anyone to compare either but I'm surprised for the fact I showed a strange side of me yesterday. I wonder what Harry thought about it. I still feel chills remembering how his nails dug into my back or when he threw in bed or when—
"Morning," Harry greeted entering his room with a towel tied around his waist.
My whole body trembles as I look at him. I cannot even describe in words. I pinched my leg to see if it was real, and I let out a cry of pain. Harry looks at me raising an eyebrow and I just smile.
"You could change in the bathroom you kno-know" I spoke shyly as Harry was looking clothes in the closet.
"Why? This is my room "And with that Harry dropped the towel. I hide under the covers just in time.
Is he crazy?! What did he do that?! He cannot do that and--
"Harry, no!" I shrieked when the sheet disappeared and he climbed on top of me, grabbing my wrists. "Harry, tell me you are wearing boxers!" I almost screamed.
Harry laughed, ignoring my complaints he leaned and his nose touched my throat. Chills followed through the way he traced.
"Yes, I'm wearing boxers and you have no idea how funny you are" He smiled and I flushed.
"I'm not, you are mak-making fun of me, like Louis" The smile disappears from his face.
"What happened? He told you something?"
I blushed even more to remember the words of Louis and Zayn, I think I shouldn't talked this with Harry.
"Ahm, it's better if you... if you ask" I tried to escape but his grip is stronger.
"I will," He kisses my neck. Is he so loving or what?
"Harry ...what's happening?" I managed to ask while Harry left a trail of kisses down my neck. I can swear that he can feel all the heat from my body now.
"What do you mean?" He breathed against my skin.
"Ahm, you're too lovey dovey ... don't you think?" This is torture, I can't concentrate if he keeps doing that.
Harry stops when he hears my words, he released my wrists and got out of the bed. He doesn't look happy.
What I did do? I wondered to myself without moving a single inch of where I was.
"Sorry," he murmurs and I don't understand why he said that.
"What is wrong? Wha-What did I do?" I asked confused as I sit on the bed.
"Um, nothing," he answered without looking at me.
"Then what was that?"
"I said nothing. Let's have breakfast" He said before leaving the room.
I'm puzzled by his reaction. I try to think if I did something wrong but I have no answer. I feel bad because I feel like I ruin the moment. I sigh and get up from bed.
My hair is a mess so I decide to do a braid, I wash my face and I head downstairs with doubtful steps.
We sat in silence, the whole atmosphere has changed between the two and I just can't understand why. We eat cereal sitting on the couch and Harry didn't even look at me, his eyes are busy on the Tv.
I feel ignored, I feel horrible. I blame myself but I feel I've done nothing. His mood changed so quickly, I can't believe it, is that even possible?
"You're acting really strange..." I whispered with my eyes set on the cereal.
"Nothing, I was just thinking ..." He responds with an inscrutable expression.
"About what?"
"Um, nothing."
"Come on Harry, you te-tell me" He rolls his eyes before answering:
"Hurt people hurt other people"
What? I did not expect him to say that, I thought he was going to say something about the television show we are watching and not something as deep as this. What's going through his mind? Why Harry have these thoughts?
"Why do you say that?"
"I don't know ..."
"Did something happen between you and your friends or family?"
"No. I just thought that the decisions we make now really change the future and in what we will become "He speaks, our eyes meet and his gaze looks sad.
"Yes, you're rig-right but why are you saying that?"
"I don't know!" He answers a little more rough and stressed. "I told you I was just thinking..." He sighs before getting up and heading to the kitchen.
I put the bowl of cereals on the table and I bow my knees hugging my legs.
This sucks; this side of Harry, in what he is thinking is not good for us. He comes back and watches TV in silence.
I resist the urge to look at him, I try to focus on the TV show and eventually works.
"Can I tell you something?" Harry's voice echoes in my head and looked at him.
Finally he's talking, I thought we would stay this way forever, and I swear that silence was killing me.
"I need to say it now tha ... if I ever hurt you, i'm sorry" His words are a mixture of sadness and bitterness.
"What do you mean? Ar-Are you breaking with me or something? "I feel completely hurt.
