Chapter 37

.                   HARRY

"So what do we do now?" Lucy asked looking at me through her glasses.

"Um, whatever you want to do," I replied with a shrug.

"Can we go get some ice cream?"

"Sure, you don't have to ask." I nodded and we started walking.

Actually I didn’t know where I could take her or what we could do. Lately, the only thing I do is have sex, but when I was with Emily, things were different, I wasn't a bad boyfriend at all, I guess. The thing is I can't do the same things with Lucy that I did with Emily, they're both very different, Emily was more like me. We used to spend our time, getting drunk, getting high and having sex....basically. I don't need anyone to tell me that Lucy is not interested in those types of things.

So I find it difficult to know what normal people do. I don't say -"the couple"- because um, Lucy and I are in 'something' but without labels, officially.

We went to an ice cream shop and we wait. Lucy doesn't dare to look at me, her eyes are glued to her feet. I tucked a strand behind her ear and Lucy remained still for a few seconds.

The silence is killing me so it's best to talk about anything.

"How was your days without me?"I asked and she looked at me.

"It was fine," Really? Is that her answer?

"Did you miss me?" I asked in a playful tone, but the truth is I wanted to know if she did.

She smiled as she blushed. "Um, maybe ... it dep-depends on..."

"On what?" I said while I wrapped an arm around her shoulders to bring her closer to me.

"Em, if you al-also missed me too" She said almost in a whisper.

Did I miss her? Yes, I did. It seems that I didn't see her long ago, when indeed were a few days.

"Yeah," I nodded.

"Really?" Lucy stepped back to lift her head to look at me.

"Yes, why not?" I replied a little surprised by her reaction.

"Oh, thank you, that's swe-sweet" Lucy blushed and looked away.

We ordered and bought our ice cream. As soon as we sat Lucy began to eat her ice cream. Maybe she is hungry or embarrassed, because she hasn't spoken anything. In some situations I like silence but this is not one of those.

"So how's your mother?" I didn't know what else to say.

"She's fine"

"You told her you were going out?"

"Yes, she was more than happy" Lucy rolled her eyes.

"Your relationship is improving or-?"

"Yes it is" Lucy sighed. "She's been acting normal, I still have my suspicions but I just haven't had time to figure out the truth"

"Do you still think that she cheats on Mike?"

"Maybe ... I don't know" Lucy shrugged. "I never know what to expect with her"

"Yes, I understand. I'm familiar with that kind of people" Lucy stared at me for a few seconds, analyzing my words.

"Are you talking about your parents?" She finally spoke.


"I know you don't talk about it bu-but if you want I can hear"

"I don't want talk about it, you're right," Lucy nodded and looked down at her ice cream.

"This is ... is delici-delicious" Lucy said without looking at me.

I will do something just to see her reaction.

"You are delicious" I spoke and Lucy choked with her ice cream.

I stifled a giggle and watched her. "That's not fu-funny" She said before coughing.

"What are you talking about? I was just telling the truth, "I said innocently.

"Liar" She said with her cheeks red as a tomato.

 "Do you know why you blushing so much? Because you do that very often,"I smiled.

"Yes, I know, I can't help it"

"Anyways you look lovely" Her eyes widened slightly, showing surprise at my words.

"Harry, are cou-could you stop?" She spoke looking down and I laughed. She has no idea how adorable she is.

"I was just telling the truth," I shrugged.

"I don't think so, you just laugh at me" She said, I think she's angry. I looked up to see her and Lucy is holding a slight smile.

"It's not my fault you're funny"

"No, I'm not. That's bullying Harry" Lucy said pointing at me with her spoon.

"I can't help it, that's who I am" I said before snatching the spoon from her hands.

"He-hey!" Lucy growled. "Give me ba-back my spoon!" She tried to reach for the object but my arm was longer.

"It won't happen little Lucy" I smiled, but I was stupid and she was smart, Lucy snatched the spoon that was in my ice cream. Not fair.

"I guess I won Harry" She said sticking out her tongue. "Next time there will be con-consequences" Lucy said before starting to eat her ice cream.

Wait a minute, that was bold, it's unusual to see Lucy like that but I like it. She said it in an innocent way but I thought about that in dirty way.

