Chapter 102



"Poor Sherlock, really," Lucy says as we make our way back. “Can’t believe you left him in the car.”

"It was a mistake. I forgot it but I’d never do that to my child."

For a moment I stop to look at the place, the decor is elegant and I think I still don't get use to it. Anyway it's been so long since the last time I was here and in a peaceful position.

It feels good to be back.

"So, did you have something to tell me?" I ask.

"Ehm, yes. But first, want something to drink? "


We walked to the kitchen. I looked at Sherlock while Lucy is looking for something to drink. She hands me a glass and then she sits on the kitchen island.

"Don't be mad at me, okay?"

She sounds nervous.

"What happened, Lucy?"

"I knew it was not a good idea but I guess I just wanted to prove a point," she sighed. "This week I've been distant, right?" I nodded. "It was Cassie's plan."

"Wait, what?"

"She told me it would be good idea to keep a distance from you and interact with other boys just to see how you reacted. She said it was a kind of 'test' to know what you feel and see if you care or not. "

"It's a good plan and I didn't enjoy it. I guess I approved, right?"

"I guess so, I mean, you are here and you said a lot of nice things. I'm happy with the result. "

Lucinda shrugs with a small smile on her lips. And I try to think about what she just told me.

"So it was on purpose?"

"Something like that. I was going out with Adam anyway, that was not on purpose but I asked Billy to help me."

"That Billy," I rolled my eyes. "I thought he was my ally."

"He told me that you threatened him, Harry, that was not right."

"But you're like... mine, sort of," I muttered with a pout.

"I'm not a toy. And you can't spend your life threatening people. "

"It works for me."

"You can’t do that forever."

I chose not to answer. I took a sip of my juice and Lucy kept her gaze on me.

"You are not angry, right?"

"Just a bit, but Cassie is pretty mean, does she hate me?"

"She doesn't trust you."

"I didn't think you were capable of this, Lucy."

I'm a bit disappointed but quite surprised about the whole situation.

"Me neither. I’m sorry, really, but in my defense I was just curious, I just wanted to know your reaction. "

If Cassie managed to convince Lucy to follow this plan Cassie could do anything she wants. She has mental power over the head of my girl. This is not good.

"Could you not do that again? Please? "

"I can't promise that."

I frowned, looking at her. She must be kidding.

"I was joking, calm down, Harry."

I nod.

Lucy stretched her hand to me and her fingers caress my face. She touches my jaw line and then my cheek.

"You're always hurt, you know. There is always something on your face, I got use to it," Lucy mutters but I can't perceive fun and this is not like a joke." Why do you have scratches? "

"It's a long story but I don't want to talk about it."

Fray frowned.

"It was Emily, okay?"

"Is she out of her mind?" She exclaimed in surprise. "And you can't do anything about it, it’s not fair."

"Never mind, I'll see how to take care of her."

"Why did she do this?"

"Jealousy? She found out about us or something. "

"Now I'm scared."

"I would not let her touch you or hurt you, Lucy. I’ll protect you."

Since I sit in the chair and Lucy on the isle I take advantage of our height difference and rest my head on her thigh. Despite the fabric of her jeans I can feel the warmth of her skin.

"Why are you so warm? I bet every part of your body it's like this," I muttered.

"I see what-what you're trying to do. Don't run away, I want to know what else happened, "I heard Lucy.

I frowned.

"I got into a fight with Cameron."

"Wait, have you been fighting all week?" She asked and I notice the surprise in her voice.

"It's nothing new."

"I won't get used to that."

"You know a bit of fights, now you can do it too."

What did I just say? That was stupid.

Lucy doesn't respond right away. Her hand caresses my hair and I don't dare to look at her face.

"Harry, Emily did that? When...when you were together. She got into a lot of fights? "

"Hell yes but it was not fun. She is very good actually."

"I see."

"Doesn't mean I like what she did, it was terrible and frustrating. Even boring because it was always the same. "

Lucy sighs.

"Emily is going to kick my ass."

"That's not going to happen, she won’t hurt you, I swear."

"I want to ask you so many things about her but I'm scared."

"About what?"

"About the truth. The truth always hurts. "

I look up, Lucy is not wearing her glasses and she looks different. I get up and rest my hands on her knees. Our eyes connect. Now that we are facing each other I can notice that her breathing has changed. She barely moves.

"Can you stop staring at me? God, Harry, your eyes are killing me...," she whispers.

I smile a bit but I don't look away.

"You don't have to be afraid."

"I don't know, it's-it's hard for me," Lucy shrugs. "We are so different and Emily has better qualities than me."

"Better qualities than you? Are you kidding me? "I asked surprised. Lucy shook her head. "Like what?"

