Chapter 109



"Taylor...he-he took him."

It felt as if the world is falling apart. It took me a couple of seconds to realize what was happening. We were talking about a child, the sweet little Charlie.

Despite that something far more terrible happened, there must be a reason why Gemma is sitting here without being able to talk properly. This was not like the other times. This Taylor's losing his mind and Gemma is being his victim. I don't need common sense to know that we had to save Charlie and beat up this guy.

Many mixed feelings build up inside me. I feel completely devastated by seeing Gemma on this way, she's very hurt, is almost inhuman what he has done. I am also very sad for Charlie, he's just a kid. His innocence and childhood cannot be based on this. Both deserve better, just wish their fates were different.

I don't know where I get the strength but I grab a needle. I'm nervous, the whole situation has me on this way. I touch the wound on her hand and identified tiny piece of glass. After two attempts I managed to remove it with the needle. Gemma say nothing, didn't complain or whine.

"Your...your calf, you have—?"


I breathed slowly. My fingers were stained red as I felt the wound. This time the glass was a little bigger. My fingers gripped a piece and threw it out. I took another and another small piece. Again I felt the wound and I think there is nothing more.

I looked at Gemma, she said nothing while I took out those pieces. Didn't hurt? My question is replaced by an obvious answer: She must be suffering more by the absence of Charlie. This pain is not compared to the pain she must feel as a mother.

"Do you have something to clean your wound? An old shirt? "

She pressed her lips into a thin line but didn't respond.

"I'll get a towel, okay?"

Again there was no answer.

I got up and went for the towel. I put it under the water a bit and then returned to the room. I wiped the blood and pressed the towel against her calf just to stop the bleeding.

I wiped my fingers and grabbed my cell. What should I do? Who do I call? I would like to call Harry but I know it would be a big mistake. I wish he could  know this but I know Gemma would not like, she's just trying to protect him. I understand her decision, at this point of the events I'm sure Harry would kill Taylor. I cringe at the thought of the situation and the name Taylor.

I know I cannot count on Harry but I know who to call.

"Where is your phone?"

I got up and started looking for the object.

"I don't know."

"I need Louis' number," I said.

"Are you sure?" She muttered.

"Louis will help us and won't say anything about it, I swear," I affirmed.

I'm not sure. I simply have a feeling. He helped me and didn't tell Harry about my horrible encounter with Taylor. I really think we can count on him or otherwise I don't know what we are going to do. The situation is delicate and dangerous, I need Louis.

Gemma gave me the number and I called him. He didn't answer at first and my hands started to shake. I called him again and this time he answered. The relief was immediate.

"Who is it?"

"Louis, it's me, Lucy."

"How did you get my number, stalker nerd?" He asked, didn't sound rude, it sounded like a joke I guess.

I ignored his question.

"Louis, I need your help."

"Harry is in the kitchen, you want me—?"

"No, no, Louis, no!" I screamed scared. "Louis this is something important and serious and Gemma is involved but Harry can't know, are you listening?" I spoke quickly.

"Fine, you sound serious. Wait a minute. "

I heard a little conversation, I heard Harry's voice in the background and my heart sank. After that Louis walked and I think he went upstairs.

"Tell me what the hell is happening, Lucy."

"Gemma is here with me, Taylor came and took Charlie. I need your help to get him back. "


He sounded very surprised.

"I'm not kidding. I need your help, please, " I begged.

"Fuck, okay. I'll be there in 20 minutes. "

"Please hurry."

He hung up the call and I sat on the floor.

"Louis is coming and we will find Charlie, okay?"

"Thanks," she replied with red eyes.

I leaned my back against the wall and watched the window. I felt a heavy weight on my shoulders, I was nervous and paralyzed by all this.

My cell phone rang in my pocket. I grabbed the object and had a message from Harry.


Cooking and eating alone, thanks. I miss you, bye. H x

I smiled a little and kept the phone in my pocket. I think it was inappropriate that I was sending messages to Harry when I'm involved in this problem. 

After a few minutes of pure silence I got up and asked Gemma to sit on her bed. When she got up I noticed her black shirt, the fabric was translucent and I can see her stomach. My fists clenched, I think she has bruises. Fear and anger are shot through me. I searched a coat and left next to her.

"Be right back," I told her, and she nodded with her eyes on the floor.

I'm going to check the place and clean the kitchen. It's sad to see the apartment on this way, it's sad not listen to Charlie. I didn't think I could hate someone so badly but I do. Taylor is a coward for doing this to a woman and take an innocent child. I picked up some pieces of glass from the ground, I saw the tip of a piece of glass and then I threw everything to the trash.

