Chapter 32

 .                     ««LUCY»»


I'm a mess right now.

My heart is pounding, I feel that I can listen to my own heartbeat.

I know the competition is about to start and my mind should be focused on that but all I can think about is in the kiss and how I kissed him back.

"Oh my god," I whispered, bringing a hand to my heart.

I tripped over my own feet but I managed to maintain the balance. As I said before, I'm a mess right now, I can’t even walk properly.

I clean my sweaty hands against my jeans.

"Oh my god" I heard Mandy's voice and her body crashes against mine. She turns me by the shoulders to face her. "You kissed Harry Styles, you bitch!" She screamed excited.

"Shhhh, Mandy!" I said, frowning.

"You have to tell me everything, please?" She begs with a pout. I blinked a few times without say anything. I can't believe just what happened with Harry so how am I going to tell her? "And how was it? Oh my god, I can imagine his lips against mine and oh my god, how is the taste of his lips? How far he sank his tongue in you?"

"Mandy, stop." I ordered whilst I raise a hand in the air as a sign of "stop".

So many questions make me feel quite dizzy. Mandy is acting like Cassie, this is the reason why I don't want to tell her. So many questions and I find that all of them are irrelevant.

"Co-Could you keep this secret?" I asked and she nodded."Nobody knows..."

"A hidden love...I like it." She winks at me.

"This is not a hidden lo-love." I said shaking my head.

Of course not, right? I mean, there is nothing between us, we never talked about the first kiss and I doubt Harry will talk about this second. I have lost the will, I will not get anywhere trying to talk to Harry but in a way I have to make him respect me. I will not be every time he wants to kiss me or something. I mean I, um...what was I saying? I can't even follow the thread of my own thoughts.

I shook my head and started walking.

"Nobody knows this? Not even your best friend? "Mandy asked shocked.

"No, I haven't told her about this." I admitted.

"Oooh, this is not going to end well. I know Cassie a little bit and she is a bit exaggerated. " I nodded without looking at Mandy. She's right. "Anyway you look a little lost, I know we're not friends but if you want I can help you or give you some advice or just listen." Mandy shrugged. 

It's a nice gesture but I wonder if she does it because she cares, or just because the curiosity is killing her.

"Ahm, okay, thanks." And with that Mandy stayed quiet and I'm surprised that she didn't keep her interrogation but from the corner of my eye I could feel her eyes on me. I know she is full of questions but I don't know if it would be appropriate to tell her.

Anyway at some point I will have to discuss this with someone, right? I thought I didn't need anyone, I thought I could help myself but I think that is not enough. I know I need a third opinion, someone to guide me and give me some advice because I'm just a mess. I have no experience in this and I don't know how to handle it.

The question I must answer before continuing this is: What can't I handle? The answer would be Harry but is not, is love...or whatever it is this.

People use labels; they follow parameters that help them reach those labels or parameters that you can follow when you like someone.

The problem is I don't know what should I do and I don't know if I want to.

I took off my glasses and I pressed my fingers to the bridge of my nose, trying to organize this mental mess. Oh god, why is this so hard?

When it comes to life and people, everything is difficult for me. I wish this were like math, you learn the formula and the steps to follow and that's it. It's easier and you can control it. The problem is that real life and my relationship with Harry was something beyond that, far from what I want.

"We are about to start," Professor Anderson announced when Mandy and I approached to our group. They were all gathered in a circle waiting for us.

"Oh finally," Sheldon groaned.

"Are you ready?" We all nodded at his question. "You are the last group to participate, this is the first round and they group that lose will be eliminated. This year will consist of four sections: Algebra, geometry, probability and statistics and a surprise section. Please don't panic, I know you can do it, you all have studied so much, you should not doubt of your abilities. "Professor Anderson smiles.

"Attention, attention," We heard a voice through the microphone. "We ask everyone to be installed in your seats please, we are about to begin."

"Let's go," Professor Anderson says and we followed him.

