Chapter 20
I wrote this like five times, I still don't like this, i really don't. Grr.
Anyway next chapter is way better! #promise.
BEFORE READ: Adam is the deliver boy (he appears on chapter 6) he is an old friend of Lucy. And Adam is Logan Lerman!
++++ HARRY.
"Thank you Harry." Lucy whispered as I drive to her house. I just nodded. I don't know what to say, I didn't help too much, I just hugged her.
Lucy sighs and shakes her head. "I'm so weak and stupid."
She is weak but not stupid. I want to say it but I prefer to stay silent.
"I guess I collapsed." Lucy sighs.
"It's okay, it happens all the time."
I collapse most of the time when I fight, when I get high or when I get drunk until I forget who I am.
"Maybe you overreacted, your mother didn’t kiss that man."
"I know but ... I have a bad feeling, you know what I mean?” I nodded.
It always happens to me and I never pay attention to those feelings. Right now I am feeling it, I know it's about Lucy, something is not going to end well with her...or maybe with me. Who knows.
"Try to get evidence. Maybe the man was just her friend and-"
"She has no friends here Harry. I know, my mom has been out a couple of times, but with friends from the hospital, nothing else."
Maybe her mother is being unfaithful but Lucy can’t prove it until she gets good evidence. See to believe.
"You said..." I cleared my throat. "You said your mother is doing this again, it has happened to you before?”
Lucy lowers her head and stays with her gaze on her lap. "Yes, my mother cheated on my father."
"Oh and what-?"
"I'd rather not talk about it, is not a nice topic for me. "
"Okay." I completely understand, family problems are always the most delicate. I hate talking about them and apparently it happens the same to her.
"I wet your shirt with my stupid tears." Lucy laughs softly.
"No problem, at least I took my shower for the rest of the week." She laughs and I join her. At least I made her laugh; I was tired of seeing her face expressionless.
I parked the car in front of her house and she turns to me.
"Thank you Harry." Lucy leans over and plants a kiss on my cheek. The girl gets out of the car and starts to walk home. I know it was a kiss on the cheek but it was a sweet and sincere gesture.
I don't want to trust her but I do anyway. Lucy is definitely unlike any other, unlike any girl I've met. She has nothing special but I find her interesting.
I don't know but I'm so intrigued about Lucy.
At first I was indifferent to her, then I started to feel comfortable and now I'm scared like a baby. Why? Because I'm thinking about her in a different way. I never thought that I would like to spend time with Lucy, never thought I could laugh or never thought I would comfort her at such a difficult moment like this.
This is odd but nice and again I repeat, I'm scared for my thoughts and what could happen between us.
+ + + + + + + LUCY.
I stretched out on my bed and threw a yawn. My muscles ache; I feel like I've been run over by a truck. I sit in bed. It's Friday, I can't believe it. Finally this awful week end.
"Lucy dear, are you awake?" Lily says, gently touching my door.
I roll my eyes and sigh. "Yes, come in."
My mother is dressed and groomed. Where is she going? Oh, no. It's Friday, Mike and smy mother are leaving like Madison.
"I came to say goodbye, we're leaving." Mom smiles and walks over to hug me. I hugged her back but reluctantly.
When Harry left me at home on Wednesday I cried all afternoon. I'm too emotional. I tried to find out about the man, I tried to check my mother's cell phone but there were no messages or calls registered on her phone, so weird. I wanted to ask her questions but I didn't know how to say them so I decided to leave it for later.
I was indifferent to my mother and she barely noticed, as always she didn't pay attention to me. I wanted to talk to Harry on Thursday, but there wasn't signal about him. I thought to call or send a message to him but I felt it wasn't appropriate. From Wednesday to Friday for me has been an eternity. I think I miss Harry a litte, I don't know.
"Have a good trip." I whispered.
"We're ready Lily." Mike says coming into my room. "We will miss you" Mike hugs me. He is a good man, he doesn't deserve this.
"Have fun."
"I left this money for you." Mom points out to my nightstand. "I guess you can take care of yourself, right?"
