Chapter 114

Chapter 114.


I was tired of being without Lucy. I was tired of many things, but now I couldn't remember or think too much about it but I remembered I was too tired to be without Lucy. Another thing I knew is that I was lying but my body was almost lifeless, barely moving an inch but nothing so abrupt. The most notable move was my own breathing.

I opened my eyes a little but I couldn't focus, my vision was blurred. I blinked several times but it didn't work. I closed my eyes and breathe. I don't even know where I was but I was moving.

I curled and my hand touched the seat, I was in the backseat of a car. What? How? Why? I grunted, waiting for a response.

"You look awful, Styles, but we're almost home," the voice answered and it seemed familiar. It was one of my friends but I don't know who.

The air is cold and I think I lost my jacket. I shifted on the seat and let out a groan of pain, a part of my ribs ached terribly. What the hell happened yesterday?

Suddenly my body recovers part of its mobility but am very confused and lost. I run my hands over my face and forehead and all my skin is ice cold, incredibly cold.

"We're here, I'm going to call the boys," the voice told me. I looked up and managed to recognize that the boy was Jamie. I was with Zayn yesterday...Where is he? How did I end up with Jamie?

I sat down slowly in the back seat. I looked through the window and Jamie was knocking on the door. I rubbed my eyes and managed to focus my vision.

I look down and frown. Jamie was taking too long and the car starts to feel small. I opened the door and tried to leave, I stumbled and fell. I was too dazed and my muscles were numb.

"You look like a cute pet," I heard Louis' voice, as always mocking.

"We need to help him," Liam spoke this time.

Louis and Liam grabbed me and helped me to my feet. I looked to the sky and the colors were clear and the sun was burning soft, I assume was the sunrise or was almost finished, I don't know.

"What the hell did you do, Jamie?" Liam growled.

"It was not me! I found him that way. "

"He's completely sedated. He must have taken a pill to relax," Liam said and I think Louis closed the door.

"Those things are dangerous," Louis growled and then slapped me but I barely felt. "Asshole."

"Shut up," I muttered stunned.

"To his room right now," Jamie spoke this time.

I moved slowly with the help of Liam and Jamie. The house was dark, the air was still cold and my muscles were still too relaxed for my taste.

"Did you know that Lucy was here?" Louis snapped.

Suddenly I felt my heart racing. Holy shit. I didn't do so quickly but Liam helped me turn to look at Louis.

"What?" I asked confused. I was starting to see double, this was not good.

"She came here, I didn't know where you were and you never answered your calls."

I staggered to the side but managed to touch my pockets. Fuck.

"Your phone is dead and is in my car. You missed it but I managed to find it," Jamie said and then left the room.

"She waited all night, she fell asleep and left like twenty minutes ago."

Dammit! She left with whom?

"Niall," Louis said reading my thoughts.

I growled. The idea pisses me off. I need to go after her but my body won't let me.


"Ha! Well that idiot and I take care of her while you were having fun."

The image of Lucinda sleeping alone on my bed appears fleetingly through my mind. I feel devastated. I regret not being here, I can't believe she waited all night.

"You sent a message while she was coming so Lucy thought you were here."

I remember that I sent her a message. Damn, did I ruin everything? She must have been so worried and I bet she's mad at me.

"She was more worried than angry," Louis said reading my thoughts again.

"I need to talk to her," I said, but my voice was rough and my words came out very slow.

"You're looking disgusting and awful. You're too sedated, you need rest," Louis said.

Liam helped me to lay down and removed my shoes. I want to find Lucy, I need to see her and tell her how sorry I was and that it was not on purpose.

"I'll send a message to Lucy saying you're here," Liam said and I nodded slowly. "Where is Zayn?"

I managed to shrug. I had no idea and I can't remember about last night.

"I'll keep calling," Louis told Liam. "Good night," Tomlinson said and both came out of my room.

The bed and my room is warm and help improve my body temperature. Suddenly I'm very tired, exhausted and dazed. My muscles are weak and I have no energy, I don't think I can get up and drive to Lucy's house. I left her alone and she came for me. I ruined everything.

I really need to talk to her and apologize. I think after this I made things worse.

"Fuck," I muttered barely audible.

My body stopped moving and my eyes were closing. I managed to settle down well on the pillow and the smell of Lucy's shampoo was impregnated into the fabric. I half smiled, took a deep breath and fell asleep.

I woke up abruptly. My head was hurting and I felt disoriented. I looked out the window and the sky was gray, I guess it will rain a lot today. I sent a glance at my desk and my phone is plugged into its charger.

