Chapter 40

double update, yay.

.                                                          *   *   *

.              L U C Y

"Good girl" He said before licking lips and that reaction send chills through my body. "Now let's go, I want you in my bed"


I feel a warm feeling in my stomach when I hear his words. Is he serious? Because there is no way to make that happen.

He laughs when he noticed my reaction. He turns on the radio and hums the song.

"You don't need to be so tense"

"I'm worried"


"For you, for me"

"You? And why?" He laughs.

"What if Mom finds out I'm not sleeping in my bed?"

"Don’t be boring Lucy is not going to happen"

"And why I am boring for that?"

"I don't know, I'm not thinking straight," Harry shrugs.

"I notice" I sigh.

I parked outside his house and we both got off his car. All the lights were off so I guess we'll be alone.

I swallowed hard as he tried to open the door.

"Shit" He cursed and kicked the door. "I can't do it Lucy" He pouted.

He stepped aside and I slid the keys and opened the door.

"Finally home!" Harry said and ran upstairs. I stifled a giggle for his childish attitude.

"You want something Harry?" I asked out loud but he didn't respond.

I closed the door and went to the kitchen, poured a glass of water and went to his room.

The idea of being alone makes me nervous but at the same time happy. I don't spend time alone with Harry, however we are just starting all this but we should know each other a little more. The only bad thing is that he's drunk but that is not a problem, right?

Harry was brushing his teeth. I go to his room, I take off my jacket and left on his cluttered desk. Harry comes in and sits on his bed to remove his shoes.

"Are you thirsty?" I spoke holding the glass in my hand.

"Oh yes, thank you" I handed him the cup and Harry took a sip and then outline a grimace. "What the fuck is this Lucy? The taste is disgusting," he said before giving another sip.

"Harry is water, the water doesn't taste" He choked on the liquid and began to laugh. I joined, I couldn't help it this is hilarious. My stomach hurts, this is too much for me.

Harry caught me by surprise when he grabbed my waist and pulled me to the bed.

My back bounced off the mattress and Harry was almost on the top of me.  I wasn't really scared, we were laughing.

"This is embarrassing the lads would kill me if the know this, you can't tell them about it" He spoke when we stop laughing.

"I won't," I said and he stroked my cheek.

Harry looks adorable; his eyes are so bright that I feel almost hypnotized.

He leans down and kisses me. This is such an odd situation but I just don't care, I'm happy.

I wrap my arms around his neck to not let him go. Harry rests his hands on my waist. His lips fit with mine and my tongue timidly touched his.

I get a little tense when he moves his hands inside my shirt. His hands are cold against my warm skin. He rubs my stomach with his longs fingers and I shudder at his touch. His kisses move to my neck, they are soft and sweet.

"Arms up" He whispers in my ear and I obey. Harry removed my shirt in one move. I should be freaking out like the prude I am but actually I feel relaxed.

Our eyes connected for a few seconds and then his eyes scanned my body. I'm so embarrassed, my cheeks are burning but I cannot move my arms to cover myself I'm paralyzed.

Harry tilted his head and I watch him attentive to every movement. He leaves a trail planting kisses on my stomach, I sighed at his touch as his hands travel over my back gently scratching my skin.

"Harry" I said as his fingers played with the closure of my bra.

"Sorry" He said and our eyes met.

My side of prudish attacked me and I grabbed my shirt to cover my body.

"I don't know what hap-happened to me..." I spoke embarrassed and I put my shirt.

I felt much better once I was covered and protected.

"It’s okay, I think black is perfect on you" He lets out a chuckle and I know he's talking about my bra.

"Um, tha-thanks"

"What do you want to do?" He said before taking off his shirt and this time I don't turn my head. My god, this guy is perfect and tattoos make him even more attractive.

"We, we could talk" I offered, without knowing what to say.

"Sounds good”

He opened his arms to me and I felt a warm feeling in my chest at his gesture, I obeyed and leaned next to him. His chest is hard and warm and all I can see is tattoos.

Harry smells like a mixture of his own essence and alcohol, but I swear that mix has never been so enjoyable.

"We can play the question game" Harry said stroking my hair.

"What's that?" I parted from him a little to see his face.

