Chapter 30
the picture on the side, oh my lurry feels don't touch me bYE.
next update: Friday or saturday.
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. ««LUCY»»
"Marcel, I'm worried."
"Don't exaggerate Lucy," Marcel snorted, "everything is okay."
"I don't know but I have this feeling that something bad will happen."
"Of course not," Marcel said before drinking all the liquid from his glass.
I'm also scared for him, this is his fourth drink. Too much alcohol for his first time, he has to stop.
"Ashton, another round!" Marcel almost screamed.
"Could you stop drinking?," I said to Marcel but he ignored me.
I sighed in defeat and I look away.
An idea is chasing my mind since Harry left. Maybe I could follow Harry. I don't know, just to see if everything is alright, I guess.
I know it's not a good idea, I don't think that the redhead and Taylor are trustworthy, neither I think it is Harry but at least I know him and I know what he is capable of.
"Be right back Marcel," I said before I left.
I walk in the same direction as Harry walked, bumped into some people as I advance between the crowd. I think he went to the right, but how do I know where is Taylor's office? But when I get there what do I do? Stay outside and try to listen?
I shudder when I feel a hand on my waist, I turn immediately.
"Hi Lucy," A blond boy smiles.
I was about to scream, but something in his blue eyes made me feel safe. I've seen him somewhere; I know...I think he's a friend of Harry...
"Don't you remember? I'm Niall," He smiles as he stretches his arm to me. I look down and I watch a taco tattoo on his arm. Now I remember! I met him at the tattoo shop that day I went out with Adam and slapped Harry. Oh, a while ago.
"How are you?" I smiled.
"Where are you going?" He asked ignoring my question.
"Ahm, I-I was...I was walking around, I've never been here." I lied.
I must admit I'm impressed with this new skill that I have gained, I usually never lie because I have no reason to, but lately I've lied a lot and that's not good.
"Really?" Niall raises an eyebrow.
"You only have to lo-look at me," I said pointing myself.
Niall observed me from head to toe and I blush. I think that look was not necessary.
"I don't see the problem," he shrugs.
"I think you're too good to see it," I said, "I have to go," I said before I start walking.
"Where are you going?" Niall asked following me. I didn't reply as I tried to dodge some people who were dancing. "You will not find Harry," I heard Niall. I immediately stopped and turned toward him. How did he know?
"I was not looking to Harry..."
"Yeah right," Niall smiled. "Come sit with us," he offered. I didn't even have time to accept because he already was dragging me.
"Su-sure," I whispered but I don't think he heard me.
"Hey guys," Niall said cheerfully, "we have a guest," Niall announced. I rested one of my hands on my hair, I started making a small braid with my trembling fingers. Sometimes I tend to do that when I'm nervous.
The table is occupied by three boys and two girls, which I guess are not their girlfriends.
"Hey, sit here," One of the guys told me and patted a seat next to him.
I nodded and sat down beside him. In front of me are two boys. A tan boy with well groomed hair and a blue-eyed boy. The girls don't even look at me, both are sitting on the lap of each boy.
"Um, hi," Both said at the same time without smiling.
"Hi-hi," was all I said.
"He is Zayn, Louis and Liam," Niall said before sitting next to me.
Liam is the guy who sits next to me. The blue-eyed boy is Louis and the guy with black hair is Zayn. I move my eyes to his arm and almost everything is adorned with tattoos. He has much more than Harry.
I had forgotten their names but I've heard about them, the whole high school knows them.
"So you are Lucy, right?" Liam asked. He holds a friendly smile. His hair is brown and his eyes too. I had never seen him so close and I had never spoken to him, he looks nice, like Niall.
"Ho-how do you know?" I asked and immediately I wanted to hit me because that was such a silly question.
"Harry told us about you," he replied.
"Can we make a toast for Lucy!" I jumped when Louis shouted raising a glass. His accent and his voice sound friendlier than himself.
"Why?" I asked confused, gently squeezing the braid that I did a few seconds ago. The nerves grow inside me.
"Why not?" Zayn replied with a smile on his lips.
"I Love money, I Love Lucy," Louis smirked.
Why is he saying that? I don't understand.
"Is he drunk?" I whispered staring at Niall. The blonde looks at Louis with a frown, as if something were bothering him but what is it?
"He is fine," Niall responds, rolling his eyes.
"I will not do that toast," Liam growled.
"Well, I'm going to do it!" Louis replied angrily. "For the money and Lucy!" Louis and Zayn crashed their glasses. They both smiled happily before drinking.