I grabbed the arm of the chair and dragged her closer. Lucy shuddered at my action and stared at me. Our faces were inches apart.


"Don't ever say that again Lucy" I whispered threatening and she blushed.

Lucy doesn't move, she swallows and looks at me expectantly, waiting for me to do something else. I leaned over and brushed our noses, after that I turned away and ate my ice cream.

She grabs the cup and eats in silence. She doesn't take distance between us and she stays where I put her, next to me.

"I'm sorry " Lucy spoke and I guess she meant it.

"I was joking," I said immediately when our eyes met. "But you were very bold" I smiled and reached out my hand to grab hers. But she doesn't let me touch her, she hides her hand under the table. Why did she do that?

"But what-?"

"I need to talk to you about something," she says before swallowing saliva.

"Sure," I answered curiously, I have no idea what she is going to say. "What is happening Lucy?"

"I want to keep this as a secret..."

.                                                                             *  *  *  *

I found it strange what she said, I couldn't really understand her reasons. She said she wanted to start the things slow, well, that I could understand. Lucy said she wasn't ready, ready to grab my hand or kiss me in public. I think she's exaggerating but now I understand, I mean, she cares so much what others think. Too bad for her. She said it was something between us not the whole high school, again I think it's because she cares what others think. Anyway I decided to accept it,  I should do it so she can trust me. Confidence is a powerful weapon, you can use it for good or for evil, in my case it was the second option.

We spent the rest of the afternoon walking around the city, she let me hug her but not hold her hand. We talked a little about us, she was very quiet, more than usual. I could tell she was nervous because she slid her hands down her jeans all the time, maybe she was sweating. Typical girl things.

It was something simple but it was good. I drove towards her house and we said goodbye. It was a normal kiss or at least it was what I tried because I felt like a spark, a deep sensation rushing through my veins. We were both gasping when we parted. It was strange and somehow awkward.

I haven't seen her since Friday, I called her but Lucy said she had to study and stuff. I should do it too but to be honest one day before the test is always better, I like the adrenaline. She invited me but I refused to study with her, that shit won't happen. I hate high school, simple as that. She sounded disappointed after that, I guess she expected a positive answer but I didn't care.

This weekend I went out to have fun with my friends, Louis was almost jumping for joy, finally congratulated me and everything but something was a little tense between us. Zayn kept screaming 'money!', Liam and Niall remained a little distant and talking between them. I didn't speak with Niall but I would like to know his intentions, why he left with Lucy the other day? Does he care or something? I must find out.

Anyway now is Monday and hell begins again. I guess the only good thing is that I will see Lucinda today.

.                                                                             *  *  *  *

.                     LUCY

How strange is this? Harry and I in the same sentence, it’s really weird. I mean, I like someone and I am with that someone! I keep repeating to myself that it's a dream but this time I don't pinch myself, is a bad habit.

It's Monday morning and I wish somehow already tell this to Mandy, tell that everything worked, tell her that she was right and that I am eternally grateful. And this doesn't end here, I need more advices, how to act and what to do and whether my idea of ​​"keep this a secret" would be right or wrong. Mandy was officially my psychologist and I needed another session.

I don't know how I never noticed but Mandy was also in my geography class, I guess I didn't know because we never talked until now. Before starting the test I passed a piece of paper to her that said if we could talk later and Mandy nodded with a smile.

The geography test was fine, I was the first to finish and the teacher let me go. I was going to wait outside to Mandy, but I only have like 15 minutes for the next class and Mandy was still inside the classroom so I decided to go to the bathroom and make a braid.

I looked in the mirror and I smiled to myself. I feel good today, everything was fine. I still have problems with my sister and maybe with my mother and I have almost no communication with my two best friends but somehow I smiled in the mirror. I washed my face and I braided my hair.

I left the ladies room and I almost jumped when I saw Harry leaning against the wall beside the door.

"Harry, you almost give me a heart attack!" I whispered with one hand on my heart and the other hit his shoulder.

"Hey, that was tough!" He said in a tone that seemed to me attractive and he grabbed my hand. "That was bullying!" He joked with a smile and I couldn't help but smile too.

"How-How are you? How was your long wee-weekend? "I asked starting to feeling betrayed for my nerves.

"It was good, I had fun with the boys, drunk at the end of the night, the typical" Harry shrugged. "And you?"

