Chapter 16
It is the second time Harry apologizes and I am paralyzed for his action and reaction. I can’t reply, I can hardly process my thoughts. His head still resting on my shoulder and his arms still wrapped around my waist.
"I'm sorry for everything Lucy, I didn’t mean to hit you, you know it right?." His voice is a whisper through the air. "I would never hurt you."
He would never hurt me? But he already did it.
In this situation, he needs my forgiveness? I don’t know if I should forgive him, I know that wasn’t his intention...but anyway he hit Ryan. Although I don’t want to be here, I just want to run to my house but I have no choice, knowing how Harry is, he will not let me leave.
"I just want to go home ..." I whispered.
"I'll take you home tomorrow, I promise ... but not today, your nose is still swollen, tomorrow will be a little better and your-"
"I don't care, really. My mom will not notice-"
"Lucy..." Harry whispered with anger stuck in his voice. He takes a few steps back. "Stay with me, just tonight."
And my heart stops again. His words are melody to my ears. My heart beats so hard that at any time is going to bust my ribs. How is it possible that a few simple words can make me feel this way? I feel so scared, almost in panicked for all these little emotions that are consuming my mind...these little things that make me feel different just scare me and I don't know how to deal with this.
"It's ... okay." I sighed in defeat. No way to say 'no' to Harry Styles.
He grabs my hand and we headed back home. This is so…odd. I really want to hit myself against a wall. Think and being around Harry just gives me a headache. He yells at me, hugs me and now he is holding my hand. I repeat I'm so scared.
I ask Harry for the bathroom and head to wash my face. Right now I can describe me with the word 'disaster'. The ala and the bridge of my nose are a little bit purple, my face is pale and I have a notorious dark circles dancing under my eyes and my hair looks messy.
There is not much to do with my appearance.
I sigh and make my way back to Harry's room. I close the door and my legs shake when I realized that I'm alone with a boy. This is terrifying. I don't even feel like this when I am with Marcel and he is a boy too.
"I'm sorry I messed up your shirt." I said to Harry, pointing to the collar of his shirt stained with blood. He goes to his closet and he pulls out another shirt.
"Don't worry, take this." He hands me his shirt and leans over to plant a kiss on my forehead. I froze in my place. What was that? I blush violently and I appreciate that the lights are off.
I return to the bathroom to change my clothes. I pull the shirt over my head and let the fabric slide through my body. I left the bathroom and I stopped in the hallway. I could still leave and a big part of me wants to run away...but another part begs for me to stay and that small part is winning because here I am in his house.
"Harry, we have to sleep together?" I complain when I entered his room.
"But an hour ago we were sleeping together." He smiles playfully as he gets rid of his shirt and pants. I avert my gaze feeling a heat through my body. "I'm covered, I'm under the sheets, you can look now." He laughs.
And again I'm so glad that the lights are off because my cheeks are burning with shame.
"I slept in this bed against my will." I sigh and sit on the bed.
Harry silently watches me, he supports his elbow on the bed and rests his face on his palm.
There is a little question dancing on my mind and I have to ask it before curiosity kills me.
"Um, Harry..." My hands are shaking. "Who dressed me? You?" I asked, feeling so ashamed.
Harry laughs. "Yes, nerd." He winks. "And I quite enjoyed it, it was fun." Gently I pushed his shoulder and he laughs. My face is burning with embarrassment. "Hey, don’t be shy; you have a lovely heart-shaped mole on your stomach."
Oh my god. I can’t believe what he just said. "Harry!," I say embarrassed and covered my face with my hands. He laughs again and lays his head on the pillow.
I think I want cry again, I feel almost like violated or something. He saw me in underwear and against my will. Why Cassie left me with him? What she was thinking?
He yawns and his green eyes look tired. "Can we sleep? I'm exhausted. "
I nod and I take off my shoes. I left my glasses on the bedside table and I get into bed slowly. I cover my body with the sheets and I keep the distance between Harry and I, I'm almost at the edge of the bed, I can fall at any moment.
I'm so nervous and terrified; this is a new experience for me, sharing a bed with someone else. I don’t know if I like the idea but it's just for a few hours, I can do it.
Harry and I looked face to face and in silence. He holds a playful smile while I cover my face with the sheets leaving only my eyes visible. Everything in this moment is so calm and it feels so good ... but it is not and this is where the ugly truth hit me. I can’t forget what he has done.
"You know I haven't forgiven you for fight with Ryan ..." I whispered, breaking the silence.
He frowned. I'm not ready for his anger or his bad comments about Ryan, although of all I expect Harry does exactly the opposite. He sighs as he wraps his arm around my waist pulling my body towards him. I froze and I didn't move when I feel his skin against mine. On the outside I look calm but inside I'm screaming and running away from here.
