Chapter 17



.                                                                      LUCY.


"You want me to pick you up?" My stepfather asks when I get off the car.

"No, thanks Mike. Cassie has a car, she can take me back. "I say as I close the door.

"Okay. Lucy I forgot to tell you that your mother and I are going to travel to New York this weekend; we have a congress of medicine. Madison is going to travel as well; she is going to see her brother.”

“Oh, fine. Mom didn’t tell me. Goodbye Mike.”

“Goodbye Lucy. "

I turn and start walking towards McDonald's. The smell of junk food seeps into my nose when I enter to the place. I love this place despite all the small loud children playing and running all over McDonald's. I don’t mind, I used to be like them. And the only image that comes to my mind is my father. I miss him but he shows no signs of life. We have a good relationship but ... why he doesn’t call me?

"Lucy!" Cassie's voice reaches my ears. I gently shake my head out of my thoughts."Lucy, here!" My eyes meet my friend. I head to her table and I'm surprised to see she have already ordered our food.

"I've already ordered. I invite this time, it's the least I can do for leaving you yesterday. "She said with a smile. "Ugh, your nose." Cassie grimace.

"It looks ugly? 'I immediately ask, covering my nose.

"No, no ... but it is not as swollen as yesterday." I nod and we both started eating. I feel like a little girl but I love eating here. I know that the food is not the healthiest but who cares?

"Do you feel better? What did you tell your parents? "Cassie asked before taking a sip of her drink.

"I said you hit me with your elbow by accident." I shrug.

"What? Hey, that's not fair."She groans," I was so worried about you Lucy, it was horrible to see you unconscious. Good thing Liam and Niall helped you. "

"Liam and Niall?" I asked confused. I have no idea who they are.

"They are friends of Harry, they are nice. Zayn and Louis are idiots. Niall's older brother is a doctor, Niall called him and he saw if you were okay.”

"Mike I also did the same. There are no broken bones, he said I was lucky. Harry hit me hard enough to hurt only some veins. "

"That's what I call good luck and its fun to have a stepfather who is a doctor." Cassie sighs. "I wanted to tell you that yesterday... but Matt kicked us out of his house, the police arrived and we had to leave. Matt treated me horrible; I didn't think he would be so cruel. "

She should meet Harry; he is synonymous of cruelty, if cruelty could be a word that would fit him.

"What...what happened?"

"He kicked us out and treated me like shit. Harry was so angry, you should have seen him...he was desperate.

I can't believe he took you home. He felt so guilty I could feel it in his eyes."

"Why did you let me go with him?"

"I was drunk and couldn't bring to my house a girl covered with blood and mainly you, you know that my mom will freak out."

"Sure, I can understand that." We both stay in silent for a moment and we are dedicated to just enjoy our food.

"Many things happened yesterday ..." Cassie finally spoke.

"I know." I feel the need to tell Cassie what happened yesterday with Harry. I need someone's opinion and she is my best friend.

"I need to tell you something." I say embarrassed. How am I supposed to tell her that yesterday I slept in a bed with Harry?

I don’t know how but I managed to tell her about yesterday. I tell her what happened last night, since I woke up when I ran away when Harry finally fell asleep. When I finish my story Cassie has her mouth wide open in surprise.

"Say something." I pressed.

"Oh ... you left me speechless."

"Tell me something, I told you this because I need your opinion."

"This is so romantic." What? is this a joke?

"I think he likes you." She smiles. I didn’t expect that.

"No, of course not." I respond quickly.

"I don’t think he has ever done that for a girl."

"Wait, what?"

"Yes, you came last year but I've been here for two years and for what I know this never happened to Harry."

"He did all this because he felt guilty. He hit me, I guess he had never beaten a woman in his life."

"No, I think he likes you." Cassie nods and I'm starting to feel annoying.

"How...How is it possible that he likes me? About an hour ago I saw him buying condoms when I went to the pharmacy with Mike." I say feeling a pain in the heart.

"Oh, seriously? Maybe he went to buy that to use it with you." Cassie laughs.

I'm tired of this. Cassie is not telling me what I want to hear, she's not helping me. How can she be so blind?

"Stop Cassie." I say and she stops laughing. "Stop being so blind. I don’t know what he want or expect... but he doesn't like me, I know that for a fact. So stop...stop being so naive." I spat.

"I'm not naive!" She growls. "You and your damn low self esteem don't let you see the truth. You should love your-self a little Lucy." What? What is she talking about?

"I'm tired of your negativity and your insecurity. You're beautiful but sometimes you're just so boring and prudish."

