Chapter 15



I imagine myself lying on my bed reading a book; I imagine watching Friends on TV and eating ice cream while I cry with some movie. I imagine being the real Lucinda, the quiet and reserved girl that I am.

The girl who loves to talk and laugh with her friend Marcel. I see us walking around the shops and buying comics or watching the new video games that have come out to the stores. I see us sitting in the library studying, as usual. That's where I belong, to all those places.

Not here with a bunch of drunken teenagers, not here with all those mean girls and where guys hit each other because they can.

I feel that I have betrayed myself, that I've lost my identity. How did I get here? Why me?

The sound of Harry's fist crashing violently against Ryan's face pulls me out of my thoughts. I flinch. The sound is scary, just like the first time I saw him fight that night at Caddie's party. Why is he doing this?

I didn't want to kiss Ryan but Harry doesn't have the right to interfere on this and less on this way.

My fingers touch my lips; I can't believe he has stolen my first kiss. I know I'm exaggerating but I feel...horrible.

My body reacts when Harry kicks Ryan's stomach.

"No," I scream desperate but before I can run towards them someone grabs my waist.

"Where are you thinking you're going babe?" The voice whispers in my ear.

"No, let me go, let me go!" I scream and I try to let go of his grip.

Ryan spits blood. Harry is about to hit him again but Ryan dodges rolling on the floor. Ryan quickly gets up and kicks Harry.

"Let her go!" I hear Cassie's voice. I turn my face towards my friend and see her with Matt.

"Come on, Zayn." Matt said, grabbing Zayn's elbow. The boy released my body and Cassie grabs my arm.

"What the fuck is going on?" She asks, looking into my eyes.

"Ryan ... Ryan kissed me and Harry ... he ..."

"Lucy, WHAT? YOUR FIRST KISS? WITH RYAN? But you can't kiss him if you're dating Harry. What is wrong with you? "

I'm so tired of Cassie saying or believing that I'm dating Harry. I'm so tired that she believes that Harry would go out with someone like me. Cassie is blinded by her thoughts, why she can't see that Harry and I are not together?

"I'm not dating Harry!" I scream desperately as I push her.

Cassie opens her eyes, surprised by my reaction. I think I will suffer a nervous breakdown, I can't stand this. My friend is being beaten and nobody does anything about it. All these people are crazy, just crazy. I'm so angry with Harry but at the same time I'm really scared. He is like a time bomb, he can't control himself. He threw a bottle towards me... he almost hurt me!

My breath is agitated and desperation runs through my veins and all I think is that I have to save Ryan. I turn my face to the fight, Harry and Ryan still hitting each other. Don't they get bored? What is their problem?

Harry manages to dodge a punch from Ryan and grabs the collar of his shirt.

The curly smiles and begins to beat Ryan. This is the end.

I run towards him. "Harry, Harry," I shout desperately, clutching his arm. "Harry please!" I scream, feeling the tears falling from my eyes. If I don't stop him he will kill Ryan or something.

"Shut up, bitch!" Someone shouts.

“Bitch, get out of here!" Another voice yells.

"Enough, enough!" I hear Matt's voice. Is about time, he needs to stop this.

"Harry, please," I cry, pulling his arm.

"Fuck off Lucy!" Harry yells at me. He pushes me and, accidentally, his elbow hits my nose.

The sound burst in my ears. As soon as he hits me I feel a sharp pain in my nose and it's just unbearable. I feel dizzy and I recoil a few steps trying to maintain balance.

I close my eyes, letting my nose burn pain. I touch my wound and watch my fingers stained red liquid.

I close my eyes, letting my nose burn in pain. I touch my wound and watch my fingers dyed in a red liquid. I'm bleeding; I can feel the fluid falling from my nose and sliding on my lips. I begin to hear screams but the sound is too far away from me, my ears are clogged.

The taste of blood filtered in my tongue. It's disgusting. I cover my mouth and cough; I look my fingers with blood stains.

My vision blurs, my body loses strength and balance. Someone holds me when I'm about to fall. I raise my eyes to see who grabbed me but everything becomes dark while I lose consciousness.

+ + + + + +


I feel Ryan's fist crashing into my face. I back off and the boy falls on the ground. He gets up and rushes towards me.

"Stop, stop!" Matt yells, grabbing Ryan. Other boys also come to stop him.

"Stop it, damn it!" Zayn shouts, grabbing my arm.

"Harry is enough." Louis said, grabbing me by the other side.

I did not destroy Ryan's face but I've left some good wounds. Now he has to remember that he doesn’t have to mess with what's mine.

"LUCY IS MINE!" I scream controlled by anger. "SHE'S MINE!"

"Calm down! You fucking idiot!" Zayn yells.

"What's your fucking problem!?" Cassie screams as she runs past my side.

" Harry, you crossed limits." Louis said as he let go of my arm.


"You're a fucking idiot, you hit the nerd." Zayn growls.


"Yes Harry, you're ruining this damn bet." Louis spits.

Right now I don't care about this damn bet, I don't care about any of that shit. My mind processes the words. What they just said? I hit the nerd? I hit Lucinda? I remember she yelled me and I push her but ...