"Emily looks funny, she's wild, free, she's very beautiful, her legs are sooo long and her face is like perfect."

I frowned. That doesn't mean anything to me.

"Can you say good qualities about you?" I raised my eyebrows. I'm curious about her answer.

Lucinda looks down. She chewed her lower lip as she thinks about an answer. I’m worried. She's taking so long and it shouldn't be this way. She should know how good and wonderful she is.

"I am…I am responsible and smart?"

"You must be kidding," I said frustrated. "You're good, you're dedicated, funny and honest. You're always concerned about others and you want to help. You think of others first than you. Your friends can trust and count on you and all your demonstration of affection are real because you do when someone means something to you. "

A little smile appeared on her face. She leans towards me and wrapped her arms around my neck. Her hug is tight.

I stroke her back. I'm enjoying this and I don't have plans to move or break this.

"You really think so?" She asks and I feel her lips on my neck.

"Of course, baby," I reply and kissed her hair.

"It's weird when you call me like that," she says and I'm sure she's smiling.

"It fits you."

Lucinda leans back just to look at me. Her eyes are a little intimidating and also we are very close.

"Kiss me, Harry."


"It's an exception."

I don't need another invitation. My lips connected with hers. Her hands grab my hair and I grabbed her waist. Our kiss is so full of need, feelings and it's so real. My fingers traced lines and dig into the skin of her back and Lucinda moaned against my mouth. Holy shi.t

We parted and our breathing is fast and irregular.


"I think I should say positive things more often."

Lucinda smiled and lightly tapped my shoulder.

"Idiot," she rolls her eyes and her cheeks are flushed.

"You moaned, Lucy."


"It was hot."


"Since when are you so passionate, Lucy?" I asked, surprised.

She shrugs, her breathing still agitated.

"I don't know."

"You've never kissed that way."

"Neither you, Harry."

I'm so glad that the kiss distracted her. At least she didn't remember the day that Zayn and Liam returned with these plasters on their hands and spoke about knives and guns. Lucy would freak out. She knows how bad are the things that I do but she hasn't realized how bad it really is. She would probably leave me, I can't allow that.

Before she has time to remember I decided to make an invitation. Maybe she is going to remember later but now I try to avoid it.

"I want to do something with you," I mention, her eyes focused on my face, "but it's a surprise, so you will have to wait until tomorrow."


"This chocolate milkshake is amazing, Harry."

"Told you."

I open the door for Lucy. Her eyes inspected the place once we're inside.

"Your idea is simple, I like it."

"I thought you'd like."

"Why milkshakes and a piercing?"

"I wanted to share some of my world with you," I shrug.

This was the most harmless and simple thing that I could share with Lucy.

"Since when do you like milkshakes?" Lucy asked as we walked to the counter.

"Since always."

"Strange because your breath always smells like beer or something involve with alcohol."

"Is it bad?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I got used. I even think it," she answers without looking at me.

"You finding something sexy? Who are you?" I smiled and she did the same. "What did you do with my little Lucy?"

"I'm still the same but with different opinions. Some are good and some are bad. "

"The bad opinions are involved with me?"

"Yes, but if they were so bad I wouldn't be here."

"I'm glad you're here, Lucinda," I kiss her hair and she smiles shyly.

"I'm happy to be here because this milkshake is very good, Harry."

"I knew you were using me for the milkshakes."

Lucy cleans her glasses as she shakes her head.

"You're different but you're still the same, which is good but at the same it makes me doubt."

"It is impossible not to doubt and I get it. But remember what I wrote on your desk?" She nods and I lean in to whisper in her ear. "I want you. All the time. No one else. "

Her hands cling to my arm and a big smile is dancing on her lips.

"All the time?"

"Yep, that's right," I nod as my fingers slide down her braid.

"I should not feel this way, not after all that happened but I can't help to feel that I need you. It’s weird, but I can’t," she murmurs. "Somehow you've earned it, step by step."

I absolutely love every time she confesses what she thinks or feels. I know it's true and I can see it by the way her eyes seek mine and the way she looks eager to know the answer.

"I shouldn't feel this way either. You should be with someone else. But here I am, I'm satisfied with this and I also feel that I need you. A lot.”

"Sweet Harry, is the best Harry," she admits. "Now come on," she pulls my hand.

"What? I don't get a kiss?"

Lucy shakes her head and I follow her.

"But I was sweet!"

"Forget it, Harry."

We look together the different piercings while drinking our milkshakes. Lucinda rests her head on my arm and I kiss her hair.

"What do you wanna do?"

"A septum."

"That must hurt," she says as a face of pain spreads across her face. "You'll cry like a baby."