"I ask a question and you answer and then you do another question, it's simple."

"Oh okay." I nodded. "Favorite color?"

"Um and green, you?"

"Blue? I don't know really, but why green? You always wear black"

"That's what you think," he whispered and pulled a little bit his pants to show his green boxers.

"Oh, I see," I nodded.

"Did you have any pets?"

"A cat and a fish like nemo, but the fish died and the cat escaped. I'm traumatized because none worked so I don't have animals. What about you?"

"I love dogs, I've had two, one when I was little and one recently, but the dog is now with my sister. You have a brother, tell me about him"

"That was not a question" Harry narrowed his eyes and decided to continue, "I think I already said it but his name is Daniel, 22 years old and he's studying at the University of London. Where were you born?"

"Good college and I was born in Holmes Chapel. Do you brother is also a nerd like you?"

"Well, I don't know, he's smart but he's much more sociable than me, he has a lot of friends and they are nice. Daniel likes to drink and he also plays poker. The other day I spoke with my father and they will come to visit me but I don't know when. Tell me about your sister"

"He likes to play poker? I think we'll get along, maybe when they come...I can meet them "I nodded, excited because it was Harry's idea and I didn't have to asked him. "Um, Gemma is my older sister, she lives here with her girlfriend but their relationship is going through difficult times. She has a son and she's a teacher"

"She has a son?" I was surprised.

"Before she knew she was bisexual Gemma was with a guy and you know the end of the story. He was an idiot. "Harry rolled his eyes and grabbed my hand. I think it's the first time he does that. "Have you gone to a concert?"

"Um...yes. Before coming here, I saw Coldplay, I guess it's my favorite band. What about you?"

"Um, yeah. I've been to many and I have also seen Coldplay, it’s a good band. Do you like to cook?"

"I do what I can, but I like it and you?"

"I have to, because the lads are useless. Liam and I are the best cooks here."

"Are you still drunk?"

"No, not anymore, I feel better." He said getting up from the bed. "Can we sleep? I'm tired"

"We have classes tomorrow Harry, are you going to go?"

"I don't know" He yawns and opens the door of his closet.

"I need...I need you to leave me at home"

"Put your alarm like 5 am, we wake up and I leave you at home" he answered and took off his pants. I look down to the mattress and swallowed, I'm still not used to that.

"I don't know Harry, I think—"

"Come on, don't be stubborn and sleep with me tonight" He said a little irritated by my attitude. He is not going to leave me and not going to let me go by my own, there is no way out.

"Okay," I sighed and grabbed my phone to set the alarm.

"I can lend you a pajama or you can sleep in underwear, whatever is your choice I completely agree" I blushed at his words and looked up to see him smile.


"I have this short" He said taking the fabric off his closet. That was the short that he lent me the other day and I was mad about that.

"Whose is that short?" I frowned. "Please tell me that's not-"

"What are you talking about? I'm an idiot but I'm not bastard, "he growled. "I would never lend anything that was from another girl. It's from my sister, she used to have sex with Zayn and left this once, she thinks I don't know, "Harry rolled his eyes. "It's clean just in case you wanted to know,"

"Oh, um, I'm sorry, okay, I'll use it" I said a little embarrassed. Thank God, now I feel much better.

I locked myself in the bathroom and changed my clothes but stayed with my bra. Harry gave me one of his shirts and smells fantastic.

I go to his room but it was empty. I guess he must be down, while I wait I proceed to observe his room. It's a bit messy, clothes on the floor, books lying on the desk, some posters of bands or artists I don't know.

I slide my fingers through some notebooks that are on his desktop, there are some cigarettes, a lighter, pencils and some pictures, some of it with friends and a girl. I recognize her right away, she's like Harry but with long blonde hair. She must be his sister, she's beautiful. I put the photo back to it place and kept sniffing. I found a book in the mess, Sherlock Holmes, one of the nine books that the author wrote.

I lay on the bed and started to read the book. This is the first and one of my favorites.

"What are you doing?" I ask when Harry enters the room. He crawled into bed and rested his head on my stomach.

"I was eating" He said as he chewed something. "Um, do you want some?" He reached toward me an Oreo cookie and I shook my head.

