Chapter 36

.                    ««HARRY»»


"I know I shouldn't but...what's this? What are we? "

Her question echoes in my head. Whoa, I must admit I didn't expect this. I mean, come on, she's Lucy, she don't ask this type of things. I guess she always surprises me, in one way or another.

I gulped and thought of a good answer. This is my time, it's the perfect way to establish something between us and move one step closer to the bet.

"What do you mean?"

Great, from all the questions that I could have said that's my way to answer. Why do I act so stupid around her?

"Well..." Lucy paused a few seconds, thinking about what she was about to say. "We can't pretend that nothing is happening between us" She shrugged.

I cannot believe that Lucy is doing this shit. I bet she wants to be my girlfriend and, I hate these things, when everything is too fast. I like her but that's too rushed, but anyway... all for the bet.

"What do you want? Do you want me as your boyfriend? "I should have sounded sweet but my voice came out aggressive.

Lucy stepped back, as if my words had hit her.

She furrowed her eyebrows and replied, "Not exactly"

Now I took a step back, feeling her words like a punch on my stomach. So what does that mean? What does she want from me? I know women are complicated but I just can't understand Lucy.

"So what?" I grunted.

I feel completely offended, I mean, any girl would die to be with me but she just said 'no'. She just hurt my ego.

"Ahm, I...I..." Lucy looked down to her feet. "What I mean is ..." Lucy shook her head and pursed her lips. "I don't want you to hurt me Harry" She let out a sigh.

I feel like I was hit by a truck, shit. Think Harry, think!

"I won't," I lied as the villain I am.

I reached a hand toward her but Lucy stepped back.

"Ca-can you promise?" She whispered. I feel like I have a super ear because this girl speaks very low.

"I promise," she nodded.

"I just need you to respect me..." She sighed. "Is it too much why I'm asking?"I shook my head and she curved her lips into a faint smile.

I know what she means, respect is basically not be with anyone else, that would kill her, I know for sure and I'm not going to do it.

We looked at each other in silence, the atmosphere has become uncomfortable and tense.

"So ...what does this mean?" She swallowed before continuing, "We', together?"

"HARRY!" Lucy and I jumped as we heard a scream from outside followed by a loud knocking at the door. It was Louis.

 "HARRY HONEY, I'M HOME!!" Louis shouted again banging his fists against the door.

Why is he doing that? He has the key.

I walked to the door and opened it. My friends stormed into the house and watched Lucy standing in front of them.

"I wasn't expecting this," Liam said, surprised.

"Are we interrupting something?" Zayn said, raising an eyebrow.

"You two were having sex or something like that?" Louis asked, pretending to be offended. Lucy opened her eyes and her cheeks turned red.

"No, of course n—"

"If I don't have sex no one can't have it!" Louis screamed and Lucy jumped.

"Enough," I groaned and Louis rolled his eyes.

"So what's happening here?" Zayn asked, and I understood his intention.

"Are you together or what?" Louis smiled falsely. Lucy bit her lower lip and her cheeks blushes even more.

The boys were intimidating Lucy with those questions, I know is too much for her.

"Um, sorry I think I must go" Lucy said and headed to the door.

"I'll leave you" I said following her.

"No." She paused and Louis stifled a chuckle. "I'm fine Harry, I want to walk"

"Mind if I join you?" Niall asks and I turned toward him. What the fuck?

"Ahm, su-sure" Lucinda nodded and Niall smiled gently. What is he trying to do? What does this mean?

When Niall closed the door Louis laughed.

"You have everything under control Harry, I can feel it," he said sarcastically. "So you are together or what?"

"Almost," I growled.

"About time" Zayn teases.

"I don’t know why you're taking so long, she should be easy, just like the others girls" Louis spat.

"Well she's not!" I shouted angrily. I'm tired of Louis. "She's not like the kind of girl that you fuck!" I exclaimed pushing him.

I walk past him and climbed up the stairs.

"Harry what the fuck?!" Louis asked and I stopped to watch him, "You seem unstable whenever you're around that girl, what the fuck is wrong with you? It looks like you even care what she feels "He spat.

"Of course not," I lied.

"I hope so" Zayn mumbled.

"I think it's enough guys..." Liam said trying to stop them.

"Harry you can’t disappoint us, don't forget your goal." Louis spoke, ignoring Liam. "Also remember what you said 'she's just a stupid girl', remember that?" I nodded slowly. "I hope you still think so, because it has to be"

"There is no need to remind me, I know" Was all I said before running to my room.