"Can we not talk about that?"
"We need to some point." I manage to say.
"Not now, please." He sighed. "I hate that guy, I really do." I ignored his comment and looked at the ceiling waiting for sleep to come to me. I can feel my heart beating so hard against my chest. Harry's chin rests on my shoulder and I can feel his breath tickling my neck.
"Please relax, you're too tense, I feel like I'm hugging a rock." Harry whispers in my ear while he strokes my waist.
His words and his hand on my waist just make me feel worse. At any moment I will collapse, this is too much for me. I shudder feeling his fingers up my spine and stopping on the closure of my bra. Wait, what? Who does he think he is? This...this must be a joke.
I grabbed his hand with my trembling fingers and I move his hand away from me. I slip in bed taking the distance between us. Again. "Don't. .. don't touch to me." I stutter. "Now I am relaxed." I sigh and Harry frowns.
"Whatever, prude." He grunts and turns in bed showing his back to me.
"Lesbian." Harry growls.
I can't believe he is angry with me; he doesn't have the right to. I should be upset with him and I am.
He had sex with Ashley, kissed a girl at the party, hit my friend hit me, he saw me in underwear against my will, dragged me to his house and didn't let me go.
I know I should ignore the fact that he had sex with Ashley and kissed a girl, because they are not relevant facts but I can't help feeling irritated about that. I want to scream and kick something and I'm not a violent person. I feel so frustrated, Harry is so frustrating and the whole situation too. Why is he doing this?
I turn my body on the bed with my back to him as well. Even though I'm tired I can't sleep. I watch his wall as time passes. When I think Harry is completely asleep, I gently lifted from his bed, got dressed and left the room.
The morning heat hits my body and the light it is becoming more annoying. I growled. I don't want to get up. I feel a slight twinges of pain in my head that I announce that today I will have hangover. I roll in bed and stretched my arm to grab Lucinda waist but to my surprise my hand touched the mattress. I opened my eyes to find myself alone in bed.
Really? Is she gone? Oh fuck that shit.
It’s the second time that a girl leaves my bed. The first time was Lucinda and now she does it again. But who the fuck she thinks she is? She is so ridiculous, so prudish. I'm seriously thinking that this girl is afraid of boys or lesbian.
I groaned and dropped my head on the pillow. I must say I am offended because she left me. I drop the girls and not this opposite situation. But there's a first time for everything.
I see a few drops of blood on the mattress and I remember her pale face with her swollen nose. Oh, shit, I really screwed up. Yesterday I thought she had forgiven me until she tried to talk about Ryan. I'm not going to apologize about that, that fucking idiot deserved it.
The blood burns inside me, I remember when he bent to kiss her and what infuriates me most about this is that Ryan forced her. I could notice that Lucinda tried to push him. What kind of person is he? I know I'm not one to judge because I know I'm far more shit than him.
I sigh and pull out my cell phone under my pillow. No missed calls but I have a message.
From: Ashley
Hey handsome, Can I see you today? I learned a new position, maybe we can practice it. x
I'm already a little tired of Ashley, she chased me all week. The girl is unbearable and stupid. I don't think she is able to establish an intelligent conversation but we still have good sex. Ashley has a nice body but...
My thoughts abruptly stops, in my mind comes a memory from yesterday about Lucinda, when I changed her clothes yesterday. Her black lingerie was pretty sexy, I must admit. Her skin is pale, she is thin and small and what impressed me most is that under those oversized shirts that she uses she is hiding nice boobs.
I would make her scream my name but she is such a prude that I think she barely looks at her body in the mirror and I bet she never touch herself.
I push those thoughts away from me...What was I thinking? Oh yeah Ashley. I know I had sex yesterday but the memory of Lucinda just awakened my wild side.
This is not for Lucinda, of course not; it was her body, no...Not even that! I need sex! That's it! Ugh, I sound pathetic. Okay Harry, pull yourself together. They are only male needs.
Yeah sure.
I write and then send the message to Ashley. I yawn and look at the screen of my phone. It's 9:00 a.m., but at what time this nerd left? What's wrong with that girl? I'm sure she's a lesbian.
I left my phone in my hand and looked at the ceiling. My vision focused when I realize that there is a paper taped to the ceiling.
"I will not forgive you Harry. L "
What the fuck? L? Does she think we're on Pretty Little Liars or what? "I will not forgive you"? What kind of shit is that?
She is making it very difficult. This bet or whatever this shit is, because Taylor is not saying anything about why I'm doing this, was supposed to be easy. She's a stupid girl with low self esteem. Why she just not falls into my charms? Ugh, this fucking nerd is damn frustrating.