"Of course not."

A girl interrupts us and I talk to her about the piercing. The place is almost empty so it doesn't take too long until it's my turn.

"Want me to hold your hand?" Lucy asks as she stands beside me.

"Yes, please," I pout. "I like your sense of humor today. To be honest your sense of humor has changed since we met. "

"Yes, I got help," she murmured.


"Yes, from Eric. Old times," she smiles a bit.

"What kind of smile is that? Are you thinking about him?" I wonder. I sound angry.

"Hm, it's just a smile to remember the old times."

"Do you miss the old times?" I question, my voice is too serious but very anxious.

Lucy looks down and drinks her milkshake. Is she thinking about the answer?

"Maybe?" She shrugs.

That bothers me because I can't control it. I just wish she could forget about Eric.

A redhead walks toward us and she has the piercing I chose. It doesn't take her too much to do her job. I pay attention to Lucinda's face the whole time while the girl does the piercing. It hurt but I've always wanted a septum.

"How do I look?"

"Different but cute."

I speak with the redhead and pay the money for the piercing. I hold Lucy's hand and we walked together out of the place. She acts normal, but I didn't forget her answers about Eric.

"Can we keep talking about the fact that you miss Eric?"

"I didn't say that."

"Why are you smiling?" I frown. "What does that smile means?"

"Nothing, Harry! Calm down."

I'm impressed by the way I'm reacting. I hate to think of the idea of Lucy and Eric together again. I hate to think of the idea that she might miss him.

"I was just asking because you mentioned him."

"I was trying to be honest, okay?" She looks at me seriously. "We're fine. Just forget it," she speaks calm and slow.

I sigh in frustration.

"Okay. We are fine and we were having a nice conversation."


"I need you and you need me, right?" I ask, staring at her.

"Yes," she admits, this time more ashamed, more Lucy. "That's what I said and that's what you said."

"I meant it."

"And I believe you. Thanks for inviting me, this was different, Harry."

"I thought you'd be scared but you looked fascinated, Lucy."

"Really? I was thinking about the pain and who was the first person that came up with this idea. "

"Yes, I wonder the same thing."

"Does it hurt much?"

"Just a little but--Auch, don't touch it, Lucy!"

 My hand covers my nose.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was curious."

"Okay, I forgive you because you look pretty today," I say and Lucy just shakes her head.

We walked to my car. I throw the milkshake cup into the trash. I turn around and my vision captures something. There is a person, a man that is watching me. As soon as our eyes met he turns and walks away.

I only looked at him for 2 seconds, I think I recognize his face and I have a bad feeling about this.


I love physical education because I have the opportunity to watch Lucy wearing shorts, which rarely happens.

"We should make a wish for every time we see Lucy wearing shorts," Louis said to me.

I frown and he smiles.

"How do you know that I was--?"

"It's obvious that you would be looking at her, you're obsessed with her."

"No, I'm not."


"What's wrong with you? Some days you support me and other days you don't."

"Yes, you're right. It depends on the day and you will have my support, Harry."

The teacher asks for another boy to join the team and Louis raises his hand. He walks away and I stay sit.

The court is split into two and although Lucinda is far I don't take my eyes from her. Just like the boys the girls are playing volleyball.

I thought Lucinda didn't like volleyball but she's on the court and playing. You could say that she's "playing" because to be honest she still hasn't touched the ball.

But despite that I enjoy the view. I like to see how Lucinda kneels or how she moves. Her hands touch her hair and then she rests it on her waist. It's not like I was turned on but she is super sexy wearing shorts.

I grab my mobile to check some messages and then to play a bit. I just leave the phone down when Niall rushes to me and shakes my shoulder.

"What the hell?"

"I swear I saw Cassie and Emily arguing."

"What? How do you know? "

"Because I saw it with my eyes?"

"I mean, how do you know they were arguing?"

"They don't talk, and well, you know Emily."

"What are you implying, Niall?"

"I don't know, she's crazy, just keep an eye on her."

"Okay. I know what I have to do."

I look at my phone and choose a game.

"Stupid bitch!" I hear a scream.

I look up, Cassie is screaming and walking towards Emily and Lucy...Lucy has her face buried in her hands.

I get up right away and run towards Lucinda. The other girls look at her but none of them has approached to help her or at least ask how she is.

"What happened?"

Lucy looks at me but with her right eye hidden by her hand.

"The ball hit me in the eye, but I'm fine," she says and smiles a bit just to calm me. "I'm fine."

I look Cassie and Emily and the teacher who is trying to stop the discussion. I won't let this get out of control.

"It was her, right?" I asked angrily.