Prudish? The word hits me hard in the chest. Harry said the same. Is this real? My best friend is telling me all this?

"You have to change Lucy seriously." Cassie gets up.

"Where... where are you going?" I asked with wide eyes. What is she doing?

"To my house ... don't know. Has been a horrible day after my fight with Matt and now I can't tolerate any shit. Maybe I don't have luck in love but you have the opportunity and you're wasting that opportunity. "She says with a grimace of disappointment.

"I have no chance...Why you can’t see it?"

"If you keep thinking like that you will be single forever." Cassie blurts and then she turns her back and walks away from me.

I stay quiet as I watch Cassie walks away. I can't believe she did this. I can notice that this hasn't been her day but she doesn't have the right to say this me. I haven't done anything, is not my fault what happens in her life.

Great, now I don't have my best friend. I sigh and I look down to the table. She barely ate her hamburger.

I jump when my phone rings twice, announcing that I received two messages. I unlock the screen and almost threw the phone when I see who had sent me the message.

Ryan and Harry. And at the same time, what is happening to this world?

Can we talk? H x

Are you alive? Can we talk? Ryan.

Is this a joke?

"Why?" I growled looking at the ceiling. Those two are the people who I least want to talk right now. Why are they doing this? I grabbed my phone and wrote in answer 'No' to both.

I finished eating my burger and I saved the fries for the trip back home. I feel a slight twinge of pain in my nose. Really? This has been a horrible day. I just want to go home, I just want to sleep and I wake up like the old Lucy.

I just want to forget Ryan and Harry.

+++.                                                                          HARRY

My phone vibrates in my pocket. I received a message from Lucinda.  I sent a message asking if I could speak with her, I thought she would not answer but I'm glad that she did. I unlock the screen and open the message.

From: Nerd


What the fuck?! This should be a fucking joke. She is so frustrating, she drives me insane. Makes me want to scream every time I feel that she challenges me but I cannot do it because I imagine her sad and scared face every time and I just feel like a real shit. I know I'm shit but Lucinda makes me feel worse.

I don’t know what is it about her that makes me feel guilty for all my attitudes and my reactions. People never make me feel like that, I always give a shit about what they think but with her I know it's different.

I know that I intimidated her, I can see it through her frightened eyes or whenever she shivers for my stupid actions. I'm an idiot and she is very sweet. And yes, I said it, she is sweet and I'm not drunk or high.

She was so tense and nervous when she saw my reaction when I found out that she knew about Ashley. I can’t even think on her name, I really want to kill that girl.

How she was capable to do that? I told her to keep her mouth shut. This ruins the whole relationship I try to build with the nerd, if I've built something because honestly I'm a mess. Every time I try to move and approach her, something always stops me. Now I must start again with Lucinda.

But getting back to talk about Ashley, she needs to learn who is the boss here. I need my revenge. In my mind I have a few ideas; I must do something to hurt her. I'm thinking of posting the video I recorded it when we had sex but that I also would ruin me and is the last thing I need right now.

I heard the handle and the door opens. I move my head to see Louis and Zayn entering the house.

"Where were you bitches?” I asked.

"We were playing poker." Zayn responds as he falls on the couch next to me.

"And we lost most of our money." Louis growls as he sits on the couch.

"What the fuck? You guys are idiots, I can’t believe it. "I roll my eyes. "This is why we are in this fucking like poor people. " I growled.

"Shut up. When this damn bet or whatever it is finish, we will have enough money. "Louis smiles and grabs the remote control.

"I have a question." Zayn says. Louis and I we look at him waiting to hear what he have to say."Don’t you think that Taylor is hiding something? I mean, he is offering us enough money just to destroy Lucy but ...why? Why her? "

"I'm curious to know that too. I can understand you, I asked the same thing the other day and he didn’t answer.” I said.

"Who cares?" Louis groans. "We just have to do this; is simple and is easy money. Is what we need, we have things to solve and this is the perfect way to get that damn money. " Louis frowns.

"Yes, you're right but I am still curious." Zayn says as he rises from the sofa. "Beer?" He asks and Louis and I nod.

"Don't ruin this Harry." Louis tells me when Zayn disappears into the kitchen. "Don't you dare to ruin this shit. You can do it, we choose you because you're the flirt, so do your thing. We need that money or we lose everything. "Louis said in a cold tone.

We need that money and I feel so responsible for doing this damn bet with Taylor. It's like a big weight on my shoulders. I don’t why I just can’t get advance my relationship with Lucinda.

Our personalities collide, because we are two completely opposite person, we belong to two completely opposite worlds.