Participants sit in the first rows and in the rows further back are the public. I look around to see if I can find Harry but there is no sign of him. I wonder if he stayed or left. If Harry is not here I would be a really disappointed, I must admit that I like the idea that he is here even though If he doesn't like this.

The presenter began by thanking everyone for being here, he spoke of the prize, which is money for the winning team, and wished luck to all before starting. The first two groups came to competition; we remained silent and just observe them.

Now there is no time to think about Harry, I must focus on this.

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.                     ««HARRY»»

Smart people scare me. To be smart you have to study and to me that is a waste of time. I can’t imagine myself sitting front of a desk reading books and notes for hours, why do that when you can go out and have fun with your friends?

I cannot believe that Lucy likes math, at least for me to see a formula gives me a headache.

I pulled away from my thoughts when I spotted Carly, Marcel's mom, looking for a seat. I know she is part of my family but I honestly don’t feel comfortable at her side. She physically resembles my mother and I hate that.

Also I don't really like her attitude, I don't like the way that she looks at me, like I wasn't worth it, just because I'm not as perfect and brilliant like her little son Marcel. Oh god, I hate my cousin.

When I'm about to turn around Carly looks up and our eyes meet. She blinks a few times, as if I were an illusion and this is a lie. I can understand her reaction; I just can't imagine myself in this horrible place.

When she finally realizes that I am not an illusion Carly smiles and gestured for me to come to her. Shit.

Just to be polite I smiled and walked to her reluctantly.

"Harry? What a surprise! "She said with her shrill voice.

"Yeah, what a surprise." I said sarcastically.

"Attention, attention," We heard a voice through the microphone. "We ask everyone to be installed in your seats please, we are about to begin."

People obey and start to sit and I am forced to sit  at her side. Thank God she didn't ask anything. Our host start talking and I try to concentrate on what he says but I'm already bored.

When he finishes he begins to introduce the first two teams that are going to participate. The audience applauds as the participants appear on stage. I hope this doesn't last long. If I wanted I could leave but I don't want to leave without Lucy.

On the stage there are two tables for each respective team, on the tables there is a bell, like the ones in the hotel lobby, to press when you have the answer.

In the middle there is a TV, in which the questions are going to appear and the presenter, who is going to make the questions, is next to the TV.

The first round begins and I stare blankly at the questions that appear on the screen. What the fuck is that? Who the fuck was so bored to invent mathematics, geometry, and everything else?

"What are you doing here?" Carly whispers. Her question caught me off guard; I didn't think she would direct me the word.

"Oh, ahm, I'm here for...for Lucy," I said.

Just like my mother Carly is so nosy and curious. She better not start making thousand questions about Lucy because I'm not in the mood to discuss.

"Oh, okay..." is all she says. I can feel all the surprise glued in her voice.

I cross my arms and support my back against the seat. The atmosphere is perfect for sleeping. I guess I'll sleep until this is over.

I fall asleep when I least expected. I am in a thin line between being asleep and awake. I can hear the questions and answers but my eyes are closed and I can't open them.

"Harry, wake up," Carly groans and I feel a slight bump on my forehead. I open my sleepy eyes and lifted my head as I realized that I fell asleep on Carly's shoulder.

"I ... I'm sorry," I said before letting out a yawn.

I turn my gaze to the stage and my eyes meet Lucy. She is already on stage with her teammates. How long ago is she there? Why Carly didn't wake me up?

I looked at the screen with the scores and they are winning, our school is winning. I stare back at Lucy and my eyes meet Marcel's, who is next to her. He looks at me surprised and then leans over to say something to Lucy. She shrugs and Marcel whispers something else on her ear. Lucy frowns and turns her eyes to the host. What was that? What did say that idiot? I bet that son of a bitch said something bad about me.

An exercise appears on the screen with signs that look like Chinese to me. The teams look at the exercise and then they begin to do it on the papers they have on their table.

I don't look to anyone else other than Lucy, looking carefully I stop at the details that lately I can't stop seeing on her.

