Chapter 116
A visit? What the hell?
I turn my eyes to Lucy, her cheeks blush as I stare at her.
"Co-Could you please pass me my bra?"
I get up, pick up her bra and handed it to her. She grabs it and turns around. Seeking for a sweater I turn around reluctantly. This interruption put me on a bad mood.
"Are you going to stay until late? I can take you home."
Lucinda already has her shirt on and she's cleaning her glasses.
"Madison is studying to see if she can enter college this year and I'm helping her. Plus I also have to study."
A thought passes through my head, it's something I should worry about, but flies too fast and I cannot reach it.
"Are you preferring the study and your evil stepsister instead of me?" I let out, sounding clearly irritated. Her eyes widen very surprised and then she frowns.
"No, but I have things to do. I have a competition and I need to be ready," she answers and I roll my eyes. I head for the door, I'm radiating a bad mood.
"Are you upset?" Lucy mutters. My hand rests on the doorknob.
"I just want to spend time with my girlfriend, is not too much to ask."
"Are you speaking up with your brain, your heart or your, um, your penis?" She questions but her voice is not hard.
My jaw drops after hearing her statement. I was not expecting this kind of answer. Lucinda always surprises me.
I turn to her and not hide how annoyed I am with the whole situation and with her due to her question. I'm just asking something as simple as spending time together, this is what normal couples do.
I open the door slightly. "Women first."
Fray looks at me confused but after a few seconds starts walking. I close the door before she can leave, she winces and turns around. I pressed our bodies grabbing her by her waist with both hands and Lucinda has a look of pure astonishment and surprise.
"Was that necessary?" She murmurs, frozen in place.
I ignore her question. My fingers tuck her locks behind her ear and then my lips touch her warm skin. I bite the right lobe and make my way down her neck.
"I cannot believe you said that," I talk while I kiss her collarbone. I hear her sigh. "But I was not thinking with my d.ick."
I make my way back, leaving kisses on her neck again. I rub my nose against hers and she closes her eyes.
"Just asking something simple, I want to spend time with my girlfriend Lucy."
Her cheeks take on a darker pink while she nods gently.
"Sure, but don't be s-so impatient."
I make a little distance between our faces as I pout.
"Fine but I want you like any other boy or boyfriend would and doesn't mean I'm thinking with my-"
"HARRY!" We hear Liam from downstairs. Right, we have a visit.
"Fine, sorry. Our relationship needs more passion."
"We're fine. I think we had passion before being interrupted," I smile and she smiles back. "But if can be more frequent, that would be great."
Lucinda looks down and plays with her fingers. "Do you really like"
Yes! Who wouldn't? Also I have other reasons when it comes to Lucinda and our relationship, everything is different and more special.
My fingers grab her chin and she looks up. "I'm just very eager to make love to you," I answer honestly. "I want all of you," I added with a shrug.
"Harry, Harry, Harry, Harry!" Louis shouts from downstairs and Lucinda flinches. She moves to the side and open the door. I frown.
"Okay, fuck, let's go."
We went downstairs and Gemma is there with Charlie.
"Finally!" My sister says annoyed. "Why took you so long? Little bro I hope you're not corrupting Lucy."
Fray blushes when Gemma sent her a look. I wonder if Lucinda has told her about our first time.
"I have to make two extra shifts and my friend is working as well. I need you to care Charlie please."
Lucinda will not stay and now Charlie is here. Excellent! Bye privacy! Guess we are not having sex today.
"Sure! Lucy and Harry will stay out of the room and will take care of Charlie!" Louis screams, I know he's smiling. I really want to punch him at this very moment.
I glared at my sister, she knows she has ruined everything. Gemma smiles and I realize she has a small wound on the side of her forehead.
"Why do you have that? What happened?" I pointed.
"Yes! Why you have that Gemma?" Louis asks sitting on the couch.
My sister and Louis exchanged glances for a couple of seconds. I wonder if there is some secret joke I don't know.
"It was an accident, it was Charlie's, he's full of energy and he wants to play all the time. I hit my head on the table by accident."
I turn around and Charlie is sitting Louis' lap and he is pulling his hair while laughing. What a way to go Charlie!
"Are you sure? He doesn't look very hyperactive," says Louis before tickling Charlie.
I look back to my sister and Lucy is hugging her.
"What did I miss?" I raise an eyebrow.
"I was saying sorry for not coming to her party," my sister answered. "Her two parties actually. By the way, you're doing well brother."
I roll my eyes. Lucinda wrapped her arm on mine and I planted a kiss on her forehead. Gemma stares at us and then her expression changes, she seems more serious.
