Chapter 107
"Come on, Lucy," I said slowly.
"I don’t know."
"Come on, baby,” I said, squeezing her hand gently.
"I don’t know if it's a good idea," she looked doubtful.
"What the hell? We're already outside,” I said looking around. "We're alone."
She looked around and pressed the towel against her shirt. She got into the car and I closed the door.
It wasn't so hard to convince Lucy to come to my car, I thought she would lock herself somewhere and be isolated from the world. Since I know her I've realized that's what she tends to do but I understand. In my case I just escaped from the truth or avoid certain situations. We both have our ways to deal with things but is not right.
Lucinda was shocked due to the whole situation, this is not usual for her. There are girls who are used to get into fights but Lucy is so far from that. After she ran away we went to the bathroom and she washed her face. She didn't cry at all and I feel that she's already a big girl.
We got at the parking lot with no problems. I'm surprised that the corridors are deserted and there is no security.
I got into my car and left her bag in the back seat.
"Do I look normal?" She asked, pointing to the area where the blood was before.
"Yes, absolutely. I think you have to get rid of that towel. "
She nodded and left the towel on her lap.
"This is the second time that someone hit me on the nose, it bleeds so easily there," she sighed and placed her right hand on her nose.
"Second time?"
"The first time it was you," she admitted slowly.
Oh shit, yes. When I accidentally hit Lucy on the nose and she bled a lot and I took her to my house.
"I'm still so sorry for that, it was not on purpose."
"I know. You took me to your house and changed my clothes."
"I had to," I shrugged.
"But you did like it was something so normal. It scared me a lot when I woke up. "
"You're right," I nodded. "I always forgot those little details about you."
"What do you mean?"
"What I mean is that I guess that was the first time a guy saw you in lingerie," I replied.
In my memory it's her first time and it was the first time I saw Lucy on that way.
She thought about the answer and then nodded her head slowly.
Lucy leaned her head against the seat and looked down.
"You don't believe what Emily said, right?" I questioned. "It’s a big lie.”
"Actually I thought about something else."
"About what?" I inquired and tilted my head toward her.
"The night we don't mention," she murmured quietly.
I sighed and my fingers tangled in my hair.
"You were not violent but extremely cruel," she replied, her gaze is still lost.
I rested my forehead on hers. Lucy closed her eyes and we stay quiet.
"Lucy, I'm so sorry," I muttered. "I want you to be happy; I want you to be safe. I want you, no one else. You're so sweet, brave and so good. I know I don't deserve you but I want to try. You're worth it, always. I can't leave you and I don't want to. I don't have much to offer but I'd do the impossible. I am yours. "
The pink grew on her cheeks but she said nothing. She rested her forehead on my shoulder and breathed slowly.
"She spoke horrible things. It was horrible for me because it was about you two. I felt...very jealous, very. It was painful to hear those things. How would you feel? "
"I could not stand it. Glad I'm the only one. "
"I wish I had an ex-boyfriend."
"What? Are you serious? "I frowned and Lucy giggled.
"But it would be impossible because I'm such weirdo."
"You're a weirdo and Adam and Marcel likes you and don't forget about me. I'm crazy about you. "
"No one did anything about it, so it was not enough."
"I did."
"Falsely," she added. "Doesn't count either."
"What? But now I'm completely in love with you and I belong to you. "
"Sounds like you're an object."
"Great, you have to always take me with you."
"Take you with me, everywhere?"
"Exactly," I nodded.
She kissed my cheek and leaned her head on the seat. Her eyes focused on her hands.
"Mandy took a quick shower and then went to the library and suddenly she came up to me. It was terrible and unbearable for me what Emily told me."
"Me and Emily were so screwed, it was not healthy," I shrugged.
" liked when we were together before?" She asked, her voice is weak.
I can't lie.
"Yes, I thought about her, trying to convince myself that she was coming back but you also were always on my mind. I knew something was wrong and knew that you were the fault of my insecurities. I just was very slow and super stupid."
Lucinda rubbed her cheek and her eyes still didn't meet mine.
"She said you still feel things for her."
"No, no I don't," I said.