I shake my head while yawning. Again I throw myself into bed and my nose sank on the pillow. I took a deep breath and the smell of Lucy fills my senses. Lucy!

I got out of bed and run to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth. My head hurts but my muscles are better. Yesterday was too crazy, I don't remember at what point I took the pill or who gave it to me but it was definitely a sedative. Think about last night reminds me of Zayn.

"Zayn?" I asked as I walked to my room.

"I am alive!" He shouted from his room. He sounds tired.

I applied deodorant and threw the towel on the bed. I placed my skinny jeans, my boots, shirt, sweater and coat. The weather today didn't look very well and was terribly cold.

I went to my desk and grabbed my cell phone. Sherlock's cage was not here and I suspected that Lucy have taken it, possibly as a reason for me to go to see her. Although I don't need reason, despite my mistakes she's practically mine.

I turned on my phone and I realized that I had sent her a message yesterday before I lose my phone or whatever it happened. I had two messages and three missed calls from Lucy.

From: Unofficial girlfriend.

Hey, I'm here in your room, let's talk. Where are you?

I sigh frustrated and open another message, which was sent at 6 in the morning.

From: Unofficial girlfriend.

Thanks for showing up or send any sign of life (I'm being sarcastic).

Fuck, she must be so mad. I am also angry but with myself. I literally want to destroy everything due to this big mistake.

"You need to eat!" Louis yelled when I went downstairs.

"I have to find Lucy."

"She didn't reply my message," Liam told me when I sent him a look.

"Okay. Can I ask you a favor? "

"We're listening," said Liam and Louis nodded.

"I know the other party was a disaster, I have a money, not much but maybe you could buy a few things and we could celebrate again."

"A second party?! Fine, I'll do it! "Louis said. I open my wallet and handed some cash.

"No problem," Liam nodded. "But, um, what if she doesn't want to come back with you?"

I frown. His question disturbs me completely. The colors drained from my face.

"A funeral party for Harry then," Louis replied quietly.

"I'm not counting on that idea, Liam," I mumbled.

"Aren't you going to eat something?"

"No, I want to see Lucy first."

"Honestly we almost took you to the hospital, you were in a pretty awful state."

"But here I am alive and with a lot of headache. See you in a bit. "

They said goodbye and I closed the door.

I didn't like Liam's question, I'm not thinking about that option. Lucinda is mine and she will return. I just gave her space to think and because we needed to forget what happened but I'm not willing to give up. I also know she will like my present and realize that my love for her is real and that I'm not lying.

I try not to think about the fact that she could be angry, she may ask for more time for herself and I'll say no. I can't stand our separation, I gave her too much time and space.

I called her and she didn't answer. Fuck, maybe this is her revenge. I called Madison.

"Harry?" She asked confused.

"Where's Lucy?"

"I don't know. She left an hour ago."

"Alone or...?"

"Alone, I think."

"Thanks," I said and then hang up.

Wait, what if Madison is lying? No, not a chance. I doubt she knows that Lucy and I were not good, plus I don't think Madison would lie for Lucinda.

I call again and there is no answer. She's being childish or probably has her phone on silent, she is not the biggest fan of the phone so that might be an option.

I think of the places where she could be, which were not much indeed. The first thing that comes to mind is her favorite bookstore. I drive up there and I walk a few blocks to find her favorite bookstore. I walk in and start calling her again. It was an attempt in vain.

I walked through the halls and there is no sign of Lucinda. I sighed frustrated and left the place. I called Marcel, maybe he can help me.

"What do you want?" I hear my cousin as soon he answers the call.

"I need the address of Lucy's favorite comic store. Now,"I asked.

"Why should I give it to you?" Marcel challenged me.

"I'm asking you nicely, I'll kick your ass if you don't give it to me, Marcel."

"I have to call Lucy first to get her consent--"

"Fuck you Marcel, give me the fucking address!" I shout at the middle of the street. Shouting only increased my headache. My body feels tired and I'm starving.

Marcel growled in frustration. "Okay, I'll send you a message."

"Thanks," I say before hanging up.

I return to my car and called Lucinda again but got no answer. I am so angry about her reaction but I can understand it, she waited for me all night. It could have been a good reconciliation but I ruined.

Marcel sent the address and I drove up there. The street was full of cars so I parked two blocks away. I walk to the comic book store. The place was small and the walls were green. I slide down the aisles and some people sent me confused glances. My expression was like 'What are you looking at?'