"Of course, Mom."
"I'll let this money if you want to buy comics or if you want to go out." Mike says and leaves on the bedside table a few bucks. "You can always call us." Mike said walking to the door.
"Thanks, take care." They walk out my room. Madison will also leave but she never say goodbye. So I feel alone.
I lay down on my bed and shut my eyes. I promise to get up in 15 minutes but when I open my eyes the sun's rays are very intense. I check my phone and it's almost one in the afternoon. Ups.
For the first time in my whole life I haven't gone to school. And the simple fact of not going concerned me. I love to learn and love school. It's like my second home.
I turn in bed and stare at the ceiling. Now that I didn't go, what should I do?
+ + + + +
Normal people spend their day on the Internet, listening to music, messing up the house, going out with friends, throwing a party, etc. The list could go on but that only will make me feel miserable.
I instead choose to clean the house while I listening some music, which would be classical music. I feel like a dancer as I slide around the room. I almost fell down when I'm cleaning the floor so I better stop.
When the house is clean I decided to take a shower and then study. The chemistry test is in two weeks but I don't mind studying with much anticipation. I finished study and I decide to play Star Wars online. It's fun to play with people from other countries or cities.
When I got bored of playing and I jumped into bed. I turned on my laptop and I log in facebook. I forgot why I never enter on this social network. For two reasons:
1. I don't like it and some people use them as diary.
2. I'm a loser and I just have 5 friends: Marcel, my mother, Mike, Cassie and my brother Daniel.
In contrast other people have like 600 or 700 friends ... but numbers mean nothing. At the end you always have 5 or 6 true friends.
I was impressed as I realized I had a message on the inbox. I clicked the button and checked the message.
"Die bitch, you freak"
The person didn't even send this on anonymous. Her name is Kendra Jones. I go to her facebook profile and try to recognize her in a photo but I've never seen her. I guess she is from school... and I guess she sends me this because of Harry.
Spend time with Harry only causes problems for me, whether directly or indirectly. Let's analyze it from both points of view.
In an indirect way these girls against me, I think they are exaggerating because he's just a boy, there are many everywhere. I can’t ever understand why girls go so crazy about men. The body and it's hormones, maybe I should find out about it and how it works.
And in a direct way would be our conflicts and because I'm feeling something for Harry though he doesn’t deserve it and again I blame the body and its hormones.
I try to block my mind because I don't want to think of what I'm feeling; this feel could grow and just scares me. I've never felt something, maybe for Ryan but that was long ago. Now it's different, the feeling is different and I don’t know if I can control it or stop it but I don't want this to grow.
Is not a strong and powerful feeling but it makes me feel weak and unstable every time I'm near Harry. He is impossible and we are very different and I think that the saying "opposites attract" is not real.
+ + + + + + +
I grab a basket and I walk through the supermarket. I must take advantage of the money that Mike left me. A little food will make me happy. Everything I think I’m going to eat this weekend is junk food. I don’t have any friends right now so the food will be my new best friend.
I stop at an aisle and look for the cereals. There are so many and it's so hard to choose.
I feel a stitch on my neck, I always feel THIS when I think someone is watching me. I raise my eyes and I look around. Only one person is on the hallway, is a woman and she is looking at me.
"Hi." She says.
"Hm, hi..." I replied, puzzled. I look at her face and I think I have seen her before. Her face reminds me of someone but I don’t know who.
"You don’t remember me but I do." She says as she comes to me. "You are Lucy, friend of Marcel, right?" I nodded. "I'm Anne, Harry’s mother."
Oh. Right! That is why her face looks so familiar. Harry is a lot like his mother.
We stayed in silence for a few seconds and Anne clears her throat and decides to talk:
"I was wondering if you're dating my son or something like that." Wait, What!? Not again.
"What? No, no." I shook my head. "We're just frie-friends."
"Yeah. I'm sorry Anne but who told you that ?"