My fingers caught her chin and Lucy looked up.
"No, I don't feel anything for her. And I will never feel something for her again. She's despicable and I see it now. I didn't even touch her, we had nothing in that sense, Lucy. I couldn't do it, I thought about you all the time," I confessed, secure of my words.
She rubbed her right eye and her nose is a little red.
"You swear?"
"Of course, baby."
"Please, Harry," her voice came out as if she were begging.
"I'm serious. Seconds ago I told you I am yours, I don't want to be with anyone other than you. I'm in love with you, now I know how it feels."
She cleaned her glasses with her shirt and stared at me.
"I'm so angry, she is so evil, Harry."
"I know, Emily is cruel. What are you gonna do about it?"
"I won't speak to the principal, I want to do something for myself."
I looked at her. I'm concerned after hearing her statement.
"Like what?"
I was very curious for her answer.
"I don't know. I just want to do something for myself," she said and shrugged. Looks innocent.
"Don't do anything crazy and you have to tell me, I need to protect you."
"Okay. I know you didn't beat her, I was just upset about the other things she said about your relationship."
"I understand your reaction, I'd freak out about it."
"I'd like to see like that."
"I couldn't take it. I already hate the fact that you and Eric had something."
"It's past."
"Same about Emily. It's past, I don't care and wouldn't go back to that time."
"You're different from what she said."
"Yes, I know. I'm more gentleman now."
"Before you were too but at a lower and poor level," she admitted wrinkling her nose.
"Yes, definitely. I can't find the words to tell you how sorry I am for my old behavior."
"Okay. I never admitted it but I liked rough Harry, just a bit, guided by his instincts. I'm guilty too."
I couldn't help but laughing.
"I know, I'm weird."
"You don't like good Harry?"
"Of course I like. Look, I just want you to be you, if you are rough, good, naughty, whatever. But you're not just one thing, you are a piece of everything."
I shrugged my shoulders.
"I like your good version. I like your version with me but I don't want you to feel like it was an obligation to change for me, I like the way you are," she admitted.
Lucy stroked my cheek and one of her fingers slid down my lower lip.
"I like that you like," I whispered.
Lucinda smiled shyly and I rested my forehead on hers. My hands cupped her cheeks, her warmth is felt in my hands and her peculiar smell invaded my senses. I leaned in to kiss her cheekbones. Lucy's hands touched my face and then my hair. It was as if we inspect every detail of each other just to keep it in our memories.
I just knew all the time, I felt it deep down. I didn't want to be without her. What I need it to do was avoid incidents and keep things in order. The battle is not over yet.
"I like you so, so much, Lucy," I whispered completely honest.
Her cheeks flushed and the shy smile didn't disappear. I know she won't say anything back.
"Hey, I want to talk about something else. Would you like to go out to dinner with me, Lucy?"
+ + + + + + + + + + + +
"You lied?" Lucy exclaimed, covering her mouth with her hand. It's a very dramatic gesture.
"Technically, no. I just said I didn't know everything."
"Harry, this is important," she groaned and hid her face behind the piece of paper.
"Calm down, we'll do fine."
"But you should know everything, I told you a lot of times."
"I'm slow and lazy. We also have 40 minutes before the presentation, I will see the light and suddenly I'll learn everything."
Today is our presentation and I learned half of what I have to say. Lucy is going crazy because she wants everything goes well and the grade is important to her, for both actually. I messed up a little for my irresponsibility.
Fray sighed and sat down. We are in the cafeteria, the teacher gave us 40 minutes to practice and arrange the final details.
"I see long faces. What did you do this time, Harry?"
I looked up and Eric is behind Lucy. He put his hands on her shoulders and she half smiled.
"Get out," I snapped.
"You want me to help you practice, Lucy?"
"I'm fine," she murmured.
"We can go to somewhere where we can be alone."
"Get out, Eric," I said higher.
"I'll go practice my part, alone and in another table," Lucy said before getting up.
"If you follow her I'll cut off your tiny penis, I swear," I warned Eric once Lucy left.
