Chapter 100
'Houston we have a problem' it's a common phrase among us because of the kind of life we are living. It's nothing new but the weird sensation in my stomach means my poor desire to be in trouble. I want to avoid it, I want to do it for Lucy and for what she just said but a part of me says she is trying to change me. I've never thought about changing, changing annoys me and that is exactly one of the reasons why it was so hard for me to admit my feelings for Lucy. I hate the change.
My thoughts are somewhat irrational, floating between two opposing parts and I am in the middle. I'm such a confused and fucked up person, I have tried to advance in some ways but you can't ignore the fact that other problems are still there haunting you. It's a vicious cycle.
The opposite sides in my mind start to scream louder but I ignore it because this is the present and there are things I have to do right now.
I drive to the only place where I know the boys will be.
I get off the car and I make my way between the few people at the entrance. I walk to the private part and open the first door I see. It is a random movement but fortunately there are my friends. They don't look great I must say.
"Where the hell is Sherlock?"
It's the first thing I ask because Liam is here and he was in charge of my hamster.
"Niall is bleeding and you ask for Sherlock!?" Louis spits.
"It's not the first time that I see Niall bleeding—"
"Shut up!" Liam interrupted my sentence.
I scan the room and Niall is bleeding, his hand and his nose but he won't die. Louis was punched in the face I can see the damage on his skin. Zayn is sweating and he's also in the same state as Tomlinson. And Liam only has a few scratches and wounds on his arms.
"So what the hell happened?"
"Louis didn't tell you?" Zayn growled.
"I wanted to keep the suspense until he got here," Tomlinson said with a little smile.
"Idiot," Niall muttered.
"The thing is that it was an ambush--"
"No, it wasn't!" I hear Cameron and I turned towards to him.
"Go away," I growled.
"You don't give me orders," snapped the redhead.
"It was ambushed and they robbed us what we had!" Zayn said with frustration.
"I can't believe in you—"
"Why not?" I stepped towards Cameron. He irritates me.
"Guess we need to go back to the past, you guys stole from this little company—"
"We almost paid the whole debt," I interrupted with clenched teeth. “You should know that you idiot.”
"And who will pay for the drug that has been stolen?" Cameron smiled proudly. He feels superior because he knows the answer.
"We will get it back," Liam said and I looked at him. This is not good.
"Get it back?"
"Are you deaf, Harry?" Louis growled. "Yes, that's what we are going to do."
"Risky but I don't care, it's your problem," I heard Cameron and I rolled my eyes.
"You should go with us, we will need help," I suggested looking at the redhead.
"No thanks."
"Don't be a fucking coward, anyway I'll talk to Taylor, sure he agrees," I smiled and this time Cameron is clenched his fists.
Cameron makes his way out of the room and slams the door.
I turn to my friends and I can feel the tension and worry.
"Great, we're in trouble."
"We will get it back, Styles."
"And how? Do you even know who did it? "
"Yes, I forgot the name of the leader but it's a new and small gang," Liam said. "Look, we were selling as always and in the place where we always go. We were caught by surprise and they had guns and we tried to fight but as you see it was not enough. "
"It was risky and dangerous, you guys could have died."
"Whatever you say, Dad," Louis rolled his eyes. "We did what we had to do, we were just trying to protect what was ours."
I nodded and looked at the others.
"It has to be tonight."
"What!?" I almost shouted. "Fuck."
"What is the matter?"
"I have to see Lucinda tomorrow, I'm sure we will not be at home tomorrow, she will be very angry."
"Harry, wake up!" Louis yelled. "This is bigger and more important than your adventure with Lucy, that can wait."
"Shut the fuck up—!"
"Enough!" Niall interrupted. "Look, I support your thing with Lucy but now time is money. We need to recover the maximum amount possible; each minute we waste they might be selling our drug."
Everyone nodded and I crossed my arms. He's right but it's not my fault that this happened, still I can't leave my friends.
"Just say you will not be available tomorrow, you have to do something at work, I don't know," Zayn shrugged.
The problem is I can't tell her that, we have to finish our biology project and the problem with this kind of work is exactly what Lucy doesn't like and what she told me today. If she knows what I am about to do she'll freak out. Dammit, this not good.
"What do we need?"
"Girls and guns and be smart and clever," Zayn said.
"Girls? Why? "I asked.