I definitely didn't look like the people that were here.

"Fuck," I mumbled frustrated. She is not here. "Fuck, fuck," I growled and ran a hand through my hair.

I'm about to kick off the shelves and throw all this stupid comics. Breathe, Styles. Calm down.

For a moment I consider asking the seller if she knows Lucy but I doubt he could give me an answer.

I leave the store cursing myself. I turn right and my eyes meet Lucy. She was several feet away from me and looked quite surprised by my presence. She is wearing black jeans and a coat of the same color, under the coat she has a green sweater.

I don't know how to react. I choose to smile. I half smile and walk towards her. Lucinda blinked for a few seconds and her face took on an angry expression. She walked toward me, I thought she was going to hug me but her fists hit my chest.

"How could you?! How could you?! " She yells at me. "What's your problem?! What is wrong with you?! Idiot! You're an idiot!"

I look around and one couple is watching us.

I knew she would be very upset but this is too much, she's screaming and she never screams. I grab her elbow and then pulled her into a hug but Lucy didn't give in.

"How could you?! Where were you? I was so worried!" She shouts again. I'm dizzy.

"Sorry. I went out and lost track of time. "

"Your message said 'I miss you' and I went to your house and you weren't there and you didn't answer my calls," she said angrily. "I waited all night..."

I am a huge idiot.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry. I was with Zayn and you never told me you were going to my house, "I sighed. "I am truly sorry, I've missed you."

I try to hug her again but Lucinda pushes me.

"You missed me so much that you went to a party, ” she hisses.

Her comment and the acidity of her voice surprised me.

"I went out to forget a little about us."

"What?!" She claimed, clearly upset. Her cheeks turned red.

Congratulations! You're ruining it more, Styles!

"Not on the bad sense you think. I was thinking a lot about you but I wanted to give you your space. I didn't want to make a mistake like going to your house and your parents to know everything about us. I was with Zayn, it was something simple and nothing happened. I didn't answer your calls because I lost my phone but a friend found it."


"I was pretty drunk," I shrug.

I know I was lying but I wasn't going to say I was sedated and nearly unconscious, she would be more worried.

"Why did you not send me any messages these days?"

"Why did you not send me any messages these days?" I repeated her question. Neither sent messages to the other, it was a bad silent agreement.

She sighs as she runs her fingers through her hair. Lucy had the same reasons as me so it wasn't only my fault.

"I'm so mad at you," she growled, her fists pounding my chest. "How could you!? You're an inconsiderate! You're an idiot, Harry!"

"Enough, enough," I grabbed her wrists and Lucy frowned. "Why are you so violent today?" I asked, puzzled.

She presses her lips into a thin line but her eyes look lost. She hits me twice and I tight my grip around her wrists without hurt her.

"You need to calm down, breathe, okay?" I ask softly.

"I need to calm down?! You're crazy, you're an idiot and inconsiderate. I was worried and you didn't even care!" She growls. Another couple is watching us. "Let me go, let me go!"

Lucinda reacts by trying to hit me on the chest again but I grab her wrists stronger. She tries to escape from my grip but it's in vain.

Her rage is taking over her. Honestly we are making an unnecessary fuss in the middle of the street. I can understand her, sometimes you can't control yourself. The instincts are stronger.

"Why don't you breathe with me?" I ask softly. She needs someone who can calm her, I never had someone to develop that role for me.

Her face remains static with the same expression of anger. She struggled for a few seconds but she decided to give in after a few seconds. She obeys quietly and we breathe together.

"I'm so angry," she mutters but her tone is quiet.

"I am truly sorry. I've been looking for you everywhere, also I've been calling you, Lucy. "

"My cell phone is in my bag and I was listening to music."

She shows me a small iPod with earphones that were inside her pocket.

"I was going to the comic store, will you join me?" She asks. She tries to be nice but she's shooting at me a look of suspicion.

"Of course."

We walked together and I opened the door for her. I followed Lucinda. The tension between us was notorious and it was killing me. I slipped an arm around her shoulders but she backs away from me.

"We haven't spoken yet," she murmurs.

Fine. She's really upset. Her expression is serious and she has a grin on her face. I've never seen her like this. I'm impressed but I find funny her expression. Although it should not seem funny to me because nothing of this is funny.

"It will be very quick, I promise," she says with kindness.

"Take your time, love," I shrug.

Lucinda stares at me puzzled and then gives me a short nod.