Louis was right, I can't forget my goal.

I can't let the feelings play with me. I can't like Lucy, I just can't like her.

»»  »»  »»»»  »»  »»»»  »»  »»

.                                        ««LUCY»»


I haven’t seen Harry since Monday. He hasn't attended to classes, as if he had disappeared. I wonder if he's mad with me because I left that day with Niall. I don't know why I agreed, but I did. It was nice, Niall is a funny guy. He walked with me to my house and then left, he went to see a friend.

I've been with Cassie these days, she hasn't stopped talking about her and Matt and how perfect was everything. I'm a little jealous but I must admit that she is exaggerating, i mean, they have only been together for a few weeks, or a month, and Cassie's crazy about him.

I sat with her and her boyfriend these days, everyone talks except me. When Cassie is around Matt I feel that she is not the Cassie I know. I always go to the library, it's better there than stay with those people that don't even know my name. I haven't seen Ryan either apparently he's sick. I considered talking to Niall but he hasn't attended to classes too. I've only seen Liam and Zayn.

I haven't talked to Marcel, I'm still angry and sad about everything he said. Basically it is very painful that your best friend tells you you're not worth enough.  I can't believe he's so superficial. Marcel told me that Harry was playing with me, that he was lying and that it was impossible for someone like him to be with me, that I just have to look at myself to know the answer.

I know that I'm not a model or blond or I don't have a perfect body, but I was surprised that Marcel told me all that. It hurts when someone tells you what you don't want to hear.

I think it is time to talk with Mandy. I need her help, I need advices.

I ate lunch quickly, ignoring Cassie and her new friends. I left her and went to the library. I hope Mandy is there.

 I feel a relief through my body when I see her. Mandy's reading a book, I don't want to bother her but I can't wait any longer.

I stopped in front of her and gulped before saying: "Hello Mandy"

"Oh, hello Lucy" She smiled at me and gestured to the chair. "Sit" I obeyed and looked her. "So...what can I do for you? I guess you're here for Harry "I nodded. "You can tell me"

And that's what I did. I told her everything that happened on Monday. Oh my god, I felt so good. I was keeping so much inside and I just needed someone to talk.

"Um, okay" Mandy nodded while she was processing my words. "You have to stop thinking too much Lucy, overthinking will kill you all the possibilities. I'm not saying that you should let Harry play with you or something. What I'm trying to say is that you should let the things happen, take it easy. I know it's hard but if you don't risk you won't win. "

"Or lose"

"One more thing, stop being negative" Mandy said. "You have to see the glass half full, I think all the cards are in your favor" Mandy smiled.

 I don't want to but a part of me believes on what she is saying.

"Really?" I asked excited.

"Of course," she nodded. "You're smart; you're funny, maybe very shy but is not something that you can't work. I think Harry Styles needs the change in his life, someone different ...someone like you. "

Could it be true? Could she be right?

"I don't know Mandy" I shrugged. "I am invisible. I still think someone like him wouldn't be with me because—"

"Oh Lucinda enough!" Mandy interrupted me. "I'm so tired of stereotypes, it's your mission break it. I'm so sick of people calling us nerds, I bet Harry must also be tired of being called the bad guy or troublemaker, but the thing is that you're much more than that, much more, you just have to realize it "Mandy shrugs.

I blinked a few times and analyzed her words. I guess that she is right. I guess I'm getting carried away too much by the typical stereotypes but more than that I'm scared. Being an inexperienced is not a big advantage for me, I always like to know what I'm involved but with Harry everything is uncertain.

"Stop being afraid" Mandy said and I think she is reading my thoughts. "You are your only enemy."

Why is she so right? I mean, I stop myself for doing a lot of things and I think too much, but it's so hard not to.

"Do you know something Lucy? Love is a risk, and is up to us to take it or leave it. You only live once, maybe in a few years we see this as something silly or regret, it all depends on our decisions."

Love is a risk ...

Why Mandy is saying everything with such precision? She knows a lot about this.

"You know what I find strange?" Mandy spoke and I looked at her. "I thought Harry would be more daring but he behaves completely different with you--"

"Is that bad?" I asked immediately.

"No, it's not" She smiled. "Actually it's really good, at least he doesn’t' act like an idiot, right?" I nodded with a smile. She is right.

"Thanks Mandy, thank you very much. Are you ever considered to be a psychologist or something? You're really good. "

"I know, I know," she says with pride. "If you need my help, you know where to find me" She said, extending her arms to indicate the table.

"Cou-could you give me your number?" I asked timidly.