"It was good, I had fun studying, the typical and..." I stopped talking when Harry grabbed my braid and pulled gently. "What?," I asked when he smiled.

"It's cute, it makes you look more innocent little Lucy" A shiver ran through my body when Harry slips his hand down my neck and stopped at my collarbone.

"Ahm, I...I-I gotta go," I said, taking a step back. "The next class is in 10 minutes so—"

"Wait a minute," Harry said and pulled me tightly to him. I don't know how I dared but I raised my head and looked into his eyes "I didn't say you could go." He whispered as his fingers traced my cheeks and stopped at my lips.

"Harry, not here" I said, trying to pull away when he leaned toward me.

No one else was in the hallway but anyway I was feeling very nervous, my hands were sweating like crazy.

"Oh please Lucinda" He growled with his warm lips on my cheek. "I haven't seen you since Friday," I was about to say some excuse but Harry was faster.

He grabbed my chin and turned my face toward him. Before I could react he pressed his lips against mine and I feel a fire through my body. It's weird to me but pleasant at the same time.

I kiss him back and I feel his smile against my lips. He rests his hands on my waist and touched his hair with my fingers. I don't know where else to leave my hands, that's what I've seen in the movies. We pull away when we heard a small gasp. In the beginning of the hallway is Mandy with big eyes looking at  us with surprise and stunned.

"Oh my god!" Mandy said walking towards us.

"I didn't want her to kno-know" I lied to Harry and he rolled his eyes. "I'll see you lat-later" I walked away from him, feeling my face hot for the shame.

"Aren't you going to officially introduce your boyfriend?" Mandy whispered.

"No, let's go I ha-have to tell you something," I said and grabbed her arm.

"Are you kidding? Are you leaving Harry for me? You were in the middle of the action, if I were you I wouldn't stop kissing him. The lips of that boy must be pure orgasm "Mandy smiled naughty and I rolled my eyes in response.

I wouldn't qualify as 'pure orgasm' as she said it, but I would say they are heaven on earth, that defines Harry's lips better.

We walked through the hallways and when I felt that Harry wasn't following us I stopped.

"What do you need to tell me?" She asked.

"Well, ahm, abo-about all that has happened," I said, unable to hide my excitement. "We are like ahm toge-together but without any label or something."

"So typical" Mandy rolled her eyes. "But it's a big step," she smiled. "I want spicy details, something dirty Lucinda, tell me" Mandy pouted.

"There is nothing spicy or dirty" I answered. "But I'll tell you details but not now, we have to go to class"

"Okay, I have to tell you something too" Mandy said but a bit more serious, I would say that she even looked worried.

"Re-Really? About what?" I asked confused but curious. Is about Harry or what? Who else could it be?

"Let's have lunch together and we can talk" I nodded and we left to class.

My next class was with Cassie, I was excited to see her, I was planning to tell her everything and apologize for keep a secret from her but Cassie didn't appear. Matt is also in our class and didn't appear too. 20 minutes later they emerged the door with big smiles and two apples for the teacher. I thought they only did that in movies or cartoons.

Cassie walked a little awkward until she sat next to me, her hair was a little messy and her face a little pale, there was something odd about her. I understood why she was like that when the smell hit my nose. She smells like alcohol.

"Cassie are you drunk?" I whispered in her ear. She chuckled and shook her head, still trying not to laugh so loud.

That was a stupid answer, normal Cassie wouldn't answer like that, of course she was drunk.

"Cassie how could you do that?" I claimed.

"What is your problem? "She said frowning. "Don't act like my mother," She rolled her eyes and laid her gaze on the board.

"I'm just wor-worried, it's like 10 am and you're drunk," I growled. "Why? It was...Matt? Did he force yo-you? "I inquired worried.

"Don't bring Matt on this, I did because I wanted Lucy so what?" She snapped. "Now please shut up because I'm dizzy" Cassie said and I obeyed, I wasn't on the mood to argue with her.

In a few minutes Cassie fell asleep on the table, I'm angry but sad. She had never come drunk to a class, ever. I guess that this was part of her transformation. These are the times in which I miss my old friend, before she decided to rebel against her parents this year. As I said once, Cassie was like me, an invisible and quiet girl. I don't know what made her change and what made her decide to be who she is today, and that makes me feel so bad because I'm her best friend and I don't understand her.

