Chapter 13
"I think you're wrong with this exercise. The result of this logarithm is 0.5" I hear Marcel's voice but I don't react. "Lucy, Lucy!" Marcel gently shakes my shoulder.
"Hmm ... what?" I asked, stunned. My thoughts still flying about what Madison told me, is my mother cheating on Mike? Why? Madison is telling the truth or she is lying? These questions torture my mind and all I want is to know the truth.
"Lucy!" Marcel complains.
"So-sorry, what did you say?"
"You were wrong here."Marcel points out my notebook. I check out the exercise and he's right, I was wrong. "Oh, of course."
"Now, it's your turn, check mine too." He smiles and pushes his notebook to me.
"Okay." I grabbed his notebook and I check your exercises. "So, here, the logarithm is not well done, then the result of the exercise is wrong." I point out his notebook.
"Um ...." He focused his eyes on the exercise. "Oh yes, you're right ... my-shit."
I dropped my mouth to the floor in surprise. "Marcel what was that?" I say surprised and almost offended. "You've never cursed."
"I know!" He laughs. "It's kind of personal experiment ... just want to know how it feels cursed." Marcel shrugs.
I laugh. It's an interesting idea and it's sweet to hear Marcel curse. "Oh, what do you feel?"
"I feel ... well, I don't know. It's weird, I feel free." Marcel smiles while he cleans his glasses.
Marcel without glasses looks like Harry. I move my gaze to my notebook as I push that thought out of mind. I haven’t seen him today; I think he didn’t come to class. I thought of sending a message to Harry but I had no strength to do it yesterday, after all the trouble with Ryan and with the news about my mother.
"I think that's enough for today." Marcel said, closing his notebook.
"Yes? Oh, I was having fun." I do pout. "You want to do something now? Let’s go for an ice cream."
"Not today, Lucy. I'm going to play video games with my new friends. "He smiles proudly.
"Have you ... have you made friends?"
"Yes, some boys of the discussion group."
I feel almost jealous. Not because Marcel has more friends than me, but because they are male friends. I don’t need scientific studies to know that Marcel will get along with them. I just hope he doesn’t forget me.
"Oh, okay." My cell phone vibrates on the table. I grab it and answer quickly. "Hel-hello?"
"Lucy! Where are you? "Cassie says excitedly.
" I'm in the lib-library." I whispered.
"I'm waiting here in the parking lot, we're going to buy clothes."
"Wh-what?" I say almost terrified.
"Yes, today we're going to a party."
"What? N-no, I do not want-"
"Don’t start Lucy, remember when Harry asked you out? Remember I won that bet. "I can feel her smile through the phone.
I never break my promises but the idea of going to another party I find it boring.
I sigh. "Okay, I'm coming." I hang up the phone and looked at Marcel. "I'm going too."
"You're ... you're going to a party?" He looks surprised. I'm sure he heard the Cassie’s voice.
"Um, unfortunately, yes. I bet with Cassie and I lost. "I shrug.
"Uuuuh, I'm sorry."
Marcel and I keep our belongings and left the library. We walked to the parking lot and said goodbye.
"Hey, what happened to you?" Cassie asked when I climb her car. "You don’t look good, you have bags under your eyes and when you have that you…Oh, no ... Lucy were you crying?" Cassie opened her eyes in surprise. "Was Harry? Was he right? I can’t believe it! I just saw him and he asked me about you and...Ugh, damn—"
"No, not Harry." I interrupted her. "And wait what? Did he ask about me? "I blush.
Cassie nods. "Yes, I saw him a few minutes, he asked me about you and I answered that we were going shopping because of the party on Matt’s house today and he is also going. You should be excited. "Cassie smiles. "But that does not matter now, tell me…who was it? Why were you crying?
I gulped. "It was ... Ryan-
"RYAN!?" Cassie screams. "Why him? What did he do? I thought you -. "
"I know."I sighed. "Um, it's a long…long history ..."
"Okay, tell me, we have time. I have to buy clothes and go to the salon. "
"I really have to go? I just can go to your home at night. "
"Hey, no, I need a girl’s afternoon, I must tell you about Matt and you also have to tell me about Ryan."