Her long dark hair with some curls, her pale with features that I didn't like at first but now I realize they are harmonious and fit her face perfectly and her eyes, even though she's far. And last but not least her scent. I should ask her what shampoo she uses because I never felt that smell before. I know it sounds a little freak to think about the way she smells but no one likes someone with a bad smell, right?

Lucy rings the bell and the presenter awaits for her answer.

"Um, the answer is square root of 2." She replies with ease and I wonder how she came to that result.

The presenter looks at the paper he is holding on his hands and then looks up to her team, "Correct," He says and Marcel gently taps her shoulder.

The questions keep popping up and teams are responding. Our school is gaining for only two points. Lucy, Marcel and  "Sheldon", that was what I read on his shirt, are the ones who answer the most.

I didn't know how brilliant she was until now, in terms of intelligence. Is odd but I must admit that Lucy has almost everything. She is kind, smart and even pretty, yes, pretty.

All the perspective I had of her in the beginning has changed and I don't know if that's a good sign. Many things have changed  and we've been through a lot and we still have a lot more. And knowing what is coming hurts me in the inside and makes me feel terrible.

Lucy's team scores another point and they pat each other shoulders happily. Lucy smiles at Marcel and diverts her eyes to the public. I don't know how but our eyes met and I see the surprise flashing through her eyes.

I smile and wave my hand to her gently, Lucy bites her lip and looks away to refocus on competition.

I just admire from here as her cheeks blush. Can she win a prize for that? No one blush more than her.

The host announces that it's time to the last question and you can feel the tension between both teams. Somehow both teams are tied and I feel like in a movie when the decisive moment has arrived. Everyone looks expectantly at the screen and they start writing on the paper when the last exercise appears on the TV.

Someone from the opposite team touches the bell and everyone looks at him waiting for an answer. Lucy teammates stop writing except her.

"The answer is 10." The boy from the other team responds. The host looks at his paper with the results and then turns to look the boy.

"Incorrect." And as soon as he said that Lucy rings the small bell.

"The answer is 10 square root of 2 divided by square root of 8." She responds waiting to hear the final words of the host.

He checks the answer and then looks up Lucy:

"Correct." Everyone starts cheering and Marcel immediately hugs Lucy.

"We have the last classified group in the first round, a round of applause for the McKinley High." We all applaud and the teams get off the stage. "Now we will take 45 minute break before starting the final round in which we are going to discover the winning team of the day." He ends and people stand up for enjoy the break.

Lucy did amazing, I'm proud of her.

"Let's congratulate them," Carly said, rising from her seat. I followed her and we walked in search of Lucy and Marcel.

"So ...Harry," Carly smiles. "You really came for Lucy?" She asked trying to sound uninterested.

"Yes," I rolled my eyes. "I'm going to buy a soda, I'll be back. I said and left without waiting for any response from her. Better get away before she starts with her questions.

I stop at a small food stand and buy a soda. I took a few seconds to drink it and then I decided to go back.

Carly is talking with Lucy and Marcel. Both hold big smiles while they chat with her. Lucy looks up and her eyes meet mine. Her smile grows and I can't help but smile back.

I stop when she walks toward me.

"Hey, lets take a walk? 'I asked. This place is kind of big and I need to get away from the curious eyes of my aunt Carly.

"Sure," Lucy nods and we started walking. "Thanks for staying," Lucy shrugs.

"I told you I would," I reminded her.

"I really appreciate it."

"You were amazing, you make me feel stupid." I joked.

"Of course you're not stupid, we are all smart. Intelligence is not measured by who knows more, there is a theory called theory of multiple intelligences of Howard Gardner and says-"

"I've heard about that," I lied before she would give me a whole speech. Oh my god, that's so nerd.

"Oh," she says, opening her lips impressed. "Really? And what do you think is your intelligence?"

I've never heard about that theory, I have no idea what is Lucy talking about. It is better to give her a simple answer.

"I really don't know," is the best answer that can exist in this world and can fit in any situation.

"There are tests on the Internet to measure intelligence, you could do it, it's fun." She offered with a smile.