My right hand rested on my neck. If I close my eyes and remember everything I can still feel his fingers squeezing and trying to break my neck. Taylor doesn't know me and strangled me, he has no compassion or pity for people. He's despicable and I feel disgust for him. If Louis hadn't been there, what would have happened to me? Would I be dead? The idea scares me because he had no intention of stopping, he wanted to strangle me.

I probably never knew how it felt to be full of anger until today. It takes over your body, burns your skin and calls for justice and revenge. It makes you want to do everything possible to get to the responsible, it makes you clench your fists until it hurts. Also can make your heart beat really fast and it makes you want to scream, kick and destroy everything you can.

A mixture of hatred and almost darkness dissipates  through me. Guided by my instincts I opened a drawer and my fingers gripped a knife. I could never kill a person but I think it demands to be use. I heard the doorbell and walked quickly to the door.

"Hi Louis, thanks for coming," I said as soon as I opened the door.

He entered the apartment, I turned around and Gemma was also in the room. Louis hugged the girl and I don't know why I'm impressed by his gesture. I admit I've underestimated him, sometimes Louis Tomlinson may be an idiot but he's also a good boy. I feel safer now that he's here and it's going to help us.

"The only two places that comes to mind are the bar and his house. I don't think he wants to stay with Charlie so I don't think he would hide the boy," he explained. "I'm sure Charlie is fine. We'll find him, okay?" Louis grabbed Gemma's hand and she nodded.

"We must hurry."

"What are you doing with that knife?" Louis asked.

I noticed that I was holding tight the object. I looked up and shrugged my shoulders.

"We need to defend ourselves."

"Good idea."

Louis went to the kitchen and Gemma followed him. Both catch a knife. Gemma's hands are too shaky. She must be scared, sad, desperate but must hold a lot of anger against Taylor. I don't know if it's a good idea that Gemma carries a knife.

I looked at Louis and he was already watching me. Somehow I know he's thinking the same thing.

"Hm, only Lucy and I will stay with knives, okay?" He spoke quietly watching Gemma. She threw the knife on the table in response. "Also is for an emergency, we won't use them unless it's necessary."

It scares me to know that we need this, I know he's dangerous but Louis accepting my request to have a knife simply states that Taylor is even more dangerous that I thought.

I searched for Gemma's keys and coat and then we walked out of the apartment. The first stop was at the bar, Louis was going to check inside to see if Charlie was there. He wanted to go alone, according to him it would be easier to calm the situation and talk to Taylor.

"I really want to go," I muttered.

"I don't think it's a good idea, last time he tried to strangle you. He's out of his mind and this is not a game. Besides nothing can happen to you, Harry can't know about this. Plus the situation is delicate. "

"Still, I could help."

"If we have to go to his house I'll need your help, we will separate and check the place."

"How do we get in?"

"I have a key of his house, I hope is still working."

"Why?" I inquired curiously. "Why you have a key?" I repeated.

"I stole a couple of things. I got it a long time ago. "

"You stole?"


"Did he find out?"


"Why are you still working for him?" I asked shocked.

"He threatened to kill us, almost killed Liam but here we are and we work hard, he wins a lot due to us."

The answer was brief but it gave me a lot of information. It was hard to process everything. They stole, Taylor found out, he almost killed Liam, threatened them.

"You say: 'He threatened us',  why do you mean? "

"He threatened us even your precious Harry. Life was hell back then. "

I looked at my hands and pressed my lips into a thin line.

"Harry never told me about it."

"We don't talk about it, none of us. We just try to fix our mistakes. "

"What you did was a big mistake."

Louis shrugged. "Look, I've heard that a lot of times and you don't need to repeat it. No offense."

The rest of the trip was quick and without any exchange of words. Louis parked on the corner of the street and then headed to the bar. Part of me hoped that Charlie was there, so this whole nightmare would be over quickly, however, the other part wanted to see Taylor, I wanted to face him. It's ridiculous because I don't know what I could say. It's very ridiculous, I'm not thinking straight, I'm forgetting the danger and I want to risk.

Part of me still remembers what he said that day, his fingers squeezing and hurting my skin. His eyes filled with anger and the force he applied on my neck. The memory burns and hurts. He is free and can do it again, he can hurt more people. I almost forgot about Madison, he stole something precious from her and he really hurt her because I remember she cried and her whole room was a mess.

Louis took several minutes, the time was eternal for me and anxiety was built inside. During the time we were alone I gave words of encouragement to Gemma, I looked at her many times and half smiled saying that everything would be fine. I knew we would find Charlie but I was afraid of the development of this story.

