Chapter 33
Next update: Wednesday or thursday :)
Sorry if the chapter is too long :(Hope you guys like it !
and oMFG THE PICTURE ON THE SIDE BAR, i just find it (its not mine) and omg the feels. BYE
{please please VOTE it takes literally 2 seconds while to me it took like hours to translate this hehe}
. ««HARRY»»
I swear to God I'll kill Marcel.
"Well!?" He asked, staring at us, waiting for an answer. Lucy and I remain frozen in our positions.
I feel as if I had been caught up in something bad or in some mischief. On one hand, is true, I’m being caught up and I feel so cruel, inhuman, doing this shit.
I don't look at Marcel, I feel like if he sees me directly in the eyes he would read my mind, would know what I'm thinking and what I'm avoiding to think.
Anyway I don't like his attitude, who the fuck does he think he is? What happened to my shy and fagot cousin? He has certainly changed since his damn "social project". First he cursed, now he yells, he asks for an explanation and what comes next? Marcel in a fight? Ha, I would like to see that!
I must admit that his question is extremely intimidating, asking if we are together, it's a question I should answer without hesitation, I should say yes because of this shit with Taylor. The closer I get to her, more Lucy would fall for me or some shit.
I should answer without problems but now the doubt invades me and consumes every single fiber of my being. I can't answer this, tell a lie has never been a problem for me but now I can't do it.
I wonder if Lucy will answer or she waits for me to do so.
"Oh, Ahm, Mar-Marcel," Lucy stutters.
I move my eyes, placing them on her. Something in my stomach twists and tightens. She looks fragile right now, more fragile than ever.
I don't need anyone to tell me the horrible and shitty person that I am. I think this will be the way she’ll react when the moment of truth arrives, when this is over.
"I ... Uh," Lucy pulls out her phone from her pocket. I know how she feels, that question should be more than intimidating for her. "Ugh time flies, the second round is about to start, bye." Lucy spoke quickly and left without waiting an answer from us.
Um, that was weird but it was a great and undisguised way to escape.
We look at Lucy, who didn't look back, and then I look at my cousin and he looks me. We both frowned at each other; if looks could kill he would be dead.
"Harry ...Do you like Lucy?" Marcel asked. "Do you feel anything for her?"
Each question is like a punch in the face and I cannot believe my idiot cousin is intimidating me. I can't let him have that power, I hate when people make me feel so ..."Intimidated". I'm not scared of his questions; I just don't want to answer them.
That's being a coward Harry.
"Fuck you, you fucking idiot," I cursed under my breath before starting to walk as far as possible away from him.
For some reason Marcel didn't follow me and I appreciate that. I'm not in the mood to give explanations and less to him; I don't owe anything to that idiot. That is bullshit.
He is so lucky, if we weren't here I'd already beaten him, so he learns his lesson, to keep his mouth shut and to stop being inconvenient.
I let out a heavy sigh as I collapsed in a chair. I rested my elbows on my knees and my head falls in my hands.
This has been like...Hell? I don't know what word would describe this situation better but it was a very odd and long day. I just want this to end.
"Oh, Harry! There you are! " I heard the shrill voice of Aunt Carly.
Oh, god, how did she find me? Must have been for the curls, why the fuck I didn't bring a beanie?
"I brought you this," She said softly as she pats my shoulder to get my attention.
I squeezed my eyes with my fingertips and then I raised my eyes to hers. In her hands she is holding a hot dog.
"What? For me? "I asked incredulously.
"Of course Harry," She replied with a smile and I accepted the hot dog. I love this, my favorite junk food.
She finally did something right, something better than look at me with pity or contempt. It's an odd attitude but I accepted it anyway.
"Uh, um ... Thanks," I said, still not believing her kind gesture. "Where did you get this?"
"They sell everything on this place!" Carly said as she sat next to me. "If you want something let me know, I hadn't noticed how skinny you are Harry." She says with her eyes toward the stage.
I almost choked, that's why? I thought it was kindness or some shit like that but it's because she thinks I'm too skinny. This smells like pity, what the fuck?
I have everything I need, maybe I don’t get the money in the best way but we've got everything in that damn house.
I also take care of disturb and bribe my parents for money once a month and works quite well. The last time was Des, now is the turn of Anne. I know the last time I saw her things didn't end well, but no matter what she always gives up.
At the end of the day she's my mother and she still imagines me as a baby, she can't admit in her fucking head that I left home because of her and Dad, just like Gemma.