"Yes, it sounds so fun," I said sarcastically, nodding my head.

This is the most boring thing I've heard in my life, I never would waste my time doing stupid tests and less on the internet. The internet is for Facebook, listen to music and watch porn, as simple as that.

The only good thing about this is that Lucy is more relaxed, she is not angry anymore or maybe she just forgot it.

" and where is your family?" I asked curious, trying to change the topic. 

"Oh, they..." Her smile fades. "They didn't come," Lucy shrugs. "They are working in the hospital but they left a message that says good luck."

I can't believe it. I can understand how she feels, this is an important day for her, I guess I would feel like Lucy if no one come to support me. I guess I made a good decision to have come.

"Sorry," I said and she nodded.

"Um, re-really came for me?" She asks shyly without looking at me.

"Yes," I answered without hesitation. I came for her and I didn't think about the bet. "Why do you ask?"

"I just..." Lucy trailed off and I wait. "I just ... I don't know, all this seems stra-strange and unreal." She admits whilst she slips her fingers through her long hair.

I know why Lucy said that, why would I spend time with her? I mean, we are complete opposites and we belong to different worlds and I had never heard about her before.

On one side is an obligation because I need to get close to her but now I like to spend time with her. I know it's wrong but I'm pretty comfortable around Lucy and it’s not the first time I think that.

"I don't see the problem, "I confessed," I know we're different but we get along pretty well, "she nods in response and sighs before she speaks again:

" just that...I didn't mea-mean that." Lucy stammers nervously. Wait, what? "Am, what I mean is kissed me." She swallows before she looks at me.

That was bold, I didn't think she would ask that so soon. Yes, I did it, I kissed her but the reasons remain unknown. I have to think fast and talk.

"Um, yeah, I know." I said holding her gaze.

"That's what I don't understand ... why?" She asks for an answer.

She's right Harry, why?

Why I did it? To be honest I don't know if I was acting because kiss her a few hours ago was almost a natural action. The idea just popped into my head and I decided to do it.

"I-I don't know," I sighed and slipped a hand through my hair a little uncomfortable with this situation.

 I never give explanations,  I kiss the girl I want and they never ask for answers, never ask for a reason. Why Lucy always believes there should be a 'cause' for everything?

"Um, it's fi-fine," She sighs. What was that? I didn't expect her to drop this so fast. "You wanted to talk to me right? Now we have a little time." She said shrugging her shoulder.

I wanted to talk to her because I wanted to know why she left and why she was angry yesterday. But I don't wanna talk about it now, maybe she remembers the reason she was angry with me and things are not going to end well.

"Can we talk about this later?" I asked looking at Lucy and she nods. I stopped to look at her face and I noticed something I hadn't seen before. "Hey, you have freckles!" I said touching the freckles on her cheek.

She opens her eyes surprised by my action but doesn't pull away.

"Yes," she said and I smiled, "and you have... you ha-have dimples." I nodded at her words. Those damn dimples are who I am.

We stared at each other while I stroke her cheek. My smile fades when I look her parted lips. Lucy caught me off guard when she stands on tiptoe and presses her soft lips against mine. This is the first time she kisses me, it's a risky move for Lucy and honestly I never expected this to happen.

I don't hesitate and I just let myself go into the kiss. I rested a hand on her waist and I pulled her body closer to mine. Lucinda shyly slips her arms around my neck and then she let out a sigh from her lips.

"What the fuck?" We heard the shriek of Marcel

Her body tenses and she quickly pushed me away. Lucy looks at me then she moves her eyes to Marcel.

"What the fuck is going on? Lucy? Harry? You guys are together?..."My cousin asked frowning.

I swear to God I'll kill Marcel.

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Hi, how is everyone? Thank you so much for read this ! I hope you like the chapter, I wrote this like 2 times. 



I really like better than words, diana, little white lies and strong and with half a heart I'm like doun't touch me, it's so beautiful

What about you?

Don't forget to vote and comment, love you guys x

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