We walked together through the hallways, Lucy grabs some comics and I hold it for her. She quickly chose two comics but stayed reading some for a few seconds. Once finished we headed to the cashier. Apparently they know each other, they talk about things I have no idea and laugh together. I roll my eyes every two seconds until the conversation finally ends. I grab the plastic bag and we walk out.

Outside is really cold and my stomach rumbles. I am hungry, last time I eat was like 13 hours or more. I should do it.

"You don't look so good, are you hungry?" She asks looking at my face. Her natural side comes out  despite her anger.

"Yes, I'm starving. We could go for a coffee and food," I commented.

"Okay. There is a cafe a block from here. "

We walked together. Lucinda went to get a table and I bought two coffees and a piece of chocolate cake. I go back with a tray and she is looking at her hands.

"Are you okay?" I ask as I sit in front of her.

Lucinda leaves her glasses on the table and rubbed her face with her hands.

"I'm very upset with you, Harry."

"Shit. I'm sorry. Nothing bad happened if you're wondering, I only went out with Zayn and it was supposed to be something simple but we just lost control. "

"I was waiting for you..."

I ran a hand through my hair. I want to throw and break the table for the fatal mistake I've made. Losing my phone and leave her alone has ruined everything. I wanted to move forward and now we're two steps back.

"It was just bad luck to lose my phone, if I had seen your message you know I would run back to my house. I would come back without hesitation.  Sorry, Lucy. Fuck, I don't know what else to say. I would never leave you alone, not on purpose. "

She looks down at her coffee cup and sighs.

"I would like to throw this coffee at you," she whispers.

It scares me the idea. That idea is like my style not Lucinda Fray style. I can now understand the level of anger where she is. I never thought she could say anything of this magnitude.

I think she can see how amazed and puzzled I am just to look my face. Lucinda shakes her head.

"I wouldn't do it by the way. Sorry for the comment, it was...a bit brutal for me. "


She bites her lower lip and puts a cube of sugar to her coffee. I remember where we are and I start to do the same. I put two cubes of sugar to my coffee and sipped. I pursed my lips to feel a twinge of pain in my head. Also, my stomach still hurts.

"Headache?" She asks grabbing her purse. "I have a something but is not good to drink it with coffee."

"Give me, please," I asked trying to be nice. I couldn't care less to take the pill with coffee.

Lucinda reached into her purse and handed me a pill. I swallowed quickly and drank more my coffee.

"Don't ever do that again, okay?"

"I will never leave you alone on purpose and you don't know how sorry I am to have lost my phone."

She takes a sip of her coffee and sighs.

"I regret my insecurity, okay? It was wrong but I had my doubts."

"I understand, Lucy, I really do. I'm sorry I lied, I did because I thought it was best. "

"No more lies, okay?"

"I haven't lied about anything else. By the way I forgot to tell you that I returned to Madison the video, I did it a few weeks ago and told her not to tell you anything about it of course. "

That is true, the only part that I left out was that I gave the video to Madison in return she found Lucinda's diary and I got a copy from one page. To my good fortune Lucy never realized.

"What?" She asks.


"Why didn't you say so, Harry?" She inquires clenching her jaw.

"I forgot, I was overwhelmed by all your insecurity, your statement and because everything was like falling apart that night. I was also very angry with Taylor. It happened so fast."

Lucinda sighs and then grabs her fork. I do the same, burying the fork in the chocolate cake.

I just realize this is the first time I see her this way and I have to admit I'm very shocked. Seeing her this way makes me wonder, I don't know what to do and how to start the conversation. I am speechless and that shows me how much affects me this girl.

We spent minutes in silence and I feel useless. I always have something to say but Lucinda has overwhelmed me.

"I liked your gift," she murmurs and my eyes widened.

Her comment suggests to me that the discussion is over or at least that's what I think.

"Really?" I can't contain the joy in my voice.

"Oh, Harry...of course. I loved it, it was...amazing, thanks. "

"It was special?"

"Of course it was, Harry. How did you remember that from my list?" She smiles shyly.

"How couldn't I?" I raise an eyebrow and she blushes.

Yes, I remembered but still I took a copy of that page of her diary. I needed to make sure.

"No one knows about my list except you. My wish was rather ambiguous but the news and what you wrote was so precise, it was beautiful," she smiles embarrassed. "The album and our picture were also beautiful, so thank you."

"I'm glad you liked everything I did for you, thinking only of you," I say as we locked eyes.

I smile victorious as I bury my fork in the chocolate cake.

Lucinda reaches out and her thumb wipes the corner of my mouth. She put her thumb inside her mouth and then looked at me nervous.