"Have you read the other books of Sherlock?"

"I'm completely in love with these books, "Harry replied and I stroked his hair.

"They are great, in my opinion Sherlock it's the best literary character I've ever read"

"Don't forget Watson, I think Watson is fantastic, he complements with Sherlock" Harry says as he tilts his head at me, resting his chin on my stomach. "They both need each other" He spoke but I had the feeling he was no longer talking about the book.

"Yes, you are right" I whispered.

"It's really awesome because we can have a conversation," He smiled.

"I know, but why is it awesome?"

"Most of the girls are now ... stupid, I don't know ... but I'm glad you're different," I nodded without understanding what he was trying to say. "And also because we are quite different"

"I guess you're right"

I  read the book while Harry was eating and playing on his cellphone. I don't know how to describe in words, but I am happy. I'm glad he has been drunk because we had the opportunity to spend more time together, excellent time together to be honest.

"Harry" I said when he rolled up my shirt a little, so his cheek touched my stomach.

"I won't do anything," he said innocently. "It's fun because your stomach makes noise"

I rolled my eyes and tried to read but it was impossible because Harry was drawing lines on my skin and leaving kisses and it was too hard for me to concentrate.

"Can we sleep?" I said, it was the only way to stop him for doing that. "We just have about three hours of sleep"

"Okay," Harry grumbled. He got up to turn the light off and then lay down beside me. I left the book and my glasses on his nightstand and I snuggled between the blankets.

"Don't you think I deserve a kiss goodnight?" He spoke after a few minutes of silence.

"Yeah, I guess" I yawned.

I tilted my head to plant a quick kiss but Harry took advantage of the situation, he grabbed my waist and positioned me on the top of him in a smart move.

I sit to try to escape but Harry was faster, he put his hands on my thigh to prevent me from escape. He sat and we were face to face. I was paralyzed, trapped in his eyes. He smirks placing one of his hands up my back and the other was around my neck, he pulled me and smashed our lips. By now my heart was on the verge of collapse.

His hands ran over my thighs and then my back. The kiss was passionate and right now I don't care about anything more than Harry. My hands travel through his abdomen and I bury my nails gently, like he did. Many feelings are pumped through my veins, I feel emotion, I feel adrenaline, things I've ever felt and is... amazing.

I don't know why, I cannot explain it, but I decide to do something different. I planted small and harmless kisses on his neck, I guess people bite so I sink my teeth gently on his skin. Harry growls and his fingers tear the skin of my back a little stronger, normally I should feel pain but I feel... pleasure.

He pushes me against the bed and I gasp. I think this is too much, who am I? I don't usually do these things.

"Harry" I said trying to breathe but he ignores me.

I bit my tongue as his lips touch my thigh, he kisses my belly and finally our lips met and I swear that the room temperature had risen several degrees.

I want but I can't let go of his lips, it's completely addictive. I pulled his hair gently and Harry tightened his grip on my thigh.

"Harry, stop" I managed to say between kisses when I felt his fingers playing with the waistband of my shorts, and this time he obeys.

I can barely see but Harry's eyes look darker, more dilated.

We are gasping for air while I have an internal struggle with myself. What just happened? My heart is about to come out of my chest. Oh god, it was amazing. It takes me several minutes to recover before I can say:


Harry stretched his arms and draws me grabbing my waist.

 "Goodnight" He whispers and then there is silence.

.                                                                       *  *  *  *

I feel horrible in the morning. My body is heavy and I can barely open my eyes. I'm so tired, I slept like 3 hours.

I try to wake Harry but is useless. He grunts and says "15 minutes more".

I decided not to take a shower because it's too early and my mother might suspect. My face doesn't please me when I look myself in the mirror, I have dark circles and my face looks tired. As always I'm a mess. I wash my teeth with his toothbrush, I did it because we have shared the same saliva but then I remember all the bacteria this can have and I almost freak out.

I put my clothes on and I brush my hair with my fingers.

"Harry wake up" I said, shaking his shoulder.

"Umm, no" He groaned and pushed my hand.

 5.30 am and my mom will be up at 6, I must get home.

I can’t wake him so I decided to leave by my own. I grab my things and I go downstairs.