"Where is she?" I scream.

"Niall took her to the house." Louis rolls his eyes. "What do we do now? The bet-"

"I don't care about this fucking bet!" I spit pushing Louis.

I don't expect that these idiots to say something else. I turn on my heel and made my way back to Matt's house.

"Where is she?!" I scream when I reach the door.

"She's upstairs." A girl says scared.

I slip between people to get to the stairs. I know everyone is looking me but I'm don't fucking care. I quickly climb the stairs and head to Matt's room. I realize that there are small drops of blood on the floor on my way to Matt's room. Oh shit.

I walked into the room and I looked at the scene in horror. Lucinda's face is pale, almost as white as chalk, she looks almost lifeless. I know she just fainted but still is so scary.

Liam is at her side and holds her head with a cloth on her nose, the cloth is no longer its original color, is almost completely dyed in red. Cassie is crying sitting next to her friend and Niall is on the phone.

"Go away." Cassie whimpers, seeing me in the doorway.

"Is she okay?" I asked Liam, ignoring Cassie.

"Her nose is bleeding a lot Harry, let's hope that her nose is not broken or with a serious injury." Liam says, with the cloth against Lucy's nose.

"Oh my god, oh my god." I say desperate, running my fingers through my hair.

"I called my brother; he will come to see her." Niall said after hanging up the phone.

I forgot that Niall's older brother is a doctor, thank god. We can't take Lucy to the hospital, her parents are doctors and they would go crazy if they knew who caused this to her daughter. But anyway they will find out, Lucy's nose is swollen...crap, what have I done?

I know I'm a horrible person, I know I always ruin everything but I don't think I have never ruined something so much as this. I've never beaten a woman and I can't believe I've beaten Lucy. Fragile and small Lucy. Although it was by accident, it was never my intention and I want to kill myself because I am the responsible for Lucy's state.

First I hit her friend and now her. How is she going to forgive me?

We heard a few steps from the hallway and Matt appears at the door.

"You all need to go." He hissed.

"Why?" Niall said.

"The police are coming to end the party...NOW OUT!" He yelled.

"But...but we can't go...what are we going to do with Lucy?" Cassie asks, wiping her tears with Liam's blouse.

"I don't care, because of you some neighbor called the police. "Ryan points us, angry.

"But Matt.." Cassie whispered with pained on her face.

"Cassie shut the fuck up, I'm in trouble ... I don't care to see your friend-"

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Cassie and I say at the same time.

"We can't leave! Lucy fainted! "I frowned.

He must be kidding, he must be fucking kidding me.

"Not my problem, you hit her." He spits.

I approached him and grabbed the collar of his shirt. "What the fuck-?"

"Harry, please, we don't need more fight." Cassie said laying a hand on my shoulder.

She's right. I released Matt's shirt and the boy looks at me with hatred.

"OUT!" He yells before leaving the room.

"But what a horrible boyfriend." Cassie cries on Liam's shoulder.

"Oh, don't be sad, everything is going to be fine." Liam says.

"If the police come, we have to go." Niall says.

"Yes Harry." Liam nods. "Niall still has some drugs with him."

Shit. Fucking idiots.

"Dru-drugs?" Cassie asks, surprised.

Poor girl. Welcome to our fucking world.

"Shit," I complain kicking the wall. "Why the fuck you didn't sell all that shit?" I growled.

I need to hit someone. I'm so pissed off.

"This is no time to be angry and shit." Niall growls. "Now...What are we going to do with Lucy?"

+ + + +


I can hear the sound of wind hitting the leaves outside. My body trembles, is so cold, I can feel it through my bones. I realized that I am not covered with a sheet. What happened? Where am I?

I slowly opened my eyes, everything is dark and I'm not wearing my glasses.

I turn my head slightly to the side and see my glasses, my keys and my cell phone on the nightstand. I stretched my hand and grabbed my glasses. Now that I can see better I realize that I'm not in my room.

I blinked a few times, I'm still stunned and my mind is tired. Maybe I should go back to sleep. I gently move my body to the opposite side and I cover my mouth trying to not gasp as I realized I'm not alone.

Harry is quietly sleeping next to me. His face looks calm and peaceful and his curls fall out on the pillow. I bite my lip when I noticed that he's shirtless. With my cheeks burning my eyes look up to his face again.

Oh. Now I remember. Harry hit me accidentally, I guess. I extend my hand to my nose and I choke a whimper of pain. My nose is cold, I can't even feel it. The only way to feel the unbearable pain is pressing my fingers against it.

Where am I? In his room? Oh my god, I'm in his bed!

I look up my body just to notice that I'm just in underwear and with a big shirt,  possibly a Harry shirt. Nothing more. Oh my dear god. Who dressed me? Was Harry? I know he mocked about my body. Just thinking about that, I just want to cry because I feel so embarrassed.

Oh god, this is too much for me. I want to scream and run away from here. I've never been in the same bed with a boy and less in just a shirt and underwear. The only good thing is that Cassie made ​​me shave my legs today….

Where is Cassie?! How did I get here?