"Um, okay…I guess." I nod.
"Before we leave, I have one condition." I look terrified at her. Oh no, what now? "I know you're not going to buy clothes and shit. So at least can you shave? "
SHAVE?! WHAT? The only thing that comes to mind is pain.
"Oh, don’t be a coward, it doesn’t hurt! " Cassie says, reading my thoughts. " It will also be a new experience for you, if you don’t like you will don’t have to do it anymore."
"Okay but ... legs? " Cassie nods. "I'm not going to shave my eyebrows! " I say when she opens her mouth. ( A/N : I love her eyebrows. )
" Ugh, fine but why not? "
"I like it..." I shrug. " They keep me warm in the winter." Cassie laughs and I join.
+ + + + +
I put my boxers in their place and I dry my hair with a towel. A shower after sex is the best shit. I dressed my jeans and my shirt. I look myself through the mirror one last time and leave the bathroom.
"Where are you going Harry?" I heard a female voice from the bed as I placed my shoes.
"I'm out of here.” I answer indifferent.
"Oh, I ... I thought maybe you'd like to stay." She said nervously. "We can eat something or-"
"No." I interrupted. "I have things to do."
"Oh, is ... okay." She sighed. "When I going to see you again?"
"Ahm, um ... I'll call you." I say while I reach the door.
"Are you sure you don't want to stay?" She said from the bed, covering her body with her sheets. "It was fun, you're fun. I didn't know you could do all those things with your tongue."She blushes.
"I know." I roll my eyes. "Goodbye Clara."
"It's Carla." She said but I close the door. I don’t care about her stupid name; I will never call her again.
I left her apartment and walked to my car. I check my phone and it's almost midnight. Friday night and of course Harry Styles can’t miss a party. I stopped my car in front of Matt's house.
All the music, the smell of alcohol and cigarette, the people here, I'm so used to it. This is where I belong to the night, to the parties, the fun, sex and distortion.
"Harry, Harry," I saw Taylor, a friend, walking towards me. "Where were you?" He asks, handing me a glass. I took a sip leaving all alcohol burn my throat. Vodka. What a good way to start the night.
"Not your problem.” I replied and Taylor nods and pulls from his pocket a little bag of pot. “I sold almost everything, this is for us."
"I sold mine this afternoon, business is going well."
"Yes, yes. Hey where is your victim? "Taylor smiles.
I know who he is talking about. Lucy. I hate that smile on Taylor’s face, makes me want to punch him right now.
"I don’t know, I just got here."
Taylor laughs. "I really want to see you with her, see you acting all this shit. Louis needs to record when you destroy her. "
"Why her?" I interrupt.
At first I wasn’t interested in the reason why Taylor chose Lucy but now I'm too curious to stay quiet. Why Lucy? She is completely harmless, she's so innocent, she couldn’t even kill a fly. I can’t understand why Taylor wants to make her suffer.
"Why do you care? If you want your damn money, you should stick with this fucking bet. "He growls.
I roll my eyes and I nod. We need that money. Ugh, this is so frustrating but never mind. I'm going to find out in my own way what is happening here.
"Can we smoke? I need to get high. "I growled.
"Come on, the others are there." Taylor and I walked towards the kitchen.
When we enter I see Zayn and Louis smoking cigarette while Niall and Liam are drinking tequila.
"Here they are!" Zayn shouts.
"And we have drugs." Taylor yells raising small bag with the pot.
"Let's get high!" Louis says doing a little dance.
"Move that ass bitch!" We say looking at Louis dance. We all laughed as we left the kitchen.
+ +
+ + +
"I can't...I can't feel my legs." Zayn whispers beside me.
We're all lying in the backyard while we watch the stars, if they are stars. The lights are distorted and become brighter. Shit, I'm so high.
"I don't feel my mouth, my hands...I feel nothing." Louis says with his eyes glued to the sky.
"Do you see that taco?" Niall laughs pointing to the sky. We all look to the sky, trying to find the fucking taco but I don't see anything.
"You are so high." Liam giggles.
"I need a drink and I need sex" Taylor growls and stands awkwardly from the grass. "Bye bitches."