"Marcel. I mean he didn't tell me but I thought so. I heard Marcel talking to you that day and then he told me that you and Harry are quite close. The only people who are 'close' to Harry are his girlfriends and if you can say that word because my son is so complicated. "Anne rolls her eyes.
Oh, Girlfriends? Anne know them? I guess at some point Harry and his mother must have lived together and maybe in harmony, like mother and son.
"Well, I, um, no ... I'm not his girlfriend." I answered.
"Oh, sorry, you seem like a nice girl, you're different to the type of girls that usually Harry dates or for what I have seen."
"Really?" Anne nodded.
That's a stupid question; I don't know why I'm surprised. I'm not the kind of girl that guys would date; you just have to look at me. Loose pants, a green sweater and a braid that makes me look like a little girl.
"You look more decent, more correct. Completely opposite to Harry but I like the combination. "She smiles.
"Um, thank you." That's all I can say.
"I know you barely know me and maybe you have a bad impression of me but can I ask you a favor?" I nodded silently. "Sounds like some babysitter but could you take care of Harry? We don't get along, sometimes we argued a lot but at the end of the day I worry about him. "
"Uh, sure." I shrugged. I don't know if I'm capable to take care of Harry. I can barely take care of myself but I don't want to see him hurt again like that time at the bakery. I suppose I could try.
"I appreciate it, really I do. He is lost in drugs and he is out of control, he is not the boy I used to know. "
"I couldn't convince him to leave drugs. It is something that is part of Harry." I said. "He looks pretty hard to take."
"And he is, but you never know." Anne shrugs.
"I'll see what I can do." What did I just accept? Take care of Harry? I know I could lie to Anne but I hate lying.
"Thank you." Anne chuckles and I smile uncomfortably. "You really look nice and civilized. I would love to see you as his girlfriend. "
I don't want it but I know I would never be that.
+ + + +
I kept all the food and I leaned against the cabinet. Since I arrived at home my thoughts revolve around Harry. Talk to his mom generated more questions about his life. She looked worried about him but days ago they were arguing and she made him feel really bad.
I don’t want to think about it. I need to get out but the problem is I don’t know with whom. Marcel must be busy and Cassie doesn’t talk to me. Harry is not an option...then who could it be?
"Adam" I screamed, when my mind is illuminated. I appreciate remember his number.
"Adam, it's me Lucy."
"Lucy, hello, how are you? Sorry I never call you, I lost all my contact numbers. "
"Never mind, hey, I was wondering if you'd like-"
"Yes! Sure. "
"Okay." I laugh at his enthusiasm. "Where are you? I can go there."
"I'm at my brother's shop finishing my work shift, you can come here. I'll send you the address. "
+ + + + +
I got out of the taxi and I looked towards the street. I looked for Adam's store. There is a small problem; I don't know exactly what kind of store is. I looked at the address on my phone as I started walking.
I stop in front of a tattoo shop. I look at my screen and then the store, the address corresponds to which Adam gave me. Here is where he works? Oh, I did not expect that.
I gently squeezed my braid with both hands to release the nervousness and entered to the store. It's like being in another world. Dark walls, loud music where all you hear are screams and people dressed in black with tattoos and colored hair. Some people look at me strangely and confused. My clothes is very different and I, honestly, am not the type of person who would be in this place. What is Adam doing here?
"Lucy, Lucy here!" I heard Adam's voice. I turned toward his voice and watched him sitting in the cashier.
"Hi Adam." I said embarrassed. I realize he is dressed like me. We are wearing green sweaters and baggy pants. "What are you-?"
"I know it's odd to be here but this is the shop of my brother Josh." Adam points out over my shoulder. I turned to meet a boy much like Adam but he looked more mature and of course he had many tattoos. I can't believe it's Josh.
He is sitting on a chair; he is tattooing a blond boy. I watch almost fascinated the scene, is quite interesting how the ink can be marked forever in your skin. I will never do a tattoo, but I must admit I have seen some beautiful and meaningful. Skulls tattoos, devil or blood just disturb me.
"You look fascinated; if you want you can go and see." Adam tells me with a smile.
"Re-really?" I asked and he nodded.