I can't understand how they can love us when they destroyed us, they ruined our "family".
I'm about to throw the hot dog on Carly's lap but I resisted. Also I'm too lazy to get up and buy one, so I prefer to eat this.
The second round starts and there are only four teams, two of them will be the finalists. The number of questions is 35, at least they reduced it because I don't know how long this will take but I know we still have a lot.
I'm so bored I'm considering talking to Carly but that is so low.
The only way to kill time is to use the phone. I opened Facebook, I talked with some friends and the clock was ticking, thank god. But when I got bored I kept the phone in my pocket and looked around. There is some people sleeping and I don't blame them.
"Now it's their turn," said Carly bumping her shoulder against mine.
I swear to God I didn't sleep because I stared at Lucy all the time. I recorded every detail of her face in my mind, why? I don't know. I would say its fun.
She looks tense, more serious and never diverts her gaze of the public or to her teammates, she didn't even talk to Marcel or congratulates him each time he answered and the answer was correct. Weird, I wonder what happened. My hands are burning and I want to crash my knuckles against his jaw.
I think Marcel exaggerated everything but why? Does he like Lucy? I don't imagine another reason to explain the way he reacted. I mean, I was just kissing her, not a big deal.
Now that I think I forgot that and that only happened a few hours ago. I'm still impressed; you could say she stole me the kiss. I think it was the way she did it that got me shocked. Lucinda doesn't act like that, she doesn't take the initiative.
I guess this time she broke the shell and dared to do something, that's fine but at the same time I know it's bad. Why? Because everything is starting to be, slowly the pieces are fitting in this damn puzzle.
But ignoring this horrible and negative side, I could concentrate on the good side right? I must admit it was very daring, risky and tender. That's what I think every time I remember the kiss scene. Lucy leaning toward me, her soft lips pressed against mine, my hand wrapping her waist and her shy and insecure arms slipping around my neck.
She let out a sigh of relief, as if she needed it. I'm used to that, so typical. Except for the fact that girls moan, beg and they never sigh like her. That even makes her different from the others.
"Yes, well done!" I was thrown abruptly to reality when I heard Carly's voice breaking into my ears.
I shook my head and stared around. Everyone was clapping, I turned to the stage and they classified to the finals.
"I am so proud of my babies," Carly said with a smile and I rolled my eyes. "Lucy and Sheldon did amazing."
"Lucy and who?" I asked confused.
"Were you sleeping or what? They just classified because Lucy and Sheldon won the category of couples." Carly furrowed her eyebrows.
I was really sunk into my thoughts for not having noticed that. At least the time passed quickly as I thought. Finally this is going to end and I can leave this place with Lucinda.
10 minute recess was announced but I preferred to stay in my seat. I would like to see Lucinda but I think everything would be uncomfortable. It is best to wait until the end, which consists of two outcomes:
1-Lucy will be happy and I'm going to say: "I'm proud of you."
2-Lucy will be sad, disappointed and maybe she even cries and then I'll be her shoulder to cry.
The feelings will completely dominate the two outcomes, so we won't have to talk about the kiss or the incident with Marcel.
I feel nervous when the break ends and all return to their seats. I can’t believe this has come to an end, all this day, all this competition has appeared like an eternity to me.
"They have to win," Carly and I say in unison. We looked at each other and she giggles. I roll my eyes and look back on stage. Kill me, I can't believe I just said what she did.
I can feel the tension between the teams and I can feel the nervousness of Lucy from here. She looks more rigid, her hair is braided and her eyes are glued to the screen, as if her life depended on it.
The whole audience was silent and expectant, I don't know why but I guess everyone is sharing the same feeling right now and it's ridiculous because this is a stupid math contest. Just the idea of thinking that I'm here it seems more ridiculous than the competition, so ridiculous that I have to stifle my laughter.
The host begins with the questions and I feel Carly's hand on mine. Oh god, she is so exaggerated. I don't know why but I can feel that she is going to cry if the group loses. It's a simple contest but I'm not surprised, I mean, she is very competitive, just like my mother.
Anne told me a couple of stories involving Aunt Carly apparently when they were young they always were arguing and competing with each other.
I shook my head and I tried to concentrate on the competition. So far the groups were tied and the host had only done ten questions. I just see how this is not just intelligence, you also have to be quick and skillful. For them life depends on pressing that damn button.
As they eventually pass the questions our team is winning but just for one point. When they get to question 30 both teams are tied, this is the final moment like the movies or stories.