"Sure, I can work 24 hours," I laughed softly and we exchanged numbers. "So what do you gonna do?" Mandy asked.

"I don’t know," I shrugged. "Everything you say is right, I guess...I should take a risk" Mandy nodded.

"And what will you do? It's Friday, you should call him or go to his house. "Mandy pressed curiously.

"Yes, um, maybe..." I shrugged. "I'll talk to Harry I guess."

"Yes!" Mandy screamed and we heard different: 'Shhhh' in the library. I stifled a laugh and looked at her. "I can't help you with that, you must think and take the risk," Mandy smiled and I can see the anxiety in her eyes. "Call me later"

"Okay, I will," I nodded with a smile.

I don't know why but I'm feeling positive, much more than I expected. Mandy is what I need to realize the true, to open my eyes. I don't know if it's sad that I needed to feel good about myself with the help of someone else but I can't help it, after what happened with Marcel I've never felt so bad in my life. Anyway I'm glad I talked to her, I don't know what I would have done without her.

I never thought I would tell her my secrets, I didn't think I would be involved with a boy either but life is crazy and love is a risk right?

I guess I can risk it.

»»  »»  »»»»  »»  »»»»  »»  »»


"What should I do?" I whispered to myself as I walked around my room. "I don't know if I should call him" I said and stared at my phone on the bed.

"Lucinda!" I heard my mother on the other side of the door. "I'm going to the supermarket; do you want to come with me?"

"Okay, sure," I said and grabbed my phone and left my room. "Let's go mom" she just smiled and nodded.

This is a good opportunity to improve my relationship with her and I also need to clear my mind.

We entered to the supermarket and I looked for the shopping car. We walked through the halls while my mom was reading the list.

"So um, how is everything in the hospital?" I asked, trying to make conversation.

"It's fine, the usual" She sighed.

"I bet you want vacation"

"You know me," Lily pulled out a bag of rice and left it in the cart. "I want to go to the Caribbean, wouldn't it be great?" Mom smiled and I just nodded.

Maybe she is not so angry, she's slowly talking to me again, she's finally answering me. I must admit that her silence was killing me, despite everything I miss her, she's my mother and I love her.

"When do your exams start?"

"I have two next week, but I have studied in my spare time" Mom nodded and we kept walking through the supermarket.

"I think I've told you several times this but I'll repeat it," Lily said, turning to look at me. "I'm so proud of you, I can't believe that my baby won the contest."

"It's like the hundredth time that you tell me this" I smiled.

"I know, but one more time doesn’t kill anyone" She shrugged. "Um, so,...Lucy... I found out that Harry was there..." My mouth dropped in surprise. "Are you two dating?"

"Wha-what? How did you know?"

"It was Carly, I spoke to her and she told me. But tell me, are you dating?"

"No, we're not," I shook my head.

"I see disappointment on your answer, what is happening between you two?" Mom asked, full of curiosity.

"Nothing really, we are...we're good friends," I lied.

I don't want my mother to know yet but I want to tell her something, she's the type of person who likes to get answers.

"Oh, booo" She pouted. "A shame because he's really handsome, just in case he can go to our house anytime. "

"Ahm, sur-sure mom"

No way.

"If  he is your friend I guess you don't care but I think Harry should go out with Madison." I clenched my fists around the bar cart.

"Yeah, sure, wh-who knows" I answered trying to hide my jealousy and annoyance.

I like Harry, he can't be with Madison, no please.

"You'd look good with Marcel" Mom said looking at the list.

"No, of course not," I answered immediately. I would never be with him, Marcel is bad.

"Why? Best friends are always together. "

I'm not going to tell her about my discussion with Marcel, I have to find an excuse.

"Ahm, because ...we sim-simply are not right for each other"

"Oh darling, yes you are," Mom smiled and left a can of tuna in the cart.

"Um, mom ca-can we change the subject?"

"Ugh, fine" Lily rolled her eyes. "I don't know why it bothers you talk about love, I would like to know more about your love life"

"I have no romantic life mom" I replied. "But if I had I wo-would tell you" I lied. I feel so bad for lying to my mom.

"I still wonder when you are going to get a boyfriend Lucy, I'm craving for it," Lily sighed.

I don't understand why it is so important to mom, she always says that and I don't see the big deal of this to have 'boyfriends'. I never spent time thinking about it and never wanted to know it, even now I don't know what I want with Harry but I certainly don't imagine us dating or Harry as my boyfriend or something.