Louis and Zayn pull out a cigarette and light it. Niall and Liam followed their movements and both pull out cigarettes. Our table is immediately covered by a gray cloud of smoke.
They talk cheerfully as I listen and breathe this highly toxic smoke. I cover my mouth to cough and Louis looks at me.
"But what gentleman I am," Louis said with a smile, "I'm sorry, you want a cigarette?" Louis extended the pack to me.
"No, I don't smoke," I say before coughing. This is so toxic, how can they smoke?
"We are going to the toilet," said the blond girl as she stands up from Zayn's lap. The other girl also rises and both leave.
"So Lucy, tell us," Zayn said, resting his elbows on the table, "your sister is single? Madison is pretty hot," Zayn says before exhaling the smoke.
"To be honest I don't know." I shrugged. "Madison has too many boyfriends."
"Can I fuck her?" Louis smiled, "She's so sexy but she has such small tits, like two lemons," Zayn laughs and Louis joins.
This is horrible; this is how they talk about the girls? I guess Harry talk like this too.
"Her ass is not bad; however I would make her scream—"
"I think it's enough," Niall complained interrupting Zayn.
I wiped my forehead with the sleeve of my jacket, I am sweating, the heat is rising and I beginning to feel suffocated. Or at least me, they look normal.
"Who you think you are Niall James Horan?" Louis laughed. "You act like a gentleman just because she's here. "
“What the hell? You guys you are talking about her sister.”
"Oh come on, you always talk about Madison," Louis growls. "He likes blonde girls Lucy," Louis pointed to Niall. “just like Harry.”
“Maybe you should dye your hair Lucy, don't you think so?” Zayn smirked.
"I'm going to the bathroom," I said rising from my seat. I can't stay here. They are like attacking me or something and I didn't do anything.
I don't expect them to respond, I just move my chair and leave. I feel a hand grab my arm and I turn to meet Niall. Oh no, again?
"Sorry Lucy, they're idiots." Niall shrugs.
"I don't care, really, I ha-have to the bathroom," I said and I let go of his grip.
I don't wanna go to the bathroom, I need to get out of here. I cough and I clean the sweat from my forehead. Here it is so hot.
"Where are you going?" I hear the voice of the guard when I walk out through the door quickly.
"I just need so-some air," I said but I don't know if he heard me.
I cross the street and I rest my back against a car while I'm trying to rebuild my breath. I don't know what happened but I feel like no air in my lungs. I cough and I try to stay calm. I shut my eyes as I concentrated on breathing.
Slowly the air begins to enter in my lungs and despair disappears from my body. I opened my eyes and I looked to the sky, dark and bathed in stars. Out here everything is quiet and lonely. My only company is the guard at the gate.
I jumped when I felt the blow of a door, as if it were opening violently. I heard several steps and then I hear something hard hitting the ground. The noise doesn't sound far away, what is happening?
Guided by my curiosity I start walking between cars, I move down the street and I stop as I realized that the sound comes from a small alley closed. This alley is next to the bar, I guess there are people leaving from the back door.
I look at the guard and he's distracted by his cell phone. I crouch and I crawl on the ground until I can stick out my face behind a car to see the alley.
As they say curiosity killed the cat. In the small alley there is a group of five people, tall men dressed in dark clothes. These five people are formed in a circle and on the floor there is a boy. My heart stops, even though it's dark I spotted a mop of curls. Is...Is Harry?
"Just beat him," I hear a male voice and I feel chills. Is Taylor, Taylor has just said that.
Following his order one of the men kicks the boy on the stomach. He lets out a groan and he curses. His husky voice breaks into my ears and there is no doubt that is Harry who is on the floor. My God, why?
"Your turn Cameron," Taylor says and a red-haired man hits Harry. I look more thoroughly and I gasped as I realized that is the redhead that followed me the other day. An hour ago he took Harry to talk with Taylor and now he is hitting him. Oh god. Does he work for Taylor? What is happening?
Harry tries to get up but Taylor supports his foot in Harry's head and with a slow movement he pushes it. I shudder looking at the scene, I want to help him but maybe I could cause more problems.
Taylor bends down and looks at Harry who has his head hidden on the floor. "Don't you dare to try to give me orders," Taylor growls. "We had an agreement and you have to fulfill it," Taylor grabs Harry's hair and pulls it and now Harry looks at him. "Did you hear me?"
Harry spits on his face. Oh no Harry, what did you just do? Taylor loosened Harry's hair and I looked away when he punched Harry on the face. The sound broke into my ears and I can feel the pain that Harry is going through right now.