"Sure. My shift ends in fifteen minutes and then we can go." I nodded and i walked slowly to where his brother is. I look curious at Josh as he starts drawing on the boy's skin. Precision and talent, I must admit.
"But what do we have here?" Josh says.
"Oh, ahm, so...sorry." I said embarrassed.
"Don't worry, you can look. You want one? "I shook my head. "For the way you dress I guess you're Lucy, so long."
"Lucy Fray?" The blond asked and I nodded in confusion. "I'm Niall...Niall Horan, you don't really know me but-"
"Your brother is doctor right?." Niall nodded. "Thank you for saving my life that day. I haven't had a chance to thank you. "
"Don’t worry, it was nothing."
+ + + + + + + + + + + + HARRY.
I parked my car in front of the tattoo shop. I'm here for Niall. I close the door and I walked to the store. The music hits my ears when I enter the room. I greet some people with a slight smile and I stop my eyes on a girl who has her back to me.
Somehow I know it's Lucy. With those clothes I would recognize her anywhere. She is wearing her typical baggy pants with a green sweater and a braid that ties her long hair. She looks completely out of place in the tattoo shop.
What is she doing here? Is the fate trying to tell me something? Just today I dreamed about her. It wasn't a dirty dream, as I always have with women, or a romantic dream, I dreamed with her face. All I saw all night was her shy face in different expressions. I woke up a little scared in the morning but the sleep was relaxing.
I walk and stay close to hear their conversation.
"Don't worry, it was nothing. Sorry for what happened to you, it wasn't Harry fault. "Niall answers. I have my back towards them, so I don't know what their expressions or what they are doing.
"Does it hurt?" Lucy asked.
"No, no. I was curious to know you; I didn't know how to get close to you. "Niall said and his words surprised me. He is curious to know her? "You look nice."
"Oh, you too." Lucy replied. Why is she always so friendly? "Um, how many tattoos do you have?" She asked.
"12 tattoos." Niall answered. I'm sure she is smiling.
"Oh, that's a lot." She says clearly impressed.
"And I have a piercing in my tongue!" Niall almost scream.
"Oh god, that must hurt."
"No, not that much. I don't have a lot of tattoos...the others have more than me." He is right, Zayn is winning, he almost have thirty tattoos.
"Are you a bad boy too?" Niall laughed at her question and I try to drown mine. "Wh-what?"
"No, I'm not. Tattoos don’t mean that, is rather a way for me to express myself. And I couldn’t be a bad boy, is not my style and I can’t be rude to people. "Niall said.
"What is your new tattoo about?" Lucy said. "Is that a...a taco?"
"Yes it is. Is not very bad boy so I'm sorry if I disappoint you. "They laughed and I feel a little jealous. Not in a romantic way, Lucy's laugh is adorable; I just wish she will laugh more with me.
Am I boring?
"I didn’t expect that, but it seems different. Do you like food? "
"Food is my wife." Niall said.
"I ... I also think I’m married with food. Is hard to say no"
"Good point."
Ugh, why Niall is so sociable? He is very good at talking to people and also it seems that Lucy too or maybe it's because she is chatting with Niall. Tired of listening I turned to approach them but I stop when a boy walks to Lucy and plants a kiss on her cheek.
"Josh, Nick is already here." The boy says. "Let's go?"
"Sure." She nodded and turned her face to Niall. "See you Niall, it was nice to meet you."
"Yes, it was. See you around." The blond smiles. Before I can control my actions I approach Lucinda, I grabbed her forearm as I begin to drag her out of the shop.
"Ha-harry?" She asks scared when she sees my face.
"What the fuck?" I growled, releasing her when we are in the street.
"What's happening?" The boy says.
"Get the fuck out." I spit.
"Harry, what...what's wrong?" She asks. Her eyes show only confusion and fear.
"First Ryan and then this. What do you pretend? Stop being a bitch Lucy."
Oh shit, What did I just say?why am I so stupid?
Before I can apologize or say something Lucy stretched her hand to me and slap me right on the face.
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