The exercise appears on the screen with a graph and both teams begin to solve the Chinese exercise that seems to me. Apparently they can get two answers to this question which increases the complexity because if you mess it up, the rest possibly could go wrong.
Carly jumped when the other girl on Lucy's team touched the button.
"McKinley High you can answer," The presenter said looking at the girl.
"The area is ...Is ... 9/3 and the limit is 2." The girl looks expectant.
He looks down at the paper and then brings the microphone to his mouth. "Incorrect." There are no words for describing the expression on Lucy's face. "The opposing team can answer, if the answer is wrong the other team can try again."
Lucy tucked a strand behind her ear and looked down at her paper and began to write.
A boy from the other team rang the bell and Lucy almost jumped at the sound.
"The bounded area is 0 and the limit is 0." The boy answered with ease.
Our whole team, except Lucy, looked at the presenter.
"Incorrect. Only one is correct but is not enough."He said. Oh my god, what will happen now?
Carly and I jumped when we heard the bell of our team. Lucy had touched the button.
"You can answer," said the host.
Lucy looked down at her paper and then looked back to the presenter. She swallowed and spoke:
"The bou-bounded a-area is 0 and the limit doesn't exi-exist..." She stuttered nervously.
He looked down and then looked at our team: "Is correct!"
I swear to god the sound of applause and the screams of Aunt Carly almost left me deaf, not to mention I almost fell off my chair.
"They won, they won Harry!" Carly sobbed while she applauds. I got up and I imitated her. We all applauded and whistled as the host handed a small trophy to our team and the typical big check like the ones on TV. I burst into laughter because on the background you could hear the song 'We are the champions' by Queen.
"Thank you for your presence and thank you for the teams that participated, see you next year!" Said the host and I knew that was the end. Thank God.
Now I can leave this with Lucy. I'm tired, I bet she is too. Maybe we could eat something, I could borrow one of my shirts to her and she could stay in my house or I don't know.
I'm not thinking about anything but me and in what I want. What I mean is I want to get something to eat with her and want her to go to my house. We could spend some time talking or I could just hear her talk or something.
"Come on, let's congratulate them," Carly said, grabbing the handle of my shirt and pulling me through the crowd.
“Baby Marcel!" Carly yelled hugging her son.
The team was hugging and talking among themselves and with their families. I spotted Lucy; she was hugging the other girl on the team, both holding in her hands a bouquet of flowers.
"Hey, congratulations girls," I said with a smile and both turned to me.
Lucy's cheeks flushed on a deep red instead her teammate scanned me from head to toe and she bit her lower lip. I know you want me but it’s not going to happen.
"That was awesome," I said as I slip an arm around Lucy's shoulders. I leaned over and planted a kiss on her forehead.
"Tha-thank you." Both answered.
"I'll leave you two to talk," the girl excused herself before walking away. I like this girl just because she knows when she is bothering.
"I'm speechless, you did very well."
"Th-thank you Harry," She smiles. I open my mouth to say something but her phone interrupts us. "Give me a second" She says taking her phone out of her pocket.
"No," I frowned but she ignored me. Her eyes open wide when she reads the name on the screen. Lucy presses a button and quickly answers the call.
"Da-Daddy? It's good to hear you!" She smiles and her eyes fill with tears. Lucy makes a gesture for me to wait and then walks away to talk to her father.
I found it very tender her expression; it was a true expression of emotion. Most teenagers today hate their parents, like me, or don't maintain a long term relationship with them. Lucy seems to stick with it, despite all she seems to genuinely love her parents. If I were her, I couldn't bear the divorce and the idea that your parents can move on and arm another family or just have another couple. I can hardly bear the divorce of my parents. I can't even imagine how she feels, mainly because her father and brother are not here.
"Um, hi, I'm back," Lucy said shyly as she placed next to me.
"Well, heey," I said and I drawn her closer to me, wrapping my arm around her shoulder. She leaned her face and smelled the flowers. "Lucinda, I was wondering if-"
"Let's celebrate!" We heard Professor Anderson screaming. "I am so so proud of all of you."
"And where are we going to celebrate?" Asked one of the team members.
"We could go to McDonald's what do you think?" They all nodded and I almost hit my head against the wall. When you celebrate you don't go to McDonald's, that shit is for babies and children, we are teenagers and we should celebrate them going to a bar.
"The only good thing is that it is here in the corner of the street," Professor Anderson smiled. "So come on, let's go."
"Want to go?" Lucy asked.
