Chapter 1


from now on 1Direction2340 is editing the chapters, so thank you so much!!!

[Edited by 1Direction2340]


Why am I here?, I ask myself for the tenth time tonight. 

This is definitely the last place anyone would expect to find me at: a party. 

My steps are sluggish as I enter the kitchen. Ignoring the couple that was kissing wildly, I head for the refrigerator. I take out a jar with ice water and pour some in my glass. 

"Could you pass me a beer?"  

"Um, of course." I answer the voice behind me, embarrassed. I open the refrigerator again and pull out a beer. 

"Do you want some?" He asks me with a slight smile. 

I look at him, confused. Is he talking to me? I push my glasses up and shake my head. 

"No, thanks." 

I make my way back to the party. The couches are all fully occupied, except one, where two girls are seated, chatting animatedly. I slip between people to get to the couch and sit next to them. 

Both girls stop their conversation and turn towards me. 

"Who invited you?" One of them asks me with disgust. Both girls get up from the couch. 

Okay, more space for me. 

I keep staring at those girls, who are talking with some guys. Both are tall and thin, with tight dresses that show off almost every single inch of their body. I look down at myself. Jeans, not tight on my legs at all, and some old converse. A bun sits on top of my head. 

I laugh; I'm far from being anything like those girls. They are the stereotypical females that everyone wants to be like, while I'm the nerd who nobody wants to talk to; the invisible girl. 

My eyes wander around the room. Drunken teenagers, people smoking, girls dancing really close to guys, almost having sex or something, and lots of people kissing. This is so boring. 

Why do they think parties are so fun? 

My idea of fun is to stay in my house with a cup of coffee and a book, or watch a movie or study or maybe even see Cassie. UGH. Cassie. If you wonder what a nerd like me is doing at this party, with so many people that have never even noticed me, she's the reason I am here. 

Cassie, my best friend, has changed this year. I will not say that she was like me because I am unconcerned with my appearance. I am a studious, reserved and responsible girl who is always at home. We shared a lot things in common. Like reading or watch movies on winter afternoons. 

Cassie used to be a quiet girl, like me, but this month, she decided to rebel against her parents. She is going out more, buying close-fitted clothes, and she even drinks alcohol. Ugh, alcohol. I remember those times when we used to talk how disgusting alcohol was and how people could even drink it. 

One word. Ironic. 

I spot Cassie; she is talking to some girls outside in the courtyard. For a moment, it is difficult to recognize her. She wears a tight dress and high heels. 

Why I am not there, trying to socialize, you ask? I'm no good at making new friends. 

I don’t belong here; so why am I here? Just to “accompany” my friend because she promised she would buy some books for me if I came. So everyone is a winner. Sort of. 

I take another sip from my water. The person sitting next to me collapses on my lap. Auch. Great, someone is drunk. Kevin..? I think we're in history class together. 

"Ahm, Kevin, Kevin." I say uncomfortably, touching his shoulder. The boy coughs and suddenly ... throws up. 

"Human vomit!" I hear a female voice. 

I drop my glass of water on Kevin's face and he moves aside, stunned. I get up and I can feel every eye in the room on me, directing their eyes to my now vomit covered pants. Great. 

"Human vomit! Human vomit! "Everyone starts making fun of me. 

I get out of the scene, almost running. I’m so ashamed! I climb back up the stairs to find a bathroom to clean myself.  I know the way because, well, I was at the party for around two hours, so I had a little tour around the house. But it definitely wasn’t out of curiosity…I had nothing else to do. 

I wash my pants a little, trying to get the vomit off of them. When I feel a bit cleaner, I decide to leave. I think this is Caddie’s home. Maybe I could borrow a pair of her pants. 

I find some pants that are not so tight, like my old ones, but they look good. Almost all  of her pants are tight, and I wonder if blood even circulates around her legs. She passes by me after I exit. Oh, good. She didn’t notice the fact that I'm wearing her pants. Well, I don’t think she noticed, since she doesn’t know me at all. 

I go back to the kitchen to get some more water. I guess everyone has forgotten about my humiliating moment. I put the glass on the table and the jar too. As I prepare to pour myself another glass of water, I look up into hallway. 

A few meters away from where I am, at the entrance of the house, talking to his friends, is Harry Styles. 

I can’t remember when it was, last year perhaps, but for a certain period of time, I felt "attracted" to him. Well, I wasn’t the only one; there were plenty of other girls too. I must admit, he is very handsome, but also is strange and mysterious. 

With an attractive face and hair is curled to perfection, Harry Styles is tall. Very tall, with an extremely fit body and his tattoos and clothes show his personality. The weird thing is, I still feel "attracted" to a boy who would never be my type. I would never get a tattoo in my life, while Harry has tattoos everywhere. 

He has the typical bad boy look and well, he is the typical bad boy. He has problems in school; he always gets himself into fights. Plus, Harry flirts with many girls and they always end up throwing themselves, like gifts, to Harry. He always uses girls. 

It has happened so many times, how can nobody learn that he’s just a heartbreaker? Those girls  like to suffer. 