Now I'm wondering if I should tell her, perhaps she doesn't mind at all, lately the only thing she thinks is about Matt. Maybe I should tell her another day, not now.

When the class ended I gently shook her shoulder.

"Mum 15 minutes please" She murmured.

"Cassie, get up, the class is over," I muttered a little louder shaking her shoulder.

"Shit," she mumble getting up. "My head" She growled putting a hand on her forehead. "What time is it?"

"Lunchtime" I answered quietly.

"Oh thank god, I need a pill for a headache, do you have one?" I nodded and I took a pill of my bag.

I used to suffer from constant migraines, that is why I bring these pills but that doesn't happens anymore. Cassie took the pill and rose from her chair.

"Let's go to lunch" She grabbed her things.

"Ahm, no thanks," I said a little embarrassed as I stood up. This was not going to end well.

"You're going to have lunch with Marcel?" I shook my head. "Then who?"

"With Man-Mandy" I replied, feeling nervous and don't know why.

"Oh, okay" She spoke with a nice smile that didn't reach her eyes. I know she's angry. "See you," she said before leaving with Matt.

Cassie is the kind of friend a little jealous, I guess that's why she doesn't like Marcel, I used to spend a lot of time with him. Perhaps that is the reason why I have no friends, but I would be irrational if I blame Cassie for that, I am a shy person ... and sometimes just a bit antisocial.

I meet Mandy at the entrance of the cafeteria; she waves a hand at me.

"Harry was looking for you" Mandy said with a big smile.

"Rea-really?" I blush.

"Yes, he said he needed to talk to you. As you're going to lunch with me and I told him I didn't know where you were."

"Okay, I'll talk to him later"

"You look pretty calm and I can't understand it. I would be freaking out right now if I was dating Harry Sexy Styles "Mandy licked her lips.

"I don't know why I'm so quiet but I guess it's because I still don't think it's happening...but is not because is Harry Styles, it's because I like him and I guess he also likes me ."

"You haven't talked about feelings with him?"

"Ahm, I think it's too s-soon..."

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Mandy nodded.

We bought our lunch and we sat at a table.

"I think he really likes you" Mandy spoke before eating a piece of her burger.

"You think so?" I asked excitedly.

Mandy has been successful at everything she has said, each advice has worked, she's a smart girl, I don't doubt at her words.

"Yes, I do. He was upset today when you left him for me, he almost killed me with his eyes "Mandy shrugged. "I thought he hated to interrupt but he was kind to me today"

"Oh I'm glad you think so, makes me feel better." I ate a piece of my burger before saying: "Today I am happy," I smiled.

"I'm glad you're Lucy, you deserve it. I know we're not close friends but I think this has brought us together"

"Sure, if you ne-need something you can tell me, I'll try to help you, I feel I owe you a lot," I said honestly.

"You could do something for me" Mandy smiled and I looked at her.. "You could get me..." Her smile faded when her gaze met someone.

I turned to find what she had seen but I didn't find anyone who was looking in our direction, I only saw unfamiliar faces. My eyes met Harry a few tables away, he was watching me, he didn't look very happy. I smiled but he didn't smile back.

"Shit," Mandy cursed capturing my attention. "I forgot about that... Do you remember that I had to tell you something?" Mandy said serious and I nodded. "It's about Cassie"

I started to get scared, the last time I heard that Cassie was in trouble, nothing ended well, it was a big disaster.

"What hap-happened to Cassie?"

"Ahm, I've been hearing some rumors about... I-I don't know if it is real but I think..." Mandy sighs and looks at me. "I think Matt is cheating on Cassie"

What? Oh no, nothing good will come out of this.

 .                                    * *  *  *

How is everybody? Sorry for the wait, I finally managed to finish the chapter. I know the chapter and the end are not so good but this problem of Cassie will bring more troubles.

Thank you for read!

ps: I want to say sorry for everyone that read LWWY, I deleted the story because I wasn't too inspired :( for now on I'm not going to delete the stories I'll publish.

ps2: It would be nice if you check out my Niall fanfiction "prima donna" and my other Harry fanfiction "the perfect girl". I'm going to start both, really soon! please please? 

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