"I'm sorry but I think you're talking about your penis," Eric smiled and I hate that air of superiority that he thinks he has. "Lucy's legs are still pretty, don't you think?"
"Shut your damn mouth," I growled.
How can he know that? Lucinda is wearing pants today and they are not exactly tight jeans.
"I guess you're wondering how I know that, all I have to do is imagine Lucy in summer when she was wearing shorts just for me."
I need to throw something at him. I threw to Eric a bottle that was on the table. He protected his face with his arms and the bottle hits there.
"Fuck you," he said before leaving.
I sat down and stared at the paper in front of me. Fine, this is a test to prove to Lucy that she can count on me despite my imperfections such as: The irresponsibility.
I pursed my lips and I tried to keep my mind blank. My only concern is to learn the last paragraph. I read it several times and repeated the sentences in my mind. I thought that would be enough but 40 minutes later I still don't know that last paragraph. But the difference is that this time I learned something, I understood what the text explained. This is so strange.
I looked up.
"I didn't want to pressure you. We will do it fine, no matter what."
"I was irresponsible but the good news is that…I learned!"
"What? Really? Thank God," Lucy sighed.
"I think I deserve a reward," I smiled innocent, showing my dimples.
Fray rolled her eyes and shook her head.
"Come on, we have to go."
She reached her hand out to me and I laced our fingers. We headed back to class.
"This is exciting."
"Super," I said sarcastically.
The presentations started as soon all settled in the classroom. We were not the last group. I have to admit I was nervous, I hate this shit.
Lucy spoke impeccably all she had to say. Instead I went slower, I explained the necessary but I forgot a few things but I tried to look confident about my words. Anyway we both answer the teacher's questions.
I don't know why I thought that Lucy would be upset but she's smiling. We return to our seats and her fingers clinging to my arm.
"Yes, finally. We did well. "
"My unofficial girlfriend is a little genius."
"No, I'm not," she murmured.
"How could you learn all that?" I pointed to the paper on the table. Lucy talked about a lot of things, she explained about enzymes with weird names and others processes that I have no idea that exist.
"It's not difficult, you have to imagine it and connect the processes. Watch videos also helps. "
"Did you watch videos?"
"Yes, youtube is not only for music."
Another group stood at the blackboard and began their presentation.
"Hey, did you like dinner?" I muttered.
"It was fun, I like your boring jokes," she whispered, is barely audible.
"They are not boring," I defended.
"But they are not the most comical. Anyway I loved the dinner, I had fun. Thanks for being there for me and for listening to the whole thing about Emily. I needed support after that and you were there. "
"Count me in, I'll be there for you, Lucy."
"You can count on me too," she muttered back.
"So...I was wondering if you would like to celebrate our success if we get a good grade."
I watched from the corner of the eye that she was smiling.
"What do you wanna do?"
"I don't know, something simple but just us, Lucy."
"Attention, attention, bitches!" Louis shouted as he pounded the table with his fist.
We keep our mouths shut and observe an euphoric Tomlinson.
"Who says I can't be a princess?" He exclaimed crossing his arms.
Niall laughed and raised his hand like Liam.
"I do! I dare you!" Horan spoke and pointed to a girl who was a few meters from us.
Louis is drunk and spent several minutes talking about a blond girl, she is wearing a fake and pink crown. Apparently it's her birthday. I think Louis is a bit disturbed by the crown and that's why he can't shut up about this girl. Niall said he didn't dare to take the crown from that girl.
"Do you think he will do it?" Lucy asked. She is sitting next to me.
"I'm sure."
"I accept your challenge!"
Horan and Louis shook hands. After that Louis got up and walked through the crowd. I wonder how he will do it.
"If he really does, can I use the crown later?" Mandy asked once Tomlinson left.
"Sure, honey. I will give it to you, "Liam said, sitting beside her.
The girl smiled and bit a piece of lemon. She drank tequila with Liam. I think he likes her. Probably will do something about it. I wonder what will think Lucy if Liam tries something with Mandy tonight.
Lucinda grabbed my beer and drank a bit of it.
"So how did we get here?" Asked Fray. "I can't believe Louis dragged us here."