"Um, I'm...I'm so in love with you," she whispers.

The fork slips from my hand and fell on the table. For a moment I think I heard wrong but I know she's waiting for an answer for the way she's looking at me. It's the first time she says it and it sounded incredibly sweet.

"Say it again," I ordered.

"But you heard me."

"Say it again, come on."

"I'm in love with you, Harry."

I drag my chair, placing myself at her side. She looks surprised. I smile and grab her face in my hands. I was going to kiss her but Lucinda puts her hand between our mouths.

"I'm still mad at you."

I roll my eyes and snatched her fork and shove a piece of cake in my mouth. I'm upset with her attitude but I can't blame her, I can't expect her discomfort vanish in seconds.

"Fine. I'm in love with you but you already know that."

She smiles shyly.

"I guess this is our reconciliation."

"Of course, Harry."

I place a piece of cake in front of her. Lucinda stares at me and then ate the piece. She chewed quietly and I burried the fork again. Lucy looks down focusing on my hand.

"Harry," she sighs while take my hand. "What did you do?" She points to my knuckles. They are hurt and dyed the same color I'm used to.

I sigh frustrated. "The usual."

"The usual?" She raises an eyebrow.

"I don't remember what I did yesterday."

"What?" She cuts me off.

"Maybe I got into a fight," I shrug. "Besides there are still the vestiges of my fight with Taylor."

She looks at me with big eyes. Her face expressed amazement and indignation.

"Whatever," she blurts out. I can see the frustration on her face.

"What? Are you mad?" I growled. "I'm fine."

I'm still in one piece, I don't understand why would she get so angry.

"Yes, you're fine but you have to think it will not always be this way. Honestly you are not very aware of yourself or of others."


"I'm worried. You always have a bruise and I don't like it."

Suddenly I'm upset. I roll my eyes as I throw the fork to the table. We were silent, the two are with arms crossed.

"I want to go."

"What the fuck?" I spit. "I don't think so," I blurted very angry.

I won't let her, she is not going anywhere without me.

The couple on the next table are looking at us with curiosity, I dedicate a look to them and they look away.

"You threw the fork, that was rude. I will not leave, we can walk or something. "

My body relaxes. I sighed a little relieved and got up from my seat. We left the place and we are greeted by the cold air. We walked in silence and I don't have a lot of patience.

"Sorry I was rude?" I say. My apology was not even close to sound sincere.

"I care about you, can you understand that?" She frowns. "It bothers me that you do this without thinking of the consequences."

I grimace and it hurts a little some of the bruises that are healing.

"It hurts me to see you on this way," she confesses looking down.

She looks very hurt and very worried. My heart softened. I grab her hand and pulled her into a hug.

"Don't be like that, I'm fine, that's all that matters," I whispered with my face in her hair.

"I'm worried."

"You're always worried."

"It scares me what you can do and how far you can get, Harry. Look at you, you still look hurt," she admits. I sense the concern but also the fear in her voice.

 "I'll be fine, the wounds are healing," I say. I don't know what else I can say or do to fix this and make her feel better.

"Please, you have to see that I care so much about you. If you really care about me you're going to think before doing something crazy and harmful. "

Her statement surprised me. Of course I care and I would do everything to make her feel better. I frown. Mental note: I have to control myself and accept that she really cares about me.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry," I repeat.

It's still hard for me to think of all the concern she feels towards me. It is really impressive and I think not even my parents worry about this. Anyway I don't deserve it. Second mental note: This girl is too good for me.

"Um, by the way I'm... I'm glad that your wounds are healing., you look cute," she whispers on my chest.

I smile. Her comment is sweet and makes my day.

"I was scared after what happened to Taylor. It was too...brutal, "she said suddenly.

My body tenses. I was angry and still am. I think that was the least he deserved. I don't understand his problem with Lucinda, she is harmless and irrelevant to him. It may be some sort of revenge for Emily or Gemma. How can I stop it?

I shake my head and decided to forget this problem for a while. I have to focus on Lucy, she's all that matters at this exact moment.

I look at her. Her expression is softer and she doesn't seem to be angry. I think the discussion has been left behind and we're better now. Yes! These are the advantages of having these bruises.

"As we are reconciling I was wondering if you want to do something."

The surprise crosses her face and then appears satisfaction. She nods shyly while she fixes her glasses.

"We could go to the movies but first I have to pick up something in my house," I inform.