"It's better, they will help us to get into the place easily, we act like they were our girlfriend and we will go unnoticed."
"Take Lucy if you want, so you don't lose your date," Louis said sarcastically and I raise the middle finger.
"Is that your plan?"
"Yes, basically, Harry."
"And where are we going?"
"There is a bar near where we were assaulted, they work there or sell most of their products for what I know."
"How do you know all that Liam?"
"I have my contacts, duh."
I let out a long sigh and ran my hands through my hair.
"Well, you need to clean yourselves and then we will gather all we need."
We all nodded and left the room. The boys go to the bathroom in the hallway and I walk toward the bar. The boys go to the bathroom in the hallway and I walk towards the end and crossed through the door that leads to the bar.
The atmosphere changes immediately, it's quiet and comforting, but just a bit. All these people around me have no idea what we'll do tonight. Not even me. It's risky and dangerous but I know we'll make it, it's not the first time that we have to recover something that have been stolen from us.
I pushed my hands into my pockets and sighed. Right now I would like to be with Lucy and stay with her all night. Peace is what I need, just for a moment, just from her. She's probably having dinner now with her family while I have to break into a bar and recover the drug that we need to sell. Lucy will sleep peacefully while we will point our guns or knives and we will scream, there may be me, on one of the guys.
I sit and ask for a glass of vodka to Ashton. I slide my hands through my forehead and my hair.
Is this what I want to do? Is it what I will always do, what I will always be?
Questions in vain, I want Lucy but this is something I need to do now.
I chat with Ashton and I drink large sips vodka. I don't look around; my eyes focus on the clock behind Ashton.
"Cameron, Cameron!" I hear Ashton's voice and I look up. "Idiot, he forgot his phone," the boy pointed to the phone.
I got up and grabbed the cell. I looked around, Cameron is not here.
I sat back in my place and unlock his phone. Cameron acted weird today, we never talk too much but now he seemed 'slightly' more aggressive towards me.
I was going to search for a game on his cell phone but curiosity makes me to check his calls. And of course, I forgot one small detail. No, it's not small, it's a big detail and I won't tolerate it. On his call list I see Lucy’s phone number.
"Ashton, can you keep a secret?" I ask as I point towards Cameron's phone.
I drop the phone to the ground and crushed it with my shoe.
I don't know why I think it is a vain attempt to go to Harry's house when he didn't answer my calls. Having a bad feeling would be ridiculous but I thought he was always with his phone.
I studied with Adam in the morning and I decided to take a taxi to Harry's house. I told Mom that I would see Cassie.
As I look out of the window I can't help but thinking that I'm lying...lying a lot. Is it worth it? Is it correct? Not only about lying but about Harry. God! Sometimes it's hard to think between different arguments.
I haven't eaten lunch, I hope that Harry has something. I haven't thought that once I get there his friends will be there and I don't know how to deal with them. I barely know what to do with Harry. There are many aspects that I haven't thought about it.
I get out of the taxi and walked to Harry's house. I knocked a few times but the silence of the house confirms that the place is empty. Weird.
I call Harry twice and then I decide to wait. 45 minutes. He knew about my visit, this is for our project and is important for both. I wonder what excuse he has.
Time is infinity. I look at my phone, I wonder what is he doing or where are the others. My first instinct is to be worry, but I know I have to take a tough attitude. I need to be angry with him.
Different emotions float on me while I wait and the same questions pop into my mind again and again.
I admit I got up right away when Harry's car aggressively breaks into his parking lot. I frown at him but it lasts two seconds.
Something is wrong, I know as soon as Niall gets out of the car. He looks tired, hurt, his jeans are ripped at the knee and it has blood. The others are in the same state, wounded. Why? What happened?
My jaw is on the floor. Harry looks at me and he seems anxious and...nervous?
I want to move but I don't do it, instead, Harry walks up to me and hugs me.Somehow I can smell the blood.
The curly boy squeezes his arms around me as I look at the other boys and they all look tired, sweaty and dirty.
"You can hug her inside the house. Styles, open the door," Louis growls and Harry lets me go.
"Liam, are you okay? Oh my God," I mumbled as I see the cast on his hand.
"I'll be fine," he sent the best smile.
"I have one too," Zayn said and there is also a cast on his hand. "We're twins," he smiles.
I must admit that I'm surprised of his sense of humor.