"Louis and the others. I really didn't know. I invited you to my house for us to cook something. But then you said it was fine. "
"Because I wanted to be with you."
"We can leave if you want, Lucy."
"Doesn't mater. I like this. And we're together. That's what matters, right? "
I leaned in to kiss her but a hand came between us.
"No kissing!" We heard Louis' voice. Where the hell did he come from? "Here we all are single and you should respect the rule!"
I turned around to say something offensive but Louis quickly left.
"Damn, he's really crazy and dorky," Zayn spoke with a big smile.
"Where the hell did he go?" Niall looked everywhere.
"He's hiding and planning the next move. I really wonder how he is going to steal that false crown. It is also pink, if he wears that shit on his head I'll take a picture," Liam said, a smile was on his face.
I know it's odd that Lucy is sharing with the lads and that Mandy is here. The thing is that Louis and Liam invented a song to apologize to Lucy. They named it "We are sorry", a very original name. Zayn and Niall were also part of the plan and knew the song. They sang until we reached the bar. Also they bought four balloons for her birthday, but her birthday is in a couple days. She doesn't talk much with the lads, they talk most of the time. Guess that's why she decided to invite Mandy but they are not talking much since Liam is speaking to her friend.
We got a good grade so we were going to celebrate. Today's idea was to cook with Lucinda. But the lads wanted me to go out because I don't go with them as before. So they forced me and Lucy would not leave me alone so she also came.
Liam and Mandy maintain a constant conversation. It's the first time they are talking but I see he's like... interested. It would be good, I guess. Lucinda told me a bit about Mandy and what is happening to her. Having fun is exactly what she needs.
"I think I should buy a beer for you and one for me," I said as I realized that Lucy finished the content of my glass.
"Sorry, I know I said I was going to drink one glass but I really like beer."
"Come on, pumpkin."
She laughed at the nickname. We got up and walked together to the bar. Her arm is wrapped around mine and the smile is still on her face.
I paid for more beers and we waited at the bar.
"What's up with that smile?"
"I'm...I'm happy, is that weird?"
Lucinda blinked fast when she removed her glasses.
"Things are working..., we are working, us, together."
A huge smile jumped on my face. My hands rested on her waist. She stared at my hands and then looked up to my face.
"I adore you. Thanks for this opportunity. Not going to screw this, I promise. "
"Also I have to thank you for the drawer you gave me."
"Lucy's drawer so you can keep your stuff there if you want."
Her fingers traced figures in my chest.
"It's very sweet, thank you."
"It's an open invitation for you to stay the night at my place. Sometimes. If you want. "
"That depends on my mom," she whispered.
"Think about it. Besides your parents have a lot of night shifts. "
"I'll think about it."
"Besides is bored being alone, I wanna be with you as much as possible," I confessed.
I rested my lips on her forehead. After my statement Lucinda let out a long sigh. I wonder if she's thinking about what I said or ignoring it or perhaps enjoying my statement. I'm serious, I want to be with her as much as possible.
"I can't offer much, only food, Sherlock, a warm bed and me," I whispered in her ear.
"I think...I think that's a lot to offer, Harry."
Lucinda lifted her face and kissed my chin and my jaw. Her arm slid down my neck and grabs my blue beanie.
"You know you're looking like me today."
"How so?"
They gave me 4 large glasses of beer. Lucinda placed my beanie on her head and grabbed two glasses. I took the other two.
"Out of place. We are wearing gray sweaters. "
"I love it when you talk about us and how our clothes match sometimes."
"It's true. I just notice it," she admitted, trying to suppress her embarrassment.
We returned to the table. Liam and Mandy are playing together on their phones, Niall's laughing and Zayn's smiling.
We left the glasses on the table. Lucy sat down and started to drink. She really likes beer.
"What?" I asked looking at Malik and Horan.
Zayn pointed his index finger down the table. I bent down and Louis is sitting on the floor. Pink crown is on his head. He did it, he stole the false crown from the girl.
"I want a prize!" Louis told, getting out from under the table.
"I'll buy you a beer," Niall smiled.
"What? No, I want drugs! "
"Yeah, keep dreaming," Zayn rolled his eyes.