"No," He shook his head. "What I mean is that I'm stupid and impulsive ... so if something happens I just want you to know that I'm sorry" He shrugs.
"Okay but ... but I know you will not hurt me, right?" Said and put a hand over hers.
Harry hesitates for a moment, he purses his lips and then just shakes his head.
My heart in my chest tightens and I feel the urge to hug him, to be with him and understand why he says this. I move on the couch, he opens his arms to me and I feel as close to him as possible.
"You sound tragic Harry, I do not like" sighed cradled in his arms.
"I was just being honest ..."
"And I appreciate it, really I do." This was so sad. "Basically what you're saying is that not all be flowers and hearts and believe me I understand"
"That was exactly what I wanted to say" He said with his lips on my forehead.
"What happens if I hurt you?" I ask boldly while I raise an eyebrow.
He smiles and my heart melts.
"It won't happen," he shakes his head. "I am strong"
"Are you saying I'm weak?"
"Well, you're right," I said with my face on his chest.
If something happens between us, would I be able to tolerate it? When I found out that my mother cheated on my father I was just shattered in a way I never thought it was possible. The pain was too much but eventually I managed to overcome, is not impossible but it takes a lot of effort.
What if we have a big discussion and broke up? I know we're just starting but I got used to having Harry around, constantly appearing in my life. I guess is because nothing interesting happens in my life so far, until he appeared.
"Enough of this sad time" Harry speaks and pulls me out of my thoughts and I can feel a the change of mood. "Hey, you're not wearing pants" His smile grows while one of his hands slips on my skin.
I would rather continue discussing this because it is important, but this is a drastic change in his mood and I don't have time to think about it because the nerves are eating me alive because Harry is only wearing a white blouse and boxers.
"I forgot”
"It doesn't matter, you look good" Harry smiles playfully and he's so handsome, god this can't be happening to me. "I must say I'm impressed" Harry said as my fingers are entangled with his hair.
"I thought you'd do a scene but you're sitting here with no pants and a blouse"
"You're right, I also tho-thought about that but I don't know what is happening to me," I shrugged.
"I do know what is happening to you, but I'll let you find out for yourself"
I'm glad he didn't tell me because I really like to find out for myself, that's more interesting. I like to research, and research brings to the reading so it would be interesting to find out what's happening to me.
"Are you making fun of me or something?" I raised an eyebrow.
"For the first time I'll have to say no, I just thought you might like to find out for yourself."
"And you're right." Harry's smile widened a little more. "So what are we doing tod-today?"
"First date"
. * * * *
I think Harry has chosen a perfect place to go. He drives to the dock. We had been here once, (A/N: Chap 9.) and I remember that day we had discussed. I can still remember his crude words "You're pathetic." I shake my head and remove the thought from my head, it was over a month ago, I can't live in the past, besides Harry didn't mean it.
The good side is I'm stupidly happy and I feel rebellious. Why? I've never missed school for a boy and I'm not proud but I lied to my mom. This is a new Lucy and I'm not sure if I like it or not, but I don't give me the time to think about that.
Where are you? I miss you!
I read the message from Mandy and responded:
Sorry for not going, won't happen again but right now I'm with Harry, talk to you later.
Ten seconds later my phone rang again.
What? Oh my god, I envy you yet I'm so happy for you! You have to tell me everything! Kfhsdf Pd: I want dirty details.
I laughed at her message and I kept my phone in my pocket. I'll tell but I think I should skip over what happened yesterday, to be honest I am ashamed to speak about it and I hope Harry doesn't say anything about that because I am barely able to think.
"Your mother knows you're here?" Harry asks as we walk.
"No, I lied," I smiled proudly, though I shouldn't be, but I guess a lie doesn't kill anyone.
"Really? I'm impressed, what did you say?”
"It wasn't a big lie, in fact I told her I would wait for Cassie. When she and Mike left I took a taxi. "
"A convincing lie," he says while he plays with a lock of my hair, making small braids.
Harry has returned to his good humor and I'm really happy. Yesterday was fine, I don't know what happened with us but then we open up and started talking. It was about time, we needed it but is not enough, at least for me. I have doubts, questions, I am curious and eager to know more about him.