I feel Harry's hot hand on mine and he drags me into the house.
"I feel like shit," Niall let out a moan and leans back on the couch.
Harry and I headed to the kitchen. He leans against the wall and handed him a glass of water. By now I should have thrown a lot of questions but I'm in shock.
"What happened?" I blurted.
"We had a problem...but is already solved," Styles responds quietly.
I sigh as I search for something to clean the small wound on his forehead.
"Why are you guys in this state? Clearly it was not a small problem," I frowned.
There is no answer.
I decide to grab an ice cube and put it on his wound. Harry wrinkled his nose and I want to kiss him and hug him but I need an explanation. Communication is what we need.
"...I'm waiting...," I muttered.
"We burst into a bar and that's it. Oh and I want you to stay away from Cameron. "
"Wait what?" I raised my eyebrows. "Is that an order?"
"Basically, Lucy,” he smiles and is not funny to me.
"We are nothing, you can't give me orders."
"Oh my God," he groaned and rolled his eyes. "Since when you are so stubborn?"
I hand the ice cube to him and I take a few steps, creating a barrier between us.
"Tell me what happened," I demand softly.
Harry was about to answer but stops when Zayn and Liam walk into the kitchen.
"You two were about to kiss? Are we interrupting something?"
"How are they going to kiss if they are about a meter away?" Zayn rolls his eyes.
I look at Harry and then his friends. I clear my throat and I make a decision.
"What happened?" I asked with my eyes on Zayn and Liam. "The truth, please," I spoke harshly.
Zayn bit his lip and Liam sighed.
"A group of people stole something from us and we needed to get it back. It was not easy, there were fights and weapons so that's why we are wounded, "Liam said.
"Wea-weapons?" I asked and my heart stopped for a second.
Fights? Of course. Weapons? I cannot believe the fact that I still be so naive.
"But we barely use them," Zayn said.
"Thank you for your honesty," I muttered.
"Thanks for ruining it," Harry growled and Liam shrugged.
"He didn't ruin, you were not able to tell me, Harry," I replied angrily.
"Come on, let's get out of here, Liam," I heard Zayn.
Yes, I have many emotions travelling through me right now but Harry is sweating, he's tired and got into a fight. He needs to rest.
"That was basically what happened," he says and I nod.
It was dangerous, it could have been worse for all the boys. It hurts me to know that Harry did this.
Things might work, we could be back together but what if Harry has to do this again? Can I stand it?
This goes beyond the love I could feel for him. It is very personal.
"You need to rest. How are the others? Think they need something? "
"Everybody's fine, nothing serious happened, really. We're just bleeding a little, completely normal."
"Normal people don't bleed as regularly as you guys do," I muttered before leaving the kitchen.
I didn't turn around. We walked to his room and I sat on his bed. I wait for Harry and when he comes back our eyes meet right away.
"I'm nervous," he admits. "Don't take any decisions, you're all I want."
My heart melts but I don't move.
"I'm not doing anything but I'm worried."
"You're always worried but I understand."
He sits in front of me on his bed and I clench my fists. Focus.
"This is...erm, everything is very new to me, it's always overwhelming. You never stop being overwhelming, Harry. "
"Is not that a good thing?" He kisses my cheek and I try not to smile. I want a serious conversation, he can't distract me.
"Yes. I know that sometimes I hate it but I don't know, I want to understand it," I sighed.
What am I saying? When it comes to Harry there will always be two sides. I know I don't like what he does but perhaps if I see what he really does it could help me to be empathic. That's what a part of me thinks. But I know it might be a waste of time. Lucinda Fray and drugs in the same sentence? I don't think so.
"If you want to understand it's fine for me but it's not your duty, Lucy."
"But if we're going to..."
I don't finish the sentence, I can't be that easy. I need to restrain myself. The dinner and share with him was exciting, it was somehow different because I felt it that way. I must admit that it gave me a lot of hope. My naive heart has to be contained. What we need is time to heal.
"...If we're going to what?" He smiled a smile showing his perfect teeth.
I look away and clean my glasses. "Nothing."
"Cute Lucy," he says as he gently pulled my braid.
I look at him for a moment and I don't understand how we are having a conversation when Harry has a few wounds and he's tired and dirty.
"I think you should get some sleep, Harry."
"I need something for the headache."
"I have something in my bag."