I return my gaze to Harry, he is still placidly sleeping. He looks like an angel with his ​​face against the pillow. Despite the darkness I can see the wounds he retained by the recent fight.

His eye is slightly purple, he has a slight bruise on his cheek and on the corner of his swollen lips.

Unconsciously I stretch my fingers to his face, slowly stroking his forehead and sliding my fingers down his cheek and stop at his  wounded  lips. They are soft. His face looks perfect even though the wounds. Is that possible?

Suddenly, I remember Ryan's kiss, where is he now? What happened to him?

I feel like I've slept for a long time and now I'm waking up. What time is it? Did my mom call me? Oh my god, so many questions make my head hurt.

All I can answer is that now I need to go.

I slid out of bed and got up in silence. Any movement could wake Harry and I don't want that to happen.  Also I move carefully because any sudden movement could make my nose bleed again.

I find my pants and my shoes together on the floor, I dress my jeans and placed my shoes. I spot my shirt on a chair, I grab it but I  notice it has several bloodstains.

I can’t get to my house wearing that. I guess I can stay with Harry’s shirt. I left the shirt on the chair and made my way back to the nightstand. I grabbed my keys and my phone.

I walked on tiptoe to the door and opened it. Whew, one more step and I'll be out of here. I leave the room, closing the door softly and I turn to face a hallway. All lights are off, it looks like a horror movie.

Down the hall I spotted the stairs. I walked quietly trying to don't make noise with my shoes against the floor. I realize that there are four doors in the hallway. How many people live here? Harry's parents are here? I hope they didn't see me.

I head down and I walk towards the door. I move the handle. It's open, oh thank god. How can he leave the door unlocked?

I close the door carefully and I tremble when a gust of wind flutters my hair. It's cold, why I didn't take a Harry's jacket?

I start walking. Every step is farther from Harry's house. I know where I am, this neighborhood is not far from Marcel's house. I think I should just walk about 20 minutes and will arrive at my house.

I sigh and hug myself as I rub my arms to catch some heat.

I can't hear anything and my only companion is the moon. I raise my eyes to the sky and I feel something warmth in my nose. Small drops of blood begin to drain into my lips.

"Oh no." I complain and grabbed the collar of my blouse and I pressed gently against my nose.

Great, just what I need. Alone, the night is cold and my nose is bleeding. I can already imagine the way I look now. Like a zombie with my messy hair, my shirt and my bloody nose.

I wonder ...Why I can't feel my nose?

Maybe they gave me too much medicine or what?

"Hey, babe!" My thoughts stop when I hear a male voice in the distance.

Oh no. I freeze. This can't be happening. I hope it's not a drunk guy or a rapist. Oh please God, I'm not a sinner, don't punish me.

"Hey beautiful, get back here!" The male voice shouts.

All I can hear are my steps and the steps of this strange guy that is possibly chasing me, but another sound burst into my ears. I hear the loud sound of the wheels of a car against the concrete. The sound gets louder as the car approaches. Whoever is the driver, maybe I should stop it. Maybe he or she could give me a ride to home.

The car horn. Maybe the driver knows I'm in trouble. I turn my face to look a black car stop in front of me. The wheels screeching against the concrete and the sound almost leave me deaf. The passenger window is open and in the darkness of the car I can see two green eyes watching me furious.

"Ha-Harry?" I asked puzzled.

"GET IN THE DAMN CAR." He growls. I don't react, I'm surprised to see him here. "Lucinda, get in the fucking car right now." Harry shouts and hits the steering wheel.

His voice explodes into my ears and my feet move unconsciously to his vehicle. I climbed into his car and I closed the door without looking him. Harry pressed the accelerator and the car moves quickly.

We stood in silence while Harry drives, I hope he take me home. I keep the shirt tight to my nose, I think it stopped bleeding but I'm so nervous that I can't even move a muscle.

The car enters in a street and I acknowledge his home, why are we here?

"Harry, I want to go back home..." I whispered weakly as Harry parks the car.

"What the fuck Lucy! Are you stupid or what?" He screams. "Why did you leave? A guy was following you....can you imagine what he could have done? If I hadn't gotten there, can you imagine..."Harry stops his speech sliding his fingers through his hair. "Fuck off Lucy, I thought you were smart." He groans. I flinch when he hits  the steering wheel. Again.

I haven't noticed but I'm biting my lower lip so hard that some tears fall down my cheek. "Don't...don't yell at me, hit me." I whispered.

He turns to me and our eyes meet. His gaze relaxes when he notice my reaction. The boy gets out of the car and walks to my door. Harry opens it and before I could react he slips his arms around my waist and draws me into his arms.

He is...hugging me?

"I'm...I'm sorry." He whispers burying his face in my hair. I bite my lip, I can barely control my nerves. "I'm sorry Lucy." Harry whispers.

Something melts inside me and as usual I can't breathe.

Is this real?


So I'm finally back! Awful week I'm so tired. Here in Chile is 1:28 am, this took me a lot to translate. 


 I love sushi, pizza and lasagna. I can't live without that. WHAT ABOUT YOU GUYS?


I will post more tomorrow. x

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