My phone rings and I take it out of my pocket. I have a new message. I almost dropped the cell phone when I read the name of Harry. With trembling fingers I pressed a button and I open the message.

Are you busy?

Um, no, I wasn't. Maybe I could go. Was I ready for this? I feel the energy and the courage to talk to Harry about our situation or give him any sign that I wanted this to happen or something to confirm what we are.

If you don't risk you won't win, Lucy.

I breathed and looked to Lily. "Mom, em, I I go out with Harry?"

"What?" She almost screams. "You don't need to ask me that Lucy, of course you can!" She said cheerful.

"Oh, really? Um, ok-okay" I nodded and looked down at my phone.

I'm free.

I write the message and sent it.

"Where are you going?  Give me details"

"I don't know mom," I replied anxiously.

"Lucy, honey, can you grab two juice boxes?" Mom spoke as she read the list and grabs a milk carton. I obeyed, I grabbed the boxes and my phone rang.

Cool, I'm outside, in the parking lot.

A chill ran through my body and the boxes fell on the ground.

"Lucy!" Mom said and I looked at her. "Thank God it's not broken" I bent down to pick them up and left in the cart.

"Ahm, Harry is going to pi-pick me" I lied.

"So go, wait him in the parking lot," Mom said without looking at me. "Take this money and have fun." Lily smiled at me, she looks pretty excited and I know she dying of curiosity. I'm starting to doubt, maybe my mother doesn't think that Harry and I are just friends.

"Okay, thanks mom" I said goodbye and walked towards the exit.

I'm a little scared, how did he know I was here? Harry was following me or what?

I realized that I was walking extremely slowly and somehow I didn't want to get to the exit. Nerves began to seize every fiber of my body and I tried to control my trembling hands. I tucked a strand behind my ear and left the supermarket.

I don't know how but I managed to identify Harry's car. I walked in his direction and watched him leaning against the back of the car. He looked up from his phone and smiled.

He is wearing a gray blouse with a black jacket, his hair is messy as always and his green eyes are brighter than ever. I bury my nails into the palm of my hand and the pain is so real that I accept that this is not a dream. I should stop hurt myself but it's the only way to know I'm not dreaming.

"Hi Harry" I managed to say. The nervousness is running through my body and pumped through my veins

"Hi Lucy" His smile widened.

 4 days seems like an eternity, I've missed Harry.

"How did you find me?" I smiled a little more infected for his good mood.

"Magic!" he said and shook his hand as if he had a wand.

"Eh, I just... what do you want to do?" I asked while I was playing with my fingers.

"Anything. I just wanted to see you "He admitted and my heart almost came out of the chest.

I think this is a sign, come on, I can do it. I held my breath and prepared my words.

"Um, Ha-Harry I have ta-talk to you about something" I said, trying not to stutter.

"Okay, go ahead." He said as threw his hands into his pockets.

Breathe Lucy, you can do it.

"I need to talk about what happened on Mo-Monday, I guess some things were left unfinished" I shrugged. "I just want to say that everything is...I don't know, so weird between us and I-I think we have a lack of communication but ... I-I just..What I want to say is that I want-"

"Okay Lucy" Harry interrupted me. I raised my eyes to him and I found no expression on his face. "I want more" He said looking me in the eye.

Oh my god. No, no, stop. Those three words are melody to my ears. Is this real or is it fantasy?

After that everything happens so fast. Harry cut the distance between us, his hands slid down my cheek and  he kisses me. A relief runs through my body, I can't believe how much I miss him.

I kiss him back and Harry slid his tongue against mine. I shudder; his lips are hot against my skin. He let his hands fall on my waist and gently draws me closer to him; I place my arms around his neck and I run a hand through his hair.

We pull away for the lack of air.

Oh my god, that was amazing, can we do it again?

His emerald eyes meet mine and I'm about to have a heart attack. All these emotions and these feelings. I have never felt so weak, so exposed, but nothing had ever felt as good as this.

"Together?" Harry breathes.

  I don't know what it means but I'm satisfied, I'm happy.

"Together" I smiled and got on tiptoes to, bravely, kiss him again.

»»  »»  »»»»  »»  »»»»  »»  »»

omG I CAN'T. THE FEELS. Thank you for wait!  I'm going to update after January 2, because I have a test (fuck my life).

Anyway how was christmas? Do you guys have plans for new years? I'm  going to a party hell yes. 


ps: Please vote and comment! I would love to know what you guys think! 


ps2: I have a Niall fanfic! it's called prima donna, go and check it out!! (I'm not going to delete it, I swear to God)

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