I hear a sound in the kitchen, as if someone opened a drawer.

"Hello?" I asked scared standing in the leaving room.

"Lucy?" I hear a voice and a head peeks out the kitchen door. It's that blond guy. "What are you doing here?"

"Harry" I answer and he nods, understanding.

"That bastard escaped yesterday and turned off his cell phone, we didn't know where to find him, we never thought he would be with you"

"Where you tho-thought he would be?" I questioned curious.

"Ahmm.." He doubs, certainly he doesn't want to answer this. "Do you want breakfast?" He said before returning to the kitchen.

"Why are you eating breakfast so early?"

"I'm hungry. Want or not?"

Niall is cooking sausages and eggs at the same time. The toaster is on and also the coffee machine.

"Um, no thanks"

"I'm so hungry, we got high yesterday and slept like a baby and I woke up today and I feel like if I hadn't eaten in years"

"Oh wow. Well, am, Niall I have to go"

"Really? Okay, Where is Harry?"


"And how? because I didn't--"

"I'll go walking or something," I shrugged.

"What!?" I jumped when he yelled. "Is dangerous, something could happen." Niall turned off the kitchen. "I'll take you home."

"Niall is not nece-necessary"

"Harry is so stupid, I'm going to hit him when he wakes up," he growled.

"What about your food?"

"It can wait," he said before leaving the kitchen.

I decide to follow him, I tell him it's not necessary but Niall refuses to listen to me. He barely knows me and he offered to take me, and it's like 5.40 am, he's so sweet for doing this.

"How did you get here?" Niall asked.

"Ahm, Harry came yesterday to my house"

"I guess he was bothering you." Niall sighed. "Sorry, you should have called us, sometimes he is a pain on the ass."

"Yeah, I guess"

I listen to the radio as he drives.

"Can I tell you something?" I nodded. "Don't trust too much in  Harry"

"What? Why? "Niall is his friend, why is he saying such things?

"He's my friend and I love him but he is not so trustworthy. Besides, you're too good for him "

"What? Me? Why are you saying that? You don't kn-know me"

"I don't need to know you to know that you're too good for him. He was a bother you in the middle of the night and you accepted, you left your house for him and took care of him or am I wrong? "

"You're right"

"Any girl would have gone with Harry but to have sex with him, and your intentions were exclusively in helping him, that's very sweet. You lost hours of sleep for him, you didn't stay at home and I cannot believe that he is unable to get up just for take you home, "Niall rolls his eyes. "That immediately makes you too good for him"

"You're exaggerating a bit, I'm bad too" I joke and Niall laughs.

"All I'm trying to say is...." Niall spoke while he parked outside my house."... is don't let Harry take advantage of you, he's used to that."

"Um, alr-alright," I said to calm him, at some point Niall was right.

"Harry is a good guy but that doesn't mean he's not bad"

"Why do you say those things Niall? You're scaring me "

"Don't think we are good, I'm not saying we're the bad guys but ... but we are not saints."

"So what you're saying is that you and the others have done bad things but what kind? Now I'm curious... and confused."

"That was all I had to say. It's almost 6 am and I feel I should be honest with you, sorry "He shrugged his shoulder.

"I appreciate that Niall and um, thanks for the ride" I kissed his cheek and got off the car.

I wanted to keep talking but I knew that was all he would say.

"See you at school" The blonde smiled before leaving.

I walked slowly to my house, locked the door and took off my shoes. Lily and Mike were sleeping when I poked my head in their room. I sighed in relief and headed to my room. I got rid of my clothes and climbed on my bed. I still had an hour of sleep before get ready to school.

I think about what Niall said, I cannot let Harry take advantage of me, but all that happened today doesn't count right? It was fun and I didn't feel he was taking advantage of me. All I wanted was that he had brought me home, as a small gesture of thanks.

I roll on the bed and curled up. I feel strange, as if something had changed in me. I also have an idea, I'll go to the Harry's house then maybe we could go together to school today, it would be nice.

I fantasize with Harry a few seconds, thinking about what we can do today. The last night was amazing, at least for me and I feel in my chest a growing sense that I cannot control. I am eager and excited to discover new things with him, I guess.

I fall asleep thinking and wanting to be with Harry.

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