"Yeah, me too." I get up and shake my head trying to focus my vision. We walked into the house and I head to the kitchen. "What would you like to drink Taylor?" I ask and I turn my head. Taylor is not here.
I sigh and open a can of beer. I leave the kitchen, tripping with my own feet and I stop at the hall. There are so many sounds, music, laughter, voices...Ugh, my head will explode, this is too much for me.
I slide my gaze between people and stop my eyes when I see her. Lucinda is talking to her friend Cassie a few meters away from me. She wears those tight pants that she used the first time we went out. Wow, I like her ass.
As always her hair is tied in a bun and her blouse is ridiculously oversized. She shrugs as Cassie laughs. Lucinda looks adorable, every movement, every expression, she's ... she's adorable.
I like the idea of knowing that Lucinda isn't like the others. She's not a bitch, she doesn't wear all those clothes tight and small, she is not bad person and she is not crazy for sex. I have known virgins girls, in the end they fall on my game, they came to me almost like a gift and they end up in my bed. Easy, way too easy.
But Lucinda...she just refuses to everything, she refuses even to kiss me and that...that makes her interesting. Interesting to a level that I thought wouldn't be possible.
I walked towards her, crashing with some people; I just want to punch everyone but I'm so high that I'm barely walking.
"Heey” I say, not knowing what to say.
"Hello Harry." She bites her lip.
"Lucy, I'll go for a drink with Matt, be right back." Cassie said before walking away.
"Hello." I say again, I'm so stoned that I am completely stupid. I let my arm go around Lucy's shoulders and I pull her close to me. I can feel her body tense, oh god! Always the same shit. She becomes tense with the slightest touch. She is always nervous when I approach her, is she a lesbian or what? Many girls would die for be so close to me and she is just—
"Um, Harry ... you smell weird." Lucy's voice pulls me out of my thoughts. "Are ... are you high?" She raising her face to me and our eyes meet.
" Maybe." I laugh. "You smell pretty good."
The smell of strawberry seeps into my nose. Why she smells like food? I feel like I could eat her but again...I'm so high for thinking this shit.
"You smell like strawberries, that is delicious." I say and I tend to plant a kiss on her forehead. Lucy's body trembles gently as she looks at me through her glasses.
Maybe she is scared and so am I, I think that was really...sweet? And I'm not acting. Okay, I think... I can't even ... what is the drug doing to me? I better run away.
"I'll ... I'll go, I must go, bye." I say awkwardly and walk away from her without waiting for an answer.
That was the worst way to escape; really coward but I can barely control my thoughts and movements. I trip over my own feet and I stop walking when I realize I'm out of the house. I slipped through the cars and stop at mine. I rest my back against the car door and barely managed to light my cigar.
I smoke quietly, trying to focus my eyes on the sky and count the stars but it's hard, too many. I hear a few steps across the sidewalk; I turn my head following the sound and my jaw tense to see who is coming.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" I spat as Ryan approaches me. I want to hit him, hit him right here. I don’t care what Lucy could say, Ryan deserves this shit. He's lucky that I'm so high; I could hardly throw a punch.
"So ... Lucy is here?" Ryan smiles. He wants to provoke me and he is doing it.
I'm not jealous but Ryan is the only person that could interrupt my plans for this damn bet. I need Lucy, she has to be with me but if Ryan interferes all my plans will go to hell and I will not let that shit happen.
"You little shit; you better stay away from her." I say grabbing him by the collar as I throw him against my car. "I will not hesitate to punch you Ryan, so hard that you will be in coma. I swear." I say pointing him with my cigar. I could burn it, leave a small burn on his skin so he can learn who's boss.
"What are you going to do?" He spits. "Burn me with the cigar? What do you think Lucy would think about that? "A smile is dancing on his face.
Son of a bitch. What does he want? Why does he appear now? What bothers me is that he knows Lucy and he could easily manipulate Lucy against me. The blood burns in my body for every thought about Ryan.
"You should leave her alone. You don’t even talk to her.” I say letting his shirt.
"That's not your problem; I just want her back and with me. I know she likes me. "He smiles victorious.
I believe that for a second my heart stops. What if that was true? What if she likes him? This will make my plans more difficult.