Oh Lucinda, you'll regret this, you'll see.
+ +
+ + + +
"Wake up idiot" I heard the voice of Madison and then a pillow crashed against my chest. I poke my face through the sheet and I looked at my sister with sleepy eyes.
"Oh my god, you really look disgusting." Madison says when she sees my face. "So Harry hit you, eh." She smiles.
" did you know that?" I asked surprised.
"None of your damn business." She smiles. "Anyway it was a good punch; it's a shame that he hasn't fixed your nose." She laughs and walks to the kitchen. My nose is not so ugly...I guess.
I sit on the couch and let out a yawn. I stretch my arms and I feel a pain in the back. I didn't sleep too well. I came home, I lay on my bed and I couldn't fall asleep because...oh god, my mother was having sex with Mike! How awkward is that?
I left my room and I had to sleep here.
"We have things to do." Madison tells me when I entered the kitchen.
"What?," I asked as I approach the refrigerator. I pull out some ice and pressed against my nose.
"Are you stupid or what?" She growls. "We must find out what is happening with your mother."
"Okay but ... why would not Mike cheating on mom?"
"My dad has always been faithful." She argues quickly.
"There's always a first time for everything and -"
"Oh shut up." Madison spits.
I only do this because mom has done this before. The reason my parents split was about this because, my mother cheated on him. I know she’s only human and that everyone can make mistakes but I still resentment lives inside me. She ruined my life.
If she had not cheated on my father I still live in London and Dad would not have a girlfriend. Ugh, thinking about it depresses me a lot. I miss my father so much ... maybe I should go to the tea house to mourn in silence.
"Potato nose, I’m talking to you!" Madison sparks her fingers in front of my face. I shudder and looked at her a little dazed. "Are you going to follow your mother or what?"
"Yes, but not today." I sigh. "And you must find out what happens in the hospital, if there is any problem or-"
"Okay. I met a very handsome nurse; I can get some information from him. "Madison smiles.
"So ... let's do this... together." I say a little uncomfortable.
"Yes, I know ... but that does not mean anything, you know I don’t like you." She spits.
+ +
+ + + +
"We must go to the pharmacy to get some medicine." Mike says with concern.
"She’s fine, Dad." Madison says. "I think she looks much better with that nose." Madison giggles.
"Shut up Madison, that's rude." Mike frowns to her daughter.
"Okay Mike, I'm fine seriously. With ice and the swelling will go down. "
"Oh come on Lucy, a medication or ointment to relieve the swelling would help a lot. "Mike begs. "If you agree we can buy something at McDonald's."
Um, sounds good to me.
"Okay." I smile.
"Can you wait for me? I must change my clothes and we can go. "Madison asks, rising from the sofa.
"You are not going with us, your comment was rude. You're grounded "Mike shakes his head and walks towards the entrance.
"What? Grounded? What the fuck? "Madison growls."You must be joking."
"I know that anyway you are not going to listen to my orders Madison." Mike rolls his eyes.
"I’m…I'm sorry." I say to Madison when I passed beside her.
"Fuck you." She whispers with gritted teeth. It wasn’t my fault, I didn’t say anything, she was rude to me.
"So ... how are things at the hospital? A lot of work as usual? "I ask trying to create a conversation between us.
"Yes, it was good." Mike yawns. "How are you? Too much to study? "
"A little, but it's pretty easy." I shrug. The sound of my cell bursts inside the car. I pull out the phone from my pocket and I answered.
"Lucy! How are you? Please forgive me for calling you now, it just that my stomach hurts a little, I think I got sick, but that does not matter I must talk with you. "Cassie apologizes over the phone.
"I'm fine, thanks. can’t be sick and what happened?”
"Is Cassie?" Mike asks and I nod. "If you want you can go with her to McDonald's, so you two eat together."
"She can’t, she is sick, her stomach is the problem apparently." I say to Mike and then return the phone to my ear. "So Cassie—"
"Of course I'll go!" Cassie yells on the phone.
"But you are sick."
"I don’t care, we're talking about McDonald's, is the eighth wonder of the world for me." She replies.
"Okay." I sigh. "In 30 minutes we'll be there." I hang up.
"Is she going to go anyway?" Mike laughs.
"Yeah, you know how Cassie is.” I laugh with Mike. My stepfather parked in front of a pharmacy. Both got off the car and walked into the store.
"I'll buy the medicines, you wait for me here and if you want, you can buy something for you. "Mike said when we entered the pharmacy.