I must admit that Harry Styles is attractive, he's so handsome but he is a troublemaker, and besides, he is also an idiot. So, I guess my crush towards him is not very significant. In fact, I don’t know what I see in him. I should clarify that I’m not in love with him or obsessed with him. He doesn’t even know me. I don’t think he noticed my presence last year when I arrived, but I noticed him and, well, many other girls did too. 

He is just mysterious, and that is what makes Harry Styles interesting.  As if Harry was listening in on my thoughts, the boy looks away from his friends and stares directly at me. The icy water overflows the glass. 

"Oh no" I groan to myself, looking away from Harry. 

I grab the glass and I drink half in one gulp. The icy liquid hurts my brain (A/N: brain freeze? I guess it’s that.) for a few seconds and then stops. I keep staring forward; I can’t bring myself to look back to the hallway where Harry is. I doubt he's looking at me, but I was clumsy enough in front of him and I don’t want to embarrass myself any further. 

I look for a cloth and I wipe off the table, which is now entirely wet. I’m so dumb. 

"Lucy!" I hear Cassie’s voice; she sounds excited. She walks into the kitchen and closes the door behind her. 


"You will not believe this!" Cassie tells me in an ecstatic tone. "Do you remember Matt?” When I shake my head, she adds, "The guy I always look at when we are in volleyball." I nod."Well, he kissed me!" She grabs me by the shoulders and shakes me vigorously.

"Calm down." I say, pushing my glasses back to their place. "Did you just kiss him? "She nods, biting her lower lip. 

"Then what are you doing here? Go back to him! "I smile. 

"You're right! I’m so stupid, I left him alone! But I needed to tell you this...and okay, bye! "She quickly left the kitchen. 


I laugh. That's the Cassie I know and love. Behind the mask she is hiding her true self under, she is still the same goofy girl from a few months ago. That's why she's still my best friend.

"Hey human vomit!" I hear a female voice almost yelling at me. I choose to ignore her. 

"I'm talking to you, four eyes! " She says angrily from the doorframe. 

"Ahm, yes?" I said, embarrassed. 

"Give me a beer." She doesn’t even say "please," and it sounds more like a order. 

She is just like the other girls I’ve seen tonight, with long hair, tight dresses and high heels. Can't these girls wear pants? 

I think I've seen her at school, but I don’t care. I cross my arms, a little bit angry, and I reply: 

" should get it yourself." I say, trying to sound angry, but my voice comes out weak. 

The girl looks at me surprised, but her face quickly turns angry. "What did you say, you freak?” She asks, coming towards me. 

I step back. Is she going to hit me? How do I protect myself? I hope it doesn’t hurt. 

"Hey, what are you doing Ashley?" I hear an equally harmonious and irate male voice behind us. 

My eyes move away from "Ashley" and look for the source of the voice. I freeze. Oh no.

Harry Styles. 

"Harry, hello." The girl says in a seductive tone as she turns to him and smears on an innocent smile. That was so bipolar. "I was going ... going to drink a beer. Do you want some? Let’s drink toge-together." She asks, stuttering. 

What happened to the girl that was about to hit me two seconds ago? This girl now looks completely unarmed against Harry. I understand her quick transition, though. I guess I'd feel the same if Harry Styles talked to me. 

"Um...maybe." He turns to the refrigerator and pulls out two beers. I sigh. Soon, they will be gone from here and I will be alone again in this kitchen. "But this time, I'll pass." He responds sharply, handing a beer to her and keeping one for himself. 

The girl opens her eyes in surprise. "Oh, I …um... it's okay." She opens the bottle and starts walking towards the kitchen door, obviously disappointed. I wait for Harry to walk out behind her, but the boy doesn’t move. 

He ignores Ashley and opens his beer can as he sits on the kitchen table. 

"You…You’re not coming?" Ashley asks, her mouth open in surprise. 

I'm have the same thoughts as her right now, internally. Externally, I’m in a corner of the kitchen biting my lower lip, trying to not look like I'm listening in.

"No." Harry responds without looking her. He nonchalantly takes a sip of his beer. 

Ashley gives me a death glare and then exits the kitchen. 

I gulp. Is this real? Harry Styles, in the same room with me? We have some classes together, I suppose, but this is way different. 

After a while, the silence starts to become unbearable; I guess he wants me to leave. I sigh and start walking to the door. 

"Where are you going?" I heard his deep, rough voice as Harry gets up and grabs my arm, forcing me to stay. 

I freeze. He wants me to stay? I gulp and slowly turn towards him. 

"Excuse me?" I ask, confused. I look up from his tattooed arm and into his eyes. 

"Stay, " is all he says before letting go my arm. 

", okay." I mumble and I adjust my glasses again. I'm pour myself another glass of water, trying to avoid the awkward silence. 

This is weird. I never thought this would happen. Is Harry Styles really sitting in the same room with me? And more importantly, did he just ask me to stay with him? 

I pinch my leg to see if I'm dreaming. Ouch! No, I'm not. 

I think tonight will be different.

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