"Fucking idiot," Taylor growls. "Finish with him, boys," he demands and all I can hear then kicks and punches. I cover my ears and I choked a sob. I cringe with every punch, with every moan of pain that came from Harry's mouth.
This is terrible; Taylor is a very cruel person, why is he doing this?
"I'm not here, this isn’t happening, I'm not here, this isn’t happening," I whispered multiples times. I usually say this when horrible things happen or when I cannot take it anymore.
I think they finally stop beating him because I can't hear Harry anymore. I hear some laughs and then I hear steps fading away. I open my eyes and I look back to the alley. Harry is lying on the floor, he is not moving.
The only thing that comes to mind is running and that is what I do, I run toward him. I got up quickly and with clumsy steps I approached to him.
"Harry, are you okay?” I sobbed as I crouch beside him.
Now I can see everything that they have done to him, there is a wound on his forehead, his eye is a little purple and his lip is bleeding. I must admit that his face is perfect despite the rough treatment he just received.
He lets out a small whimper and slowly he opens his eyes. "Lu-Lucy?" He breathes.
"Oh my god," I said before hugging him. Harry let out a scream of pain and I move away quickly. "Sorry, sorry."
"Is ok-okay, why a-are you crying?"
"Harry, my god, it was awful," I said before wipe some tears. "I wanted to help you but couldn't and-"
"It doesn't matter; the good thing is that you are here." He said weakly and my heart melted.
"We have to get you out of here." I said and he nodded.
I helped Harry to sit up, he groaned putting his hand on his stomach.
"Can yo-you walk?" I asked trying to resist his weight. He nodded as he covered his mouth to cough. When he removes his hand I watched horrified that it was painted with red. Blood. "We should go to the hospital."
"No," He shook his head. "I'm fi-fine."
"But Harry--"
"This has happened before, I'm fine Lucy," he said. "let's go to my ho-house."
"Okay," I sighed. "Where's your car?" Harry pointed to a black car that was across the street. Thank god it was not that far.
We started walking slowly and we stopped in front of the car.
"I will drive," he says.
"Are you cra-crazy? Of course not, "I said, extending my hand to him. "Give me the keys, I will do it."
"Take ca-care of my baby," he said before handing the keys to me.
I know that my words sounded sure and I didn't stutter, but the truth is I don't drive very well. I saw Mike drive once and he has taught me a few times I guess I can do it.
I helped Harry to sit in the passenger seat. I can't believe that I'm leaving here on this way, all I wanted was a quiet night.
Nobody knows how is Harry now, everyone is having fun inside, Cassie, Ryan, Liam, Niall, Marcel... Marcel ... Oh my god! I cannot leave without him.
"Harry, wait here."
"Where are you going?" He asked grabbing my arm.
"I will look to Marcel."
"That idiot?" Harry complained. "Why?"
"Is your cousin Harry," I frowned, "and he's alone inside." Harry nodded as his cleaned his mouth with his arm. He is still bleeding. "I'll be right back." I said before closing the door.
I cross the street and I started walking toward the bar. Before I could enter, the security guard stopped me.
"Is he fine?"
What? He is talking about Harry? How did he know?
"Ye-yes. Why you didn't help? "
"It would have been worse, believe me." The security guard replied as he moved so that I could enter.
I walked through the crowd and I headed straight to the bar, I hope that Marcel still there. I see Ashton but there is no sign of my friend. I asked Ashton if he had seen Marcel and he pointed to the corner of the bar. Marcel is sleeping with his head on his arm and in one hand he holds a glass.
"Marcel, Marcel, wake up," I said gently shaking his shoulder.
He slowly opens his eyes and looks at me stunned. "Lucy? I don't fe-feel very well. "He groaned resting a hand on his head. Oh no.
"Marcel we gotta go." I said pulling his arm.
We started walking towards the exit of the bar. I look around me trying to find Cassie but there is no sign of her. I cannot believe what she did to me, she didn't care about me or Marcel. She is not the same since she is with Matt.
"I want to go home," Marcel whines when we left the bar. "We'll go walking?" I shook my head and we stopped in front of Harry's car.
"Get in." Marcel nodded and entered the car. Harry is with his head against the seat, eyes closed and breathing faintly. His skin is pale, he looks like dead. "Ha-harry?" I said scared.
"I'm fine ..." He whispered.
"What happened to you?" Marcel shrieked from the back seat.
"Long story," I said as I started the engine.
"Are you going to drive?" Marcel asked terrified.
"Shut the fuck up Marcel," Harry growled.