I nod and start walking through the halls. I stop at the makeup section and head to the part where the nail polishes are located. I always buy and paint my nails. According to Madison my nails always look terrible but I think I have improved slowly. I choose a couple of nail polishes and I walk to the cash register but I stop when I spotted a mop of curls about four aisles away.
No way.
Before I can go back or hide Harry walks out of the hall with a box in his hand. I look to the box, what is that? My eyes go up and I gulp as I realized that Harry is looking at me.
He smiles and walks towards me. Harry looks...nice today, I must admit. The usual tight pants, his curly hair as always messy and with short-sleeved black shirt that let me see his different tattoos glued to his arm.
"Hello little nerd, so you decide to escape today?" He tells me, stroking my hair like I was a little girl.
"Stop it Harry." I complain. I turn on my heel, I'm ready to get away from him but Harry grabs my elbow.
"Hey, I know that I ruin everything but you must admit that Ryan did it too, he used you." Harry spits once my eyes meet his.
I know what that Ryan provoked him, I know he did it on purpose and that's what hurts most. Who really is Ryan now? I feel really bad about his attitude. I'm angry with both but I must admit that I'm more pissed off with Ryan.
It's just that the two have ruined everything incredibly fast and I ask myself: Is that even possible?
"I think as apologies, we should go out tomorrow, to eat something." Harry's voice pulls me out violently from my thoughts. What? Going out to eat?
"Actually, Ahm, no thanks. I must study and read. "I looked down at the box in his hand, I focused my eyes and I read the word 'condom'. My eyes open and then I look up to his eyes. "Um, what is that?"
Harry looks at the box and then at me and laughs. "These are condoms nerd; you use them when you're going to fuck-"
"I know, I know." I interrupt. "I mean..., eeeh, are you going to use it?"
I froze when Harry leans toward me. His curls tickle my cheek and feel his warm breath touching my ear. "Maybe." He whispers in my ear. "Are you jealous?" I shudder at his words.
Jealous? Of course not. I was just asking because I'm curious about, I honestly don't care about his sex life.
"No, was just ... cu-curious."
Harry laughs and take a few steps back. "Sure." He smiles, rolling his eyes.
And suddenly Ashley's confession explodes in my mind, what she told me yesterday after she slapped me. She has been having sex with Harry almost all week...I guess these condoms should be for that or maybe Harry will use it with the girl he kissed in the kitchen yesterday or maybe he has a new girl. Ugh, who knows?
I'm so mad at myself right now. He has sex with Ashley, he kissed that mysterious girl yesterday, he hit Ryan, he hit me, he saw me in my underwear, we shared the same bed and now invites me to go out and have that packet in his hands.
I never want to hit someone, I'm completely against violence but Harry deserves a good slap. I feel so stupid, what is happening to me?
"You're ... going to us-use it with Ashley?" I asked weakly, directing my eyes to him. Harry's eyes opened in surprise. He didn’t expect me to say that and neither do I.
I don’ know what is happening to me but I had to spit it out. The surprise face is erased and replaced for a face twisted in anger. Harry frowns at me and his green eyes penetrate mine.
"But who the fuck told you that?" He growls and I stay in silence. "You are not fucking deaf so answer me." He mumbles. "Ashley was right?" Harry asks before I can say anything.
I just nod swallowing. "That fucking bitch is going to ruin everything, ugh, I hate her. That's what I get to sleep with whores.” Harry spits."I'll kill her." Harry growls leaving the condoms box on a shelf.
Oh, so she's right, he was with her all the week...Oh. And he tried to kiss me and I don’t know how to feel about it.
"Don’t say that." I complain. I don’t like Ashley but Harry is being very disrespectful.
"That's what she is." Harry complained.
The boy growls and I cringe when he kicks the shelf gently beside us. The furniture barely moves and sound from the blow and I appreciate that. I don’t want Harry to cause problems and besides Mike is here.
"I can’t believe you know that, you're a nosy girl right?" Harry's eyes radiate only fury. Why is he so angry? I'm not arguing, I just said something and he confirmed. "Anyway I must go, that bitch will pay for that, I will have my revenge." He grunts and turns on his heel and walks out of the story like a hurricane.
My heart is beating so fast, I think Ashley is in trouble…in big troubles. Harry was furious, beyond that I think. I know he will take revenge and that scares me a lot. Every word uttered from his mouth sounded completely serious. He wants revenge and I haven’t the slightest idea of what he is going to do.
All I know is that he isn’t a good person; I must stay away from Harry.
Thanks! You guys are amazing.
RANDOM QUESTION: Where would you like to travel?
Honestly I would love to go to england, live there is like my dream since I was a spermatozoon.
At the side is THE TRAILER for the fan fiction, is my first trailer so bear with me :)
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