"Why she would love a fucking idiot like you? Lucy is a smart girl, she will realize the shit you are. "I spit angry.
"And do you think you are? You are far more shit than me. "He says taking a few steps back. He raises his middle finger at me and enters the house.
I threw the cigarette to the ground as I walked quickly into the house. I seek with my eyes to Lucy, she should be somewhere between the whole damn crowd. I slide through people, pushing them. I hear some complaints and curses but I ignore them. I stop when I see Lucy getting up from the sofa. She is alone. I can feel her lost and thoughtful look, what is going through her mind?
Her eyes meet mine and she bites her lower lip. Oh shit, the drug is affecting me so much that I think she's sexy. I hit my forehead with the palm of my hand, if I think this kind of thing about a nerd like her I think I'll never smoke again.
My feet move to where she is, I smile grabbing her arm but my smile is erased when I see someone grab her other arm. Lucy looks at me with her brown eyes and then slides her other arm.
Ryan. I don’t know if I hated someone so much in my life, now I can’t remember but for now I've never hated anyone as much as Ryan.
"Hi Lucy." Ryan smiles. "I've been looking for you."
"Oh, I ..." She stutters. "Really?" His eyes light up.
No, no, no, shit!
"She was with me first." I say childishly, while I pull her arm. Ryan doesn't release Lucy's arm and holds it firmly in his grip. Lucy let out a small whimper of pain.
"You're going hurt her Ryan, let it go." I growled.
Ryan glares at me and then looked down at her.
"Lucy, tell this idiot to go away, he looks like a psychopath after you plus you do not even like. Do you remember? You told me that yesterday. "
What? But after a long time I felt that I had fun yesterday. It was really a nice time with her. I can't believe she said that.
I squeeze her arm without realizing my strength.
"Ahh, Harry, Harry!" Lucy whines with pleading eyes.
"You're hurting her!" Ryan yells, he puts a hand on my chest and pushes me hard. I let go Lucy's arm as I step back.
"I'm so sick of you" I spit. "Let's go outside, so I can beat the shit out of you." I growled.
Suddenly I can feel all eyes in the room turn to us. Great, let's start this shit. This will be interesting.
"I'll kill you, without hesitate." Ryan said, pointing me with his index finger. "Leave her alone! She doesn't like you! I've been with her forever."
I look at Ryan with eyes burning with anger. Lucy is released from his grip and she places in front of us.
I laugh. "Forever!? Are you fucking kidding me!? You're so pathetic, I know what you want, you just want to get into her panties!"I shouted angrily.
Lucy covers her mouth with her hands. I think it''s sweet that she looks surprised, is she blind? How can she not see it?
It is crystal clear that's what Ryan wants, he's a man like me and I know exactly how his damn mind works.
Ryan laughs. "And you don’t? You think I am stupid? I know that you are up to something Harry, something is not right with this. Why someone like you would talk to someone like her? "
Now I'm angry, blood boils in my body and I'm going to explode at any time. I'm annoyed by the fact that this motherfucker suspect something is happening but more than that I'm angry for his question.
What is the problem that I talk to someone like Lucy? And why he refers to her like that? I will not allow that shit.
I hurt and Lucy once told her that her life was pathetic and it may be so, but the pain in Lucy’s eyes that day when I said those horrible was priceless. I never felt so shit in my life.
So I will not allow it again.
"No ... don’t fight, please." Lucy stops us before I can throw me over Ryan.
Lucy's eyes are glued to mine; I think she learned what I'm capable of. You don’t play with me, Ryan still hasn’t understood that, but I gladly will make him understand when I punch him on the face.
"I will not fight with that idiot," Ryan spits. "but I need to talk and apparently this motherfucker too."
"So pick Lucinda." I growled. "Ryan or me?" I spit.
For the first time I don't feel sure of her answer, don't know what to expect. I think I will feel humiliated if she decides to go with him. I know that after she can get back to me but it wouldn't be the same, this goes beyond that, it's all about the male pride.
Lucy looks at us with eyes open. She pushes her glasses into their place and hugs herself as she bites her lower lip. The girl swallows and opens her mouth to respond.
All I want is for her to say my name.
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