I started to drive slowly; I have fear of crashing or something.
"Why are you going so slowly?" Harry asked.
"I'm not very good at this," I admitted.
"Not so fast, I'm dizzy." Marcel moaned from the backseat. My God, he's like a small child.
"Marcel, you're so lucky that I cannot punch you on the face right now." Harry hissed.
Marcel was silent, I guess he is trying to resist the urge to vomit. Harry was silent too, trying to calm his own pain. I drove a little faster and I stopped abruptaly the car when I pressed the wrong pedal. Marcel complained and Harry whimpered.
"Fi-finally," Marcel said, opening the car door quickly. He gets out of the car and throws up.
Good thing is that he waited until here, thank god he didn't vomit in the car because Harry would be so pissed off.
I got out of my car and I approached him. "Are you okay?" I asked Marcel when he finished.
"Alcohol is good bu-but vomiting is bad," Marcel moans before removing his glasses.
"Come on, I'll leave you home."
We walked to the door; I decided to take him to his room because Marcel doesn't look very good. His house was dark, I guess everyone is sleeping. We climbed the stairs quietly, entering his room Marcel pulls his sweater and then he starts to unbutton his pants. I look away; I don't want to see my friend undress.
"I'm leaving Marcel, you'll be fine right?" I asked without looking.
"Yeah, thanks," he said and I heard the creak of the bed. "Goodnight."
"Goodnight Marcel," I turned off the light and I walked toward the exit.
I entered the car and I breathed for a moment. So much has happened; I never thought I would end the night here. I turned to Harry and he is still with his eyes closed and quiet breathing. I guess he's asleep.
Thanks to my good memory I had no problems getting to his house. I parked and I watched the house. Lights out, I guess his friends haven't arrived yet.
I check my phone, it's 2 am maybe it's still early for them to return. I got a message from Cassie but I choose not to open it. I expected some missed call from my mother but I was wrong, since our fight she is not talking to me anymore, I guess she doesn't care.
I got out of the car and I walked around to open the passenger door.
"Harry," I whispered gently shaking his shoulder. He opened his eyes and a grimace of pain appears on his lips. "Come on, we're home." He nodded and I helped him get off.
Harry rested his hands on my waist as we walked home. I bit my lip feeling the nervousness running through my veins. I opened the door of his house and we climb upstairs carefully.
I turned on the light and Harry lay down in his bed. I think my work is done here, I have to go but I don't know how.
"You should clean yourself, you are still bleeding a little," I said, leaning against the door frame and Harry nodded in reply without looking at me. I guess he want me to leave, he must be tired and achy. "Okay, bye Harry," I said before turning around.
"What? No, wait, "I jumped when he almost screamed.
"What happened?" I asked as I turn to look at him. Harry sat on the bed and his emerald eyes met mine.
"Stay" He sighs"...stay with me," He said and my heart melted. Does he really want me to stay? or am I dreaming?
"Okay," I nodded shyly.
"Can lay down with me?" He asked, patting a spot next to him. I gulped at his request. I don't know if it's right but I know that deep down I want to.
I nodded silently and I walked toward the bed. Harry leaned back and I imitated him lying down next to him. He put a hand on my waist and pulled me slowly to his side. This time I didn't complain or resisted to his action I just enjoyed this closeness with him. Harry moves his head to aside and his lips rests on my forehead. I'm shaking inside; I've never been like this with a boy.
Our silence was interrupted by the roar of my stomach. Ups.
"Are you hungry?" He asked and I could feel his smile against my skin. I gulped and nodded.
"Only five minutes more," he whispered in my ear and I shivered. "Then we can go down to eat something or at least you."
"Then you should clean your wounds," I whispered wrinkling my nose when I smell the blood.
"Okay," he nodded with a sigh. "Lucy?" Harry question and I feel his hand stroking my arm.
"Um, ye-yes?" I managed to say.
"Thanks for staying with me," he whispers.
"Okay, I understand why you want me to stay. I cannot go alone, is late and there is no taxi. "
Harry brings one of his hands up to my chin and he gently moves me to look up at him. Our faces are just inches away. Despite his wounds and blood I still feel attracted to this boy, is that possible? Is a yes for me.
"That's not the reason," he murmurs and looks at me doubtfully, like he was thinking what he is about to say. "I want you to stay."
His words are music to my ears, I cannot believe he said that. I blush and I nod.
"Okay..." was all I managed to say. Nervousness is tearing me.
"No Lucy, you don't und-understand..." He sighs. "I...I need you with me."
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