"Um, I have something to say. I'm not good with this whole stuff about feelings like my brother, of course you should already know that, Lucy," Gemma winks but there is not a single spark of grace in all her expression. "I'd rather put it this way because I don't want to hide it anymore."
Her first words were completely normal and I thought about making a joke but at the end of her little speech her tone is serious. I'm getting worried and I don't understand anything. What does she mean?
"Say it, Gemma," I exclaimed, suddenly anxious. Something is wrong.
My sister presses her lips into a thin line, crosses her arms and then sighs.
"I think I'll leave the city."
Many feelings collide through me in seconds. My jaw tightens. I look Gemma directly into her eyes but my sister has no expression on her face.
There is a silence in the room except for little Charlie.
"Why?" I finally ask. She can't leave.
"I can't stay here forever. I want something better for Charlie and I don't want to wait any longer."
Lucinda hugs her, Gemma's face changes and I can see how sad she is. Why is she making this decision if it makes her suffer?
"Don't go!" Liam and Louis say at the same time.
Louis runs and hugs Gemma and Lucy. Watch them is an odd scene for me. Indeed the whole situation is odd and I can't believe it. This makes me feel angry but also empty. She's my older sister, we have taken care of each other since we can remember and we have always supported each other. Gemma and Charlie are the only family I have.
The three of them hug each other longer than necessary and maybe I'm imagining it but I think they are murmuring things among themselves. They break the hug before I can generate a coherent question.
Lucy is sobbing. I open my arms to her and Fray takes refuge on my chest. Sometimes I forget she created a friendship with my sister, I wonder how deep is it. I am completely stunned and seeing Lucinda sobbing confirms that this really is happening.
"Don't go," I muttered, looking at my sister. "It's not necessary, you don't have to."
"I've been thinking for a long time and I think is the right thing," she answered in a low tone. I think she's going to cry.
"Lucy, stop crying! Not even Charlie cries as often as you do!" Louis complains from the couch. I turn around and he looks like he is about to cry too.
"I'm not crying!" Fray answers with her voice muffled by my shirt.
"It's not fair, you can't give up and leave," Louis angrily protests.
Exactly, surrender and leave is what she shouldn't do. I wonder what is happening, I don't understand this unexpected decision.
Gemma shakes her head and takes her purse.
"I have to work. I'll pick up Charlie in a couple of hours. Bye."
Serious and reserved. Yes, typical of Gemma Styles when it comes to a complicated and difficult subject. I don't know how we're going to talk about this but I won't let her go. It's too soon, I'm not ready.
"Should I make a hot chocolate for the baby?" Louis asks trying to pinch Lucy's cheek. She covers her face with her hands.
"Leave her alone," I mumbled, firing a warning look.
"I'm not a baby but I would like hot chocolate," Fray responds with her face hidden.
"Good. Hot chocolate for everyone. Come Charlie, you would cook."
"Be careful!" I warn as I watch that he takes Charlie to the kitchen.
Liam gets up and follows Louis to the kitchen.
"Are you okay, baby?" I stroke her hair and she looks at me.
"Sorry, I'm just very sad. She is a friend to me and I'll miss her."
"I understand, don't worry."
I wipe her few remaining tears and she rests her hands on my chest.
"Are you sad?"
"Yes and also confused. I'll talk to her later, Gemma can't leave."
"It's her decision," she murmurs. My first reaction is frowning. I don't agree.
I grab her hand and we sat together on the couch.
"I don't understand why she made this decision," I shrug. I am visibly confused and lost.
"Maybe she always wanted to do."
"She can't, she's the only family I have, Lucy."
She can see my discouragement and disappointment after Gemma's statement. My emotions barely come to the surface but they are quite obvious due to this situation.
Lucinda climbs onto my lap and gives me a big hug. I hide my face on the crook of her neck and rub my nose against her skin.
"I know it's sad for you though you don't show it but I'm here for you, okay?"
Sad? If my sister leave I would be devastated.
"This must be very hard for you and I'm sorry but if you talk to her maybe you can change her mind, Harry."
I was going to say 'I hope so' but is not an option. Gemma can't leave me.
* * * * *
"Shit!" I hiss as I leave the phone on the table.
Gemma Styles knows exactly how to avoid me, she doesn't answer my calls and hasn't been in her apartment when I appeared there. Fuck! She can't leave!
I ran a hand through my hair. Ashton looks at me curiously as he cleans a bottle.
"What's the matter?"
"Your sister is with someone...?"
If that were the problem everything would be simpler!
"I'd wish."
"Yeah, sure. You always scare all possible aspiring boyfriend," Ashton smiles shaking his head.
