Chapter 21

Stop thinking about life

and start living.- Paulo Coelho.


+        +         +          +       LUCY.         +        +         +          

Sometimes people don’t measure their words. Sometimes they don’t realize how powerful they can be.

I’ve never been treating like this way; I can’t believe what he just said. I feel pain but also I feel anger. A rage that is strange and new to me because I never get mad, I have no reason to.

Anger is a very odd feeling. I frowned at Harry as a heat wave runs through my body. I feel like my fingers and the palms of my hands are burning, like if they wanted something.

As an involuntary movement I raised my hand and I slammed against Harry's cheek. The slap echoed in my ears and I try to analyze what I just did.

As soon as I hit him all I can feel is regret.

"I ... I'm sorry." I whispered.

Regret is for me, because definitely this is not who I am. I've never beaten at anything or anybody, Harry is the first.

And I must admit it hurt a little too. I looked down and the palm of my hand is red. I raise my eyes to Harry and he looks at me with his jaw tense. It wasn't my intention but he deserved it.

"You have no right to treat her like that!" Adam growls.

"Or he shut up or I'll kill him." Harry said without looking away from me. I shudder at his words.

I know that Adam should have recoiled scared, Harry is intimidating.

"Harry, stop." I said frightened under his glare. "Why are you being so rude—"

"I do what I want." Harry spits.

All I see, as always, is anger. I see no signs of regret for what he just said, not a single sign. I don't think he has intentions to apologize and that hurts.

"What you said was serious?" I asked, pained.

"Is not my problem if I say the truth?" He growls.

There is no sense in what he said, I'm not that and I never would.

"Lucy what is happening? Who is he? "Adam asks confused. "Why is he treating you like that?"

"Adam...I,  I ... he's my-"

"Boyfriend." Harry interrupted.

Boyfriend?!? WHAT?!

I turned my face to Adam. "He's not my boyfriend; Harry ... is ju-just joking."

"Oh, okay." He responds confused.

Adam must think we're crazy. Harry just dragged me out of the store, I hit him and now he says he's my boyfriend. Why did he say that? Is he jealous? He wants to have problems with Adam? What does he want from me?

This is what I mean, every time I'm with Harry the world is crazy. I'm always full of questions, everything is too confusing and I feel completely unstable. The best example is what I just did, I just hit him. I feel the guilt consumes me, for having beaten Harry and because I dared to do it.

I want to cry because I feel like I'm losing myself. He is changing me and I don't like the changes.

"Let's go Adam." I said, gently pulling his arm. "Come on, please." I begged weakly.

"Lucy, are you alright?" Adam whispered and I nodded.

"I'm not going to beat the shit out of you because your brother is my friend." Harry said through clenched teeth.

Why he wants to punch Adam? Why Harry always wants to hit people? Adam has done absolutely nothing.

"He...he didn't do anything, so don't say that." I said a little annoyed. My voice barely has strength.

"Today is your lucky day because I'm not in the mood to grab you and drag you with me." Harry said frowning.

"I wouldn't le-let you.." I managed to say, among my clumsiness.

"Would you rather spend time with him than with me?" Harry asks looking at Adam and then at me.

Tough question but I know the answer and I'm starting to hate me because it's not the right answer. A part of me says Adam and the other screams Harry, but I know that the part that says Harry is strong, for too far.

But I can’t admit it, I can’t accept it. I can’t like him; we are not right for each other.

I gulped and nodded. "Yes, I prefer to Adam." I lied.

I suddenly feel that his eyes lose the anger, it quickly fade and on his emeralds eyes appears...disappointment? No, it can't be. I think I'm imagining this, I don't know, Harry is so difficult to decode.

"Whatever. Both look like fucking twins with those stupid green sweaters. "Harry spits before he walks back to the store.

I just keep staring at Harry figure until he disappears through the entrance. My heart is tightened inside me. Why he is like that?

"Oh, wow...What the hell was that?" Adam asks when I turned to him.

  +           +            +        +       +

"Lucy, Lucy!" Adam's voice takes me out from my thoughts. "Did you choose your comic or what?"

"Oh, I ,um, ..." I looked down and in my hands I hold a Batman comic. "Yes, here it is. 'I answered and I started walking towards him.

This is horrible, be physically here but not being able to connected with your own mind. My thoughts are still floating around Harry. This guy just makes a lot of things to me, good and bad things. Why can't be just good?

"What do you want to do now?" Adam asked as we left the store.