"Am Lucy, I don't think ..."
"Come on Harry, it will be fun," she said looking into my eyes. "Besides ...I want yo-you there." Lucy admitted, looking away.
I suppose I could do this for her.
"Okay, let's go," I said and we follow the others.
Surely McDonald's was on the corner so the walk was short. I congratulated Marcel and he just nodded. I guess he's still mad but I really don't care. Lucy also congratulates him and he just smiles. Carly looks at the three of us with curiosity overflowing in her eyes but none of us says something.
We ordered our food and families sat at a table with Professor Anderson and we sat next to them. I put my tray on the table and I settled into my seat. I grabbed fry and chewed as I look up.
In front of me was sitting the other girl in the group, she looked at me without any discretion. I stared at her like what the hell and she winked at me.
Is this a joke?
I raised my middle finger with a smile and I hid my hand when Lucy sat beside me.
"You're really hungry," I said when I saw her tray. Two Big Mac, she'll explode.
"Well, yes," Lucy said before taking a bite of her burger.
I let out a sigh and ate in silence. It would have been better if we were just the two, much more fun. I don't want to share with these idiots. This is completely ridiculous.
"So..." A boy cleared his throat before speaking, "Harry Styles, troublemaker, why are you here?"
I was about to throw the tray to Sheldon, I read the on his shirt, but I held back.
"He came with me," Lucy said, frowning.
"Really?" He laughed, "I didn't know this was your kind of guys Lucinda Fray, never expected it, you always amaze me."
Why is he saying that? What does that mean? He is saying I'm not worth it? I know I'm a shitty person but I'm trying not to be with her, not anymore, I guess.
"Sheldon please," Lucy sighed. "I don't think it's very smart of you to say that."
"Harry..." A male voice called me shyly. I rolled my eyes at 'Leonard'. "I was just wondering if...ehm, if you have any tips to flirt with girls."
"Leonard, Oh, please, a man of your intelligence does not need a woman." Sheldon said before eating a bit of his salad.
"Why are you eating salad?" I asked confused. If you are eating salad at McDonald's you better go home, it's a waste of money.
"Are you asking me why?" He laughs as if I ask something stupid. "McDonald's meals are a disgrace, are unhealthy, contain carbohydrates, lipids, sodium and oh god, the list could go on ..."
I am seriously considering throwing my tray toward Sheldon.
"So what's the secret?" 'Howard' asked resting his elbows on the table. "We've heard so much about you and your reputation with the girls, no offense Lucy," Howard apologizes at her. She just shrugs and continues eating.
"Is for the tattoos...?" Leonard said, looking through his glasses some of the tattoos in my arm.
"Um, just be yourself," I said before taking a bite of my burger.
I really don't know what to say, I've never had to flirt to anyone, I'm just myself, take it or leave it.
"Really?" Howard question. "It sounds so simple."
"’s doesn't wo-work for us to be ourselves," Leonard shrugged and I felt sorry.
"Use your brain, your intelligence," Marcel growled.
"Sure is going to work," Howard rolls his eyes with sarcasm.
"I don't think it's a good idea Marcel," Leonard shrugged.
"Think of what Marcel proposes," Sheldon said, "I will win a girl saying this: Newton's law of gravitation describes the principle that two particles attract each other with forces directly proportional to the product of their masses divided by the square of the distance between them. So what do you think about that? "We all looked blankly at him. "See? Did anyone feel attracted to me? Of course not. Marcel, your hypothesis is denied. "
Listening to them gives me a headache, oh god, this is a nightmare, even worse than the competition.
"They're always like that," Lucy whispered noticing my expression.
"There are few women in the 21st century that could be attracted to intelligence," Sheldon said and looked up at me. "Think of what girls today like, all they see is the physical, six packs and well ... the size of the male reproductive system." He shrugged and I frowned. "No offense Harry Styles."
That's discrimination, he was denigrating me and he didn't even know me. I wouldn't allow that.
My body tensed and I felt the little hand of Lucy leaning on my arm.
"He's always like that Harry, just don't listen."
"Oh and also they like testosterone in a man, a lot of testosterone, am I right Mandy Edwards?" Sheldon asked looking at 'Mandy'.
"You're right Sheldon, I love testosterone." She said and laid her eyes on me just a few seconds.
This is uncomfortable, she's friends with Lucy and she is flirting with me without shame. I look at Lucy and she is completely distracted eating her burger. Is she not aware of what is happening?