"She wants to leave," I blurt out. The words feels weird in my mouth.
Ashton's eyes widen. "Crap, I see. Sorry about that, Harry," he says and I nod.
I ask for a beer. After I pay I sip the cold drink.
"What the meeting was about? If I can ask," Ashton asks, nodding to the door that leads to Taylor's office.
"We have to change the positions of sale."
"What? Why? "
"They arrested Kendrick."
"Shit, I see. I've heard of him. "
"They confiscated everything he had and he can spend years in jail. Nobody wants to take the risk so we have to re-locate in different places. "
"It's the best. I knew that Kendrick was strong competition. "
"Exactly. That's good but...some of the guys here say it could be a trap."
"A trap? What do you mean?" Ashton leaves a bottle aside and devote all his attention to me.
"There could be an insider, someone who is giving away us to the police. Kendrick is not the first to fall. "
The idea makes me very anxious. For now there are only rumors and assumptions but what if it's true? Damn! I can't risk myself, I can't go to jail. I need to leave work as soon as I can but I hope that luck is on my side.
Despite being anxious about this problem I have to act normal, Lucy can't know. I have to protect her and keep her away from the whole situation. But what if protecting it mean we have to stay away from each other?
My stomach hurts at the question. Thinking about that idea leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. No, I can't do it. Being away from Lucinda makes me feel...very anxious. But what if it is right? What if I have no choice?
I slide a hand through my messy hair. Suddenly I feel sick, terrible, almost empty.
"Shit, this is serious," Ashton grimaces.
I turn off the thoughts that were torturing me and try to concentrate on the conversation.
"I think tough times are coming," I admit.
"Have a little faith. Besides your real tough time is over. "
"When Taylor wanted to kill me and my friends?" I don't know why I smile. There is no a spark of grace to talk about your own personal death threat.
"Yes, old days," Ashton nods slowly. "But you guys are fine."
"We are condemned to work for him to pay the debt but is almost over."
"Are you going to leave after that, Harry?"
"Yes, I think so, although I have to admit it's a good business, it's risky but you can make money."
"I think the same but I'd never dare."
I drink more of the cold beer. "You are never safe, that's the worst."
I get up from the seat when I hear Joey's voice, he also works for Taylor and he's four years older than me.
"You have to deliever this to this address," Joey gives me a small box, the address and price are on a paper. "Tell the security guard that your name is Joey and show the box, they will guide you to the buyer."
"Fine. Can I go after that? "
Joey nods and leaves. I drink the rest of the beer and say goodbye to Ashton.
I leave the small box on the empty seat next to me. I light a cigarette while driving. I check my phone when I stop at a red light. I decide to call Lucy and she answers seconds later.
"Hi, Harry, what's up?"
"How are you?"
"I'm fine, we are training but we're on a break right now."
"Ah, I see. How's the head?"
"Working but honestly I'm about to explode, is so much information."
"You'll be fine, I'm sure."
I put the phone on my shoulder when the light turns green.
"What are you doing?"
"I have to deliever something and then I'll be free.," I reply while I kick the cigarette out the window.
"Good, I'm glad. Hey, by the, after this, I'm going to see a movie with Adam," she says, her voice is low but decided.
I press the brake and go forward due to my reaction. I hear the sound of the horns from cars behind me. I poke my head out of the window and there are no signs of a car accident. The owner of the car behind me raises his middle finger while shouting obscenities, I do the same.
I try to recover a little sanity I have left and patience. You can do it, you can do it. No, I know I can't, especially when Adam and Lucy are on the same sentence. I can bear Marcel but I hate Adam with every cell of my body. He is my biggest rival and I know he has some control over Lucy.
I press the accelerator and my Jeep obeys.
"Harry, you still there?"
"Are you going to spend your Friday with him?" I hissed. I'm so angry, my blood is burning.
"It's just a movie."
"Going to the movies its a couples thing!" I whined. "I can't believe it, Lucy!"
You can also go to the movies with a friend but I absolutely refuse to admit that because it's Adam.
"It's not a big deal. We will watch a movie and then-"
"And then what!?" I raise my voice. I swear there's a vein throbbing in my forehead right now.
"I don't know."
"You don't know?!" My jaw tightens. Oh God, I want to run over Adam, right now. "You're killing me, Fray," I mumbled squeezing my fingers on the steering wheel. My knuckles are painted white.
"He's a friend, please understand it."
I stop in front of another traffic light. I press two fingers on my temples as I try to control myself.
"Plus we will be tomorrow and Sunday together, that's a lot of time."
"It's not enough," I growl. My answer is just a cheap excuse, I don't want Lucinda near Adam.