"I don't know, let's go for ice cream?" I offered.

"Yeah, that sounds great." Adam nodded. "You always liked ice cream."

"It's my guilty pleasure." I admitted with a shrug.

"You used to eat a lot."

"Yes, until Mom took it away."

"What? Really?" Adam asked surprised and I nodded.

"I was getting fat and Mom couldn't tolerate that, so she didn't let me eat more ice cream."

"I didn't know that Luce." Adam tells surprised. "Well, changing the subject,  how's your father?"

"Oh, he's fine...I guess. I haven't heard of him, hasn't called me in two weeks."

"Have you tried to call him?" I nodded. "Oh, Luce, maybe he's too busy with his work."

"Yeah, maybe ... but he also must be busy with her." I roll my eyes.

"With Christine?" Adam asks.

"How do you know?" I asked surprised. How does he know about my father's girlfriend?

"My father told me, he still maintains contact with your father. And again, I’m sorry Lucy. I know how important your father is for you. "

"He is everything," I said sadly. "but I guess I am not his priority."

"Of course you are, Lucy, why do you say that?" Adam asked concerned.

We arrived at an ice cream shop and Adam opens the door for me. Inside the weather is warm, is a bit sarcastic because this is a place that sells ice cream.

"What do you want? I invite.” Adam offers while we're watching the mountain of ice cream that is in front of us.

I bite my lip to hide a smile. This is paradise.

"I want a vanilla ice cream, with raspberry, pistachio and lemon pie." I said, imagining the taste of this ice cream. It would be a master piece.

"Wow, you really like it." Adam laughs at my request.

"You can’t say no to ice cream and the afternoon is warm." I smile.

Adam buys our ice cream and we sat.

I start eating my ice cream quickly. As I told Harry once, I eat ice cream when I'm sad and now I am.

"So..." Adam starts talking. "Are you going to tell me what happened with your father? You look sad when you talk about it. "

"Is not a big deal. I moved here because of Christine. "

"If you want to talk, I'm here for you." Adam smiles.

I never discuss the subject, not even to my mother. I don't talk about family and sometimes is not healthy keep something hidden. I guess I can trust Adam. He is different.

"Okay, I'll tell you what happened." I sighed.

+        +       +       +      HARRY.    +         +        +       +        

"Drink that shit Harry!" I hear Zayn screaming at me.

I shook my head and I looked down at my glass. Zayn said to drink it and I did. I drank all in one gulp  and the liquid burned my throat.

"Move your ass!" Louis screams and I can watch as a girl gets on top of our table and starts dancing.

The girl dances clumsily, is more than clear that she is under the influence of alcohol. Like me and everyone else that is here.

"You're going to fall down, be careful!" Liam says as he gets up. He is ready to pick her up if the girl falls.

I can’t help but laugh at his attitude. Dad Liam to the rescue, as always.

"I’m hungry." Niall groans over the music.

"Shut up Niall! " I complained as I snatch the glass from his hands and drank it in one swallow.

"Stop drinking Harry, your liver will die one of these days." Niall growls.

"I need another round!" Zayn yells looking at the ceiling.

The girl who is dancing slips and falls seated on the table. Our glasses jump when the girl fell. We start to laugh except for Liam; he helps the unknown girl get off of the table.

"You're like a teddy bear...with tattoos." She said hugging Liam.

"Um, alright, be quiet. Sit here." Liam ordered and the girl sits next to him.

"That chick is fucking hot." Louis says.

We turned around to see a group of girls at the bar. Hot girls with tight dresses glued to their bodies. Sex with legs, enough said.

"Come on." Louis says, rising from his seat.

"Auuuuuuuu!" Zayn howls like a wolf. I hate when he does that.

"I'll stay with her." Liam said, the girl still hugging him.

"I hope that some of them like the food." Niall said as we get closer to the girls.

"Hey." I said with a smile as I approach to a pretty blonde. I love blondes. She has nice boobs and a pretty skin.

"Hey handsome, I'm Laura." She smiles and bites her lower lip.

"Want a drink, girls?" Zayn asks.

"Let's have fun." Louis says, pointing to our table.

The girls accept and we all buy more alcohol. We return to our table and started drinking like crazy. At this point I don't know how is possible that I still don't puke.

"You wanna do something?" Laura asks whispering in my ear.

I don't answer I just leaned over and kissed the girl fiercely.

"Would you rather spend time with him than with me?" Lucy asked.

She swallowed and nodded. "Yes, I prefer to Adam."