We walked to my car. I pull out my phone and send a message to Louis. I hope he bought a few things so we can celebrate her birthday again. It will be simple and small but I am sure she will like.

"Not today but I'd like to ask you some questions," she murmurs.

I nod. "About what?"

She looks at the street and plays with her braid. I think I know the answer.

"About Emily, Taylor, your past. I-I guess I can do that, right?" She inquires looking nervous.

This makes me very anxious but mostly restless. Nothing good could come of this but I guess I should clarify her doubts. I'm worried about her questions about Taylor and my past. Honestly what I did in the past and what I do now, as my work is really far from good and I don't want to scare her. We never talk about my little job as drug dealer. Lucinda has always ignored that and just has cared about the boy who always goes to school with her but outside of that there is much more. Shit, this conversation is going to be difficult. I don't want to talk about Emily, I'm afraid that makes her insecure. For me, everything is past and I really care about the present and Lucy. I've never thought and have worried so much for a girl.

Know more about me would not be a good idea but I have no choice. Once again I can't stop repeating that we are so different and she's too good for me. I hope she doesn't realize that. I don't want to see her with Marcel...or Adam. I hate both of them.

"Sure," I mumbled and tried to keep a good mood.

I stop in front of a red traffic light. My phone rings and I open the message from Louis. He tells me he has bought everything and that the little party is ready. I hide my smile and keep the phone in my pocket.

"What movie do you want to watch?" Lucinda questioned. "You have any in mind?"

"Whatever you want, love," I winked.

She smiles nervously and then grabs her cell.

"I'll see what movies are available."

I wonder what she is going to think of this second party. Making a surprise party is something I've never done for someone. It's definitely new to me and I'm glad to do this for Lucinda because she deserves it. She truly deserves much more and I hope I can give it to her. I want to make her happy and honestly it is the only mission I have in my mind and that's all I want to do. Well, shit. I'm super attracted for this girl.

It didn't take long to get to my house. I get off the car and she does the same.

Lucinda gets rid of her long coat and now I can see her legs better. She is wearing jeans and her legs are thin, it doesn't look like when I met her. I shake my head. My eyes stopped on her backside, it's cute. For a moment I debate whether I should play with her, I know she would go crazy and I want to see that.

We walked to my house and I put my hand into her back pocket and give it a gentle squeeze.

"Harry!" Lucy shrieks, stepping back. Her cheeks are very flushed.

I laugh at her reaction. She's shy and bashful. It's the only girl I've met who acts this way so overly cautious. I'd be lying if I said I didn't like her on that way. I can't imagine a daring and naughty Lucinda. I am completely in love with her shy version.

"Oops," I smile and trying to look innocent.

"We just get back together, that-that was inappropriate," she says embarrassed.

I give another quick squeeze and she lets out a shriek of surprise. I laugh again and Lucinda hits my shoulder with her small fist. I like this little game. I wonder when we will be alone again. Lucinda seems fine but my boxer is tightened by an oppression that has just emerged. Our relationship needs more passion, I have to take care of that. I shake my head very slightly and let those thoughts for another time.

I ring the doorbell and grab her hand. I hear a giggle from inside the house. Someone opened the door and we heard a big 'surprise!'

Louis and the other guys are there like Mandy, Marcel and Cassie. The fact that Cassie's here makes me nervous, I've been hiding something from Lucinda and I need to tell her, this will save us from another discussion and possible break up. Fuck. But not now, later.

The room is decorated, they all have birthday hats and I can see food and a cake on the table. Louis did a pretty decent job while we were out. I am very impressed. I owe a huge favor to this idiot.

Lucinda is more than surprised. She looks at everyone and then her beautiful eyes land on me. A big smile appears on her face and then she hugs me.

"Surprise, love," I smiled whispering on her ear.

Lucy kisses my cheek and her arms get tighter around my neck.

"Oh, Harry," she murmurs, her voice cracking. "It was not necessary but thanks, this is perfect. I'm sorry for doubting, I won't do it I promise. Thanks, Harry, are everything to me. "

She recoils and wipes her tears with the back of her hand. I watch her in amazement after hearing her last words. I know what Lucinda said was due to the emotion but I hope she says seriously because for me she is everything.

"Happy Birthday Part two!" Louis screams. "Come, come! This will be fun, I know you're big Lucy but I bought a piñata!!"


I posted a new Harry fanfiction called 'Disclosure' and I'm actually very excited about it. It's completely different of the ones I have written so far so I'd appreciate if you can give it a try.  I would love you forever if you do (although I already love you all!)

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