"Can I ask you som-something, Harry?"
"It depends but go ahead"
So I decided to start with something simple, a question that may trigger many more.
"Why do you live in that house? Why not live with your parents? "It should have been one question, but I couldn't resist.
His jaw tightened and I can't see any expression on his face.
"It 's complicated ... " He finally speaks .
"Oh , sorry."
"No, it's okay. Um, let's see..." Harry throws his hands in his pocket while we walk. "I moved to that house like a year and half. My sister was living with me at first with Zayn and Louis ."
"Oh, I see. Why the others also live there?"
"I don't know there is not a reason" He shrugged. "We're best friends, we all get along well. Zayn always visits his mother; he just came to live with me because he had problems with his father. Louis just wanted a change and his mother agreed. Niall is alone here, he won a scholarship and Liam, I really don't know, he has the perfect life, I don't know why he is living with us but he is always welcome"
"Don't they miss their fa-families? It's weird you know, my mother wouldn't allow me to do that"
"Let's just say that our parents couldn't control us, and when you can't control something it's better let go. Besides the families live here, except for Niall, but they always have the chance to see them. "
"Still, it's weird. Also who pays the rent? You?"
"The house is mine, well, technically my dad is the owner, but he gave it to me." Harry smiled.
"What? Why would he do that?"
"He owes me a favor; I kept it a big secret, a secret that could destroy our family, well more than what is already destroyed."
I was about to ask what was the secret but it would be inappropriate, it is not my problem but I'm dying to know what is. Harry has such an interesting life, he's surrounded by secrets and events that marked all his life, I know it must have been a difficult road for him, but he's a strong person or at least he doesn't care what people say about him. Every little thing that happened in his life made him who he is now. But the big question is what happened?
Anyway his life is far more interesting than mine. I'm not being ungrateful for what I have but I'm so bored of myself, I feel like I haven't lived all these 17 years of my life and I've only lost time. That's a completely overwhelming feeling, question your whole life.
"Let's eat," Harry said and pointed to a shop.
We walked in Donkin Donuts and all I can see are donuts everywhere. We look at the screen price while we are trying to choose.
As Harry speaks I look around me and someone is watching us. It's a girl, she works here because she's using a Donkin Donuts shirt. She's pretty, blonde, dark eyes and tall.
Her eyes moved from mine to Harry, I can tell she likes Harry, is just a matter of looking at him. She brushes her hair with her fingers, bites her lower lip and takes a deep breath before approaching us.
"Hi Harry" She smiles at us, or I should say to Harry.
He looks confused for a moment, then smiles. Why is smiling? This is not funny.
"Hi Amy"
"It's Andy. It's been a while since the last time I saw you, "She's not even looking at me, it’s like I don’t exit.
Harry is about to reply but he's interrupted by the sound of his cell.
"It's my mom," He said looking at the screen. "I have to answer, be right back" he tells me before leaving the store.
"He's so handsome, right?" I clench my fists in my pockets. "How did you meet Harry?"
"In the scho-school, what about you?"
"At a party. He is so interesting and he knows how to seduce a girl and how to treat them. "
"Yeah, I kno-know..."
"He looks the same way I remember him but now he has more tattoos." She sighs. "Is he available?"
"What-what do you mean?"
"If he is single, duh" She said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "Hey, you stutter a lot, does that is not caused by an injury to the brain?"
What is she trying to say? That I have a brain injury? Is she stupid or what? Ignorant. My blood is burning in the inside, I am angry.
"Not necessarily, can be inherited or caused by em-emotional trauma."
She can't be serious; the stuttering is a serious problem for me, is uncomfortable and doesn't make me feel good about myself.
"I'm back" Harry spoke, his arm brushed my shoulder.
"Harry she is your sister? I thought she was blonde"
How can I be his sister if I just say I met Harry at school? This girl has a terrible short term memory.
"I'm not his sister," I answered sharply and Harry chuckled. What's so funny?
I should say something else but I can't say I'm his girlfriend because we have no label.