Hope faded when Louis left the place without company. Charlie was not there. I watched him with my head out of the car. I sighed frustrated and I jumped on the seat when Gemma started to scream. Louis hurried to the car, I got out and opened her door. She was hysterical. I was going to hug her, but Louis was faster. It didn't take him too much to calm her down, he is very good while I am very useless for this.

Gemma covered her face with her hands and Louis closed the door.

"I-I'm sorry, I'm not very good—"

"Yes, I could see it. No sign of both, Charlie should be at his house," Tomlinson muttered.

"Okay. Louis, one question: Where did you get this car?" I asked. This is not Harry's car and I have never seen Louis with a car.

"A friend lent the car, he owed me a favor," Tomlinson said and then got into the car.

We traveled with the windows open, the air is blowing around us and helps us feel fresh. I decided to stay in the back seat next to Gemma, I held her hand and told her that everything would be fine. I thought the trip would be short but we're almost out of town. There's a part of town that is kind of dangerous, the houses are not very pretty and it's exactly where we are heading.

"He lives really far," I blurted out without waiting for an answer.

Since he owns a bar and sells drugs I was expecting a better place and a luxurious house. It's odd.

Louis parked two blocks away. The houses were not ugly, they were big and old and the streets were dirty.  I got out of the car and Gemma followed me. Louis left clear orders, we would investigate the house and Gemma would stay outside and hidden behind a car, her mission was to warn us in case something happen.

We carefully hid knives inside our pants. I hid mine on my back, the knife was not big and the tip wasn’t very sharp.

We walked very calm and ignoring the people on the street. Gemma's arm grabbed mine and Louis stood next to her too.

Tomlinson pointed at Taylor's house, the paint was white, there was no fence or some protection, the garden and backyard were open. The house looked dirty and almost abandoned.

"You stay here, Gemma, behind one of these cars and keep an eye on the street and in any strange movement, okay?"


"Me and Lucy will give a quick look at the house. We will be back in 20 minutes. "

Louis started walking and leaned toward me.

"I don't see his car, Lucy," he said.

I was scared. His car was not here, that means he is not here and Charlie either. I doubt he left Charlie here by himself. Things were getting dangerous and anxiety and despair grew on me. I was very nervous, I just wanted to find Charlie.

The blue-eyed boy grabbed my hand and made a sign with his head to the backyard. We walked together and Louis opened the only door behind the house.

The house was dark, there is no signs of life and it had a strange smell.

"I will go upstairs and you check the first floor," he murmured.

He quickly walked in and went to the second floor. I walked quietly, the first room is the kitchen. After the kitchen is the living room. The decor is simple but everything is clean. I can see the whole room from where I stand and there is no sign of Charlie.

There is a coffee table in the center of the room, above it there are several bags of powder and pills of different colors. I assumed is drugs. Under those bags I see a lot of papers. I bent down and moved the bags.

The content of the papers are numbers, there are some news, some contracts I think and among all these papers there is a picture. It's a photo of Madison outside the house and someone took it. I moved the other papers and there are more pictures, it's like a person had followed her. Among all these sequences of photographs there is one in which I am. My hair was shorter and Madison was not so blond, I remember this day because it was the day we met. When I moved here. It's been almost two years, Taylor has been spying on Madison for long time. What is his problem with her? What is going on between them?

I gulped the lump in my throat and tried to leave everything in place. I tried to organize the picture and I found one that doesn't follow the pattern. It's a picture of Mike and I and we are getting into his car. The photos are taken from the house in front of us, it's impossible that our neighbor is involved, I'm sure Taylor  sent someone.

"That's enough," I muttered to myself.

I got up, my hands sweat and my heart is pounding. I fear for Madison. I left the room and I found a hallway. There are three doors, I opened the first and is a bathroom, I opened the second door and the room is small and empty, my eyes inspect around and there is one thing that caught my attention right away. On the wall there are many pictures, a few photos of Emily, Harry and Gemma but most of them are pictures of Madison. There is photos of Mike and her daughter and there are some pictures in which I am alone. I guess the person who took it thought I was going to be with Madison.

My eyes are focused on a particular photo and bit my lower lip until it hurt. Madison and Harry are together, the picture is taken outside the house and they're talking. My mind blows with so many questions and I tried to ignore my insecurity. Maybe it was one of the times he was visiting me and she opened the door. My reaction it’s ridiculous and stupid, I'm exaggerating.

I looked around one more time and my whole body shudder, my face lost all color and my heart was pounding so hard that might explode. This is creepy, very creepy.