My mind sends me pictures of Adam and Lucinda, he invited her to dinner, she has been to his house a few times, they known each other for some time, he's going to take her to the movies and he made a gift to her. Everything is pure romantic shit, signs of him for her and maybe one day she could realize it and that's something I can't bear.
"He's just a friend, trust me. Also yesterday was excellent, awesome, great and I had fun and everything is so fine. "
Ah yes. Yesterday we finally had our moment of intimacy and made love. It was excellent, delicious, wonderful, amazing, perfect and the list could go on. It was very sweet. We were like two very loving puppies and all that romantic crap.
I smile to myself, the idea that Adam has no idea how it is to have intimacy with Lucinda gives me pure and true relief and joy. Ah, such a good feeling.
"Yesterday was perfect, Lucinda."
"I left a shirt in my drawer."
"I noticed. Pajamas are not acceptable."
"What, then what will I wear if I stay the night?"
I chuckled. "You know how, little Lucy. Hey! Don't change the subjetc! I have a puppy face right now."
Lucinda laughs across the line. "I have a puppy face too. Don't be upset, please. "
I grin as I imagine her face. Yesterday I took a picture of her when she made that face and is now the image of my lock screen. She looks lovely.
Our happy memories are not strong enough to melt my rage.
"I have you on my lock screen while you go with that idiot," I snapped irritably. "You're an unofficial bad girlfriend."
"What? I didn't know that! Delete that picture, please!" She squeals and I know she's embarrassed. "Also, my hair was very...messy on that picture."
"First: That's your hair after making love. Second: Forget it, I won't do it. At this point I prefer this photo than you, Lucinda. "
"You're very exasperating sometimes. Right now you are... unbearable, stop with that attitude, Harry. "
I roll my eyes. Nothing I say will change her mind, she is going out with him anyway. The idea of not being able to cancel this pisses me off. I'm about to explode with jealousy and rage. I try not to imagine the two together but it is hard and my mind is betraying me.
"I have to go. Have fun, Fray," I said dryly before hanging up.
I park the car according to the address Joey gave me. I turn the alarm of my car and walked towards my destiny. I check my phone and Lucinda hasn't called back.
I'm so upset. For a moment I consider the idea of appear out of nowhere in the movies and make a scene. It is a good but very bad idea, the worst part is that Lucy is going to be upset with me but the good part is that I could fight against Adam and say all the shit I think about him. The last time we discussed our positions were different but now the roles have changed, he is a friend and I'm the boyfriend. I would like to see his face when he finds out the truth. Bastard. I really want to punch him, I'm more than willing. He's so weak and I could break his little arm without any problem.
My beautiful fantasy fade away from my head. It would be wrong. Forget it, Styles! Do you have another option?
I avoid the row outside and head immediately to talk to the security guard. I say exactly what Joey explained to me. I get into the place and the security guard leads me to the VIP area. I stop at a table, a blond boy gets up and walks towards me.
"Joey sent me," I tell him and show him the small box.
"Yes, finally!" The boy screamed.
He searches the money from his pocket and gives it to me without even checking. I bet he's spoiled child. I detest that kind of people.
"You can keep the change!" He tells me while I give him the package.
"Thanks," I say dryly.
I leave the VIP area. I feel the noise from my phone and take it out of my pocket. I was expecting a call from Lucinda but Angelina my ex girlfriend is calling me. What the hell?
"Harry, raise your hand!" She squeals.
I look around and for some strange reason I obey. Seconds later Angelina appears from the crowd and with a big smile on her face. Holy shit she's wearing the sexiest red dress I have ever seen in my whole damn life.
"Harry! So long! "She stands on tiptoe and kisses my cheek.
"Yes, so long," I replied dryly.
"Wow, you're so thin!" She said in amazement. "You have lost weight since the last time I saw you."
Lucy and I talked about it, we've both lost some weight since we met.
I nod. I don't look excited but Angelina's smile never fades. She is always happy, she always light up the whole place. I liked her enthusiasm and her unstoppable joy.
"You owe me one! Don't you think? "She crosses her arms, the smile still dancing on her lips.
"Because I helped you a little! You have to admit it! Is your girlfriend here? " She asks as she looks around.
"No, I'm alone."
"Crap! I wanted to meet her. "
"I doubt that's a good idea," I commented. I start walking and Angelina follows me. I try not to look at her dress.
Because she is unsure of herself and she would die if she sees you.
"Tell me when it's been good to put the ex-girlfriend together with the current girlfriend?"
Angelina giggles, I send a quick glance to her but I regret it. She no longer has any effect on me but I can't deny she's stunning. She could be a model if she wants.