"I will, okay? But don't you dare to put all the weight on my shoulders, because you could have been in my place." I said through clenched teeth. "We need this money because we got into several problems and both you and I are involved in this shit." I say coldly.

"I know, and we're all the way in this brother."

"Three cold beers for us!" Zayn says popping in the room. He throws the beer to me and I grab the can.

"I need to talk something with you guys." I say after taking a sip of my beer cold.

"We're listening." Zayn says.

"Remember Ashley?" Zayn and Louis nods. "There is a problem...she told Lucinda that I've been sleeping with her all week."

"You're so stupid Harry." Louis rolls his eyes.


"I know, but that doesn't matter, the thing is... she can't think that she can get away with it."

"Yes, you're right." Zayn nods before taking a sip from his can. "She knows that Lucinda told you that?" I shake my head.

"Perfect, so there will be no suspicion that it was you. I'm in, got anything in mind? "Louis asks with a smile on his lips.

"Yes, I think I have a plan."

+++++                                                                       LUCY

It's Monday and it's lunch time and I just I don’t feel good. I walk through the halls and I head to the cafeteria. I don’t want to be here and is the first time I feel that way. I haven’t even seen Cassie, maybe she didn’t come today, and maybe she is really sick.

I sigh and I stop in the queue for buy my lunch. I buy a salad. I start walking but I pause to observe the cafeteria tables, almost all occupied. Everyone is with their friends, laughing and enjoying lunch, everyone except me.

"Watch out, stupid." I hear a voice and I feel a slam against my shoulder when a girl walks past me.

I take a few steps back when she hits my shoulder and since I'm so clumsy the salad container slips from my hand and falls to the ground. The packet is opened when reached the ground. Great, now I don't have lunch.

Anyway I'm not hungry.

What can I do?

"Lucy, Lucy!" A familiar voice reached my ears. Ryan.

I don't want to talk or even see him. I'm still angry but more than angry I'm hurt, incredibly hurt. I almost run toward the exit, I hope Ryan doesn't follow me; honestly I'm not in the mood.

All this time I only thought that I want to be the old Lucy but I haven't done anything about this is the time. I know where I can go. The only person I have left and I know he will never leave me.


"Lu-lucy your nose!" Marcel tells me when I approach him. He hasn't seen me the whole day and I haven't called the weekend so it should be a big change for him to see me like this.

"I know," I sighed. "But is getting better, I took some medicine."

"What hap-happened?" Marcel question when I sit next to him.

Should I tell him? I know he will be mad.

"It's just ... Harry got into som-some problems and..."

"Did he hit you?" Marcel's eyes opens to reveal panic in them.

"No, no..." I shake my head. "I mean yes, but, um, accidentally." I shrug.

"Is that possible? Ugh, I don't like my cousin, he is a...a douche.  I am asha-ashamed to be his cousin. "

"Hey, don't be cruel. Harry is human, we all make mistakes. "I frown. "It wasn't his fault and he apologized." I growled. Why do I feel so upset with Marcel talking like that about Harry?

"Calm down, I was just saying my opinion." He shrugs. "Chan-changing the subject I was going to talk to you because I need you to accompany me to a place."

"Today?" Marcel nods. "Okay."

"Mom will visit some old friends of her college, the thing is she wants to bring a cake and I have to go get it." Marcel sighs. "I don't want to go alone; you're the only one who can accompany me."

"Sure, with pleasure." I nod and I look at the books that are on his table. "What's all this?"

"Have you forgotten?" He asks surprised. "I'm studying Lucy; don't forget that next weekend is the math contest."

Uh, I forgot that.

"You're right, oh. I'll stay here with you to study, however I have nothing better to do. "I say as I look for a notebook out of my bag.

"You're right. I'll stay here with you to study; I don't have anything better to do. "I say as I search for a notebook in my bag.

We study math and chat about trivial things. It was a short but nice time, being with Marcel feels like home. When lunch time finished we went to our classes. I spend the hours paying attention, writing and answering every question the teacher asked. I think I'm the only one that answered every single question; everyone else was distracted by something else.

When the class ends I walk quickly toward the parking lot. I stare at my feet as I walk, hiding my face through my hair. I feel hidden and safe. No one sees me and that is the good thing when you’re invisible.

I spotted Marcel at the end of the parking lot.

"How far is it?" I asked approaching him.

"Not so far, we will take a bus." I nod and we started walking towards a bus stop. The closest one is two blocks from here. We took the bus and 5 minutes later we got off the bus. I had never been in this part of the city.

"I love cakes." I say as we walk.

"They have excellent cakes and they do good bread. We should get something for the road. "I nod, excited at the idea.