I cut off the kiss with the girl, remembering Lucy's words.

What the fuck was that? Why I waste my time thinking about that shit?

I shook my head. I don't know why the hell I thought that. I don't care about stupid Lucy.

"Let's go." Laura says grabbing my hand.

"Are you kidnapping me?" I chuckle.

She stopped and turned to me. "Of course." She smiled. "I know that you want me and I really want you right now."

So typical, always the same shit. But its okay, sounds good to me.

"So, what are we waiting for?" I said before crashing my lips against hers.

+        +       +       +      LUCY.    +         +        +       +        

"Finally Home!" I told myself as I closed the door of my house.

I climb the stairs to my room and took off my shoes.

It's seven o'clock, is really early. I guess I will spend the rest of the day eating and watching movies, that's a good way to enjoy a Friday night.

I took a shower because it's getting a little hot. Today I decide to choose my 'summer' pajamas. I left the Bambi large blouse fall down through my body and I put my white shorts. So glad I shaved my legs.

I grabbed a book from my shelf and I go down stairs. I cross the living room, the kitchen and open the door that leads me to the backyard.

I decide to read the diary of Anne Frank, is a classic and is an amazing book. I've lost count of how many times I've read it. I also need to read because I get away from reality. Now that I have time for myself usually what I do is think and I don't want to think about Harry.

Everything that has happened today was too much for me. I'm glad that Adam was with me, we spent a nice time together and I missed him as a friend.

I sit on the little chair in the tea house and read and read until the book ended. I felt so connected to Anne and the story that when the book ends I feel like I’m breathing again. Two seconds ago I was on the Nazi Germany and now I'm back in the United States, oh ... Why books to that to me?

I put the book on my small table and I left the tea house. It is already night and the sky is decorated with the stars. Everything is so quiet.

I made my way back to my house through the backyard and I entered the kitchen. I prepare some popcorn in the microwave, I pour coca-cola on a glass and I sit on the couch.

I leave my food on the coffee table and turn on the television, looking for a channel to watch movies. I have to read a book, or study or watch a movie. I want to have my mind blank and away from all thoughts of Harry.

 I stop the search when one channel is transmitting a Batman movie. I made myself comfortable on the couch and I grabbed the glass and I took a sip. A little bit of the liquid slips through the corner of my mouth and falls over my white shorts.

"NOOO!” I groaned looking the liquid stain on the white fabric. Why am I so clumsy?

I got up and went to the kitchen. I took off my shorts and threw it in the laundry basket. I walk back to the living room and I am about to climb the stairs but I stop when all the lights go off.

Oh, no. Blackout? I hate it, I feel like I am back in prehistory.

I went downstairs and I peeped out through the window. I can see the lights in the other houses, apparently mine is the only that suffered the outage.

I jumped when I heard a sound coming from the kitchen. Oh my god! is like in paranormal activity but...there are no ghosts here. So who is here?

 I jumped again when I heard a pot crashing on the floor from the kitchen. No, it can’t be someone.

Everything is locked. There's nobody here, it's just my imagination or the pot just fell. I have to go to the kitchen; the power switch is there anyway.

I walked to the kitchen determined and I feel how the colors drained from my face when I noticed that the door from the backyard is open. I thought it was closed. Maybe I forgot to close it.

I look around the house is quiet and surrounded by the dark. I approach to the switch and it's all off. Maybe there was a small short circuit, maybe something is not working well. I move the switches and the lights come back on.

That was weird.

I close the door to the backyard, I look around me just to check that everything is on their place and I return to the living room. I stop and I freeze when I hear a small chuckle.

I'm not alone.

My heart starts beating so fast, adrenaline runs through my veins and my mind is screaming is: RUN!

I moved three steps when two big hands grabbed me by the waist and lifted me off the ground. The smell of alcohol is immediately filtered into my nose.

"Don't be afraid, nerd." I hear a male voice whispering in my ear.

I shudder; I know that voice very well.


The panic should disappear from my body but I think it only increases.

I scream when he throws me to the couch, my body crashes against it and I choke a gasp of pain when my head hits the arm of the couch.

"Au-auch." I groaned and placed a hand on my head.

Before I can get up Harry grabs my wrists and climbs on top of me. He spreads his legs, supporting each knee at the extremes of my thighs, enclosing it between his.

I can't move my legs and I can't move my arms.

I'm stuck with no shorts, only  in my panties and with Harry over me.

How did that happen so fast?


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