"Maybe I have something," Niall said and searched into his pocket. "A little magic."
"What kind?" Louis asked.
"Let's do it."
Louis gave the crown to Mandy.
"See you in a while, bitches."
The guys left. Lucy talked about our presentation and how much coincidence was that I had been chosen as her partner. It was not a coincidence, I forced the teacher.
"Hey, I'll be right back, okay?"
"You have to pee?" She asked and then covered her mouth. She seems embarrassed by questioning.
I smiled. It's adorable.
"Yep," I said quietly.
I made my way to the bathroom, it’s not a very clean and big room. There are tree cubicles. I looked in the mirror and ran my hands through my curls not well done.
I got into the cubicle and did what I had to do. I opened the door and immediately wanted to close it. I didn't see her, never realized she was following. Emily looked at me without showing any expression. What is she doing here? Of all the places in town why she chose this tonight?
"What the hell?! Are you out of your mind?!" I questioned.
There was another guy in the bathroom washing his hands. He looked at us, specifically at Emily but did nothing about it. She ignored my questions and rested her hands on her hips. Her eyes inspected my face, her blue eyes hidden under thick eyeliner.
"I don't regret what I did to Lucy. I did it for a reason and that is you. Things have been really crazy and unstable. "
"Emily is not my fault that your life is a mess. Look, mine was too but we are not good for each other. "
She held her breath for a moment. Her face was tense.
"What you feel for that girl is not real. It could never be," she smiled. "You couldn't forget me, you promised," she accused me and her index finger rested on my chest.
I know I promised that but back to that time I was an asshole, a poor, lost and stupid soul. I'm not saying Lucinda saved me but being around her makes me happy, makes me feel better. I show myself a side I thought I didn't have. Plus she has done many things that collapsed and broke my system and walls. She is different, for me she is. And Lucinda Fray is exactly what my brain and all body wants.
"You said you were in love with me and we'd be together," she said with clenched teeth.
"Emily, this is a waste of time," I sighed frustrated.
I want to get out of here. I can feel the anger and hatred Emily is feeling. Nothing I say will make things better between us. Everything is lost and I don't want any of this.
"... I am willing to forgive your mistake. You belong to me. "
"What the hell? Are you listening to yourself? "I frowned. "Enough."
I rested my hand on her shoulder as a gesture I wanted her to get out of my way. Emily hit my hand and pushed it away from her.
"It's ridiculous what you're doing. You're a piece of shit and always will be, you think just being near that girl makes you better. News for you: Doesn't work like that. You're still the same guy I met, you still want to do the same. I don't know what is happening and I don't know why you think you have to be with her but you're wrong."
I never imagined she would have this perception of me but she is completely wrong.
"You're wrong, I'm not doing for that. I like her, I have a lot of feelings for her," I replied. "It's deep and real. You couldn't understand," I added.
I won't talk about this with Emily, doesn't make sense. All that matters is what I feel and think and the same goes for Lucy.
"You're still the same simple piece. You keep working for Taylor and doing what you like—"
"I hate it, I'm forced to—"
"And why not? Did that girl told you it was wrong? "
"You know it's bad, everyone knows it."
"You did that thing to her for money, is terrible and that is the real Harry."
"It's despicable and I regret it, wish I had another way to find money but we were screwed and you knew it!" I raised my voice. "We were fucked up and people were threatening us, threatening our lives. Not only mine but also my friends. We stole and did scams and you knew it because I told you my plans. We did all that shit, ruined businesses, we thought we could fool people, we thought we were invincible. "
"But you're alive, you still are," she half smiled.
"No, we're not. Things are fragile, you know? We are guided by bad influences and that's why we're here. "
"Still I wouldn't change anything..."
"Really? Well, I would. We did a lot of shit, we were really screwed. "
She approached me and her fingers gripped the collar of my shirt.
"That's what we are, it's what you are, Harry. "
I rested my hands on hers and I got rid of her grip.