I search through my stuff and I give him a pill. The curly look for a few seconds inside my bag and grab a piece of paper.
"My letter," he smiles while looking his letter."Is this always in your bag?"
"Maybe," I admit embarrassed.
I know we have many things to do and I have to avoid an argument, I know that later we can talk more relaxed. I know that Harry should rest but now is my chance for clarify my doubts.
"What were you thinking when you wrote it?" I mutter and Harry looks up.
"I was thinking about you," he replied, as if it were obvious. "It was hard but I thought it would be more intimate and romantic. All that is in the letter is true and I wouldn't change anything. I regret what I am right now—"
"No, don't be sorry," I stopped him. "The Harry I know wouldn't apologize for that. Just don't, I like you that way. "
He smiles as soon as he hears my last sentence. Caught by surprise Harry rushes at me and we remain lying on his bed.
"This is too much, you are taking advantage of the situation," I complained.
I tried to move but Harry's weight is too much.
"Sorry," he says but doesn't release me. "I probably adore you from the beginning. I'm looking at you Lucy and it's hard for me to think that it's been so long and in my mind I know that my feelings haven't changed for you, those feelings were just hidden. "
"Why are you saying all this?" I asked, blushing.
"I'm trying to avoid talking about what happened yesterday," he shrugs.
I slide my hands down his sweaty forehead and then to his hair, is a little dirty but I don't mind.
"I still don't know what to think about us," I whispered, trapped by his emerald eyes.
"Don't do it, let's see what happens. But...I know we will end together, even if I have to force you to be with me," he smiles a bit.
I don't know why but I have a feeling that he could do it. Still I'm not afraid.
"I thought I knew but now I really know what is the commitment to try to overcome every obstacle or challenge. I would do it for you, you worth it, little Lucy," he murmurs, his fingers caressing my cheek.
I'm so nervous and trapped. Despite everything I feel the change, I feel his honesty. There are no barriers between us.
"What happened to you today, Harry?" It's the only thing I decided to ask. Incoherent, I know.
"Duh, I'm in love."
This is probably the strangest atmosphere of the world. We are nothing but at the same time we want to be everything. We have our differences, our problems but we fit with each other in odd ways but at the same time it's comfortable.
It is so new for me to see how our pieces fit but while I'm trying to resist.
"I would do everything for you, even math or algebra or our silly biology project," Harry bit his tongue and I let out a slight giggle.
His weight is probably killing me but I'm not complaining. Harry kisses my forehead and for two seconds his eyes rest on my lips. Before I can protest his lips rest on mine. It's a fast but dared kiss because of our strange situation.
"Let me go!" I asked, frowning.
He smiles and plants another little kiss.
"You took advantage of the situation, let me go, Harry! You are not forgiven yet, remember that," I tried to sound angry but my cheeks were flushed.
Styles releases me and I try to fix my hair a bit. I look at him for a few seconds. Wanting more of him is not a sin.
"Sorry not sorry," Harry smiles victorious and I roll my eyes.
The boy leans back in his bed.
"Can you cure me later? I need my cute and nerdy nurse. I will give you a reward, Lucy," he says with his head on the pillow.
"Then we'll work on the project, right?"
"Yes, and everything you want, Lucy."
I nod. I get up and grab my bag.
I think about how crazy this is. How crazy is thinking that the boy you like is part of some kind of 'organization' that sells drugs and could be arrested by the police and everyone could end up in jail. Sure this happens every day, so normal to like that type of boy.
I stared at him for a few seconds, Harry is lying face down with eyes closed. So cute. Maybe I want to change that but still I want every piece of him.
I leave my bag on the desk and the screen of his phone is illuminated. He just received a message. Of course, nothing is perfect, in addition to the obstacles that exist in myself, how could I forget about Emily?
My phone rings in my pocket. I hold it on my hand and I check the message.
From: Madison.
Something happened.
And of course, how could I forget of my dysfunctional family?
I know I shouldn't but I can't help thinking that I just hope that Harry will be there for me.
Hiiii, I know the chapter is not a big deal, but it's better than nothing.(?) Also this is not the end I still have some ideas.
My absence is due to many tests, too much. I could not write because it was consuming a lot of time.
I'm sorry for making everyone wait, I know it must have been difficult and frustrating. Thank you very much for waiting, for being so patient, without you the story would be nothing. The chapter is dedicated to all of you !! xoxo
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