She toys with a lock of her blond hair. Her blue eyes look... playful, I think.
"I won't steal you from her...or maybe I'll," she replies with a finger on her chin. "Kidnapping sounds like a good idea."
I ignore her statement. "How is your boyfriend?"
"We're not well, boys sucks. Do you have something to do now? "
I remember where is Lucinda right now and a strong desire to go to the cinema attack me. My mind was arguing between the chance to go and not go. It was a dilemma but my choice was already clear. So I have nothing good to do while my girlfriend is sharing with my worst enemy, but the question is: Do I want to stay?
"You are free! Don't lie to me! Come, come! "She takes my hand and starts to pull me. I let go of her grip and walked beside her. "Where is she? Studying?"
"She is with a friend right now," I spit bitterly.
"Friend, eh?" Angelina shakes her head. "I know that look. This is torture for you, I know."
"You have no idea," I mutter. I'm so frustrated. Why Adam has to exist?
Calm down, Styles! Lucinda Fray's your girlfriend! She is just watching a movie, everything will be dark and she will be sitting next to him...her shoulders will touch his and maybe he'll try to kiss her!
"Oh, fuck!" I exclaimed aloud. Angelina tilts her head curiously. "I'm so close to committing something crazy," I explain. I feel so anxious. Breathe and forget about it!
We'll have a serious talk about this tomorrow.
"Wait a second," I say to the blonde as I pull my phone. "I have to do something."
To: unofficial girlfriend.
I keep the phone in my pocket and try to relax. I decided to concentrate on this exact moment and forget my irritation. I put my best face and Angelina smiles back.
"With whom are you? Anyone I know?"
"Jamie is with us. Do you remember Michael? "
I laugh right away. "Is he here too?"
"Do you remember when we steal his car for the day?"
"I'll never forget his face," I shake my head with a smile.
"What we did was fun," she winks at me.
Of course I remember, hell yeah it was fun.
"Old times," I say dryly.
I buy two beers and she thanks me when I give her a bottle.
"Do you remember that band we went to see once? It was like heavy metal music."
Angelina laughs. "Yes, that band was part of all your rebellious phase. Not my kind of music, I did it for you. "
"It wasn't a phase, I still like it a little. By the way you have to admit you had fun that night. "
"Being with you is always fun."
I wonder if she's deliberately flirting with me or if this is her new attitude.
"Thanks, I know," I replied very sure of myself.
Reacting to my answer she nudges at me. I rub my hurt ribs while walking to her table. There is nothing wrong to stay, I'm going to see my friend Jamie and laugh and joke with Miguel. Maybe I can call Zayn.
I feel the vibration of my cell and I pull out the phone from my pocket.
From: Unofficial girlfriend.
Don't die, please. I adore you :) :(
I can't help but smile. I miss her, I don't want to be here but she hasn't given me no choice. If she's going out with that asshole then I can spend a couple of hours with my ex girlfriend. It's better for me to stay angry with her from here than go to that fucking theater.
I look up and Angelina is watching me intently, I can see she's upset. Of course, she has to be the center of attention.
To: Unofficial girlfriend.
I adore you too. H
I leave the phone in my pocket and the blonde is watching me suspiciously.
"By the way, Emily is here."
"What?" I couldn't avoid the surprise in my voice. Why this fucking world is so small? I hate this place.
"Yes, that psychopath. God, she's so skinny. Me too of course, just look at me," she points to herself but I ignore that. "But she looks very bad. Harry, she's so...tomboy, I can't believe you liked her."
I roll my eyes and sip my beer. I don't want to talk about it.
"So ... where is she?" I ask. Suddenly I recognize a feeling that runs through me, I am...curious.
"I don't know. I saw her from the distance but I'm sure it was her."
Maybe they put something in the beer but suddenly I want to see her. Why? Because maybe we could close our chapter, yes, I would like that for both or because I'm upset with Lucinda and this is my way to complain against the universe or maybe because I want to release all my anger into something or someone. Would it be a good idea? Possibly. Would it bring problems? Definitely. Do I want to do it? Maybe.
Lucinda would never know, there are no witness but still I don't care. If she finds out I can say I did it for a good cause. Exactly, a good cause. Besides Emily is not my friend and nothing exists between us.
"You want to see her?" Angelina frowns, she doesn't try to hide her irritation. "I saw you first!!"
I laugh. There is no consistency in her last words.
"Come on, I want to see Jamie," I make a gesture and we start walking.
And maybe then talk to Emily.
Sorry for the long wait but I returned to college and things are getting harder and I barely have time to breathe.
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