I spotted the bakery; 'Cox' is the name of the place. Marcel opens the door and the little door bell rings.

"Hi Marcel!" A lady said from the cash register.

The smell of food is amazingly fresh and delicious, my stomach growls.

"Hi Bar-Barbara." He smiles.

"Who is this lovely girl?" Barbara looks at me."You have a girlfriend Marcel and you didn’t tell me?" We blush and Barbara laughs softly.

"I'm a friend of Marcel." I managed to say, with my cheeks burning. "Lucy."

"Yes, she's my best friend. Anyway, I came to pick up the order of my mother. "

Barbara nods. "Sure, I'll get it. Hey, you want a piece of brownie? "Barbara asks pointing to the bakery cabinet. I turn my gaze to see a plate of brownies on bakery display.

"Okay." Marcel smiles excitedly. "Where is Anne?"

"She is in her office, she is kind of busy." Barbara responds while gives us two pieces of Brownie. She smiles and then she enters through a door behind the cashier.

"She's nice, how often do you come here?"

"Not too much, but this is the family bakery." Marcel responds before eating a piece of brownie.

When I think in Marcel’s family the first person that comes to mind is Harry.

"Really? Sounds great and who is the owner-? "

"I will not give money! I have given you enough! "We heard a female scream coming through the door where Barbara entered.

"Stop lying, dammit! You never help me! "A male voice replied. I shudder, I know that voice.

"You always spend on drugs!" The woman screams.

"Drugs? What the fuck? You don't even know! "He yells angrily." And you don't know because you don't care a shit!"

"Why would I care for someone like you? You're completely off the trails! "She screams.

"I'm like that because of you! It's your entire fucking fault!”

Marcel and I shudder when we hear the sound of a chair falling, someone kicked it.

"Get out! I said get out!"

"Fuck you!" The boy yells.

I turn my face to Marcel; he is as shocked as I am. "I-I'm sorry Lucy I...I didn't tell you that--"

But Marcel doesn't finish his sentence because the door opens and Harry walks into the room. The boy stops when his eyes fall on me. All I feel is a shiver running down my spine when his eyes met mine.

"...Harry." I whisper paralyzed.

"Please leave." A woman emerges from the door where Harry crossed a few seconds. She looks just like him and oh my god...I'm so stupid, she must be his mother. "I am so disappointed of you, I feel ashamed to know that you're my son." She spits.

Harry looks at her, frowning. "Whatever." Dominated by anger Harry grabs the dishes resting on the counter and throws them on the floor. I cringe when the glass touches the ground. All I can see on the floor are broken glass and food.

After doing that Harry leaves quickly and when he passes next to me he gives me a quick glance.

"Fuck you Harry!" His mother yells.

The first thing I saw in his eyes was rage but after that I just saw...sadness, pure and real sadness. I think the guy that I just saw, is not the boy I met at Caddie's party, not the boy that hit Ryan or hit me, he's not the same boy who said that my life was pathetic. He is not that person.

What I just saw is the real Harry, a fragile boy who desperately seeks the attention from his mother.

"Oh, Marcel could you help me clean this?" She said letting out a long sigh.

"Sure Anne." Marcel nods and goes to find a broom.

"Sorry you had to see that sweetheart." Anne tells me with a sad smile, I nod and she walks through the door.

"I think you should go after Harry." It's the first thing Marcel said  when he returns with the broom.

"What? Why? "

"I know that ...Harry is a troublemaker but he looked so sad, I feel that he broke my heart." Marcel says. "I don't like my cousin but if I were him I would need someone to talk to, someone to hold me. Family problems are the worst." Marcel shrugs.

I drop my mouth on the floor.

Marcel said everything without stuttering, wow who is this Marcel? He is right and he knows it. I'm so lucky for having him as my friend, he is a great boy and so sweet.

"I...don't think I'm the right person." I whisper.

"I think you are, I would if I could but...he's not going to listen to me. I think he will listen to you. "

"Marcel, I just--"

"Please go Lucy, I know yo-you want."

"Marcel I don't think--"

 "No problem, really, he needs someone. "

Marcel wins this battle because I obey him. I leave the bakery and I look at both sides of the street. I focused my eyes and spotted Harry walking three blocks away from here.

"Harry!" I try to yell but he doesn't listen, he is too far.

My scream barely has strength. My throat is dry and my hands are sweating. Why I feel like this? Harry didn't speak to me; I guess I'm paralyzed by what I just witnessed. See him so fragile just melt my heart.

The only idea that comes to my mind is run.

And that's what I do...I start running towards him.


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