"Emily we always got into fights, most of the time it was your fault. We were always dirty and angry with the world. Sometimes we were totally on drugs and mixed it with alcohol that was worse. We spent hours sedated on the floor, only staring at each other without saying a word. I don't know how we are still alive. It was not healthy, it was really sick. I don't want to remember, it's pathetic and a shame."
She stepped back like my words had pushed her. An expression appeared on her face, first she seemed in pain and then I saw the anger.
"You're not this! Stop playing! "She yelled and her face turned red. "You're still the same shit, don't try to be superior. You're taking advantage of her. Lucy is not what you want. Come back, you idiot!" Emily slapped me.
"That's enough, get out!" I grunt and this time I pushed her. I pushed her enough to make her move aside.
I didn't realize until now how angry I was with the whole situation. I'm not offended but filled with anger for what she said. Her version is not the real version of me. I'm not with Lucy for the reasons she gave. It's for love but I doubt she could understand that.
"Fuck you, fuck you!" The blonde screamed and headed for the door. She leaned on this and watched me. "Now that everything has fallen apart you should know I cheated you with Taylor, a lot of times."
I rolled my eyes. In the past I would have become a beast, a monster consumed by jealousy and rage but now I could not care less.
"Out!" I screamed and she jumped.
"You deserve all the crap you went through. Glad I worked on that. "
I froze. What did she say?
"What the hell?" I growled.
She slipped out the door and I stood still. A guy came after Emily and I decided to leave.
I wonder what she meant. She collaborated on what? She must be lying, Emily has the habit of doing it a lot. I bet she only wants to confuse me.
I noticed that my breathing was shallow and fast. My hands red and my knuckles white from the pressure of fists clenched and my body was at a higher temperature. I guess it was the adrenaline or rage.
I bought a beer and drank quickly. I was thirsty and the iced drink helped to calm me a bit. I licked my lips and went back to the table where everyone was.
I stopped a few feet from the table. The only person who was there was Zayn. I was going to ask about the others but first I inspected the place. I don't know how but I managed to spot Lucinda, her long hair falling down her back, my blue beanie, her gray sweater and black jeans. That's her. She was walking but I don't know where and plus she's by herself.
I was going to walk but two strong arms grab me and stopped me. I turned my head. It's Liam and Mandy is next to him.
"What the hell? Let me go!" I demanded and struggled.
"No, leave it," Liam spoke quiet.
"Leave it? What the hell are you talking about? "I growled. "Let me go!"
"She needs to do this," Mandy spoke this time.
"She needs to do what?" I asked confused.
Mandy pointed back to the place I saw Lucy. I turned my head and saw Lucinda walking towards Emily. Fuck, fuuck.
"Let go, Liam. She doesn't need this," I snapped. "I need to protect her, this is wrong," I complained.
I can't see her face, her hair hides it from me. I wonder what expression she has and what she's thinking at this exact moment. Mandy is wrong, Lucinda don't need that, she is quiet and would not hurt a fly. She can't let out this side, I don't want to see that.
I turned my head toward Lucinda. I want to scream her name but if I do I would ruin everything. Emily would notice her presence. Maybe I should scream, I don't want Lucy to do something against her.
I feel the way other arms grab me, helping Liam.
"Why are we holding Harry?" Niall asked curiously.
I ignored my friends and watched Fray.
My heart sank to the point where I felt pain, real pain. I don't want to see her doing this, the girl I know would never do this. But what is happening now is all my fault.
Lucinda is getting closer. She's walking through tables behind Emily.
This time Zayn also grabbed me and it was impossible for me to move.
Lucy's eyes never leave Emily's body. Now I can see her face but I see nothing, no anger, sadness or revenge. I can't understand.
The blonde is talking and she's distracted on her cell.
"Shit. She didn't have to do this," I whispered to myself but I think that others listen too.
Liam, Zayn and Niall held me tighter.
"She needs this," Mandy said.
Why is she saying this? What kind of friend is she? Also my friends are helping her.
I don't have enough time to answer my own questions or find explanations. My eyes are focused on Lucinda. My muscles tense. Everything happens so fast. Lucy grabs Emily's hair and quickly crashed her head toward the table. Holy shit.
Lucy was brutal so what.
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