"Sorry," Andy shrugs. Harry bites his lower lip, he's about to laugh and that irritates me even more.
"Have you decided what you want?" Harry said, trying to look serious but it wasn't working.
"Um, I think." I rolled my eyes in response.
We chose some donuts while Andy is talking to Harry, she looks so excited to see him and Harry too. I feel ignored, I'm upset, I just want to throw a donut...on both to be honest.
Harry give me the money to pay, I'm going to cash register while he is talking to Andy. I'm about to break the bill but I remember that I have to pay with that.
"My shift ends in two hours, maybe we could see each other later."
"Would you stop? You should be working, there are people waiting, Harry is not the only boy in this world," I frowned without stuttering, after that I turned and I left with the bag of donuts.
"Lucy wait" Harry said before laughing.
"Wha-What's so funny?" I inquired facing Harry.
"You" He smiles. I honestly don't understand.
"I don't think so," I rolled my eyes and almost tore the bag to grab a donut.
"I can't believe you're jealous"
I choke with my donut when I heard his words.
"What?" I coughed and Harry gently patted my back. "I'm not jealous"
"Whatever" He rolled his eyes with a playful smile. "My mom called me to cancel the dinner."
"Why?" I try to hide a smile because now I feel much better.
"One of my aunts is sick so she decided to visit her."
"Oh, okay."
Harry pulls a donut from the bag and we eat in silence as we walk.
"You're still upset, I can feel it," Harry said as he chewed his donut.
"Shut up," I muttered.
"Don't be a baby"
"I am not."
"Is this the first time you're jealous? I'm flattered "He gently squeezes my cheek and I give him a pat. "Rude." His smile grows even more.
"I'll try to forget what yo-you did"
"I did nothing, I was just talking" He shrugs his shoulder, still has captured that smile on his face and it bothers me. "Let's talk about something else, I need to ask you something"
"What?" I said without much enthusiasm, while I was eating my donut.
"Halloween is coming up and I was wondering if you'd like to go to a party"
"Okay," Although I don't want this time I give up easily because do I look like I have a choice? I don't think so.
"Really?" He is surprised and I nod. "That was quick, it's in Matt's house."
"Okay," I repeat but that idea makes me nervous because Matt's name is directly associated with Cassie. This could end well or wrong. I must find the time to tell Cassie the truth, to tell her I'm with Harry. "Can I-I invite Mandy?"
After all you did for me I do not know how to thank you but I am sure that you will like to go.
"Sure, no problem but there is a condition to go to the party"
"You have to wear a costume"
. * * * *
To be the first official date it wasn't bad, we didn't spend all the time kissing or something cliché, actually we spent the time talking. Harry slowly is talk about himself and I try to find things to talk about me.
He bought me one of those helium balloons, it was cliché, but five minutes later the balloon escaped from my hands when I stumbled.
I didn't want to admit it but it was clear that I was jealous, is weird and is not a good feeling, mainly for insecure people like me.
I noticed some looks on him. You may notice Harry anywhere; he has a attractive and powerful presence. Perhaps because of the way he dresses, the tattoos, his perfect face or his eyes.
I kissed his cheek and I got off the car. Yesterday and today were the most interesting days of my life, it sounds cute, I guess.
Today I am a mixture of different feelings but I'm genuinely happy. Everything is working fine. I'm glad Harry has invited me to a Halloween party because I guess he wanted. In another situation he simply could've not talked about the party and go alone because we have no label and is not an obligation.
I closed the door and the house was silent. It's almost 7 pm, my parents are working and who knows where Madison is.
I drink a glass of water and then I head upstairs. I'm about to enter my room but I hear a strange noise. Madison is here?
I make my way to her room and her door is slightly half-open. I was going to open it but something stopped me. My eyes widened and I cover my mouth in shock.
Lying in the bed is my sister and on top of her it is a boy, they are still dressed thank god. I can't see his face because he is kissing her neck. Madison takes her shirt off and they roll in bed and now she is above him. This is the opportunity I have to see the boy's face and my guts are twisted inside me.
It's Matt.
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