"Are you okay?" I whispered in her ear. I heard she swallowed and then nodded without looking at me.
"So ..." Leonard gulped, "Harry could give us a tip or not?"
"Are we still on that?" Sheldon groaned but everyone ignored him.
"To be honest," I shrugged, "girls like to suffer."
"Um, to suffer..." Howard nodded. "In what sense are we talking about specifically?"
"Girls don't like nice guys, the guys dedicated, guys who would do everything for them. The girls always go the hard way. "
"Oh, I see." Leonard nodded. "So... we mu-must be tough and ignore them?"
"Um, I would say yes."
"Can I say a conclusion from all this?" Sheldon spoke. "Basically if that's your strategy, I'm thinking that's what Lucy likes or am I wrong?"
"Oh my god Sheldon, enough." Lucy growled softly pounding the table with her fist. Sheldon's face broke down by her reaction.
I felt chills run down my spine. That was ... I'm speechless. I really like when Lucy reacts that way. It doesn't happen very often but I'm glad to be present every time it happens.
The nerds start talking to each other and I feel completely excluded. I heard them talk about video games, comics and even on articles in scientific magazines. I didn't think this type of nerds existed but is true.
Headache increases and I just want to get out of here.
"We can go play video games at my house to celebrate" Marcel offered and everyone cheered at the idea, even Lucy. Hell no, she is leaving with me.
"You can come with us Harry, if you want," Leonard says looking at me. "It will be fun."
"Sure it will," I said with a sarcastic smile. "Can I talk to you?" I told Lucy and she nodded. "Outside" Lucy stood in silence and we walked to the parking lot.
The cold embraced us quickly and the sound of cars and the people was our background.
"If you don't want to go is… okay Harry" Lucy says as the wind flutters her long hair.
"No, I don't want," I growled. "You wanna go?"
"Ahm, ye-yes," she shrugged. Oh, fuck.
I walked towards her and tucked a strand behind her ear. "I was thinking ... um, just wondering if you want to get out of here...with me."
Lucy's eyes open and her cheeks are red.
"Oh, seri-seriously?" I nodded and Lucy looked away.
"We could go to my house and you could stay the night." Lucy didn't flinch at my invitation; she remained silent staring at her shoes. "Are you going to say something or what?" I hissed impatient.
"So-sorry," she whispered. "I can't go."
"Why not? Do you prefer them over me?"
"You can't make me choose," she replied. "I was with you yesterday and I appreciate you for coming today, but I want to spend this time with my friends. "She said with a low tone.
"I can pick you up later and you could sleep in my house ..."
"No Harry, no... I can't," Lucy said, clinging to the sleeves of her coat and then folding her arm. "I've to go to my house ... I'm so-sorry."
I sigh frustrated and ran my fingers through my hair. Fuck Lucy, fuck everyone.
"You know what?, do what you want," I snapped before I left.
I walked quickly to my car; I didn't bother to look back.
Started the engine and drove toward my house.
I hate rejection, no one tells me no. I could call the girl I wanted and she would be at my house in two seconds without asking for explanations.
I’m so disappointed; I just wanted her to be with me. She can see her friends other day and also it must be boring as hell sit and play video games.
I just wanted her to come home. I just wanted to cook together or just talk. Basically I wanted her in my bed and not with the purposes I have always in my mind, but I wanted her to sleep with me.
I won't say the same crap like: "is that I'm so lonely." I just like her company, and even though we only slept together twice I need more, I need more of her. I just wanted to see Lucy lying beside me, in silent or stuttering anything, maybe with a smile on her lips or her typical red cheeks.
I can't help thinking of the kiss and the way her timid lips moved against mine. I didn't want to admit it but something inside me woke up. All I feel is anger right now, maybe I should have kissed her now before I left her without a good reason.
I hit the steering wheel angry. This is getting out of hand, it supposes that this should be under control but things never work as I want.
I've so many thoughts right now, I'm about to collapse and I need someone to hold me. I don't know if it's a good idea but I must take the risk, maybe I can clear my head.
I grabbed my phone and dialed my sister.
"But Harry, what a surprise! how are you?" I heard Gemma's cheerful voice across the line.
"Um, I'm not so well, I ... I need your help."
"What? You? Asking me for help? "Gemma laughed. "The last time you asked for my help ... oh shit, I can't believe it," Gemma muttered across the line. "Um, tell me."
I sigh and thought for a second about what I was doing and what I was about to say and admit to myself. I gulped and opened my mouth to say:
" I…I like a girl."
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