I closed the door and there is a figure in front of me, a shadow. I was going to scream but he slammed his hand on my mouth and pushed me violently. I fell and my head hit the ground. A throbbing pain spread across my head and for a moment I can't hear, sound is almost nonexistent.

"I'm tired of you, I'll kill you," I heard a male voice. Taylor.

Focus, Lucy. I blinked several times trying to focus my vision.

"Lucy, I found him!" I heard Louis from the second floor.

"I'll kill you," Taylor repeated his threat.

He slapped me and I lost my glasses. This time I felt no pain, I felt rage. I managed to kick him on his most sensitive area and then I kicked him three times on the face. My foot hurt but it made me feel better.

I ignored the pain in my head and I can see better.

"Fuck you, you crazy bitch," Taylor growled, sitting on his knees.

I imagined his face was a punching bag and I punched him without thinking twice. I spun around to run towards the exit but a hand grabbed my ankle and pulled me. I fell on the floor and felt dizzy.

"Lucy, let's go!" I heard Louis.

He nudged my ankle and I screamed. One of his hand grabbed my thigh and his fingers pressed against my skin, the pain travelled through nerve endings and I gritted my teeth. I turned to Taylor and pointed him with the knife.

"Let me go, let me go!" I yelled.

His eyes were dark and his expression was pure anger, rage against me. Since I was threatening him I thought he would let me go, however, he punches me on the stomach, right on the spot to cut my breath. I gasped and my mind screamed that I couldn't let him win. He was cruel, he took Charlie and he beat Gemma mercilessly. I shouldn't have mercy on him.

 I stretched my arm and grabbed the knife. I thought of a place where I couldn't kill him, I thought about the strength I had to apply, I didn't want a deep cut and no hemorrhage.

Louis shouted my name and this time he was closer. Taylor hit my ankle again and the pain spread through me. I couldn't wait, somehow I knew his intention was to cause a fracture in my bone.

One of his hands grabbed my neck and I wasn't going to live the same nightmare. I closed my eyes, plucked up some courage and slid the knife several times. I opened my eyes and his arms were bleeding, the wounds were not deep but they were many and they were everywhere.

Taylor screamed and saliva traveled through the air. For a moment the world stopped to me and I realized what I had done. My fists were clenched and my throat was dry. I blinked rapidly until I knew it was real. For a moment I knew I made a mistake but I had no choice. The world felt like a strange place.

"I'll kill you!" Shouted Taylor and the sound echoed through the house.

I felt arms around me, someone grabbed me and made me stand up. I screamed until I saw Louis' face. He dragged me and I tripped. We ran but my ankle was hurting. Gemma was not outside, I guess she's with Charlie.

We ran the two streets that separate us from the car. We look back a couple of times but he didn't follow us.

"Your hands, hide your hands," Louis asked.

I realized I had a bit of blood. I crossed my arms and hid my hands. I kept my eyes on the floor until we got to the car. Gemma is in and with Charlie in her arms, life returned to her body and her eyes. I'm happy for her, I couldn't help but smile.

I rested my hands on the glass and waved at Charlie. Gemma looked at me and mouthed a 'thank you'. She was crying but I know she's happy. I think I made a mistake but I'm looking at Charlie and it was worth it. Glad I helped.

"You okay?" Louis asked.

I nodded and tried to catch my breath. I realized my throat aches and my lungs were begging for air.

He stretched out his hand to me and he had my glasses. I grabbed them and mouthed a thank you.

"Dammit, what did you do?" He questioned, his eyes met mine.

He saw what I did, I didn't have to explain. 

"I had...I had to do it," I replied and I wanted to cry.

"I had no idea he was there. Plus I got too late to help you because Charlie was in a closet and I had to leave him with Gemma. Fuck, sorry, Lucy. "

I shook my head and rested my hands on my knees.

"I just defended myself, he was going to strangle me again, Louis," I whispered. There was no need to say more, that reason was enough.

"Fuck. Well, listen, now you can't be alone. I'll keep an eye on Taylor and tell the other guys about this, Harry won't know. I'll talk to Taylor and I'll defend you, you had reasons for doing it and he knows he was not right. It is hard to believe but sometimes he can be a reasonable man. We're going to protect you, nothing will happen, you will be safe with us, Lucy. "

It doesn't exist much contact between Louis and me but I hugged him.

"We have to go," he warned.

We got in the car and he started the engine. I looked at my hands, my knuckles are red and I see a few drops of blood. My actions crossed as a short movie through my head. I felt the panic in my bones and muscles. This is not me. I felt disgusted with myself.