"Yes, but maybe it was a accident."

I sigh and shake my head.

"Emily would be a despicable person if she did it on purpose, Harry."

"Well, she is," I say.

I check her eye quickly, is red and watery. It is a very temporary and painless lesion compared with other injuries but I am quite angry. She did it on purpose and Lucinda doesn't deserve this.

I know deep down that Lucy doesn't want this but I ask her to wait for me.

The teacher has already calmed Cassie and Emily, both are in opposite directions and away from each other.

"This is a warning, don't you dare touch her or I'll break your nose, bitch, I swear!" Cassie growls but she doesn’t move from her spot.

Emily sends her a venomous look.

"You don't scare me and this is not your problem!" Emily answered.

I walk towards the blonde and grab her arm. I pull her arm and Emily starts to walk.

"What do you want, you idiot?"

"We need to talk," I say through clenched teeth.

"Styles and Manson you can't leave the class, no one has authorized it!" We listened to the teacher and I stop.

"Since when a teacher tells you what to do? Oh God, being with Lucy makes you act like a pussy," Emily rolls her eyes and then bites my arm.

The pain goes through my skin. I grit my teeth and step back.

"Are you crazy?" I growled. "You're an animal."

"Yes, I know, you used to say all the time, remember?" She speaks bitterly and then walks away from me back with the group of girls.


I took a quick shower. I have to talk to Lucy. I couldn't do it after what happened and the teacher forced me to play volleyball.

I put the shirt on and slide my fingers through my messy hair. I grab my backpack and then I get out from there. I open the door and start walking but someone is outside and waiting for me.

"We need to talk."

"I have nothing to talk to you, Cassie," I muttered. "All I have to say is that I didn't like your plan to put Lucy away from me for a few days."

"I don't trust you. You had everything planned. Even Matt was part of it just to distract me that night so Lucy would be alone."

I hold my breath and nod. That's true but is the past and I don't want to remember.

"You're despicable, an idiot."

"Tell me something I don’t know," I talk full of sarcasm.

"Lucy believes in you, she really does. The letter was her weakness, it was a great move—"

"I really like Lucy, I'm not playing, Cassie."

"You better not be. This time I will act if you hurt her. If Lucy cries for you, if you do something bad, I swear I'll be your worst nightmare. I don't mind being expelled from this place, this time I will have no limits. "

I keep a poker face. I'm not afraid of Cassie.

"This is weird, you know. Suddenly you appear out of nowhere completely in love with Lucy and you're willing to do everything for her. "

"That's the truth, I have no secrets and nothing to hide."

"Sure," she rolls her eyes.

"You have no right to say that, I know that you also have a secret. Why do you hide your new little boyfriend? "

"That's none of your business, you idiot," Cassie walks toward me and pushes me. "Be good to Lucy. She's my friend and if I give my opinion, if I speak bad things about you, she might change her mind and—"

"You're a bitch because you're trying to control Lucy," I cut her off.  

"Yes but I do it for her good. She would be better without you but she's so naive. You're a lucky bastard and maybe full of nasty infections so don't try to take advantage of her. "

"I wouldn't do--"

"Fuck you, I don't care about your opinion. And keep away Emily or is she part of your plan? "

I'm tired of listening to Cassie. She's exhausting and unbearable.

I walk towards her.

"Look, there is no plan. I really care about Lucy and I'm going to protect her this time and Emily is crazy but I'll talk to her. Oh and just in case if I hear you're doing Lucy's mind, that you're trying to control her I'll make your life hell too.”

I leave before she can say anything else. I won't waste more of my time with Cassie.

I call Lucy as I walk down the aisle.

"Where are you?" I ask as soon as she answers the call.

"Ahm, just a few feet away, at the end of the hall."

I turn around and she is leaning against a locker. I don't know how I didn't notice her presence. I walk towards her and gently cupped her cheeks in my hands.

"What's wrong? No kisses," she mutters.

I already have so many problems. And I think about the things that might separate us, everything is still fragile. I can't afford to lose Lucy. I haven't enjoyed the presence of another person the way I do with her. Everything is simple, it's more real when I'm with Lucy.

"Can we focus on us?" I asked, resting my forehead on hers. "Can we just think and listen to what the other has to say?"

"Of course, but why do you say it, Harry?"

"Because it's about us, how fragile we are, about how insecure you feel and how desperate I am to fix everything."

"I know, I feel the same."

"That's why we need to listen to each other. This is between you and me. "

"I get it, just us."

Her answer is a relief. Her short words make me feel safe. I slide my thumb across her cheek and kissed her forehead.

"You and me, Lucy, exactly," I sigh.

Harry looked lovely in the night changes video.

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