I was going to see Lucy in an hour, I had a surprise for her, but first I had to make a stop.

She has been a bit odd lately, she seems more tired and distracted. I asked her what was going on but she didn't answer. I guess something must be happening with her family. She's quiet and I know she doesn't like to talk about it. I also see that she's stressed so I think the school and exams are affecting her a lot. All this gave me a great idea and now I'm going to pick her surprise.

I got out of the car and threw my hands into the pockets. I checked the time and I knew he wouldn't be here. I walked to my father's house and opened the door. I took this key from Gemma long ago. I closed the door and made my way through the neat and elegant place. His house was beautiful.

I went upstairs to his room. I need a key and Gemma told me that he kept the keys in a drawer. I opened all the drawers and there are no sign of the keys. I went to the small office he has and opened all the drawers. There was a drawer with folders, pens and keys. I searched until I found the key, the name of the property is labeled. Mission accomplished.

I went downstairs and headed to the kitchen. I drank a glass of juice and then I took a few seconds to inspect the place. This son of a bitch was living too well. That's one reason to ask for money. I observed a large vase of flowers on the table. I walked to the dinning room, there was letters and folders and...a pregnancy test. Is sealed, hasn't  been used yet.

"What the hell?" I mumbled.

No way, this has to be a joke. Motherfucker, he lost his mind. I wanted to kick the vase but I couldn't afford to be discovered. I needed this key. I threw the box to the ground and left. I was furious, I wanted to punch my dad.

I got into my car and drove quickly. That box should be a fucking mistake, I am not willing to accept a brother. My fucking father is trying to make a family with his girlfriend, he's trying to replace us of course. I don't want but I feel pain to see that box and know what it might mean. Gemma and I are being replaced and forgotten as always.

That damn pregnancy test is one more reason to escape this place and these people for a moment. Another reason, I know this decision is the right thing to do. I hope she wants to go.  I think we both need this, it will be a good experience. I remembered that in a few minutes I was going to see Lucy and that calmed me down. I decided to forget the whole thing about the pregnancy test and concentrated on Lucy. I knew it would make me happy and definitely being with her would help me forget everything for a moment.

We were going to meet in a park near her house. It wasn't difficult to find the street. I parked and got out of the car. I walked through the park until my eyes spotted Lucy sitting on a bench. She smiled and I smiled back. I hope that she is always be happy to see me because it happens to me every time. She got up, ran towards me and hugged me.

"What’s going on?" I asked, holding her tighter.

She shook her head and kissed my cheek. We sat together on the bench and Lucy took my hand.

"What do you want to tell me?" She inquired and I can see curiosity in her eyes.

Her face looks tired and dark circles are quite noticeable. I slid my hand down her cheek and she didn't take her eyes off me.

"I want to ask you a question," I clarified.

"Should I be worried?"

"No, of course not. Look, I hope you accept and I think it would be a good experience for both, okay? "

She nodded. I was a little nervous about her answer. I thought a lot about this surprise for her and I have ideas.

"I thought it would be good for us to escape for the weekend. My father has a house on the beach and is a few hours from here. I have ideas so it will be fun, just to escape the routine and the people, be able to speak with no interruptions and spend all day together. It's a gift for your birthday. So what do you say? "

Her face was pure surprise, her big eyes watching me, the typical color of her cheeks and her parted lips.

"This weekend?"

"Yeah, yeah. It's for your birthday, you have to say yes, Lucy. Or I'll kidnap you."

"I have to bring my bikini?"

"If you want—No, wait! First rule: You have to be in a bikini all day," I said with an innocent smile. "Just for me."

She nudged softly and rolled her eyes.

"I'll be a rebel and ignore your rule."

"The rebels are punished me," I added quickly. My voice is slow to give emphasis to my words.

My fingers clung to the bench when Lucinda bit her lower lip. It's hard to believe because it's Lucy, that reaction is  naughty and very new in her, I was not expecting that.

"I-I’ll go but you have to help me lie to my parents, Harry."

I smiled and planted quick kisses all over her face. Lucy laughed and put her hands on my mouth. I kissed her fingers. She sighed and rested her head on my shoulder and I slid my arms around her body.

"I’m tired. I think we need to escape, at least for two days and being with you sounds good."

"I have some ideas, I'll do a schedule and you have to follow it and you can't say no," I mentioned.

"Okay. I'm excited.  It’s a really good idea, thanks, Harry. "

I know this little trip will be great for both.

"I can't wait. You and I, all day together, alone without anyone bothering us, Lucy. This will be awesome. "

I saw high school musical and hannah montana today, wow, it's been so long. 

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